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My biggest concern for the future is not reaching the profession that they want for me. Why?

Because what they want for me is not the one I desire. What you see of myself right now is a big
lie because I'm forcing myself to a future that I really don't want but rather, doing it for my
family. Sometimes I question myself, "What if I didn't pursue being a CPA just like what they've
wanted?" Because the future that I see in myself right now is to become a Chef not a CPA.

Every day I ask myself, "Will I be a CPA in the future?" I always say to myself that I couldn't do
anything because they are the ones who pay to have me in school. I can't fight them on the future
that I want for myself because they will say, "You will not be rich being a Chef." But for me, I
know how I will be rich because this is my life, I know how I'll make myself rich in my own way
but overthinking this, I forgot that they are also part of my dreams, so I might as well just do
what they want because they are already successful. While me? I'm just getting there. Sometimes
whenever I see Chefs or watch them, I mumble to myself, "I was supposed to be like this", "I too
am should be a Chef", that's why I joined Young Master Chef, I might not be a Chef at least I got
to experience being a Chef. That's why I cried on the day that I joined because at least I got to do
what I want even for a short amount of time and that's enough for me.

Right now I think that I will just be a CPA just for them. I want to give back every sacrifices
they've done to me and I want to let them see that I am not weak, I am not dumb and that I will
not be poor in my future because someday I will be successful and I will see them happy. I will
not break the trust they gave me, that's why I trust myself that I will become a CPA someday, I
will make them proud because they are my inspiration in reaching the profession they want me to

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