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DOI 10.1007/s40265-013-0055-x


Drug-Induced Macular Edema

Olga E. Makri • Ilias Georgalas •

Constantine D. Georgakopoulos

Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013

Abstract Macular edema constitutes a serious pathologic 1 Introduction

entity of ophthalmology resulting in vision loss with a
remarkable impact on the quality of life of patients. It is the Macular edema (ME) constitutes a serious ophthalmic
final common pathway of various systemic diseases and condition, impairing patients’ vision and quality of life. It
underlying intraocular conditions, with diabetes mellitus refers to accumulation of fluid in the outer plexiform layer
being the most frequent cause. Other causes include venous and the inner nuclear layer as well as a swelling of Müller
occlusive disease, intraocular surgery, and inflammatory cells of the retina at the macula, which is the part of the
conditions of the posterior segment of the eye. Macular retina responsible for sharp vision due to its high density of
edema is a recognized side effect of various systemic and cone photoreceptors. If fluid accumulation is in form of
local medications and requires special consideration among honeycomb-like spaces, ME is characterized as cystoid ME
ophthalmologists and other clinicians. Recently, antidia- (CME). Pathophysiologically, fluid accumulation may be
betic thiazolidinediones have been implicated in the initially intracellular or extracellular. In the former (cyto-
development of macular edema, and a review of the Eng- toxic edema), there is alteration of the cellular ionic
lish literature revealed that other systemically administered exchanges of excess of Na? intracellularly. In the latter
drugs like fingolimod, recently approved for relapsing (vasogenic edema) there is a predominantly extracellular
forms of multiple sclerosis, the anticancer agents tamoxifen accumulation of fluid associated directly with disturbance
and the taxanes, as well as niacin and interferons have been of the blood–retinal barrier (BRB). In cytotoxic edema,
reported to cause macular edema. Ophthalmologic phar- there is primarily a redistribution of fluid from its normal
maceutical agents, like prostaglandin analogs, epinephrine, extracellular location to the intracellular space, resulting in
timolol, and ophthalmic preparation preservatives have cell damage and release of vasoactive substances that may
also been reported to cause macular edema as an adverse finally induce vasogenic edema through alteration of the
event. The purpose of this article is to provide a short, BRB [1]. Fluorescein angiography (FA) may be required to
balanced overview of the available evidence in this regard. establish the diagnosis of ME (Fig. 1a). Optical coherence
The available data and the possible pathophysiologic tomography (OCT), however, has become the first-line
mechanisms leading to the development of macular edema diagnostic imaging modality for the accurate diagnosis of
are discussed. Possible therapeutic strategies for drug- ME and for monitoring its response to possible therapy
induced macular edema are also proposed. (Fig. 1b).
ME is not a specific disease, but rather a clinical feature
occurring in a variety of conditions. Ocular conditions
O. E. Makri  C. D. Georgakopoulos (&)
Department of Ophthalmology, Medical School, University of associated with CLO include ocular surgery, inherited
Patras, Rio, 26504 Patras, Greece dystrophies, ocular tumors, retinal vascular disease, vitre-
e-mail: oretinal adhesions and traction, inflammatory conditions,
and medications. Several systemically and locally admin-
I. Georgalas
1st Department of Ophthalmology, University of Athens Medical istered drugs have been implicated in the development of
School, Athens, Greece ME. A review of the English literature was performed to
O. E. Makri et al.

induced from each drug category. When available, the

possible pathophysiologic mechanisms leading to the
development of ME are discussed. Possible therapeutic
strategies for drug-induced ME are also proposed.

2 Systemically Administered Agents

2.1 Thiazolidinediones

Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) are oral antidiabetic agents and

