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Dakota State University

College of Education

Name: Connor Nagel

Grade Level: 2nd Grade
School: Madison Elementary
Date: 9-26-19
Time: 11:00-11:30

Prior Lesson Reflection: In our prior lesson we did a short reading and filled
out a comprehension worksheet. The overall lesson went pretty well. The
students were just back inside from recess so they were a little excited and
had some energy but once I got them to sit down and focus they were able
to participate and work well. The lesson wasn’t very interactive so I feel like
in my next couple lessons I need to make sure that I make them more
interactive and get the students more engaged. Other than it not being super
engaging the lesson went well and I think the students understood the
content very well.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

RL.2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and
how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
RL2.7 Use information gained from illustrations and words in a print or
digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.

Lesson Objectives:
● Students will be able to use the text and identify the characters, and
setting of the story along with the events that take place throughout
the story.
● We will be able to fill out a graphic organizer as a whole class when we
are done reading the story.
Materials Needed: Wonders reading book, Graphic organizer

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics: In my classroom I have 24

students, twelve boys and twelve girls. The class is a very well-behaved class
but can get talkative at times. The students will just be coming in from
recess and eating snack as we begin our reading lesson so they may be a
little hyper. I only have one student on an IEP, and his IEP is for his social
needs not academics. He is working on personal space and how to be more
social in the classroom. I also have one student who will be tested as
requested by his guardian.

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction ( 5 minutes )
● getting attention/creating a need to know
○ In reading we have been talking about, character, setting, and events. We
will be reading the story “Big Red Lollipop”. We will focus on the
characters, settings, and the sequence of events for our story.
● relating to past experience and/or knowledge/ sharing objective in general
○ During the reading today I want you guys to pay attention to where the
events are taking place and who the characters are. We want to make
sure we can recognize what is happening in our story and where it is
○ We will fill out a graphic organizer at the end of the story.
2. Content Delivery (15 minutes)
Part One: Whole Group reading
● Read the story “Big Red Lollipop” as a whole group
● Ask students to pay attention to what is happening in the story and focus on the
characters, setting, and events.
○ Who are the characters that we have read about in the story so far?
Where is the story taking place? What was the big event that Rubina was
excited about? “After reading the first couple pages of our story who are
the characters we have met so far?”. “What is the setting to start our
story?”. “What happens in the beginning of the story? The middle? The
end?” We will have a discussion as a class and will put our thoughts on
the graphic organizer.
Part Two: Graphic Organizer
● After reading the story, we will take time to fill out a graphic organizer together
as a whole group. We will look at the setting, characters, and events that took
place in our story. For the events we will look at the beginning, middle, and end
of the story and look at the key details and points of those events.

3. Closure (5 minutes)
● To close the lesson I will have the students go back to their desks, and they will
begin working on our next subject.

B. Assessments Used
● Observation- I will observe the students while we read the story as a group and
while we are working on the graphic organizer.

C. Adaptions and Modifications

● I have a couple students that receive Title for reading but no students with IEPs
in academic areas. I have a couple students who have trouble with raising their
hands and just blurt things out. I will be sure to reinforce that I want them to
raise their hands when students start to blurt things out. I will be sure to give
clear instructions on what we are doing so our students understand what I want
from them.

C. Resources
● Wonders reading book
● Graphic Organizer

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