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Patricia Vintya Christi Hartono, Tarsisius Renald Suganda, Sendy Cahyadi



JAM Patricia Vintya Christi Hartono

16, 3 Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Ma Chung
Received, March 2018 Tarsisius Renald Suganda
Revised, May 2018 Sendy Cahyadi
June 2018
Accepted, August 2018
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Ma Chung

Abstract: This research aims to obtain empirical evidence regarding the influence of accrual
earnings management and real earnings management through cash flow operating activi-
ties towards market performance. The sample is 52 manufacturing’s firm listed on the Indo-
nesia Stock Exchange in the period 2012-2016. This study using instrumental variable (IV)
models (Kang and Sivaramakrishnan, 1995) to measure accrual earnings management, and
using the Roychowdhury’s model (2006), to measure real earnings management through
cash flow operating activities. Market performance is measured by the cumulative abnormal
return (CAR) with market adjusted models. Then, descriptive statistics, one sample t-test,
and multiple regression test to test the hypothesis. The results of this research show that
there is no negative influence of accrual earnings management with market performance,
and there is no positive influence of real earnings management through cash flow operating
activities with market performance. Earnings management through accrual and do not affect
market performance, because in the longterm period investor have many relevance informa-
tion apart from financial statements to decide on investment. The suggestions for further
research is to explore more about real earning management techniques and consider other
factors that might be able to influence market performance on earnings management.

Keywords: accrual earnings management, real earnings management through cash flow
operating activities, market performance.

Earnings management is one management is to influence market performance

Journal of Applied
Management (JAM) of the agency issues that oc- which is a company performance parameter based
Volume 16 Number 3, cur because of the separa- on long-term return on investment (Oktorina and
September 2018
Indexed in Google Scholar
tion between shareholders Hutagaol, 2008). Managers want to provide the best
and the company manage- information about the prospect of earnings to inves-
ment. This happens because tors, so investors can judge that the company does
of the conflict of interest be- have a good performance.
Correspondention Author:
Patricia Vintya Christi tween the manager (agent) Earnings management is the actions of manag-
Hartono, Accounting Study
Program, Faculty of
and the owner of the com- ers in presenting earnings through the selection of
Economics and Business, pany (principal) that encour- sets of accounting policies and can naturally maxi-
Universitas Ma Chung
Tarsisius Renald Suganda, ages managers to intervene mize their utility or market value of a company (Scott,
DOI: in financial reporting. One of 2015). Earnings management can be done in two
016.03.03 the objectives of earnings ways, which is accrual and real earnings manage-


Accrual and Real Earnings Management Through Cash Flow Operating Activity

ment. Managers do both of them to manipulate earn- LITERATURE REVIEW

ings and cash flows so that it will affect company Market Performance and Earnings Manage-
performance. ment
Cash flows from operating activities are the
Market performance is one of the financial
major revenue earners of a company that deter-
performance that describes the fundamental condi-
mines net income (Yocelyn and Christiawan, 2012).
tion of the company. Market performance is a com-
According to Yocelyn and Christiawan (2012), the
pany performance parameter based on long-term
level of profit and internal conditions of the com-
return on investment (Oktorina and Hutagaol, 2008).
pany is one of the internal factors that can affect
Managers manipulate company earnings to influ-
stock returns. Information on the profit and cash
ence investor’s perception so that earnings man-
flow of companies that contains information will
agement can affect market performance.
cause investors to buy and sell shares of the com-
The technique of earnings management con-
pany as reflected in the price and return of the
sists of the accrual and real earnings management.
company’s stock.
Accrual earnings management is performed by
Several previous studies have attempted to
managers by appraisement and subjectivity in choos-
identify the relationship between earnings manage-
ing accounting policies to create financial statements
ment and market performance. Koyuimirsa and
that may affect company performance but does not
Raharja (2011), obtained empirical evidence that
involve changing operations (Kothari, et al., 2016).
accrual and real earnings management through pro-
Accrual earnings management use accrual concept
duction costs can affect market performance.
consists of discretionary accrual and
Redjab, et al. (2016), also found other empirical
nondiscretionary accrual. Discretionary accrualis the
evidence that earnings management with a tendency
recognition of accrual income and free expense, and
to increase income and income decreasing does not
it’s an option of management policy, while
affect market reaction and market risk.
nondiscretionary accrual is a fair profit recognition,
The existence of a research gap on the rela-
not influenced by management policies, subject to
tionship of earnings management with market per-
generally accepted accounting standards (Hidayati
formance motivates researchers to investigate the
and Zulaikha, 2003).
effect of accrual earnings management and real
Real earnings management is a technique of
earnings management through operating cash flow
manipulating company activity that will impact cash
towards market performance. The researcher uses
flow reported in the period. Real earnings manage-
those both earnings management techniques be-
ment through operating cash flow is done by sales
cause according to Zang (2006), the manager re-
manipulation. This strategy is done by offering price
tains the manipulation techniques of accrual and
discounts and giving soft credit terms. Real earn-
manipulation of real action to achieve the desired
ings management through operating cash flow af-
profit target. Geraldina (2013), has also proved that
fects the increase in sales volume and profit, but it
there is a possibility that the use of accrual earnings
impacts in decreasing cash flow operating activity
management and earnings management can substi-
of the current period (Roychowdhury, 2006).
tute or complement each other.
This study has several goals related to earn-
Relationships Accrual Earnings Management
ings management relationship towards market per-
and Market Performance
formance. First, to prove that accrual earnings man-
agement has a positive effect on market perfor- The higher the level of earnings management
mance. Second, to prove that real earnings man- accruals made, then the market performance of a
agement through operating cash flow has a positive company will decrease further. According to
effect on market performance. Subramanyam (2014), if markets can differentiate

