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Yosia Puri Saputro

English Department, Languages and Arts Faculty,

Semarang State University

Sekaran, Gunugpati, Semarang, 50229

Email :

Advisor : Maria Johana Ari Widayanti, S.S., M.Si. and Bambang Purwanto, S.S., M.Hum.


In this study, the writer emphasized the psychological development of the main character reflected in the story.
Then the main character must convince the other, there is a better place outside the Glade. Therefore, this study
aims to analyze how the process of psychological developments of being a leader through frustration and to
analyze how the main character shows an ability to lead. This is a qualitative study using psychoanalysis approach
by Sigmund Freud. The writer collected the data relating to the psychological development from frustration to
being a leader by using The Maze Runner novel. The secondary data were taken from some sources, such as books,
dictionary, encyclopedia, and also articles related to this research. Meanwhile the procedures for collecting data
were done by reading, identifying, inventorying, classifying, selecting and reporting. In conducting the study,
Freud’s psychoanalysis including id, ego, and superego are employed to reveal the main character frustration and
shows the leadership ability in The Maze Runner. The findings of the analysis showed that: first, the causes of
frustration are anxiety, hatred, and fear. It had been found that frustration was the results of the superego pressure
that can’t be controlled by the ego. The frustration can be dangerous if the person who frustrates doesn’t fight
against the pressure he got. Second, there are seven leading ability which found in the novel such as having a
purpose, curiosity, fair, giving the suggestion, appreciates, and source of inspiration. Thomas is able to control
the pressure from superego and his desire from id. He can make a good decision for his ego whether following
his id or obey the superego. Then, he doesn’t only focus on his frustration, but he can develop from frustration to
be a good leader.

KEYWORDS: Psychoanalysis, Psychological Development, Leader, Frustration, Adolescent



Pada skripsi ini, penulis menekankan perkembangan psikologi pada tokoh utama cerita. Tokoh utama harus
meyakinkan kepada para penghuni Glader bahwa ada tempat yang lebih baik di luar Glade. Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk menganalisis bagaimana perkembangan psikologi dari frustrasi menjadi seorang pemimpin dan bagaimana
tokoh utama memperlihatkan kemampuan untuk memimpin. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang
menggunakan pendekatan psikoanalisis oleh Sigmund Freud. Penulis mengambil data yang berhubungan dengan
perkembangan psikologi dari frustrasi menjadi seorang pemimpin dengan menggunakan novel The Maze Runner.
Data sekunder diambil dari beberapa sumber seperti buku, kamus, ensiklopedia dan juga artikel-artikel yang
berhubungan dengan penelitian ini. . Sementara itu, prosedur pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara membaca,
mengidentifikasi, menginventarisir, mengklasifikasi, memilih dan melaporkan. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini,
psikoanalisis Freud termasuk id, ego, dan superego untuk mengungkapkan frustrasi dari tokoh utama dan
menunjukkan kemampuan untuk memimpin dalam The Maze Runner. Lalu, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa:
pertama, penyebab dari frustrasi adalah kegelisahan, kebencian dan ketakutan. Telah ditemukan bahwa frustrasi
merupakan hasil dari tekanan superego yang tidak dapat terkontrol oleh ego. Frustrasi dapat menjadu sesuatu yang
berbahaya jika sesorang yang frustrasi tidak berjuang untuk melawan tekanan yang didapat. Kedua, ada tujuh
kemampuan untuk memimpin yang ditemukan dalam novel seperti memiliki tujuan, keingintahuan, keadilan,
pemberian saran, penghargaan, dan menjadi sumber inspirasi. Thomas mampu mengontrol tekanan dari superego
dan hasrat dari idnya. Dia dapat membuat keputusan yang baik bagi egonya, baik itu mengikuti id atau mengikuti

