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The Great Gatsby Characterization Project Slaughterbeck 1

Project Summary

The Great Gatsby Characterization Project is a problem-based learning activity based off

of the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This project would ask students to read the

novel, create a characterization of one of the main characters, research how this was influenced

by the 1920s, write a speech about the character of choice and how they were influenced by

society, and ultimately come to class dressed as that character for a presentation on the research

that they found. The students would be transforming themselves into the character of their

choice, playing close attention to how the 1920’s helped influence the thoughts and actions of

this character.

This project is needed within my school/district because it teaches students about societal

influence. Societal influence is something they may face when they become adults and learning

how to point out the signs will help them create good habits. It also connects directly to a novel

that they are supposed to read based on state standards. There are also some driving questions

that will get the student headed in the right direction. Some of these questions are: how does

society affect the way we act? How do the characters in The Great Gatsby reflect the culture of

the 1920s? How can we as individuals create an identity for ourselves?

This project-based learning activity would have an impact on the students, teachers, and

the community as well. The students who participate in this project (around 30 or so) will be

directly impacted because it will teach them skills that they can use to develop who they are as a

person. For example, students will research what their society is currently and reflect on their

role in it. This will make them think about whether or not they are happy with the way things are

going and this is a life skill that they can apply to their professions, personal life, and many other

aspects as well. If the project continues beyond just this year, in two- or three-years students will
The Great Gatsby Characterization Project Slaughterbeck 2

be pursuing college degrees confident in themselves and knowing what their strengths and

weaknesses are.

An impact can be shown through other teachers and I as well. This project has the

potential to impact my teaching style completely. Grading is usually focused on a student’s

academic ability, and instead of having the students write a typical essay on this topic, I now

have a chance to grade them based on their strengths and weaknesses. This allows differentiation

into my classroom, which allows for a better experience for students. Other teachers will also be

impacted by this project because they can implement project-based learning into their classrooms

as well. This could create an environment for teachers to stray away from the traditional merit-

based grading scale and move onto a more differentiated grading scale that will access students

on more than just one category.

The community will also be impacted based on this project as well because students will

have a better experience at this school. They will go to their parents and tell them about the

amazing project they’ve been working on. This, in turn, could get parents really involved with

their child’s learning and cause them to be very supportive of the school itself. Our school could

become an innovation that parents flock to for the experiences that they bring their students. The

district could potentially get more funding as well because of the promise that this new learning

style would give them. Overall, there are many people that would benefit from the

implementation of The Great Gatsby Characterization Project.

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