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Shear Behavior of SCC Beams with Different

Coarse-to-Fine Aggregate Ratios and

Coarse Aggregate Types
Assem A. A. Hassan, Ph.D. 1; Mohamed K. Ismail 2; and Justin Mayo 3
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Abstract: The effect of mixture composition and coarse aggregate density on the shear strength and cracking behavior of self-consolidating
concrete (SCC) beams are presented in this study. The experimental test parameters included coarse/fine (C=F) aggregate ratio (ranging from
0.7 to 1.2), coarse aggregate size (10 and 20 mm), coarse aggregate type/density (slag, expanded slate, and crushed stone), and varying
compressive strengths (26–72 MPa). The density of the tested mixtures varied from 1,848 to 2,286 kg=m3 . The study investigates the fresh
properties of all tested mixtures and the shear strength and cracking behavior of 16 full-scale concrete beams. Based on some selected design
codes, the ultimate shear strength of the tested beams is also predicted. The results showed that SCC mixtures with a higher C=F ratio or
bigger normal-weight aggregate had better flowability and less high range water reducer admixtures (HRWRA) demand. Although all tested
beams showed comparable normalized shear strength, beams with a high C=F ratio or bigger normal-weight aggregate had higher post-
diagonal cracking resistance. The results also showed that the expanded slate and slag lightweight aggregates were found to be relatively
strong (compared to most common lightweight aggregates) as they did not entirely break along the diagonal crack. Increasing the volume of
these lightweight aggregates in SCC mixtures not only reduced the mixture density but also enhanced the postdiagonal cracking resistance.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001276. © 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.

Introduction investigation showed that increasing MK up to 25% of cement in-

creased the 28-day compressive strength up to 22% and improved
Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) is a type of concrete that can the plastic viscosity more than twice the value of the control mix-
spread and fill the formwork under its own weight without applying ture. Madandoust and Mousavi (2012) observed in their investiga-
any type of compaction or mechanical vibration and without seg- tion that adding MK significantly enhanced the stability of SCC
regation or bleeding problems. It also has enough flowability and mixtures; however, making highly flowable concrete cannot be
filling ability to fix the problem of concrete flowing through con- practically achieved without adding large amounts of HRWRA.
gested reinforcements (Lachemi et al. 2003). SCC mixtures can be Rahmat et al. also found that the addition of MK enhanced the com-
developed by (1) incorporating one or more supplementary cemen- pressive strength, tensile strength, and electrical resistivity of SCC
titious materials (SCM) such as fly ash, ground granulated blast mixtures by 27, 11.1, and 26%, respectively, compared to control
furnace slag, metakaolin (MK), and/or silica fume (Sonebi 2004; mixtures without MK.
Lachemi et al. 2003); (2) adding viscosity modifying admixtures Lightweight concrete (LWC) is frequently used in different
(Lachemi et al. 2003; Khayat et al. 2001) or high range water structural applications to reduce the self-weight of concrete struc-
reducer admixtures (HRWRA) (Khayat 2000; Safiuddin et al. tures, which represents a large portion of total load, and thus min-
2012; Rao et al. 2012); and (3) decreasing the content of coarse imizes the cross sections of structural elements. Optimized design
aggregate in the mixture (Khayat et al. 1997; Lachemi et al. 2005). means less concrete volume and less reinforcement, and therefore
Recent studies have begun to show that the use of MK in a lower cost [National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
developing SCC greatly enhances the mixtures’ viscosity, which
(NRMCA) 2003]. The manufacturing of LWC mainly depends
is effective against coarse aggregate segregation (Cyr and Mouret
on replacing the normal-weight coarse aggregate, which generally
2003; Justice and Kurtis 2007). Hassan et al. (2010) studied the
occupies a large proportion of the total weight, by a lightweight
effect of various percentages of MK and silica fume as a partial
aggregate. The low density of lightweight aggregate compared
cement replacement on the rheological properties of SCC. Their
to the density of mortar matrix makes the aggregates tend to move
1 upward toward the concrete surface during vibrations, and thus seg-
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science,
Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada regation may take place (Chia and Zhang 2004). However, the in-
A1B 3X5 (corresponding author). E-mail: creased viscosity helps to improve the aggregates’ suspension in the
Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Engineering mixture, preventing coarse aggregate segregation and keeping the
and Applied Science, Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, St. John’s, mixture homogenous (Fujiwara et al. 1996).
Newfoundland, Canada A1B 3X5. E-mail: Lightweight self-consolidating concrete (LWSCC) merges the
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial Univ. of favorable properties of SCC and LWC. The first application of
Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada A1B 3X5. E-mail: LWSCC occurred in Japan in 1922 with the construction of a cable-
stayed bridge’s main girder (Okamura 2003). In the past few years,
Note. This manuscript was submitted on May 24, 2014; approved on
January 14, 2015; published online on March 6, 2015. Discussion period
LWSCC has been used in a number of structural applications, such
open until August 6, 2015; separate discussions must be submitted for in- as precast stadium benches (Hubertova and Hela 2007), prestressed
dividual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil beams with spans reaching up to 20 m (Dymond 2007), and com-
Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561/04015022(11)/$25.00. posite slabs (Mechtcherine et al. 2010). Kwasny et al. (2012)

© ASCE 04015022-1 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2015, 27(11): 04015022

Table 1. Chemical and Physical Properties of All SCMs Used strength of 16 full-scale concrete beams without shear reinforce-
Chemical properties (%) Cement Metakaolin Fly ash ment made with normal-weight SCC and LWSCC mixtures. The
test parameters include coarse aggregate volume, size, type/density,
SiO2 19.64 51–53 52
as well as concrete strength. The performance of code-based design
Al2 O3 5.48 42–44 23
Fe2 O3 2.38 <2.2 11
equations in predicting the shear resistance of SCC beams is also
FeO — — — presented.
TiO2 — <3.0 —
C — — —
P2 O 5 — <0.2 — Research Objectives and Significance
SO4 — <0.5 —
CaO 62.44 <0.2 5 There are concerns among designers/engineers that SCC may not
MgO 2.48 <0.1 —
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be strong enough in resisting shear because of the reduced aggre-

