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Red Clay Consulting

VEE Rule Summary


1. VEE Group Matrix (Factor)

This VEE rule uses the factor configured on the rule to determine a VEE group, and then calls the VEE
processor to execute the rules for that group.

This rule can be configured to produce an error if no VEE group is returned upon evaluation of the input
factor. Otherwise, if no VEE group is returned, the rule exits without error.

2. Execute VEE Group

This VEE rule executes the VEE rules for the VEE group configured directly on the rule.

3. Successful Termination

Successfully terminates VEE processing when criteria are satisfied. This rule can be used to increase VEE
performance by forgoing execution of subsequent VEE rules if unnecessary. No exceptions are created
from this rule; however, the exceptions created by rules prior to successfully terminating VEE processing
will remain.

4. Exception Handler

Analyzes the exception list accumulated during the execution of the VEE processor based upon the
configuration of exception criteria on the VEE rule.

If the exception criteria are satisfied, the algorithm creates a new exception using the exception type
configured on the rule.

The severity of exceptions created by this algorithm is always set to "terminate" to stop all VEE processing.


5. High/Low Check

Incoming data is compared against historical Average Daily Usage (ADU) for either the last reading or last
year, to validate that consumption is within an allowable range.

The low and high end of the range is calculated based on various parameters configured in the rule:

1) Historical ADU that is calculated by the high/low check is employed to identify irregularities in a
customer’s consumption.
2) Average ADU that is equal to the Total Energy for the reading prorated to a daily/24 hour value.
ADU is typically measured in KWH but can be other UOMs.

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VEE Rule Summary

If not enough usable data is found using the first historical option, measurement data for the second
historical option is evaluated.

6. Interval Spike Check

Examines the incoming IMD to identify intervals with conspicuously high usage, relative to surrounding
intervals. This rule can be performed in two ways:
1) For every 24-hour set of data in the initial measurement data set.
2) For the entire initial measurement data set.

7. Inactive Measurement Check

This rule can log exceptions if IMDs are received for disconnected devices, uninstalled devices, or for
devices without active Usage Subscriptions

8. Duplicate IMD Check

Validates that the current Initial Measurement Data being validated is not a duplicate of an existing IMD
for the same Measuring Component.

9. Scalar Replacement Rule

Checks if there exists a final measurement with a date/time equal to the date/time in the current initial
measurement being validated.

Replacement Handling Method VEE Rule Parameters

• Reject all
o An exception is raised from processing if the above condition is true.
• Reject if existing data is manually edited
An exception is raised from processing only if the final measurement has been user-edited.

10. Interval Replacement Rule

Checks if the intervals in an Interval Initial Measurement will replace existing final measurements.

Replacement Handling Method VEE Rule Parameter

• Reject all
o An exception is raised from processing if the above condition is true.
• Reject if existing data is manually edited
An exception is raised from processing only if the final measurement has been user-edited.

11. Sum Check

Evaluates whether consumption for the current IMD is within the configured tolerance of the sum of the
consumption during the same period for any Measuring Components related to the current one.

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VEE Rule Summary

*This rule should only replace estimated reads and reads should only be edited after the estimation
window has completed.

Percentage Tolerance (%): The percentage difference between the consumption of the two measuring
components. If the percentage difference is higher than this tolerance, the measurement fails the

Tolerance: The difference between the consumption of the two measuring components. If the
difference is higher than this tolerance, the measurement fails the validation.

Meter Multiplier Tolerance (%): The tolerance based on the multiples of the meter multiplier. If the
percentage difference is higher than this tolerance, the measurement fails the validation.

Only one tolerance can be defined for this rule.

Required Related MC Measurements (%): The percentage of time that must be covered by the
measurement data of the related MC as compared to the time covered by the initial measurement that
is being processed that must present for the rule to execute. If a related measuring component does not
have at least this amount of measurement data, the rule generates an exception based on the
Insufficient Related MC Measurements Exception parameters. If there are more than one related
measuring components, each of the related measuring components must have this minimum amount of
measurement data.

