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2: How to Create a Project Inbox in NoodleTools Screen number 1

Visual description or sketch goes here. Narration or script goes here.

At the home page of the Keystone Academy Libraries website at https://keystoneacademy- This video will begin to introduce you to how to
supervise a student’s research project in NoodleTools through the creation of a project
inbox for the class or unit you are teaching. I will
show you how to access and log in to NoodleTools
and create your own project inbox. This will allow
you to enter each individual student’s project in
NoodleTools and see everything they are doing
and working on. To begin, go to the library’s home
page. All electronic resources and information are
accessible from this page. In the Databases box, all
the electronic resources are listed and linked in
alphabetical order. Scroll down to the NoodleTools
link and click on it.

Interactions, branching and programming notes go here. Misc Notes can go here
On the Keystone Academy Libraries website, scroll down to the link to NoodleTools in the Rebecca as narrator introducing
Databases @ Keystone Academy box. Click on the link. the topic and how to find the link
to NoodleTools on the library

From The Learning Port by Rebecca 1
Module 2: How to Create a Project Inbox in NoodleTools Screen number 2

Visual description or sketch goes here. Narration or script goes here.

This takes us to the NoodleTools log-in page.
NoodleTools sign-in page at Always sign in on the right side of this page. You
will always ignore the left-hand side of the page. If
you try to sign in here, it will not work. Enter your
whole entire Keystone email address, including the
“” Then click sign in with
Office 365 since we are an Office school.

Interactions, branching and programming notes go here. Misc Notes can go here
Type the email address for the account on the right-hand side of the page. Rebecca as narrator will show
where to log in on the sign-in
page and what information needs
to be entered.

From The Learning Port by Rebecca 2
Module 2: How to Create a Project Inbox in NoodleTools Screen number 3

Visual description or sketch goes here. Narration or script goes here.

Projects page screen in NoodleTools This takes us to the “My Projects” page in
NoodleTools. This is where your students will
create the projects for their units or assessments
that store all their research. You know you are on
the “My Projects” page because the “My Projects”
tab is highlighted in blue. Your projects page might
be empty, unlike mine. That is okay. Since you are a
teacher, you should see another tab next to “My
Projects” named “Inboxes.” The students do not
have this tab; only teachers have it. Go ahead and
click on that tab.

Interactions, branching and programming notes go here. Misc Notes can go here
Rebecca as narrator will show where to access the inboxes and make a new inbox from this Rebecca as narrator explaining
page. what the “My Projects” page is,
the difference between this page
and the inboxes tab, and how the
user can tell the difference.

From The Learning Port by Rebecca 3
Module 2: How to Create a Project Inbox in NoodleTools Screen number 4

Visual description or sketch goes here. Narration or script goes here.

Inboxes page This is where you will create your project inbox for
a class. A project inbox is your own folder, where
all your student’s projects for that class are stored.
When a student creates a project, it can be shared
with you as the teacher. Once it is shared, it will
show up in the project inbox you created. This
page shows all the project inboxes you have
created. You may not have any now, but we will
make one right now. In the upper left-hand corner,
click on the green “+New project inbox” button.

Interactions, branching and programming notes go here. Misc Notes can go here
From here, Rebecca will show how the user can create a new project inbox. Rebecca as narrator will explain
inboxes and how to create a new
project inbox.

From The Learning Port by Rebecca 4
Module 2: How to Create a Project Inbox in NoodleTools Screen number 5

Visual description or sketch goes here. Narration or script goes here.

New inbox dialog box screen The dialog box will come up. Type in the inbox
name. For this class, you will name your inbox
“Your Name-Training.” So my project inbox will be
called “Rebecca-Training.” You will add two people
as additional recipients. They will also be able to
access this project inbox and all the student
projects shared with it. People you might consider
adding are a co-teacher, a librarian, or learning
assistant. You can add as many people as you want.
But make sure they have created their
NoodleTools account first. You cannot add
someone unless they have an account. You will
then click the blue submit button.

Interactions, branching and programming notes go here. Misc Notes can go here
Rebecca will show how to create a new project inbox and complete the necessary Rebecca as narrator will explain
information in the dialog box. what information is needed to
create a project inbox.

From The Learning Port by Rebecca 5
Module 2: How to Create a Project Inbox in NoodleTools Screen number 6

Visual description or sketch goes here. Narration or script goes here.

Inboxes page Your project inbox will show up here on your
Inboxes page. You will be able to see how many
projects are within your inbox. You will not have
any in this inbox yet. You can also see the other
people you have shared this inbox with under
“Recipients.” The blue Options button on the right
allows you to edit, delete or archive inboxes.
Editing can allow you to delete or add more
recipients to an inbox. Archive will archive the
inbox, so it is not visible or usable anymore, but it
is not really gone like it would be if you deleted it.
This is useful after a unit or course has ended or
the end of the school year. So that’s all for this
video. I hope you have created your inbox and
understand how it can be set up for students. Until
next time.

Interactions, branching and programming notes go here.
Misc Notes can go here
After the creation of a project inbox, this page comes back up. The video will end with this Rebecca as narrator will sum up
screen. and conclude the video.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

From The Learning Port by Rebecca 6

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