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Submitted as a Partial Requirement for the degree of I Sarjana
in Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty













This thesis has been approved by advisor of Under Graduated Program of English

Education Department of the State Islamic Institute of Surakarta

In Surakarta, 2018

Surakarta, 26 February 2018


Novianni Anggraini, M. Pd

NIP. 198301302011012008


This is to certify the undergraduate thesis entitled “The Correlation

Between Student‟s Interest in Reading, Vocabulary Mastery And Reading
Comprehension of The Eleventh Grade Students of MA Al-Muayyad in The
Academic Year 2016/2017” by Yunita Faranissa has been approved by the Board
of Thesis Examiners as the requirement for the degree of undergraduate in English
Education Department of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty, the
State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.

Examiner I : Budiasih, M. Hum (……………….)

NIP. 197603082003122003

Examiner II : Novianni Anggraini, M.Pd (………....…….)

NIP. 198301302011012008

Main Examiner : Dr. H.Giyoto, M.Hum (………….……)

NIP. 19670224200003001

Surakarta, February 26nd, 2018

Approved by

The Dean of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty

Dr. H. Giyoto, M. Hum

NIP. 19670224 200003 1 001



Subject : Yunita Faranissa



The Dean of Islamic Education and

Teacher Training Faculty
IAIN Surakarta
In Surakarta
Assalamu‟alaikum Wr.Wb

After reading thoroughly and giving necessary a device, here with, as the advisor,
I state that the thesis of:

Name : Yunita Faranissa


Title : The Correlation Between Student‟s Interest in Reading, Vocabulary

Mastery And Reading Comprehension of The Eleventh Grade Students of
MA Al-Muayyad Surakarta in the Academic Year 2016/2017.

Has already fulfilled the requirements to be presented before The Board of

Examiner (Munaqosyah) to gain Sarjana Degree in English Education.

Thank you for the attention.

Wassalamu‟alaikum Wr.Wb

Surakarta, 09 February 2018


Novianni Anggraini, M. Pd

NIP. 198301302011012008


This thesis is dedicated to:

My beloved mother (Anisah)

My beloved father (Mustakim)

My sisters (Aprillia Mustianingsih)

My beloved brother (M. Deago Falz Dona)

My beloved young brother (Adam Kurniawan)

All of my big family who helped and supported me

My beloved friends, relative, and lecturer. Thank you



“Knowledge without action is vanity, action without knowledge is insanity”


“And whoever strives only strives for (the benefit of) himself. Indeed, Allah is
free from need of the wolds”

(Q.S Al-Ankabut (29):6)

“Berusahalah, bersabarlah, bersyukurlah, ikhlas dalam segala hal”



Name : Yunita Faranissa

NIM : 123221330

Study Program : English education Department

Faculty : Islamic education and teacher training faculty

I hereby sincerely state that thesis” The Correlation Between Student‟s

Interest in Reading, Vocabulary Mastery And Reading Comprehension of The

Eleventh Grade Students of MA Al-Muayyad Surakarta in the Academic Year

2016/2017.” is my real masterpiece. The things out of masterpiece in this thesis

are signed by citation and referred in bibliography.

If later proven that my thesis has discrepancies, I am willing to take the

academic sanctions in the form of repealing in my thesis and academic degree.

Surakarta, 26 February 2018

Yunita Faranissa



Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the Lord of universe. All praises be
to Allah SWT for health and strength that the God bestow to the researcher in
completing this thesis entitled “The Correlation Between Student‟s Interest in
Reading, Vocabulary Mastery and Reading of The Eleventh Grade Students of
MA Al-Muayyad Surakarta in The Academic Year 2016/2017” as one of the
requirement for the degree of undergraduate in Islamic Education and Teacher
Training Faculty of the State Islamic Institute of Surakarta in 2018.

The researcher realizes that this thesis would not be completed without the
helps, supports, advice, and prayer of other. Many people have helped and
contributed their ideas and time in completing this thesis and it would be
impossible to mention all of them. However, the researcher would like to express
the sincerest gratitude and appreciation to:

1. Dr. H. Mudhofir Abdullah, S.Ag, M.Pd the Rector of the State Islamic
Institute of Surakarta.
2. Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum as the Dean of Islamic Education and Teacher Training
Faculty, for his permission and his approval of this thesis.
3. Dr. Imroatus Solikhah, M.Pd as the Head of English Education Department of
Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty.
4. Novianni Anggraini, M. Pd as the advisor for her precious advices,
corrections and help to revise the mistake during the entire process of writing
this thesis.
5. Drs. Masrokan as the Headmaster of MA Al-Muayyad Surakarta for
facilitating the researcher in collecting the data.
6. Miss Arief, S.Pd as the English teacher of XI class of MA Al-Muayyad
Surakarta who has helped the researcher in doing the research.
7. All of students of XI IPA and XI IPS of MA Al-Muayyad Surakarta for the
cooperation during the research.

8. The researcher‟s beloved parents for uncountable and endless love, support,
help, pray, and everything that they give to the researcher. Than the
researcher‟s sister, brother, and young brother that also give support to her in
9. The researcher‟s best friends, Purwanto, Vivit Fatmalasari S.Pd, Widya Ayu
Noviani S.Pd, Deffi Ria Sari S.Pd, Anisa Nurdiyani,S.Hum, Vendriyani Tri
Nilamsari,S.Pd, Vela Alfiana,S.Pd, Yasin Abdul Fatah,S.Pd, Dela Fitri
Urbarema, Siti Nur darodjat Sulistyo, Dewi Aziyah, Laila Ngaliatar, Ellisa
Widyaningrum, Dek Katri, who always help and support the researcher
finished this thesis.
10. The researcher‟s beloved friends in Incredible Class for motivating,
accompanying and sharing in her everyday and also all her friends in PBI
2012 for the beautiful friendship.
11. Everyone who has helped the researcher to conduct the research and write this


Surakarta, 26 February 2018

The researcher


TITLE ..................................................................................................................i
APPROVAL .......................................................................................................ii
RATIFICATION ................................................................................................iii
ADVISORS SHEET ...........................................................................................iv
DEDICATION ....................................................................................................v
PROUNOUNCEMENT ......................................................................................vii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT .....................................................................................viii
TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................x
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................xiii
LIST OF FIGURE ..............................................................................................xiv
LIST OF TABLE ...............................................................................................xv

A. Background of the Study ....................................................................1
B. Problem Identification ........................................................................4
C. Limitation of the Problem ..................................................................5
D. The Problem Statements .....................................................................5
E. The Objectives of the Study ...............................................................5
F. The Benefits of the Study ...................................................................6
G. The Definition of Key Terms .............................................................8
A. Review of Reading Comprehension ...................................................9
1. The Nature of Reading ...............................................................9
2. The Types of Reading ................................................................10
3. The purpose of Reading...............................................................12
4. The Components of Reading .......................................................12
5. Aspect of Reading .......................................................................15
6. Models of Reading ......................................................................16

7. Ways of Reading .........................................................................17

8. Reading Levels ............................................................................17
9. The Nature of Reading Comprehension ......................................18
10. Levels of Comprehension ............................................................19
11. Units of Comprehension .............................................................21
12. Assessment of Reading Comprehension ....................................22
B. Review on Interest in Reading............................................................23
1. The Definition of Interest ...........................................................23
2. Aspect of Interest ........................................................................25
3. Type of Interest............................................................................26
4. Factor Affecting Interest in Reading ...........................................27
5. Interest in Reading .......................................................................27
C. Vocabulary Mastery ...........................................................................28
1. Definition of Vocabulary.............................................................28
2. Vocabulary Elements in Teaching...............................................29
a. Form: Pronunciation and Spelling ..........................................29
b. Grammar ................................................................................30
c. Collocation ..............................................................................30
d. Aspect of Meaning ..................................................................30
e. Word Formation......................................................................32
3. Kind of Vocabulary ....................................................................33
4. Assessment of Vocabulary Mastery ...........................................34

A. The Method of The Study...................................................................35

B. The Place and Time of the Research .................................................36
C. The Population, Sampling, and Sample of the Research ...................36
1. The Population of the Research ...................................................36
2. The Sampling of the Research .....................................................36
3. The Sample of the Research ........................................................37
D. The Technique of Collecting the Data ................................................37
1. The Instruments of Collecting the Data.......................................37

a. The Questionnaire ................................................................37

b. The Test ................................................................................38
2. Try Out of the Instruments .........................................................39
a. The Validity of the Instrument ............................................40
b. The Reliability of Instrument ..............................................40
E. The Technique of Analyzing the Data ................................................41
1. Pre-requirement Test ..................................................................41
a. Normality test ......................................................................42
b. Linearity test .........................................................................42
2. Hypothesis Test ...........................................................................45

A. Research Finding ................................................................................47

1. The data of students‟ Interest in Reading ...................................47
2. The data Description of Vocabulary Mastery ............................50
3. The Data Description of Reading Comprehension ......................52
B. Analysis of the Data ...........................................................................55
a. Validity test .................................................................................55
b. Reliability test ..............................................................................62
C. Test Pre-requisites ..............................................................................64
a. Normality Test .............................................................................64
b. Linearity Test...............................................................................65
D. The Data Analysis ..............................................................................66
E. The Discussion of the Research Finding ............................................75
A. Conclusion .........................................................................................77
B. Implication .........................................................................................78
C. Suggestions .........................................................................................80
BIBLIOGRAPHY ...............................................................................................82
APPENDICES ....................................................................................................85


Yunita Faranissa. 2018. The Correlation Between Students’ Interest in Reading,

Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension of The Eleventh Grade
Students of MA Al-Muayyad Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2016/2017.
Thesis. Surakarta: English Education Department of Islamic Education and
Teacher Training Faculty, the State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.
Advisor : Novianni Anggraini, M.Pd.
Key words : Students’ Interest in Reading, Vocabulary Mastery, Reading
This study is aimed to determine the correlation between: (1) students
interest in reading and reading comprehension, (2) vocabulary mastery and
reading comprehension, (3) students interest in reading, vocabulary mastery and
reading comprehension.
This study was carried out in February up to March 2017 at MA Al-
Muayyad Surakarta. The design used in this study was correlation design. The
population was all of the eleventh grade students of MA Al-Muayyad Surakarta in
the academic year of 2016/2017 consist of three classes. The total number of the
students was 82 students. The sample was 55 students taken by cluster random
sampling technique. The instruments in collecting the data were questionnaire and
test. The questionnaire was used to collect the data of students interest in reading,
the test were used to collect the data of vocabulary mastery and reading
comprehension. In analyzing the data, the researcher used simple and Multiple
Linear Regression.
The result of the study shows that there is a positive correlation between
students interest in reading and reading comprehension because the coefficient of
correlation r-obtained higher than r-table = 0,606 > 0,273. There is a positive
correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension because the
coefficient of correlation r-obtained higher than r-table = 0,613 > 0,273. There is
a positive correlation between students interest in reading, vocabulary mastery and
reading comprehension because the coefficient of correlation r-obtained higher
than r-table = 0,754 > 0,273. Regarding the result of the research, it can be
concluded that students interest in reading, vocabulary mastery and reading
comprehension have a positive correlation. Therefore, students‟ interest in
reading and vocabulary mastery has a contribution to increase the reading


Figure 3.1: The schema relationship between (X1), (X2) and (Y) ........................ 36

Figure 4.1: The Histogram of students‟ Interest in Reading ................................. 49

Figure 4.2: The Histogram of vocabulary mastery ............................................... 52

Figure 4.3: The Histogram of reading comprehension ........................................ 55



Table 4.1: The Students‟ Score of Students‟ Interest in Reading ......................47

Table 4.2: The Descriptive Statistic of Students‟ Interest in Reading ................49

Table 4.3: The Students‟ score of Vocabulary Mastery .....................................50

Table 4.4: The Descriptive Statistic of Vocabulary Mastery .............................51

Table 4.5: The Students‟ Score of Reading Comprehension............................. 52

Table 4.6: The Descriptive Statistic of Reading Comprehension .......................54

Table 4.7: The Instrument Validity of Students‟ Interest in Reading ................56

Table 4.8: The Instrument Validity of Vocabulary Mastery ...............................58

Table 4.9: The Instrument Validity of Reading Comprehension .......................60

Table 4.10: The Result of Reliability Test ........................................................63

Table 4.11: The Result of Normality Test .........................................................64

Table 4.12: The Result of Linearity Test ...........................................................65

Table 4.13: The Results of Correlation Analysis ………………………………67

Table 4.14: The Results of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis .....................68



A. Background Of The Study

In learning English language, reading is an activity to get information

which has an important role as input for the students. Reading is one of the

receptive skills and it is considered as the most important skill for the

students. By reading students can interact with feelings and thoughts, obtain

information, and improve the science knowledge.

Reading is important since many people gain information by reading,

but reading is meaningless without comprehension. Reading entails

comprehension and understanding what is being communicated in the text

(Deboer and Dallman 1997: 17). Reading is considered as a complex process.

In reading the students are not only getting meaning from a text but also

understanding what is written in the text and contructing the meaning,

explaining the meaning proposed by the author.

In comprehending the text the reader must find the explicit and

implicit meaning of the written or printed materials. The reader must also find

the author‟s purpose in writing the text and the author‟s message. As what

White (1997: 22) states that comprehension is not merely read the word but

also find the important message in the text, understand the author‟s purpose in

writing the text, and also find the implicit meaning of the text.


Reading comprehension itself is influenced by so many factors.

Togersen in Nur (2014:2) state that to proficiently comprehending the text is

influenced by accurate and fluent word reading skills, oral language skills

(vocabulary, linguistic comprehension), extent of conceptual and factual

knowledge, knowledge and skills is use of cognitive strategies to improve

comprehension or repair it when it breaks down, reasoning and inferential

skills knowledge of test structure and genre, motivation to understand and

interest in task and materials.

As mentioned above, one of factors that influence reading

comprehension is interest. “Interest is the motivating force which causes

individual to give attention to a person, a thing, or and activity” (Crow

1963:159). In another word, interest intrinsic motivation that keeps the

students on what they are doing and attracts them to give attention on their

preferences. Interest will motivate the students to read and it encourages them

to read as a necessary activity. So, interest is important point in reading which

will help the students focus their attention on reading text.

Students who have strong interest in something will learn more than

one who does not have interest. Interest provides positive force and reason to

learn (Hurlock 1981:420). It means when students are interested in doing

something they have a reason to learn it and will learn seriously. In terms of

reading, the students will also have a good reason why they read. Interest

gives pleasure to any activity that students do (Hurlock 1978:420). If the

children are interested in reading, their experience will be more enjoyable; in


contrary the students will have less enjoyable reading experience if they are


Interest becomes one of the indicators that showed how he students

will be engaged in an activity or “area of knowledge” and how they will treat

the activity or the knowledge, how they will understand it and how the

knowledge will remain in their mind (Elliot 2000:349). It means that we can

predict how far the students are interested in an activity or in a subject. When

the students show that they are interested in an activity it can be predict that

they will do the activity longer than the student who does not interested.

When the students show interest in reading they will read properly, process

the information, comprehend the text and remember the message in the text.

Another factor that influences students‟ reading comprehension is

vocabulary mastery. The only component in speaking and reading is

vocabulary (Schmitt and McCarthy 1997:6). It means that vocabulary is an

important component in reading and speaking to improve the language use.

This will help students to get better understanding especially in reading.

Vocabulary is the core of language and the most important part that learners

must study (Coady and Huckin 1998:5). Students having rich vocabulary will

not be blinded of the meaning of a word so they can argue the context of the

topic being discussed or being told in the text. They can easily understand the

message stated in the text. The students cannot comprehend the text without

understanding the vocabulary of the text. (Coady and Huckin 1998:20) And

yet, it been consistently demonstrated that reading comprehension is strongly


related to vocabulary knowledge, more strongly that to the other components

of reading.

Based on the explanation above it can be assumed that to get reading

comprehension students are demanded to have high interest in reading and

also mastering the vocabulary. For those who have interest in reading and

who master vocabulary will achieve better comprehension in reading. It can

be concluded that there is correlation between student‟s interest in reading,

vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. In conclusion, the researcher

wants to prove empirically whether there is a correlation student‟s interest in

reading, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension to the students; and

the research title is formulated as follows: THE CORRELATION





B. Problem Identification

1. The students‟ vocabulary mastery is not good.

2. The students‟ interest in reading is not good.

3. The students‟ interest in reading and vocabulary mastery are the factors

that influence the reading comprehension.

4. The students‟ interest in reading and vocabulary mastery play an important

role in affecting the reading comprehension.


5. The influence of the students‟ interest in reading and vocabulary mastery

in the reading comprehension is significant or not.

C. Limitation of the problem

To avoid the extended of the discussion in this research, the researcher

will limit the scope of the research. The study of this research focus on the

correlation between the student‟s interest in reading, vocabulary mastery and

reading comprehension of the eleventh grade students of MA AL-

MUAYYAD Surakarta in academic year 2016/2017.

D. The Problem Statements

1. Is there any correlation between student‟s interest in reading and reading

comprehension of the eleventh grade student‟s in MA AL-MUAYYAD


2. Is there any correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading

comprehension of the eleventh grade student‟s in MA AL-MUAYYAD


3. Is there any correlation between student‟s interest in reading, vocabulary

mastery, and reading comprehension of the eleventh grade student‟s in

MA AL-MUAYYAD Surakarta?

E. The Objectives of the Study

1. To identify whether there is correlation between student‟s interest in

reading and reading comprehension of the eleventh grade student‟s in MA

AL-MUAYYAD Surakarta.

2. To identify whether there is correlation between vocabulary mastery and

reading comprehension of the eleventh grade student‟s in MA AL-

MUAYYAD Surakarta.

3. To identify whether there is correlation between student‟s interest in

reading, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension of the eleventh

grade student‟s in MA AL-MUAYYAD Surakarta.

F. The Benefits of the Study

This research is expected to be able to give some contribution to the

teacher, students, and other researchers. The following are the significant

contribution for the study:

1. Theoretical Benefit

This research is hoped can be beneficial for knowing whether there is

a positive correlation between students‟ interest in reading, vocabulary

mastery and reading comprehension of the eleventh grade students of MA

Al-Muayyad Surakarta in the academic year of 2016/2017.

2. Practical Benefits

a. Students

1) It gives information to them that their student‟s interest in reading,

vocabulary mastery is giving influence to their reading


2) It gives motivation to develop their interest in reading.

3) It gives consideration to develop their vocabulary mastery.


4) It motivates students to improve their interest in order to support

their reading comprehension.

5) It gives consideration to make reading as daily activity.

b. Teachers

1) It gives a description that student‟s interest in reading; vocabulary

mastery influence student‟s reading comprehension.

2) It provides information concerning about the importance of students

interest in reading, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension.

