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Effect of Fly Ash Stabilization on Geotechnical Properties of Chittagong

Coastal Soil

Chapter · January 2007

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6146-2_26


19 382

3 authors, including:

Mehedi Ansary Munaz Ahmed Noor

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology


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Earthquake vulnerability reduction strategies-in the context of Old Dhaka View project


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A Study of Lime Stabilization on Soil of a Selected
Reclaimed Site of Dhaka City

M. A. Ansary, A. Siddique & K. A. Hasan

Department of Civil Engg., BUET, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

Abstract: Engineering properties of a lime stabilised soil collected from a reclaimed site of Dhaka, Bangladesh was studied. The soil
used in this investigation is high plasticity silty clay with liquid limit of 52 and plasticity index of 29. Compaction tests, unconfined
compression tests on compacted large cylindrical samples (71 mm diameter by 142 mm high and compacted according to Modified
AASHTO compaction test), California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests and flexural strength tests using simple beams with third point load-
ing were carried out on the untreated samples and samples stabilised with different lime contents (1%, 3%, 5% and 7%). Effect of cur-
ing age on unconfined compressive strength and flexural strength was also investigated for the stabilised samples. From compaction
tests, it was found that with increase in lime contents maximum dry density reduced and optimum moisture content increased. Consid-
erable increase in compressive strength was found due to stabilisation which depended on the lime content and curing age. CBR values
of the stabilised samples increased significantly. Flexural strength of soil-lime beams also increased.

1 INTRODUCTION Stabilization of soil with cement and lime was successfully

used for the construction of road foundation all over the world. In
Improvement of mechanical properties of soil is essential to meet United States and Europe, lime stabilization is commonly used
the required soil condition for construction in many areas. Stabi- for improving remoulded strength, loading capacity of founda-
lization is one of the most economical and desirable method for tions of (roads or embankments) and for erosion control
improving the strength, durability and resistance to deformation (Macham et al., 1977). Markus et al. (1979) recommended that
of both in situ and reclaimed soils. Soil stabilization always in- stabilised cement and lime could be used for the construction of
volves certain mechanical treatment of the natural soil or remix- low-cost building in developing countries. Central Road Re-
ing the natural soil with admixtures followed by compaction of search Institute (CRRI), India has been advocating low cost soil
the mixture. The different uses of soil demand various require- stabilization techniques for rural roads in India (Swaminathan et
ments of mechanical strength and of resistance to environmental al., 1976). Lime was already used as stabiliser for the sub-base
forces. Stabilization is considered as a technique that is applied layer construction of a segment of highway in the Northern dis-
only when there is a particular and obvious deficiency in soil. trict of Bangladesh.
The usual deficiencies are mainly associated with inadequate In Bangladesh especially in capital city Dhaka, land develop-
strength or stiffness, excessive sensitivity to changes in moisture ment activities have increased significantly in the recent time.
content, high permeability, poor workability and tendency to Every year new residential, commercial and recreational areas
erode. are being developed by raising low lands. Houses, markets, roads
There are a number of methods of soil stabilization for im- etc. are frequently being constructed on newly reclaimed ground.
proving the physical and engineering properties. Undoubtedly, In the reclamation process, filling soils are generally collected
the most widely applied methods involve the use of inorganic from readily available borrow pits. But the properties of the soils
cementation bonds between the particles in the soil system do not always comply with the specified requirements and thus
(Khan, 1989). Full use of the potential of stabilization requires an creates problems in the construction phase. Longer monsoon
awareness of the various methods available, their preferred appli- heavy rainfall and flood are other problems in land development
cations and limitations, their properties and means of evaluation works in Bangladesh. To mitigate the problems it is necessary to
and their construction requirements. NAASRA (1986) discussed improve the properties of in-situ soils and filling soils. Stabiliza-
the factors for each of the commonly used methods. tions could play a vital role in this process.
Cement and lime stabilization are widely recommended for In this paper, lime stabilization of soil of a selected reclaimed
construction of roads (Ingles & Metcalf, 1972; Kezdi, 1979; site (Bashundhara Housing project) of Dhaka was carried out.
NAASRA, 1986; Hausmann, 1990; Bell, 1993). The main engi-
neering benefits of lime stabilization are improved workability,
increased strength and volume stability. Lime-stabilization was
successfully used to stabilise clayey soils. The clay minerals
The whole research programme was carried out according to the
carry a negative charge on the surface, which adsorbed cautions
following phases:
of sodium, magnesium, potassium or hydrogen, and to a large ex-
(i) Index property tests of the soil without any treatment were
tent responsible for imparting plasticity to the soil sample. Lime
carried out to characterise the soils. Index tests include Atterberg
brings changes in the plasticity properties of a soil; it increases
limit tests, specific gravity and grain size analysis. Index prop-
soil contact bonds and therefore the strength.