DIKTI ACCREDITED SK NO. 36a/E/KPT/2016 ISSN: 1693-5241 393

Patricia Vintya Christi Hartono, Tarsisius Renald Suganda, Sendy Cahyadi

the opportunistic and efficient discretionary accru- because of their financial structure and character-
als, then opportunistic discretionary accruals will istics, as well as different accrual characteristics,
negatively relate to stock returns, and otherwise, the daily closing price of the company’s stock is
efficient discretionary accruals will be positively available during the estimation and observation pe-
associated with stock returns. Joni and Jogiyanto riod, and in order to obtain a strong market perfor-
(2009),found that high earnings management causes mance value, then selected companies whose
low stock return when considering investor’s intel- shares actively traded during the trading period. The
ligence factor. trademark characteristic of an actively traded stock
H 1 : Accrual Earnings Management has a is a stock which has a trading frequency of at least
negativeeffect on the market performance. 300 times or more in each year (SE-03 / BEJ / II-1/
1994 in Farandani and Margasari, 2016).
Relationship Real Earnings Management
through Cash Flow Operation Activities and HYPOTHESIS ANALYSIS AND TESTING
Market Performance METHOD
The higher the level of real earnings manage- Dependent and Independent variables
ment through the operating cash flow, the market The dependent variable in this research is mar-
performance will increase. Real earnings manage- ket performance. Market performance is measured
ment can affect the company’s cash flow and earn- using CAR (cumulative abnormal return). Accord-
ings that impact on market performance. Oktorina ing to Jogiyanto (2010), a cumulative abnormal re-
and Hutagaol (2008) found that the market perfor- turn is an abnormal return calculated from period to
mance of firms that manipulate real activity through period that is cumulative from an abnormal return.
operating cash flow is higher than the company’s CAR in this study is an accumulation of abnormal
market that does not manipulate real activity by return for one year (12 months). CAR can be for-
operating cash flows. Anggraeni, et al. (2015) also mulated as follows.
supports that companies that manipulate real activ-
ity through operating cash flow have high market tCARi ,t   ARi ,t t  1
performance. However, unlike Zulaeha’s (2017), a
Notes :
study that the manipulation of real activity nega-
CARi,t : Cumulative Abnormal Return securities
tively affects market performance.
ARi,t : Abnormal Return for securities
H 2 : Real Earnings Management through Cash
Flow Operations has a positive effect on
The independent variable in this study consists
market performance.
of two variables, namely accrual earnings manage-
ment (AEM) and real earnings management through
operating cash flow (REM). Accrual earnings man-
Types of Research and Sample Selection agement in this study is proxied by instrumental vari-
This research is quantitative research. The able (IV) approached by Kang and
populations in this study are all manufacturing com- Sivaramakrishnan (1995). The IV approach can be
panies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange dur- formulated as follows.
ing the period 2012-2016. Based on the population,
a sample of companies is selected based on several By means of:
criteria, i.e manufacturing companies that are con-
sistently listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and
publish their full annual financial statements from
2012 to 2016, companies classified in the real es-
tate, property, construction¸ travel, transportation and
financial services are not included in the sample