Na2 O — <0.1 — gate interlock (as a result of using smaller size and/or less volume
C3 S 52.34 — —
of coarse aggregate) in SCC compared to NC. The aggregate inter-
C2 S 16.83 — —
C3 A 10.50 — —
lock is even more significant in high-strength SCC and in LWSCC
C4 AF 7.24 — — as the cracks are more likely to penetrate the coarse aggregate and
MnO — — — lead to smooth fractured surfaces and subsequent development of a
K2 O — <0.4 — weak aggregate interlock mechanism. Currently, very little infor-
Loss on ignition 2.05 <0.5 — mation is available about the effect of lightweight aggregates on
Blaine fineness (m2 =kg) 410 19,000 420 the shear behavior of SCC beams, especially when lightweight slag
Specific gravity 3.15 2.56 2.26–2.38 and/or expanded slate were used. This investigation aims to evalu-
ate the effect of cementitious materials, type of coarse aggregate,
and coarse-to-fine aggregate ratio on shear strength and cracking
succeeded to develop semi-lightweight self-consolidating concrete behavior of full-scale SCC beams. In particular, the paper develops
mixtures with a density ranging from 2,025 to 2,125 kg=m3 and SCC mixtures containing lightweight slag and expanded slate
slump flow varying from 700 to 800 mm. Two types of lightweight coarse aggregate, and also discusses the effect of MK in improving
aggregate (sintered pulverized fuel ash and expanded clay) were the compressive strength and enhancing the mixture viscosity. The
used as a coarse aggregate. Their results indicated that mixture con- recommendations of this paper can be of special interest to design-
taining 29% of lightweight coarse aggregate and 71% of sand (by ers considering the use of SCC in structural applications.
mass) achieved 1-day and 28-day compressive strengths above
20 and 40 MPa, respectively.
The coarse aggregate interlock along the diagonal failure crack Experimental Work
surface is the main factor influencing the shear transfer in concrete
beams (Taylor 1974). In SCC, this factor is even more significant
Materials Used
due to the different mixture proportions, particularly the lower vol-
ume and size of coarse aggregate compared to normal concrete Canadian portland cement type GU [similar to ASTM C150
(NC). In high-strength concrete, cracks are more likely to penetrate (ASTM 2012b) Type 1], FA [similar to ASTM C618 (ASTM
the aggregates (which are weaker compared to the strong paste ma- 2012a) Type F], and MK [similar to ASTM C618 (ASTM
trix), creating a smooth diagonal crack surface that resists the post- 2012a) Class N] were used as binders for all SCC mixtures.
diagonal cracking loads by means of friction rather than aggregate The chemical and physical properties of all binders are shown
interlock. Whereas in low-strength beams, the aggregates tended to in Table 1. Natural crushed stones (with 10- and 20-mm maximum
fracture less, resulting in a greater aggregate interlock effect (Kim aggregate sizes) and natural sand were used in normal-weight SCC
et al. 2010). Similar to high-strength concrete, the use of weaker mixtures for the coarse and fine aggregates, respectively. Each ag-
lightweight aggregate is also likely to reduce the aggregate inter- gregate type had a specific gravity of 2.6 and absorption of 1%. In
lock in LWC. LWSCC mixtures, either 12.5-mm lightweight expanded slate or
There is limited information about the effect of mixture compo- 10-mm lightweight slag aggregates (Fig. 1) were used instead of
sition and coarse aggregate characteristics/density on the shear the crushed stone. The specific gravities of the lightweight slate
strength and cracking behavior of SCC beams, especially when and slag aggregates were 1.53 and 1.75, respectively. The aggre-
using slag or expanded slate lightweight coarse aggregates. This gates gradations of the 10- and 20-mm maximum size crushed
paper presents the fresh properties, cracking behavior, and shear stones, natural sand, lightweight expanded slate, and lightweight

Fig. 1. Coarse aggregate: (a) crushed stone aggregate; (b) expanded slate aggregate; (c) lightweight slag aggregate (images by Mohamed K. Ismail)

© ASCE 04015022-2 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2015, 27(11): 04015022

Crushed Stone 20-mm Specimen Preparation
Percentage Passing (%) 90
Crushed Stone 10-mm
80 Natural Sand
Sixteen full-scale concrete beams were prepared from the same
70 Slag mixtures to investigate the cracking behavior and shear strengths
60 Expanded Slate of the developed mixtures. Two identical beams were tested for
50 each mixture to improve analysis of the results. All beams were
40 cast without shear reinforcement and tested under a four-point sym-
30 metrical vertical loading condition until shear failure (Fig. 3). The
20 shear span-to-depth ratio of all beams was kept constant at 2.5 to
10 ensure shear failure rather than bending failure (Kani et al. 1979).
0 All beams were cast without consolidation; the concrete was
100 10 1 0.1 0.01 poured in the formwork from one end until it flowed and reached
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Sieve Size (mm) the other end. The poured beams were then moist cured in con-
trolled room temperature of 25  1.5°C for 28 days before testing.
Fig. 2. Grading curves for both fine and coarse aggregates The beams were designated by C=F ratio, concrete strength, coarse
aggregate size, and coarse aggregate type. The beam designation
included a combination of letters and numbers: 0.7, 0.9, or 1.2
to indicate the C=F ratio (by mass of total aggregate); NS or HS
slag aggregates are presented in Fig. 2. HRWRA similar to ASTM to indicate normal-strength or high-strength concrete; 10 or 20 to
C 494 Type F (ASTM 2013) was employed to adjust the cohesive- indicate aggregate size; and SG or SL to indicate slag or expanded
ness and to control the flow of SCC mixtures. Two different bar slate lightweight coarse aggregate.
diameters of 10 and 25 mm were used, as shown in Fig. 3. All steel
bars and stirrups had an average yield stress of 480 MPa and an
average tensile strength of 725 MPa. Test Methods

