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1-Explain the meaning of Christianity and its related terms.

Christianity means the religion that is based on the life and teaching of Jesus
Christ. Christ is a Greek term that means "anointed one" and was made a part of Jesus'

2-Trace how the main periods of Christianity's history have shaped its present.

There are seven periods in Christianity's history. 1--Let's start with the life of
Jesus Christ. His birth, life, death, burial and resurrection. The time period is ca.4 BC to
30 AD. The four gospels describe the life and detailed time of Christ's ministry. 2--is the
Early Churches and their development. Highlight moment are when Saul of Tarsus finds
conversion on the road to Damascus to persecute Christians. Saul becomes Paul and is
instrumental in the spreading of Christianity. This period is 30-100 AD. 3--is the Ancient
Period where the fledgling church was establishing itself and its beliefs. The inclusion of
gentiles into Christianity was a question that got settled, proselytizing was very
important and the development of scriptures was underway, but not complete as we
know it today. The period at this time is 100-500 AD. 4--is the Byzantine, Medieval and
Renaissance Christianity timeframe. This is the period when Christianity grow and really
spread widely. The rise of Islam also challenged Christianity and soon they clashed and
even warred against each other. The Catholic Church splintered into Orthodox
Churches of the East. Also, England split with the Catholic Church over the subject of
Divorce during King Henry VIII rule. This period is 500-1500. 5--is the Reformation
Period. Here the event of what Martin Luther did, lead to his excommunication and
eventually the split of the Catholic Church that bore the birth of the Protestant Church.
This period is the 1500s. 6--is the Early Modern period that saw Christian missionary
work was rising. Also, teachings of Catholicism and Christian Churches needed more
alignment with the Bible and the peoples need for uniformity and correctness of
doctrines. 7--is the Modern Period from 1900--present. In this period, fundamentalism is
re-asserted, the re-affirmation of church identity among the congregation. There was
also more cooperation between denominations and more inclusion in a liberal sense as
numbers and interest increased.
3-Outline in your own words essential Christian teachings as found in the Nicene Creed.

The essential teaching of the Nicene Creed revolves around the trinity. GOD the
Father, GOD the SON, GOD the HOLY SPIRIT. Only GOD is to be worshipped. GOD
created, GOD was born of a virgin in the form of Man and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT
witnesses all the wondrous works of GOD and HIS plan of salvation through GOD the
SON, Jesus Christ. The Revelation of GOD that ends with the rising of the dead and the
granting of eternal life in the next world to come or the afterlife.

4-Describe the main features of Christian ethics.

Christian Ethics revolves around the scriptures of the Christian Bible. Good and
Evil for the most part is dictated by the Ten Commandments. This is GOD's creation in
the Old Testament and Christ in the New Testament captures it all in two rules--1--Love
the Lord thy GOD with all your heart, mind and soul. 2--Love the neighbor as thyself.
The New Testament books also speak on many things in ethics in more detail by way of
directness or allegory--namely letters from Paul, 4 Gospels and John's Revelation.

5-Summarize Christian worship and other rituals.

It makes sense that when the Early Christian Church started out that certain
traditions and rituals might get adopted. However, once the Christians begin to
understand the impact of Christ's ministry and HIS works of compassion,
ritual/observances and worship begin to change and become less related to Judaism.
From Catholicism's seven sacraments to Independent Christian Churches, more people
are using spontaneous worship.

6--Explain the variety of Christianity around the world today, especially in the Southern
Hemisphere and in North America.

The Southern Hemisphere has a growing population of Christianity and more so

the Northern Hemisphere. The Northern Hemisphere is made up of the European
Churches of Catholics, Orthodox and Protestant Christians. The Southern Hemisphere
is mostly Catholic Christians and the Northern Hemisphere is more divers due to the
many Christian Churches of Protestantism to Independent Churches of the early
churches after Christ's burial and resurrection.

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