Accrual and Real Earnings Management Through Cash Flow Operating Activity

The indication that the company performs ac-

crual earnings management (AEM) according to
Sumantri and Purnamawati (2013) is as follows,
positive and significant AD values show engineer-
Notes: ing raising earnings, while negative and significant
ABi,t = TAi,t : Accrual balance = CAi,t - CASHi,t - AD scores show engineering lowering earnings. If
CLi,t - DEPi,t no AEM practice occurs, then the magnitude of AD
Ai,t-1 : Total assets for a firm I in year t-1. = 0.
CAi,t : Current assets for a firm I in year t. Real earnings management through operating
CASHi,t : Cash for firm I in year t. cash flow (REM) is measured by Roychowdhury
CLi,t : Current liabilities for a firm I in year (2006) model. The regression model for cash flows
t. of normal operating activities replicates from
DEPi,t-1 : Depreciation and amortization for a Roychowdhury (2006) research, which is as follows.
firm I in year t-1.
ARTi,t-1 : Account receivable for a firm I in
the year t-1.
REVi,t : Revenues for firm I in year t.
OCAL i,t-1 : Current assets – account receivable
– cash – current liabilities for a firm
I in year t-1.
EXPi,t-1 : Net sales - operating profit - depre-
ciation expense for a firm I in year Information:
t. CFOt : operating cash flow in year t
GPPEi,t-1 : Gross fixed assets for a firm I in year At-1 : Totalassets in year t-1
t. St : Revenues in year t
St : Revenues in year t minus revenues in year
Non-discretionary accrual (AND) is defined as the t-1
fitted value of the above equation, as follows. 0 : Constants
t : Error term in year t

This study focuses on abnormal cash flow op-

erations. Abnormal operating cash flows are the
difference from the actual operating cash flow value
scaled to the total assets of one year prior to the
test, and the normal operating cash flow is calcu-
lated using the estimated coefficient of the above
The discretionary accrual (AD) is defined as the model equation.According to Oktorina and Hutagaol
residual of the above equation, as follows. (2008), if the average cash flow of abnormal op-
eration of all samples is below 0 and significant, then
the sample is expected to manipulate real activity
through operating cash flow while the sample above
0 means the samples are suspected not to do ma-
nipulation of real activity through operating cash flow.

DIKTI ACCREDITED SK NO. 36a/E/KPT/2016 ISSN: 1693-5241 395

Patricia Vintya Christi Hartono, Tarsisius Renald Suganda, Sendy Cahyadi

Method of analysis and hypothesis testing Information:

Cumulative abnormal return (CAR) data, ac- 0 : Constants
crual earning management (AEM) and real earning CAR : Cumulative Abnormal Return
management through operating cash flow (REM) AEM : Accrual Earnings Management
has been calculated, then tested by classical assump- REM : Real Earnings Management through Cash
tion test. This classical assumption test is aimed to Flow Operations Activities
test the data used has normally been distributed, no  : Error
symptoms of multicollinearity, no autocorrelation, and
there are no symptoms of heteroscedasticity. RESULT
This research uses one sample t test to detect Research Data
accrual earnings management and real earnings The population in this research is 154 manu-
management through operating cash flow. The re- facturing companies that go public and listed on In-
quirement of one sample t-test is normally distrib- donesia Stock Exchange period 2012-2015. After
uted sample data. Furthermore, to test the effect of filtering sample, it is obtained 52 companies to be
accrual earnings management and real earning tested in this research.
management through operating cash flow towards
market performance using multiple regressions tests. Descriptive statistics
H1 and H2 hypothesis testing are aimed to test
The variables in this study consisted of market
the effect of accrual earnings management and real
performance proxied by Cumulative Abnormal Re-
earnings management through cash flow of operat-
turn as a dependent variable, and accrual earning
ing activities towards market performance. Here is
management and real earnings management through
a model of the regression equation used in this study.
operating cash flow (REM) as an independent vari-
able. Descriptive statistics of the variables are pre-
sented in Table 1.