Mix Design Development Fresh Concrete Property Tests

Sixteen SCC mixtures were developed with varying compressive The fresh properties tests included slump flow, T500 (the time it
strengths and different coarse aggregate size, type=density, and dif- takes a mixture to reach 500 mm in the slump flow test), V-funnel,
ferent coarse-to-fine aggregate (C=F) ratio. The 16 SCC mixtures and sieve segregation tests. The slump flow test was performed as
were detailed as follows: (1) three normal-strength SCC (NSSCC) per ASTM C1611 (ASTM 2011). The T500 was used to evaluate the
mixtures (0.7–1.2 C=F ratio) with 10-mm crushed stone; (2) three viscosity of the developed mixtures. The T500 was measured accu-
NSSCC mixtures (0.7–1.2 C=F ratio) with 20-mm crushed stone; rately for all mixtures using a videotape recording device. The sieve
(3) two high-strength SCC (HSSCC) mixtures (0.7 and 1.2 C=F segregation Eq. (1) and V-funnel tests were performed according to
ratio) with 10-mm crushed stone; (4) two HSSCC mixtures (0.7 the European Guidelines for Self-Compacting Concrete (Eurocode
and 1.2 C=F ratio) with 20-mm crushed stone; three lightweight 2005). These tests were performed for LWSCC mixtures only to
mixtures (0.7–1.2 C=F ratio) with slag aggregate; and (5) three evaluate their stability and viscosity
lightweight mixtures (0.7–1.2 C=F ratio) with slate aggregate. All
high-strength SCC mixtures used 20% MK while 60 and 50% fly SR ¼ W cp =W ct % ð1Þ
ash (FA) were used in all other normal-strength mixtures. A higher
cement percentage was used in NSSCC mixtures containing light- where SR = segregation resistance; W cp = concrete mass that
weight slag or slate to compensate for the drop in compressive passed into the receiver (g); and W ct = total mass of concrete
strength as a result of using weaker coarse aggregate. All SCC mix- on the sieve (g).
tures had a total binder content of 500 kg=m3 and a constant
water-to-binder (w/b) ratio of 0.4. The HRWRA was added in dif-
ferent dosages to achieve a comparable slump flow diameter in all Hardened Concrete Property Tests
SCC mixtures [the slump flow test was performed according to The 28-day compressive strength [ASTM C39 (ASTM 2001)] and
ASTM C1611 (ASTM 2011)]. The mixture proportions of all shear behavior were evaluated for all tested mixtures in this study.
tested beams are presented in Table 2. Fig. 3 shows the test setup and reinforcement details for all tested

130 495 mm 130 495 mm 130

mm mm mm
6 Stirrups 2#10M


30 mm

250 2#25M
190 1120 mm 190 mm
mm mm
1500 mm

Fig. 3. Dimensions and reinforcement of tested beams

© ASCE 04015022-3 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2015, 27(11): 04015022

Table 2. Mixture Proportions for Tested Mixtures
Binder Maximum Coarse
Beam amount Cement SCM SCM coarse aggregate aggregate Fine aggregate Water HRWR Density
type (kg=m3 ) (kg=m3 ) type (kg=m3 ) C=F ratio size (mm) (kg=m3 ) (kg=m3 ) (L=m3 ) (L=m3 ) (kg=m3 )
0.7NS10 500 200 FA 300 0.7 10 653 933 200 2.50 2,286
0.9NS10 500 200 FA 300 0.9 10 751 835 200 1.95 2,286
1.2NS10 500 200 FA 300 1.2 10 865 721 200 1.75 2,286
0.7NS20 500 200 FA 300 0.7 20 653 933 200 2.08 2,286
0.9NS20 500 200 FA 300 0.9 20 751 835 200 1.67 2,286
1.2NS20 500 200 FA 300 1.2 20 865 721 200 1.39 2,286
0.7HS10 500 400 MK 100 0.7 10 679 970 200 5.42 2,349
1.2HS10 500 400 MK 100 1.2 10 899 749 200 3.96 2,348
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0.7HS20 500 400 MK 100 0.7 20 679 970 200 4.67 2,349
1.2HS20 500 400 MK 100 1.2 20 899 749 200 3.41 2,348
0.7SG 500 250 FA 250 0.7 10 544 777 200 2.22 2,021
0.9SG 500 250 FA 250 0.9 10 611 679 200 1.98 1,990
1.2SG 500 250 FA 250 1.2 10 684 570 200 1.67 1,954
0.7SL 500 250 FA 250 0.7 12.5 507 724 200 1.125 1,931
0.9SL 500 250 FA 250 0.9 12.5 564 627 200 1.042 1,891
1.2SL 500 250 FA 250 1.2 12.5 626 522 200 0.954 1,848
Note: FA = fly ash; HS = high strength; MK = metakaolin; NS = normal strength; SG = slag aggregate; SL = slate aggregate.

