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A Review and Analysis of Selected School Climate


Jacob Olsen, Angela I. Preston, Bob Algozzine, Kate Algozzine & Dale

To cite this article: Jacob Olsen, Angela I. Preston, Bob Algozzine, Kate Algozzine &
Dale Cusumano (2018) A Review and Analysis of Selected School Climate Measures, The
Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 91:2, 47-58, DOI:

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Published online: 21 Dec 2017.

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A Review and Analysis of Selected School Climate Measures

Jacob Olsena , Angela I. Prestonb , Bob Algozzinec , Kate Algozzinec , and Dale Cusumanob
Department of Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling, California State University Long Beach, Long Beach, California, USA; b National
Implementation Research Network, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA;
Department of Educational Leadership, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Although it is widely agreed that there is no universally accepted definition for school climate, most School climate; assessment;
professionals ground it in shared beliefs, values, and attitudes reflecting the quality and character of measures of school climate
life in schools. In this article, we review and analyze measures accessible to school personnel charged
with documenting and monitoring school climate. We document core features of four scientifically
sound and comprehensive measures of school climate. We believe our work serves as a selective con-
sumer’s guide for school personnel engaged in important levels of decision-making related to moni-
toring and improving the quality and character of interactions that represent academic and behavior
standards in schools.

School climate (i.e., the shared beliefs, values, and indicators of school climate (Anderson 1982; Cohen
attitudes reflecting the quality and character of life et al. 2009; Jimerson et al. 2012; Thapa et al. 2013),
in schools) has been a valued and important consid- most professionals ground it in concepts of quality and
eration in education for many years (Freiberg 1999; character of school life. During their time in school,
National School Climate Center 2014; National School teachers, staff, and students form opinions about what
Climate Council 2014; Perry 1908; Thapa et al. 2013; they are experiencing (Center for Social and Emo-
Thapa et al. 2012). Motivated in part by the contin- tional Education and the Education Commission of
uing challenge of creating and maintaining safe and the States, CSEE/ECS n.d.). It is these impressions
healthy schools where effective teaching and learn- that administrators, researchers, and policy makers
ing can take place, the US Department of Education use to define school climate and to operationalize
(2014a) recently issued guidance and recommenda- dimensions and indicators of it that can be measured
tions for improving school climate and following the and documented.
publication of these guidelines, awarded more than 70 Typically based on perceptions and ratings from
million dollars to states and school districts aimed at students, teachers, administrators, staff, and parents,
the development, improvement, and enhancement of school climate has been studied in classrooms (e.g.,
systems and practices that improve school climate and Ellett and Walberg 1979; Moos 1979; Walberg 1969)
student safety (US Department of Education 2014b). as well as more general school contexts (e.g., Ander-
The Supportive School Climate Act of 2015 (S. 811) son 1973; Coughlan 1970; Sinclair 1970). It remains an
changed the school improvement program under Title important educational focus, largely because of doc-
I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of umented relationships with important dimensions of
1965 to require a state that wants to use grant funds to student learning and a general interest in reducing vio-
provide students with positive behavioral interventions lence and promoting “mental health” in schools (Fur-
and support to submit a plan describing steps it will long and Morrison 1994; Larson 1994; Miller 2008;
take to create a positive school climate for all students. Mitchell and Bradshaw 2013; NASP 2015; O’Brennan,
Although it is widely agreed that there is no uni- Bradshaw, and Furlong 2014; Thapa et al. 2012; 2013;
versally accepted definition for or dimensions and Way, Reddy, and Rhodes 2007; Weist et al. 2014).

