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(A Case Study in Warung Tegal Ibu Dewi near University of PGRI Semarang)

Submitted as a partial requirement

for the final assignment of Sociolinguistics

Eva Rahmatunnisa 0203517060


Eva Rahmatunnisa
English Language Education, Graduate Program
State University of Semarang
This study was about code switching and code mixing between the waiter and
customers conversation in warung tegal ibu dewi near University of PGRI
Semarang. The main purpose of this study was to identify the code switching anf
code mixing in the conversation. While this study used descriptive qualitative
method. The data were collected by observing the waiter and customers. In this
case, it can be concluded that the waiter and customers tend to use code mixing
and code switching in their dialogues. There are 73 codes found consisting of
codes mixing and codes switching. There are 43 codes mixing and 30 codes
switching that can be categorized as tag switching, intra-sentential mixing, and
inter-sentential mixing/switching.

Keyword : code switching, code mixing.

A. Introduction
Sociolinguistics could become a field of study for their selections in
language use. The field of sociolinguistics is focused on the possibility of choice
that can be made within the community regarding the use of language varieties.
Every country has own original language that can be used among the people from
many regions, which is called as the national language. By understanding their
language, they can communicate with other people around the world. In the period
of time, language has developed and changed in variations depends on its
Developing communicative competence in two or more languages gives
individuals opportunities to express their feelings and thoughts and shape their
identity. It also helps them satisfy their individual and so-cial needs in the
different contexts of the languages used. The phenomena of code switching and
code mixing of languages have long intrigued scholars who have examined what
triggers such occurrences (Muysken, 2000; Wei, 2005). However, most research
has been in face-to-face communi-cation and in bilingual communities (See Chan,
2004; Muysken, 2000; Myer-Scotton, 1992; Wei, 1998) with few studies in the
context of computer mediated communica-tion (Danet & Herring, 2003; Durham,
2003; Goldbarg, 2009; Ho, 2006; Huang, 2004; ).
In our daily life, we will be faced with different society who has the
different language. It makes possible to us facing the problem of
communication in different situation. Many people speak and switch or mix their
general use of language with their mother tongues, especially in communicating
with people who understand the different languages.
This case study examines the occurrences of code mixing and code
switching produced during interactions between the waiter and the customers in
Warung Tegal Ibu Dewi near University of PGRI Semarang.