erty tests of the soil stabilised with different lime contents were method. The compacted samples were cured in moist environ-
also performed. ment for 7 days and air-dried. The air-dried samples were pulver-
(ii) The following tests were carried out on the soil without any ised to pass through No. 40 sieve and after mixing of water the
treatment and stabilised with four different lime contents (1%, samples were kept 24 hours in polythene bags to bring uniform
3%, 5% and 7%): moisture content in soils. Liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity
(a) Modified compaction test index of the stabilised samples were determined following the
(b) Unconfined compressive strength test (at curing age of 7, 14 standard procedure outlined in BS 1377 and ASTM D424 respec-
and 28 days) on moulded cylindrical samples of 71 mm diameter tively. The shrinkage factor comprising the shrinkage limit was
by 142 mm high determined in accordance with the procedure specified in ASTM
(c) California Bearing Ratio (4 days soaked CBR) test and D427. Linear shrinkage of the cement and lime treated samples
(d) Flexural strength test (at curing age of 7 and 28 days) using were determined following the procedure outlined in BS 1377.
simple beam with third point loading system. Table 1. Physical and index properties of untreated soil.
Unconfined compressive strength tests and flexural strength
tests using simple beam with third point loading were carried out Index Properties and Classification of the Soil Sample
on lime stabilised samples cured at 7 days and 28 days in order to Specific Gravity 2.67
investigate the effect of curing age on the measured compressive Liquid Limit 52%
strength and flexural strength and stiffness. In order to investi- Plastic Limit 23%
gate CBR - Dry density relationships for the untreated and stabi- Plasticity Index 29%
lised soils, laboratory CBR tests were carried out on the untreated Shrinkage Limit 14%
samples and samples treated with lime using three levels of com- Linear Shrinkage 13.5%
paction energies. Absorption tests were also carried out on the % Sand (2 mm to 0.075 mm) 2%
portions of the cement-stabilized samples used in the flexural % Silt (0.075 mm to 0.002 mm) 78%
strength tests. % Clay (<0.002 mm) 20%
(iii) In order to investigate the effect of moulding water content % of Material Finer than No. 200 Sieve 98%
on the compressive strength, unconfined compression strength Unified Soil Classification CH
tests were carried out on 71 mm diameter by 142 mm high stabi- AASHTO Soil Classification A-7-5
lised soil samples treated with 3% lime content which had been
compacted according to the Modified Compaction test with two
moulding water contents. The following water contents were 4.1 Plasticity and Shrinkage Characteristics
used for compaction:
The values of plasticity and shrinkage properties of the untreated
(a) Water content corresponding to 95% of maximum dry den-
and lime-treated soil samples are shown in Table 2. These results
sity at dry side of the optimum moisture content.
are in agreement with those reported by Ahmed (1984), Rajbong-
(b) Water content corresponding to 95% of maximum dry den-
shi (1997), Shahjahan (2001) and Hasan (2002). Table 2 shows
sity at wet side of the optimum moisture content.
the linear shrinkage of the stabilized samples reduced with in-
creasing lime content. Similar results were also reported by Bell
SOIL Table 2. Index and shrinkage properties of lime-treated soil.