CONTACT Jacob Olsen Department of Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling, California State University Long Beach,
College of Education,  Bellflower Boulevard, Long Beach, CA -, USA.
©  Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Context and purpose measure, survey, and environment were entered into
the Education Resource Information Center (ERIC)
“There is not a national or international consensus
and Education Research Complete databases simulta-
about how to define school climate, a positive and sus-
neously. We also completed a search in the Health and
tained school climate, or the school climate process and
Psychosocial Instruments database using the terms
the dimensions that need to be regularly measured in
school climate in an attempt to find reviewable copies
school climate research and improvement efforts;” and,
of school climate measures.
professionals generally agree that “ … that there are
Our search procedure culminated in a comprehen-
a number of very meaningful limitations that color
sive list of current school climate research and existing
current school climate research findings, related to
school climate measures; and, to locate actual school
problems with definitions, models, and experimen-
climate measures not found in the library databases,
tal methodologies …” and measurement (Thapa et al.
Internet searches were also conducted. Specific mea-
2013, 370–371, emphasis in original). In the absence of
sures cited in current school climate research reviews,
clear-cut or widely accepted guidance on how to mea-
peer reviewed journal articles, and in the Health and
sure school climate, we were interested in providing a
Psychosocial Instruments database were searched indi-
practical analysis for school personnel by document-
vidually on the Internet. The online searches yielded
ing the characteristics and technical features of selected
links to print and other versions of measures and con-
school climate measures. We believe our findings pro-
tact information for accessing measures on university,
vide an efficient review of key features and a base for
school district, organization, and measure developer
determining the potential usefulness and appropriate-
ness of a measure for a school. Our analysis addressed
two questions:
1. What are characteristics (e.g., who, what, where, Screening and review criteria
when) of measures of school climate?
The first three authors conducted the screening and
2. What are the technical features of these mea-
review process of the school climate measures found
sures of school climate?
in the aforementioned search. Specific inclusion and
exclusion criteria were used to identify appropriate
Method school climate measures including: the definition
of school climate used, availability, scoring services
We focused our review on practical information for offered, scope of respondents, method of assessment,
school personnel interested in documenting the quality and psychometric properties. First, it was necessary for
and character of life in schools. Our search procedure, the school climate definition used in the measure to be
screening and review criteria, and design and data anal- comprehensive and align with the working definition
ysis are described in the following sections. we used for the screening process. School climate
refers to the quality and character of what goes on in
schools. It is based on students’, parents’, and school
Search procedure
personnel’s perceptions of school life and is valued as a
A search was conducted to locate school climate representation of “norms, goals, values, interpersonal
measures recommended for school personnel to use. relationships, teaching and learning practices, and
Reviews of school climate research in peer reviewed organizational structures” (Dary and Pickeral 2013,
journal articles and summary documents developed by 3; National School Climate Council 2014; Safe and
organizations researching school climate (cf. Clifford Supportive Schools, n.d.). This alignment ensures that
et al. 2012; National Center for Safe Supportive Learn- the selected measures assess the overall climate of a
ing Environments 2011; Thapa et al. 2012; 2013) served school as opposed to a more specifically defined con-
as starting points to gain an understanding of existing struct (e.g. bullying or school violence only). Measures
school climate measures. Next, we completed a library that included a comprehensive definition of school
database search to examine existing school climate climate in alignment with our working definition were
measures and research related to their use. To attempt included for our final analysis; whereas measures with
a wide-reaching search, the terms school climate, limited or focused definitions of school climate (e.g.