beams. The load was applied through a hydraulic jack at a single average HRWRA demand in NSSCC mixtures with 20-mm coarse
point and then distributed into two points acting on the beam sur- aggregate was 1.71 L=m3 compared to 4.0 L=m3 in HSSCC
face. The beams were loaded gradually, with a constant loading rate mixtures.
through three stages of loading until failure (50, 75, and 100% of
the theoretically calculated failure load). After each stage of load- Mixture Viscosity
ing, the cracks were marked and their widths were recorded and As seen in Table 3, the results of all tested mixtures indicated an
plotted on each crack pattern. The overall behavior of beams, in- increase in the viscosity as the C=F ratio increased from 0.7 to 0.9.
cluding the development of cracks, crack patterns, crack widths, The results of the T500 showed an increase in the time as the C=F
crack heights, and failure modes, was observed and sketched for ratio increased from 0.7 to 0.9, but further increasing the C=F ratio
all beams (Fig. 4). to 1.2 resulted in lower T500. This was not clear in the LWSCC
mixtures, which showed a continuous increase in the viscosity
when increasing the C=F ratio from 0.7 to 1.2.
Test Results and Discussions The results also showed that when the coarse aggregate size
increased from 10 to 20 mm the viscosity of the mixture reduced.
Increasing the aggregate size also reduced the total surface area of
Fresh Properties of SCC Mixtures the coarse aggregate (Neville 1995), which decreased the amount of
water required to wet the aggregate surface during mixing (leaving
HRWRA Demand more free water in the mixture) and therefore reduced the viscosity.
Increasing the C=F ratio from 0.7 to 1.2 decreased the HRWRA The average T500 for NSSCC with 10-mm aggregate was 1.77 s
demand in all mixtures (Table 2). The HRWRA decreased by compared to 1.6 s for NSSCC with 20-mm aggregate. Also, the
30 and 33% in NSSCC mixtures with 10-mm and 20-mm aggre- average T500 for HSSCC with 10-mm aggregate was 3.25 s com-
gate, respectively, when the C=F ratio increased to 1.2. The same pared to 3 s for HSSCC with 20-mm aggregate. These results match
observation was noted in HSSCC mixtures, in which the HRWRA those found by other researchers (Hu and Wang 2011), which also
was reduced by 27% in mixtures with 10-mm and/or 20-mm ag- indicated reduction in mixture viscosity alongside increases in the
gregate. LWSCC mixtures also showed a reduction in HRWRA as coarse aggregate size.
the C=F aggregate ratio increased from 0.7 to 1.2. This reduction On the other hand, the results of T500 indicated an increase in the
was 24.8% in slag mixtures and 15.2% in expanded slate mixtures. mixture viscosity when MK was used. The average T500 for
Changing the aggregate size from 10 to 20 mm also showed a HSSCC mixtures (which contained 20% MK) with 10-mm aggre-
decrease in the HRWRA demand. The average HRWRA demand gate was 3.25 s compared to 1.77 s for NSSCC mixtures with the
was 2.1 L=m3 in NSSCC mixtures with 10-mm aggregate com- same aggregate size. Also, the average T500 for HSSCC mixtures
pared to an average of 1.7 L=m3 in NSSCC mixtures with with 20-mm aggregate was 3 s compared to 1.6 s in NSSCC
20-mm aggregate. Also, the average HRWRA demand in HSSCC mixtures with 20-mm aggregate.
mixtures with 10-mm aggregate was 4.7 L=m3 compared to Unlike normal-weight SCC mixtures, LWSCC mixtures have a
4.0 L=m3 in HSSCC mixtures with 20-mm aggregate. It should higher chance of segregation. In LWSCC mixtures, the low density
be noted that increasing the C=F ratio or increasing the aggregate of lightweight aggregate compared to the density of mortar paste
size decreases the total aggregate surface area and therefore de- makes the aggregates tend to move upward toward the concrete
creases the HRWRA demand. surface during mixing, and thus segregation may take place.
The addition of MK also proved to require more HRWRA in For this reason, the sieve segregation and V-funnel tests were per-
SCC mixtures. The average HRWRA demand in SCC mixtures formed for all LWSCC mixtures only. The results of these tests
with 10-mm coarse aggregate was 2.1 L=m3 in NSSCC compared are presented in Table 4. Although the results of the segregation
to 4.7 L=m3 in HSSCC mixtures (which had 20% MK). Also, the resistance (SR) of the sieve segregation test took an incremental

© ASCE 04015022-4 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2015, 27(11): 04015022

Failure Load = 141.1 kN Failure Load = 252 kN
2.8 1.5
4.1 0.30 7.5
1.5 0.36 8.2 mm
5.0 mm 0.30 2.4
0.29 0.36
0.23 0.52 0.56 0.49

0.7NS10 0.7HS20

Failure Load = 145.9 kN Failure Load = 241 kN

0.90 1.3 0.55
3.5 0.36
0.32 1.1 6.4
0.27 1.8 0.49 0.69
0.34 0.29 4.5 mm 0.32 7 mm
0.65 0.52 1.2
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0.9NS10 1.2HS20

Failure Load = 147.7 kN Failure Load = 131 KN

1.2 2.5 4.1
0.27 1.9 0.16
2.0 0.36 3.0 mm 0.21 0.09
0.18 1.5 4.6 mm
0.29 0.3 0.41 0.19

1.2NS10 0.7SG

Failure Load = 145.1 kN Failure Load = 127KN

1.3 3.6 3.9
0.3 0.32
4.3 mm 0.68 0.42
0.29 0.31 0.42 4.0 mm 0.56
0.29 0.36

0.7NS20 0.9SG

Failure Load = 152.9 kN Failure Load = 117 KN

1.8 0.29 0.34 3.4 0.34 0.85
0.3 1.8 4.1 mm
3.8 mm 0.29 0.31 0.56 1.2
0.25 0.56

0.9NS20 1.2SG

Failure Load = 170.1 kN Failure Load = 143 kN

2.7 2.0 1.0 4.0
1.3 0.3 0.09 0.41
1.0 5.0 mm
0.32 3.2 mm 0.12 3.0
0.31 0.29 0.52 0.15 0.13 0.21

1.2NS20 0.7SL

Failure Load = 241.6 kN Failure Load = 136 kN

1.8 1.8 mm 0.1
0.54 8.2
0.32 0.35 1.9
0.06 0.08
2.2 0.48 0.29 0.53 9.5 mm 3.8 0.14
0.16 0.04 0.03 0.12

0.7HS10 0.9SL

Failure Load = 242.3 kN Failure Load = 134 kN

6.8 3.1 0.4
2.7 4.2 0.3 0.03 0.03
0.29 0.32 7.5 mm 0.45 mm
0.32 0.05 1.0 0.5
0.22 0.67 0.54 0.21
0.04 6.1
0.1 0.05 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.18

