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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-6, Issue-11, Nov- 2019] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

Environmental Management Practices in

Rural Properties
Kleitson Telmo Grisa1, Armin Feiden², Jaqueline Gomes Demarchi Grisa³,
Marli Renate von Borstel Roesler4, Keitilanger Grisa Hahn5, Adriana Maria
De Grandi6, Seliane Miranda7

Abstract— This study aimed to promote a theoretical discussion about environmental management in the
universal context applied to rural areas in small farms and as specific objectives indicate the most common
practices related to Rural Environmental Management and show the most flawed practices with the environment
in rural properties. For this purpose a bibliographic survey on sustainability was used, followed by
environmental management as a complex context for to articulate studies on rural environmental management,
in other words, an application of the principles of sustainability in rural use. At last studies by other authors
were used to indicate which are the most common practices, which are the wrong forms and are being applied.
Keywords— Environmental Management; Rural properties; Sustainable practices.

I. INTRODUCTION much of the increasing commitment to expand the

Over the last decades the environmental problems countryside, is generally intensive in higher energy, raw
resulting from the growth focused on the economic factor, material and natural resource expenditures, resulting in a
taking several looks at the sustainable issues, have large environmental loss. (LUSTOSA, 1999).
increased. Ecological thinking became active in In doing so, the idea of sustainability and the
organizational matters. Therefore, nowadays the needs are debated sustainable development was presented as a
in the assessment not only of development, but of the type concept to be popularly disseminated in 1992 at the United
of development that one wishes to implement by Nations Conference on the Environment in Rio de Janeiro
considering that “development and environment” are no - RIO 92 - (CMMAD, 1991) and resumed in 2012 at the
longer antagonistic but complementary; the existence of Rio conference. +20, also in the same city where the
one is dependent on the good direction of the other concept of sustainability and its importance worldwide
(LAYRARGUES, 1997). was emphasized. This concept came to consider
In doing so, urban and rural organizations began sustainable everything that works with current resources
to pursue a sustainable commitment due to several factors. consciously without compromising future needs.
The sustainable movement has become one of the “[...] Therefore, the idea of sustainability was the assumption
most important of our time and judging by the vitality of that one could talk about Environmental Management not
the institutional factors present [...] around the world, it only in the urban scope, but mainly and in the aspects of
can be inferred that it will continue to spread for many rural production and growth.
years decades” (BARBIERI et al, 2010, p. 153). In doing so, the Rural Environmental
In turn, the world has seen the continued growth Management has become a tool to emphasize sustainable
of consumer needs and the competitive market rural development by presenting proposals for
environment in which new ideologies have been opened Environmental Management Systems (EMS) aimed at new
up; rural properties began to look for new production greener and more environmentally conscious views. In
techniques to increase grain production, enhance doing so, this study aimed to theoretically discuss the
agriculture and generate greater income for producers environmental management in the general context applied
(MOREIRA, 2009). However, all these changes led to to the rural environment in small farms, consisting of
higher consumption and environmental degradation. specific objectives of: indicate the most common practices
Equally the current production pattern, which accounts for related to Rural Environmental Management and report the Page | 286

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-6, Issue-11, Nov- 2019] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