focused on documenting bullying or school violence Our analysis of school climate measures focuses on
only) were excluded. assessing the perception of students’, parents’, or school
School climate measures were also screened for personnel, who are directly involved in contributing
availability. Measures were defined as available if they to and participating in a school’s climate. Therefore,
were easy to locate via an Internet search and could informant-based measures were included for our
be acquired by school personnel in a timely manner final analysis, while observation-based measures were
directly from a website or by contacting the measure excluded.
developer. Measures that were easily accessible via the Finally, measures were screened and reviewed for
Internet or that could be accessed by contacting the technical adequacy. To ensure that school personnel
measure developer met our criteria for availability and have the information needed to choose a sound school
were therefore included for our final analysis. Measures climate measure, only valid and reliable indices of
that were not available on the Internet or that lacked school climate were included for our final analysis.
developer contact information to access the measure Consistent with other reports and recommended best
were excluded from our final analysis. practice (cf. Hanson and Kim 2007; Nunnally 1978),
Considering the potential time involved in scoring measures with average psychometric characteristics of
school climate measures, the scoring services offered 0.60 or higher were included in the final analysis and
by measure developers were also reviewed. Whether those with average psychometric characteristics of 0.59
or not scoring services were offered and the extent to or lower were excluded from further analysis.
which school personnel have access to measure results
were recorded. Measures that included scoring service
options conducted by measure developers met our cri- Design and data analysis
teria and were therefore included for our final analysis.
Our approach was informed by our interest in docu-
Measures that did not include scoring service options
menting characteristics of measures of school climate
were excluded from our final analysis. Because schools
that are readily available for school use. First, a com-
enroll students according to grade levels, school climate
prehensive search for school climate measures was con-
measures were reviewed to determine the grades for
ducted. Next, each of the saved and recorded school
which they were designed. Measures intended for use
climate measures was initially screened and reviewed
in multiple school settings were included for our final
using the aforementioned criteria to determine which
school climate measures were appropriate for school
School climate measures were also reviewed to
personnel to use. Following the first screening and
determine the scope of intended respondents. School
review, the school climate measures that met our crite-
climate measures designed for completion by students,
ria underwent a final analysis using our screening and
parents, teachers and other education professionals,
review criteria to determine the measures that most
or community members met our inclusion criteria
accurately and completely fit our criteria for school per-
considering the potential need for school personnel
sonnel to use.
to measure a variety of respondents to gather diverse
perspectives about their school’s climate. Measuring
school climate from the perspective of multiple stake-
holders also gives school personnel the opportunity
to identify factors that contribute to effective school- Creating, maintaining, and measuring a safe and
family-community partnerships, and incorporate healthy school climate is a significant challenge faced
school climate data into other needs assessment results by many educators. We were interested in providing a
and program goals (Bryan and Griffin 2010; Bryan and practical analysis and comparison for school personnel
Henry 2012; Goodman-Scott 2014). In addition to the interested in measuring school climate by document-
target population, the method of assessing information ing the characteristics and technical features of selected
was also considered when reviewing targeted school school climate measures. We believe our findings pro-
climate measures. Informant-based measures directly vide an efficient review of key features and a base for
assess the perception of respondents, obtain multiple determining the potential usefulness and appropriate-
perspectives, and are efficient to use in school settings. ness of extant measures for use by schools.

Characteristics of school climate measures Technical adequacy

A foundational characteristic of the selected measures
An extensive search for school climate measures
for this analysis was the extent to which indicators of
yielded a plethora of resources and documents. In
reliability and validity were available. For many mea-
most cases, school climate measures were discussed or
sures, psychometric data were not easily accessible or
mentioned in review documents that illustrated vari-
not published in the documents or resources in which
ous definitions and key aspects of school climate and
the measures were described. In cases where the relia-
listed specific school climate measures. The final anal-
bility and validity of a measure was published or easily
ysis, which included 26 measures purporting to assess
accessible, the technical adequacy of selected measures
school climate, was conducted to establish the specific
varied, but was generally acceptable. Most reported
characteristics of each measure and determine which
internal consistency estimates ranged from the 0.60s to
measures were most adequate for school personnel to
0.90s on a scale between 0 and 1 where higher values
use for school settings.
indicate more consistent measurement of school cli-
mate (Huck 2012).