1.2HS10 1.2SL

Fig. 4. Crack patterns of tested beams at failure (crack width in mm)

trend with the increase of C=F ratio, all mixtures did not exceed the ranging from 9 to 25 s. According to this, 0.7SG and 0.7SL
maximum acceptable value (18%), according to the European mixtures can be classified as VF1, which is recommended to be
guidelines (Eurocode 2005). It should be noted that the Eurocode used in multiple applications such as floors, slabs, piles, and walls.
(2005) specifies two viscosity classes for V-funnel time: VF1 per- Meanwhile, 0.9, 1.2, 0.9, and 1.2SL mixtures can be classified as
tains to mixtures with a V-funnel flow time of less than VF2, which is recommended to be used in certain applications such
8 s while VF2 pertains to mixtures with a V-funnel flow time as ramps.

© ASCE 04015022-5 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2015, 27(11): 04015022

Table 3. Slump Flow Readings of SCC Mixtures 9.5% in 10- and 20-mm aggregates, respectively. In LWSCC mix-
Concrete type Slump flow diameter (mm) T 500 (s) tures, this decrease was even more pronounced, reaching up to 25.8
and 22.4% in slag and slate SCC mixtures, respectively. The reason
0.7NS10 760 1.60
for this decrease is related to the increase of weaker lightweight
0.9NS10 780 1.90
1.2NS10 750 1.80
coarse aggregates in the mixture. In HSSCC mixtures, the addition
0.7NS20 790 1.50 of MK enhanced the microstructure and improved the ITZ of the
0.9NS20 770 1.70 mixtures. The reduction of the compressive strength with an in-
1.2NS20 790 1.60 creased C=F ratio in HSSCC mixtures did not exceed 3% in both
0.7HS10 695 3.00 10- and 20-mm aggregate mixtures.
1.2HS10 700 3.50
0.7HS20 690 2.80
1.2HS20 700 3.20 General Cracking Behavior of SCC Beams
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0.7SG 745 1.20 Fig. 4 shows the crack patterns/widths of all tested beams at failure
0.9SG 740 2.50 stage. During early stages of loading, fine vertical flexural cracks
1.2SG 750 3.50 appeared around the midspan of all beams, as expected. Increasing
0.7SL 755 1.20
the applied load formed new flexural cracks away from the midspan
0.9SL 710 1.80
1.2SL 715 2.00 on both sides of the beam. Further increasing the load showed addi-
tional flexural cracks start to occur away from the midspan and
propagate diagonally towards the loading points. At failure stage,
one main diagonal crack began to form separately, with an angle
Table 4. Results of V-Funnel and Sieve Segregation Test for LWSCC ranging from 24 to 34° (Fig. 4). The failure diagonal crack surface
Mixtures of NSSCC beams was rough and showed unfractured coarse aggre-
Concrete type V-funnel (s) SR (%)
gate protruding along the surface. This finding could be attributed
to the higher strength of the coarse aggregate compared to the sur-
0.7SG 6 2.08 rounding mortar paste. On the other hand, in HSSCC mixtures, the
0.9SG 9.7 8.33 strength of mortar paste was relatively high compared to that in
1.2SG 17.4 12.5
NSSCC, which means the propagation of the failure diagonal crack
0.7SL 4.5 6.52
0.9SL 9.9 8.33 can take place in the coarse aggregates and the mortar paste to-
1.2SL 13.0 11.12 gether. This behavior was confirmed after checking the failure sur-
faces of HSSCC beams as they were relatively smooth, with broken
coarse aggregates, indicating that the cracks had penetrated the
28-Day Compressive Strength of the Tested Mixtures coarse aggregates. Slag or slate LWSCC beams showed partially
fractured coarse aggregate along the failure surface. Table 5 shows
The 28-day compressive strengths of the 16 tested mixtures are the loads at the first diagonal crack, the crack characteristics (num-
shown in Table 5 and Fig. 5(a). It can be observed that increasing ber of cracks, crack angle at failure, failure crack width), and the
the C=F ratio decreased the 28-day compressive strengths in both failure loads of all SCC beams.
normal-weight and LWSCC mixtures. An increase in the C=F ag-
gregate ratio led to an increase in the interfacial transition zone
Effect of Concrete Strength and Type on the Cracking
(ITZ) between the coarse aggregate and surrounding mortar, which
Behavior of the Tested Beams
is considered a good medium for crack propagation during loading
(Larbi 1993). In general, HSSCC beams developed more cracks, larger crack
In NSSCC mixtures, the decrease in 28-day compressive widths, and had cracking extend higher at failure compared to
strengths with an increased C=F ratio reached up to 12 and NSSCC beams (Table 5). The reason for that could be related to

Table 5. Shear Loads and Cracking Behavior of the Tested Beams at Failure
Number First diagonal Ultimate Normalized
Beam 28-day Failure of cracks cracking shear load shear strength Postdiagonal Crack angle at
type (SCC) fc0 (MPa) type at failure load (kN) (V u , kN) [Eq. (2), V nz ] cracking (%) failure (degrees)
0.7NS10 31 Shear 6 110 70.56 0.26 22.05 31
0.9NS10 29.3 Shear 6 108 72.93 0.27 25.96 28
1.2NS10 27.3 Shear 7 107 73.83 0.29 27.54 30.5
0.7NS20 30.4 Shear 6 97 72.54 0.27 33.14 28
0.9NS20 29 Shear 7 94 76.46 0.29 38.53 30
1.2NS20 27.5 Shear 9 95 85.06 0.33 44.16 29
0.7HS10 72 Shear 9 140 120.79 0.29 42.05 27
1.2HS10 70 Shear 9 138 121.15 0.29 43.04 27
0.7HS20 69.7 Shear 10 142 126.01 0.31 43.65 26
1.2HS20 68.8 Shear 11 132 120.52 0.29 45.24 28
0.7SG 27.1 Shear 8 108 65.50 0.25 17.56 31
0.9SG 26.1 Shear 8 102 63.50 0.25 19.69 32
1.2SG 20.1 Shear 9 94 58.50 0.26 19.66 32
0.7SL 30.8 Shear 8 116 71.50 0.26 18.88 25
0.9SL 26.8 Shear 9 108.5 68.00 0.27 20.22 30
1.2SL 23.9 Shear 10 105 67.00 0.28 21.64 29

