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Kolomiitseva Alexandra, TF

Types of scientific texts and its characteristics

A scientific text is a unity of content, form and means of expression. The purpose of the scientific
text: clearly and accurately communicate objective information.
Scientific texts are primary and secondary. Primary ones are primary sources, originals. For
example, a scientific article, a monograph. A scientific article is a small-sized essay in which the
author presents the results of his own research. A monograph is a scientific work devoted to the
study of one topic, one question. These are the primary genres of the scientific style itself, i.e. they
are written by specialists for specialists. This group of genres can include coursework and thesis.
These requirements must meet the requirements of consistency and accuracy. The language is
characterized by strict terminology, complex and clear syntax.
Secondary texts are created on the basis of primary texts owned by another author.
For scientific texts (primary and secondary), a characteristic harmonious composition. The
following parts are indicated in each text:
1. heading
2. introductory part (main goal, sound research methods)
3. main part
4. conclusion
The title of a scientific work is an informative unit; it usually reflects the theme of a given text and
should be consistent with the content of that text.
There are several types of headers:
 names of a general nature
 names specifying the issues of the theory directly developed by the author
 names reflecting the specifics of the author's formulation of the question
Work on the text begins with an introduction. It is a document characterizing the work. The
introduction begins with justification of the relevance of the selected topic.
The next stage of the work is a story about the problem research technique. The formulation of
the goals and objectives of the study should be clear and concise, logically correct. If the goal can
be one, then there should be several tasks; they represent the tactics of goal realization. Often the
wording of the tasks coincides with the names of the chapters and paragraphs of the main part.
Tasks are given in the form of an enumeration.
The main part of the text of the monograph (term paper, thesis) is divided into chapters in
accordance with the objectives of the work. In a small article, parts are not distinguished, but each
new thought is drawn up in a new paragraph. The titles of the paragraphs should be worded so as
not to go beyond the boundaries outlined by the title of the chapter. The general content of the
main part should correspond to the research topic and serve as its disclosure. The presentation
should be reasoned, logical outline - well-thought out.
An important part of text is the conclusion. It reproduces the entire path of research. Conclusions
should be consistent with the tasks set at the beginning. The conclusion is a kind of report on the
work done, where real achievements are shown, practical benefits are indicated.
Important elements are also bibliography and applications, If the author of the scientific text
conducts an analytical review of the literature and includes someone else's speech in the text in the
form of an exact quote or indirect transfer of thought. In both cases, an exact reference (footnote)
to the corresponding work is necessary.
In university, students widely use the secondary text. It is created as a result of compression (lat.
"Compression"). With the help of compression, the text becomes smaller in volume, it is easier to
highlight the main provisions and the most significant points in it.
The sequence of actions during compression is as follows:
1. Reading text and highlighting keywords.
2. Writing secondary text using appropriate speech cliches.
3. The use of words with a generalized abstract meaning in order to convey the main content
of the paragraph (tasks, point of view, conclusions, etc.).
The simplest type of compression is a plan. The plans are question, call and thesis.
Other types of scientific text - abstracts and annotations
Thesis - briefly formulated main provisions of the article, report. They can be primary and
secondary. Primary texts are a summary of the contents of a public speech (for oneself). Secondary
ones are written based on the work of another author (articles, monographs, lectures).
Each thesis is separated by a red line, numbering. Abstracts are in the nature of an affirmative
proposition or inference. Each thesis illuminates the microtheme and, as a rule, is a separate
paragraph. The theses reveal the solution of problems, questions,
Annotation (lat. "Note") - a brief description of the content (description) of the article, book. It
gives a general idea of the article, and does not reveal the essence of the problems raised.
Annotations are informational (a description is given, but there is no rating), recommendatory (a
characteristic and recommendations for practical use are given), group (a characteristic of several
works). In university practice, annotation is used when writing a graduation project.
Abstract (lat. "Prove, report") - a summary of scientific work or several scientific works, i.e. a
message about what information is contained, what is stated. The main requirements for writing
an essay are the objectivity of the presentation and the identification of a new, essential. Such an
essay is called a simple informational.

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