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Shane Cerna

Final Reflection Paper

Arizona State University


Question one: Looking back over your previous reflections, do you see any themes or patterns

emerge on your approach to learning with technology? What stands out to you? Were you

surprised by any of your observations on your own learning experiences?

Looking back over my previous reflections, I have found themes and patters that emerge on my

approach to learning with technology. What stands out to me is the idea that I am so comfortable and

confident with the technology around me having used it my entire life. I was not particularly surprised by

any of my observations on my own personal learning experiences.

Question two: Taking into consideration all of your experiences in this course (including all the

assignments) what were some of the problems or challenges you encountered, and how did you

solve them or work to get past them? How has your strategy for dealing with challenges changed

over the course of this class (or has it)?

Taking into consideration all of my experiences in this course, some problems or challenges I

encountered were not directly related to the assignments themselves. What I mean by that is I struggled

with finding the motivation to complete or start my assignments in a timely manner. I did not work to get

past them, but this course has changed the way I think regarding procrastination. I now am aware that

college is not a simple gig like high school was. In the future, I will be sure to treat each assignment with

the proper amount of time needed for completion and a quality completed product as well.

Question three: Compare the way you thought about learning with technology before the beginning

of this class, and now, what has changed? Why do you think it changed?

In the beginning of the course, I was very anti-technology. I wanted to do things on paper. I

wanted to hand in assignments, and to not submit them online. I like handwriting things, as I feel it adds a

more personal touch to anything and everything. However, this course has helped me realize there is no

way to get around technology. Technology is today, and it will be here tomorrow. Classrooms are

included in that bunch. I have a sneaking suspicion that classrooms of the future will eliminate paper all

together. In a sense, that is good for the environment. Rambling aside, I think my views changed due to

the fact that my eyes were opened.


Question four: If you take an assignment from the beginning of the class, and one from the end,

compare and contrast how you approached those assignments. What changes can you see in how

you approached the work?

Like I mentioned in an above response, I did not allow myself enough time to work on

the projects in order to form a product I would be happy with. Toward the end of the class that holds even

more truth. I approached the work with apathy and dread coursing through me. The quality deteriorated,

and I am not happy with the work I submitted in the beginning or the end. I struggled to find the

motivation to complete the assignments not only within a timely manner but also to the quality that I

myself expected them to stand to. My eyes were opened to the idea that college is not going to be passing

me along as public schools did for me. Just because I do the work doesn’t mean that I will be given a

good grade like I was in high school. It was a big wakeup call for me, and I will be sure to approach my

future work in a different way.

Question five: What's the one thing that you have seen in your classmates' work or process that you

would like to try in your next project?

One thing that I have seen in my classmates’ work that I would like to try in my next project is

HTML color code aesthetic generation. It is a website that generates a few colors that work well together.

Then, one can apply those colors to slideshows, Weebly websites, or any other project to make it more

appealing to the eye. My classmates seemed to have a similar work ethic to me, so I cannot say that I

would like to try that in my next project. Instead, I would say that is something I have seen in my

classmates that I would not like to use in my future semesters at ASU or my future projects at ASU and in


Question six: Thinking about any of your module projects if you could go back and change

something what would you change if you had a chance to do this assignment over again?

When I am asked to think back on/ about any module project, the one that comes to mind would

be the expression module. It Is a module that allowed for tons of creative opportunities ranging from

websites, to podcasts, to PowerPoints, to videos, to word documents with visual elements. The expression

module project allowed us that creativity to express our shaped teaching philosophy. If I was to go back

and change anything regarding this project, I would choose a different color theme. I would also go back

and add in more information onto the Weebly site I created. I would like to include some information on

my freelance writing services, part-time job, educational background, and a more thorough contact page.

Question seven: What's one goal you would like to set for yourself for your next semester / class?

After all of the above information was processed by my mind and brought down onto a document

page for me to see (a visual representation of my thoughts), one goal I would like to set for myself next

semester is to get a planner. I would like to put all of my due dates for projects and assignments into the

planner so that I can remember to complete them on time. Better yet, I would like to put all the due dates

onto a calendar by my bed so that I cannot avoid seeing them first thing when I wake up in the morning.

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