act as insulin sensitizers, increasing sensitivity of muscle,
fat, and liver to insulin [2]. They are a second-line treat-
ment used when the glycemic goal with the maximal tol-
erated dose of metformin is not achieved or sustained, and
can be used as monotherapy or combined with oral antid-
iabetics or insulin [3]. TZDs include rosiglitazone and
pioglitazone, with pioglitazone becoming one of the major
antidiabetic drugs prescribed.
TZDs are reported to cause or exacerbate ventricular
failure, pulmonary edema, fluid retention, and peripheral
Fig.1 Cystoid macular edema (CME) diagnostic modalities. a Fluo- edema, especially in patients with left ventricular dys-
rescence angiography reveals a typical, petalloid-like pattern of
hyperfluorescence in the macula during the late phase, due to dye
function or chronic renal insufficiency [4–7]. More pre-
leakage from the perifoveal capillaries and its accumulation within cisely, peripheral edema is described in 4.8 % of patients
microcystic spaces in the outer plexiform layer. b Optical coherence using pioglitazone alone, 6–7.2 % if combined with other
tomography, which has become the ancillary test of choice for the oral agents, and up to 15 % of patients using pioglitazone
diagnosis of CME, provides high-resolution cross-sectional imaging
of the macula, showing cyst-like hyporeflective spaces within the
with insulin [7]. Postulated mechanisms of TZD-induced
outer layers of retina, macular thickening, and loss of the foveal peripheral edema include increased renal sodium absorp-
depression tion and plasma volume, sympathetic activation, intestinal
ion transport alterations, and increased production of vas-
obtain insight into the issue. The MEDLINE database was cular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), resulting in
used as a search engine to identify the drugs that have been increased vascular permeability [5, 8, 9].
implicated in inducing ME. The following keywords were Recently, TZDs were related to development and
employed: ‘‘macular edema’’ and ‘‘reduced vision’’ com- worsening of ME in diabetic patients. Literature review has
bined with ‘‘drug-induced,’’ ‘‘chemically induced,’’ revealed inconclusive findings and an increasing contro-
‘‘adverse effect,’’ ‘‘adverse event,’’ ‘‘associated with drug,’’ versy regarding TZD-induced ME.
‘‘as cause of drug,’’ and ‘‘as side effect.’’ Occasionally, The potential association of TZDs with ME was initially
reference citations from selected review articles were also highlighted by Colucciello [10], who published a single case
used. Additional screening was done by searching indi- report where up-titration of the administered rosiglitazone
vidual drug names. Only articles published in the English resulted in bilateral ME and peripheral edema. After rosig-
language were included. litazone dosage was decreased, ME resolved (Table 1).
The review revealed that the antidiabetic agents, the Ryan et al. [11], in a noncontrolled, nonrandomized,
thiazolidinediones; fingolimod, a recently approved drug retrospective chart review of 30 diabetic patients on TZD
for the relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS); the treatment stated that TZD appears to cause ME and dete-
anticancer agents, tamoxifen and the taxanes; and inter- riorate peripheral edema. They estimated the incidence of
ferons and niacin are the main systemic drugs reported to worsening of ME due to TZD use to 1.5–2.6 %. Resolution
cause ME. Furthermore, ophthalmologic pharmaceutical of ME with improved vision once off TZDs, without laser
agents, like prostaglandin analogs, epinephrine, timolol, treatment, implicated a direct cause-and-effect relationship.
and ophthalmic preparation preservatives, have also been The authors associated the pathogenesis of ME with TZD-
reported to cause ME. induced fluid retention and hypothesized that fluid accu-
The purpose of this article is to review the available data mulation in the retina might be caused by up-regulation of
and to provide a short, balanced overview of the available VEGF [12], leading to both increase in plasma volume and
evidence regarding the frequency and severity of ME vascular permeability.
Drugs and Macular Edema

Table 1 Published isolated case reports of the occurrence of macular edema in association with thiazolidinedione use
Reference Drug Duration of treatment until onset of Peripheral Eye Outcome
ME edema involved

Colucciello [10] Rosiglitazone 3 years; dosage had increased from Yes OU Reversed 3 weeks after dosage was
2 to 8 mg/day 1 month before decreased to 2 mg/day
Oshitari et al. [13] Pioglitazone 2 weeks Yes OU ME persisted 2 weeks after pioglitazone
Significant reduction of ME after
administration of 25 mg spironolactone
Kendall et al. [14] Rosiglitazone More than 1 year Yes Not Resolved upon drug discontinuation
Liazos et al. [15] Rosiglitazone 8 months at 4 mg/day Yes OS Complete resolution 3 months after
rosiglitazone cessation
Asensio-Sánchez Rosiglitazone 1 month at 4 mg/day Yes OU ME persisted despite drug discontinuation
et al. [16]
ME Macular edema, OS left eye, OU both eyes

Ryan et al. [11] recognized that their study had several influenced its final outcome, because the exclusion of
weaknesses due to its retrospective nature. Furthermore, previous laser photocoagulation treatment for diabetic
visual acuity (VA) and macula were not examined before retinopathy or ME excluded those patients who most pos-
TZD administration, and could not be determined whether sibly would have developed ME on TZD exposure. Fur-
ME was associated with TZD treatment or the natural thermore, by excluding patients with marginal renal and
course of diabetic maculopathy [13]. cardiac function, the high-risk population for peripheral
Consequently, the manufacturer of the rosiglitazone, edema and potentially ME was automatically excluded.
GlaxoSmithKline, announced ME being reported in an They also remarked that because OCT analysis was not
undisclosed number of postmarketing cases worldwide used, subtle ME could possibly be missed.
[14]. Isolated case reports also described TZD-induced ME Based on the hypothesis that TZDs induce subclinical
(Table 1) [13–16]. increase in retinal thickness, Tarbett et al. [23] used OCT to
Conversely, a retrospective analysis of 76 patients screen for ME in a cross-sectional study. They compared
concluded that rosiglitazone was not linked to ME [17]. retinal thickness in TZD-treated and non-TZD-treated
Moreover, in a 2.8-year follow-up study of proliferative diabetic patients and showed that there was no difference in
diabetic retinopathy, rosiglitazone was not associated with retinal thickness between the TZD and the non-TZD group.
an increased incidence of ME in patients without ME or A disproportionality analysis of the reports of the 4-year
with mild ME at baseline [18]. This study though, was period on US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
significantly limited by its very small sample size [19]. Adverse Event Reporting System Database concluded that
Association of TZDs with an increased 1-year incidence the frequency of reporting of ME was significantly higher
of ME was confirmed in a large, 170,000-strong, prospec- for TZDs compared to other antidiabetics [24]. Separate
tive cohort study [20]. Even after adjustment for con- analysis of the two TZDs showed that only rosiglitazone
founding factors of age, glycemic control, and insulin use, was associated with ME. Motola et al. [24] emphasized that
modest association between TZDs and ME was revealed. because TZDs represent a second-line treatment, TZD-
The authors, though, could not account for duration of treated subjects may be affected by a more advanced or
diabetes or TZD use, and other confounders [19]. severe stage of diabetes, and be at increased risk of ME.
Eventually, in a cross-sectional analysis of 9,690 par- The most recent published data, a retrospective cohort
ticipants (ACCORD Eye Substudy) [21], no association study of 103,368 diabetic patients, evaluated the short-term
was found between TZD and ME, while the previous and long-term risks of developing ME among TZD users
reports were ascribed to possible idiosyncratic mecha- and nonusers [25]. Conclusively, TZDs were associated
nisms. Authors reserve for a definitive answer from the with increased risk of ME at 1-year and 10-year follow-up
4-year follow-up data which will enable prospectively evaluations, even after adjustment for various confounding
examination of the incidence of ME during continuation or factors known to influence diabetic retinopathy, like age,
initiation of TZD. systolic blood pressure, levels of hemoglobin A1c, etc. The
Commenting on the ACCORD Eye Substudy, Colucci- association was apparent with both TZDs. The authors
ello and Ryan [22] argued that it had selection bias that declared as strengths of their analysis the very large sample
O. E. Makri et al.