12. Zero Consumption Check

For interval MCs, logs a VEE exception if the total consumption in the IMD equals zero. Total consumption
is calculated by summing all measurements from the IMD.

For scalar MCs, logs a VEE exception if consumption equals zero. Total consumption is Stop Read – Start

13. Negative Consumption Check

Logs a VEE exception if the total consumption on the IMD is less than zero. Total consumption is
calculated by summing all measurements from the IMD. This rule does not differentiate scalar and
interval IMDs.

14. Interval Size Validation

Validates that the seconds per interval (SPI) supplied with the Initial Measurement is equal to the
interval size defined on the Measuring Component's type.

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VEE Rule Summary

15. Multiplier Check

Validates the register multiplier supplied on the IMD is equal to the multiplier stored on the measuring

16. Unit of Measure Check

Checks the unit of measure (UOM) passed in from the IMD against the primary unit of measure
configured on the Measuring Component’s Type.

17. Ensure IMD Exists for Sibling MCs

Validates that Initial Measurements exist for every other MC associated to the same device
configuration as the current MC, for the same period of time as the current IMD. Also checks that each
of the Initial Measurements has the same External Source ID (meaning that they all came from the same
usage file).

18. Final Measurement Validation

Compares the existing Measurements for an MC for the same period as the incoming IMD and cross
references the measurement condition of the existing measurements to the incoming IMD. If the
incoming IMD’s condition code is of lesser quality than the existing measurements, it will set the
condition code of the incoming IMD to the configured condition value and generate an exception. Please
note that processing will not stop once a conflict has been detected.

This rule can be configured for both Interval and Scalar MCs.

19. Consecutive Interval Check

This rule checks for Consecutive Measurement Values, Consecutive Condition Values, or both. This rule
will only execute on Interval MCs.

20. Raise Missing Quantity Exception

Identifies a condition code and, if any fall within the range that identifies that condition code, will create
an exception, based on a specific percentage threshold.

For this rule, the range of condition codes will include those identified as “Missing”.

This rule excludes “outages” in defining the percentage of missing measurements; if an interval is flagged
as “outage”, no exception will be created.

This rule can be configured for other status code validations.

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VEE Rule Summary


21. Interval Averaging Estimation

Performs estimation of missing consumption by calculating the average consumption for a similar day
for that historical period. This can be done using Holiday Estimations or Non-Holiday Estimations. Used
to fill larger gaps using "like days".

22. Interval Interpolation Estimation

Attempts to interpolate gaps in IMD sets using prior and subsequent intervals as starting points for
linear interpolation (except during Periodic Estimation.) This process is used to fill small gaps in incoming

23. Interval Adjustment from Scalar

Estimates intervals in a cut to reflect the consumption of the register. This is done by either adjusting all
values or adjusting based on condition, using a related scalar measuring component.

A final measurement must exist on the related measuring component, with start and end date/times
within those of the current IMD.

24. Interval Profile Estimation

This rule uses a profile measuring component's interval consumption as a source of values to assign to
intervals in the current Initial Measurement Data set that are marked "missing" via the interval's
condition. If the interval is marked with a condition indicating "outage", the algorithm skips it.

If a measurement is not available for the profile measuring component on the date/time, the interval is
left unchanged.

25. Scalar Estimation

Depending on which parameters are selected and in which order, this estimation process uses historical
data from the last read or last year to estimate data. If the first estimation process is successful, the second
will not be employed.

26. Scalar Proration

This rule estimates a scalar value by prorating the quantity of the subsequent measurement.

The scalar quantity calculation is performed using the following equation:

Estimated Scalar Quantity = (Initial Measurement Duration / Subsequent Measurement Duration) *

Subsequent Measurement Quantity

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VEE Rule Summary

27. Scalar Calculation from Interval

Calculates a single consumption value for a scalar measuring component’s IMD using the total
consumption for the same date/time range for a related interval measuring component.

28. Scalar Profile Estimation

Estimates missing scalar readings based on an associated profile measuring component.

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