The sample collected from the field was disturbed. This sample Index Shrinkage Lime Content (%)
was then air-dried and the soil lumps was broken carefully with a Properties 0 1 3 5 7
wooden hammer so as to avoid breakage of soil particle. The re- Liquid Limit 52.0 50.5 49.0 48.0 46.5
quired quantity of soil was then sieved through sieve No. 40 Plastic Limit 23.0 23.5 24.0 25.0 25.5
(0.425 mm). The different fractions of sand, silt and clay of the Plasticity Index 29.0 27.5 25.0 23.0 22.5
sample were found from the grain size distribution curve follow- Shrinkage Limit 14.0 15.0 15.5 16.0 17.0
ing the MIT Textural Classification System. The soil was classi- Linear Shrinkage 13.5 13.0 11.0 8.0 6.0
fied according to Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM
D2487). The soils were also classified according to AASHTO
Soil Classification System (AASHTO M145-49). Table 1 pre- 4.2 Moisture-Density Relations
sents the values of index and shrinkage properties, grain size dis- The moisture-density relationship of untreated and lime-treated
tribution and classifications of the soil sample used. samples is shown in Fig. 1. It can be seen from Fig. 1 that with
the increase in lime content values, γmax reduced while the values
of wopt increased. Compared with the untreated sample, the val-
4 PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF LIME ues of γmax reduced up to 4% for an increase in lime content up to
TREATED SOIL 7%. The values of wopt increased up to 21% for an increase in
lime content up to 7%. Ahmed (1984) found that for sandy silt
Liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index and shrinkage charac- and silty clay soils of Bangladesh, the maximum dry density re-
teristics including shrinkage limit and linear shrinkage of the duced with the increase in lime content. Rajbongshi (1997) also
lime stabilised soil were determined. Hydrated lime (i.e., slaked found that compared with untreated sample the maximum dry
lime) was used as additive. Liquid limit, plastic limit and plastic- density of lime-treated samples of two fine-grained coastal soils
ity index of the stabilised samples were estimated from tests car- reduced while optimum moisture content slightly increased. Re-
ried out on air-dried pulverised samples. The required quantities duction in the values of γmax with increasing lime content was
of pulverised soil were sieved through sieve No. 40 (0.425 mm).
The lime treated soils were compacted following ASTM D558

also reported by a number of researchers (Kezdi, 1979; Haus- Lime Content Curing Age qu εf
mann, 1990; Bell, 1993). (%) (Days) (kPa) (%)
0 - 380 10.7
4.3 Unconfined Compressive Strength 7 470 8.5
1 14 775 9.6
Table 3 presents a summary of the unconfined compression test 28 984 6.4
results of the untreated and treated samples. The values of uncon- 7 1020 12.9
fined compressive strength (qu) and axial strain at failure (εf) for 3 14 1381 4.3
the untreated samples and samples treated with different lime 28 2015 2.1
contents (1%, 3%, 5% and 7%) and cured for 7, 14 and 28 days 7 1877 2.7
are presented in Table 3. Table 3 shows that compared with the 5 14 2192 3.2
untreated sample, the values of qu of the treated samples in- 28 2385 2.1
creased significantly, depending on the lime content and curing 7 2173 1.6
age. Ahmed (1984) found that unconfined compression strength 7 14 2304 1.6
for sandy silt and silty clay samples treated with various lime 28 2678 1.6
contents (0.5% to 5%) increased with the increase in lime content
and curing age. Serajuddin (1992) and Rajbongshi (1997) also
reported that the unconfined compressive strength of regional al- 4.4 California Bearing Ratio
luvial soils and coastal soils of Bangladesh treated with 3% to A summary of the CBR test results is presented in Table 4. In or-
10% hydrated lime increased with the increase in lime content der to investigate CBR-dry density relationship for untreated and
and curing age. Table 3 also shows that the value of qu of sample stabilized samples, CBR tests were performed on samples com-
treated with 7% lime and cured at 28 days was found to be about pacted according to Modified Compaction test using three levels
7 times higher than the strength of the untreated sample. of compaction energies, e.g., low compaction (471 kN-m/m3),
19 medium compaction (1178 kN-m/m3) and high compaction (2639
kN-m/m3). It can be seen from Table 4 that compared with the
untreated sample, CBR-values of the treated samples at all levels
of compaction increased considerably. TRB reported the effect of
lime treatment on CBR-values for three plastic clays (LL = 35 to
Dry Density (kN/m )

