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Table Of Contents
Vulture characteristics………………………………...………..2
A Vulture’s relatives…………………………………………..…...3
How Vultures defend themselves……………………..…..4
Where Vultures live……………………………………………..…...5
A Vulture’s life cycle………………………………………………...6
A Vulture’s adaptations……………………………………..…….7
What Vultures eat……………………………………………...…...8
Vulture Characteristics
Have you ever wondered how each vulture species looks like?
Vultures have characteristics that make them unique from other animals.
Vultures have bald heads. Vultures also have many different colors. They
can be many shapes and sizes. These birds have different textures on
their heads. Finally they have sharp,sickle claws to help them tear and grip
their prey. You might notice a few more Vulture species now and recognise
A Vulture’s Relatives
Did you know Eagles closely resemble many old world vulture
species? Vultures are related to other animal species.Vultures are related
to Ravens.They are related to Eagles too. Storks are another relative of
Vultures. Lastly these predatory birds are related to many other birds.Some
Vultures’ are becoming endangered and some of it’s relatives are already

How Vultures Defend Themselves

​ ave you ever wondered what Vultures do to defend themselves?
Vultures have the ability to protect itself from predators. Vultures vomit on
an enemy if they get too close. Vultures also smell bad so they won’t
encounter many animals. They have bacteria all over their body so not
many animals will attack them. These predatory birds have chemicals
inside their stomach that are so strong it can burn an enemy to death. They
will simply fly away from a threat to avoid being hit. I hope you are an
expert at a Vulture’s protection. Good luck!

Where Vultures Live

​ ave you ever wondered where Vultures live? Vultures live in important
habitats to help them survive. Vultures live in North America to survive.
Vultures also live in South America. They live in the middle of Asia as well.
These predatory birds are living in Africa to survive too.Lastly Vultures live
in Europe. What would you do if you encountered a Vulture?
A Vulture’s Life Cycle
​ ave you ever wondered what a Vulture’s life cycle is like? Vultures
have life cycles to make more of it’s own kind. First a female Vulture lays
an egg. Next the egg hatches and reveals a baby Vulture. After the egg
hatches, the parents hunt for food and bring it back to regurgitate the food
for the hatchling to eat. Then when it is 3-6 months old the young Vulture
learns how to fly. Finally the young Vulture becomes an adult but continues
to depend on its parents until it learns how to scavenge on it’s own. Did you
know some Vulture species can live up to 50 years old?

Vulture Adaptations
Swoosh! Rip! Vultures have adaptations to help them survive.
Vultures can spend hours flying without flapping their wings so they can
conserve energy. Vultures can fly very high depending on their size. They
have sharp eyesight to spot their prey from far away. A good sense of smell
also helps a Vulture find a carcass. Their immune systems fend off
illnesses that rotten meat carries. Vultures could become endangered or
extinct if they don’t continue to adapt to new poisons.

What Vultures Eat

I​ magine being eaten by a Vulture! Vultures eat food to get energy to help
them survive. One thing Vultures eat is lizards. The second thing Vultures
eat is other birds. The third thing they eat is insects. Vultures also eat
garbage that humans have thrown away. Finally Vultures eat animal feces
and scraps of carcasses. Carrion is the name for dead animals that
Vultures eat.

Carcass​ ​-​ A body of a dead animal
Chemical​ - A type of liquid
Encountered​ - Act with something or someone
Predatory ​- Living by hunting other animals
Unique ​- Different from other animals

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