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Lesson Plan for Jennifer Lecheler as put into Planbook:

Unit: Prepositional Phrases

Lesson: Types of Prepositions

Explain the function of phrases and clauses in general and their function in specific

Objective: Students will be able to differentiate adverbial and adjectival prepositional

phrases in a sentence by identifying the words that the phrases modify.

Beginning- Review concept (3-5 minutes):

Whole class discussion:

 What is a prepositional phrase?
o Students provide definition.
o Write notes on the whiteboard to highlight important aspects of a
prepositional phrase
 Highlight the questions they answer
o Where?
o When?
o How?
o How much?
o Who/Whom?
o Which one?
 Give some examples
 Students will identify all the parts of the prepositional phrase.
 Review the definition of “modify.”
o Ask the students- How does this word relate to a prepositional phrase?

Concept Work: (10- 15 min)

 Discuss types of modifiers
o Lead the students to adjectives and adverbs
 Ask the purpose of adjectives and adverbs
o Connect this purpose to what prepositional phrases do in a sentence.
 Give sentences to show examples.
o Have students identify
o 1. The ship sailed on the sea. (Adverbial – modifies a verb)
o 2. The cookie with the most chocolate chips is mine! (Adjectival- modifies a
 Have the students practice with the teacher several different sentences that look for
both adverbial and adjectival prepositional phrases.
o Use sentences that connect to their language arts novel or social studies
work to engage them and build a cross curricular bridge.
o Use informal observation to identify areas of difficulty and areas of strength.
Note this in log for both whole class and individual student progress.
 Once the students are getting the concept and can demonstrate that through
discussion response, show the Brainpop video (2 min) about Prepositional Phrases
as you pass out whiteboard supplies.

Informal Assessments/Closure:

 Have the students work individually to identify the type of prepositional phrase
contained in the sentences you give them on their whiteboards.
o Work through the sentences with the students.
o Identify successes and give the next sentence based on the students
identifies areas of needed support.

Examples of possible sentences:

 Shortened sentences may be given to adapt to some of the needs of students in
the class.
 Some students may also require a typed version of the sentences instead of
listening to them verbally.
 After students demonstrate understanding through their responses on the
whiteboards - play a kahoot! to provide more practice and get more informal
feedback about

 Give an exit ticket at the end of the class period to assess student understanding
more formally.

After students have completed multiple days of practice they will be given a formal
assessment on prepositional phrases and the different types.

Homework- Prepositional Phrase Types Worksheet from grammar series book.

To support students’ needs websites are posted in the Google classroom that provide help and
extra practice to students as needed.

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