3) It gives motivation to drive their student‟s to have a good reading


4) It helps the teacher in designing the material and their teaching

method that can be applied in the classroom to maximize the

teaching result especially in reading.

c. School

1) It gives information about the student‟s interest in reading,

vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension.

2) It gives contribution to make policy to hold additional time to

English lesson.

d. Researcher

1) It gives the information for the others who want to deepen the

education, especially in English education to know the other factors

which can influence reading comprehension.


2) It is hoped that this research can be used as a reference to conduct

similar research on different subjects.

G. The Definition of Key Terms

1. Interest

Elliot (2000: 349) states that interest is a typical character that

continually showed by a relationship between a person and a particular

activity or object. It means interest help student‟s engaged with their


2. Vocabulary Mastery

Linse (2005:121) says that vocabulary is the collection of words

that everyone knows. Vocabulary consists of noun, verbs, adjective,

adverbs, preposition, articles, etc.

3. Reading Comprehension

Snow, (2002:11) states that reading comprehension as the process

of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction

and involvement with written language. Its means that emphasize of

extracting and construction which entails three elements such as: reader,

text, and activity.



A. Review of Reading Comprehension

1. The Nature of Reading

Reading is one of important skills in learning language besides

listening, speaking, and writing. Reading is as interpreting means

reacting to a written text as a piece of communication (Wallace, 1996:4).

Moreover, reading is about understanding written texts. It is complex

activity that involves both perception and thought. Reading consists of

two related processes: word recognition and comprehension. Linse

(2005: 69) states that reading is a set of skills that involves making sense

and deriving meaning from printed word.

Another definition from Harmer (2001:199) reading is one of the

important skills which have to be learned by the students in order to

master English well. Reading is also included into receptive skill besides

listening. Receptive skill is the way in which people extract meaning

from the discourse they see or hear. To achieve the purpose of reading,

which is to get general or detail information from the text, the students

have to comprehend the text in order to understand information


According to those definitions above, the researcher takes a

conclusion that, reading is a process from an act communication and also

interaction between reader and author where the reader can get


information, knowledge from the author‟s experience. Words and

sentences are processed in reader‟s mind to draw a new meaning and

then get the idea of the text being read.

2. The Types of Reading

Brown (2004:189-190) stated about some types of reading which

can be seen as follows:

a. Perceptive

In keeping with the set of categories specified for reading

comprehension, similar specifications are offered here, except with

some differing terminology to capture the uniqueness of reading.

Perceptive reading tasks involve attending to the components of larger

stretches of discourse: letters, words, punctuation, and other graph

emic symbols. Bottom up processing is implied.

b. Selective

This category is largely an artifact of assessment formats. In

order to ascertain one‟s reading recognition of lexical, grammatical, or

discourse features of language within a very short stretch of language,

certain typical tasks are used: picture cued tasks, matching, true/false,

multiple choice, etc. Stimuli include sentences, brief paragraphs, and

simple charts and graphs. Brief responses are intended as well. A

combination of bottom up and top down processing may be used.


c. Interactive

Included among interactive reading types are stretches of

language of several paragraphs to one page or more in which the

reader must, in a psycholinguistic sense, interact with the text. That is,

reading is a process of negotiating meaning; The reader brings to the

text a set of schemata for understanding it, and intake is the product of

that interaction. Typical genres that lend themselves to interactive

reading are anecdotes, short narratives and descriptions, excerpts from

longer texts, questionnaires, memos, announcements, directions,

recipes, and the like. The focus of an interactive task is to identify

relevant features such as lexical, symbolic, grammatical, and

discourse within texts of moderately short length with the objective of

retaining the information that is processed. Top down processing is

typical of such tasks, although some instances of bottom up

performance may be necessary.

d. Extensive

Extensive reading, as discussed in this book, applies to texts of

more than a page, up to and including professional articles, essays,

technical reports, short stories, and books. (It should be noted that

reading research commonly refers to extensive reading as longer

stretches of discourse, such as long articles and books that are usually

read outside a classroom hour. Here that definition is massaged a little

in order to encompass any text longer than a page. The purposes of


assessment usually are to tap into a learner‟s global understanding of a

text, as opposed to asking test takers to zoom in” on small details. Top

down processing is assumed for most extensive tasks.

3. The Purpose of Reading

Reading cannot be separated from purpose. Comprehension

sometimes determined by purpose of reading. Wallace (1996: 67)

mentions three reading purpose:

a. Reading for survival

Reading for survival is reading a text that is very crucial for life.

For example a warning signs, an admonition sign, an instruction sign,

et cetera. Survival reading serves immediate needs.

b. Reading for learning

It is expected to be exclusively school-related. Reading is

intended to support learning. The reader needs to „translate‟ the text,

literally or metaphorically, to learn vocabulary, to identify „useful‟

structures or collocations, to use a text as a model for writing and to

practice pronunciation. For example one reads a text loudly, then

analyzes it and makes the same kind of text.

c. Reading for pleasure

Reading for pleasure is reading to get happiness. The reader

wants to enjoy the sound, and rhyme of the text. The text being read is

written originally to offer enjoyment. For example read Procedure


4. The Components of Reading

Burns et al. (1984: 2-13) give two parts that composed reading acts:

the reading process and reading product.

a. Reading process is the method which contains some of the necessary

steps to go from the starts to the end. The reading process itself have

eight aspect that lead reading to the product:

a) Sensory

The sensory aspect of reading here mostly imposes on vision and

hearing. In order to read a text the readers must see the text and the

symbols in it. In normal reader, good vision is required. If the

students can focused their eyes on the text they can differentiate

and read the symbol. The hearing itself also plays important role in

reading. By hearing the readers can recognize the sound of the

symbols. If the child can discriminate the sound they will be able to

make sound symbol association for decoding the words.

b) Perceptual

The perception is the interpretation of the sensory aspect. The

visual perception involves identification and interpretation of the

size, shape and specific location or position of the letter. This

perception will help the students to differentiate the sound of the

symbol and the pronunciation of the words. The auditory


perception helps the students to discriminate the likeness or the

difference in speech sound. The students must be able to compare

phoneme from one and another words.

c) Sequential

This is related with the readers‟ eye movement. Written or printed

material generally appears with sequence (left-to-right, top-to

bottom). The reader must follow the sequence of the text in order to

understand the text.

d) Experiential

Direct experiential background will help the students to understand

the words given. Children with rich background experience will

also have rich vocabulary and its concepts.

e) Thinking

Reading process itself cannot be separated from thinking. To

recognize the words the readers must interpret the graphic symbols

in text. To comprehend the text the reader must be able to make

inferences, think critically and creatively.

f) Learning

Learning to read depends upon the readers‟ motivation. The

motivation could come from the readers themselves or from the

teacher. Motivation to read provides reinforcement to continue

reading. This reinforcement makes the readers make association


between the text and the meaning. It helps the readers to learn

something from the text.

g) Association

The association here is process. The readers recognize the

association between the object with the spoken words and also

between the spoken words and the written words. The more

meaningful is the association, the faster the readers will learn.

h) Affective

The affective aspects of the reading process are interest, attitude,

and self-concept. These aspects influence how long the readers will

be engage with the text and how hard the readers will work at the

reading task.

b. The second component of the reading act is reading product. The

reading product is the message delivered from the author to the reader

in from of meaning. In order to communicate the readers must

understand the message or the meaning from the text.

5. Aspect of Reading

Broughton in Tarigan (2008: 12) mentions two the aspects of

reading which consist of:

a. Mechanical skills

This aspect is considered as the lower order of the skill it covers word

recognition, linguistic form (phoneme/grapheme, words, phrase,


clause, sentence, etc.) relation between spelling and pronunciation,

and reading speed.

b. Comprehension skills

This aspect is considered as higher order of the skill. This aspects

includes understanding meaning (lexical, grammatical, and rhetorical),

understanding the meaning (the author‟s purpose, cultural preferences,

and reader responds toward the text), evaluation, and flexible and

adaptable reading speed.

6. Models of Reading

Barnet in Aebersold and Field (1997: 17-18) gives three main

models of how reading occurs. Those are:

a. Bottom-up theory

This process is initialed by the decoding the smallest units (letters to

words to phrases to sentence, etc.). From this decoding process

readers construct the meaning that they are not aware of the process


b. Top-down theory

In top-down strategy the readers already bring their expectation and

assumption about the information they will get. They also bring their

background knowledge and vocabulary they will continue read as long

as the text confirms their expectation. In this strategy the readers fit

the text with their background knowledge the already possess and they

will check back if they find new information.

c. The interactive school

Both of the bottom-up and top-down process can be done whether it is

alternately or in the same time. It is depend on the type of text,

reader‟s background knowledge, language proficiency level,

motivation, strategy, culturally beliefs about reading.

7. Ways of Reading

Ways of reading according to Aebersold and Field (1997: 74-76):

a. Skimming

Skimming is usually defined as a quick, superficial reading of a text in

order to get the gist of it. This way of reading is only to find some

certain information.

b. Scanning

Scanning is looking quickly through the text for specific piece of

information. This ways of reading is done by reading specific

information (italic, bold, underline word, size, color, style, etc.) and

locate the information without reading the whole text.

8. Reading Levels

DeBoer and Dallman (1966: 24) give the reading levels as follows:

a. Independent reading

The independent reading occurs when the students may read fluently

without help.

b. Challenge reading

Challenge reading occurs when the students read harder materials,

calling for concentration and special effort.

c. Instructional reading

Instructional reading occurs when the students read materials require

outside help.

9. The Nature of Reading Comprehension

Comprehension in reading is the central focus of teaching.

According to Snow (2002:11) reading comprehension can be defined as

the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning

through interaction and involvement with written language. We use the

words extracting and constructing to emphasize both the importance and

the insufficiency of the text as a determinant of reading comprehension.

While Grabe and Stoller (2002:11), reading for general comprehension

is, in its most obvious sense, the ability to understand information in a

text and interpret it appropriately. However, comprehension abilities are

much more complex than this definition suggest. No one process defines

reading comprehension by itself, but together they provide a fairly

accurate account of the process required for fluent reading.


Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that

reading comprehension involves taking the meaning of the text obtain in-

depth information of the text. This is the ability to understand printed or

written material. Reading comprehension is a complex process that

involves recognizing words, knowing the appropriate meaning, and

reading phrases and sentences. A focus on comprehension is in line with

our feeling that this is what reading to getting information from written

texts. Therefore, comprehension becomes the goal of reading.

10. Levels of Comprehension

According to Kennedy (1981: 218-233), there are three kinds of

reading comprehension. They are:

a. Literal comprehension

It refers that the readers are able to know what a writer says. This

comprehension focuses on the readers‟ ability to find explicit


b. Inferential comprehension

It refers that the readers have to be able to make reasoning or

finding information that are not stated in the text or implicit


c. Critical comprehension

It means that this comprehension can also be called as critical

reading because the readers are expected to judge the text

appropriateness and worth.

In line, another expert more detail of explaining the level of

comprehension such as Crawford (2000: 38) related of his article

“Teaching Reading Comprehension for Industrial Students” states that

there are three different levels of thinking which are applied to reading

comprehension, and critical comprehension.

a. Literal Comprehension

It related with nothing and relating details, looking for context clues,

identifying text patterns and development. At this level, students

should distinguish relevant from irrelevant points, use clues to

understanding meaning of words, find the fact, find the general

information, and guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.

b. Inferential Comprehension

Inferential comprehension refers to drawing conclusion and predicting

outcome based on information in the text, for instance, guessing

motivation of a character in a text who uses dialogue or description,

generalizing ideas which is presented in the text, identifying the main

idea, identifying the title, the purpose of the text, and getting the

implication information.

c. Critical Comprehension

It deals with distinguishing facts from opinions and evaluating tone,

implications, and propaganda tools, for example, questioning claims

which are made by the author, analyzing, evaluating, expressing

opinions about ideas in the text, interpreting the meaning based on the

context, and finally making judgment.

Based on the theory above, generally, it can be concluded that

reading comprehension is the process extracting and understanding the

information of written text which has elements for thinking of reading.

The inside element as reader, text, activity whereas the outside element,

there are content and socio-cultural. And also aspect to assess reading

comprehension should able to finding the main idea and specific

information of the text, finding the reference and the meaning of words

or expressions within the text, and making inferences from the next in

which the reader uses code, context analysis, prior knowledge, and

vocabulary along with strategies through interaction and involvement

with the written language, to retain information, select important points,

general conclusion and judgments.

According concept above the researcher reviewed that reading

comprehension consist of several indicators, there are as follows:

1. Finding Explicit Information: It consist of finding detail and fact

2. Finding Implicit Information: there are six specification such as

finding main idea, inferring referents, drawing conclusion,


detecting the title of text, detecting the purpose of the text and

making prediction.

3. Finding Judgment: It is consist of making judgment.

11. Units of Comprehension

According to Burn et. al (1984:151) the basic comprehension units

in reading are:

a. Words

It is important for students to know and comprehend word in order to

comprehend the whole text. Students‟ vocabulary should be built from

word they comprehend, their list of vocabulary they have would help

them to gain meaning from the text.

b. Sentence

Sentence is the combination of some type of word and its function.

The students ability to break down the complex sentence and

comprehend the punctuation in the sentence will help them understand

the sentence.

c. Paragraph

Paragraph is the groups of sentence. The sentences bring various

function in the paragraph. They may be organized around a main ideas

or topic. Understanding their functions, their general organization, and

the relationships between the sentence in paragraph is important to

reading comprehension.

d. Whole Selection

Whole selection or entire selection consists of words, sentences, and

paragraphs, and understanding the whole selection itself depens upon

understanding the smaller units. The genres of the paragraph are

affecting the whole understanding.

12. Assessment of Reading Comprehension

Brown (1994: 4) states that assessment is a popular and sometimes

misunderstood term in currents educational practice. On other hand,

assessment is ongoing process that encompasses a much wider domain.

One way to begin explaining the lexical conundrum created by

distinguishes among test, assessment and teaching is to distinguish

between informal and formal assessment.

a. Informal assessment can take a number of forms, starting with

incidental, unplanned comments, and responses.

b. Formal assessments are exercise or procedures specifically designed

to tap into a storehouse of skills and knowledge.

Assessment of basic reading skills may be carried out in a number

of different ways, such as:

1) Reading aloud

The test taker sees separates letters, words, and or short sentences

and read them aloud, one by one, in the presence of an administrator.

2) Multiple Choice (for Form Focused Criteria)


By far most popular method of testing reading knowledge of

vocabulary and grammar is the multiple choices formal.

3) Matching Task

At this selective level of reading, the test taker‟s task simply to

respond correctly, which make matching an appropriate formal?

B. Review on Interest in Reading

1. The Definition of Interest

Interest plays an important role in reading. Interest gives students

motivation to read and gives attention to their reading preferences. These

are some definitions related to the interest from some experts.

Elliot (2000: 349) states that interest is a typical character that

continually showed by a relationship between a person and a particular

activity or object. It means interest help students engaged with their

preferences. Another definition is also stated by Hurlock (1978: 420)

interest is where the driving motivation comes from. This motivation

drives peolpe to do what they want to do when they are free to choose.

Interest makes the studets do the activity based on waht are they

interested in. In line with Hurlock, Deci and Ryan in Lawles (2003: 911)

describe interest as an important intrinsic motivation that drive people to

do activity naturally.

From the definitions can be concluded that interest is intrinsic

motivation which drive peolpe naturally do something and engaged with


Interest is influenced by some aspects. Winkel (1996: 188) states

that interest is continued intention of a person “to feel attracted” in an

object activity or a thing and “being pleased” to learn those things. It

means interest involves pleasure to help students being pleased and

attracted to do or to learn something. Crow and Crow (1963: 159) also

interest as motivating force which cause individual to give attention to a

person, a thing or an activity. Other aspect is attention, for example if

one student is curious about a movie star, she will search for keep any

data she can find about him. While Slameto (2010: 180) states that

interest is someone‟s “desire” on something or activity which they take

with willingness. Here interest is influenced by willingness. When a

student interested with something he will do something automatically on

his own will. In addition, Witherington as noted by Buchori (1982: 122)

says that interest is one‟s “consciousness” about relation between him

with an object, a person, problem or situation. The student will relize

what he is doing and understand that the thing or the activity has relation

to him.

From the definition, it can be concluded that interest is intrinsic

motivation which include aspect of pleasure, attention, willingness and

consciousness that drive people naturally to do something and engaged

with it.

2. Aspect of Interest

People‟s interest toward a certain object is influenced by some

aspects or factors. From the explanation above interest is intrinsic

motivation which include aspect of pleasure, attention, willingness and

consciousness that drive people naturally to do something and engaged

with it. There are four aspects that influence interest, they are:

a. Pleasure

Pleasure can be defined as the condition of sensation induced by

enjoyment or anticipation of what is felt or viewed as good or

desirable; enjoyment, delight gratification (Holt and Lock, 2008).

Pleasure is linked with the state of feeling or being happy or satisfied

in doing something. Interest has reciprocal relationship, if the students

are not pleased or happy in doing something they will not be

interested in that activity.

b. Attention

Attention is focusing on a stimulus (Woolfolk, 2009: 9). Someone can

be said having attention if he only thinks or do an activity. He cannot

pay attention to activity that demands him to think or to do mny things

in one time.

c. Willingness

Slameto (2010: 180) says that interest can be expressed that students

like a particular thing more than the order, or it can also be manifested

in studets‟ participation in an activity. The studets having interest will


participate in an activity without being asked they will do this on their

own will.

d. Consciousness

Wintherington (1982: 122) someone is interested in something or in

an activity when he has consciousness. An individual can be interested

in something because he knows that the object has relationship with

him. The consciousness is starts from the personal awareness about

what he is doing, the important of what he is doing and the

relationship between what he is doing and his goal.

From the explanation above it can be concluded that aspect of

interest are pleasure, attention, willingness, and consciousness. Those

four aspects will be used in measuring students reading interest.

3. Type of Interest

Ainley, Hidi, & Berndorff (2002: 545) give some type of interest,

they are:

a. Individual Interest

Individual interest is individual‟s tendency toward an object (certain,

stimuli, events, or activity).

b. Situational Interest

Situational interest is elicited by certain aspects of the environment.

These include content features such as human activity or life themes,

and structural features such as the ways in which task are organized

and presented.

c. Topical Interest

Topic interest, the level of interest triggered when a specific topic is

presented, seems to have both individual and situational aspects.

4. Factor Affecting Interest in Reading

Here, Crow and Crow (1963: 159) classify the three factors which

influence interest. They are:

a. Inner Urges

Inner urges is the factor that comes from the inside of the individual. It

deals with preferences. Inner urges drive people to do something

related to their interest.

b. Social Motive

Social motive come from the outside of the individual. This factor

brings some certain purposes. For example if student interest in self-

improvement that student will study because he wants to gains

approval of one‟s relatives and friends.

c. Emotional Factors

This factor is linked with feeling and emotion. If the individual

succeeds in doing the activity, he or she will be satisfied and pleased.