KATA KUNCI: Psikoanalisa, Perkembangan Psikologi, Pemimpin, Frustrasi, Remaja

INTRODUCTION unfulfilled desires. Frustration could be interpreted

as a disappointment. Frustration happen when the
Literature refers to written expression, with the
pleasure principle or we called it as id cannot be
restriction that not every written document can be
fulfilled completely for many times. Nowadays,
categorized as literature in the more exact sense of
there are so many teenagers falls on frustration. It
the word (Klarer, 1998). Literature is a piece of
really dangerous for them if they don’t fight against
writing that explains the thoughts, feelings, and style
of the author in the reality of social life as a
reflection of the phenomena that occur around them. Then, leadership is needed for them who falls on
Furthermore, Rene Wellek and Austin Warren frustration. Leadership is not power over others.
(1973: 94) say that literature is a picture of life and Leadership is about empowering others through
life is a social life. service. Leadership is defined as the ability of a
person to be able to influence others, through
Frustration is a state in the individual caused by not
communication either directly or indirectly with the
achieving satisfaction or a goal due to obstacles or
intention to move those people to be understanding,
obstacles in the effort to achieve satisfaction or goal.
conscientious and willing to follow the will of the
So frustration is one's inner state, an imbalance in
leader (Anoraga, 2003). The main essence of
the soul, a feeling of dissatisfaction because of

leadership is the way to influence others to be personality and the characteristics of a person. If
effective, of course, each person can be different in adolescence has been a series of positive changes to
doing this. Leadership is an art because the approach oneself, it will be good for him. If we do not pay
of everyone in leading people can be different attention to the changes of the hormones, physique,
depending on the characteristics of the leader, the psychology, and sociality, it can cause some
characteristics of the task and the characteristics of disorder or illness (Batubara, 2010). The
the person he leads. psychological needs of adolescence are unique
compared to the other stages of life; the needs to
As stated by Feldman (2009) in Essentials of
know oneself, to feel considered as a unique person,
Understanding Psychology, psychology has many
for personal integrity, to be accepted by society, to
subfields such as behavioural genetics which studies
be independent, etc.
the inheritance of traits related to behavior; clinical
psychology which deals with study, diagnosis, and There is a strong correlation between literature and
treatment of psychological disorders; cognitive psychology. Both of them deal with human beings
psychology which focuses on the study of higher and their reactions, perceptions, desires, fears,
mental process; and many more. Developmental conflicts and many others. So, we can study about
psychology is one of the subfields of psychology. psychology from literature. Psychoanalytical
Developmental psychology studies how people criticism deals with the characters, who serve as the
grow and change from the moment of conception symbols of the world and existence; to be presented
through death (Feldman, 2009).The developmental as exemplary figures to expose the meaning of life
psychology becomes an important aspect of a human (Aras, 2015). I will examine the character from the
being. When one develops the psychological aspect novel “The Maze Runner” written by James
of an individual, it will influence their character and Dashner. How the psychological development of the
surroundings. In psychology, there are two kinds of main character who falls on frustration. Then he can
changes, they are growth and development. Human rise up and to be the leader.
life isn't static, it is dynamic and through evolution;
even regressive evolution or progressive evolution
(Prasetyaningrum, 2009). There are two types of I applied the qualitative research since the data is

transfomation, progressive and regressive evolution. collected in the form of words rather than numbers.

Progressive evolution is the changes from badness Strauss and, Corbin in Praditya (2012) stated that a

to goodness, and regressive evolution is the changes researcher who studies about social, behavior, or any

from goodness into badness. fields, which concern about human behavior and
role in society, can use qualitative research. In the
Adolescence period has an important element.
other words, qualitative research can answer all
Adolescence is a transition period from childhood to
human problems, including language and literary
adulthood. During this period there will be some
changes, such as hormonal, physical, psychological,
and social. Those changes occur rapidly and The Data collection was done through library

unconsciously. In this way, with many changes research. In collecting data, I used two types of data,

occuring, adolescence is a very important period of namely primary data and secondary data. According

the human. Adolescence determines the future to Hox and Boeije (2005) stated that primary data