B. Sociolinguistics Theories Review

Examining topics that trigger code switching and code mixing between the
waiter and the customers in Warung Tegal Ibu Dewi near University of PGRI
Semarang requires an understanding of the main concepts that is frame this study.
In the literature review, the researcher discussed the definitions of code switching,
code mixing and the examples.
Code Switching
Code switching is a widely observed phenomenon in multilingual and
multicultural communities especially in foreign language teaching. Numan and
Carter (2001:275) briefly define the term as “a phenomenon of switching from
one language to another in the same discourse”. From this definition, “discourse”
will be handled as the students’ and teachers’ naturally occurring language use in
classroom. Additionally, the languages between which alternation is performed
are the native language of the students, and the foreign language that students are
expected to gain competence in.
It can be concluded that code switching is the alternate use of two or more
language within the same utterance. Code switching is a change by a speaker or
writer from one language or language variety to another. It may start one language
and then change to another one in the middle of their speech, or even in the
middle of sentence.
Types of code switching
Jendra (2012: 75-77) states that case code switching can be classified in
accordance with two different classification, i.e. Grammatical and contextual
Based on the grammatical classification results in three types of code switching,
as follows:
a) Tag code-switching
A tag code-switching happens when a bilingual inserts short expression (tag)
from different language at the end of his/ her utterances.
b) Inter-sentential code-switching
An inter-sentential code-switching happens when there is a complete sentence
in a foreign language uttered between two sentences in a base language.
c) Intra- sentential code-switching
An intra- sentential code-switching is found when word, a phrase, or a clause,
of a foreign language is found within the sentence in a base language.
Based on the contextual classification divides two types of code- switching, as
1. Situational code-switching
A situational code-switching appears when there is a change in the situation
that causes the bilingual switches from one code to the other.
2. Metaphorical code-switching
A metaphorical code-switching happens when there is a change in the
perception, or the purpose, or the topic of the conversation.
The factors causing code switching
Code switching is an event of linguistics caused by factors outside of
language, especially the factors that are socio-situational. Suwito (1983: 72-74)
states that some of the factors that usually caused of the code switching among
a) Speakers
d) Hearer
e) The presence of a third speaker
f) The subject (topic)
g) To generate a sense of humor
h) To a prestigious
Code Mixing
There are many linguists who make a definition about code mixing. They
are Kachru in Suwito (1983: 76) states that code mixing is the use of two
languages or more by putting elements of one language into another language
consistently. Another definition provided by Muysken in Jendra (2012: 78) states
that “using the term code-mixing to refer to all cases where lexical items and
grammatical features from two languages appear in one sentence.”
Code-mixing is the other phenomenon closely related to code-switching.
Code mixing takes place without a change of topic and can involve various levels
of language such as phonology, morphology, grammatical structures or lexical
items. We could not avoid that the first language is a big effect in second
language. Interaction and mixing between languages result in various languages.
Most of the people in the society mix their language with other language by
borrowing or using pieces of foreign languages even sometimes they are still
influenced by first language.
Kachru in Nusjam (2004) defines code mixing as the term refers to the use
of one or more languages for consistent transfer of linguistic units from one
language into another, and by such a language mixture developing a new
restricted or not so restricted code of linguistic interaction.
Types of code mixing
Suwito (1983: 78-80) says that there are many types of code mixing level, as
1. Code mixing of word level
The word is the smallest unit that can be uttered as a free form or a unit of a
language that can stand alone going from the morpheme single (ex: rock,
house, come) or morpheme combination (ex: fighters, follow, omnipotent.
(Kridalaksana, 2008: 110). Code mixing of word level is insertions word of
Indonesian language into English sentence.
2. Code mixing of phrases level (groups of words)
The phrase is a combination of two or more words that are non- predictive. For
example: high mountain, called the phrase is non-predictive construction
(Anton, 1989: 244). code mixing of word level is insertions phrase of
Indonesian language into English sentence.
3. Code mixing of clauses level
A clause is a grammatical unit in the form of a group of words, at least consist
of subject and predicate and potentially into sentences (Kridalaksana, 2008:
124). code mixing of word level is insertions clause of Indonesian language
into English sentence.

4. Code mixing of baster level (joint establishment of native and foreign)

Baster is the result of a combination of two elements of different languages to
form one meaning. (Kridalaksana, 1993: 92). So, code mixing of baster level is
insertions baster into English sentence.
5. Code mixing of reduplication level
Reduplication is similar to repetition. Repetition of a syllable, a morpheme, or
a word. (Richards, 2002: 450). So, code mixing of word level is insertions
reduplication of Indonesian language into English sentence.
6. Code mixing of idioms level
Idiom is a combination form of the language that the meaning of his words
cannot be derived from the meaning of the combined elements. (Anton, 1989:
320). So, code mixing of word level is insertions idioms from Indonesian
language into English sentence.
The factors causing code mixing
Suwito (72-74) says that there are some factors, that cause people do code
mixing. Some of them are:
1. Speaker
Sometimes, speakers try to mix their language for hearer to a purpose or in a
particular situation.
2. Hearer (Speaker and partner speaking)
Communication is the process of expressing ideas between two participants of
conversation. Speakers adjust the language when they talk to their hearer.
However, if the hearer different linguistic backgrounds with speakers, then
transfer the code used may occur from regional languages into languages other
areas under their control.
3. Social community or Background
An individual lives and cooperates in one community either in monolingual or
bilingual community. Now most communities are bilingual that use two
languages in their interactions. In this case, an individual will be influenced by
social community directly.
4. Vocabulary
There is not appropriated word or when there is a lack of vocabulary in one
language. The inability to find an appropriate word or expression in one
language makes people change the word or phrase from one to another
language and it can be combined together.
5. Prestige
Globalization era, people must be able to speak more than one language,
especially English. For many young people code mixing becomes awn style
which is hoped to be modern and educational one. They mix language because
of prestige.
The differences concept between code mixing and code switching
When we discuss about the differences between code switching and code
mixing, both of them have the strong similarities, even we are difficult to find
the difference between them.
The similarities of them just it the function when we use two or more
languages as a variant language in speech community. But the differences are
in code switching, switch language event or variety of languages by the
bilingual because of certain reason and consciously. While code mixing, the
use of pieces of another language to one language that is needed probably, has
the function and it is not considered as a wrong or deviation. Like in our
country, a bilingual sometimes slipped a pieces of language in conversation it
can be said he or she did code mixing.
Thelander quoted by Chaer and Leony (2004:115) tried to differ between
code switching and code mixing. He said that code switching is speech event is
became there is a switched from one clause of language to clause of other
language. While, when speech event become, the clauses or phrases is consist
of hybrid clauses and hybrid phrases and all of they are not support each other
is called as Code mixing.