On the contrary, if he or she fails, it will cause a loss of interest.

5. Interest in Reading

Previously it has been pointed out that reading is an active thinking

process of assigning and constructing meaning from the author‟s

impression in order to get information from the written or printed


language. Those processes involve recalling, reasoning, evaluating,

imagining, organizing, applying, and problem solving. It also involves

comprehension, thought, interpretation and perception. While interest is

intrinsic motivation which includes aspect of pleasure, attention,

willingness and consciousness that drive people naturally to do

something and engaged with it.

According to Getzels in Robinson (1973: 81) reading interest in

natural tendency which drive a person “to seek opportunities and sources

to read”. He also adds (1966) that reading interest is “direct reading

behavior”. That means that reading interest happened directly and done

as routine activity.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that reading

interest is intrinsic motivation which include aspect of pleasure, attention,

willingness and consciousness that drive people naturally to seek

opportunities and sources to read.

C. Vocabulary Mastery

1. Definition of Vocabulary

Crystal in The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language

(1995), defines Vocabulary as one of the language aspects have to be

learned when people are learning a language. Good mastery of

vocabulary is important for anyone who learns the language used in

listening, speaking, writing, and reading besides grammar. A learner of

the foreign language will speak fluently and accurately, write easily, or

understand what he or she reads or hears if he or she has enough

vocabulary and has a capability of using it accurately

It is obvious that vocabulary is very important in learning a

language, especially English, because the English vocabulary is

extremely large and varies as well. Therefore, it is highly essential for

English teachers to help their students in mastering vocabulary. Longman

Dictionary of Contemporary English defines vocabulary means all the

words that someone know, learn of uses, or the words that are typically

used when talking about particular subject or a list of words with the

explanations of their meanings in a book for learning foreign language.

Vocabulary is considered as the most important part in learning a

language. It is imposible for the students to read, write and speak a

foreign language without having enough knowledge of the vocabulary.

Learning the new vocabulary does not only mean memorizing the form

of the word but also understand its meaning.

2. Vocabulary Elements in Teaching

In her book, UR (1996: 60-62) give some elements that need to be

taught in teaching vocabulary which will indicate students‟ vocabulary

mastery. They are:

a. Form: pronunciation and spelling

The learner has to know what word sound like (its

pronunciation) and what a word look like (its spelling), these are fairly

obvious characteristics, and one or the other will be perceived by the


learner when encountering the item for the first time. In teaching, the

teacher needs to make sure that both these aspects are accurately

presented and learned.

b. Grammar

The grammar of the new item will need to be taught if this is

not obviously covered by general grammatical rules. An item may

have an unpredictable change of form in certain grammatical contexts

or may have some idiosycratic way of connecting with other words in

sentences; it is important to provide learners with this information at

the same time as the teaches the base form. When teaching a new

verb, for example, he might also give its past form, if this is irregular

„think‟ „thought‟ and he might note if it is transitive or intransitive.

c. Collocation

Words and phrases which appear to be very similar in

meaning are often distinguished from another by the different ways in

which they collocate with other words. The collocation typical or

particular items are another factor that makes a particular item sound

„right‟ or „wrong‟.

For example: people may have a „headache‟ or

„stomachache‟, but they may not have a „legache‟ or „throathache‟. In

addition, commonly people will express „spend the time‟ or „spend the

money‟ than „use the time‟ or „use the money‟.


d. Aspect of meaning

1) Denotation

The meaning of a word is primarily what it refers to in the real

world and this is often the sort of definition that is givem in a

dictionary. This is denotation or conceptual meaning. For example;

„dog‟ denotes a kind of animal.

2) Connotation

A less obvious component of an item is its connotation. The

associations, positive or negative feelings it evokes, which may or

may no be indicated a dictionary definition. Connotation is the

communication value as expressed by virtue of what it refers to,

over and above its‟ purely conceptual content. For example; „slim‟

has favorable connotations, while „thin‟ has unfavorable; so that

one could describe something as „slim body‟ not „thin body‟.

3) Appropriateness

A more suitable aspect of meaning that often needs to be taught is

whether a particular item is the appropriate one to use in a certain

context or not. Thus it is useful for a learner to know that a certain

word is very common, or relatively rare, or tends to be used in

writing but not in speech, or is more suitable for formal than

informal discourse. For example, the word weep is virtually

synonymous in dennotation with cry, but it is more formal, tends to


be used in writing more than in speech, and is in general much less


4) Synonyms: an item that means the same, or nearly the same; for

example: „clever‟, „smart‟, „bright‟ may serve as synonym of


5) Antonyms: the term antonym is used for opposite meaning of word;

„big‟ is an antonym of „small‟.

6) Hyponyms: items that serve as specific examples of a general

concept; „dog‟, „lion‟, „horse‟, are hyponym of „animal‟.

7) Co-hyponyms or co-ordinates: other item that is the „same kind

thing‟; „red‟, „blue‟, „green‟, and „brown‟ are co-ordinates.

8) Super-ordinates: general concepts that „cover‟ specific items;

„animal‟ is the super-ordinates of „lion‟, „horse‟, „dog‟, etc.

9) Translation: words or expression in the learners‟ mother tongue

that are (more or less) equivalent in meaning to be item being

taught; for example: „fruits‟ in Indonesian has equivalent meaning


e. Word formation

Word formation or the arrangement of words put together is

another aspects of useful information in teaching perhaps mainly for

advance learners. Teacher may wish to teach the common prefixes and

suffixses; for example: if learners know meaning of sub-, un-, and –


able, this will help them guess the meaning of words like

„substandard, „ungrateful‟, and „untranslatable‟.

When those factors are fulfilled, it can be said that someone

has achieved vocabulary mastery. In other words, it can be said that if

students have sufficient vocabularies than the other aspects of

language, a foreign language would be easier to be learnt.

Considering the theories above, it can concluded that

vocabulary mastery is students‟ knowledge/understanding concerning

with words, that deals with the form and meaning of words in a


3. Kind of Vocabulary

Some experts divide vocabulary into two types. Aebersold and

Fields (1997: 139) mention the types of vocabulary; those are receptive

vocabulary and productive vocabulary.

a. Receptive vocabulary is vocabulary that is not used ehen the reader

speak or write, it is only recognize by the reader.

b. Productive vocabulary is vocabulary that is used when the students

speak or write.

While Haycraft (1997: 44) states another two types of vocabulary,

those are active vocabulary and passive vocabulary.

a. Active vocabulary is stock of words that students know, understand

and know how to pronounce it and use it in speaking and writing.


b. Passive vocabulary is a stock of words that the students recognize and

it only can be read or listened which the students can be produce

correctly himself.

According to the previous explanation, vocabulary can be differed

into two types; they are:

a. Receptive vocabulary

Receptive vocabulary is a passive vocabulary that is used in listening

and reading. This type of vocabulary can be recognize and understood

by the people when it occur in a context, but they do not use it actively

in daily life.

b. Productive vocabulary

Productive vocabulary is an active vocabulary that is used in

productive skill, such as speaking and writing. This type of vocabulary

can be understood, produced, pronounced, and used constructively by

people in everyday life.

4. Assesment of Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary mastery is the total number of words in a particular

language that a person knows or uses, while mastery means as

comprehensive knowledge. Then, vocabulary mastery means a

comprehensive knowledge of vocabulary. In relation on communication

using language, vocabulary is an important component. One should not

only know the vocabulary but also understand its meaning and able to

use it to communicate in the real communication.


Hammer (2005: 16) said that knowing a word means far more than

just uderstanding one of its meaning. In other words, vocabulary

competence constitutes some knowledge of words. Based on Penny Ur

(1996: 60-62), the assasment of vocabulary in this research includes all

knowledge of words, those are: word use (collocation), word grammar,

and word meaning ( synonym, antonym, and meaning in context).



A. The Method of The Study

In this research, the researcher used correlational method.

Correlational method is a method of a research which is designed to predict

the extent or relationship between two or more variables. Creswell (2012:

338) states that a correlation is a statistical test to determine the tendency or

pattern for two or more variables or two sets of data to vary consistently. It is

a deeper level of explanation than descriptive method. Unlike the

experimental method which examines whether or not there is an expected

effect of a given control condition, this kind of method emphasizes on the

relationship which can be seen through the coefficient of correlation.

In this research, the researcher examines the relationship between

three variables; two independent variables (X) and one dependent variable


1. The independent variables

a. Students‟ interest in reading of the eleventh grade students of MA Al-

Muayyad Surakarta 2016/2017 (X1).

b. Vocabulary mastery of the eleventh grade students of MA Al-Muayyad

Surakarta 2016/2017 (X2).


2. Dependent variable.

Reading comprehension of the eleventh grade students of MA Al-

Muayyad Surakarta 2016/2017 (Y).

The correlation between three variables can be seen in the figure 3.1.

Student‟s Interest in
Reading (X1)
Reading Comprehension

Vocabulary Mastery


Figure 3.1. The Schema of the Correlation between Student‟s Interest in

Reading, Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension.

B. The Place of the Research

The researcher carried out at MA Al-Muayyad Surakarta located at Jl.

KH. Samanhudi No. 64 in academic year 2016/2017 which is located at

Purwosari, Laweyan, Surakarta.

C. The Population, Sampling, and Sample of the Research

1. The Population of the Research

Johnson and Christensen 2000: 158) state that population is large

group where the researcher an take sample from. The population is all of

the eleventh grade students of MA Al-Muayyad Surakarta in the academic

year of 2016/2017. There are three classes namely XI IPS 1, IPS 2, and XI

IPA. The average number of the students is 82 students.


2. The Sampling of the Research

Mason and Bramble (1997:113) reveal sampling as a process of

taking a sample out of population. There are three classes in the

population. In this study, the researcher uses cluster random sampling

because it is composed of many individual students. It gives all class in the

population the equal chance of being selected for the sample. In this case,

the researcher took two classes among three classes.

Below are the steps of the selecting the class of the sample:

a. Making a list of all the second grade classes.

b. Give each class a code

c. Writing each code on a piece of paper and enrolling the pieces

d. Putting the rolled paper into a box

e. Taking two rolled paper randomly from the box

3. The Sample of the Research

Sample is result from taking an element from population by doing certain

rules (Johnson and Christensen 2000: 158). The sample is taken by cluster

random sampling. In this research, the researcher took two classes

randomly from the three classes of the eleventh grade students of MA Al-

Muayyad Surakarta in Academic Year of 2016/2017. The chosen class of

the sample is XI IPA.

D. The Technique of Collecting the Data

In collecting data the writer uses the questionnaire and the test. The

questionnaire is used to collect the data of student‟s interest in reading.


While, the test is used to collect the data of the vocabulary mastery and

reading comprehension.

1. The Instrument of Collecting Data

a. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is one of data collection instrument which is filled

by the participants (Johnson and Christensen 2000: 127). In this

research, the questionnaire is used to measure the student‟s interest in

reading. The writer used the closed-ended questions, where the

participant must select answer from the predetermined categories

provided by the writer by crossing the letters.

In determining the students‟ score, the writer determined the

item score of each statement in the questionnaire.

The questionnaire is a multiple choice form of four alternatives.

The way of scoring system of questionnaire is a follow.

1) For positive items, students who choose:

- Sangat setuju, the score is 4

- Setuju, the score is 3

- Tidak setuju, the score is 2

- Sangat tidak setuju, the score is 1

2) For negative items, students who choose:

- Sangat setuju, the score is 1

- Setuju, the score is 2

- Tidak setuju, the score is 3


- Sangat tidak setuju, the score is 4

b. Test

Mason and Bramble define test as “a systematic procedure” for

knowing objective performance (1997: 165). This is important for

teaching and learning. A test is useful to help the teacher to measure the

students‟ achievement, to know the students‟ progress, to motivate and

direct students‟ learning and also to evaluate the teaching process,

whether it is good or not.

The first test is the vocabulary mastery test. It is intended to

collect data about the students‟ mastery in vocabulary mastery. The test

is objective test is the form of multiple choice type. There are four

alternatives of answer in each item consisting on correct answer and

three destructors. There were 4 optional answers namely a, b, c, and d

for each question. To determine the students score the writer marks 1

for each correct answer, and 0 for each wrong answer. The students

choose one for indicators spelling, word formation, meaning

relationships (synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms, and translation), aspect

of meaning (denotation, connotation), and use of word in context

(grammar). While an oral test uses to know about the students‟


The second test is reading comprehension. It is intended to

collect data about students‟ reading comprehension. To determine the


students score the writer marks 1 for each correct answer, and 0 for

each wrong answer.

2. Try Out of the Instruments

A good instrument is valid and reliable instrument. So the

instrument should be tried out before used to collect the data. The

instruments of this study are students‟ interest in reading questionnaire,

vocabulary mastery test, and reading comprehension test.

a. The Validity of the Instruments

An instrument can be valid if it can reflect what is being

measured (Arikunto, 2002: 145). Cooper and Schindler (2003: 231) say

that validity refers to the extent to which a test measures what we

actually wish to measure. To analyze the validity of try out result of

vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension, the writer uses discrete

score. The writer give 1 score for the correct answer and 0 score for the

wrong answer. The researcher uses Pearson Product Moment formula

as follows:

r xy = N ∑ XY – (∑X) (∑Y)

√ {N∑X2 – (∑X) 2} {N∑Y2– (∑Y) 2}


r xy : the coefficient of correlation between X and Y

N : the number of the students

∑X : the sum of the scores of each item

∑Y : the sum of the scores of each student


(Sudjana, 2002: 369)

b. The Reliability of the Instruments

Johnson and Christensen (2000: 100) agree that reliability

related to consistency of scores or responses which is achieved on

different occasions. The researcher used Split-Half Spearman Brown

technique to measure the reliability of learning motivation

questionnaire. The formula is as follow:

( )
( )

= the coefficient of reliability

rxy = the coefficient of correlation

Meanwhile, the researcher used Alpa Cronbach formula to

measure the reliability of the cohesive devices mastery and reading

comprehension test. The formula is as follow:

r11= k 1- ∑Si2

k-1 St2


r11 : the coefficient of the reliability

k : number of items on the test

Si2 : the variance of each item

St2: the variance of all scores on the total test.


E. The Technique of Analyzing the Data

After collecting data As stated above, the next step is to analyze them

to know whether there is a positive correlational between student‟s interest in

reading, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. In this research will

use some technique to collecting the data. They are as follow:

1. Pre-requirement Test

There are major prerequisite tests for the data to enter linear

regression analysis:

a. Normality Test

Normality test is purposed to know whether the sample taken

from the population has normal distribution or not. The researcher will

use Liliefors with the procedure below:

1) Hypothesis

H0: sample causes from normal distributed population

H1: sample does not causes from normal distributed population

a) Test statistic

L: maks F (zi) – S (zi)


F (zi) = P (Z ≤ z); Z ~ N (0, 1)

Zi = standar skor =

S = deviation standard

b) Critic zone

DK = {L L> La; n} with n = sample

c) Significance taraf : α = 0.005

d) Test result

H0 can be accepted if L > La; n

(Budiyono, 2009:170)

b. The Linearity Test

Linearity test is purposed to know whether two variables have

significant linear regression or not. This test is becoming the major

prerequisite for the data to enter linear regression analysis. The linearity

test by using the formula as follows:

1) Simple linear regression

Equation of simple linear regression is as follow:

Ŷ= a + bX


Ŷ= calculated value of Y (dependent variable)

a= constant number

b= coefficient of regression

X= independent variable


( )( )
b= ( )


(Hasan, 2004: 64)

2) The linearity of single regression

( )
= ∑{ }

= -


: The linearity of regression

: The variance due to linier regression

: The variance of error

The regression is linear if ( ) is lower than

( ), or < .

3) Multiple linier regression

The equation of multiple regression is ̂ = + a1X1 + a2X2

( )

= ∑ y+ ∑ y


= -

= the number of independent variable

=̂- ̅ ̅

= ( )

= ( )

The multiple linear regression is significant if ( ) is

higher than ( ), or >

2. Hypothesis Test

a. The first hypothesis

The first hypothesis is the correlation between student‟s interest in

reading (X1) and reading comprehension (Y). To test the first

hypothesis, the researcher uses Person Product Moment as follow:

( )( )
√* ( ) +* ( ) +


: The coefficient of correlation between X and Y

N : The number of the students

∑X : The sum of the scores of each item

∑Y : The sum of the scores of each student

(Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006: 170)


b. The second hypothesis

The second hypothesis is the correlation between vocabulary mastery

(X2) and reading comprehension (Y). To test the first hypothesis, the

researcher uses Person Product Moment as follow:

( )( )
√* ( ) +* ( ) +


: The coefficient of correlation between X and Y

N : The number of the students

∑X : The sum of the scores of each item

∑Y : The sum of the scores of each student

(Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006: 170)

c. The third hypothesis

To test the third hypothesis, that is the correlation between

student‟s interest in reading (X1), vocabulary mastery (X2) and reading

comprehension (Y), the researcher used Multiple Linear Regression as



Ry12 = the coefficient of correlation between X1, X2 and Y

ry1 = the coefficient of correlation between Y and X1


ry2 = the coefficient of correlation between Y and X2

ry1 = the coefficient of correlation between X1 and X2

(Sudjana, 2002: 385)



A. Research Finding

The obtain data consist of the data of student‟s interest in reading, voabulary

mastery and reading comprehension. Those data can be describe as follows:

1. The Data of Student’s Interest in Reading (X1)

Table 4.1.

The Student’s score of Students Interest in Reading

No. NIS Name Score

1 3582 A.B.J.P 75
2 3590 A.F 72
3 3554 F.M 74
4 3555 I.H.C 75
5 3558 I.N.H.F.A 71
6 3551 M.A.H 71
7 3561 M.A.A.I 72
8 3568 M.A 77
9 3577 M.R.R.P 74
10 3602 R.A.I 73
11 3553 'A.S 79
12 3560 A.Z.S 73
13 3583 A.L.U 72
No. NIS Name Score
14 3573 A.F.D 73
15 3548 E.S.N.I 72
16 3589 F.F 69
17 3579 I.L 72


18 3597 L.H.F 73
19 3569 L.A 74
20 3593 M.I 71
21 3565 M.N.A 72
22 3585 M.L.N 69
23 3556 N.R 73
24 3606 N.L.M 72
25 3587 R.U 73
26 3598 R.D.P 76
27 3571 V.M.M.K 80
28 3686 Z.F 79

The data of student‟s interest in reading is obtained from questionnaire consisting

of 30 items, with the score 4, 3, 2, and 1. These results can be obtained the highest

value of 29, the lowest value of 7, the average value of 18, 67, median or the

middle value of 19, 00, the mode or value most often appears is 29 and the

standard deviation or deviation from the average amounted to 6,529. The data

obtained for student‟s interest in reading is presented at the table 4.2, and the

histogram can be seen at figure 4.1.

