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You should see a completed F harmonic minor scale on the treble staff and the first eight pitches

only on the viola staff, followed by

three empty bars:

F Harmonic Minor
              
       
        
F Harmonic Minor
       

Now, do the same for the Eb major scale, but this time hide the entire treble staff:
1 Once you’ve laid out the incomplete viola version of the Eb major scale following the same steps as above,
select the four bars of the treble staff version of the same scale.
2 Press Delete to remove all the notes.
3 Choose Layout > Hiding Staves > Hide Empty Staves.

Press Command+Option+Shift+H (Mac) or Control+Alt+Shift+H (Windows) to hide empty staves.

The treble staff part disappears, leaving only the viola staff behind:

Eb Major
     
   

In this way, you can provide hints to help complete the unfinished scales or simply remove the pitches for a student to write out them-

Using the layout skills you have just learned, change some more of the scales into exercises:
1 Delete the E major descending scales on both staves and hide the rests.
2 Delete the middle two bars of the F major scale on the viola staff, hide the bar rests, remove the scale from the treble staff, and hide
the treble staff completely.
3 Add a page break between the E major and F major scales by selecting the double barline and choosing Layout > Breaks > Page
Break (you can remove a page break by choosing Layout > Breaks > Page Break again).

4 Add another page break between the G# major and A major scales.
5 Delete the F# major, G major, and G# major scales from the treble staff and hide the bar rests.
6 Delete the A major, Bb major, and B major scales from the viola staff and hide the bar rests.

Dragging and Indenting Staves

The worksheet doesn’t yet have any questions on it, so add some tasks for completion. First, however, move the systems apart or indent
them to make space to fit the text in between.

Use the C major and C# major scales as examples. Indent the systems to place some text to the left of them:
1 Select View > Invisibles > Handles—this shows small rectangles on objects (like staves, barlines, note stems, and so on) to indicate
that you can drag them to change their position.
2 Click on the rectangle at the start of the first bar of the treble staff.


Layout and Formatting (Sibelius | Ultimate Software Only)

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