size and the long duration of follow-up, and, as an ME during the study period, while in FREEDOMS [29],
important limitation, the lack of information about duration 1.6 % of the subjects receiving 1.25 mg fingolimod
of diabetes and TZD treatment in each patient. developed ME, whereas none of the patients on the lower
Commenting on the above study, Singh and Segal [19] dose of 0.5 mg fingolimod had this side effect.
stated that because TZDs are typically used as second-line Fingolimod-associated ME appears to be dose depen-
agents, the reported differences between TZD users versus dent (observed in only two patients taking the FDA-
nonusers may reflect the underlying diabetes severity rather approved 0.5-mg dose), in the majority of cases occurred
than a TZD effect. The direction that this biases the results within 3–4 months of initiation of treatment, may be
is unknown. asymptomatic and typically resolves upon fingolimod
To summarize, a definite conclusion regarding associa- cessation [30].
tion of TZD treatment and ME cannot be drawn with The pathogenesis of fingolimod-associated ME is
certainty. Large, adequately powered, prospective studies unspecified. Fingolimod is a structural analog to sphingo-
and more detailed meta-analysis of randomized controlled sine-1-phosphate (S1P), a naturally occurring signaling
trials are required to evaluate the exact causal association lysophospholipid, with an important role in immune and
between TZDs and ME and to establish the risk–benefit vascular biology. Fingolimod-P, fingolimod’s active
profile of TZDs in patients with, or at risk of, diabetic ME metabolite, induces internalization and degradation of the
[24]. Despite the uncertainty regarding the association of S1P1 receptor, which plays a role in regulating vascular
TZDs with ME, patients taking TZDs who report any kind permeability, providing a possible explanation of fingoli-
of visual symptom should be promptly referred to an mod-associated ME [30–32]. Tauseef et al. [33] showed
ophthalmologist, as noted in the current drug labels [6, 7]. that knockdown of S1P1 receptor in cultured pulmonary
endothelial cells enhanced the increase in vascular per-
2.2 Fingolimod meability. The disturbance of vascular endothelial integrity
may induce breakdown of the inner BRB and result in ME.
Fingolimod was initially tested as an immunomodulator Two cases of fingolimod-associated ME in MS patients
after renal transplantation. An unexpected finding of the have since been published (Table 2) [34, 35]. In the first
1-year multicenter, randomized, phase III study in renal case, ME was bilateral and resulted in profound reduction
transplant patients was that fingolimod was associated with in VA [34]. In both cases, fingolimod was discontinued and
the occurrence of ME (2.2 and 1.3 % at a dose 5.0 and additional therapy with topical corticosteroid with or
2.5 mg, respectively) [26]. One case report described CME without nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication
3 months after administration of 5 mg/day fingolimod in a (NSAID) was administered. In one eye, ME persisted
renal transplant recipient (Table 2) [27]. CME caused despite therapy [34]. Ontaneda et al. [36] describing the
reduction of VA, was confirmed with FA and OCT, and early experience with fingolimod, stated that among 317
resolved after fingolimod discontinuation. patients, ME occurred in 3.
Recently, fingolimod became the first oral medication According to FDA recommendations, patients should
approved by FDA, at a dose of 0.5 mg/day, for relapsing undergo a baseline ophthalmic examination prior to initi-
forms of multiple sclerosis (MS). In two phase III clinical ation of fingolimod therapy, and a second examination
studies (TRANSFORMS [28] and FREEDOMS [29]), ME 3–4 months later, or whenever the patient notices vision
was a prominent reported adverse event. More precisely, in changes during fingolimod treatment [37]. Jain et al. [30]
TRANSFORMS [28], 1 % of the subjects in the 1.25-mg recommend further evaluation at 6 months and then
fingolimod group and 0.5 % in the 0.5-mg group developed annually. Given the limited clinical experience with