Table 4.2.

The Descriptive Statistic of Students Interest in Reading

Descriptive statistics
Variables Median Minimum Maximum Mean
Students 19,00 7 29 18,67 6,529

Interest in

To make it easier to understand student's extraversion personality data then the

data is presented in the form of histogram and polygon image as follows:

Image 4.1

The Histogram of students‟ Interest in Reading

2. The Data Description of Vocabulary Mastery (X2)

Table 4.3.

The Student’s score of Vocabulary Mastery

No. NIS Name Score

1 3582 A.B.J.P
2 3590 A.F
3 3554 F.M
4 3555 I.H.C
5 3558 I.N.H.F.A
6 3551 M.A.H

7 3561 M.A.A.I
8 3568 M.A
9 3577 M.R.R.P
10 3602 R.A.I
11 3553 'A.S
12 3560 A.Z.S
13 3583 A.L.U
14 3573 A.F.D
15 3548 E.S.N.I
16 3589 F.F
17 3579 I.L
18 3597 L.H.F
19 3569 L.A
20 3593 M.I
21 3565 M.N.A
No NIS Name Score
22 3585 M.L.N
23 3556 N.R
24 3606 N.L.M
25 3587 R.U
26 3598 R.D.P
27 3571 V.M.M.K
28 3686 Z.F

From the instrument of vocabulary mastery were obtained from a test. From these

results can be obtained the highest value of 27, the lowest value of 10, the average

value of 19, 00, median or the middle value of 19, 00, the mode or value most

often appears is 25 and the standard deviation or deviation from the average of

5,621. The obtained data for the students interest in reading is presented at table

4.4, and the histogram can be seen at figure 4.2.

Table 4.4.

The Descriptive Statistics of Vocabulary Mastery

Descriptive statistics
Variables Median Minimum Maximum Mean
19,00 10 27 19,00 5,621

Furthermore, to make it easier to understand the data Difficulties in working, then

the data presented in the form of histogram and polygon images as follows:

Image 4.2.

Histogram of Vocabulary Mastery


3. The Data Description of Reading Comprehension (Y)

Table 4.5.

The Student’s score of Reading Comprehension

No. NIS Name Score

1 3582 A.B.J.P
2 3590 A.F
3 3554 F.M
No. NIS Name Score
4 3555 I.H.C
5 3558 I.N.H.F.A
6 3551 M.A.H
7 3561 M.A.A.I
8 3568 M.A
9 3577 M.R.R.P
10 3602 R.A.I
11 3553 'A.S
12 3560 A.Z.S
13 3583 A.L.U
14 3573 A.F.D
15 3548 E.S.N.I
16 3589 F.F
17 3579 I.L
18 3597 L.H.F
19 3569 L.A
20 3593 M.I
21 3565 M.N.A
22 3585 M.L.N
23 3556 N.R

24 3606 N.L.M
25 3587 R.U
26 3598 R.D.P
27 3571 V.M.M.K
28 3686 Z.F

From the instrument of reading comprehension were obtained from a test. From

the result can be obtained the highest value of 87, the lowest value of 41, the

average or mean of 61, 71, median or the middle value of 54, the most common

mode or value of 53 and the standard deviation value of 13, 356.

Table 4.6.
The Descriptive Statistics of Reading Comprehension

Descriptive statistics
Variables Median Minimum Maximum Mean
54,00 41 87 61,71 13,356

Furthermore, to make it easier to understand the data difficulties in working, then

the data presented in the form of histogram and polygon images as follows:

Image 4.3.

Histogram of Reading Comprehension

B. Analysis of the Data

1. Test of Data Instrument

The instrument test used in this research is the validity and reliability test

distributed to 55 students of class XI, to be analyzed the validity and reliability

and the result of the analysis is used as the reference in obtaining the data for

further analysis. Factors to be measured are attributes that include Student's

Interest in Reading. The result of validity and reliability is:

a. Validity Test

The validity test shows how far a test or a set of operations measures what should

be measured. One way to test validity is to calculate the correlation value between

each item statement with the total score using correlation formula product moment


Result of validity analysis using computer that is program SPSS version 21.00

indicated by comparing rhitung with ttabel. While the value of rhitung can be seen in

Corrected Item Total Correlation on SPSS program version 21.00. Decision

making if the value of rhitung > ttabel then the item or variable under study is valid.

1) Variable of Students Interest in Reading

Based on the calculation, then the result of validity in Student's Interest in

Reading variable is as follows:

Tabel 4.7.

(Summary of instrument validity of Student’s Interest in Reading)

Item rhitung rtabel Adverb

X1 ,842** 0,361 Valid

X2 ,848** 0,361 Valid

X3 ,858** 0,361 Valid

X4 ,776** 0,361 Valid

X5 ,189 0,361 Invalid

X6 ,967** 0,361 Valid

X7 ,936** 0,361 Valid

X8 ,618** 0,361 Valid

X9 ,645** 0,361 Valid

X10 ,927** 0,361 Valid

Item rhitung rtabel Adverb

X11 ,967** 0,361 Valid

X12 ,927** 0,361 Valid

X13 ,967** 0,361 Valid


X14 ,775** 0,361 Valid

X15 -,157 0,361 Invalid

X16 ,967** 0,361 Valid

X17 ,894** 0,361 Valid

X18 ,967** 0,361 Valid

X19 -,371 0,361 Invalid

X20 ,481** 0,361 Valid

X21 ,967** 0,361 Valid

X22 ,362 0,361 Invalid

X23 ,429* 0,361 Valid

X24 ,967** 0,361 Valid

X25 ,150 0,361 Invalid

X26 ,858** 0,361 Valid

X27 ,907** 0,361 Valid

X28 ,695** 0,361 Valid

X29 ,384* 0,361 Valid

X30 ,528** 0,361 Valid

From the table above it can be said that the invalid item are 5 items and the valid

item are 25 items. It can be concluded that the valid of variable student‟s interest

in reading (X1) are 30 questions, and 5 items of invalid question number are 5, 15,

19, 22, 25.

2) Variable of Vocabulary Mastery

Based on the calculation, then the result of validity in Vocabulary Mastery

variable is as follows:

Tabel 4.8.

(Summary of instrument validity of Vocabulary Mastery)

Item rhitung rtabel Adverb

X1 ,521** 0,279 Valid

X2 ,478* 0,279 Valid

X3 ,711** 0,279 Valid

X4 ,129 0,279 Invalid

X5 ,501** 0,279 Valid

X6 -,028 0,279 Invalid

X7 ,711** 0,279 Valid

X8 ,592** 0,279 Valid

X9 ,478* 0,279 Valid

X10 ,711** 0,279 Valid

X11 ,311 0,279 Invalid

X12 ,819** 0,279 Valid

X13 ,427* 0,279 Valid

X14 ,521** 0,279 Valid

Item rhitung rtabel Adverb

X15 ,592** 0,279 Valid

X16 ,711** 0,279 Valid

X17 ,111 0,279 Invalid

X18 ,546** 0,279 Valid

X19 ,546** 0,279 Valid

X20 ,711** 0,279 Valid

X21 ,047 0,279 Invalid


X22 ,402* 0,279 Valid

X23 ,546** 0,279 Valid

X24 ,819** 0,279 Valid

X25 -,168 0,279 Invalid

X26 ,199 0,279 Invalid

X27 ,819** 0,279 Valid

X28 ,268 0,279 Invalid

X29 ,433* 0,279 Valid

X30 ,402* 0,279 Valid

X31 ,711** 0,279 Valid

X32 ,819** 0,279 Valid

X33 ,543** 0,279 Valid

X34 ,436* 0,279 Valid

X35 ,543** 0,279 Valid

X36 ,819** 0,279 Valid

X37 -,208 0,279 Invalid

Item rhitung rtabel Adverb

X38 ,028 0,279 Invalid

X39 ,819** 0,279 Valid

X40 ,819** 0,279 Valid

From the table above it can be said that the invalid item are 10 items and the valid

item are 30 items. It can be concluded that the valid of variable Vocabulary

Mastery (X2) are 30 questions, and 10 items of invalid question number are 4, 6,

11, 17, 21, 25, 26, 28, 37,38.


3) Variable of Reading Comprehension

Based on the calculation, then the result of validity in Vocabulary Mastery

variable is as follows:

Tabel 4.9.

(Summary of instrument validity of Reading Comprehension)

Item rhitung rtabel Adverb

X1 ,521** ,582** Valid

X2 ,478* ,034 Invalid

X3 ,711** ,799** Valid

X4 ,129 ,050 Invalid

X5 ,501** ,799** Valid

X6 -,028 ,005 Invalid

Item rhitung rtabel Adverb

X7 ,711** ,799** Valid

X8 ,592** ,627** Valid

X9 ,478* ,799** Valid

X10 ,711** ,799** Valid

X11 ,311 ,349 Invalid

X12 ,819** ,783** Valid

X13 ,427* ,582** Valid

X14 ,521** ,071 Invalid

X15 ,592** ,627** Valid

X16 ,711** ,799** Valid

X17 ,111 ,071 Invalid


X18 ,546** ,582** Valid

X19 ,546** ,582** Valid

X20 ,711** ,179 Invalid

X21 ,047 ,375* Valid

X22 ,402* ,436* Valid

X23 ,546** ,582** Valid

X24 ,819** ,783** Valid

X25 -,168 ,176 Invalid

X26 ,199 ,513** Valid

X27 ,819** ,783** Valid

X28 ,268 ,269 Invalid

Item rhitung rtabel Adverb

X29 ,433* ,799** Valid

X30 ,402* ,436* Valid

X31 ,711** ,799** Valid

X32 ,819** ,783** Valid

X33 ,543** ,465* Valid

X34 ,436* ,740** Valid

X35 ,543** ,783** Valid

X36 ,819** ,651** Valid

X37 -,208 ,060 Invalid

X38 ,028 ,436* Valid

X39 ,819** ,799** Valid

X40 ,819** ,783** Valid


From the table above it can be said that the invalid item are 10 items and the valid

item are 30 items. It can be concluded that the valid of variable Reading

Comprehension (Y) are 30 questions, and 10 items of invalid question number are

2, 4, 6, 11, 14, 17, 20, 25, 28, 37.

b. Reliability Test

After testing on the validity of these variables (Student's Extraversion

Personality), then can be tested reliability.The results of reliability analysis can be

seen in SPSS program 21.00 version and shown by the value of alpha ().

Decision-making reliability of a variable is determined with the assumption that if

the alpha value of cronbach > 0.6. The alpha value of cronbach is 0,975, it means

40 items of variable of students interest in reading is reliable. Because value of

cronbach is 0,975 higher than 0.6. Here is a summary of the test results that show

the alpha value in the Student's Interest in Reading (X1), Vocabulary Mastery (X2)

and Reading Comprehension (Y).

Tabel 4.10.

The Result of Reliability Test

Variabel ralpha rtabel Adverb

Student‟s Interest in Reading (X1) 0,957 0,60 Reliabel

Vocabulary Mastery (X2) 0,883 0,60 Reliabel

From Table 4.8 shows that all variables of Student's Interest in Reading (X1) and

Vocabulary Mastery (X2) are reliable because they have alpha cronbach value

(0,975) > 0,6, so it can be used to process the next data.


C. Test Prerequisites

1. Normality Test

The purpose of the normality test is to know is to find out whether the data from

the study sample comes from a population that is normally distributed or not.

Normality test was performed using Kolmograf-Smirnov test. The criterion of the

normality test is that the normal distributed data has a probability value of

significance > 0.05. The summary test of normality as follows:

Table 4.11

The Result of Normality Test

Probability Rate of
Variabel N of error (α) Adverb
Student‟s Interest in 55 0,274 0,05 Normal
Vocabulary mastery 55 0,072 0,05 Normal
Reading Comprehension 55 0,326 0,05 Normal

From the table above is known each of the variables student's interest in reading

and vocabulary mastery probability significance value > 5%, so it can be

concluded that from each variable comes from the population that is normally


2. Linearity Test

The purpose of linearity test is to know how the form of relationship between one

independent variable with one dependent variable. The linearity test criterion is

that the linear relationship occurs if the value of Fhitung < Ftabel or significance

value > 0,05. The summary of linearity test results conducted using the tools

SPSS program version 15.0 is as follows:

Table 4.12

The Result of Linearity Test

Variabel Significance Rate of error Adverb

Student‟s Interest in
0,865 0,05 Normal

Vocabulary mastery 0,063 0,05 Normal

From the above output it can be seen that the value of significance (P Value Sig.)

On the Deviation from Linearity line for Student's Interest in Reading is 0.865 and

Vocabulary mastery of 0.063. Because of the significance of more than 0, 05 it

can be concluded that between the variables of Student's Interest in Reading (X1)

and Vocabulary mastery (X2) and Reading Comprehension (Y) variables there is a

linear relationship.

D. The Data Analysis

1. The Correlation Analysis

Correlation analysis is an analysis to find out the relation of Student's Interest in

Reading and Vocabulary mastery with Reading Comprehension. In addition to

know the influence of the independent variable to the dependent variable.

According to Suharsimi Arikunto (2006: 276), the criteria of reliability coefficient


0.80 <r11 = 1.00 very high reliability


0.60 <r11 = 0.80 high reliability

0.40 <r11 = 0.60 fair reliability

0.20 <r11 = 0.40 low reliability

0.00 <r11 = 0.20 very low reliability

Besides using the criteria of reliability coefficient above, the instrument can be

reliable if the rit > rtabel. The rtabel can be seen from the total of the sample and the

level of significance.

The result of data analysis using SPSS 21.00 program can be obtained:

Table 4.13

The Results of Correlation Analysis

Model Score Significance Adverb

Student‟s Interest in
0,606 0,000 fair reliability

Vocabulary mastery high

0,613 0,000

Based on the above table can be described as follows:

a. The relationship between Student's Interest in Reading and Reading


From this result shows that the relationship between Student's Interest in Reading

and Reading Comprehension value of 0.606 is in the assessment of 0.400 to

0.600. From this assessment shows that Student's Interest in Reading with

Reading Comprehension is in fair reliability category. From this result shows that

the hypothesis that "Student's Interest in Reading relationship with Reading

Comprehension" is proven. From this relationship shows Student's Interest in

Reading with Reading Comprehension is fair reliability.

b. The relationship between Vocabulary mastery and Reading


From this result shows that the relationship between Vocabulary mastery and

Reading Comprehension value of 0.613 is in the assessment of 0.600-0,800. From

this assessment shows that Vocabulary mastery with Reading Comprehension in

high reliability category. From this result indicates that the hypothesis which

states "There is a Vocabulary Mastery relationship with Reading Comprehension"

proved true. From this relationship shows the Vocabulary mastery with Reading

Comprehension is high reliability.

2. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

Multiple linear regression analysis is an analysis to determine the effect of

Student's Interest in Reading and Vocabulary mastery on Reading

Comprehension. In addition to know the influence of the independent variable to

the dependent variable. The result of data analysis using SPSS 21.00 program can

be obtained:

Table 4.14

Results of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

Model B t Significance
(Constant) 62,064
Student‟s Interest in Reading 0,132 4,597 0,000

Model B t Significance

Vocabulary mastery 0,359 5,862 0,000

In this multiple linear regression analysis, the formula used is as follows:

Y = a + b1X + b2X2 + e


Y = Reading Comprehension

X = Student's Interest in Reading

X2 = Vocabulary mastery

B = Regression Coefficient

E = Variable Disorder

From these results, the regression equation is as follows:

Y = 62,064 + 0,132X + 0,359X2

Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis shows that the value of

Student's Interest in Reading and Vocabulary mastery variables is considered

constant, it will improve English Reading Comprehension by = 62,064.


Student's Interest in Reading shows that each additional 1 Student's Interest in

Reading variable unit assumes that another variable is fixed; it will increase the

English Reading Comprehension variable by 0,132.

Vocabulary mastery shows that each additional 1 unit of vocabulary mastery

variable assuming another variable is fixed, it will increase English Reading

Comprehension variable by 0,359.

3. t Test

The calculations to test the independent variables (Student's Interest in Reading

and Vocabulary mastery) individually to the dependent variable (Reading

Comprehension) are:

a. The t test relating to Student's Interest in Reading (X) against Reading

Comprehension (Y)

Testing steps:

1) The composition of the hypothesis

H0: 1 = 0, meaning there is no influence of Student's Interest in Reading against

Reading Comprehension.

H1: 1  0, meaning there is influence of Student's Interest in Reading towards

Reading Comprehension.

2) Level of significant = 0,05

3) Value t table = t  / 2; (N-k-1)

= T 0,025; 55 - 2 - 1

= 2,012

Ho is accepted if -ttabel < thitung < -ttabel


Ho is rejected if thitung > ttabel or - thitung < -ttabel

4) The value of t arithmetic

From the calculation of computer version 21.00 SPSS can be obtained t hitung of


5) Conclusion

From the calculation results obtained from thitung = 4,597 > ttabel = 2,012, then Ho

is rejected so that there is a significant influence of Student's Interest in Reading

towards Reading Comprehension. From this result indicates that hypothesis 1

which states "There is influence of Student's Interest in Reading toward Reading

Comprehension student in English subject of MA Al-Muayyad Surakarta student

of academic year 2016/2017" proved true.

b. The t test corresponding to the Vocabulary mastery (X2) against

Reading Comprehension (Y)

Testing steps:

1) The composition of the hypothesis

H0: 2 = 0, there is no Vocabulary mastery effect on Reading Comprehension.

H1: 2  0, means that there is a Vocabulary mastery effect on Reading


2) Level of significant = 0.05

3) Value t table = t  / 2; (N-k-1)

= T 0,025; 55 - 2 – 1

= 2,012

Ho is accepted if -ttabel < thitung < -ttabel

Ho is rejected if thitung > ttabel or -thitung < -ttabel

4) The value of t arithmetic

From the calculation of computer version 21.00 SPSS can be obtained thitung of


5) Conclusion

From the calculation results obtained from thitung = 5,862 > ttabel = 2,012, then Ho

is rejected so that there is a significant influence Vocabulary mastery to Reading

Comprehension. From this result shows that hypothesis 2 which states "There is

influence of Vocabulary mastery of students to Reading Comprehension on

English subject of MA students of Al-Muayyad Surakarta academic year

2016/2017" proved correctness.

4. F Test

F test to find out whether Student's Interest in Reading and Vocabulary mastery

together has significant (significant) influence on Reading Comprehension.