Purpose of measures
Initially, it appeared that each measure assessed school Technical features of school climate measures
climate similarly; however, with further analysis, it was Based on our analysis, the following four of the 26
evident the authors of each measure defined school cli- school climate measures that we reviewed most accu-
mate differently and therefore, each measure assessed rately and completely fit our criteria for use in schools:
specific and often overlapping constructs that make up (a) Comprehensive School Climate Inventory (National
school climate. Many measures assess student and staff School Climate Center 2002), (b) School Climate Assess-
perception of school safety or student and staff relation- ment Instrument (Alliance for the Study of School
ships, while other measures assess specific constructs Climate 2004), (c) California School Climate, Health,
such as perceptions of bullying and violence or the and Learning Survey (WestEd 2014), and (d) Meriden
experience of specific student populations. Due to the School Climate Survey (Gage, Larson, and Chafouleas
variations of the purpose of each measure, it became 2016).
apparent that measures that assess school climate com- An overview of the technical features of the selected
prehensively would be valuable to school personnel instruments is provided in Table 1. For each measure,
seeking to measure multiple constructs that together we describe its purpose including what it measured,
make up a school’s climate. format of the measure, technical adequacy, availabil-
ity, and other information of relevance to selection and
use including contact information and online access to
What is measured? each instrument. A summary description of each mea-
The measures assessed constructs of school climate sure follows.
from the perspective of many different participants The Comprehensive School Climate Inventory
involved in the school setting including students, (National School Climate Center 2002) was created by
school staff, and family and community members. the National School Climate Center and assesses safety,
More comprehensive measures had different forms for teaching and learning, interpersonal relationships, and
multiple participants while other measures focused on needs of school. Available in four versions for ele-
one participant group such as students or school staff. mentary students, middle and high school students,
Numbers of items within each measure varied consid- parents, and school staff, the CSCI takes approximately
erably. In general, measures for lower grade levels had 20 min and includes 64 items. The CSCI is available
fewer items than measures intended for upper grade in English or Spanish and online or paper versions.
levels. The number of items included on a measure was Technical adequacy of the instrument is high with an
meaningful for this analysis given the time constraints overall reliability of 0.94 for the elementary version and
of students and school personnel during the instruc- 0.95 for the middle and high school version. The CSCI
tional day. is available nationwide with assistance in scoring, data
Table . Technical features of school climate measures.
Instrument Purpose Format Technical adequacy Availability/use/cost Other information

Comprehensive School To assess (a) safety, (b) teaching Available for students Overall reliability . for Available PK- nationwide and For more information: http://www.
Climate Inventory (CSCI) and learning, (c) interpersonal (elementary and middle/high elementary version and . for internationally.
(National School relationships, and (d) needs of school versions), parents, and middle and high school versions. Scoring, data analysis of survey results, csci.php
Climate Center, ) school. school staff. customized report, online links for
From the National School Includes  items, takes each participant (parents, staff,
Climate Center (NSCC) approximately  min to student), and ongoing support
complete. provided.
Available in online or paper Sliding cost scale. Cost based on
versions. number of schools involved, online
Available in English or Spanish. versus paper assessment (paper
additional $. per survey), custom
options, and additional reporting
(aggregate-level, district-level,
executive summaries).
School Climate Assessment To assess (a) appearance and Available for students The subscale reliability coefficients Cost varies depending on number of For more information: http://web.
Instrument (SCAI) physical plant, (b) faculty (elementary and middle/high range from .–.. The overall participants. Single school, range is
(Alliance for the Study relations, (c) student school), parents, and school reliability for the scale is .. $–$, for district $–$. schoolclimate/services/prod
of School Climate, interactions, (d) leadership/ staff. Costs include set up and support, ucts.html
) decision making, (e) discipline Includes – items, takes site license fee, electronic service Contact information: John Shindler,
From the Alliance for the environment, (f) learning approximately  min to fee, data analysis, reports. Additional Professor California State
Study of School environment, (g) attitude and complete. costs for narrative analysis, University Los Angeles, Director,
Climate (ASSC) culture, and (h) school- Available in online or paper recommendations, presentations Alliance for the Study of School
community relations. versions. and professional development. Climate jshindl@calstatela.
Available in English or Spanish. Scoring included with online edu mailto: jshindl@
California School Climate, To assess (a) health risks (e.g., Available in three versions: Secondary level internal Available nationwide. For more information:http://cal
Health, and Learning alcohol, tobacco and other The California Healthy Kids consistency for Environmental Cost varies depending on size of
Survey (CAL-SCHLS) drug use); (b) school violence, Survey (CHKS: elementary resilience assets range from district and survey options. Pricing
(WestEd, ) (c) physical health, (d) version E– items, middle .–., Internal resilience includes a printed report for each
Developed by WestEd for resilience and youth version M–  items, high assets range from .–.. survey, three aggregated reports
the California development, and (e) school version H school– items). Elementary level internal and datasets for analysis, and access
Department of climate. The California School Climate consistency for Environmental to all the materials developed to
Education Survey (CSCS: School resilience assets range from help schools understand and use
Personnel Staff Version – .–., and Internal resilience the data. For more information on
items). assets range from .–.. pricing visit:
The California School Parent
Survey (CSPS: parents version content/uploads/--fee-sche
– items). dule.pdf
Available in online or paper Customizable student and staff
versions. versions.
Available in English or Spanish
(paper parent version
available in  languages).
(Continued on next page)

