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XIV New Patents

trial processes operate on data signals represen- ponents, where K represents a predetermined
tative of process parameter values and generate positive integer, each input layer frame consists
response values representative of desired or re- of K input neuron units. Each intermediate layer
quested process parameter values. A knowledge frame consists of M intermediate neuron units,
base stores knowledge of the industrial process where M represents a positive integer which is
in the form of rules, and an inference engine less than K. The vector components of each fea-
applied the rules to calculate the response values. ture vector are supplied to the respective input
A time-stamp value is assigned to each data neuron units of one of the input layer frames that
signal, representing the time of receipt of each is preferably selected from three consecutively
signal. Currency evaluation elements, responsive numbered input layer frames. The neural net-
to user-selected currency range values and the work is readily trained to make a predetermined
time-stamp signals, assign an expiration-time one of the output neuron units produce an out-
value to the data signals and disregard data put signal indicative of the input pattern and can
signals having an expiration-time value outside a be implemented by a microprocessor.
corresponding user-selected currency range
NETWORK TO WHICH DYNAMIC Noboru Higuchi, Chuzo Kobayashi, Yasunori
PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUF~ Ichikawa, Keizo Matsui, Shigeru Yamaguchi,
ARE APPLICABLE Kanagawa, Japan assigned to Fuji Photo Film
Co Ltd
Hiroaki Sakoe, Tokyo, Japan assigned to NEC
Corporation A liquid or powder measurement apparatus,
usable also for mixing a plurality of measured
In a neural network, input neuron units of an in- materials and for distributing the mixture to a
put layer are grouped into first through J-th in- plurality of dispensing containers. A flow con-
put layer frames, where J represents a trol valve having a wide flow rate range and ex-
predetermined natural number. Intermediate cellent linearity between the degree of valve
neuron units of an intermediate layer are opening and flow rate is disposed in each of the
grouped into first through J-th intermediate liquid flow paths and is adjustable to have a flow
layer frames. An output layer comprises an out- rate linearly varying with the stroke of the valve.
put neuron unit. Each intermediate neuron unit A mixing container receives the raw material
of a j-th intermediate layer frame is connected to from one or more supply containers and is
the input neuron units ofj'-th input layer frames, weighed by a load cell to thereby detect the
where j is variable between 1 and j and j' amount of material flowing into or out of the
represents at least two consecutive integers, one mixing container. A control unit operating ac-
of which is equal to j and at least one other of cording to fuzzy logic compares the measured
which is less than j. Each output neuron unit is weight with a target weight and accordingly
connected to the intermediate neuron units of adjusts the flow rate of a selected one of the flow
the intermediate layer. For recognition of an in- regulators. The same load cell and control unit
put pattern represented by a time sequence of can also control the flows from the mixing con-
feature vectors, each consisting of K vector corn- tainers to the dispensing containers.

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