Testing steps:

a. Composition of the hypothesis

Ho: 1 = 2 = 0, there is no influence of the contribution of Student's Interest in

Reading and Vocabulary mastery to Reading Comprehension students MA Al-

Muayyad Surakarta together.

H1: 1  2  0, there is influence of the contribution of Student's Interest in

Reading and Vocabulary mastery to Reading Comprehension students MA Al-

Muayyad Surakarta together.


b. Level of significant = 0,05 = 5%

c. F value table = F 0,05 ; (N - k - 1) = 0,05; (55 - 2 - 1)

F 0, 05; 3,195

d. Finding the value of Fhitung

R2 / k
Fhitung 
(1  R 2 ) /( n  k  1)

0,568 / 2
Fhitung 
(1  0,568) /( 47)

Fhitung = 30,925 (computer result SPSS version 21.00)


R2 = Coefficient of determination

K = Number of predictors, i.e. X1 and X2

N = Number of samples

e. Conclusion

With Fhitung = 30,925 > Ftabel = 3,195, Ho is rejected so that there is a significant

influence between Student's Interest in Reading (X1) and Vocabulary mastery (X2)

on Reading Comprehension. From this result indicates that the hypothesis which

states "There is influence of Student's Interest in Reading and vocabulary mastery

students to Reading Comprehension students on English Subject students MA Al-

Muayyad Surakarta" proved true.

5. Coefficient Determination

The coefficient of determination is used to find out how much variation of Y can

be explained by variation X that is to know how much influence Student's Interest

in Reading (X) and Vocabulary mastery (X2) to Reading Comprehension (Y)


together. From the calculation of computer program SPSS version 21.00 obtained

R2 = 0,568, this can be interpreted that 56, 8% change / variation Y Reading

Comprehension) due to the change / variation of variable X (Student's Interest in

Reading and Vocabulary mastery) while 43, 2% Influenced by other variables not

included in other models and soon.

E. Discussion of the Research Finding

1. Effect of Student's Interest in Reading on Reading Comprehension

Based on the results of the analysis can be obtained coefficient value of b 1 =

0,132, meaning that each additional 1 unit of Student's Interest in Reading

variable by assuming other variables remain, it will increase the English Reading

Comprehension variable of 0,132, while the t test results can be obtained thitung =

4,597 > ttabel = 2,012, then Ho is rejected so that there is a significant influence of

Student's Interest in Reading towards Reading Comprehension. From this result

indicates that hypothesis 1 which states "There is influence of Student's Interest in

Reading toward Reading Comprehension student in English subject of MA Al-

Muayyad Surakarta student of academic year 2016/2017" proved true.

2. Effect of Vocabulary mastery on Reading Comprehension

Based on the results of the analysis can be obtained coefficient value of 0,359,

meaning that each additional 1 unit of vocabulary mastery variable to assume

other variables remain, it will increase the English Reading Comprehension

variable of 0,359. While t test results can be obtained thitung = 5,862 > ttabel = 2,012,

then Ho is rejected so that there is a significant influence Vocabulary mastery to

Reading Comprehension. From this result shows that hypothesis 2 which states

"There is influence of Vocabulary mastery of students to Reading Comprehension

on English subject of MA students of Al-Muayyad Surakarta academic year

2016/2017" proved its truth.



A. Conclusion

From the result of the computation in the study that the researcher

conducted, she obtains several conclusions as follows:

There is a positive correlation between the students‟ interest in reading

and reading comprehension of the eleventh grade students of MA Al-

Muayyad Surakarta in the academic year 2016/2017. The result, (rx1y)

between the students‟ interest in reading and reading comprehension is 0.606

and after being tested to t-test, the value of to 4.597 > tt 2.012. It means that the

increase of the students‟ interest in reading will be followed b the increase of

reading comprehension. It also means that the students‟ interest in reading has

contribution to their reading comprehension.

There is a positive correlation between vocabulary mastery and

reading comprehension of the eleventh grade students of MA Al-Muayyad

Surakarta in the academic year 2016/2017. The result, (rx2y) between

vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension is 0.613 and after being

tested to t-test, the value of to 5.862 > tt 2.012. It means that the increase of

vocabulary mastery will be followed by the increase of reading

comprehension. It also means that the students‟ vocabulary mastery has

contribution to their reading comprehension.

There is a positive correlation between the students‟ interest in

reading, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension of the eleventh


grade students of MA Al-Muayyad Surakarta in the academic year

2016/2017. The result of students‟ interest in reading, vocabulary mastery and

reading comprehension is Fo 30.925 > Ft 3.195. It means that the increase of

the students‟ interest in reading and vocabulary mastery will be followed by

the increase of reading comprehension.

B. Implication

According to the research finding, the researcher finds out that

vocabulary mastery and student‟s interest in reading have contribution in

student‟s reading comprehension. It means that vocabulary mastery and

student‟s interest in reading cannot be ignored in the effort of improving

student‟s reading comprehension.

Vocabulary is important in learning language especially in mastering

the four English skills. In reading the importance of the vocabulary mastery

cannot be ignored. Students who have a wide range list of words will have

better understanding of the text. Knowing a large number of vocabularies will

help them to recognize the meaning of the words in text, if they will get the

meaning of the test and understand the text easily. Knowing a wide range of

vocabulary is not enough in learning a language especially in reading. The

students need to be encouraged to learn vocabulary not only from it‟s

translation in their native language but also from so many aspects. The

teacher should encourage the students to learn how to pronounce and how to

spell the words correctly, how to use words in context, know the meaning

relationship with the other words, and how to use the words in correct


Another aspect that influences the students reading comprehension is

student‟s interest in reading. Student‟s interest in reading is such impels

which drive students to read and to be engaged in reading activity. The

reading interest here will influence the students reading preferences. The

students with high reading interest will pay more attention to what they read.

They will be more focus on materials they read. To increase the student‟s

interest in reading the teacher should encourage the students to read more by

using various text and materials. The teacher could also choose the actual

topic and authentic materials in reading activity or the teacher could give the

materials that suitable with the student‟s interest.

In conclusion, based in the results of the research, it is recommended

that reading interest and vocabulary mastery should be underlined by the

teachers since they have great influence on reading comprehension.

Consequently, the utilization of reading interest and vocabulary mastery

appropriately will give benefit for students not only in participating reading

class but also in dealing with the communication in real lives.

C. Suggestions

From the finding of the research, the researcher would like to propose

some suggestion as follows:

1. For Teachers

a. Teacher should be selective in choosing a suitable and proper

method in teaching and learning process. They have to consider what

students‟ need so that it makes students feel comfort and enjoy

during the lesson.

b. Teacher should consider the reading strategy used in reading class.

The teacher should choose wisely the reading strategy that could

increase the students‟ interest in reading.

c. The teacher should consider his use of actual topics and authentic

material as media in teaching and learning process. It can make

students more interested in the material and make students learn

enthusiastically, especially in reading activity.

d. Teacher should choose the material that suitable for the students.

Choosing the materials or text that suitable for the grade of the

students and suitable for the students‟ recognition in vocabulary will

help students to have better understanding about the text.

e. It is also very necessary for the teachers to increase students‟

vocabulary mastery since it is very beneficial especially to improve

their reading comprehension. The use of creative methods in

teaching vocabulary enables students to improve their ability in

learning English including their reading comprehension.

2. For the Students

a. The students are expected to realize more that reading

comprehension is very important in learning English.


b. The students should take an advantage of the interest in reading to

improve their capability in comprehending English text.

c. The students should improve their vocabulary mastery in order to

have a better reading comprehension. By improving their vocabulary

mastery, they will be able to comprehend the text easily.

3. For the other researcher

Since the research still lacks of many things and far from being perfect

and there are other factors that influence students‟ reading

comprehension, the researcher expects that there will be other researchers

who will investigate the other factors relating to reading comprehension.

The researcher also hopes that this research will be useful and can be

used as one of the reference to others who will conduct and develop a

similar study.

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Appendix 1
List of Students Joining the Tryout




No. NIS Nama L/P

1 3601 Alza Fatorik L

2 3578 Aria Adian Satika L

3 3545 Dimas Fathin Permana L

4 3552 Dimas Yasin Noviyanto L

5 3576 Flamboyan Nurhadi Abdan Syakura L

6 3562 Luthfil Chakim L

7 3580 Muhammad Nuh L

8 3594 Muhammad Rendi Setiawan L

9 3564 Muhammad Faqih Hazurizqi L

10 3647 Moch. Ricky Anam L

11 3550 Wachid Nahar Fahmi L

12 3572 Anisa Retnoningsih P

13 3567 Aulia Channah Qathrunnada P

14 3603 Aliyah Najla Atifah P

15 3575 Bunga Khoirun Nisa P

16 3596 Dania Rahmawati AL Fajri P

17 3559 Dinda Daniar Wahyuningrum P

18 3557 Lailatus Sa'adah P

19 3563 Miftahul Hasanah P

20 3544 Mufti Handayani P

21 3605 Nahdliwid Niode P

22 3592 Nur Arifah P

23 3574 Nuriyana Faizah P

24 3681 Nuri Uswatun Khasanah P

25 3566 Salma Nur Fatihah P

26 3584 Siti Durotul Fatimah P

27 3683 M. Rifa Aulia Mahardika L

Appendix 2

List of Students Joining the Test




No. NIS Nama JK

1 3582 Ade Bagus Jati Prakoso L

2 3590 Anwar Faris L

3 3554 Fauzan Ma'arif L

4 3555 Ilham Heri Cahyono L

5 3558 Isnaini Nurul Hakim Fir Aulia L

6 3551 Muhammad Ainul Hakim L

7 3561 M. Arif Al Ichsan L

8 3568 Muhammad Afiq L

9 3577 Mochammad Rizky Rendi Pujakesuma L

10 3602 Rudi Alwi Ismail L

11 3553 'Aafiyah Sumunnariyah P

12 3560 Aula Zakia Syarifa P

13 3583 Alfia Lestari Utami P

14 3573 Amelia Frisca Danita P

15 3548 Etika Shavi Nur Izzati P

16 3589 Fitri Fatimah P

17 3579 Ina Luviana P

18 3597 Lana Husna Faradisa P

19 3569 Laili Amaliyah P

20 3593 Maulina Isnaeni P

21 3565 Machasin Nur Azizah P

22 3585 Muthi‟ah Luthfiyyah Nurrozi P

23 3556 Nafisah Rahmawati P

24 3606 Nilna Lailatal Mubarokah P

25 3587 Rahayu Urbaningrum P

26 3598 Ristika Dwi Pramutya P

27 3571 Viki Marisana Milatal Khaq P

28 3686 Zayas Farista P

Appendix 3

The Blue Print of Questionnaire

Student’s Interest in Reading

(Try Out)

Operational Indicator Number Total of

Definition of Items Items
Interest in reading 1. Pleasure 3, 6, 9, 5
is intrinsic Aspects which emerges one‟s 17, 24
motivation which interest to object or people
include aspect of that satisfies him. Here
pleasure, likeness appears.
attention, 2. Willingness 8, 15, 4
willingness and Willingness is a motivational 13, 22
consciousness desire that is directed to the
that drive people purpose of life controlled by
naturally to seek thought. Here, a will appears.
opportunities and 3. Consciousness 1, 5, 11, 5
sources to read. Aspects that is reflected when 20, 29
someone knows that what
he/she is doing is learning
activities. Here people
consciously do what they like.
4. Attention 10, 12, 4
Aspect that shows the 25, 26
concentration on the object.
Here people concentrate to an
object/activity and give an
5. Individual Interest 14, 19, 2
Individual interest is
individual‟s tendency toward
an object (certain, stimuli,
events, or activity).
6. Situational Interest 18, 21 2
Situational interest is elicited
by certain aspects of the
environment. These include
content features and structural
7. Topical Interest 4, 16 2
Topic interest, the level of
interest triggered when a
specific topic is presented,
seems to have both individual
and situational aspects.
8. Inner Urges 27, 30 2
Inner urges is the factor that
comes from the inside of the
individual. It deals with
9. Social Motive 2, 7 2
Social motive come from the
outside of the individual. This
factor brings some certain
10. Emotional Factors 23, 28 2
This factor is linked with
feeling and emotion. If the
individual succeeds in doing
the activity, he or she will be
satisfied and pleased.

Appendix 4


(Try Out)

Identitas Responden

Nama :

Kelas :

No.absen :

Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan memberi tanda centang (√) pada lembar
jawab yang tersedia sesuai pendapat Anda dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

SS : Sangat Setuju

S : Setuju

TS : Tidak Setuju

STS : Sangat Tidak Setuju


1. Mempelajari reading dalam
pelajaran bahasa Inggris sangat
2. Saya dapat berkonsentrasi dengan
baik dalam lingkungan yang bising
3. Saya senang membaca
4. Saya tidak akan membaca jika tema
yang disajikan tidak menarik untuk
5. Kemampuan saya sangat baik
dalam memahami isi bacaan
berbahasa Inggris
6. Saya lebih suka membaca daripada
bermain dengan teman
7. Saya tidak dapat berkonsentrasi jika
suasana ramai
8. Saya selalu meluangkan waktu
untuk membaca
9. Saya suka membaca bacaan bahasa
10. Saya selalu membaca secara
11. Membaca buku itu hanya untuk
siswa yang pintar saja
12. Saya suka jika dimintai pendapat
teman ketika saya membaca
13. Saya membuat ringkasan untuk
bacaan berbahasa Inggris yang
telah dibaca
14. Saya sangat menyukai buku bacaan
bahasa Inggris
15. Saya mengulang membaca buku
berbahasa Inggris
16 Saya tertarik membaca apabila
melihat cover bukunya bagus dan
17. Saya merasa senang jika guru
memberikan tugas untuk membaca
bacaan berbahasa Inggris
18. Saya sesekali membaca buku
bahasa Inggris
19. Saya membaca buku untuk bisa
menjadi penulis profesional.

20. Saya selalu menyisihkan uang saku

untuk membeli buku
21. Dari sesekali membaca buku
bahasa Inggris saya ingin pandai
berbicara bahasa Inggris
22. Mencari buku-buku bacaan itu
hanya membuang waktu saja
23. Saya dapat menjawab dengan tepat
pertanyaan yang terkait dengan isi
24. Membaca hanya bertujuan mencari
kesenangan dan menghabiskan
25. Saya tidak suka jika teman saya
mengganggu ketika saya membaca
26. Saya terkadang tidak mengetahui
sesuatu hal yang penting dari
bacaan tersebut
27. Keingintahuan (minat) saya muncul
ketika saya sedang membaca
28. Saya sulit untuk mengingat kembali
bacaan yang telah dibaca
29. Saya hanya membaca buku pada
saat belajar dan mengerjakan tugas
30. Membaca tidak menumbuhkan
keingintahuan tentang ilmu
Appendix 5
Blue Print of the Vocabulary Mastery
(Try Out)

Definition Indicator Item’s number Total

Vocabulary mastery is an Aspect of Meaning
important part in all Synonym 2 ,3,7, 13, 15,16, 11
language skills. Hornby 19, 22, 25, 33, 35
(1995: 721) defines
mastery as: (1) complete 5, 8, 11, 21, 23,
knowledge, great skill; Antonym 26, 36, 37, 38, 40 10
and (2) control. And
vocabulary is the total
number of word that Grammar 1, 6, 9, 12, 14, 18,
individual speakers of 24, 27, 28, 29, 10
language might use for a
particular language.
Pronunciation 4, 10, 17, 20, 31, 9
spelling 32, 30, 34, 39

Total 40
Appendix 6
Try Out of Vocabulary Mastery

NAME : …………………………………………………………………………….
CLASS: …………………………………………………………………………….

Direction : Cross a, b, c, d, or e on your answer sheet which has the correct

answer for each of the question
1. Mia : Can you give me a d. Maountin
hand? 5. She is beautiful but her
Janitor : Sure, how can I help? younger sister is really quite
Mia : Please…. this box to my …..
cubicle. a. Ugly
Janitor: Yes, Miss. b. Pretty
a. Bring c. Bad
b. Buy d. Handsome
c. Hand 6. Mr. Roy ….. From England
d. Give last week.
2. Usually they talk about the a. To return
housework, cooking, cleaning, b. Returning
and shopping. The bold word c. Returns
means... d. Returned
a. Discuss 7. The word‟s population will
b. Say increase rapidly. The bold
c. Ignore word has the same meaning as
d. Argue ….
3. “Clinic” is a place where …… a. Quickly
a. Someone makes handicraft b. Slowly
b. A doctor gives a medical c. Softly
treatment d. Continually
c. We have meals 8. “These can be extremely
d. A teacher work dangerous if they are not
4. The correct spell of “ o- u- M- properly used.” What is the
n- t- i- n- a” is …… antonym of word “dangerous”?
a. Muontian a. Safe
b. Mantoain b. Useless
c. Mountain c. Easeful
d. Ineffective b. Moving
9. Lisa : I will wear my white and c. Moved
pink dress to Natalia‟s party. a. Move
What do you think? 13. Nita‟s mother is a …. She
Nita : In my opinion, the blue teaches students at the Sebelas
one is better. Maret University.
Lisa : Really? Okay I will …… a. Clerk
the blue dress. b. Lecturer
a. Go c. Advisor
b. Lose d. Headmasters
c. wear 14. We should not believe
d. Hang everything we read or hear
10. The correct spell of “S- a- o- s- because there is false
e- n” is…. prediction and we need to be
a. Season ….
b. Sosean a. Carelessly
c. Seosan b. Care
d. Soasen c. Careless
11. “The bedroom is very dirty, but d. Careful
the kitchen is ….” 15. “ ….. Computer at school is
The antonym of “dirty” is ….. harmless.”
a. Bad The synonym of the bold type word is
b. Big …..
c. Clean a. Unlikely to annoy
d. Wet b. Create destruction
12. Have you considered .... to an c. Great effort
apartment closer to your d. Household equipment
office? 16. If someone belongs to club, she
a. To move or he is …..of the club.
a. A sponsor 21. Boy was greatly surprised to
b. A friend look at his footprints in the soft
c. A member moon.
d. A family The antonym of the word “soft” is ….
17. The correct spell of “g- h- i - t- a. Hard
S- r- a- t” is….. b. Strong
a. Striaght c. Tough
b. Straigth d. Rough
c. Straight 22. Those are drugs for headache.
d. Striagth The synonym of the word
18. Most of my luggage ….. Lost “drugs” is ….
on my trip. a. Injection
a. Is b. Pills
b. Was c. Tablets
c. Has been d. Capsule
d. Are 23. One of the goals of the
19. The synonym of sophisticated agricultural development is to
is... obtain sufficient rice
a. Old-fashioned production.
b. Advanced The opposite of the word “obtain” is
c. Naive ….
d. Humble a. Get
20. The correct spell of “h- a- t- y- b. Win
H- e- l” is… c. Attain
a. Healthy d. Lose
b. Healhty 24. Bella: “When did you watch
c. Hehalty TV last night?”
d. Haelhty Dea: “Well, I watched TV after … my
school assignment.”
a. Finishing a. Are, hers, not only, but
b. Finish b. Are, hers, not, and
c. Had finish c. Is, its, not only, and
d. Have finished d. Is, its, but, and
25. Horn-carving is a popular 29. Yesterday, I came late, when I
handicraft in Pucang. Synonym entered the classroom, my
of “popular” is …. teacher …. A story.
a. Important a. Telling
b. Guess b. Was telling
c. Produce c. Told
d. Famous d. Tell
26. Einstein is as clever as a 30. The baker always ….. His cake
scientist at long time ago. The every 5 o‟clock in the morning.
opposite of “clever” is ….. a. To bake
a. Wise b. Bake
b. Smart c. Bakes
c. Brilliant d. Baked
d. Stupid 31. The correct spell of “o- s- u- V-
27. The students ….. English well i - r - a” is ….
everyday. a. Variuos
a. Learnt b. Various
b. Learned c. Voriaus
c. Learn d. Voriaus
d. Learning 32. The correct spell “s- o- b -l- I-
28. Garut ….. Not only popular s- e- m- p- I” is….
because of ….. Natural a. Imsposible
environment …… because of b. Impossible
its interesting traditions ….. c. Impossebli
Handicrafts. d. Imposisble
33. The Cherry-belle girls call their d. Passive
“female” fans Twibi 37. That is a big office. The
The synonym of “female” is …. antonym of “big” is ….
a. Woman a. Large
b. Boy b. Small
c. Male c. Short
d. Young d. Tall
34. The students learn in “fun” 38. Move the plate downward
way. The synonym of “fun” is about 7 cm. the antonym
…. “move” is …
a. Bad a. Settle
b. Boring b. Cut
c. Pleasure c. Decide
d. Confuse d. Change
35. The same word of “ill” is …. 39. Salt and pepper are kind of ….
a. Healthy a. Cooking spice
b. Good b. Cooking toll
c. Well c. Shady
d. Sick d. Spicy
36. She is an active girl. The 40. “A little mouse” is a mouse
opposite meaning of “active” is which ….
…. a. Big in size
a. Creative b. Small in size
b. Innovative c. Tall in size
c. Diligent d. High in size
Appendix 7