Table . (Continued).
Instrument Purpose Format Technical adequacy Availability/use/cost Other information

Meriden School Climate To assess (a) adult support at Includes  items, for grades Full scale reliability score .. Standard set up costs range from For more information: http://www.
Survey—student school, (b) school safety, (c) –, takes approximately Subscale reliability ranges from $–$. Set up includes survey
version respect for differences, (d)  min to complete. .– .. branding for districts, user set up, school-climate-tool-facilitates-
adult support at home, (e) Survey taker tracking included and integration of student database. early-intervention-social-
academic support at home, with trigger emails to school emotional-issues-bullying-and
(f) aggression toward others, counselors and school Contact Dr Al Larson
and (g) peer support psychologists for answers al.larson@meridenk.org for
indicating danger. more information regarding the
Available in online or paper MSCS.
versions. Only the online Interested LEAs contact Lori O’Brien
version includes survey taker
tracking. -- x for further
Completed during fall information.
(September – October )
and spring (April – June )
of each school year.
Written at . grade level.
Available in English, Spanish,
and Arabic.

analysis, customized reports, and ongoing support. from .73–.85. Elementary level internal consistency for
Pricing is based on district size, use of online or paper Environmental Resilience Assets ranged from 0.34-0.71,
versions, custom options, and additional reports. and Internal Resilience Assets ranged from 0.36-0.63
The School Climate Assessment Instrument (Alliance (Hanson and Kim 2007). Elementary level internal
for the Study of School Climate 2004) was available consistency is low for two subscales (i.e., meaningful
from the Alliance for the Study of School Climate. The participation, goals/aspirations) and those subscales
SCAI measures eight constructs including: (a) appear- are not recommended for research purposes or pre-
ance and physical plant, (b) faculty relations, (c) stu- cise measurement in school evaluations. In another
dent interactions, (d) leadership/decision-making, (e) evaluation of technical adequacy at the middle school
discipline environment, (f) learning environment, (g) level the internal reliability consistency ranged from
attitude and culture, and (h) school-community rela- 0.68–0.88 (Hanson and Voight 2014). Secondary level
tions. Available in four versions for elementary stu- internal consistency was acceptable for all subscales
dents, middle and high school students, parents, and in both evaluations and therefore CAL-SCHLS was
school staff, the SCAI includes 30 to 79 items and included in our review. The CAL-SCHLS is available
takes approximately 20 min to complete. The SCAI nationwide with pricing options for scoring based
is available in English or Spanish and in online or on district size and location (i.e., within California,
paper versions. The overall reliability is high at 0.97 outside California), and include printed reports, aggre-
and the subscale coefficients include a range of 0.73– gated reports and datasets for analysis, and materials
0.96. The SCAI is available nationwide and initial pric- to assist schools in understanding and using the data.
ing includes set-up, support, license and service fees, The Meriden School Climate Survey (MSCS) was
scoring for online administration, data analysis, and developed by Dr Al Larson, a research and evaluation
reports. Pricing is based on school or district size and specialist for the Meriden School District. One dis-
inclusion of additional options (e.g., narrative analy- tinction between the MSCS and other school climate
sis, recommendations, presentations and professional surveys are the initial goals in creating the survey were
development). to not only create a survey to identify students with low
The California School Climate, Health, and Learning perceptions of school climate, but to primarily provide
Survey (CAL-SCHLS) (WestEd 2014) was developed identified students with skills to develop pro-social
by WestEd for the California Department of Education. attitudes and healthy coping skills. The 47-item student
The CAL-SCHLS consists of three surveys developed version for grades three to 12 of the MSCS evaluates
for students, school staff, and parents. The student sur- (a) adult support at school, (b) school safety, (c) respect
vey, The California Healthy Kids Survey, consists of 65 for differences, (d) adult support at home, (e) academic
items for fourth and fifth grades, 100 items for middle support at home, (f) aggression toward others, and (g)
school, and 112 items for high school students. The peer support. A unique feature of the student survey
California School Climate Survey includes 79 items for is that it includes a confidential agreement in lieu of
school staff, while The California School Parent Survey anonymous responses. Students are notified that all
consists of 39 items. The CAL-SCHLS assesses health answers are confidential unless someone is in danger
risks, school violence, physical health, resilience and or will be hurt. For responses that are dangerous (e.g.,
youth development, and school climate. Each survey is responds to “feeling bullied” or “how often you get hit
available through an online database or paper versions, or threatened” as very often or always, reports a situ-
as well as English or Spanish versions. The parent ation where someone will get hurt) a trigger email is
survey is available in 25 different languages. Another sent to designated school personnel (e.g., school coun-
unique feature of the CAL-SCHLS is that student and selor, school psychologist, and/or administrator) to
staff versions are customizable to meet each school’s alert them to the issue. The school personnel are then
specific needs with core modules and supplemental able to address the situation in a timely manner. MSCS
modules. The surveys are recommended for use every is conducted in the fall and spring of each year, is avail-
one or two years. An evaluation of technical adequacy able in English, Spanish, and Arabic, and also includes
of the instrument reported secondary level internal parent and staff versions. Gage et al. (2016) conducted
consistency for Environmental Resilience Assets ranging technical adequacy evaluations on the student version.
from 0.74 to 0.90, and Internal Resilience Assets ranging Analyses of the results indicated reliability within the

