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Is Artificial Tree Safer Than Real Tree?

I freaking love the smell of fresh pine — and I'm allergic to it. As a kid, my parents
always had a live tree. The moment it was upright, I would break out, would start
sneezing like a maniac, and develop hives. It took them a bit to figure out that my
reaction was the result of my allergy to a tree thanks, mom and dad, and when they did,
they switched to a large artificial tree. However, allergies aside, are unnatural
Christmas trees are safer than real trees? Experts say there are some things to
consider, including which option is best for the environment.

"When it comes to real trees, some people don't have a choice," Deemer Class of UK-
based Fantastic Gardeners tells Romper in an email interview. "Having a hay fever may
bring hell with a real Christmas tree. Some molds grow naturally on them, and they can
cause hay fever-like symptoms to people who have asthma." In addition to an allergic
reaction, Cass points out that live pine trees can also bring with them ticks and other

"These bugs, however, are adapted to living outside and will very soon die out indoors,"
Cass says. "They are by no means any threat to homeowners and their families." On
the other hand, Cass says, ticks transported in your home from a Christmas tree may
occur, but on a rare occasion. "Ticks withstand from nourishing on habitation big
animals, and a Christmas tree is not a suitable habitat for them," he notes.

In terms of a real Christmas tree being a fire hazard, Cass says trees become
flammable only if they dry out. "Just make sure you water it daily and position it away
from heat sources."
When it comes to being kind to the environment, artificial trees can be a solid choice,
Caleb Backe, a health and wellness expert for Maple Holistics, tells Romper in an email
interview. "But only if they are used for a certain number of years before their disposal,"
he says. Still, Backe says, a live tree doesn't pose the environmental loss that some
people might believe it does.

"While cutting down a real tree does constitute a kind of environmental damage, this
doesn't necessarily make it a more harmful long-term act, environmentally speaking,
than purchasing and using an artificial tree does," he says. "The thing is, real trees
decompose and return to the earth when they are disposed of. So, while a tree is ripped
from the ground for aesthetic and unnatural home use, it does eventually feed into the
circle of life, decomposing and feeding the growth of future trees."

Artificial trees, on the other hand, are potentially more problematic, Backe says. "Made
of unnatural plastics and other non-biodegradable materials, when an artificial tree is
disposed of, it doesn't return to the ground, and it doesn't feed the circle of life. More
often than not, it ends up in a landfill, harming the environment and doing more harm
than it did well in preventing the killing of a real tree."

Backe points out that studies have suggested that an artificial tree must be used for as
many as 20 years to make it the eco-friendly option. "Anecdotal evidence suggests that
the average homeowner utilizes their artificial tree for far less than 20 years, meaning
that more often than not, the real tree is the real green choice," he says.

In terms of an artificial tree being a fire hazard, Cass adds that artificial trees could also
be a problem, "and is made from mostly PVC; they would emit highly toxic gases.

Some Best Indoor Flowering Plants

Chrysanthemums, or mums, as they are more commonly called, make beautiful indoor
flowering trees with bright, cheerful blooms. They are remarkably easy to care when
you provide a sunny location, well-drained soil and enough water. Once all that is in
place, you’ll have an attractive addition to your room.

Spider Plant

These baits appear to grow, even when disregarded. They want wet ground but will
absolve you if you forget to water periodically. Protect spider plants in bright to diminish
light, but avoid direct sun. Fertilize spider plants twice a month during the spring and
Ficus are popular houseplants and also often called the best plants for offices. Why are
the great office plants? Because they have a striking appearance and are highly
effective at purifying indoor air. This plant likes yellow, erratic light, moist soil and
occasional misting. Make sure you keep your focus away from drafts.

Peace Lily
This fantastic indoor plant gives beauty and glamour with a unique look. It prefers bright,
indirect light but also does well in medium, indirect light. When it needs water, it will tell
you by getting droopy leaves. After watering, it perks back up in response.

Boston Fern

Boston ferns can accumulate quite a few big and create a showy but elegant addition to
your home. They do particularly well in lavatories and other spots that are moist but
have soft, natural light.

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