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(19) World Intellectual Property

Organization I
International Bureau
(10) International Publication Number
(43) International Publication Date WO 2013/131272 Al
12 September 2013 (12.09.2013) P O PCT

(51) International Patent Classification: (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
C04B 28/04 (2006.01) kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
(21) International Application Number:
PCT/CN20 12/0721 17 DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN,
(22) International Filing Date: HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR,
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(72) Inventor; and TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
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— with international search report (Art. 21(3))


(57) Abstract: A primer composition used in exterior insulation finish system consisting of 2% to 6% by weight of aluminate ce-
ment, 0.8% to 4.5% by weight of calcium sulfate, 2.5% to 5% by weight of Portland cement, 25% to 40% by weight of polymer
particles, wherein said polymer particles are provided in the form of a polymer emulsion, 35% to 55% by weight of fillers, 0 to 0.4%
¾ by weight of cellulose ether, 0 to 0 . 15% by weight of defoamer, 0 to 0 . 15% by weight of fibers, and 0 to 0 . 15% by weight of hydro -
phobic agent, with percents relative to total dry weight of the primer composition.

The present invention relates to a primer composition used in the construction
industry. Particularly, the present invention relates to a cement based primer composition
useful for a spray polyurethane foam (SPF) based Exterior Insulation Finish System (EIFS).

An Exterior Insulation Finish System (EIFS) is an exterior wall cladding system,
and is also known as External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) in Europe.
It can be used on both residential and commercial buildings for the purpose of saving
energy, improving room comfort and protecting walls against moisture and other external
In a spray polyurethane foam (SPF) based EIFS, SPF is used as a thermal insulation
layer and is considered to possess some advantages over other types of insulation layers,
such as improved fire retardant performance. SPF also has lower thermal conductivity and
therefore, has improved insulation ability compared with EPS and XPS boards. With these
advantages, SPF used as the thermal insulation layer in an EIFS has become more and more
When applied onto a wall substrate (or a leveling layer on a wall substrate if the
leveling layer is present), SPF will form a continuous plastic face which is hard and smooth.
Such face has a very low water absorption rate (normally less than 3%), and it is difficult to
apply a basecoat mortar directly onto it. Traditionally, a polymer emulsion is used as a
primer ("polymer emulsion primer") to improve adhesion between a mortar layer and a
substrate. For example, JP20 112083 7 1A, JP20 100 18488 A and WO201 1060684 A disclose
an acrylic type or a styrene acrylic type polymer emulsion used as primers in construction.
A basecoat mortar (or other coating mortars) should be applied before the polymer emulsion
is dry and therefore the permissible working time is limited. In addition, polymer emulsion
is an organic material based product and such polymer emulsion primer generally does not
help to improve the fire retardency of the overall EIFS.
A Chinese patent application having the publication number of CN1 0 183 8 132 A
discloses a special interface treating mortar for SPF surfaces within an EIFS , which is a
Portland cement containing mortar and further comprises calcium carbonate powder, silica
sand, polymer emulsion, superplastizer, defoamer, wood fiber, hydrophobic agent, pH
adjusting agent, cellulose ether and water. But such a Portland cement containing mortar
has poor early bonding strength even an early strength agent is present, which will
significantly postpone the whole working progress of EIFS construction.
It is desirable to provide a new primer for use within a SPF based EIFS that provides
better early bonding strength as compared with a traditional interface treating mortar. It is
even more desirable if such a new primer would be less flammable than current polymer
emulsion primers..

Inventors have identified a composition that can be easily applied to SPF as a primer
("primer composition"), that has desireable early bonding strength as required for EIFS
application. Moreover, the primer composition is primarily (more than 50% by weight)
inorganic materials and so it is expected to be less flammable than traditional polymer
emulsion primers. Thus, such a primer composition is useful in construction as a primer
layer to improve the adhesion between a basecoat mortar layer and an SPF face within an
In a first aspect, the present invention provides a primer composition consisting of
2% to 16% by weight of aluminate cement, 0.8% to 4.5% by weight of calcium sulfate,
2 .5% to 15% by weight of Portland cement, 25% to 40% by weight of polymer particles,

