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Delta fitness

Prenatal strength program - First trimester

By: ExorLive Content Publisher 4

Moderate weight training is recommended for all physically healthy pregnant women. Untrained individuals should
take it a little more carefully in the beginning. Many women feel very unwell during this period, so take breaks if you
need to. Walking and swimming are other recommended activities in addition to the program.
1. Sitting upper body rotation 2
Sit with your legs bent, knees to the sides. Slowly twist
your upper body to one side until you feel a stretch in
your back and upper body in general. Hold the position
for 30 sec., then twist the opposite way.
Reps: 10 , Sets: 1
2. The Plank with Alternating Elbows and Hands
Stand on your knees and elbows. Pull your navel toward
your spine and keep control over your lower back. Walk
up and down on your elbows and stretched arms.
Reps: 16 , Sets: 2-3
3. Diagonal lift, standing on all fours
Start on all fours with your head facing the floor. Contract
your abdomen and lower back for stability. Alternately
stretch one arm and the opposite leg to extend of your
Reps: 20 , Sets: 2-3
4. Push ups on knees 2
Start on your knees with your body rigid. Place your
hands on the floor more than shoulder-width apart. Lower
your body toward the floor, then push upward without
bending your hips.
Reps: 12 , Sets: 2-3 8/9/2019 @ 3:58 PM Page 1 of 2 Show video

Delta fitness
Prenatal strength program - First trimester
By: ExorLive Content Publisher 4
5. For pregnant women: Pelvis Raises
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet against the
mat/ mattress. Lift your buttocks by using your abdominal
muscles. Hold the position for a few seconds and slowly
lower to starting position.
Reps: 15 , Sets: 2-3
6. Squat 1
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms straight
in front of you. Bend your knees 90 degrees and push
back up. Keep your back straight and look ahead during
the entire movement. Alternatively, the deep position may
be held for a few seconds before pushing back up.
Reps: 15 , Sets: 2-3
7. Seated rowing with elastic band
Secure the strap at chest height and face turned toward
the point of attachment. Grasp the strap with both hands
and pull the strap towards the chest. Slowly return and
Reps: 15 , Sets: 2-3
8. Pelvis contraction
Lie supine with a bolster under your knees. Contract your
pelvis and hold the tension for a few seconds.
Reps: 15 , Sets: 2 8/9/2019 @ 3:58 PM Page 2 of 2 Show video

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