Table 2 Case reports of fingolimod-induced macular edema

Reference Duration and dosage of Eye Outcome
treatment until CME onset involved

Saab et al. [27] 3 months at 5 mg/day OD Complete resolution of CME 2 months after fingolimod discontinuation
Liu and 5 days at 0.5 mg/day OU CME decreased 3 months after fingolimod discontinuation; topical 1 %
Cuthbertson prednisolone and ketorolac was administered OU for 2 months afterward with
[34] complete resolution of CME OS and persistence of minimal CME OD
Turaka and 3 months at 0.5 mg/day OS Complete resolution of CME after fingolimod cessation and topical prednisolone
Bryan [35] administration
CME Cystoid macular edema, VA visual acuity, OD right eye, OS left eye, OU both eyes
Drugs and Macular Edema

fingolimod, long-term follow-up of patients treated with Therapeutically, discontinuation of the causative factor
the drug is required to better determine the incidence and is the common decision, with favorable outcome. In some
management of fingolimod-associated ME. cases, this was accompanied with administration of topical
steroids and NSAIDs [41, 46] or oral acetazolamide [40,
2.3 Taxanes 46]. For those cases where withdrawal of the causative
factor is not recommended, Meyer et al. [45] suggested the
Taxanes (docetaxel and paclitaxel) are widely used che- consideration of oral acetazolamide.
motherapy agents. They act as mitotic inhibitors, prevent- The pathophysiological mechanism of taxane-induced
ing normal reorganization of the microtubule network CME is not clearly understood. Joshi and Garretson [41]
within cells [38]. suggested a toxic effect of paclitaxel on Müller cells, which
Isolated case reports have raised concern, providing are responsible for maintaining osmotic gradients within
compelling association between taxanes and CME occur- the neurosensory retina, resulting in intracellular fluid
rence. Review of the literature yielded two cases of doce- accumulation. Another theory suggests the partial com-
taxel-induced CME [39, 40] and ten due to paclitaxel in promise of the BRB with leakage of small molecules and
both the polyethylated castor oil-based and protein-bound proteins, but not of the larger fluorescein molecules [40,
forms (Table 3) [41–49]. Taxane-induced CME tends to be 42]. Recently, Kuznetcova et al. [47] based on spectral-
bilateral, symptomatic, and characteristically angiographi- domain OCT findings, suggested retinal pigment epithe-
cally silent, because FA fails to show any significant cap- lium dysfunction due to taxane effects on microtubule
illary leakage. OCT demonstrates fluid accumulation into functions. VEGF is probably not involved in the pathoge-
multiple well-defined cyst-like spaces prominently in the netic mechanism, because paclitaxel-induced CME has
outer and inner plexiform layers [42, 46]. been described in patients while administered systemic

Table 3 Case reports of paclitaxel-induced macular edema

Reference Number Drug Duration and dosage of Outcome
of cases administered treatment

Joshi and 1 Paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 for 10 months Resolution of CME 6 weeks after drug cessation
Garretson [41]
Smith et al. [42] 1 Albumin- 2.5 years at 400 mg every Complete resolution 15 weeks after drug discontinuation
bound paclitaxel 3 weeks
Murphy et al. 2 NAB paclitaxel First patient: 6 weeks First patient: rapid recovery of visual function 3 weeks after
[43] (dosage not specified) paclitaxel discontinuation combined with topical
administration of steroids and NSAIDs
Second patient: 11 months Second patient: marked decrease of CME 3 months after drug
(dosage not specified) cessation
Baskin and Garg 1 NAB paclitaxel 6 months (dosage not Resolution of CME 4 months after drug discontinuation
[44] specified)
Meyer et al. [45] 1 Paclitaxel 12 cycles of 200 mg/m2 Complete regression of CME 8 weeks after treatment with oral
acetazolamide (500 mg/day) while still on treatment with
Georgakopoulos 1 Paclitaxel 2 weeks after the 5th, and Ten weeks after the last administration of paclitaxel and under
et al. [46] as per plan the last, cycle treatment with topical ketorolac and oral acetazolamide
of 175 mg/m2 (375 mg/day), CME regressed
Kuznetcova 1 Paclitaxel 3 months (cumulative CME refractory to oral acetazolamide (250 mg/day), topical
et al. [47] dose 2,741.12 mg/m2) indomethacin, and prednisolone
Resolution 1 month after paclitaxel discontinuation
Ham et al. [48] 1 Paclitaxel 6 cycles of 175 mg/m2 per CME refractory to paclitaxel discontinuation and intravitreal
cycle injections of bevacizumab and triamcinolone
Spontaneous resolution of CME 1 year later
Rahman et al. 1 NAB paclitaxel 3 months (dosage not CME persisted after intravitreal injections of bevacizumab,
[49] specified) while still under treatment with NAB paclitaxel for the
following 4 months
CME Cystoid macular edema, NAB nanoparticle albumin bound, NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
O. E. Makri et al.