wherein the polymer particles are provided in the form of a polymer emulsion, 35% to 55%
by weight of fillers, 0 to 0.4% by weight of cellulose ether, 0 to 0 . 15% by weight of
defoamer, 0 to 0 . 15% by weight of fibers, and 0 to 0 . 15% by weight of hydrophobic agent,
with percents relative to total dry weight of the primer composition.
Preferably, calcium sulfate is provided from gypsum.
In a second aspect, the present invention provides an EIFS installed on a wall
substrate comprising a spray polyurethane foam layer formed on the wall substrate, a
basecoat mortar layer applied on the spray polyurethane foam layer, and a primer layer
made of the primer composition of the first aspect of the present invention, wherein the
primer layer is present between the spray polyurethane foam layer and the basecoat mortar
In a third aspect, the present invention provides a process for installation of the EIFS
according to the second aspect, comprising the steps of spraying polyurethane foam to form
a foam layer on a wall substrate or on a leveling layer, if the leveling layer is present,
applying the primer composition according to the first aspect of the invention onto the foam
layer to form a primer layer, and applying a basecoat mortar onto the primer layer to form a
basecoat mortar layer.
With the help of the inventive primer composition, the bonding strength between a
SPF face and a basecoat mortar layer in an EIFS can achieve an early bonding strength of
more than 0.2 MPa at curing for one day, and can meet the EIFS requirements demanded
within the industry, including China industrial code JG1 49-2003, "External Thermal
Insulation Composite Systems Based on EPS", China national code GB50404-2007,
"Technical Code for Rigid Polyurethane Foam Insulation and Waterproof Engineering", and
European technical code ETAG 004-2000, "Guideline for European Technincal Approval of
External Thermal Insulatioin Composite Systems with Rendering". After a primer layer
made of the inventive primer composition is applied onto a SPF face, there is no limitation
on the working time for a basecoat mortar appling onto the primer layer. Even if the primer
layer applied on the SPF face has dried, a basecoat mortar can still be applied thereon and
reach workable bonding strength under the related codes. Compared with those systems
having traditional polymer emulsion primers, the EIFS having the inventive primer layer is
expected to be less flammable due to the majority part of non-combustible inorganic
materials included therein.

As used herein:
Unless otherwise stated, all percentages (%) are by weight based on the total dry
weight of the primer composition.
The units/abbreviations used in the description are illustrated as follows.
Unit Full name
mm millimeter
MPa megapascal
mPa-s(i.e. centipoise, cp) milli-Pascal- second
Pa s Pascal- second
and/or "additionally, or as an alternative"
e.g. "for example"
i.e. "that is to say"

"Aluminate cement" and "Portland cement" are widely used cements in the
construction industry. Aluminate cement, also named "high alumina cement", is a water-
hardening material have a fast early strength enhancing rate compared with Portland cement
and sulfate aluminate cement. Aluminate cement comprises CA (CaOAl 20 3) as its main
component, while 3CaOSi0 2, 2CaOSi0 2, and C3A (3CaOAl 20 3) in Portland cement and
C4A3 S (3CaO3Al 20 3-CaS0 4) in sulfate alumina cement. According to China national
code GB 201-2000 (stipulated by refering to Franch code F P 15-315:1991, "Aluminate
Cement", and Japanese code JIS R251 1:1995, "Aluminate Cement for Refractories"),
aluminate cement comprises at least 50% alumina (A120 3), which is much higher than
Portland cement (normally 2.5% to 6%) and is also higher than sulfate aluminate cement
(normally 20% to 40%). About 50% to 80% alumina fraction exists as CA (CaOAl 20 3) in
aluminate cement, while CA is rarely present in Portland cement and sulfate aluminate
cement. In addition, Sulfate is rarely present in aluminate cement, while Portland cement
comprises about 3.0% (calculated as sulfur trioxide) and sulfate aluminate cement about
10 % (calculated as sulfur trioxide). The content of sulfate in different cements could be
measured by gravimetric analysis of barium sulfate and expressed as sulfur trioxide
(reference method following China national code GB/T 176-2008, "Chemical Analysis
Methods of Cements", or the international standard, ISO 29581-1(2009), "Cement-Test
Methods-Analysis by Wet Chemistry").
Referring to China national code GB 201-2000, aluminate cement is classified into
four categories based on alumina content, CA-50 having an alumina content of between
50% and 60%, CA-60 between 60% and 68%, CA-70 between 68% and 77%, and CA-80
larger than 77% by weight based on the total dry weight of the cement. Preferably, the
inventive primer composition comprises CA-50 and/or CA-60 aluminate cement.
In the inventive primer composition, aluminate cement is used together with
Portland cement and gypsum to form a cementitious system. Aluminate cement has much
better early strength than Portland cement and sulfate aluminate cement. The cementitious
system can afford both higher early strength and acceptable longer term strength in the
inventive primer composition than traditional cementitious materials.
In one aspect, if aluminate cement is present in a lower content, such as less than 2%,
the inventive primer composition may have poor early bonding strength, such as lower than
0 . IMPa at curing for one day. In another aspect, if a higher content, such as more than 16%,

