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SU08-P52 Boy's Cabled Sweater

' 7

' 8

2¼ (2½, 3)”
3¼” ¾ (1¼, 1½)”
5 (5½, 6)”
¾” ¾”

3¼ (4, 4¾)”
8¾ (9½, 10¼)” 5 (6, 6¾)”
6 (6¾, 7½)”

14¼ (17, 191⁄4)”

8¾ (10¼, 11¾)”
10½ (11½, 12¼)”

2¾” 2¾”

6 (7, 8)” ¾”
2 (2½, 2¾)”


24 (28, 32)”/61 (71, 81) cm. Abbreviations and Symbols page. With smaller needles and MC, cast on 74 (86, 94)
MATERIALS Rib pat (multiple of 4 sts + 2 sts) Row 1 (RS) K2, sts. Beg with a WS row, work rib pat. When piece
Lang Yarn “Kappa” (medium-weight yarn); 97% *p2, k2; rep from * to end. Row 2 P2, *k2, p2; measures 2¾”/7cm inc 0 (0, 2) sts at each
cotton, 3% polyester-elite; 137yd/125m; rep from * to end. Rep row 1-2 for rib pat. edge—74 (86, 96) sts. Change to larger needles
1¾oz/50g Cable pat [multiple of 11 sts plus 8 (9, 8) sts] and work in cable pat B (A, B) until piece
• Color #72 petrol (MC): 10½ (12¼,14) oz/300 (350, Work foll Chart B (A, B). Numbers on chart are for measures 8¾ (9½, 10¼)”/22 (24, 26)cm from rib
400)g; 822 (959, 1096)yd/750 (875, 1000)m RS rows (read from right to left). On WS rows, purl pat, end with WS row. Armhole shaping Bind
• Color #97 Green (A) and #75 Orange (B): each all p sts, knit all k sts. Work sts before first arrow; off 2 sts at beg of next 2 (2, 4) rows; then dec 1 st
1¾ oz/50g; 137yd/125m work 11-st pat reps; then work sts after second at each edge every other row 2 (5, 5) times—66
• Sizes 4 and 6 (3.5 and 4mm) needles; circular arrow. Work Rows 1-14 once; then rep Rows 3-14 (72, 78) sts. Work even until armhole measures 5
needle 4 (3.5 mm), 24”/60 cm long. for pat. (Row 14 is not shown on chart because it (6, 6¾)”/13 (15, 17)cm, end with a WS row. Neck
• Cable needle is a WS row). and shoulder shaping Work 19 (22, 25) sts,
• Stitch markers GAUGE join another skein of yarn, bind off center 28 sts,
NOTES 24 sts and 30 rows in cable pat with larger work to end. Working both sides at once, bind off
Stitch symbol key Visit Verena Knitting Pattern needles = 4”/10 cm. 4 (5, 6) sts at beg of each shoulder edge 3 times;
SU8-P52 Boy's Cabled Sweater
page 2

and, AT SAME TIME, at each neck edge, bind off

3 sts once and 2 sts twice.
Work same as back until piece measures 7½ (8½ ,
9½ )”/ 19 (22, 24)cm from rib pat, end with a WS
row. Work 37 (43, 48) sts, join another skein of
yarn, work rem sts. Dec 1 st at each neck edge on
every other row 14 (13, 12) times; then every 4th
row 7 (8, 9) times and, AT SAME TIME, shape
armholes and shoulders same as back.
With smaller needles and MC, cast on 42 sts. Work
in rib pat and stripe pat as follows: 6 rows with
MC, 4 rows with A, 6 rows with MC, 4 rows with B,
3 rows with MC. Change to larger needles and
work in cable pat A. Inc 1 st at each edge on row 5;
then every 6th row 6 (7, 8) times; and every 4th
row 4 (6, 8) times, working new sts into pat—64
(70, 76) sts. Work even until piece measures 8¾
(10¼, 11¾)”/22 (26, 30)cm from rib pat, end with
a WS row. Shape Cap Bind off 3 sts at beg of next
2 rows, bind off 2 sts at beg of next 4 rows. *Dec 1
st at each edge every RS row once, then 2 sts once;
rep from * 5 (6, 7) times. Bind off rem 14 sts.
Block pieces to measurements. Sew shoulder
seams. Neck Ribbing Beg at left shoulder seam
with RS facing, circular needle and MC, pick up
and k130 (140, 150) sts around neck edge placing
markers before and after center V-neck st and at
each shoulder seam. Working stripe pat (see
below) and k1, p1 rib, work to 2 sts before v-neck
marker, sl 1, k1, psso, k center st, k2tog, work to
right shoulder seam, k2tog twice, work to left
shoulder seam, sl 2, k1, p2sso; keeping to k1, p1
rib, work V-neck dec every rnd, work shoulder decs
every other rnd. Stripe Pat Working in k1, p1 rib,
work 2 rows MC, 3 rows with A, 3 rows with MC,
3 rows with B, 6 rows with MC. Bind off all sts in
rib pat. Set in sleeves, sew side and sleeve seams.

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