are data which are collected for the specific research Creators are a group of agents who were the
problem directly through the procedures appropriate members of the organization WICKED (World In
to the research problem. I used some citations from Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department).
The Maze Runner novel by James Dashner as the They created the trials in order to stimulate certain
primary data in this research. The secondary data patterns in the Killzones of two groups of subjects.
were taken from some sources, such as books, One of the trials is The Glade, where the Maze
dictionary, encyclopaedia, and also articles related Runner takes place. The Creators would use the
to this research. The secondary data included some results of the experiments to work out what made
theories and statements dealing with the psychology their brains immune to the Flare, and use this
of literary theory, especially psychoanalysis, and knowledge to create a cure. Earth has been
identity. destructed by sun flares, entire continents
transformed into a desert wasteland, cities destroyed
There were some procedures I did to collect the data
and freshwater scarce. Furthermore, the population
in this research. I first read the novel. The second
has been destroyed by a new and deadly disease: the
was identifying. The third was inventorying. After
Flare. The Flare infects the brain, slowly consuming
inventorying the data, I classified Inventoried data
the mind. The first series of the Trilogy tells about
into some criteria based on the case analysed in order
how the member of Glade strive to move out from
to make it easy to analyse. I separated data from non-
Glade, solve the maze and all of the problems within.
data. Then, the next step was selecting. In this step,
all the data is relevant. But I chose the data which is The Gladers were imprisoned inside The Glade by
much relevant than others in order to make it simpler The Creators. They were sent into the Glade by a
and easier. The last was reporting. When all of the dark elevator one by one every month. The
steps had been finished, the data would be reported memories of every Gladers who sent into The Glade
in appendices in order to help the readers while they had been deleted by The Creators. They don’t have
read all of data. any memories despite their own name. Everyone
who lives in The Glade called as Gladers. At the first
In analyzing all the data about the struggle of the
time, The Gladers sent into the Glade, they always
main character to find her identity to create the peace
feel frustrated. They don’t know each other, lives in
as reflected in James Dashner’s The Maze Runner, I
a land bordered by a high wall and maze, they lost
used Sigmund Freud’s pyschoanalysis approach. I
their memories, and they can’t find their parents.
used the theory of personality (Id, ego, and
They just teenagers but they have to struggle to
superego) in order to answer the leader
fulfill their needs without any guidance from the
psychological development through frustration of
adult. The Glader survive on what the Creators had
the main character.
sent through the elevator. They must manage all the
FINDING AND DISCUSSION goods so they are able to survive. They also tried to

The Main Character Frustration escape from the Glade by runs over the labyrinth
behind the great wall surrounding them. Everyone is
The Maze Runner is a trilogy novel, and this novel
really frustrated with the condition they have,
is the first series. It tells about a group of scientists
Thomas too. Now, the writer will analyze what are
which called The Creator who was making an
the causes of his frustration.
experiment while the chaotic of the world. The

Anxiety objects that one hates. Thomas feels anxiety with his

Any situation that threatens the organism can be situation, moreover, he also possessed by hatred.

considered anxiety. Freud believes that anxiety is a The hatred causes him to be put on frustration. He

result of the unconscious’ or the Id’s conflict with feels jealous, envy, and angry with the other Glader,

Ego or Superego. (Minderop, 2011) The various with the condition, with The Creator who put them

conflicts and frustrations that prevent individuals in the Glade, and many more. Hatred happens when

from developing and achieving their goals is one the ones longing isn’t fulfilled by the environment.