the inventive primer composition may harden too fast (such as less than 0.5 hour) and
therefore working time is very limited. The inventive primer composition typically
comprises 2% or more, and can comprise 5% or more, even 8% or more, and at the same
time typically comprises 20% or less, and can comprise 16% or less, even 13% or less by
weight of aluminate cement based on the total dry weight of the primer composition.
In one aspect, if Portland cement is present in a lower content, such as less than
2 .5% , the bonding strength development of inventive primer composition may not meet the

requirement under China industrial code JG149-2003, China national code GB50404-2007,
and European technical code ETAG 004-2000. In another aspect, if a higher content, such
as more than 15%, the early bonding strength may be poor, such as lower than 0 . IMPa at
curing for one day. The inventive primer composition typically comprises 2.5% or more,
and can comprise 3% or more, even 4% or more, and at the same time typically comprises
15% or less, and can comprise 10% or less, even 8% or less by weight of Portland cement
based on the total dry weight of the primer composition. Preferably, the inventive primer
composition comprises Portland cement having a strength grade of 42. 5R or higher under
China national code GB 175-2007, "Common Portland Cement" (stiplulated by referring to
European code ENV1 97- 1:2000, "Common Portland Cement" ) .
Calcium sulfate can be used to control the setting time of cementitious materials. It
can react with C3A (tricalcium aluminate) and Ca(OH) 2 in Portland cement to prevent
hydration of C3A and will eventually prolong the setting time of the cement, which
increases the working time of the inventive primer composition. Gypsum is powder of
calcium sulfate crystal and a very soft mineral mainly composed of hydrated calcium sulfate
with the chemical formula CaS0 4-nH20 , for example dihydrated gypsum, anhydrate
gypsum and semi-hydrated gypsum.
In one aspect, too much calcium sulfate, such as present in a content of more than
4 .5% , may cause excessive expansion and result in expansive cracks in the structure. Such

expansion and cracks could lead to detachment and fragmentation of a primer layer made of
the inventive primer composition in an EIFS. So the content of calcium sulfate should be
limited. In another aspect, less calcium sulfate, such as less than 0.8%, may result in the
inventive primer composition hardening too fast (such as less than 0.5 hour) and therefore
the working time is very limited. The inventive primer composition typically comprises
4 .5% or less, and can comprise 4% or less, even 3.5% or less, even further 3% or less and at
the same time typically comprises 0.8% or more, and can comprise 1.5% or more, even
2 .5% or more by weight of calcium sulfate based on the total dry weight of the inventive
primer composition.
Fillers are inorganic material without binding function. They include coarse
aggregates and fine fillers. The coarse aggregates used in the inventive primer composition
can have a particle size in a range of from 40 mesh to 140 mesh (0.36mm to 0 . 11mm). The
particle size of fine fillers is small, generally less than 0.1mm. Preferably, the fine fillers
used in the inventive primer composition have a particle size of less than 200 mesh
(0.075mm). One example of coarse aggregates is quartz sand, while preferably, fine fillers
can be rock powders, such as calcium carbonate, talc or dolomite powders. Quartz sand
generally refers to all sorts of sand with quartz content at an absolute high level (at least
90% ), such as sea sand, fluvial sand and lake sand.