bevacizumab [44, 46, 49], whereas in some cases CME patients with ME, confirmed by FA, OCT revealed exten-
persisted after intravitreal administration of bevacizumab sive parafoveal retinal thickening with cystoid spaces
[48, 49]. located in the deep retina, while tamoxifen crystals were
Taxane-induced CME seems to be a rare but potential visualized in the superficial retinal layers [60]. The authors
entity. Consequently, clinicians and ophthalmologists concluded that angiographic evidence of ME may not
should be alert to that possibility and ophthalmologic unanimously correlate with the presence of ME on OCT
evaluation could be considered at baseline and at regular [59].
intervals during taxane therapy. High-resolution Fourier-domain OCT (Fd-OCT) con-
firmed the findings described by Gualino et al. [58]. In a
2.4 Tamoxifen woman under tamoxifen treatment, with vision loss and a
normal appearing fundus, Fd-OCT demonstrated scattered
Tamoxifen is an oral nonsteroidal antiestrogen primarily microcystoid changes in the fovea extending from the inner
approved as prophylaxis in women regarded as being at nuclear layer to the photoreceptor outer segment layer with
high risk for developing breast cancer [50] and therapy focal loss of photoreceptors [61]. Development of foveal
against estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. Besides microcystoid spaces might predispose to the subsequent
systemic side effects like menopausal symptoms, throm- development of macular holes [62, 63].
boembolic effects, etc., several reports discuss tamoxifen- Pathogenesis of tamoxifen toxicity is unknown.
induced retinopathy and ME in patients administered Tamoxifen has been demonstrated in vitro to act as an
mainly high cumulative doses. Regarding tamoxifen- antagonist of glutamate transporters in retinal pigment
induced ME, information is derived primarily from isolated epithelium cells [64]. Accordingly, Gualino et al. [58]
case reports, reflecting the relative rareness of the suggested that tamoxifen-induced glutamate increase in the
condition. outer retina could result in axonal degeneration and Müller
Tamoxifen-induced ME was first described by Kaiser- cell impairment [65], and, consequently, atrophy and for-
Kupfer and Lippman [51] who reported a profound VA mation of the intraretinal foveolar cyst, as depicted in OCT.
reduction in three patients treated with high-dose tamoxifen. After tamoxifen withdrawal, ME may persist [51–53],
VA decrease was attributed to tamoxifen-induced ME, evi- whereas in some reports ME resolved [54, 57]. Interest-
dent clinically and on FA, accompanied by superficial white ingly, off-label administration of anti-VEGF agents was
refractile deposits in the inner layers of retina, and forming reported to have favorable outcomes [60, 66]. In one case,
clusters in the macular and paramacular area. ME persisted ME responded to intravitreous administration of sodium
despite tamoxifen cessation. Subsequently, other reports [52, pegaptanib [60]. The most recent publication reports a case
53] supported the aforementioned association, while low- of severe persistent bilateral tamoxifen-induced CME
dose tamoxifen-induced ME was also described [54]. treated successfully with intravitreous bevacizumab
Gorin et al. [55] conducted a single-masked, cross-sec- administration [66].
tional study that comprised patients treated with low-dose In summary, rather limited information is available
tamoxifen. ME was reported in 7 out of 205 cases. In regarding the frequency of tamoxifen-induced ME. Patients
another study, among 129 women treated with low-dose treated with tamoxifen could have a thorough baseline and
tamoxifen, no case of ME reported [56]. In a prospective regular follow-up ophthalmic evaluation, especially with
study of 63 patients on long-term, low-dose tamoxifen OCT, long before visual disturbance is noticed [67].
treatment, ocular toxicity was noted in 4 patients [57]. All 4
patients had decreased VA and characteristic retinopathy 2.5 Niacin
consisted of bilateral ME and yellow-white dots in the
paramacular and fovea areas. Niacin (nicotinic acid) is an organic compound that acts as
OCT findings in two cases of tamoxifen maculopathy a cholesterol-lowering agent when administered orally in
demonstrated a foveal cystoid space, occupying most of the high doses. Gass [68] first described a maculopathy that
foveolar thickness combined with focal disruption of the developed in a minority of patients taking high doses of
photoreceptor line, with no evidence of ME [58]. These niacin. Maculopathy was suggestive of CME, but, charac-
features are not consistent with previously described teristically, no leakage was noted during FA. Since then,
tamoxifen-induced ME but indicate some degree of atro- only a few cases have been reported [69–75].
phy of the retinal tissue in the foveola and disruption of the In a retrospective survey of patients taking medication
photoreceptor line. for hyperlipidemia, those taking niacin were more likely
Subsequently, Bourla et al. [59] described a case where, (p \ 005) to report CME [71]. The incidence of niacin
while FA revealed late leakage consistent with mild CME, maculopathy has been estimated to be 0.67 % of patients
OCT failed to detect CME or macular thickening. In two administered niacin [70].
Drugs and Macular Edema