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J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2015, 27(11): 04015022

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Fig. 5. Effect of C=F aggregate ratio: (a) 28-day compressive strength; (b) number of cracks at failure; (c) postdiagonal cracking (%); (d) normalized
shear strength

the higher deflection that high-strength beams can resist before fail- terms of crack number or crack widths as the C=F ratio or aggregate
ure compared to normal strength beams. In addition, compared to size increased. As mentioned earlier, unlike all other tested beams,
both NSSCC and LWSCC beams, the failure of HSSCC beams the cracks in HSSCC beams penetrated the coarse aggregate, result-
happened suddenly and with a loud noise. The angle of the diago- ing in a smoother failure surface and lower aggregate interlock
nal crack failure ranged from 28 to 31° in NSSCC beams, while it (Kim et al. 2010).
ranged from 26 to 28° in HSSCC beams. Slag and slate lightweight
beams showed less cracks and less average crack widths compared
to HSSCC beams. Also, beams made with lightweight slag aggre- Postdiagonal Cracking Resistance
gate showed no significant difference in terms of crack patterns, The first diagonal cracking load was visually observed and re-
number, widths, or failure crack angles compared to beams made corded in all tested beams (Table 5). The first diagonal cracking
with lightweight slate aggregate. load was also confirmed by the sudden jump in the reading of
any of the linear variable displacement transducer (LVDT) placed
along the bottom of the beam or the sudden jump in the reading of
Effect of Varying C=F Aggregate Ratio and Coarse any of the strain gauges glued along the length of the longitudinal
Aggregate Size on the Cracking Behavior of the bar. The postdiagonal cracking resistance of each beam (which is
Tested Beams defined as the maximum resistance the beam can withstand after the
Increasing the C=F ratio or increasing the coarse aggregate size first occurrence of the diagonal crack) was obtained using
seemed to increase the number of cracks and reduce the average
crack widths at failure in NSSCC and LWSCC beams [Figs. 4 ½ðMax Failure Load − Load at First Diagonal CrackÞ=
and 5(b)]. This could be related to the extra resistance gained after Max Failure Load%
the formation of the diagonal cracks as a result of increasing the
aggregate interlock in beams with higher C=F ratio or bigger ag- Increasing the C=F ratio from 0.7 to 1.2 improved the postdiag-
gregate size. This extra resistance allowed more cracks to develop onal cracking resistance of all NSSCC beams [Table 5 and
in the beams before failure, which resulted in a reduction in the Fig. 5(c)]. NSSCC beams showed 25% and 33% improvement
crack widths. HSSCC beams, however, did not seem to benefit in postdiagonal cracking resistance in beams containing 10- and
from the improvement in the aggregate interlock with an increased 20-mm aggregate, respectively, as the C=F ratio increased to
C=F ratio or size, and therefore showed no significant differences in 1.2. Increasing the C=F ratio in normal-strength concrete increased

© ASCE 04015022-7 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2015, 27(11): 04015022