acceptable range with a full-scale reliability score of Cost of the SCAI varies depending on the size of the
0.91 and subscale reliability scores ranging from 0.69– school or district (e.g., $300–$1000 per school, $900–
0.90. Statistical significance was found for test-retest $2,500 per district) and includes a site license, scor-
correlational coefficients (P < 0.000), but correlational ing with online administration, and electronic service
coefficients were small to moderate, indicating a need fee. Services also include set up and support, and data
for more research. Pricing for standard set up costs analysis. Additional services can be added for narrative
range from $2500–$5000 and includes survey branding analysis, recommendations, presentations and profes-
for districts, student user set up, staff user set up with sional development.
access to data and trigger emails, integration of student The CAL-SCHLS also uses a sliding scale for pric-
database, scoring, and reports. ing based on the size of the district and survey options.
After comparing and contrasting these instruments, Services include access to all the materials developed to
it was found that all four measures assess interpersonal help schools understand how to use the data, a printed
relationships and safety/environment of the school. report for each survey, and three aggregated reports
Additionally, the CAL-SCHLS assesses health risks, and datasets for analysis. An extra CAL-SCHLS feature
physical health, and resilience and youth development. is the ability to customize student and staff surveys.
The CSCI also includes an assessment of teaching and The MSCS includes a one-time set-up fee of $2500–
learning, and the needs of the school, while the SCAI $5000. Services include survey branding for the dis-
includes assessments of appearance and physical plant, trict, setting up user accounts for students and staff,
leadership and decision-making, discipline and learn- setting up survey taker tracking and trigger emails for
ing environments, attitude and culture, and school– staff accounts (e.g., school counselors, school psycholo-
community relations. The MSCS also includes assess- gists, administrators), integrating student data systems,
ments on support at home and academic support at and generating automated reports based on online
home. The four instruments are available in online scoring.
or paper formats for students, staff, and parents. The
MSCS is the shortest survey with 47 items and takes
approximately 15 min to complete. The CSCI and SCAI
are similar in size (64 items and 30 to 79 items respec- Research and professional beliefs have promoted the
tively) and take approximately 20 min to complete. The usefulness of school climate as a feature of safe and
CAL-SCHLS format vary in size with 65 items for ele- effective schools: “Research shows that a positive
mentary students, 100 items for middle school, 112 school climate directly impacts telling indicators for
items for high school, 79 items for staff, and 30 items success such as higher student achievement, lower
for parents. All three instruments include an English dropout rates, decreased incidences of violence, and
and Spanish version of the survey, but the CAL-SCHLS increased teacher retention” (National School Climate
provides a paper version of the parent survey in 25 dif- Center 2014). The belief that “no student or adult
ferent languages, while the MSCS was also translated should feel unsafe or unable to focus in school” and
into Arabic. Technical adequacy was high for reliability the high costs associated with “exclusionary discipline
on the CSCI and SCAI (i.e., range of 0.94–0.97) as well practices, which disproportionately impact students
as the CAL-SCHLS (i.e., range of 0.60–0.90 for scores of color and students with disabilities” are among
on 15 of 17 assessment scales) and MSCS (i.e., range of reasons for continuing and renewed interest in school
0.69–0.91). personnel taking “ … deliberate steps to create the pos-
Cost and availability of resources differ across all itive school climates that can help prevent and change
four measures. The CSCI includes a sliding cost scale inappropriate behaviors” (Duncan 2014, i–ii). In this
based on the number of schools involved, custom scor- context, school personnel, and those they collaborate
ing options, additional reporting (e.g., aggregate-level, with to ensure students’ academic, personal/social, and
district level, executive summaries), and online versus career success, need to understand what school climate
paper format (paper costs $1.75 more per survey). The is and how to measure it; they also need a systematic
cost also covers other services including data analysis plan for monitoring and using indicators in much the
of survey results; customized reports; online links for same way as academic and social markers for students
parents, students, and staff; and ongoing support. are valued and used.