17 59, PI = 15 to 30) and showed that for all the soils CBR increase
markedly with increasing lime content. It can be seen from Table
4 that CBR-values of soil stabilized with 7% lime increased up to
0% Lime about 4 times than that of the respective untreated samples.
1% Lime Ingles & Metcalf (1972) recommended that for improvement
3% Lime
15 of base material in road construction, the minimum CBR-values
5% Lime
of soil-lime mix should be 80. It can be seen from Table 4 that
7% Lime
CBR value of soil treated with 7% lime and compacted at high
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 energy is 70, which does not fulfill the criteria proposed by In-
Moisture Content (%) gles & Metcalf (1972). Therefore, slightly higher lime content
Fig. 1. Moisture-density relations of lime-treated soil. may be required to achieve higher CBR values in order to fulfill
the above criteria suggested by Ingles & Metcalf (1972). Mollah
Ingles & Metcalf (1972) recommended that when lime stabiliza- (1997) and Rajbongshi (1997) showed that at all levels of com-
tion has to be used in order to upgrade heavy clays to sub-base mate- paction, CBR increases markedly with the increase in lime con-
rial quality type, a qu-value of 250 psi (1722 kPa) at seven days is tent also with the increase in dry density.
required. Table 3 shows that the unconfined compressive strength of
samples treated with 5% and 7% lime contents fulfilled the require-
4.5 Flexural Strength and Modulus
ments as proposed by Ingles & Metcalf (1972). These results are in
agreement with those reported by a number of researchers (Ingles & The flexural properties of untreated and stabilized samples were
Metcalf, 1972; Ahmed, 1984; Serajuddin, 1992; Bell, 1993; Ra- investigated by carrying out flexural strength test using simple
jbongshi, 1997; Mollah, 1997). beam test with third point loading. From the flexural stress and
In order to investigate the effect of molding water content on the deflection data, flexural strength and modulus were determined.
compressive strength, unconfined compression tests were also car- The flexural properties of the soil are presented in Table 5. It can
ried out on 71 mm diameter by 142 mm high soil samples stabilized be seen from Table 5 that compared with the untreated sample,
with 3% lime content and cured for 7, 14 and 28 days. The samples flexural strength and modulus of the treated samples cured at 7
were compacted according to the modified Compaction test with and 28 days increased significantly. The flexural strength and
two additional molding water contents other than the optimum mois- modulus of treated soil with 7% lime and cured at 28 days are
ture content as mentioned in Article 2. The variation of qu with cur- about 3.0 times and 2.7 times higher than those of the untreated
ing age for the soil sample treated with 3% lime and compacted with samples, respectively. Rajbongshi (1997) also showed that com-
different molding water contents are shown in Fig. 2. pared with the untreated soils flexural strength and modulus of
treated samples cured at 28 days increase significantly. The
Table 3. Unconfined compressive strength test results of un- maximum deflection and failure strain of untreated and stabilized
treated and lime-treated soil. soil-lime beams were in the range of 0.49 mm to 1.08 mm and
0.22% to 0.48%, respectively.

Table 5. Flexural properties of lime-treated soil.
2500 Dry Side Lime Curing Flexural Maximum Flexural Failure
Wet Side Content Age Strength Deflec- Modulus Strain
(%) (Days) (kPa) tion (mm) (MPa) (%)
0 - 40.80 0.780 23.37 0.354
qu (kN/m )