the volume of the coarse aggregate, which resulted in longer and beams compared to slag or slate LWSCC beams. For example,
more complicated cracking paths (higher aggregate interlock). This as the C=F ratio increased from 0.7 to 1.2, the V nz increased by
is due to the fact that in normal-strength concrete the cracks trav- 23.3% in NSSCC beams with 20-mm aggregate, while this increase
elled through the ITZ around the aggregate (Joseph 2010; Lachemi was only 3.7 and 6.3% in slag and slate LWSCC beams, respec-
et al. 2005). The improvement of the postdiagonal cracking resis- tively. The results also showed that increasing the coarse aggregate
tance in HSSCC beams was not pronounced compared to the other size from 10 to 20 mm resulted in an improvement in V nz . When
tested beams. HSSCC beams showed only 2.3 and 3.6% increase in the C=F ratio increased from 0.7 to 1.2, the beams with 10-mm
the postdiagonal cracking resistance in 10-mm and 20-mm aggre- aggregate showed 11.4% improvement in the V nz compared to
gate mixtures, respectively. As mentioned previously, the smoother an improvement of 23.3% in beams with 20-mm aggregate. In
fractured surface of HSSCC mixtures was the reason behind the HSSCC beams, it was shown that the normalized shear strength
limited improvement of the beam resistance after the first diagonal did not significantly change as the C=F ratio was increased from
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cracking load. 0.7 to 1.2. In addition, increasing the coarse aggregate size from 10
Lightweight slag or slate beams also showed improvement in to 20 mm in HSSCC beams did not show any significant variation
the postdiagonal cracking resistance as the C=F ratio increased. (did not exceed 6%) in the normalized shear failure.
This improvement, however, was relatively less than that of
NSSCC beams. The improvement of the postdiagonal cracking
resistance was 12 and 15% in slag and slate LWSCC beams, respec- Codes’ Review for Shear Prediction of Reinforced
tively. The reason for the limited postdiagonal cracking improve- Beams without Stirrups
ment in LWSCC beams compared to NSSCC beams could be
related to the fact that lightweight slag or slate aggregates were This section discusses the margin of safety for different design
partially fractured along the diagonal failure crack. It should be codes in predicting the shear capacity of normal concrete and
noted that the maximum 28-day compressive strength of the tested semi-lightweight concrete. Four international design codes were in-
LWSCC mixtures was 30.8 MPa. More investigation is needed to cluded in this investigation: ACI 318-08 (ACI 2008), CSA (2004),
study the performance of LWSCC mixtures with higher compres- AASHTO (2007), and Eurocode 2 (2005). Predicted values and
sive strengths in order to evaluate the minimal compressive strength factor of safety for each code are presented in Table 6 and Fig. 6,
under which all the lightweight aggregates fracture along the respectively.
diagonal crack surface. The results of the postdiagonal cracking
resistance also showed that beams with a larger coarse aggregate American Concrete Institute (ACI 318-08)
had higher postdiagonal cracking resistance. NSSCC beams with According to the ACI, evaluation of the shear strength of a rein-
20-mm coarse aggregate showed 33% improvement in the post- forced concrete member is based on the average shear stress on
diagonal cracking resistance compared to a 25% improvement in the full effective area of the web cross section. In cases of members
NSSCC beams with 10-mm aggregate. without shear reinforcement, the shear stress is totally carried by
the concrete cross section and longitudinal steel within the web.
As per the ACI, the predicted ultimate shear force (V u ) of beams
Shear Strength of SCC Beams
without shear reinforcement can be obtained by
To analyze and compare the shear strength of all beams, the ulti- pffiffiffiffiffi Vfd pffiffiffiffiffi
mate shear load (V u ) is normalized to account for the difference in V u ¼ 0.158λ f c0 bd þ 17.24ρw bd ≤ 0.29 fc0 bd ð3Þ
compressive strengths between all tested SCC beams. Since the
shear strength is proportional to the square root of the compressive where f c0 (MPa) = specified concrete compressive strength; λ =
strength of the concrete (fc0 ), the normalized shear strength (V nz ) lightweight concrete modification factor taken as 1.0 for normal-
was calculated as follows: weight concrete, 0.85 for sand-lightweight concrete, and 0.75
pffiffiffiffiffi for all lightweight concrete (Section 8.6.1 of ACI 318-08);
V nz ¼ V u =bd fc0 ð2Þ V f (N) = factored shear force at section; M f (N · mm) = factored
moment at section; b (mm) = beam width; d (mm) = effective depth
of beam cross section; ρw = ratio of As =bd; and As = area of non-
Effect of Concrete Strength and Type on the prestressed tension reinforcement in the beam.
Normalized Shear Strength
Although the failure shear strength was dependent on the concrete Canadian Standards Association (CSA A23.3-04)
type/strength, no significant difference in terms of normalized shear As per CSA specification, the shear force (V u ) for beams without
strength was noted in any of the tested beams. However, Table 5 shear reinforcement can be obtained by
shows that, contrary to NSSCC beams, the normalized shear failure
of HSSCC was not highly dependent on the C=F ratio. As men- V u ¼ λβ fc0 bdv ð4Þ
tioned before, the expected increase of the aggregate interlock
(which increases the shear capacity) with the increased C=F ratio The factor β can be calculated as
was not a factor in HSSCC beams.
β ¼ 520=½ð1 þ 1,500εx Þð1,000 þ Sze Þ ð5Þ
Effect of Varying C=F Ratio and Coarse Aggregate
Size on the Normalized Shear Strength Sze ¼ 35Sz =15 þ ag ≤ 0.85Sz ð6Þ

Table 5 and Fig. 5(d) show the variation of the normalized shear where λ = factor that accounts for low-density concrete (λ ¼ 1 for
strength (V nz ) of all tested beams. In general, increasing the C=F normal concrete and 0.85 for structural semi-low-density concrete
ratio increased the V nz in NSSCC and lightweight slag or slate SCC with an air-dry density between 1,850 and 2,150 kg=m3 );
beams. However, this increase was more pronounced in NSSCC dv (mm) = effective shear depth, which can be taken as the greater

© ASCE 04015022-8 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2015, 27(11): 04015022

Table 6. Shear Resistance of SCC Beams from Experiments and Code-Based Predictions
Code-based prediction, V u (kN)
Experimental shear load/predicted shear load
designation (SCC) ACI 318-08 CSA-04 AASHTO-LRFD (2007) EC2-2004 V Exp: =V ACI V Exp: =V CSA V Exp: =V AASHTO V Exp: =V EC2
0.7NS10 50.23 57.58 51.98 46.81 1.40 1.23 1.36 1.51
0.9NS10 49.02 55.07 50.53 45.94 1.49 1.32 1.44 1.59
1.2NS10 47.55 52.83 48.78 44.87 1.55 1.40 1.51 1.65
0.7NS20 49.81 56.24 51.47 46.51 1.46 1.29 1.41 1.56
0.9NS20 48.80 53.49 50.28 45.78 1.57 1.43 1.52 1.67
1.2NS20 47.70 49.26 48.96 44.98 1.78 1.73 1.74 1.89
0.7HS10 72.06 61.32 69.67 61.99 1.68 1.97 1.73 1.95
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1.2HS10 72.06 61.21 69.67 61.41 1.68 1.98 1.74 1.97

0.7HS20 71.92 59.71 69.52 61.32 1.75 2.11 1.81 2.05
1.2HS20 71.50 61.41 69.07 61.06 1.69 1.96 1.74 1.97
0.7SG 45.54 47.43 41.31 42.61 1.44 1.38 1.59 1.54
0.9SG 39.39 47.22 46.70 41.69 1.61 1.34 1.36 1.52
1.2SG 35.86 43.01 35.58 37.81 1.63 1.36 1.64 1.55
0.7SL 43.59 48.46 44.04 43.30 1.64 1.48 1.62 1.65
0.9SL 41.12 46.33 41.08 40.85 1.65 1.47 1.66 1.66
1.2SL 39.21 44.06 38.79 38.81 1.71 1.52 1.73 1.73

