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Action: The right to ask something in court and legal way to exercise the same
right, asking for justice what is ours or is owed to us.
2. Administrative act: act put by the superior in the exercise of his office or the act
through which the public power orders its own activity within the limits of the law
having as direct and primary purpose the public good
3. Actor: subject that initiates the claim and who exercises the action in a judicial
proceeding as a plaintiff, having the necessary legal capacity to that end.
4. Appeal: it is an appeal that is brought before the superior judge to challenge
the resolution of the inferior.
5. Judged thing: it is said of that question or litigation that has been definitively
resolved without the possibility of recourse or new approach.
6. Common good: the one that is used by everyone, but whose property does not
belong to anyone privately
7. Ability to act: the ability to act, the power to perform acts with legal efficacy.
8. Legal capacity: the ability of the man (and the woman) to be a subject or party,
in case or by a legal representative, in the relations of the Law, already as a holder
of rights or faculties, already as obliged to a benefit or compliance of a duty.
9. Competence: legitimate attribution of a judge or other authority for
intervention in a matter according to the subject and jurisdiction
10. Judicial declaration: the written and even signed verbal statement that the
expert and witness parties make in civil and criminal cases. Statement by a judge
about a controversial matter.
11. Crime: action for which it expressly provides for punishment for the person
12. Demand: brief that initiates a trial and aims to determine the claims of the
actor through the account of the facts that give rise to the action.
13. Judgment: operative part of the judgment that resolves the litigious issue
raised by the parties, ruling on what was requested by each of them.
14. Imputability: individual capable before the law provided it can be proven that I
act with full understanding of the scope of his act, as well as the consequences of
15. Instance: each stage of the judicial process
16. Jurisdiction: Territory in which an authority exercises its powers.
17. Justice: constant and perpetual willingness to give everyone their right
18: law (positivism): norm established by the bodies that constitutionally have
attributed the original legislative power, to regulate some aspect of social
19. Legal business: any voluntary and lawful act carried out in accordance with a
legal norm that has the direct and specific purpose of creating, conserving,
modifying, transferring or extinguishing rights and obligations within the sphere
of private law.
20. Standard: rule of conduct
21 Nullity: Ineffectiveness of a legal act because it lacks the necessary conditions
for its validity, either for reasons of substance or form.
22 Obligation: Legal obligation established by law to perform or omit a certain act,
and whose non-compliance by the obligor is charged, as a consequence, with a
coercive sanction;
23 Covenant / agreement: Concert or agreement in which two or more persons or
entities agree to a particular thing, forcing them to comply.
24. Party: each one of the persons or groups of person that litigate faced in a
25. Expert: a person with special technical, artistic or practical scientific
knowledge about a subject, who informs the judge under oath about matters
related to his knowledge.
26. Person: Individual substance of a rational nature.
27. Term: Term or time indicated for a thing.
28. Proof: set of actions presented in a trial, aimed at demonstrating the truth or
falsity of the facts denounced by each of the parties, in defense of their respective
29. Judgment: Judicial act that ends the process by resolving all litigious issues
raised by the parties
30. Substance: The entity that is responsible for existing in itself and not in
another as in a subject of inhesion.

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