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Education is what makes a person the most intelligent and special creature.

Education for
centuries has been recognized as the key to development and progress, it is a pity that times
are changing and priorities too. At the moment, unfortunately, our education can’t be
recognized as the highest level because we, roughly speaking in stagnation. Time changes, so
do we and our trends, prospects and views of the world. The world is embracing innovation,
but education seems to smoke on the sidelines and ignores the progress. There is such a thing
as academic freedom. To our misfortune, in the post-Soviet countries have not yet introduced
such and therefore education remains at a low level. Academic freedom is the way of an
educational institution to follow the demand of job seekers and introduce every time changes
and innovations in the system and in the program of education since, history can and always
remains unchanged, but knowledge has a shelf life and require constant innovations and
updates. World covers new dimensions and requires new capabilities from the people which
are not ready for it. But this is not the only problem.
Society likes to ignore the fact that the younger generation is so eager to show and change. Our
education makes us only incubator minions and similar robots, losing individual personalities
and peculiar minds. All put under one column is programmed as a flock of sheep, when in the
21st century it is necessary rather to highlight the features of each and the good of the people
will be more. We are children of freedom, we are children of progress, but the system which
was built thousands of years ago forgets about it. Each of us is special and has its own approach
to the world. Each of us thinks differently and contributes to development in different ways.
Being in such technical progress, it is foolish to ignore different spheres of activity and human
capabilities basing only on the criteria that were created a years ago. As proof you can take in
examples of school uniforms, where are the defenders of education, asserting that it leads to
unity, and in fact to the creation of the same, elaborate machines, which from childhood are
under strict rules, prohibitions and restrictions. Where free expression of thought is a
contradiction to the system and is known as a mistake. Where the originality of the style is not
perceived as individuality and the image of the perception of the world, but as a rough
selection from the crowd and a violation of equality. And this is just a small example that is
present in all educational institutions. But if we take more, does education prepare us for the
real world or is it all created as a demo version without the opportunity to taste the true world.
Are the true young students and schoolchildren are prepared for what is really waiting for
them? Of course not. To emotional stability, self-development and self-knowledge, to the
perception of society and religion? Is our new generation ready for the harsh circumstances of
life? Elementary resume writing, job search, communication, the ability to show themselves
and their features, the correct regulation of Finance or even tax payments. Putting on 11 years,
sometimes 15-20 years on children bandages and pink glasses teaching every second, the
measurement of the angle of different spheres and counting the depth of the pool, and then
just push into the real world like a push off a cliff where the glasses are broken into a million
pieces complicating the way for everyone, instead of what is really needed for each of them
because they are all so different like snowflakes in winter. Everyone is special and it is
This is all to the point that we need changes and we need to start with education. After all, this
is a fundamental human development and the whole process of personality formation. We
can’t ignore the fact that 5 years spent on trigonometry can be useful for a ballerina or a writer.
We can’t be based on the basic knowledge that fed our ancestors and their ancestors, because
every day changes are coming, and everyone is important for the development of the world
and society. Each area should be embraced by the best in their field and should be conditioned
as a Foundation from childhood that everyone has their own way and their contribution to
Time is an irrevocable and priceless for each of us and should not be spent on useless and
forced development. It is necessary to grow a great generation because humanity has so long
gone to this. Small changes in the system can create a new generation without restrictions with
great opportunities and as our parents tell us, an excess of knowledge will not hurt anyone, and
the right knowledge will either. Discrimination and neglect of each is a mistake that is followed
by many countries over millions of years. It is, not the willingness or ability of future individuals
to survive in a harsh world that encroaches on stagnation and the unwillingness to make
progress for people. The history repeats us that you need to learn from mistakes, but it seems
this does not apply to education. We want to be heard, we want changes. In behalf of billions of
young people, we all want to be special, not a processed resource for the system and it is time
to make new education for the sake of our bright future.

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