Niacin-induced CME seems to be bilateral and occurs thrombocytopenia were observed concurrently with ME,
primarily in patients receiving 3 g/day of niacin or more, and resolution of ME was associated with normalization of
although it has been described in patients taking as little as blood parameters [79, 80]. Hypoalbuminemia might play a
1.5 g [71]. Although in all cases CME was confirmed role in the induction of ME, because it decreases plasma
biomicroscopically, FA failed to show any leakage. Spirn osmotic pressure, and therefore the osmotic pressure dif-
et al. [73] described OCT findings of niacin maculopathy as ference between plasma and interstitial fluid. Conse-
cystoid spaces in the outer plexiform and inner nuclear quently, the suppression of water influx from the interstitial
layers. CME reverses after niacin discontinuation with space to the capillary may decrease water reabsorption,
restoration of vision and anatomy [73]. resulting in ME [79]. Furthermore, thrombocytopenia may
The pathophysiology of niacin-induced CME is unclear. lead to dysfunction of some platelet-derived factors and
Jampol [69] proposed a prostaglandin-induced toxic effect increase endothelial permeability [80]. Finally, it has been
on Müller cells and intracellular accumulation of fluid shown that IFN interferes with retinal microcirculation
secondary to intracellular metabolism deregulation. Based [83]. In this respect, patients with abnormal microcircula-
on OCT features, Spirn et al. [73] questioned that theory, tion diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, may be at high risk
because Müller cell engorgement should be confined to two of suffering IFN-associated ocular complications [82, 83].
discrete areas. Instead, they suggested a niacin-induced To summarize, ophthalmologists and physicians should
disruption of the BRB, resulting in a very slow and be familiar with IFN-induced ME. High suspicion of this
selective leakage of small molecules but not of molecules condition is required for patients who report a decrease of
the size of fluorescein, explaining the lack of leakage vision during and after IFN therapy. Baseline and follow-
during FA. up examination could be proposed, especially for high-risk
patients like diabetics.
2.6 Interferons
2.7 Other Agents
Interferons (IFN) (alpha, beta, and gamma) are naturally
occurring cytokines that modulate the activity of the Review of the literature has revealed isolated case reports
immune system. Interferon-alpha is approved as treatment where several drugs have been recognized as the causative
of hairy cell leukemia, melanoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma, factor of ME. More precisely, the antiretroviral drug
chronic myeloid leukemia, and chronic hepatitis C, while zidovudine has been recognized as a cause of bilateral
IFN-beta is used for treatment of MS. Furthermore, IFN- CME in a HIV patient [84]. In that case, CME recurred
alpha seems to be an effective therapy for chronic refrac- after zidovudine reinstitution. The use of the bactericidal
tory uveitic CME [76]. antibiotic drug rifabutin in two different cases of Myco-
The most frequent ocular complication of IFN therapy is bacterium avium complex pulmonary disease resulted in
IFN retinopathy, typically characterized by retinal hemor- CME [85, 86]. In these cases, CME was accompanied by
rhages and cotton wool spots [77]. IFN-induced ME is a anterior uveitis with hypopyon and vitritis. Acitretin, a
very rare reported complication given that review of the retinoid used to treat severe skin disorders like psoriasis,
literature has revealed only six cases [78–82]. Two cases was recognized by Lois and White [87] as the causative
were associated with treatment with IFN-beta [79, 80], one factor for bilateral CME associated with retinal pigment
case with IFN-alpha [80], and three cases with pegylated epithelium abnormalities. Barak et al. [88] described a
IFN-alpha administered in combination with ribavirin [78, single case of bilateral CME due to the pyrimidine syn-
81, 82]. All the patients suffered from chronic hepatitis C thesis inhibitor leflunomide administered in a patient with
except for one [80] who suffered from chronic myeloid rheumatoid arthritis. CME resolved 3 months after leflun-
leukemia. Two of the patients had a history of diabetes omide discontinuation. Furthermore, the tyrosine-kinase
mellitus with nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy [80, 82]. inhibitor imatinib, administered for the treatment of
In the above cases, IFN was administered for 6–48 weeks chronic myeloid leukaemia, was documented as the trig-
and in all patients reduction of VA was documented. ME gering factor for ME in three different cases [89–91].
was associated with IFN retinopathy, except for one case Magrath et al. [92] described a patient with meningeal
[81]. Cessation of IFN therapy resulted in restoration of coccidioidomycosis treated with oral fluconazole for three
vision and resolution of ME in four cases [78–80], while in consecutive years. Bilateral CME, confirmed with FA and
the remaining two cases VA remained poor whereas ME OCT, occurred with complete resolution 2 months after
resolved [81, 82]. fluconazole withdrawal. Bussone et al. [93] described two
The possible pathogenesis of IFN-induced ME is patients with refractory Wegener’s granulomatosis, where
unknown, although several theories have been proposed. unilateral CME was diagnosed with OCT 1–2 months after
In three out of six cases, hypoalbuminemia and initiation of treatment with rituximab. The final outcome
O. E. Makri et al.

was favorable after treatment with corticosteroids in both engendered considerable interest and controversy [97–
cases. Finally, the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide has also 117]. In these case reports, the temporal association
been implicated as the cause of angiographically silent between latanoprost administration and CME occurrence,
bilateral CME [94]. Table 4 summarizes the drugs impli- and resolution of CME after latanoprost discontinuation
cated and the clinical course of ME in each case. raised suspicion. Furthermore, recurrence of CME after
rechallenging with latanoprost in some cases [101, 104,
114, 117] reinforced the causal relationship, suggesting a
3 Ophthalmologic Agents causative association between latanoprost and CME.
However, in the majority of these reports, several risk
3.1 Prostaglandin Analogs factors coexisted that could have potentially altered the
BRB and resulted in CME; these include open or absent
Latanoprost was the first prostaglandin analog (PGA) posterior capsule, complicated surgical history with vitre-
approved by the FDA as an antiglaucoma agent. It lowers ous loss, history of CME and anterior uveitis, retinal
intraocular pressure mainly by increasing the uveoscleral inflammatory disease, retinal vascular disease, diabetic
outflow [95, 96]. Since its release, it has become the most retinopathy, etc. [97, 107, 118]. Consequently, a direct
popular antiglaucoma medication. The adverse effects of cause-and-effect relationship is difficult to establish
latanoprost have been relatively mild, consisting of topical between latanoprost and CME.
irritation, conjunctival hyperemia, and changes in iris Angiographically documented clinical CME was also
pigmentation, while CME is an assumed side effect. In reported in patients with absent or open posterior lens
phase III studies and in the compassionate use studies of capsule treated with the use of each of the three newly
latanoprost, CME incidence was 0.7 and 0.05 %, respec- available PGAs (unoprostone, travoprost, bimatoprost)
tively [97]. [119]. Review of the English literature revealed four iso-
Since the introduction of latanoprost, several indepen- lated cases of travoprost-induced CME [119–122], three
dent case reports describing latanoprost-induced CME have cases of CME associated with bimatoprost administration

