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“When metabolism starts goofing out,

things go bad in spite of everything and it
create a lot of discouragement.”
-Yogi Bhajan

Yogi Bhajan gave this kriya to be practiced in the spring months. Do it daily and eat
mostly “P-Fruits” along with an early dinner (no later than 5pm) and you’ll
completely heal your body - no matter how much damage you’ve done to it in the past.

You will need a “P Fruit” to practice this yoga set.

P-fruits include pineapple, peach, plum, pear, papaya, pomegranate etc.

With hands in prayer pose, chant or speak

Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo three times.
Sit in easy pose. Begin paddling alternate arms as though you were swimming, doing
the forward stroke. Move powerfully and quickly.
TIME: 3 minutes 43 seconds. TO END: move quickly into the next exercise.
Come up to standing and place your
hands on the floor. Begin jumping both
your hands and feet off the floor
simultaneously. Use the power of the
navel. Yogi Bhajan called this a
kangaroo jump.
TIME: 6 minutes 36 seconds.
TO END: move quickly into the next
Sit in easy pose. Begin paddling alternate arms as though you were swimming, doing
the forward stroke. Move powerfully and quickly.
TIME: 42 seconds. TO END: move quickly into the next exercise.
Lie down on the back and begin stretching your body. First bend your left knee and bring it into the chest, keeping
the right leg straight. Then, take the bent knee and stretch it across the body, over to the right, so that that body is
twisting. Take your left arm up by your head and turn your face to look at it. This is stretching your neck and
creating a diagonal stretch through your body. Repeat on the other side. Keep going and move quickly.
TIME: 1 minute 7 seconds. TO END: Move quickly into the next exercise.
Flip onto the stomach and “go absolutely into bow pose”. Bend your knees and reach back with the
hands to grab the ankles. Pull the body up into the bow position. Hold for 25 seconds, and then begin
breathing heavily through the mouth over the tongue. Yogi Bhajan called it a “duck” breath. Rock
and roll on the belly as you breath.
TIME: 3 minutes 7 seconds. TO END: move directly and quickly to the next exercise.
Come up to standing and place your
hands on the floor. Begin “running”
in place, picking the right foot and the
left hand off of the ground and then
the left foot and right hand off the
ground. It should be a quick and
powerful motion if you can. Yogi Bhajan
wanted it to sound like horses
TIME: 3 minutes 1 second.
TO END: move quickly to the next
Lie on your back and come up into stretch pose. Bring the legs straight, sides of feet together and lift the heels six
inches off of the floor. Lift the head neck and shoulders six inches of the floor, arms by your side with the palms
facing the body, or arms hovering above the thigh palms face down. Hold the posture with Breath of Fire.
TIME: 2 minutes. TO END: go into the next exercise.
Sit in baby pose - buttocks are on the heels, forehead to the floor, arms by your sides,
palms facing up. Rest and relax in a nap.
TIME: 5 minutes. TO END: After 5 minutes, move quickly to the next exercise.
Come lying on the back. Take your
P-Fruit in your hands like a prayer.
Raise your arms all the way up, 90
degrees to the body. Meditate and sing
with the mantra Mender of Hearts by
Singh Kaur.
TIME: 8 minutes 13 seconds.
TO END: move slowly to the next
Slowly come up to sitting, keeping the arms straight out in front of the body, still holding the fruit.
Continue chanting. Offer the fruit “to the unknown to bestow the healing energy. Concentrate.”
TIME: 1 minute 47 seconds. To End: Inhale, exhale and relax the arms. Eat your fruit slowly.
1 cup peaches
1 1/2 banana, frozen or fresh 1 cup frozen mixed berries
2-3 fresh passion fruit, the inside scoop 1/2 cup hemp milk
1/2 cup orange juice 1 tablespoon honey - optional
ice cube - optional
Place all ingredients in a
Puree the banana, passion fruit, blender and blend on
orange juice and ice. medium. Pour and enjoy.
Blissfully enjoy.
1/2 fresh fennel
1/4 fresh pineapple

Boil the fennel in water until it starts to release

its essential oils. Let the water cool and blend on medium with

“Start drinking, your color will start changing;

You will start cleaning off your skin. You will be very young.”
- Yogi Bhajan 12/17/1992

1/4 coarse chopped roasted peanuts, skin on

1/2 green papaya, thinly sliced
3 celery stalks, thinly sliced
1/4 red onion, thinly sliced
1 scallion, sliced
1 lime, juiced,
2 teaspoons olive oil
2 teaspoons organic tamari sauce

Toss papaya, celery, red onion, scallion, lime juice, and peanuts
with 2 teaspoons olive oil and 2 teaspoons of organic tamari sauce.
3 firm, ripe plums, cut into 1/3-inch wedges
1 10-ounce head of radicchio, halved, cored and thinly sliced
2 cups packed parsley, chopped
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
Freshly shaved Parmigiana-Reggiano cheese, for garnish

In a bowl, toss the plums, radicchio, parsley, lemon juice and

mustard with the 3 tablespoons of oil. Season with salt and pepper
and garnish with the cheese.

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

seeds from 1 pomegranate
1/2 cup apple juice
1/2 cup water
1 tablespoon chia seed

Boil black pepper in 1/2 cup of water.

Let cool and then blend with apple juice and pomegranate seeds.
Strain the mixture of seeds and then add chia seeds.
After the chia seeds expand, enjoy this deeply hydrating drink.

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