of 0.9 of the beam depth or 0.72 of the beam height; εx = longi- where bv ðmmÞ = effective web width taken as the minimum web
tudinal strain at middepth of the member due to factored loads, width within the depth dv ; β = factor indicating the ability of diago-
which can be derived as nally cracked concrete to transmit tension. For lightweight con-
pffiffiffiffiffi if the average splitting tensile
pffiffiffiffiffistrength is lacking, the term
εx ¼ ðM f =dv þ V f Þ=2Es As ð7Þ fc0 shallpbe 0
ffiffiffiffiffi replaced by 0.75 f c for all lightweight concrete
and 0.85 fc0 for sand-lightweight concrete.
M f ðN · mmÞ = factored moment at section; V f (N) = factored shear
force at section; Es (MPa) = modulus of elasticity of non-
prestressed reinforcement; Sz ð¼ dvÞ = crack spacing parameter Eurocode 2
dependent on crack control characteristics of longitudinal
reinforcement; and ag = maximum size of aggregate in the con- According to the Eurocode 2, the design value for the shear force
0 V Rd;c is given by (SI units)
crete. For high-strength concrete with fpc greater
ffiffiffiffiffi than 70 MPa,
ag shall be taken as zero. The term of f c0 shall not be taken pffiffiffiffiffi 1=3
greater than 8 MPa (as mentioned in clause 11.3.4). V Rd;c ¼ ½ð0.18=γÞKð100ρw η fc0 Þ bw d ð9Þ

AASHTO-LRFD Bridge Design Specification (2007) with a minimum value

The AASHTO-LRFD bridge design specifications are derived V RD:C min ¼ ðvmin þ k1 σcp Þbw d ð10Þ
from the fundamentals presented in the modified compression pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
field theory rather than empirical equations, unlike the ACI 318-08 where K = size effect factor (K ¼ 1 þ 200=d ≤ 2.0); γ = con-
code provisions. According to the AASHTO-LRFD, the contribu- crete partial safety factor and equals 1.50; ρw = longitudinal
tion of concrete in a shear resistance of cross section can be reinforcement ratio; η = factor to account for lightweight concrete
computed by (η ¼ 0.4 þ 0.6ρ=2,200); ρ = concrete density (kg=m3 ); fc0 (MPa) =
pffiffiffiffiffi specified concrete compressive strength; bw (mm) = beam width;
V u ¼ 0.083β fc0 bv dv ð8Þ and d (mm) = effective depth of the beam pffiffiffiffifficross section; vmin =
minimum shear stress equal to 0.035k3=2 f c0 ; k1 = constant equal
to 0.15 in the British Annex of the Eurocode; and σcp = axial stress
on the cross section equal to N ed =AC where N ed is the axial force
due to loading or prestressing.

Effect of Concrete Strength and Type on the

Performance of Code-Based Shear Prediction
of SCC Beams
Tables 5 and 6 present the ultimate shear load derived from the
experiments and the code-based predictions, respectively. Fig. 6
compares the average margin of safety (the average of the different
C=F ratios of each concrete type/aggregate size) in the four inves-
tigated codes. It can be observed that all design codes were
conservative in predicting the ultimate shear strength. Eurocode
2 provided the highest safety margins (an average of 1.71 for all
Fig. 6. Margin of safety for different codes’ predictions
tested beams) compared to the other design codes. All design codes

© ASCE 04015022-9 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2015, 27(11): 04015022

presented higher margins of safety in LWSCC beams compared to and less average crack widths at failure compared to NSSCC
normal-weight beams. The average margin of safety in the normal- beams. In addition, beams with a higher C=F ratio or bigger
weight beams was 1.54, 1.37, 1.51, and 1.59 in ACI, CSA, coarse aggregate size seemed to exhibit higher numbers of
AASHTO-LRFD, and Eurocode 2, respectively. On the other hand, cracks and lower average crack widths at failure compared
the average margin of safety in the LWSCC beams was 1.72, 1.88, to beams with a lower C=F ratio or smaller aggregate size.
1.75, and 1.93 in ACI, CSA, AASHTO-LRFD, and Eurocode 2, No significant difference in all tested beams was noticed in
respectively. CSA correlated much better with the actual shear the angle of the diagonal failure cracks, which ranged from
strength for normal-weight SCC beams in which the average 24 to 34° in all tested beams.
V experimental =V Predicted ratio was 1.37 compared to 1.54, 1.51, and 3. Increasing the C=F ratio from 0.7 to 1.2 improved the normal-
1.59 in ACI, AASHTO-LRFD, and Eurocode 2, respectively. ized shear strength and postdiagonal cracking resistance of
Meanwhile, ACI and AASHTO-LRFD had lower experimental/ NSSCC beams but had a limited effect on HSSCC beams.
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predicted values compared to CSA and Eurocode 2 in LWSCC Beams with expanded slate or slag also showed some improve-
beams. Although the CSA had reasonable margins of safety in ment in the normalized shear strength and postdiagonal crack-
normal-weight SCC beams (an average of 1.59), it showed the ing resistance as the C=F ratio increased from 0.7 to 1.2. This
highest margins of safety compared to the other tested codes (an improvement, however, was slightly less compared to that in
average of 1.93) in LWSCC beams. The results also showed that NSSCC beams.
the ACI code had the most precise prediction for the ultimate shear 4. The investigated design codes were found to be conservative
strength, in which the margin of safety ranged from 1.4 to 1.78 in in predicting the ultimate shear strength and can be used safely
all tested beams. ACI and AASHTO-LRFD showed a good for any SCC regardless of the mixture’s composition and ag-
correlation between the predicted values where the difference gregate type.
did not exceed 7% and 13% in normal-weight and lightweight 5. In general, all design codes presented higher V experimental =
SCC beams, respectively. V Predicted ratios in LWSCC beams compared to normal-weight
beams. However, Eurocode 2 showed the most conservative
Effect of Varying C=F Ratio and Coarse Aggregate Size prediction of the ultimate shear strength compared to the other
on the Performance of Code-Based Shear Prediction of investigated design codes. On the other hand, the ACI code
SCC Beams presented the most precise prediction with a margin of safety
ranging from 1.4 to 1.78 in all tested beams.
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