In a recent article, Thapa et al. (2013) reported the technical adequacy needed for reasoned imple-
the results of an integrated review of school cli- mentation of change. Considering the continuing
mate research. Consistent with Anderson’s (1982) and call for using data to measure the impact educational
Freiberg’s (1999) earlier work, they concluded that interventions and programs have on student outcomes,
defining school climate has been complicated and information about school climate can be used as one
remains unresolved and that the measurement of form of assessment to determine program imple-
school climate “ … initially be conducted with the mentation effectiveness (Bryan and Henry 2012). As
use of reliable and valid surveys and observational indicated by the US Department of Education (2014a),
measures that assess how students, parents/guardians, schools must purposefully attempt to create positive
school personnel, and community members perceive school environments by providing opportunities for
school life …” (371). Focused more on “ … how school feedback from students, staff, parents, and other key
climate research can contribute to the development of stakeholders. These federal guidelines promote assess-
smarter policies,” they did not offer or provide guid- ing school climate; therefore it is prudent that school
ance for school personnel needing information about personnel and the professionals they collaborate with
measures for assessing school climate effectively and have efficient access to fundamental knowledge about
efficiently. This information is also not available in school climate and technically adequate measures
the compendium of school climate surveys, assess- of it.
ments, and scales maintained by The National Center School personnel interested in and/or charged with
on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE documenting school climate may find the following
2011, 2015). questions useful when searching for an appropriate
In preparing for our research, we documented core measure and evaluating its potential usefulness:
features of accepted definitions of school climate; 1. What aspects of school climate are we inter-
we reviewed the evidence supporting relationships ested in and what is the best indicator of those
between school climate and important outcomes of aspects?
particular interest to school personnel, and we sum- 2. Whose perspective do we want to assess (e.g.,
marized how information about school climate is students, school staff, parents, community) and
typically collected. In conducting our research, we who will collect, analyze, and summarize the
documented and reported key characteristics (e.g., data?
psychometric features, costs, availability) of selected 3. What usability characteristics (e.g., time to
school climate measures. We reasoned that our work administer, frequency of use, format of assess-
provided answers to key questions facing school per- ment, language needs, technical adequacy) of a
sonnel charged with measuring school climate that school climate measure are most important to
have not been addressed in previous research. We also document?
reasoned that our study had implications that provide 4. What resources will we need to administer the
a starting point for the improvement of both practice school climate measures (e.g., amount of fund-
and research. ing, support provided by authors, administra-
tion, scoring, and reporting considerations)?
5. How will the results be used to positively impact
Implications for practice and future research
the school and who will be responsible for mak-
Our review produced a practical resource for school ing this happen?
personnel to use when determining an appropri- In the era of evidence-based decision-making and
ate school climate measure for their setting. Due to practice, rather than arbitrarily choosing a school cli-
the vast amount of literature and measures available mate measure from the Internet or continuing to
through library database and Internet searches, it is administer a measure simply because it has been used
highly unlikely that staff laboring daily in schools have in the past, school personnel may use these guiding
the time or resources to conduct such a thorough questions to consider both the adequacy of a school
search and analysis. Without the time and resources, climate measure as well as the logistical considerations
school personnel may otherwise rely on ill-defined involved in administering and interpreting the results.
constructs and limited measures or measures that lack Engaging in this process should help school personnel