Table 4 Systemic medications associated with CME

Reference Cause Ocular manifestation Outcome

Lalonde et al. [84] HIV infection treated with zidovudine Bilateral CME Improvement 1 month after zidovudine
1,200 mg/day for 4 days discontinuation and topical CS
Vaudaux and Rifabutin 300 mg/day for 9 months for Unilateral Rifabutin discontinuation. Complete resolution 5
Guex-Crosier MAC pulmonary disease CME ? hypopyon, weeks after treatment with sub-Tenon’s
[85] AU, vitritis CS ? topical diclofenac ? oral acetazolamide
Smith et al. [86] Rifabutin 900 mg/week for 8 months for Bilateral Resolution 1 month after stopping rifabutin
MAC pulmonary disease CME ? vitritis with
hypopyon OS
Lois and White Acitretin 30 mg/day for 1 year for psoriasis Bilateral CME Resolution 3 days after acitretin
[87] discontinuation ? oral acetazolamide
Barak et al. [88] Leflunomide for 2 weeks for rheumatoid Bilateral CME Resolution 3 months after leflunomide
arthritis discontinuation
Kusumi et al. [89] CML treated with imatinib 600 mg/day for Unilateral ME Resolution 14 days after imatinib
3 months discontinuation
Masood et al. [90] CML treated with imatinib 600 mg/day for Unilateral CME Almost complete resolution 6 weeks after
2 months imatinib cessation
Georgalas et al. CML treated with imatinib 600 mg/day for Bilateral CME Improvement after imatinib cessation
[91] 1 month
Magrath et al. [92] Fluconazole for Meningeal Bilateral CME Complete resolution of CME 2 month after drug
coccidioidomycosis cessation
Bussone et al. [93] 2 patients with refractory WG treated with Unilateral CME Recession of CME after CS administration
Iakono et al. [94] Hypertension treated with Bilateral CME Spontaneous recovery with the discontinuation
hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg/day for of the drug
6 months
CME Cystoid macular edema, CS corticosteroids, MAC Mycobacterium avium-complex, AU anterior uveitis, RPE retinal pigment epithelium,
CML chronic myeloid leukaemia, ME macular edema, WG Wegener’s granulomatosis
Drugs and Macular Edema