The Answer Key of Vocabulary Mastery

(Try Out)

1. A 11. C 21. D 31. B

2. A 12. A 22. D 32. B

3. B 13. B 23. D 33. A

4. C 14. D 24. D 34. C

5. A 15. A 25. D 35. D

6. D 16. C 26. D 36. D

7. A 17. C 27. C 37. B

8. A 18. C 28. B 38. A

9. C 19. B 29. B 39. A

10. A 20. A 30. C 40. B

Appendix 8

Blue Print of Reading Comprehension

Concept The Indicator Specification Item Number Total
Reading Literal Finding 3, 4, 8, 13, 12
comprehension Comprehension: details 15, 18, 24,
as the process The level of 27, 28, 32,
extracting and comprehension 33, 36
understanding which involves
the information knowing what a
of written text writer says. This
which has comprehension
elements for focuses on the
thinking of readers‟ ability to
reading. The find explicit
inside element information
as reader, text, Inferential Finding main 12, 16, 34, 37 4
activity Comprehension: ideas
whereas the the level of Inferring 19, 31, 35 3
outside comprehension referents
element, there which involvs Drawing 10, 22, 26, 3
are content and make reasoning or conclusion
socio-cultural. finding the Detecting of 1, 5, 25, 30 4
information that is title of text
not stated in the Detecting the 2, 21, 29 3
text or implicit purpose of
information text
Making 9, 11, 23 3
Critical Making 6, 7, 14, 17, 8
Comprehension: judment 20, 38, 39, 40
the level of
which involves
expected to judge
the text
appropriatness and
Appendix 9


Nama :
Kelas/No. absen :

Choose the correct answer using cross sign (X)!

Read the text and answer questions 1-4

Carnivorous plants, such as the sundew and the Venus-flytrap, are generally
found in humid areas here is an inadequate supply of nitrogen in the soil. In order to
survive, these plants have developed mechanism to trap insects within their foliage.
They have digestive fluids to obtain the necessary nitrogen from the insects.

These plants trap the insect in variety of ways. The sundew has sticky hair on
its leaves; when an insect laud on these leaves, it gets caught up in the sticky hairs,
and the leaf wraps itself around the insect.

The leaves of the Venus-flytrap function more likely a trap, snapping

suddenly and forcefully shut around an insect.
1. Which is the most suitable title for the text above?
a. Plant of forest c. The carnivorous plants
b. The kind of plant d. The plants trap
2. What is the purpose of the text?
a. Inform reader about the important of carnivorous plants
b. To make the reader aware about this phenomena
c. Persuade the reader to visit the areas of carnivorous plants
d. Describe about how carnivorous plants survive
3. What is the function of digestive fluids?
a. To get the nitrogen c. To protect from the insect
b. To attack the insect d. To develop mechanism
4. What the carnivorous plants do to service?
a. Use sticky hairs
b. Develop their growth
c. Develop mechanism to trap insect within their foliage
d. Use digestive.
Read the text and answer question 5-8

I think the Centerbury Council should construct more Activity Centeres in most local
areas. Firstly, children can keep busy as well as have fun in the holidays. Secondly,
they learn a lot about how to do certain things. Finally, it might stop children
vandalizing properties that don‟t belong to them because they can go to the Activity

During the school holidays, many children who don‟t have much on their
minds can attend their local Activity Centres. It will keep them busy and they can
also learn to do lots of things.

Another reason is children can encourage others to attend the Local Activity
Centres. By attending this local activity centre, children will not get so bored because
they can have lots of fun.

Moreover, it could stop children from vandalizing other‟s properties because

they have better things to do like going to the Activity Centre and having fun and
enjoying themselves.

These are the main reasons why I think we should have more Activity
Centres. They will be very educational and very good experience for lots of children.

5. The suitable title of the text is.....

a. Centerbury Council
b. Vandalizing
c. Educational Experience
d. Activity centres
6. The type of the text above is.....
a. Discussion c. Analytic exposition
b. Explanation d. Hortatory exposition
7. The steps or the staging of the text above are.....
a. Issue-Statement-Recommendation
b. General statement-Sequenced explanation-Conclusion
c. Thesis-Arguments-Recommendation
d. General classification-Description
8. Which one the following statement is not true acording the text?
a. Children can learn a lot of a lot about how to do certain things
b. Children can stop vandalizing other‟s properties if they going to the
activity centre
c. Activity Centres is the areas for enjoying people which wasting time
d. The Centebury Center should have more activity center
Read the text and answer questions 9-11

Michal : I‟m going to see a film tonight. Will you like to come with me, Alice?

Alice : Oh I‟d love to Michal but I have to iron all these shirts for Tim.

Helen : look, why don‟t you go with Michal and I‟ll iron the shirts?

Michal : Oh Helen, that‟s so kind of you.

Alice : I‟m sorry. Really, I want to follow you but I also need to study and keeping
my cat.

Michal : Oh Alice, I hope you can come to cinema with me next time!

Alice : Yes, I hope that

Michal : Okay, See you good bye.

Helen : Oh Alice, I don‟t believe you can refused his invitation, do you know, He is
fall in love of you.

9. What do you think about Helen‟s feeling after Alice refused of Michal
a. Angry c. Disappointed
b. Confused d. Sad
10. Who is Michal?
a. The boy who special for Alice c. Her boy friend
b. Her lovely boy d. The boy who love Alice
11. What will Alice probably feel after Helen said that Michal fall in love with
a. She will feel embarrassed c. She will confused
b. She will surprise about it d. She will feel happy
Read the text and answer question 12-14

Dengue fever is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world. Dengue fever is
endemic is most is most tropical countries of the South Pacific, Asia, The Caribbean,
the USA and Africa. This disease rapidly spreads in the most tropical urban areas of
the world. It means people in this area have high risks of infection of the disease.

Dengue fever is caused by a virus. The virus is transmitted into human by the bite of
infected mosquitoes, usually Aedes Aegypty. In order worlds, the disease cannot be
spread directly from person to person. The disease is characterized by the high fever,
severe headache, backache, joint and muscle pains. Sometimes, many patients nausea,
vomiting, and rash on arms, face and legs. There is no specific treatment of the
12. What does the text tell about?
a. Many kinds of virus c. The symptoms of Dengue fever
b. The disease of tropical countries d. Dengue fever
13. The disease rapidly spreads in.......countries.
a. Big
b. Tropical
c. Endemic
d. Infected
14. “The disease is characterized by the high fever, severe headache, backache,
joint and muscle pain”. What does the underlined word “severe” mean?
a. Serious c. Risky
b. Hard d. Extreme
Read the text and answer question 15-17

A theater is a place where people entertain the audience. The people who are perform,
called actor and actresses, at in plays on the stage. A stage can be raised perform, or it
can be a very important part of a theatre because it‟s for the audience that the actors
and actresses act, and the playwright writes. Without an audience, they are only
rehearsing or practicing.

A theatre can be anywhere in home, school auditorium, park and a hall.

Theatre means action, in this text theatre is used in connection with performance on
stage by live actors and action. It‟s living theatre.

Theatre in the East differs greatly from that of the West. The Asian theatre is the most
part, non-realistic, or symbolic. Western theatre, on the other hand, tends to be

15. What is actor?

a. A person who plays on the stage
b. A person who performs and acts in plays
c. A man who acts in plays on a stage
d. A person who is playing at the theatre
16. What is the main idea of the paragraph 2?
a. School auditorium is the only theatre
b. What the theatre is
c. The performance of actors is the theatre
d. Theatre means action of actors
17. “A theatre is a place where people entertain the audience.”
What does the underlined word mean?
a. Amuse c. Watch
b. Influence d. Present
Read the text and answer questions 18-20

There are many homes in our country today which have either a radio or television
set. Both of them have become essential part of our daily life. They inform us the
news of the day, instruct us in many fields of interest, and entertain us with singing,
dancing and acting.

When we consider the effect of radio broadcast we realize that a radio is more
than a form of entertaiment. It is in fact a very powerful instruments of
communication which can influence our lives very deeply.

Television is another major instument of communication. It permits ue to see

as well as to hear the performance. Since its appearance, TV has had a great effect on
the daily life of people everywhere.

Improvements of all kinds are contantly being made in television so that

reception will be as perfect as possible. Perhaps the most reason advancement is the
use of the satellites. Those specially equipped capsules orbit the globe and make the
entire world closer than ever before.
18. One function of radio which is not mention in the passage is....
a. To inform c. To make the world closer
b. To influence the people d. To entertain
19. It permits us to see as well as to hear the performance....” (paragraph 3 line 1)
refers to...
a. Homes c. Radio and television
b. Television d. The news and field of interest
20. “.....make the entire world closer than ever before” (paragraph 4 line 3) means
a. The world is closed to the old system of communication
b. Communication among people all over the world is faster
c. The satellite orbits the earth at a close position
d. The earth become smaller and smaller because of its rotation
Read the text and answer questions 21-24

The manager of Golden Tour

Widodaren 13 Ngawi

Dear Sir,

We are sorry to complain about your service that your travel agency provided
on our school holiday Malang tour August 4-6.

First, on our school arrived we had to stay outside despite of our tiredness
after 12 hours. The people in charge said that all the rooms were still occupied by
another tour group. We were welcomed to check in after 5 hour of waiting. That
means our tour was 2 hour delayed.

At dinner time, many of us found no food left, so we bought dinner outside. We look
forward to receiving your response.
21. What is the content of the letter mostly about?
a. Application job c. Replying the complaints
b. Apologizing for the error d. Complaining about the service
22. What made the writer beome very disappointed?
a. The bus service is not made the writer satisfaction
b. The bus is made the writer enjoyable
c. The bus have completely service
d. The writers‟ travel has delayed for a few times
23. What will the manager of Golden tour will do next?
a. The manager feel disturb of this complaint
b. Apologizing for the uncomfortable service
c. The manager disagreement of this complaint
d. No comment about this complaint
24. According the text, why the travel was delayed by agency?
a. The agency not ready to make travel that day
b. The ageny misunderstanding with the writer
c. All the rooms were still occupied ny another tour group
d. The agency ready to make travel that day
Read the text and answer questions 25-28

He is still one of the most recognizable men on earth. And decades after he burst
upon the scene as a magical gold medal winner at the 1960 Olympics in Rome Italy.
Muhammad Ali remains as a magical figure and loved throughout the world.

Ali brought new speed and grace to his sport and his charm, and wit changed forever
what we expect a champion to be. His accomplishments in the ring were the stuff of
legend: two fight with Sonny Liston, where he proclaimed himself “The Greatest”
and proced he was: three ambitious wrs with Joe Frazier; the stunning victory over
George Foreman in Zire, and dethroning Leon Spinks to become heavyweight
champion for the third time. But there was always far more to Muhammad Ali than
what took place in a boxing ring.

His early embrace of the Nation of Islamic and his insintence on being called
Muhammad Ali instead of his “slave name”, Cassius Clay, Introduced a new era in
black pride. His refusal to e inducted into the United States army anticipated the
growing antiwar movement of the 1960s. And his willingness his rights in different
countries such as Kinshasa, Zaie: Manila. Philippines and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
signaled a shift away from super power dominances toward a growing awareness of
the importance of the third world.

Today Ali is a deeply religious man who auses feelling of love and respect wherever
he travels.

25. What is suitable title for the text above?

a. The extraordinary boxer c. The king of boxer
b. Muhammad Ali d. Boxing winner
26. From the text, we know that Muhammad
a. Is a boxer c. Still plays boxing so far
b. Is not a boxer d. Never played boxing well
27. Muhammad Ali is a man who once....
a. Became a United States Army
b. Haxed slave black men
c. Won a gold medal in boxing
d. Refused to become a boxer
28. Muhammad Ali boxed dramatically, when he fought three times against.....
a. Sony Liston c. Joe Frazier
b. George Foreman d. Leon Spinks
Read the text and answer questions 29-32

Long time ago a remote village, in central China, was inhabited mainly with farmers
and hunters. One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed, hand
to God for help or his faminly would die of starvation.

Few days later an old man, with long grey beard, passed by is took pity on
him. He gave him goose and said “I don‟t have any expensive thing to give you and
hope this goose will help you and hope this goose wll help you to ease your

A week later to his utmost surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard. This
was no ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly over some with joy.
There after, the live lihood had rapidly improved but the farmer and forgotten his
earlier hardship. He becomes lazy, arrogant and spendthrift.

Stangely the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy
farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden
eggs inside its stomach. Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it‟s
already too late.

29. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To entertain the reader c. To describe the story
b. To explain the golden egg d. To inform of Fabel
30. What is the suitable title for this text?
a. The farmer and goose c. Greedy farmer
b. The golden egg d. The magical egg
31. “.......with long grey beard, passed by is took pity on him.” (Paragraph 2 line
The underlined word “him” refers to....
a. Old man c. The God
b. Farmer d. The golden egg
32. Who give the goose to the farmer?
a. God gave the goose to the farmer
b. It drop from heaven
c. The old man gave the goose to the farmer
d. A fairy gave the goose to the farmer
Read the text and answer question 33-36


Bali is an island in the Indonesian archipelago. It is in the south of the equator

and has warm weather all the year. The rainy season is November to April, but it can
rain anytime. Bali is 120 kilometers wide from east to west and 80 kilometers from
north to south, so everywhere is quite close the sea. It is shaped like a diamond.
Mount Agung, a valcano, is 3.142 meters high and is visible from far away. Most of
the people are Hindus. There are many temples and many religious festivals.

Tourism is the most of important industry. Many tourist visit Bali to see the
beautiful scenery and interesting festival, to swim in the warm seas, to look at the
beautiful mountains and valleys. And to shop for inexpensive and beautiful clothes,
paintings, and wood crafts.

33. Where is Bali located?

a. It is along the equator c. 120 km from to west
b. In the south of equator d. Close to many temples and Mount Agung
34. The last paragraph is about?
a. The location of Bali
b. The most important industry in Bali
c. The most popular things in Bali
d. Beautiful mountain in Bali
35. “It shaped lie a diamond”
The underlined word “it” refers to..... paragraph 1 line 4
a. Mount Agung c. Temples
b. Rainy season d. Bali
36. Which one of the folloeing statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
a. Bali has four seasons
b. Bali surrounded by the sea
c. Bali is beautiful and intresting
d. Bali is one of tourism destination in Indonesia
Read the text and answer questions 37-40

Long, long ago, the Sun and the Moon lived happily together in the sky. They always
appear together during the day and during the night.

One day, the sun shone brightly so that it almost burned the Moon. The
sunlight hurt the Moon‟s eyes very much. This made the Moon blind.

The Moon left the Sun although the Sun gad asked an apology to the Moon.

The Sun loved the Moon very much, so he chased her. He chased and chased
through the years and centuries but never caught the moon until now.

That‟s why, the Sun shines during the day and at night, the Moon appears.

They will never unite again.