Fillers play a role of backbones in the inventive primer composition. In one aspect,
if fillers are present at a higher content, such as more than 55%, the bonding strength may
be poor to meet the requirement of related code, such as China industrial code JG149-2003,
and the primer composition cannot be applied onto a thermal insulation layer by roller
coating. In another apect, if fillers are present at a lower content, such as less than 35%, the
inventive primer composition may tend to produce expansive cracks in the primer layer.
The inventive primer composition typically comprises 35% or more, and can comprise 40%
or more, even 45% or more, and at the same time typically comprises 55% or less, and can
comprise 52% or less, even 50% or less by weight of fillers based on the total dry weight of
the inventive primer composition.
Polymer emulsion is a two-phase system having finely dispersed polymer particles
in solvent, such as water. The polymer particles can be homopolymers, copolymers or
terpolymers of one or more monomers selected from the group consisting of styrene,
butadiene, vinyl acetate, versatate, propionate, laurate, vinyl chloride, vinylidene chloride,
ethylene, and acrylates, e.g., ethylene/vinylacetate copolymer (vinyl ester-ethylene
copolymer), vinylacetate/vinyl- versatate copolymer, and styrene/acrylic copolymer.
Preferably, the polymer particles of the polymer emulsion in the inventive primer
composition are provided from acrylic polymer, such as a copolymer of methyl
methacrylate and butyl acrylate. One example of polymer emulsion is PRIMAL™ APR-
968LO available from The Dow Chemical Company (PRIMAL is a trademark of The Dow
Chemical Company).
Polymer particles provided in the form of a polymer emulsion are used as a
polymeric binder to improve the bonding strength of a primer layer made of the inventive
primer composition with a SPF face. A higher concentration of polymer particles in the
primer composition, that is more than 40% by weight of polymer particles based on the total
dry weight of the inventive primer composition, may lead to the inventive primer
composition shrinking too much and therefore tending to cause cracking. A lower
concentration of polymer particles, that is less than 25% based on the total dry weight of the
inventive primer composition, may lead to the inventive primer composition having
insufficient bonding strength and also tending to cause cracking. The inventive primer
composition typically comprises 25% or more, and can comprise 28% or more, even 30% or
more, and at the same time typically comprises 40% or less, and can comprise 38% or less,
even 35% or less by weight of polymer particles in the primer composition based on the
total dry weight of the inventive primer composition.
Other additives could be optionally used in the inventive primer composition, for
example, cellulose ether, defoamer, hydrophobic agent, and polymer fibers.
Cellulose ether is used for water retention and improvement of workability in the
inventive primer composition, such as hydroxyethylmethylcellulose (HEMC),
Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose(HPMC), hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC),
hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC), hydroxypropylhydroxyethylcellulose (HPHEC) and
carboxymethylcellulose (CMC). The inventive primer composition typically comprises
zero or more, and can comprise 0 . 1% or more, even 0.2% or more, and at the same time
typically comprises 0.5% or less, and can comprise 0.4% or less, even 0.3% or less by
weight of cellulose ether based on the total dry weight of the inventive primer composition.
Defoamer, also named anti-foam agent, is used to reduce and hinder the formation of
foam upon mixing the components of the inventive primer composition together with water.
Defoamer can be selected from the group consisting of mineral oil, synthetic oil, silicone,
organic modified silicone, polyglycol and molecular defoamer. Preferably, the defoamer
used in the inventive primer composition is fatty acid ester of polyether. The inventive
primer composition typically comprises zero or more, and can comprise 0.02% or more,
even 0.05% or more, and at the same time typically comprises 0 . 15% or less, and can
comprise 0 . 12% or less, even 0 . 1% or less by weight of defoamer based on the total dry
weight of the inventive primer composition.
Hydrophobic agent is water repellant material incorporated into hydratable
cementitious materials such as cement pastes, masonry cements, mortars, and concrete to
achieve a degree of moisture impermeability. Preferably, the hydrophobic agent in the
inventive primer composition is silane-based. Silane-based hydrophobic agents are silanes
that are chemical compounds of silicon and hydrogen and consist of a chain of silicon atoms
covalently bonded to each other and to hydrogen atoms. For example,
butyltrimethoxysilane and other silanes are commercially available from Dow Corning and
AkzoNobel and are suitable silane-based hydrophobic agents. The inventive primer
composition typically comprises zero or more, and can comprise 0.02% or more, even
0.03% or more, and at the same time typically comprises 0 . 15% or less, and can comprise
0 . 1% or less, even 0.06% or less by weight of hydrophobic agent based on the total dry

weight of the inventive primer composition.