form of anxiety. Anxiety becomes one of the factors Thomas arrives in the new place with so many things

that hinder Thomas from development and causes that he can’t understand. A labeling to himself by the

frustration. The conflicts between his Id with Ego other Glader, their attitude and behavior aren’t as

and Superego really happen during his good as Thomas thoughts. Furthermore, Thomas

psychological development. There are the events doesn’t understand the reason for why he was placed

that show Thomas’ anxiety. on Glade, makes him really hates the Glade, the
Gladers, The Creator, everything about his
And yet he didn’t know where he came from,
or how he’d gotten inside the dark lift, or
who his parents were. He didn’t even know He groaned in frustration; his echo

his last name. (Dashner, 2009:2) amplified through the air, like the haunted
moan of death. It faded, and silence
Thomas becomes anxious because he cannot
returned. He screamed, called for help,
remember anything. The frustration came after his
pounded on the walls with his fists. Nothing.
effort to solve the problem going without result. The
Thomas backed into the corner once again,
anxiety that possessed Thomas comes from the
folded his arms and shivered, and the fear
pressure of Superego through The Creators who had
returned. He felt a worrying shudder in his
been delete from his memories. He lives in a new
chest, as if his heart wanted to escape, to flee
environment, new friends, and he doesn’t remember
his body. “Someone … help … me!” he
anything. The anxiety comes because of Thomas
screamed; each word ripped his throat raw.
really anxious about his life, what will happen with
(Dashner, 209:2)
his life. The Superego pressed him to be frustrated.
He woke up at an elevator which is dark and small. This passage shows how Thomas doesn’t have a

The Id is Thomas desire to remember all of his character of a leader yet. He woke up in a dark

memories. The Ego when he decides to be anxiety elevator. He was on the way to Glade, but he doesn’t

and defeated by Superego because he falls on know, where he went. Almost an hour he was there,

frustration when he can remember anything. and the elevator still moving. He doesn’t remember
anything excepts his name. He was struggling to
save his own life, by groaning, screaming, asking for
Hatred is the general emotion of each individual. help, but isn’t enough to save him, the elevator still
Hatred is closely related to feelings of anger, moving. After he tries some ways to save his life, he
jealousy, and envy (Minderop, 2011). It can be falls on frustration, he gave up, he worried and just
caused by various things. It could be because of sat on the corner of the elevator. He hates with his
previous bad experiences with people, groups or condition when he can do anything, when he doesn’t

know where he would go. He screamed, pounded on Once, Alby, one of the Leaders, invite Thomas to go
the walls with his fists, it shows his hatred while on around the Glade. He explained all about the 4
the elevator. From the description above, the writer sections of Glade. Then, Alby explains about the
found that the Superego is “He looked in every outside of Glade, he explained about Maze and the
direction but saw only darkness; he felt along the Grievers, a strange creature that comes up at night
walls again, searching for a way out. But there was and going around the Maze and will sting everyone
nothing, only the cool metal.” an elevator which near it. Alby tells that the job of Glader is simple, try
prisoned Thomas. Thomas wants to be free is the Id. and avoid to be killed and survive. Hearing his
He was groaning, screaming, asking for help. statements, Thomas face unconsciously becomes
Thomas only screams and groans, he doesn’t do whiten. It shows his fear when he knows about the
more than those, it doesn’t enough to rescued fact he faces. He can be killed, the Glade isn’t safe,
Thomas from an elevator. Then, he hates with his Glade isn’t home for them. From the description
condition, he just sat on the corner of the elevator, above, the writer found that the Superego is “Just try
gave up, worried, and hated, those are Thomas’ Ego. and avoid being killed, survive, whatever.” a threat
He falls on frustration “Thomas backed into the from Maze, and threats to be killed by Griever. The
corner once again, folded his arms and shivered, Glade condition is not as good as he wishes. He had
and the fear returned. He felt a worrying shudder in been imprisoned on the elevator, he wishes he could
his chest, as if his heart wanted to escape, to flee his arrive in the better place, this is Thomas’ Id. The Ego
body.” of Thomas shows fear, “He paused, and Thomas
realized his face must’ve whitened even more when
he heard that last part.” he couldn’t suppress the
Fear of the unknown defined as an individual’s
Superego, but he defeated by the Superego. Because
propensity to experience fear caused by the
of his fear, Thomas becomes frustrates.
perceived absence of information at any level of
consciousness or point of processing (Carleton, Leadership Ability which is Shown by The Main
2016). Fear is a vital response to physical and
emotional danger. If we didn't feel it, we couldn't At the beginning of the story, it had been told that

