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Translate/ Traduccion :

Neurologico ( esclerosis multiple,enfermedad de parkinson

Neuromusculoesqueletico ( dolor de la espalda, latigazos por desordenes, lesiones deportivas,


Cardiovascular ( enfermedades cardiacas cronicas, rehabilitacion despues de un ataque


Respiratorio ( asma, enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva cronica, fibrosis quistica)

Answers / Respuestas:


2. is a health profession of free exercise that has as goals the healing, rehabilitation and
rehabilitation of people to a healthy life, using effective alternative methods of healing,
focusing on the functional part of the body and its systems achieving a treatment
physiotherapeutic the reorganization in its mechanics and its main functions to the segments
cured previously injured or that present an alteration

3. the core is the patient, that is, in addition to helping the patient, both physically and
psychologically and socially, to overcome any injury or illness, it also focuses on patient
education, how to maintain the quality of health, conscience, envelop the patient in an
education and health environment.

4. physiotherapy is a great help is many aspects in injuries, diseases, syndromes, chronic

injuries, chronic diseases, alterations, dysfunctions, and always creating an environment of
positivity, can help patients in their own care, cure, rehabilitates, in some cases it enables, and
adapts again, it helps to overcome or improve many types of injuries or diseases that affect the
body's systems, it has many specialties

5.Physiotherapy is very favorable to know the functioning of the body and how we can
improve it, or if it is recovered with physical or alternative methods, natural therapies, or
physical agents, which must have a correct application to trigger positive consequences in our
health, physiotherapy is a fundamental pillar for the health sciences and in a multidisciplinary


Translate of medical terms

Small Intestine = intestino delgado

the longest part of the alimentary canal = la parte mas larga del canal alimentario

a large oval organ between the stomach and the diaphragm= un organo oval largo entre el
estomago y el diafragma

enlarged and muscular saclike organ of the alimentary canal organo grande y saco muscular
del canal alimentario

thyroid gland = glandula tiroides

a mobile mass of muscular tissue located in the oral cavity = una masa movil de tejido
muscular localizado en la cavidad oral

a hollow cylindrical shape = un hueco de forma cilindrica

a blood vessel that carries blood toward the heart =un vaso que lleva sangre hacia el

vocal cord =cuerda vocal

either of two pairs of folds of mucous membrane projecting into the larynx= cualquiera de dos
pares de pliegues de membrana mucosa que se proyectan hacia la laringe

voice box = caja de voz

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