Fibers are used to enhance the flexibility of the inventive primer composition.
Preferably, polymer fibers, also named as synthetic fiber, are used in the inventive primer
composition. More preferably, fibers are polypropylene fibers, such as the polypropylene
fibers (for example, 6mm in length and 0.02mm to 0.03mm in diameter). The inventive
primer composition typically comprises zero or more, and can comprise 0.02% or more,
even 0.03% or more, and at the same time typically comprises 0 . 15% or less, and can
comprise 0 . 1% or less, even 0.06% or less by weight of fibers based on the total dry weight
of the inventive primer composition.
A dry-mix of the inventive primer composition could be obtained by mixing all
powdery components together. For example, fillers (including silica sand and calcium
carbonate) and other dry additives (such as cellulose ether, hydrophobic agent and fibers)
are mixed together for 60 seconds and then mixed with aluminate cement, gypsum and
Portland cement for another 60 seconds. Liquid mixture is obtained by mixing liquid
components, such as polymer emulsion and defoamer, and water together. Upon
application, the dry-mix could be added under stirring into the liquid mixture to obtain the
inventive primer composition on jobsite. The water content in the final primer composition
can be in a range of from 30% to 50%, preferably from 35% to 45%, by weight based on the
total weight of the composition (water in polymer emulsion inclusive).
Upon construction, the inventive primer composition can be applied, preferably with
a thickness of from 0 . 1mm to 0.4mm, such as by a brush or a roller, onto a spray
polyurethane foam face and typically stands for 24 hours before a basecoat mortar is applied
Weathering testing method of bonding strength follows China national code JG149-
A comparison test was designed for testing the bonding strength of two examples,
an inventive primer composition and a comparative primer. The comparative primer is a
Portland cement-containing interface treating mortar in which only Portland cement was
present as cementitious material and calcium formate as early strength agent. Information
of components used in the primers is listed in Table 1 as below.
Table 1: Specification/model and producer of primer components

Note: trademark of The Dow Chemical Company.

The basecoat mortar used to prepare the sample panels comprises 28% 42. 5R
Portland cement, 8% calcium carbonate, 60.3% silica sand, 3.3% EVA(ethylene- vinyl
acetate) redispersible powder, 0.1% Seal-80, 0.2% WALOCEL™ CP1425 and 0.1% 6mm
polypropylene fibers by weight based on the total dry weight of the basecoat mortar.
The formulations of different primers and test result are shown in Table 2 as below.
Table 2 : Primer formulation (part by weight) and comparison test result (values are
in units as indicated)

In Table 2, "Rupture occurred in SPF board (partially)" means breakage partially

occurred within the SPF board. "Rupture occurred in SPF board (fully)" means all of
breakage occurred within the SPF board. "Rupture occurred between primer and SPF
board" means breakage occurred between the primer layer and the SPF face, i.e. at the
Under China national codes JG149-2003 and GB50404-2007, both dry bonding
strength and wet bonding strength should be 0 . IMPa or higher, and rupture should not occur
at the interface. Under European code ETAG004-2000, the bonding strength after
weathering test should be 0.08MPa or higher, or if lower than 0.08MPa, rupture should
occur in the insulation board.
It can be seen from Table 2 that the inventive example gave higher bonding strength
than the comparative example in all tests. The inventive example achieved an early bonding
strength after curing for only one day meeting the requirements under the China national
codes and the European code. Although meeting the European code, the comparative
example did not meet the China national codes upon curing for one day since rupture
occurred at the interface. At the same time, the dry bonding strength after curing for 14
days and the wet bonding strength of the inventive example also met the requirements of the
China national codes. Although meeting the European code regarding the wet bonding
strength, the comparative example did not meet the requirement under the China national
1. A primer composition, useful in an exterior insulation finish system, said primer
composition consisting of
a) 2 % to 16% by weight of aluminate cement,
b) 0 .8% to 4 .5% by weight of calcium sulfate,
c) 2 .5% to 1 5 % by weight of Portland cement,
d) 25% to 4 0 % by weight of polymer particles, wherein said polymer particles are
provided in the form of a polymer emulsion,
e) 3 5% to 55% by weight of fillers,
f 0 to 0.4% by weight of cellulose ether,
g) 0 to 0 . 1 5% by weight of defoamer,
h) 0 to 0 . 1 5% by weight of fibers, and
i) 0 to 0 . 15 % by weight of hydrophobic agent,
with percents relative to total dry weight of said primer composition.

2. The primer composition of Claim 1, wherein said aluminate cement comprises

from 50%o to 68% by weight of alumina based on the total weight of said aluminate cement.