main problems in relation to more environmentally sound environmental management without having to approach
practices on farms. mainly natural environments like the rural properties.
This way, a study was conducted that sought to The great expansion of agriculture and
review the concepts of sustainability and environmental commerce, the industrial revolution, generated in the
management followed by studies focused on Rural management of both companies and its properties, the
Environmental Management and environmental practices need to better evaluate its requirements, considering the
applied correctly or mistakenly in rural areas. great agricultural mechanization in rural areas, as indicated
by Oliveira and Senna (2012), the environment.
II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK environment and sources of resources needed more
2.1 Sustainability and Environmental Management attention, resulting in several
The sustainable movement has generated one of future concerns. (DUARTE, 1999).
the largest social and environmental foundations over the It was then necessary to reflect not only about
past decades to produce, but how and how much to produce, observing
(BARBIERI et al, 2010), because in 1987 the report Our a more sustainable means of development that supports the
Common Future obtained the first and official definition of needs of the present without future damage.
sustainable development spread in Rio 92: "Sustainable This is because according to Hawken and
development is one that meets the needs of the present McDonough (1993) individuals do not know what causes
without compromising the ability of future generations to various problems as animal extinction, or what happens to
meet their needs." (CMMAD, 1991, p. 46). 20% of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere every year.
This way, sustainability was based on its three However, it is already aware that nature's reactions are
main axes: social, environmental and economic. In doing directly related to human actions.
so, the idea of sustainability was directly related to the idea In doing so, the sustainable development theme
of development, efficient use of resources and proposed by Agenda 21 has been repeatedly criticized for
commitment to current actions in relation to future also supporting economic development, as the latter has
damage. been considered one of the main causes of the great
The Sustainable development has become environmental and social problems of this planet.
relevant for generations who, in assessing the standard of (BARBIERI et al, 2010).
living of their populations, were concerned with the For Barbieri et al (2010) economic growth and
directions of the planet. According to Carvalho and especially rural extension as smallholdings or large estates
Barbieri (2012), Agenda 21, the founding document of the are the focus of entrepreneurs in need of ascent, which
movement for sustainable development, explains that explains major global problems such as food shortages and
exorbitant levels of production and consumption patterns serious environmental problems. This is because
constitute the main causes of environmental degradation sustainability is directly related to Environmental
and that the production of food, which occurs mostly in Management, which is directly related to rural property
rural areas wouldn't be able to supply all the demand. and other organizations.
Therefore, the word development spent to indicate Although farms are part of a more natural context
“the process of promoting the qualitative improvement of and that connect directly to the idea of a clean
the living conditions of the population of a specific environment, it is not always so. Irregular growth and
country, region or place” (BARBIERI, 2007, p. 2). It also especially the use of machinery, pesticides have
refers to the idea of productive transformation providing undermined the idea of a healthy and sustainable
efficiency; most often linked to economic growth in which environment.
the latter had already occupied much of the classic Therefore, to discuss about sustainability in
organizational interests of yore. rural properties, it is necessary to reflect on Environmental
Several organizations focused on sustainable Management conscious and focused not only on
development began to observe this new form of productivity, but on the quality of its production
development, citing as examples the company Natura and (BARBIERI et al, 2010).
Unilever, elected by Exame magazine (2011) among the This way, Environmental management has
20 most sustainable in the country. emerged for producers as a strong competitive tool that by
Besides sustainable vision of large corporations enabling reflections on concerns, has generated changes in
and brands, the foundation of development needed to be the way of thinking about the environment and controlling
strengthened, because it would be difficult to talk about human actions about it. Page | 287

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-6, Issue-11, Nov- 2019] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

Then came the Environmental Management animals and plants and other problems generated by
System (EMS) that comprises a set of actions aimed at unsustainable practice. (BARBIERI, 2007).
planning, organization, control and minimization of Irregular use of chemical inputs and fertilizers
environmental impacts caused by production processes. is one of the main means for environmental degradation,
(BARBIEIR, 2007). besides that, the irregular disposal of residues or waste
Environmental Management Systems are a from the agricultural and animal production itself.
form of control of farms, but cannot be applied without the (BERNARDI et al, 2011). In addition, Rodrigues (1998,
knowledge and planning of producers. cited Rodrigues et al, 2016) says that it is indispensable to
evaluate the impacts generated by agricultural activities
2.2 Environmental Management of Rural Properties and to create public measures aimed at the sustainable
Sustainable management aims to bring development of rural environments.
traditionalism closer to operations aimed at profit and The authors point out that in order to verify the
efficiency, with a reflection about environmental impacts quality of environmental management it is necessary to
(KLEINDORFER, SINGHAL, VAN WASSENHOVE, carry out rural activities that promote the integration of
2005). local producers for effective management of sustainable
This way, Rodrigues (2016) considers as techniques. For this to happen, the first objective is
Sustainable Agriculture the management of agricultural environmental education; it is the basis for producers who
ecosystems aimed at maintaining and increasing previously only cared about profit, also cared about
productivity, quality of the environment be it water, air, maintaining existing resources. (SENNA, OLIVEIRA,
soil as well as the diversity of fauna and flora, and the 2012). After that it is possible for properties to apply the
quality of life of people, all over the countryside. Environmental Impact Assessment (Avaliação de Impacto
It is understood that it is not enough that Ambiental - AIA); a formal document aimed at assessing
property is sustainable, it must produce profits and be which processes may cause the most damage to properties.
efficient in its processes, for this, it is possible to rely on According to Rodrigues (1998, apud Rodrigues
the use of attractiveness in which innovation is one of the et al, 2016), AIAs are necessary to define the forms of
main tools. management that minimize the effects of risky and
According to Oliveira and Senna (2012) man polluting activities allowing the maintenance of the natural
has always taken advantage of the natural environment for environment. Thus, the Rural Environmental Management
his survival, removing everything he needed from the aims to plan the process to prevent or minimize impacts,
environment, developing agricultural mechanization ensuring a more conscious use of natural resources, as
activities in rural areas without proper management and stated by Dal Forno (2017), the planning is to know the
especially without environmental and sustainable balance. origin of the wood that will be used to light the fire that
Consequently, he needed to create methods of will be used to make the dulce de leche and how will be
Environmental Management aiming to recover what was the management of the forest in which this firewood
degraded and the maintenance of what still resists. comes.
In doing so, rural environmental management This whole chain analysis is an Environmental
is concerned with the sustainability of the rural natural Management of the whole process; however, it is
environment, agricultural activity being one of the oldest necessary time, knowledge and commitment from those
forms of human interference about natural environment. involved, highlighting what Senna and Oliveira (2012)
Barbieri (2007) considers that human interference in rural explained about environmental education.
areas represents a great environmental impact caused by
the removal of natural vegetation, loss of biodiversity of 2.3 Small Property and the Environment
flora and fauna, climate change, soil compaction and its The concept of property, with its sense of real
loss of resources by monoculture, water pollution, law, has changed over time, usually linked to political
increased pesticides and pesticides etc. events (VAZ, apud COSTA, RESENDE, 2011, p.46) and
Besides that, most of the agricultural population the current economic regime. Similarly, the pursuit of
develops through family support activities, resulting in the economic activity is also linked to the fulfillment of social
need to start means of environmental preservation function and respect for the environment (CF, art. 170, III
concurrently with productive activities. This is because the and VI).
monoculture model used was responsible for the loss of This state is growing so slowly, as a condition
biodiversity and biomes causing a decrease in species of of survival of the species, that the elaboration of a Global Page | 288