7 54.36 0.860 24.00 0.372

1500 28 67.80 0.740 29.39 0.331
7 77.88 0.495 38.84 0.226
28 81.20 0.720 52.70 0.324
7 85.00 0.580 43.06 0.267
28 94.80 0.860 57.70 0.394
500 7 96.20 0.840 53.85 0.382
0 7 14 21 28 35 7
Curing Age (Days)
28 121.70 1.080 62.70 0.487
Fig. 2. Unconfined compressive strength versus curing age of 3%
lime-treated soil for different molding water content.
Table 4. CBR test results of untreated and lime-treated Soil. Ahmed, N.U. 1984. Geotechnical properties of selected local
soils stabilized with lime and cement. M.Sc. Engg. Thesis,
Lime Compaction Dry Density 4 Days
Dept. of Civil Engg., BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Content Energy (kN/m3) Soaked CBR
Bell, F.G. 1993. Engineering treatment of soils. An Imprint of
Low 16.90 13
Chapman & Hall, First Edition, London, U.K.
0 Medium 17.80 15
Hasan, K.A. 2002. A study on cement and lime stabilization on
High 18.20 17
soils of selected reclaimed sites of Dhaka city. M.Sc. Engg.
Low 16.32 17 Thesis, Dept. of Civil Engg., BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
1 Medium 17.31 23 Hausmann, M.R. 1990. Engineering principles of ground modifica-
High 17.92 36 tion. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Singapore.
Low 15.94 32 Ingles, O.G. & Metcalf, J.B. 1972. Soil stabilization-principles
3 Medium 17.04 43 and practice. Butterworths, Pty. Limited, Australia.
High 17.36 49 Kezdi, A. 1979. Stabilized earth roads. Elsevier Scientific Pub-
Low 15.21 49 lishing Company, New York.
5 Medium 16.39 57 Khan, M.J. 1989. Effect of flyash with lime and cement additives
High 16.86 60 on the engineering behaviour of soft Bangkok clay. M. Engi-
Low 14.89 53 neering Thesis GT 89-16, Asian Institute of Technology,
7 Medium 15.89 64 Bangkok, Thailand.
High 16.04 70 Macham, L.R. et al. 1977. Laboratory study of the effectiveness
of cement and lime stabilization for erosion control. Transpro-
tation Research Board, 641: 24-28.
Markus, T.A. et al. 1979. Stabilised soil: an under-utilised re-
The main findings and conclusions of the present study are as source for low-cost building in developing countries. Univer-
follows: The plastic limit and shrinkage limit increased with in- sity of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
creasing lime content while liquid limit reduced with the increase Molla, M.A.A. 1997. Effect of compaction conditions and state vari-
in lime content. Compared with the untreated sample, linear ables on engineering properties of the lime stabilized soil. M.Sc.
shrinkage of the stabilized samples reduced with increasing lime Engg. Thesis, Dept. of Civil Engg., BUET, Dhaka, Bangla-
content. With the increase of lime content: maximum dry density desh.
values reduced, optimum moisture content values increased and NAASRA 1986. Guide to stabilization in roadworks. Sydney,
unconfined compressive strength values also increased. It was Australia.
found that irrespective of curing ages, values of compressive Rajbongshi, B. 1997. A study on cement and lime stabilized Chit-
strength is maximum and minimum at molding moisture contents tagong coastal soils for use in road construction. M.Sc. Engg.
of wet side of optimum and dry side of optimum respectively. It Thesis, Dept. of Civil Engg., BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
therefore appears that in order to achieve adequate compressive Serajuddin, M. 1992 Chemical stabilization of Bangladesh fine-
strength, lime stabilized samples should be compacted at the wet grained soils for improvement of road sub-grade. Proceedings of
side of their optimum moisture contents. the Indian Geotechnical Conference, 1: 223-226.
Compared with the untreated sample, CBR values of the Shahjahan, A.B.M., 2001. Long term strength development of lime
treated samples increased considerably at all levels of compac- stabilized soils. M.Sc. Engg. Thesis, Dept. of Civil Engg.,
tion effort, depending on the lime content. It was found that cur- BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
ing age has got significant effect on the increase in flexural Swaminathan, C.G. et al. 1976. A system approach to rural road
strength and modulus of lime-treated soil. The maximum deflec- development. Journal of Indian Road Congress, 42-43: Paper
tion and failure strain of stabilized soil-lime beams were found to No. 346.
be small and the maximum were 1.08 mm and 0.48% respec-

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