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Santiago de Cali, Colombia.

October 30, 2019

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

It is my pleasure to get in touch with you, my name is Santiago Fandiño Castillo and I am a
student of tenth and sixth semester of industrial engineering and mechanical engineering,
respectively. I am writing this letter because I want to let you know my interest, goals and
expectations with the double degree program in Italy.
Through this, I express my desire to make the master's degree in mechanical engineering
offered by the Torino polytechnic. During my two careers I felt a great taste and fascination
for the fields of knowledge related to engineering, physics and design, which corresponds
to me to contribute solutions to the current major energy and pollution problems, generating
practical solutions of high impact.
Por otro lado, en cuanto a mi recorrido académico en la universidad, siempre me he
caracterizado por ser una persona con aspiraciones muy altas, destacándome por mi
capacidad de afrontar múltiples responsabilidades a la par que proseguía con mis estudios
universitarios. During the last three years I have been growing my professional training
acquiring the following responsibilities and extra-academic projects:
- I was a member of the board of directors of the international industrial engineering group
(IISE) for two years. Throughout that period, I had a close relationship with the direction
of the industrial engineering program, because I directed two activities nationwide in
Barranquilla and Pereira consecutively, being in charge of a group of 20 students during
the days of each activity.
- I have three years of experience as a monitor of different engineering and physics, being
a monitor of subjects such as: Static and Resistance of Materials, Electricity and
Magnetism, Direct Current Circuits, Data Structure, Kinematic and Dynamic Physics,
Thermal and Ripple Physics, Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanical Drawing.
- I was an institutional promoter of my two careers and participated as an assistant in the
development of a master's degree in systems engineering.
- I was a cultural exchange program in the United States during the summer of 2019, in
this program I worked with Cedar Fair for two months.
- I will attend as an exhibitor the Iberic-American Congress of Mechanical Engineering
that will take place in Cartagena.

In conclusion, the double degree program in Italy represents for me the opportunity to
complete a master's degree that complements my professional profile according to my
expectations and ideals, allowing me to work on projects that solve current energy and
pollution problems, which is my Work life project.
NIT 860.013.720-1
Calle 18 #118-250 Avenida Cañasgordas, Cali-Colombia, A.A. 26239, Código Postal: 760031, PBX (+57-2) 321 8200
/ 485 6400 - Línea gratuita nacional 01-8000-180556 -
Vigilada Mineducación Res. 12220 de 2016
Yours faithfully,


CC 1144092283
PHONE 3102807727

NIT 860.013.720-1
Calle 18 #118-250 Avenida Cañasgordas, Cali-Colombia, A.A. 26239, Código Postal: 760031, PBX (+57-2) 321 8200
/ 485 6400 - Línea gratuita nacional 01-8000-180556 -
Vigilada Mineducación Res. 12220 de 2016

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