protect ourselves from threats. Often we fear Thomas always defeated by the Superego although

situations that are far from life-or-death and thus his Id told him the truth what he has to do, he refused

hang back for no good reason. Traumas or bad to do it. After going through the frustration, his

experiences can trigger a fear response within us that leadership ability was grown gradually. He could

is hard to extinguish. The experience of fear and manage his Id and control the Superego to make a

stress leaves an indelible trace on the brain. Thomas good decision. Thomas had been going through

is really fear when he arrived in Glade. His fear upon frustration while his first time he came to Glade.

the future, upon the sickness, the Grievers and many Now, after a week he’s been there, he could well

more. adapted to the surroundings. He starts to controling

his Id and the Superego.
He paused, and Thomas realized his face
must’ve whitened even more when he heard Having a Purpose

that last part. (Dashner, 2009:9)


Therefore, in order for every organization to be Curiosity

effective in the sense of being able to achieve the
Curiosity started with the appearing of many
goals set, every goal needs to be adjusted to the state
questions in Thomas’ head. Curiosity can be
of the organization and enable the subordinates to
mentioned as a critical thinking. Based on the
work together (Wahjosumidjo, 1991). A true leader
Oxford Dictionary, curiosity is “A strong desire to
must be has a purpose for everything he does. The
know or learn something.” It is needed for the ones
purpose leads him to achieve his goal and give him
who want to be a leader. Without curiosity, few
a creativity to formulizing every plan in order to
problems faced can be solved perfectly
reach his goal in daily life. When Thomas has a
(Wahjosumidjo, 1991). Curiosity allows us to look
purpose in life, that’s when conscious living begins.
at the other possibilities. It keeps us moving forward,
Thomas comes to the Glade carrying his own
even sometimes causing us to go back around and
purpose, to bring the Glader move out from the
re-examine the options. It prevents us from
Glade and solve the problem. Therefore, in
becoming rigid and task-oriented. It allows us to see
everything he does it must be lead him to bring the
the new point of view in every situation.
Glader escape from Glade. The ability to pursue his
life purpose fills him up with so much energy and “Are they changed because they want to go
passion that he’s excited every day. back to their old life, or is it because they’re
so depressed at realizing their old life was
His desire to become a Runner had taken a
no better than what we have now?”
major blow. But he had to do it. Somehow he
(Dashner 2009:149)
knew he had to do it. It was such an odd thing
to feel, especially after what he’d just seen. The writer found that Thomas’ Id is his curiosity, he
(Dashner 2009:39) is looking for another possibility. His unique idea
makes him become different from the other Glader.
His desire to be the runner is facing a great obstacle.
Nobody never ever thinks that they would like to let
He realizes that the Griever, the creature he feared,
their body stung by Griever so they can get some of
is living inside the Maze and the Runner work in the
his memories because they are really frustrated
Maze. It means they will meet each other in the
living on Glade. The Superego is the Glader’s
Maze. But, Thomas doesn't care about any obstacle
opinion about being stung by Griever. They think
he will be faced, Thomas only believes with his Id.
that being stung is the scariest moment, so nobody
He knew that he had to do it, he must be The Runner.
has an intention to be stung by Griever. Thomas’
From the description above, the writer found that
Ego leads him to follow his Id, he believes that his
Thomas’ desire to be The Runner is his Id. His Id
Id is right. Therefore, Thomas let his body stung by
leads Thomas to understand the purpose of his
coming to Glade. The Superego is the existence of
Griever which threatening Thomas. Thomas really Fair
fear about Griever, because he knows that Griever is
Fair is treating everyone equally and according to
really dangerous. Then, Thomas leads his ego to
the rules or law. Glade has a major rule that nobody
preserve his id, Thomas still longing to be The
can enter the maze except The Runner, for anyone
Runner, he still focuses on his purpose even though
who breaks the rule, he must be put on death. If the
there is a great obstacle ahead.