3. The primer composition of Claim 1, wherein said calcium sulfate is provided from

4. The primer composition of Claim 1, wherein said polymer particles are provided
from acrylic polymer emulsion.

5. The primer composition of Claim 1, wherein said primer composition consists of

a) 2 % to 16 % by weight of aluminate cement,

b) 0 .8% to 4 . 5%o by weight of calcium sulfate,
c) 2 . 5%o to 1 5%o by weight of Portland cement,
d) 25%o to 40%o by weight of polymer particles, wherein said polymer particles are
provided in the form of a polymer emulsion,
e) 3 5% to 55% by weight of fillers,
f 0 to 0 .4 % by weight of cellulose ether, and
g) 0 to 0 . 1 5%o by weight of defoamer,
with percents relative to total dry weight of said primer composition.

6. The primer composition of Claim 5 , wherein said primer composition consists of:
a) 8% to 13% by weight of aluminate cement,
b) 2.5% to 3 .5% by weight of calcium sulfate,
c) 3 % to 8% by weight of Portland cement,
d) 3 0% to 3 5% by weight of polymer particles, wherein said polymer particles are
provided in the form of a polymer emulsion,
e) 40% to 50% by weight of fillers,
f 0 .2% to 0 .3% by weight of cellulose ether, and
g) 0.05% to 0 . 1% by weight of defoamer,
with percents relative to total dry weight of said primer composition.

7 . An exterior insulation finish system installed on a wall substrate comprising

a) a spray polyurethane foam layer formed on said wall substrate or a leveling layer
if said leveling layer is present,
b) a basecoat mortar layer applied on said spray polyurethane foam layer, and
c) a primer layer made of said primer composition according to Claim 1, wherein
said primer layer is present between said spray polyurethane foam layer and said basecoat
mortar layer.

8 . The exterior insulation finish system of Claim 7, wherein said primer layer is

present with a thickness in a range of from 0 . 1mm to 0.4mm.

9 . A process for installation of the exterior insulation finish system according to

Claim 7, comprising the steps of

a) spraying polyurethane foam to form a foam layer on a wall substrate or on a
leveling layer if said leveling layer is present,
b) applying the primer composition according to Claim 1 onto said foam layer to
form said primer layer, and
c) applying a basecoat mortar onto said primer layer to form said basecoat mortar
International application No.


C04B28/04 (2006.01 )i
According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IP C


Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)

IPC: C04B28/-

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)

EPODOC, WPI, CNPAT, CNKI, CA: aluminate, foam, calcium 2d sulfate, portland 2d cement, filler, polymer, primer,
insula+, hydrophobic, calcium


Category' Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.

|CN1546416A (UNIV. TONGJI) 1-9

17 Nov.2004 (17. 11.2004) Claims 1-6


22 Sep. 2010 (22.09.2010) Paragraphs [0002]- [0046] of the description

JP2005075712A (SUMITOMO CEMENT CO. LTD.) 1-9

24 Mar. 2005 (24.03.2005) Claims 1-6

l~~l Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C . patent family annex.

Special categories of cited documents: "T" later document published after the international filing date
or priority date and not in conflict with the application but
A " document defining the general state of the art which is not cited to understand the principle or theory underlying the
considered to be of particular relevance invention
earlier application or patent but published on or after the "X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention
international filing date cannot be considered novel or cannot be considered to involve
an inventive step when the document is taken alone
document which may throw doubts on priority claim (S) or
"Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention
which is cited to establish the publication date of another
cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the
citation or other special reason (as specified) document is combined with one or more other such
document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or documents, such combination being obvious to a person
other means skilled in the art

'P document published prior to the international filing date " & "document member of the same patent family
but later than the priority date claimed
Date of the actual completion of the international search Date of mailing of the international search report
28 Oct. 2012(28.10.2012) 13 Dec. 2012 (13.12.2012)
Name and mailing address of the ISA/CN
Authorized officer
The State Intellectual Property Office, the P.R.China
6 Xitucheng Rd., Jimen Bridge, Haidian District, Beijing, China TAN Zhiyong
Telephone No. (86-10 )822 454 90
Facsimile No. 86-10-62019451
Form PCT ISA /210 (second sheet) (July 2009)
INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No.
Information on patent family members

Patent Documents referred Publication Date Patent Family Publication Date

in the Report

CN1546416A 17.1 1.2004 CN1 003485 34C 14.11 .2007

CN101838132A 22.09.2010 None

JP2005075712A 24.03.2005 JP4307187B2 05.08.2009

Form PCT ISA /210 (patent family annex) (July 2009)

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