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Bahasa Inggris

Yang dibina oleh Bapak Yulius irham, S.Pd., MM

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Kelompok 5

Dinda Thalia Apranda (P17220181001)

Ella Rahmatulillah (P17220181003)

Putri Nares Wari (P17220181014)

Dinari Cahyanindah (P17220181018)

Rendi Irawan (P17220182030)




The Secret Of Long Life

Host : Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Host 1 : Good morning, meet me XX with my colleague

Host 2 : I XX , I will accompany the ladies and gentlemen for the next few


Host 1 : This time we will discuss something interesting.

Host 2 : which of course becomes a lot of people talk about secrets that have

begun to be known to the wider community.

Host 1 : who is the person we are going to talk to today?

Host 2 : The following is the profile!

After playing the profile video.

Host : this is the people of Okinawa

Okinawa people entered.

Host 1 : please sit down

Host 2 : this time we will discuss a little about what the secret they get a long life.

Host 1: How long does it usually take for Okinawans to survive?

People 1: Okinawans can survive more than 100 years. We adhere to the principle

not to live longer but live better to get a long life.

Host 1: "It's amazing because what we know is that humans in general can only

survive for between 70 and 80 years."

Host 2: "Then what is the secret? Does food matter? "

People 2: "We always keep our diet, we only eat traditional foods such as

soybeans, fruits and vegetables with the right composition.

People 3: "Besides that we also consume a lot of sea fish like tuna, mackerel and


Host 1: "Basically, what we know is that the fish also contains omega 3 which is

very good for the human body."

People 1: "Maybe that's why our people can live longer."

Host 2: "From eating these foods, are there any restrictions?"

People 2: "Of course there are, like red meat because we adhere to the principle of

a low-fat diet so we avoid foods like red meat"

Host 1: "In addition to what foods influence the secret of long life?"

People 3: "Our activities may also support our people to live longer."

People 1: "The more activity we do, the more often we train stiff muscles usually

when we age."

Host 2: "What kind of activities do you usually do?"

People 2: "we used to walk to travel somewhere, we also have a garden so every

day we are gardening and accustomed to working long hours"

Host 1: "Even today there are very few people who want to garden, but the people

of Okinawa hold fast to its principles, this is very amazing."

Host 2: "It's true that we often ignore our health with unhealthy lifestyles."

Host 1: "maybe there are some sentences that want to be conveyed to be a

message so we can live healthy?"

People 3: "optimistic, adaptable, relaxed and have strong religious beliefs that

become our benchmark for wanting to try to live healthy in order to get a long


Host 2: "wow give a round of applause for the people of Okinawa"

Host 1: "well, maybe it was enough to talk this morning."

Host 2: "We can get a lot of messages from the conversation this time, of course,

about the secret to getting a longer life."

Host 1: "and hopefully by implementing it properly it will produce optimal


Host 2: "that's all from us, my partner and I as the host this morning excused

myself, withdrew"

Host : “wassalamu’alaikumwr. Wb.”

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