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In terms of what is meant by SMART targets is as targets are a very important aspect of life

and provides a sense of direction. From a personal point of view SMART targets is what
motivates you and gives a clear focus and clear importance of what you need to do. SMART
stands for Specific,Measurable,Achievable,Realistic,and Timely and this will help me focus
my goals and increase the chances of me achieving the goals.


Specific:​ it has to be well defined clear and expressed

Measurable: ​there has to be specific criteria that measure the progress I am looking to
make and towards the goal that has to be accomplished.

Achievable: ​it can be achieved but then again it should not be impossible to achieve.

Realistic: ​it can be reached it is obviously realistic but it has to be important in regards to
what I want to achieve in life.

Timely: ​with a clear timeline that has been defined, including a start date and a target date.
The whole purpose is to make you desperate to get that goal achieved.


I have got to be aware that the more specific tasks are the more likely they will actually be
achieved. The key points that have to be remembered is who will be involved in the
goal,what has to be done for the goal to be achieved,and why do I want to achieve this goal.


Any SMART goal has to have a criteria that has to be measured if there is no criteria for than
as a result the progress which is made will not be able to be determined. One key thing to
remember for measurable is what is an indicator of the progress.


The SMART goal must be achievable this will help me figure ways how exactly what I need
to do to achieve it. The achievability of the goal must be stretched so that you feel
challenged and determined to actually achieve it.

The SMART goal must be realistic so that goal can actually be achieved given the available
resources and time. A SMART goal can actually be considered realistic if you from a
personal point of view feel it can be accomplished.


A SMART goal must be time bound in that it has a start and finish date. If the goal is not time
constrained this will mean as a result there is no sense of urgency and motivation to get this
done. The biggest question is “is there a deadline?”.


As an individual myself I will not set myself for failure by setting general and unrealistic goals
which does not provide me a sense of direction. The SMART method will push me further it
will help me organize and reach my goals.

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