Table 1 Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

CAR 247 -0.980 0.971 -0.025 0.380
AEM 247 -2.848 1.455 0.019 0.286
REM 247 -1.098 0.429 -0.020 0.156
Valid N (listwise) 247
Source: Processed Data, 2018

Based on descriptive statistical results, AEM to conduct real earning management by operating
has a mean value of 0.019, the lowest AEM value cash flow.
of -2.848, the highest AEM value of 1.455, and the Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) of all
standard deviation of 0.286. REM has a mean value samples has mean (mean) of -0.025, the lowest CAR
of -0.020, the lowest REM value of -1.098, the high- value is -0.980, the highest CAR value is 0.971, and
est REM value of 0.429, and the standard deviation the standard deviation of 0.380. Based on the aver-
of 0.156. Based on the positive AEM mean indi- age CAR value marked negative means that the
cates that the company is proven to increase earn- average sample company gets a negative reaction
ings through discretionary accruals. While the REM from investors during the period 2012-2016.
value below 0 indicates that the company is proven


Accrual and Real Earnings Management Through Cash Flow Operating Activity

HYPOTHESIS TESTING RESULTS The researcher examines whether or not the

The indication of accrual earnings management company indication of accrual earnings management
and real earnings management through cash flow (AEM) during the period of research before con-
of operating activities ducting hypothesis testing 1. Here is the result of
hypothesis testing 1.

Table 2 Test Result One Sample t Test: AEM Value (1)

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

AEM 247 0.019 0.286 0.018
Source: Processed Data, 2018

Table 3 Test Result One Sample t Test: AEM Value (2)

Test Value = 0
t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference 5% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower Upper
AEM 1.053 246 0.294 0.019 0.018 0.020
Source: Processed Data, 2018

Based on the above test results it can be seen The researcher also tested whether or not the
the mean value (mean) of AEM or the value of ac- company indicates of real earnings management
crual discretionary (AD) or that is equal to 0.019 through operating cash flow (REM) during the pe-
with a significance of 0.294. A positive AEM value riod of research before conducting hypothesis test-
indicates the company performs earnings manage- ing 2. The results of hypothesis 2 testing are as fol-
ment by raising earnings, but greater significance lows.
value than sig = 0.05 indicates that the accrual earn-
ing management action is not significant.

Table 4 Test Results One Sample t-Test (two-tailed): REM value (1)

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

REM 247 -0.020 0.156 0.010
Source: Processed Data, 2018

Table 5 Testing Results One Sample t-Test (two-tailed): REM value (2)
Test Value = 0
t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference 5% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower Upper
REM -2.054 246 0.041 -0.020 -0.021 -0.020
Source: Processed Data, 2018

DIKTI ACCREDITED SK NO. 36a/E/KPT/2016 ISSN: 1693-5241 397

Patricia Vintya Christi Hartono, Tarsisius Renald Suganda, Sendy Cahyadi

Based on the above test results, it can be seen (CAR). Here are the results of simultaneous sig-
the average value (mean) of REM is equal to -0.020 nificance testing (Test F).
with a significance of0.041. The negative REM Based on the above table, the significance value
value with significance below sig = 0.05 indicates of Test F is 0.620 (above 0.05). The value of this
that the company performs real earnings manage- significance indicates that the accrual earnings man-
ment through operating cash flow. agement and real earnings management through
cash flow operating activities together do not affect
Relationship of Accrual Earnings Management market performance.
and Real Earnings Management through Cash Partial significance test (t-test) is also con-
Flows Operations Activities Against Market ducted in this research to know the influence of each
Performance independent variable that is accrual earnings man-
The simultaneous significance test (F test) in agement (AEM) and real earnings management
this research is conducted to see the effect of si- through cash flow of operation activity (REM) indi-
multaneously accrual earnings management (AEM) vidually to market performance. Here are the re-
and real earningsmanagement through operating sults of partial significance testing (Test t).
cash flow (REM) to cumulative abnormal return

Table 6 Test Result F

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 0.139 2 0.069 0.479 0.620b
Residual 35.348 244 0.145    
Total 35.487 246      
a. Dependent Variable: CAR
b. Predictors: (Constant), REM, AEM

Table 7 t dan rparsial Test Results

Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
Model T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) -0.022 0.024 -0.889 0.375
AEM -0.023 0.089 -0.018 -0.264 0.792
REM 0.134 0.162 0.055 0.827 0.409
a. Dependent Variable: CAR
Source: Processed Data, 2018

Based on the above table, accrual earnings significant. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
management (AEM) has a regression coefficient accrual earnings management does not negatively
value of -0.023 with a significance value of 0.792. affect the market performance.
The negative regression coefficient value means that Real earnings management through operating
the accrual earnings management has a negative cash flow (REM) has a regression coefficient value
effect on the market performance, but the signifi- of 0.134 with a significance value of 0.409. The
cance value is greater than 0.05, so the effect is not positive regression coefficient value indicates that