37. What is the story about?

a. Sun and the moon c. The unity of Sun and Moon
b. Moon and its eye d. Sun and his chasing
38. “ he chased her.”
The synonym of the bold typed word is....
a. Runaway c. Stay together
b. Run after d. Chatcher
39. What is antonym of “unite”?
a. Moved c. Divorce
b. Separate d. Cut
40. What is the generic structure of the text?
a. Orientation-Event-Event
b. Orientation-Event-Twinst
c. Orientation-Complication-Resolution
d. Orientation-Event-Twist-Coda

Appendix 10



1. C 11. B 21. D 31. A

2. D 12. D 22. A 32. C

3. A 13. B 23. B 33. B

4. C 14. A 24. C 34. B

5. D 15. B 25. B 35. D

6. D 16. B 26. A 36. A

7. C 17. A 27. C 37. A

8. C 18. C 28. C 38. D

9. C 19. C 29. A 39. B

10. D 20. B 30. B 40. C

Appendix 11

The Blue Print of Questionnaire

Student’s Interest in Reading


Operational Indicator Number Total of

Definition of Items Items
Interest in reading is 1. Pleasure 3, 6, 8, 5
intrinsic motivation Aspects which emerges one‟s 15, 20
which include aspect interest to object or people
of pleasure, that satisfies him. Here
attention, likeness appears.
willingness and 2. Willingness 7, 12 2
consciousness that Willingness is a motivational
drive people desire that is directed to the
naturally to seek purpose of life controlled by
opportunities and thought. Here, a will appears.
sources to read. 3. Consciousness 1, 10, 4
Aspects that is reflected when 17, 24
someone knows that what
he/she is doing is learning
activities. Here people
consciously do what they like.
4. Attention 9, 11, 21 3
Aspect that shows the
concentration on the object.
Here people concentrate to an
object/activity and give an
5. Individual Interest 13 1
Individual interest is
individual‟s tendency toward
an object (certain, stimuli,
events, or activity).
6. Situational Interest 16, 18 2
Situational interest is elicited
by certain aspects of the
environment. These include
content features and structural
7. Topical Interest 4, 14 2
Topic interest, the level of
interest triggered when a
specific topic is presented,
seems to have both individual
and situational aspects.
8. Inner Urges 22, 25 2
Inner urges is the factor that
comes from the inside of the
individual. It deals with
9. Social Motive 2, 6 2
Social motive come from the
outside of the individual. This
factor brings some certain
10. Emotional Factors 19, 23 2
This factor is linked with
feeling and emotion. If the
individual succeeds in doing
the activity, he or she will be
satisfied and pleased.
Appendix 12



Identitas Responden
Nama :
Kelas :
No.absen :
Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan memberi tanda centang (√) pada lembar
jawab yang tersedia sesuai pendapat Anda dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

SS : Sangat Setuju
S : Setuju
TS : Tidak Setuju
STS : Sangat Tidak Setuju


1. Mempelajari reading dalam
pelajaran bahasa Inggris sangat
2. Saya dapat berkonsentrasi
dengan baik dalam lingkungan
yang bising
3. Saya senang membaca
4. Saya tidak akan membaca jika
tema yang disajikan tidak
menarik untuk dibaca
5. Saya lebih suka membaca
daripada bermain dengan teman
6. Saya tidak dapat berkonsentrasi
jika suasana ramai
7. Saya selalu meluangkan waktu
untuk membaca
8. Saya suka membaca bacaan
bahasa inggris
9. Saya membaca buku bahasa
inggris setiap hari
10. Membaca buku itu hanya untuk
siswa yang pintar saja
11. Saya suka jika dimintai
pendapat teman ketika saya
12. Saya membuat ringkasan untuk
bacaan berbahasa Inggris yang
telah dibaca
13. Saya sangat menyukai buku
bacaan bahasa Inggris
14 Saya tertarik membaca apabila
melihat cover bukunya bagus
dan menarik
15 Saya merasa senang jika guru
memberikan tugas untuk
membaca bacaan berbahasa
16. Saya sesekali membaca buku
bahasa Inggris
17. Saya menyisihkan uang saku
untuk membeli buku bacaan
18. Dari sesekali membaca buku
bahasa Inggris saya ingin
pandai berbicara bahasa Inggris
19. Saya sangat senang ketika saya
memahami dan tahu arti text
bacaan yang saya baca
20. Membaca hanya bertujuan
mencari kesenangan dan
menghabiskan waktu
21. Saya hanya membaca buku
bacaan dengan tema tertentu
22. Keingintahuan (minat) saya
muncul ketika saya sedang
23. Saya sulit untuk mengingat
kembali bacaan yang telah
24. Saya membaca buku hanya
pada saat belajar dan
mengerjakan tugas
25. Membaca tidak menumbuhkan
keingintahuan tentang ilmu
Appendix 13
Blue Print of the Vocabulary Mastery

Definition Indicator Item’s number Total

Vocabulary mastery is an Aspect of Meaning
important part in all Synonym 2 , 3, 5, 10, 12,13, 10
language skills. Hornby 15, 17, 25, 27
(1995: 721) defines
mastery as: (1) complete
knowledge, great skill; Antonym 4, 6, 18, 28, 30 5
and (2) control. And
vocabulary is the total
number of word that Grammar 1, 7, 9, 11, 14, 19,
individual speakers of 20, 21 8
language might use for a
particular language.
Pronunciation 8, 16, 22, 23, 24, 7
spelling 26, 29

Total 30
Appendix 14

Test of Vocabulary Mastery

NAME : …………………………………………………………………….
CLASS : …………………………………………………………………….

Direction : Cross a, b, c, d, or e on your answer sheet which has the correct

answer for each of the question
1. Mia : Can you give me a c. We have meals
hand? d. A teacher work
Janitor : Sure, how can I help? 4. She is beautiful but her
Mia : Please…. this box to my younger sister is really quite
cubicle. …..
Janitor: Yes, Miss. a. Ugly
a. Bring b. Pretty
b. Buy c. Bad
c. Hand d. Handsome
d. Give 5. The word‟s population will
2. Usually they talk about the increase rapidly. The bold
housework, cooking, cleaning, word has the same meaning as
and shopping. The bold word ….
means... a. Quickly
a. Discuss b. Slowly
b. Say c. Softly
c. Ignore d. Continually
d. Argue 6. “These can be extremely
3. “Clinic” is a place where …… dangerous if they are not
a. Someone makes handicraft properly used.” What is the
b. A doctor gives a medical antonym of word “dangerous”?
treatment a. Safe
b. Useless 10. Nita‟s mother is a …. She
c. Easeful teaches students at the Sebelas
d. Ineffective Maret University.
7. Lisa : I will wear my white and a. Clerk
pink dress to Natalia‟s party. b. Lecturer
What do you think? c. Advisor
Nita : In my opinion, the blue d. Headmasters
one is better. 11. We should not believe
Lisa : Really? Okay I will …… everything we read or hear
the blue dress. because there is false
a. Go prediction and we need to be
b. Lose ….
c. Wear a. Carelessly
d. Hang b. Care
8. The correct spell of “S- a- o- s- c. Careless
e- n” is…. d. Careful
a. Season 12. “ ….. Computer at school is
b. Sosean harmless.”
c. Seosan The synonym of the bold type word is
d. Soasen …..
9. Have you considered .... to an a. Unlikely to annoy
apartment closer to your b. Create destruction
office? c. Great effort
a. To move d. Household equipment
b. Moving 13. If someone belongs to club, she
c. Moved or he is …..of the club.
d. Move a. A sponsor

b. A friend
c. A member obtain sufficient rice
d. A family production.
14. Most of my luggage ….. Lost The opposite of the word “obtain” is
on my trip. ….
a. Is a. Get
b. Was b. Win
c. Has been c. Attain
d. Are d. Lose
15. The synonym of sophisticated 19. Bella: “When did you watch
is... TV last night?”
a. Old-fashioned Dea: “Well, I watched TV after … my
b. Advanced school assignment.”
c. Naive a. Finishing
d. Humble b. Finish
16. The correct spell of “h- a- t- y- c. Had finish
H- e- l” is… d. Have finished
a. Healthy 20. The students ….. English well
b. Healhty everyday.
c. Hehalty a. Learnt
d. Haelhty b. Learned
17. Those are drugs for headache. c. Learn
The synonym of the word d. Learning
“drugs” is …. 21. Yesterday, I came late, when I
a. Injection entered the classroom, my
b. Pills teacher …. A story.
c. Tablets a. Telling
d. Capsule b. Was telling
18. One of the goals of the c. Told
agricultural development is to d. Tell
22. The baker always ….. His cake b. Boring
every 5 o‟clock in the morning. c. Pleasure
a. To bake d. Confuse
b. Bake 27. The same word of “ill” is ….
c. Bakes a. Healthy
d. Baked b. Good
23. The correct spell of “o- s- u- V- c. Well
i - r - a” is …. d. Sick
a. Variuos 28. She is an active girl. The
b. Various opposite meaning of “active” is
c. Voriaus ….
d. Voriaus a. Creative
24. The correct spell “s- o- b -l- I- b. Innovative
s- e- m- p- I” is…. c. Diligent
a. Imsposible d. Passive
b. Impossible 29. Salt and pepper are kind of ….
c. Impossebli a. Cooking spice
d. Imposisble b. Cooking toll
25. The Cherry-belle girls call their c. Shady
“female” fans Twibi d. Spicy
The synonym of “female” is …. 30. “A little mouse” is a mouse
a. Woman which ….
b. Boy a. Big in size
c. Male b. Small in size
d. Young c. Tall in size
26. The students learn in “fun” d. High in size
way. The synonym of “fun” is
a. Bad
Appendix 15

The Answer Key of Vocabulary Mastery


11. A 11. D 21. B

12. A 12. A 22. C

13. B 13. C 23. B

14. A 14. A 24. B

15. A 15. B 25. A

16. A 16. A 26. C

17. C 17. D 27. D

18. A 18. A 28. D

19. A 19. D 29. A

20. B 20. C 30. B

Appendix 16

Blue Print of Reading Comprehension

Concept The Indicator Specification Item Number Total
Reading Literal Finding 3, 5, 9, 10, 10
comprehension Comprehension: details 12, 17, 19,
as the process The level of 23, 24, 27
extracting and comprehension
understanding which involves
the information knowing what a
of written text writer says. This
which has comprehension
elements for focuses on the
thinking of readers‟ ability to
reading. The find explicit
inside element information
as reader, text, Inferential Finding main 8, 11, 25 3
activity Comprehension: ideas
whereas the the level of Inferring 13, 22, 26 3
outside comprehension referents
element, there which involvs Drawing 7, 15, 18 3
are content and make reasoning or conclusion
socio-cultural. finding the Detecting of 1, 3, 21 3
information that is title of text
not stated in the Detecting the 14, 20 2
text or implicit purpose of
information text
Making 6, 16 2
Critical Making 4, 28, 29, 30 4
Comprehension: judment
the level of
which involves
expected to judge
the text
appropriatness and
Appendix 17


Nama :
Kelas/No. absen :

Choose the correct answer using cross sign (X)!

Read the text and answer questions 1-2

Carnivorous plants, such as the sundew and the Venus-flytrap, are generally found
in humid areas here is an inadequate supply of nitrogen in the soil. In order to
survive, these plants have developed mechanism to trap insects within their
foliage. They have digestive fluids to obtain the necessary nitrogen from the

These plants trap the insect in variety of ways. The sundew has sticky hair
on its leaves; when an insect laud on these leaves, it gets caught up in the sticky
hairs, and the leaf wraps itself around the insect.

The leaves of the Venus-flytrap function more likely a trap, snapping

suddenly and forcefully shut around an insect.

1. Which is the most suitable title for the text above?

c. Plant of forest c. The carnivorous plants
d. The kind of plant d. The plants trap
2. What is the function of digestive fluids?
c. To get the nitrogen c. To protect from the insect
d. To attack the insect d. To develop mechanism
Read the text and answer question 3-5

I think the Centerbury Council should construct more Activity Centeres in most
local areas. Firstly, children can keep busy as well as have fun in the holidays.
Secondly, they learn a lot about how to do certain things. Finally, it might stop
children vandalizing properties that don‟t belong to them because they can go to
the Activity Centres.

During the school holidays, many children who don‟t have much on their
minds can attend their local Activity Centres. It will keep them busy and they can
also learn to do lots of things.
Another reason is children can encourage others to attend the Local
Activity Centres. By attending this local activity centre, children will not get so
bored because they can have lots of fun.

Moreover, it could stop children from vandalizing other‟s properties

because they have better things to do like going to the Activity Centre and having
fun and enjoying themselves.

These are the main reasons why I think we should have more Activity
Centres. They will be very educational and very good experience for lots of

3. The suitable title of the text is.....

a. Centerbury Council c. Educational Experience
b. Activity centres d. Vandalizing
4. The steps or the staging of the text above are.....
a. Issue-Statement-Recommendation
b. General statement-Sequenced explanation-Conclusion
c. Thesis-Arguments-Recommendation
d. General classification-Description
5. Which one the following statement is not true acording the text?
a. Children can learn a lot of a lot about how to do certain things
b. Children can stop vandalizing other‟s properties if they going to the
activity centre
c. Activity Centres is the areas for enjoying people which wasting time
d. The Centebury Center should have more activity center
Read the text and answer questions 6-7

Michal : I‟m going to see a film tonight. Will you like to come with me, Alice?

Alice : Oh I‟d love to Michal but I have to iron all these shirts for Tim.

Helen : look, why don‟t you go with Michal and I‟ll iron the shirts?

Michal : Oh Helen, that‟s so kind of you.

Alice : I‟m sorry. Really, I want to follow you but I also need to study and
keeping my cat.

Michal : Oh Alice, I hope you can come to cinema with me next time!

Alice : Yes, I hope that

Michal : Okay, See you good bye.

Helen : Oh Alice, I don‟t believe you can refused his invitation, do you know, He
is fall in love of you

6. What do you think about Helen‟s feeling after Alice refused of Michal
c. Angry c. Disappointed
d. Confused d. Sad
7. Who is Michal?
c. The boy who special for Alice c. Her boy friend
d. Her lovely boy d. The boy who love Alice
Read the text and answer question 8-9

Dengue fever is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world. Dengue fever is
endemic is most is most tropical countries of the South Pacific, Asia, The
Caribbean, the USA and Africa. This disease rapidly spreads in the most tropical
urban areas of the world. It means people in this area have high risks of infection
of the disease.

Dengue fever is caused by a virus. The virus is transmitted into human by the bite
of infected mosquitoes, usually Aedes Aegypty. In order worlds, the disease
cannot be spread directly from person to person. The disease is characterized by
the high fever, severe headache, backache, joint and muscle pains. Sometimes,
many patients nausea, vomiting, and rash on arms, face and legs. There is no
specific treatment of the disease.

8. What does the text tell about?

c. Many kinds of virus c. The symptoms of Dengue fever
d. The disease of tropical countries d. Dengue fever
9. The disease rapidly spreads in.......countries.
e. Big c. Endemic
f. Tropical d. Infected
Read the text and answer question 10-11

A theater is a place where people entertain the audience. The people who are
perform, called actor and actresses, at in plays on the stage. A stage can be raised
perform, or it can be a very important part of a theatre because it‟s for the
audience that the actors and actresses act, and the playwright writes. Without an
audience, they are only rehearsing or practicing.

A theatre can be anywhere in home, school auditorium, park and a hall. Theatre
means action, in this text theatre is used in connection with performance on stage
by live actors and action. It‟s living theatre.
Theatre in the East differs greatly from that of the West. The Asian theatre is the
most part, non-realistic, or symbolic. Western theatre, on the other hand, tends to
be realistic.

10. What is actor?

a. A person who plays on the stage
b. A person who performs and acts in plays
c. A man who acts in plays on a stage
d. A person who is playing at the theatre
11. What is the main idea of the paragraph 2?
a. School auditorium is the only theatre
b. What the theatre is
c. The performance of actors is the theatre
d. Theatre means action of actors
Read the text and answer questions 12-13

There are many homes in our country today which have either a radio or
television set. Both of them have become essential part of our daily life. They
inform us the news of the day, instruct us in many fields of interest, and entertain
us with singing, dancing and acting.

When we consider the effect of radio broadcast we realize that a radio is more
than a form of entertaiment. It is in fact a very powerful instruments of
communication which can influence our lives very deeply.

Television is another major instument of communication. It permits ue to see as

well as to hear the performance. Since its appearance, TV has had a great effect on
the daily life of people everywhere.

Improvements of all kinds are contantly being made in television so that reception
will be as perfect as possible. Perhaps the most reason advancement is the use of
the satellites. Those specially equipped capsules orbit the globe and make the
entire world closer than ever before.

12. One function of radio which is not mention in the passage is....
c. To inform c. To make the world closer
d. To influence the people d. To entertain
13. It permits us to see as well as to hear the performance....” (paragraph 3 line
1) refers to...
c. Homes c. Radio and television
d. Television d. The news and field of interest
Read the text and answer questions 14-17

The manager of Golden Tour

Widodaren 13 Ngawi

Dear Sir,

We are sorry to complain about your service that your travel agency provided on
our school holiday Malang tour August 4-6.

First, on our school arrived we had to stay outside despite of our tiredness after 12
hours. The people in charge said that all the rooms were still occupied by another
tour group. We were welcomed to check in after 5 hour of waiting. That means
our tour was 2 hour delayed.

At dinner time, many of us found no food left, so we bought dinner outside. We

look forward to receiving your response.

14. What is the content of the letter mostly about?

c. Application job c. Replying the complaints
d. Apologizing for the error d. Complaining about the service
15. What made the writer become very disappointed?
a. The bus service is not made the writer satisfaction
b. The bus is made the writer enjoyable
c. The bus have completely service
d. The writers‟ travel has delayed for a few times
16. What will the manager of Golden tour will do next?
a. The manager feel disturb of this complaint
b. Apologizing for the uncomfortable service
c. The manager disagreement of this complaint
d. No comment about this complaint
17. According the text, why the travel was delayed by agency?
a. The agency not ready to make travel that day
b. The ageny misunderstanding with the writer
c. All the rooms were still occupied ny another tour group
d. The agency ready to make travel that day
Read the text and answer questions 18-19

He is still one of the most recognizable men on earth. And decades after he burst
upon the scene as a magical gold medal winner at the 1960 Olympics in Rome
Italy. Muhammad Ali remains as a magical figure and loved throughout the world.

Ali brought new speed and grace to his sport and his charm, and wit changed
forever what we expect a champion to be. His accomplishments in the ring were
the stuff of legend: two fight with Sonny Liston, where he proclaimed himself
“The Greatest” and proced he was: three ambitious wrs with Joe Frazier; the
stunning victory over George Foreman in Zire, and dethroning Leon Spinks to
become heavyweight champion for the third time. But there was always far more
to Muhammad Ali than what took place in a boxing ring.

His early embrace of the Nation of Islamic and his insintence on being called
Muhammad Ali instead of his “slave name”, Cassius Clay, Introduced a new era
in black pride. His refusal to e inducted into the United States army anticipated
the growing antiwar movement of the 1960s. And his willingness his rights in
different countries such as Kinshasa, Zaie: Manila. Philippines and Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, signaled a shift away from super power dominances toward a
growing awareness of the importance of the third world.

Today Ali is a deeply religious man who auses feelling of love and respect
wherever he travels.

18. From the text, we know that Muhammad

c. Is a boxer c. Still plays boxing so far
d. Is not a boxer d. Never played boxing well
19. Muhammad Ali is a man who once....
a. Became a United States Army
b. Haxed slave black men
c. Won a gold medal in boxing
d. Refused to become a boxer
Read the text and answer questions 20-23

Long time ago a remote village, in central China, was inhabited mainly with
farmers and hunters. One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He
prayed, hand to God for help or his faminly would die of starvation.

Few days later an old man, with long grey beard, passed by is took pity on him.
He gave him goose and said “I don‟t have any expensive thing to give you and
hope this goose will help you and hope this goose wll help you to ease your

A week later to his utmost surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard. This was
no ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly over some with joy. There
after, the live lihood had rapidly improved but the farmer and forgotten his earlier
hardship. He becomes lazy, arrogant and spendthrift.