[119, 121, 123], while unoprostone has been implicated as most popular antiglaucoma agent used. However, we may
the causative factor in only one case of CME [119]. assume that similar observations could apply to all cur-
It should, however, be noted that the number of such rently available PGAs.
published reports is very low when compared to the These studies confirm the rare incidence of PGA-
number of eyes treated with PGAs globally [107]. Thus, no induced CME even in high-risk eyes, and cannot establish
epidemiologic conclusions can be drawn regarding the any causal relationship. The best way to ascertain any
frequency of PGA-induced CME. In a retrospective review causal relation between PGA and CME, is a prospective,
of 136 eyes receiving latanoprost, Warwar et al. [124] randomized study comparing the PGA to a placebo in high-
reported 1.2 % incidence of CME. risk eyes. Such a study may not be feasible because of the
The possibility of latanoprost-induced changes in the large number of patients required to evaluate this rare
BRB was addressed prospectively in a randomized clinical potential side effect [97, 133].
trial by Hoyng et al. [125] who administered latanoprost The pathogenesis of PGA-induced CME is unknown.
(0.006 %) twice daily for a month to uncomplicated Pharmacokinetic considerations indicate that the expected
pseudophakic patients; at the end of the trial, FA showed latanoprost concentration in the posterior segment of the
no CME. In addition, six aphakic cynomolgous monkeys eye is too low to have a pharmacologic effect, while
given seven times the usual daily dose for 6 months failed latanoprost is not known to exhibit vasoactive or inflam-
to develop CME [125]. In a 6-month prospective study matory properties [97]. Latanoprost itself is probably not
using OCT, in 68 eyes with a normally functioning blood– the major factor related to CME formation, but its instil-
ocular barrier treated with latanoprost, no change in retinal lation may affect the wound healing process of lens epi-
thickness was noted [126]. thelial cells shortly after surgery, resulting in biosynthesis
Miyake et al. [127] in a short-term, prospective study of endogenous prostaglandins and other mediators that
demonstrated that latanoprost therapy indirectly acceler- eventually lead to disruption of the blood–ocular barriers
ated blood–aqueous barrier (BAB) disruption, as was and to angiographic CME [127]. However, there must be
shown by a laser flare cell meter, and significantly other factors involved because even the most high-risk eyes
increased the incidence of angiographic CME formation in administered PGAs do not develop CME [133].
the early postoperative period after uneventful phacoe- The lack of an established causal relationship between
mulsification cataract surgery. Of 37 eyes receiving PGA and CME results in an absence of official guidelines
latanoprost and fluorometholone in the postoperative per- concerning discontinuation or no use of PGAs periopera-
iod, 81 % developed angiographic CME, while NSAID eye tively. Interestingly, in a survey of cataract surgeons in the
drops prevented latanoprost-associated CME. United Kingdom, 40.3 % of the responders reported stop-
In a retrospective study of 225 postcataract eyes on ping PGAs in patients having uneventful cataract surgery,
latanoprost therapy, 100 of which had open or absent with about half discontinuing PGAs in all patients, and the
posterior lens capsule, clinical CME was documented only remainder stopping PGAs only in patients with risk factors
in 3 eyes (1.4 %) with history of ruptured posterior capsule for CME [112]. Among Greek cataract surgeons, 80 %
requiring vitrectomy during cataract surgery [128]. Wand discontinue PGAs perioperatively, of whom 65 % do so
et al. [129] studied the effect of latanoprost on 40 aphakic routinely when undertaking phacoemulsification regardless
or pseudophakic eyes, with 29 having one or more addi- of the occurrence of intraoperative complications or the
tional risk factors for developing CME. Clinically signifi- existence of risk factors for postoperative CME [134].
cant CME occurred in 2 eyes (5 %) after a mean follow-up In summary, the association between PGAs and CME
of 5.7 months, suggesting latanoprost as an additional risk continues to be a subject of debate. Until a definite causal
factor. relationship is proved or disproved, caution is recommended
In a 3-year unmasked prospective study on 145 latano- when they are administered in pseudophakic patients, espe-
prost-administered eyes, 1 case of CME was reported in a cially in those with additional risk factors for CME.
pseudophakic patient with an intact posterior lens capsule
[130]. 3.2 Epinephrine
Finally, in a randomized, prospective, 6-month clinical
trial on pseudophakic and aphakic glaucomatous patients, Epinephrine is used as an antiglaucoma agent or pupil
27 % of latanoprost-treated eyes, 6 % of bimatoprost- dilator. Kolker and Becker [135] first reported glaucoma-
treated eyes, and 6 % travoprost-treated eyes developed tous aphakic patients who were administered topical epi-
angiographic CME [131]. nephrine and developed the so-called epinephrine
In a literature review on the side effects of prostaglandin maculopathy, characterized by FA findings identical to
analogs [132], most of the article dealt with latanoprost, Irvine-Gass syndrome. Reports of reversible CME due to
probably because it was the first PGA released, and the epinephrine [136–139] and epinephrine-like drugs [140] in
O. E. Makri et al.

aphakic eyes where published afterward. Thomas et al. drugs but to almost any topically administered ophthalmic
[139] noted 28 % incidence of angiographic CME in 120 drug, it is also possible that other agents may induce
aphakic glaucoma eyes on epinephrine. It seems that epi- postoperative CME due to their preservatives [146].
nephrine induces the synthesis of endogenous prostaglan-
dins, which in the aphakic eyes readily reach the macula,
resulting in breakdown of the BRB and CME, a patho- 4 Conclusion
physiologic sequence similar to that of Irvine–Gass syn-
drome [133, 141]. In addition, topical indomethacin Macular edema is a well-established cause of painless
inhibits the disruption of the BAB after epinephrine impairment of central vision. Subtle ME, however, could
administration, suggesting that epinephrine induces pro- remain undiagnosed in young patients, because accommo-
duction of endogenous proinflammatory mediators like dation could compensate for any mild disturbance of central
prostaglandins [142]. vision. Consequently, drug-induced ME might remain
Interestingly, a recent prospective study showed that undiagnosed in some cases. Interestingly, the introduction of
intracameral injection of 0.2 ml of epinephrine (1:5,000 high-resolution spectral-domain OCT and its use in everyday
solution) did not increase the risk of ME in eyes with no risk practice might help overcome several diagnostic dilemmas
factors after uneventful phacoemulsification [143]. These like the aforementioned and offers a diagnostic tool for
results highlight the protective role of the intact posterior recognition of even subtle ME as an adverse event of several
lens capsule in eyes administered with epinephrine. other medications in the future. Drug-induced ME, although
rare and not always established, is a possible side effect of
3.3 Beta-Blockers and Preservatives some drugs. It is important for ophthalmologists and other
clinicians to be aware of the potential risks of any therapy
One isolated case report describes angiographically proven they recommend and to choose an adequate treatment plan
CME after betaxolol therapy that resolved after discontin- with the best benefit–risk ratio for their patients [133].
uation and recurred after a monocular therapeutic trial
[144], while no case of CME secondary to timolol has been Acknowledgments No funding was received to assist in the prep-
aration of this review. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
published. Miyake et al. [145] proved that both timolol and
its preservative, benzalkonium chloride, can cause disrup-
tion of the BAB in early postoperative pseudophakia and
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