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Life is moving with its turbo speed, and time is the resource that has become scarce. In the
race of becoming the best, we ignore the health of our body, mind, and soul. The cities never
sleep, and neither do the people these days. Technology has become an indispensable part of
our lifestyle. The morning starts with the cell phone in the hand, and the last thing we see
before we sleep is our smartphone. After a tiring day, we often order food through apps. No
doubt, technology has made our lives easy, but it has laid a negative impact on our health.
Various health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol are common today. Due
to the lifestyle changes, women experience hormonal imbalance leading to fertility issues and
diseases such as Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. We are inclining more towards instant
foods, not realizing their harmful effect on our body. The trans fats in fast foods increase the
risk of heart-related issues. The vegetables and fruits these days are not chemical free and
hence pose a great danger to our body. Due to the long working hours, we remain sleep
deprived most of the time. The stress levels increase, thus making our body a soft target for
various diseases to attack. The pollution levels in air and water are increasing at an alarming
level thus, contaminating the drinking water as well as the air around us. The Air purifiers
which are available, work only to certain proximity and are expensive. First, we create a
monster and then find ways to fight it. Why create the monster in the first place?

The government is taking steps to mitigate the levels of pollution but the efforts are not
enough. 11 out of the 12 most polluted cities in the list of World Health Organisation are
located in India, out of which Kanpur tops the list. The country gasps for air and suffers due
to lack of water, which makes it evident that the environment is not the priority of the

We cannot rely on the government for our well-being. Keeping ourselves healthy is only in
our hands. There are some ways in which you can contribute to a healthy lifestyle and keep
yourself at bay from diseases.

1. EARLY TO BED AND EARLY TO RISE: The ancient saying: Early to bed and early to
rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise, is applicable in our modern lifestyles. To stay
healthy, the body cycle should not be disturbed. Ancient people used to get up early without
any alarm, then why do we need an Alarm to get up, now? Getting up due to the alarm may
give a sudden shock to the body and elevate the heartbeat. It is harmful for the body as
compared to getting up naturally. It may take a bit of an effort and time to get your body to
adjust to the natural clock. It is better to something than nothing, so you should start getting
up in the morning and after some time your body will wake you up naturally. Once you
experience the morning bliss you will never want to snooze the alarm, again. Getting up in
the morning makes you feel refreshed and energized the whole day. It calms and prepares
your mind as well as the body, to face rest of the day. All the successful people owe a part of
their success in getting up early in the morning. Our honorable Prime Minister Narendra
Modi's day starts at 4 O' clock in the morning and I don't need to remind how successful he


lot of time in scrolling up and down on social media all day. An average social media user
spends 2 hours 22 minutes online every day, globally. Well, that is quite a lot of time, isn't it?
Once you start getting up early you get a lot more productive time in a day. Starting the day
with exercise or yoga followed by meditation may be a feast for your mind and soul.
Spending a few minutes on exercise can ensure huge benefits for your body. You can go for a
jogging session if you prefer to. Yoga is an age-old practice that is native to India and has a
positive impact on the body as well as mind. Meditation helps you calm your mind and
increase the concentration level. If you can spend more than 2 hours a day online, taking out
some time for your body is not a big deal. Kick start your day with some exercise and you
won't have to spend a fortune on doctors.

3. CHANGE YOUR EATING HABITS: Eating foods rich in calories and trans-fat will
nullify the effort you have put up, in getting up early and exercising. You need to have a
balanced diet to have a balanced life. Balancing the diet does not mean to stop eating and
survive on boiled food. It means to have nutritious and healthy food in a balanced quantity.
Include leafy vegetables and fresh fruits in your daily diet. Try to avoid packaged juices as
they contain a large amount of sugar content. Instead, opt for fresh homemade juices. Cut off
caffeine and sugar by reducing the consumption of tea and coffee. In place of tea and coffee,
you can resort to healthier alternatives like green tea, lemon tea, and other variants of a tea
rich in antioxidants. Always drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and to flush out the harmful
contents from the body. Try to avoid carbonated drinks as they increase acidity in the body.
The more acidic the body is, the more it is prone to diseases. Our body needs to be alkaline,
to be healthy. Since vegetables and fruits are injected with chemicals these days, it is advised
to buy seasonal fruits and vegetables. There are reduced chances of them, being injected with
chemicals. Include all types of pulses, meat, vegetables, and dairy products in your diet.
Make a diet chart for a week to have an organized structure for buying your groceries.

Eating on time is one of the most important things for a healthy body. Don't eat too late at
night as it will slow down the digestion. Do not eat a lot at once, instead eat small amounts of
food throughout the day. Following these basic habits, you can ease your digestive system
and feel a lot more active throughout the day.

4. QUIT ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO: Alcohol and tobacco are a major cause of diseases
in our body. To tackle the stress people often take the assistance of alcohol and tobacco.
Alcohol affects brain chemistry by altering the levels of the neurotransmitters -the chemical
messengers that transmit the signals throughout the body that control thought processes,
behavior, and emotion. Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to neurological
impairment, cardiovascular diseases, and liver issues. Smoking is injurious as it directly
affects the lungs leading to lung cancer, asthma attack, Chronic Bronchitis, and many more
allied issues. To lead a healthy life quitting the consumption of alcohol and tobacco in any
form is necessary. It not only affects you but also the loved ones around you.

lives that we often forget to relax and have a pleasant day with our close ones. Spending
some quality time with family is a stress buster. Stress is the reason for many disorders and
diseases in the body. Our lifestyle has taken such a shape that it has become almost
impossible to avoid stress. All we can do is make little changes in our lives and reduce the
stress levels. Once a week try to spend time with the people close to you. It will not only
strengthen your bond with them but also cheer you up and prepare to combat the upcoming

In the course of battling with life, we forget that it is limited and uncertain. It is important to
lead a content life and be at the top, but it is equally important to keep your body, mind, and
soul in good health. Without a healthy body, a sound mind, and peaceful soul life is
worthless. By incorporating little changes in your lifestyle you can increase your longevity as
well as health. You need to remember that your life is a source of life for the people around
you. Just follow the mantras for a healthy body, mind, and soul and lead a peaceful and happy

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