Stangely the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer
lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden
eggs inside its stomach. Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it‟s
already too late.
20. What is the purpose of the text?
c. To entertain the reader c. To describe the story
d. To explain the golden egg d. To inform of Fabel
21. What is the suitable title for this text?
c. The farmer and goose c. Greedy farmer
d. The golden egg d. The magical egg
22. “.......with long grey beard, passed by is took pity on him.” (Paragraph 2
line 1)
The underlined word “him” refers to....
c. Old man c. The God
d. Farmer d. The golden egg
23. Who give the goose to the farmer?
a. God gave the goose to the farmer
b. It drop from heaven
c. The old man gave the goose to the farmer
d. A fairy gave the goose to the farmer
Read the text and answer question 24-27


Bali is an island in the Indonesian archipelago. It is in the south of the equator and
has warm weather all the year. The rainy season is November to April, but it can
rain anytime. Bali is 120 kilometers wide from east to west and 80 kilometers
from north to south, so everywhere is quite close the sea. It is shaped like a
diamond. Mount Agung, a valcano, is 3.142 meters high and is visible from far
away. Most of the people are Hindus. There are many temples and many religious

Tourism is the most of important industry. Many tourist visit Bali to see the
beautiful scenery and interesting festival, to swim in the warm seas, to look at the
beautiful mountains and valleys. And to shop for inexpensive and beautiful
clothes, paintings, and wood crafts.

24. Where is Bali located?

c. It is along the equator c. 120 km from to west
d. In the south of equator d. Close to many temples and Mount Agung
25. The last paragraph is about?
a. The location of Bali
b. The most important industry in Bali
c. The most popular things in Bali
d. Beautiful mountain in Bali
26. “It shaped lie a diamond”
The underlined word “it” refers to..... paragraph 1 line 4
c. Mount Agung c. Temples
d. Rainy season d. Bali
27. Which one of the folloeing statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
a. Bali has four seasons
b. Bali surrounded by the sea
c. Bali is beautiful and intresting
d. Bali is one of tourism destination in Indonesia
Read the text and answer questions 28-30

Long, long ago, the Sun and the Moon lived happily together in the sky.
They always appear together during the day and during the night.

One day, the sun shone brightly so that it almost burned the Moon. The
sunlight hurt the Moon‟s eyes very much. This made the Moon blind.

The Moon left the Sun although the Sun gad asked an apology to the

The Sun loved the Moon very much, so he chased her. He chased and
chased through the years and centuries but never caught the moon until now.

That‟s why, the Sun shines during the day and at night, the Moon appears.

They will never unite again.

28. “ he chased her.”

The synonym of the bold typed word is....
c. Runaway c. Stay together
d. Run after d. Chatcher
29. What is antonym of “unite”?
c. Moved c. Divorce
d. Separate d. Cut
30. What is the generic structure of the text?
a. Orientation-Event-Event
b. Orientation-Event-Twinst
c. Orientation-Complication-Resolution
d. Orientation-Event-Twist-Coda

Appendix 18

Key Answer of Reading Comprehension


1. C 11. B 21. B

2. A 12. C 22. A

3. D 13. C 23. C

4. C 14. D 24. B

5. C 15. A 25. B

6. C 16. B 26. D

7. D 17. C 27. A

8. D 18. A 28. D

9. B 19. C 29. B

10. B 20. A 30. C

Appendix 19

Validity Test Students’ Interest in Reading

Pearson Correlation ,842**
X1 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,848**
X2 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,858**
X3 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,776**
X4 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,189
X5 Sig. (2-tailed) ,336
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,967**
X6 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,936**
X7 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,618**
X8 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,645**
X9 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,927**
X10 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,967**
X11 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X12 Pearson Correlation ,927**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,967**
X13 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,775**
X14 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation -,157
X15 Sig. (2-tailed) ,425
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,967**
X16 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,894**
X17 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,967**
X18 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation -,371
X19 Sig. (2-tailed) ,052
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,481**
X20 Sig. (2-tailed) ,010
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,967**
X21 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28

Pearson Correlation ,362

X22 Sig. (2-tailed) ,059
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,429*
X23 Sig. (2-tailed) ,023
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,967**
X24 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,150
X25 Sig. (2-tailed) ,447
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,858**
X26 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,907**
X27 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,695**
X28 Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,384*
X29 Sig. (2-tailed) ,044
N 28
Pearson Correlation ,528**
X30 Sig. (2-tailed) ,004
N 28
Pearson Correlation 1
X Sig. (2-tailed)
N 28
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Appendix 20

Validity Test Vocabulary Mastery

X1 Pearson Correlation ,521**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,004
N 28
X2 Pearson Correlation ,478*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,010
N 28
X3 Pearson Correlation ,711**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X4 Pearson Correlation ,129
Sig. (2-tailed) ,513
N 28
X5 Pearson Correlation ,501**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,007
N 28
X6 Pearson Correlation -,028
Sig. (2-tailed) ,886
N 28
X7 Pearson Correlation ,711**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X8 Pearson Correlation ,592**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,001
N 28
X9 Pearson Correlation ,478*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,010
N 28
X10 Pearson Correlation ,711**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X11 Pearson Correlation ,311
Sig. (2-tailed) ,107
N 28
X12 Pearson Correlation ,819**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X13 Pearson Correlation ,427*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,024
N 28
X14 Pearson Correlation ,521**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,004
N 28
X15 Pearson Correlation ,592**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,001
N 28
X16 Pearson Correlation ,711**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X17 Pearson Correlation ,111
Sig. (2-tailed) ,575
N 28
X18 Pearson Correlation ,546**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,003
N 28
X19 Pearson Correlation ,546**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,003
N 28
X20 Pearson Correlation ,711**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X21 Pearson Correlation ,047
Sig. (2-tailed) ,811
N 28
X22 Pearson Correlation ,402*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,034
N 28
X23 Pearson Correlation ,546**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,003
N 28
X24 Pearson Correlation ,819**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X25 Pearson Correlation -,168
Sig. (2-tailed) ,394
N 28
X26 Pearson Correlation ,199
Sig. (2-tailed) ,309
N 28
X27 Pearson Correlation ,819**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X28 Pearson Correlation ,268
Sig. (2-tailed) ,168
N 28
X29 Pearson Correlation ,433*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,022
N 28

X30 Pearson Correlation ,402*

Sig. (2-tailed) ,034
N 28
X31 Pearson Correlation ,711**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X32 Pearson Correlation ,819**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X33 Pearson Correlation ,543**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,003
N 28
X34 Pearson Correlation ,436*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,020
N 28
X35 Pearson Correlation ,543**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,003
N 28

X36 Pearson Correlation ,819**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X37 Pearson Correlation -,208
Sig. (2-tailed) ,288
N 28
X38 Pearson Correlation ,028
Sig. (2-tailed) ,886
N 28
X39 Pearson Correlation ,819**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X40 Pearson Correlation ,819**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X Pearson Correlation 1
Sig. (2-tailed)
N 28
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Appendix 21

Validity Test Reading Comprehension

X1 Pearson Correlation ,582**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,001
N 28
X2 Pearson Correlation ,034
Sig. (2-tailed) ,863
N 28
X3 Pearson Correlation ,799**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X4 Pearson Correlation ,050
Sig. (2-tailed) ,799
N 28
X5 Pearson Correlation ,799**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X6 Pearson Correlation ,005
Sig. (2-tailed) ,981
N 28
X7 Pearson Correlation ,799**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X8 Pearson Correlation ,627**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X9 Pearson Correlation ,799**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X10 Pearson Correlation ,799**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X11 Pearson Correlation ,349
Sig. (2-tailed) ,068
N 28
X12 Pearson Correlation ,783**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X13 Pearson Correlation ,582**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,001
N 28
X14 Pearson Correlation ,071
Sig. (2-tailed) ,719
N 28
X15 Pearson Correlation ,627**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X16 Pearson Correlation ,799**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X17 Pearson Correlation ,071
Sig. (2-tailed) ,719
N 28
X18 Pearson Correlation ,582**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,001
N 28
X19 Pearson Correlation ,582**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,001
N 28
X20 Pearson Correlation ,179
Sig. (2-tailed) ,362
N 28
X21 Pearson Correlation ,375*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,049
N 28
X22 Pearson Correlation ,436*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,020
N 28
X23 Pearson Correlation ,582**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,001
N 28
X24 Pearson Correlation ,783**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X25 Pearson Correlation ,176
Sig. (2-tailed) ,371
N 28
X26 Pearson Correlation ,513**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,005
N 28
X27 Pearson Correlation ,783**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X28 Pearson Correlation ,269
Sig. (2-tailed) ,167
N 28
X29 Pearson Correlation ,799**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28

X30 Pearson Correlation ,436*

Sig. (2-tailed) ,020
N 28
X31 Pearson Correlation ,799**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X32 Pearson Correlation ,783**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X33 Pearson Correlation ,465*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,013
N 28
X34 Pearson Correlation ,740**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X35 Pearson Correlation ,783**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X36 Pearson Correlation ,651**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28

X37 Pearson Correlation ,060

Sig. (2-tailed) ,763
N 28
X38 Pearson Correlation ,436*
Sig. (2-tailed) ,020
N 28
X39 Pearson Correlation ,799**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X40 Pearson Correlation ,783**
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000
N 28
X Pearson Correlation 1
Sig. (2-tailed)
N 28
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Appendix 22

Correlation Analysis


Student’s Vocabulary Reading

Interest in Mastery Comprehension
** **
Student’s Pearson Correlation 1 ,684 ,606

Interest in Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000

Reading N 55 55 55
** **
Pearson Correlation ,684 1 ,613
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000
N 55 55 55
** **
Pearson Correlation ,606 ,613 1
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000
N 55 55 55

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Appendix 23

Multiple Linear Regressions

Variables Entered/Removed

Model Variables Entered Variables Method


1 Vocabulary Mastery, Student’s Interest in Reading . Enter

a. Dependent Variable: Reading Comprehension

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the Estimate
,664 ,441 ,420 10,174

a. Predictors: (Constant), Vocabulary Mastery, Student’s Interest in Reading

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 4251,134 2 2125,567 20,536 ,000
1 Residual 5382,211 52 103,504

Total 9633,345 54
a. Dependent Variable: Reading Comprehension
b. Predictors: (Constant), Vocabulary Mastery, Student’s Interest in Reading


Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.

Coefficients Coefficients

B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 31,468 4,987 6,310 ,000

1 Student’s Interest in Reading ,719 ,291 ,352 2,476 ,017

Vocabulary Mastery ,885 ,338 ,372 2,621 ,011

a. Dependent Variable: Reading Comprehension

Appendix 24
Data Statistic and Histogram of Reading Comprehension


Reading Comprehension

Valid 55
Missing 0

Mean 61,71

Median 54,00

Mode 53

Std. Deviation 13,356

Minimum 41

Maximum 87
Appendix 25

Data Statistic and Histogram of Student’s Interest in Reading


Student’s Interest in Reading

Valid 55
Missing 0

Mean 18,67

Median 19,00

Mode 29

Std. Deviation 6,529

Minimum 7

Maximum 29
Appendix 26
Data Statistic and Histogram of Vocabulary Mastery


Vocabulary Mastery
Valid 55
Missing 0
Mean 19,00

Median 19,00
Mode 25

Std. Deviation 5,621

Minimum 10

Maximum 27
Appendix 27

Reliability of Reading Comprehension


Case Processing Summary

N %

28 100,0

Cases a
Excluded 0 ,0

Total 28 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,972 25
Appendix 28

Reliability of Student’s Interest in Reading


Case Processing Summary

N %

Valid 28 100,0

Cases Excluded
a 0 ,0

Total 28 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,946 30
Appendix 29

Reliability of Vocabulary Mastery


Case Processing Summary

N %

28 100,0

Cases a
Excluded 0 ,0

Total 28 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,944 30
Appendix 30


Reading Comprehension * Vocabulary Mastery


Sum of Df Mean F Sig.

Squares Square

(Combined) 6184,407 17 363,789 3,903 ,000

Reading Between Linearity 3616,797 1 3616,797 38,801 ,000

Comprehension Groups Deviation from 2567,609 16 160,476 1,722 ,086
* Vocabulary Linearity
Mastery Within Groups 3448,939 37 93,215

Total 9633,345 54

Measures of Association

R R Squared Eta Eta Squared

,613 ,375 ,801 ,642

Comprehension *
Vocabulary Mastery
Appendix 31

Table of R Value

Tabel r Product Moment

Pada Sig,0,05 (Two Tail)

N R N r N R N R N r N r
1 0,997 41 0,301 81 0,216 121 0,177 161 0,154 201 0,138
2 0,95 42 0,297 82 0,215 122 0,176 162 0,153 202 0,137
3 0,878 43 0,294 83 0,213 123 0,176 163 0,153 203 0,137
4 0,811 44 0,291 84 0,212 124 0,175 164 0,152 204 0,137
5 0,754 45 0,288 85 0,211 125 0,174 165 0,152 205 0,136
6 0,707 46 0,285 86 0,21 126 0,174 166 0,151 206 0,136
7 0,666 47 0,282 87 0,208 127 0,173 167 0,151 207 0,136
8 0,632 48 0,279 88 0,207 128 0,172 168 0,151 208 0,135
9 0,602 49 0,276 89 0,206 129 0,172 169 0,15 209 0,135
10 0,576 50 0,273 90 0,205 130 0,171 170 0,15 210 0,135
11 0,553 51 0,271 91 0,204 131 0,170 171 0,149 211 0,134
12 0,532 52 0,268 92 0,203 132 0,170 172 0,149 212 0,134
13 0,514 53 0,266 93 0,202 133 0,169 173 0,148 213 0,134
14 0,497 54 0,263 94 0,201 134 0,168 174 0,148 214 0,134
15 0,482 55 0,261 95 0,200 135 0,168 175 0,148 215 0,133
16 0,468 56 0,259 96 0,199 136 0,167 176 0,147 216 0,133
17 0,456 57 0,256 97 0,198 137 0,167 177 0,147 217 0,133
18 0,444 58 0,254 98 0,197 138 0,166 178 0,146 218 0,132
19 0,433 59 0,252 99 0,196 139 0,165 179 0,146 219 0,132
20 0,423 60 0,250 100 0,195 140 0,165 180 0,146 220 0,132
21 0,413 61 0,248 101 0,194 141 0,164 181 0,145 221 0,131
22 0,404 62 0,246 102 0,193 142 0,164 182 0,145 222 0,131
23 0,396 63 0,244 103 0,192 143 0,163 183 0,144 223 0,131
24 0,388 64 0,242 104 0,191 144 0,163 184 0,144 224 0,131
25 0,381 65 0,240 105 0,19 145 0,162 185 0,144 225 0,130
26 0,374 66 0,239 106 0,189 146 0,161 186 0,143 226 0,130
27 0,367 67 0,237 107 0,188 147 0,161 187 0,143 227 0,130
28 0,361 68 0,235 108 0,187 148 0,160 188 0,142 228 0,129
29 0,355 69 0,234 109 0,187 149 0,160 189 0,142 229 0,129
30 0,349 70 0,232 110 0,186 150 0,159 190 0,142 230 0,129
31 0,344 71 0,23 111 0,185 151 0,159 191 0,141 231 0,129
32 0,339 72 0,229 112 0,184 152 0,158 192 0,141 232 0,128
33 0,334 73 0,227 113 0,183 153 0,158 193 0,141 233 0,128
34 0,329 74 0,226 114 0,182 154 0,157 194 0,14 234 0,128
35 0,325 75 0,224 115 0,182 155 0,157 195 0,14 235 0,127
36 0,32 76 0,223 116 0,181 156 0,156 196 0,139 236 0,127
37 0,316 77 0,221 117 0,18 157 0,156 197 0,139 237 0,127
38 0,312 78 0,22 118 0,179 158 0,155 198 0,139 238 0,127
39 0,308 79 0,219 119 0,179 159 0,155 199 0,138 239 0,126
40 0,304 80 0,217 120 0,178 160 0,154 200 0,138 240 0,126
Tabel r Product Moment
Appendix 32

Table Distribution of Ftabel

α = 5%

N 1 2
30 4,171 3,316
31 4,160 3,305
32 4,149 3,295
33 4,139 3,285
34 4,130 3,276
35 4,121 3,267
36 4,113 3,259
37 4,105 3,252
38 4,098 3,245
39 4,091 3,238
40 4,085 3,232
41 4,079 3,226
42 4,073 3,220
43 4,067 3,214
44 4,062 3,209
45 4,057 3,204
46 4,052 3,200
47 4,047 3,195
48 4,043 3,191
49 4,038 3,187
50 4,034 3,183
51 4,030 3,179
52 4,027 3,175
53 4,023 3,172
54 4,020 3,168
55 4,016 3,165
56 4,013 3,162
57 4,010 3,159
58 4,007 3,156
59 4,004 3,153
60 4,001 3,150
61 3,998 3,148
62 3,996 3,145
63 3,993 3,143
64 3,991 3,140
65 3,989 3,138
66 3,986 3,136
67 3,984 3,134
68 3,982 3,132
69 3,980 3,130
70 3,978 3,128
Appendix 33

Table Distribution of ttabel

N 5% 2,5%
30 1,697 2,042
31 1,696 2,040
32 1,694 2,037
33 1,692 2,035
34 1,691 2,032
35 1,690 2,030
36 1,688 2,028
37 1,687 2,026
38 1,686 2,024
39 1,685 2,023
40 1,684 2,021
41 1,683 2,020
42 1,682 2,018
43 1,681 2,017
44 1,680 2,015
45 1,679 2,014
46 1,679 2,013
47 1,678 2,012
48 1,677 2,011
49 1,677 2,010
50 1,676 2,009
51 1,675 2,008
52 1,675 2,007
53 1,674 2,006
54 1,674 2,005
55 1,673 2,004
56 1,673 2,003
57 1,672 2,002
58 1,672 2,002
59 1,671 2,001
60 1,671 2,000
61 1,670 2,000
62 1,670 1,999
63 1,669 1,998
64 1,669 1,998
65 1,669 1,997
66 1,668 1,997
67 1,668 1,996
68 1,668 1,995
69 1,667 1,995
70 1,667 1,994
Appendix 34
Linearity Test

Reading Comprehension * Student’s Interest in Reading


Sum of df Mean F Sig.

Squares Square

(Combined) 5275,467 18 293,081 2,421 ,012

Comprehe Between Linearity 3540,091 1 3540,091 29,244 ,000
nsion * Groups Deviation from 1735,376 17 102,081 ,843 ,637
Student’s Linearity
Interest in Within Groups 4357,879 36 121,052
Total 9633,345 54

Measures of Association

R R Squared Eta Eta Squared

,606 ,367 ,740 ,548

Comprehension *
Student’s Interest in
Appendix 35

Normality Test

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 55

Mean ,0000000
Normal Parameters
Std. Deviation 9,98351541

Absolute ,091

Most Extreme Differences Positive ,091

Negative -,066

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z ,678

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,747

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.

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