Glader wants to enter the Maze, so he must be a Glader will see his contribution. If he succeeds to
runner. Thomas’ fairness is shown when he obeys to gives a constructive opinion, the other Glader will
receive the punishment because of his fault, and trust him. It is needed by Thomas if he wants his
when he feels something unfair he must make it fair. following suggestion would be accepted by the
Thomas begins to control himself, between Glader.
following his Id, or the Superego.
“They always compare each section’s Map
“I can’t stand sitting here while they’re out to the one from the day before, and the day
there missing,” he said as he dropped his before that, and the day before that, day by
fork on the plate. “I’m going over to watch day, each Runner just analyzing their own
the Doors with Newt.” He stood up and Section. What if they’re supposed to
headed out to look. (Dashner 2009:109) compare the Maps to other sections …” He
trailed off, feeling like he was on the cusp of
While Alby and Minho are inside the Maze and they
something. (Dashner 2009:263)
don't come back to glade on time, Thomas worries
about them. Thomas feels that he can't just wait After the coming of Thomas, there was another
them, and doesn’t do anything. It's not fair when two person was sent by The Creator to the Glade. Teresa,
of them in danger but the others don't do anything to the very first woman that sent into the Glade. The
save them. Thomas really hates the rules which coming of Teresa is unusual because Glader used to
forbid them to enter the Maze, because it blocks his be sent into glade every once a year. Teresa is found
intention to help his friend. The writer found that in the box the day after Thomas's arrival and
Superego is the rules which forbid anyone to enter everyone thinks she's dead. Then everyone thought
the Maze except the Runner. Anyone who break the that Teresa and Thomas have a relationship, and
rules they must put on punishment. The other they are a The Creator’s spy. A few days later,
Superego is the condition of Minho and Alby that Thomas and Teresa realize that they can
doesn’t return to maze before the time of Doors communicate telepathically. The same assumption
close. If they don’t come back at Glade, they must from the Glader at them and their ability to
spend the rest of night in Maze. From the communicate telepathically made Thomas and
experienced before, nobody can safe and alive even Teresa became more intimate. The existence of a
a night because they must be faced with the Grievers partner helps Thomas could express their suggestion
that would kill them easily. Thomas’ Id is his desire and opinion to the other person. Before the coming
to save Alby and Minho who are in danger, he of Teresa, Thomas just keeps their feeling for
cannot only stand and wait for them without doing himself, he doesn’t express and gives suggestion and
anything. Then, his Ego decides to wait in front of opinion to the others. Thomas criticizes the way the
the Maze’s door. If Alby and Minho need a help, he Glader formulizing the map each day and he gives
can help as quickly as he could. He doesn’t want to another solution for them a better way to formalize
wait only inside the house and just lingering. the map. He only brave to express his idea to his
close friend. From the explanation above, the writer
Giving Suggestions or Opinion
found that the Superego happens when there is no
To be the leader, Thomas has to show his ability by acceptance from the surroundings of Thomas,
giving some suggestions or opinion, so the other everyone is suspicious of him. There is no one who

has the same fate and able to be his partner. The because it’s been a long time for them to doesn’t
other Superego is his unbelief feelings at the other meet a woman. The Id is Thomas’ desire to
Glader. The Id is Thomas’ desire to express their appreciate and respect the woman. He wants the
feeling and gives a suggestion, opinion so he can other Glader following him to appreciate and respect
help the Glader to escape from the Glade. Thomas’ her, not only prioritize their lust. Thomas cannot
Ego shows that he is following his id to express and express his Id, he only thinks about her life, he can’t
gives a suggestion and opinion. He doesn't only keep control his Id and Superego yet, but there is a seed
his feeling. But he expresses his feelings. Although of leadership characteristics that have to be
Thomas just got acquainted with Teresa, he believes sustained and maintained because it will be a good
at her, so Thomas could give his opinion. character that he must be owned one day.