identify a school climate measure that best suits their the Delaware School Climate Survey (DSCS) (Delaware
needs. Department of Education 2013) was developed by staff
School personnel interested in or charged with from the Delaware Positive Behavior Support Project
taking action to improve school climate would ben- and faculty partners from the University of Delaware
efit from following three guidelines: (a) focus on College of Education (
prevention by building positive school climates, (b) pbs/school-climate/de-school-climate-survey/) and is
create clear expectations and ensure that consequences offered to schools statewide. The DSCS is currently
for all problem behaviors are systematized, and (c) unavailable to schools outside Delaware, limiting the
implement guidelines fairly and equally among all availability of this measure to other states.
students (US Department of Education 2014a). More Similarly, the Georgia Department of Education
specifically, school personnel and partnering profes- (GaDOE) collects and analyses school climate data
sionals are encouraged to evaluate school climate, use through its annual statewide administration of the
evidence-based prevention practices for addressing Georgia Student Health Survey II (GSHS II) (Geor-
behavior, involve a multi-tiered level of supports, gia Department of Education 2014), which includes
set goals, and monitor progress (US Department of items related to school climate and safety, graduation,
Education 2014a). For more information on each school dropouts, alcohol and drug use, bullying and
guiding principle and other strategies for improv- harassment, suicide, nutrition, sedentary behaviors,
ing school climate, visit and teen driving laws. The survey is offered at no
gen/guid/school-discipline/guiding-principles.pdf. cost and provides Georgia public school districts
School personnel would also benefit from the con- (and private schools that wish to participate) with
tinued development of comprehensive school climate a measurement system to satisfy all requirements
measures that are easily accessible and technically of No Child Left Behind (NCLB). While the survey
sound. Our analysis resulted in four measures that met questions are available online (
the proposed criteria. Additional measures that are Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Curriculum
equally strong would provide further options for school -and-Instruction/GSHS-II/Pages/Georgia-Student-
personnel. Future research should focus on explor- Health-Survey-II.aspx), the GaDOE does not admin-
ing how school personnel measure school climate ister the survey for schools outside of Georgia and
and, importantly, how school personnel use survey requests notification before using it.
results to improve school climate. By understanding The California School Climate and Safety Sur-
the process school personnel use to assess school cli- vey (CSCSS) (Furlong and Morrison 2006) is a
mate, researchers may gain insight into the supports researched and reliable measure of school climate.
school personnel need to select a measure, interpret Originally developed by the California State Depart-
measure results, and make adjustments to relevant ment of Education in 1989 as a needs assessment, the
practices that play a critical role in the climate of the CSCSS evolved to include short-form and progress-
setting. Future research may also focus on recurring monitoring assessments based on the work of Michael
measurement of school climate that can monitor the Furlong and colleagues. The CSCSS measures con-
effects of practices put in place to address dimensions structs including: (a) school environment, (b) student–
of school climate in need of improvement. Identifying teacher relationships, (c) student-student relationships,
how measures are used and what school personnel (d) crime/safety, and (e) general student background.
are doing to improve school climate over time can CSCSS short form internal consistency reliability esti-
benefit all school personnel engaged in this important mates range from 0.79–0.87 for danger, 0.77–0.84 for
work. safety, 0.78–0.89 for climate, and 0.65–0.84 for victim-
ization. Currently, the CSCSS is not easily available
for schools and no information was obtained about
costs for this measure. Sample forms are available
We acknowledge that there are other local and state- online (
mandated measures available for monitoring safety and forms/), but schools are required to score and analyze
school health issues that did not meet all our inclusion their own results.
criteria for review, but may be used for local purposes While we carefully reviewed and summarized what
in states and schools across the country. For example, has been written about school climate, we accept the

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