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November 20, 2019 Name: ______________________

Social Studies Survey

1. I feel confident enough to ask questions in my social class.

Always Most times Sometimes Rarely Never

2. I get tense when I prepare for a social test.

Always Most times Sometimes Rarely Never

3. I believe I can do well on a social test.

Always Most times Sometimes Rarely Never

4. I get nervous when taking a social test.

Always Most times Sometimes Rarely Never

5. I believe I can complete all of the assignments in a social course.

Always Most times Sometimes Rarely Never

6. I worry that I will not be able to do well on social tests.

Always Most times Sometimes Rarely Never

7. I believe I am the kind of person who is good at social.

Always Most times Sometimes Rarely Never

8. I feel stressed when listening to socials instructors in class.

Always Most times Sometimes Rarely Never

9. I believe I can understand the content in a social course.

Always Most times Sometimes Rarely Never

10. I am afraid to give an incorrect answer during my social class.

Always Most times Sometimes Rarely Never

11. I get nervous when asking questions in class.

Always Most times Sometimes Rarely Never

12. Working on social homework is stressful for me.

Always Most times Sometimes Rarely Never

13. I believe I can learn well in a social course.

Always Most times Sometimes Rarely Never
14. I worry that I will not be able to complete every assignment in a social course.
Always Most times Sometimes Rarely Never

15. I feel confident when taking a social test.

Always Most times Sometimes Rarely Never

16. What part of socials causes you the most stress?

Multiple Choice Tests Written Tests Projects Assignments

17. How would you rate your time management skills?

Excellent Good Mediocre Need Improvement Bad

18. Describe below how you prepare for a social studies:

19. What can be provided by the teacher to feel more prepared for a test?

20. What are your final thoughts on how you can feel less anxious/nervous for any assessment in this

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