Appreciate Source of Inspiration

Everyone wants the recognition and approval of Thomas has a purpose in everything he does, he
others. Similarly, every subordinate in the never does something useless and meaningless.
organization requires the recognition and Thomas also has a curiosity which supports his
appreciation of the boss. Therefore, it becomes an effort to achieve his purpose to solve the problem on
obligation for the leader to gives awards or Glade and escape from the Maze. Thomas is fair, he
recognition in many forms to his subordinates doesn’t look down on the other although the person
(Wahjosumidjo, 1991). Leaders do more than just has the lowest position on Glade, he makes Thomas
inspire others to follow them but they know how to angry, he hostiles to Thomas, and he always blames
motivate their employees to strive wholeheartedly at Thomas, but Thomas looks them equal. Thomas
for their goals. Employees who feel that they are giving his opinion and suggestion in order to give
valued and appreciated, who feel like what they do another point of view to the Gladers, so they can
makes a difference, will motivate to push harder to escape from Glade. He appreciates everyone no
achieve success. matter how awkward and sucks they are.

How can they joke around? Thomas thought. No one is inspired by a leader who does not care
The girl’s half dead. He felt sick inside. about others. Thomas as a one of the leader had been
(Dashner 2009:59) caring, giving appreciation, and fair to the Gladers.
Thomas also has a purpose and curiosity. It makes
One day, after the coming of Thomas, the Creator
his friend can be inspired by what he’s done easily.
sent a woman to Glade. She is the very first woman
It makes they can achieve the goal. Thomas had been
who came to Glade, and she is half dead. On the
controlling the Superego and his Id well and creates
other hand, the Glader making jokes at her, every
a good Ego.
one of them is really want to touch her and ignoring
her life. Even he doesn’t know who the woman is, “I can’t stand sitting here while they’re out
but Thomas angry because the Glader doesn’t pay there missing,” he said as he dropped his
more attention to her life. From the explanation fork on the plate. “I’m going over to watch
above, the writer found that the Superego is the the Doors with Newt.” He stood up and
Glader’s behavior, they make a joke at a half-dead headed out to look. Not surprisingly, Chuck
woman, and prioritize their lust to touch the woman was right behind him. (Dashner 2009:109)

While Alby and Minho are inside the Maze and they The second conclusion answered the second
don't come back to glade on time, Thomas begins to research question about the leading ability of the
worry about them. Thomas feels that he can't just main character. There are seven leading ability
wait for them, and do not do anything. Then he which found in the novel such as having a purpose,
following Newt to approaching the Doors. curiosity, fair, giving the suggestion, appreciates,
Approaching the Doors may not help Alby and and source of inspiration. Those things make
Minho as well, but at least they show his care for Thomas become a good leader who leads the
Alby and Minho when nobody cares about them Gladers escape from Glade, kills the Grievers, and
excepts Newt. When Thomas approaching the solves the Maze. Thomas is able to control the
Doors, Chuck following Thomas. Chuck has been pressure from superego and his desire from id. He
inspired by Thomas, Chuck can be inspired by what can make a good decision for his ego whether
Thomas did may because Thomas shows his cares at following his id or obey the superego.
Thomas, Thomas always listens to Chuck, and he
To be a good leader, sometimes some people facing
becomes Chuck’s friend. So Chuck can be inspired
a lot of problems. We feel that we can’t solve it. It
by Thomas easily.
makes them turn into frustration, but they don’t have
CONCLUSION to be worried and keeps frustrates. There is a hope
for everyone to be a leader. Leads and controls our
According to the analysis of the chapter four, there
self. Superego and id always fight against each
are two conclusions answering the research
other, we have to control them. We have to be
questions raised. The conclusions are presented in
confident with our self and have a purpose in
the following paragraphs.
everything we do. Expand your curiosity and your
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had been uncovered. It answered the first research opinion and suggestion. Then appreciates everyone
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