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-6, Issue-11, Nov- 2019] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

Constitution that develops the environmental theme and activities that properties do to apply environmental
other basic themes for societies is being studied management in daily lives.
(ESPECIALISTS, 2014). It has been listed four empirical studies that
Small rural properties are those with one to present rural properties and its relationship with
four fiscal modules (CAIRES; AGUIAR, 2015). Some Environmental Management as the basis for it daily
studies point out that in spite of approval of the Brazilian monitoring verifying which practices are most applied and
Forest Code, Federal Law No. 12,651 / 2012, there are still which are failures during the sustainable process of the
extensive degraded areas that need to be recovered by property’s activities.
means of new legislation. The first study is Oliveira and Senna (2012)
One of the methods created by the federal who presented thirteen producers who were interviewed
government to ensure compliance with the legislation is for the analysis of their Environmental Management
the Rural Environmental Registry (Cadastro Ambiental practices, finding that most, although concerned about
Rural - CAR). The CAR is an electronic registration sustainability did not use specific sustainable management
instituted by Law No. 12,651 / 12, mandatory for all rural control techniques.
properties. It aims to form a database for control, Among the listed producers all indicated the
monitoring and combating deforestation of forests and use of fertilizers, fertilizers and pesticides for pest control
other forms of native vegetation in Brazil. and product growth, they did not indicate using natural
The achievement of economic, social, and methods for pest control. On the other hand, half of the
environmental benefits by smallholders must derive from respondents grow organic produce and plant fruit trees, but
the management of rural vegetation that respects the less than half correctly separate, reuse or dispose of waste.
mechanisms that sustain the ecosystem. This is called (OLIVEIRA, SENNA, 2012). It is possible to notice that
sustainable management, which aims to ensure harmony the environmental education and the incentive to the
between the environment and rural properties (BRASIL, researched group directly interferes in the perception about
2012). the environmental management.
This is because when analyzing the second
III. METHODOLOGICAL STRATEGY study brought, it is based on the survey by Kesseler et al
The method used for this paper was (2013) who interviewed a third of producers from Santa
bibliographic research which uses several bibliographic Maria / RS. He aimed in his research to identify which
sources to support the research. sustainable practices were applied by farmers, realizing a
For Vergara (2003), bibliographic research is a better consideration of farmers towards sustainable
structured study, enhanced with theoretical material practices.
published in books, magazines, newspapers, electronic More than 60% of respondents indicated that
networks or material accessible and available to the their greatest preservation measures are related to riparian
general public. forest, correct return of pesticide packaging and proper
Bibliographic research consists of reading management for water and soil preservation. The third
materials to constitute the theoretical framework of the study discussed was related to Oliboni and Sossae (2018)
research, using books, monographic research, which aimed to verify the sustainable practices of rural
dissertations, theses etc. These theoretical sources are properties in the municipality of Chapecó / SC.
verified according to the research theme and thus the It was possible to observe in the research the
elaboration of the monograph work will be done (RAUPP relation of education with the agroecological or non-
and BEUREN, 2006). Through this method it was possible agroecological profile of the marketers who sell their
to elaborate the paper, aiming to understand the activities, products in the fair of the producer in that city. It was
functioning, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and found that among all respondents there was a good
difficulties. percentage of preserved riparian forest, indicated as one of
the good environmental management practices applied by
Considering that Environmental Management refers to the An important point observed by the study was
management of economic activities rationally using natural that agroecological and non-agroecological producers used
resources as a focus on sustainability (BARBIERI, 2007), artesian well water for consumption, however, only those
rural environmental management practices are the first treated the water. This shows that there is a greater Page | 289

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-6, Issue-11, Nov- 2019] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

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