Accrual and Real Earnings Management Through Cash Flow Operating Activity

real earnings management through operating cash ing cash flow which is different from normal oper-
flow has a positive effect on market performance, ating cash flow. Stakeholders, such as investors and
but the significance value is greater than 0.05, so auditors, may pay attention to the company’s cash
the effect is not significant. Therefore, it can be flow statement to detect real earnings management.
concluded that real earnings management through The result of hypothesis testing shows that there
operating activities has no positive effect on market is no negative effect between accrual earnings
performance. management and market performance, and there is
no positive effect between real earnings manage-
DISCUSSION ment through operating activities and market per-
The results show that managers prefer real formance. The results of this study are consistent
earning management techniques through operating with the study of Redjab, et al. (2016), which found
cash flow rather than accrual earnings management that there is no significant relationship between earn-
in earnings management. This is consistent with ings management practices and cumulative abnor-
Graham’s, et al. (2005) findings that managers are mal returns in manufacturing companies listed on
more likely to choose to manipulate earnings through the BEI. The results of Sumantri and Purnamawati
real activities than accrual earnings management. (2013) have also proved that earnings management
Managers move from accrual earnings man- at IPO, one year after IPO and two years after
agement to real earnings management due to sev- IPO simultaneously or partially no significant effect
eral things, namely (Cohen and Zarowin, 2010): (1) on stock return.
accrual-based earnings management tends to attract This research takes the period of research on
the attention of auditors and regulators, (2) using an the company’s market performance in long-term that
accrual-based earnings management strategy alone is for five years (period 2012-2016). The effect of
not enough to achieve profit targets so it must be real earning management through operating cash
equipped with a real earning management strategy. flow is not significant to market performance, al-
Managers using real earnings management tech- legedly caused by in the long term there is more
niques are enabled to avoid the detection of accrual- relevant information available for investors to make
based earnings management by auditors and regu- decisions, so that information from the financial state-
lators. ments become less relevant. According to Foster
Ratmono’s (2010) study provides empirical evi- (1986) in (Sumantri and Purnawati, 2013), other
dence that qualified auditors can detect accrual earn- factors with the greater influence on market reac-
ings management by clients,but they are unable to tion are forecasting of firm officials, dividend an-
detect real earnings management by clients. The nouncements, funding announcements, government-
empirical evidence attested by Graham, et al. (2005); related announcements, investment announcements,
Cohen and Zarowin (2010); and Ratmono (2010), employment announcements, and an announcement
reinforcing the reasons or causes of the company of the merger.
indicated real earnings management, but not indi- The indication that the company performs earn-
cated to make accrual earning management. ings management by operating cash flow proves that
This has implications for the company’s cash there is a condition of information asymmetry. Man-
flow statement as an indicator of the company’s agers perform earnings management that affects
tendency to real earnings management. Manage- the cash flow information and corporate profits re-
ment using real earning management techniques ported in the period concerned. Conditions when
through operating activities (sales manipulation) to managers are more informed about the fundamen-
achieve the desired profit target, the cash flow state- tal condition of the company than others describe
ment shows that the company’s cash flow is de- the condition of adverse selection within the com-
creasing or its value is below the number 0. It is pany. While the conditions when managers make
seen from its financial statements that have operat- earnings management without the knowledge of the

DIKTI ACCREDITED SK NO. 36a/E/KPT/2016 ISSN: 1693-5241 399

Patricia Vintya Christi Hartono, Tarsisius Renald Suganda, Sendy Cahyadi

principal describes the moral hazard conditions that agement techniques consisting of sales manipula-
occur within the company. tion, discretionary load reduction, and excessive pro-
The result of the research shows that the un- duction in research objects, so there is the possibil-
productive relationship of earnings management with ity that real earnings management has a significant
market performance implies the theory of earnings relationship to market performance. Then, further
management motivation. This is assumed because investigators may consider other factors such as
the earnings management motivation is not oriented transaction costs, investor experience, earnings an-
to investor reaction with stock price correction, but nouncements, and analytical engagements that might
on other factors, as explained by Scott (2015), bo- be able to influence market performance on earn-
nus purpose, political motivation, taxation motiva- ings management.
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