C. Method
This research is descriptive qualitative research, the researcher uses
descriptive qualitative research because in doing this research, the researcher
collects the data, makes an analysis, and finally makes conclusion in conducting
the research. Moleong (2010) in Muhammad (2014: 30) defines qualitative
research as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of
written or oral words of people and behavior available to be examined.
The procedures of collecting the data are:
1) The researcher observes the waiter and customers in warung tegal ibu dewi
2) After collecting the data, the researcher makes the transcript of the
3) Then, the researcher analyzes the data found.
4) In the end of the research, the researcher writes the findings, analysis and

D. Findings, Analysis and Discussion

The research findings has been collected in Warung Tegal Ibu Dewi which
is located near University of PGRI Semarang Jl. Lingga Raya no.5, Semarang
Timur. Jendra (2012: 75-77) states that case code switching can be classified in
accordance with two different classification, i.e. Grammatical and contextual
classification. Based on the grammatical classification results in three types of
code switching, as follows: Tag code-switching, Inter-sentential code-switching,
and Intra- sentential code-switching
These are the data analysis that is shown from the conversation both the
waiter and customers. Based on the table 1 (it can be seen in the appendix 1), In
day 1 both the waiter and the customers use 5 utterances of tag code switching, 6
utterances of inter-sentential, and 8 intra-sentential of code switching. Total
number types of code switching in day 1 is 19. While in day 2, they use 6
utterances of tag code switching, 5 inter-sentential, and 5 intra-sentential. The
total number types of code switching in day 2 is 16 utterances. The last day, the
waiter and customers use 3 tag code switching, 2 inter-sentential, and 3 intra-
sentential in their conversation. The total is 8 utterances.
In code mixing, the researcher found 6 word level, 2 phrase level, adn 7
clause level in day 1. Then, it continuous in day 2 the researcher found 2 word
level, 3 phrase level, and 3 clause level. In the last day, the waiter and customer
use 5 word level in their conversation, 1 phrase level, and 1 clause level.
Unfortunately, they do not use baster level, reduplication level, and idiomatics
Based on the result of the finding, It can be shown that the most used in the
types of code switching between the waiter and customers is Intra-sentential code
switching. There are 16 utterances in data found. It becomes the highest
percentage than the others. The average is 37%. This is the exemple of Intra
sentential od code switching found in the conversation:
(1) FC : Tuku sayur bayam mas, sama lauknya
tempe tahu, ayam, sambel.In this utterances,
the waiter
(2) Yowes mas, lele goreng nggak apa apa.
(3) TC: Berarti bayare sepuluh ribu ya mas.
From the example above includes code-changing or complete shifts to another
language system at major constituent boundaries.
On the other hand, the lowest number types of code switching is Inter-
sentential with the percentage 30%. The writer and customers change a language
occurs at sentence level, where each clause or sentence is in one language or
other. The examples are as follows;
(1)W: Yo mbak, jipuk dewe. Matur nuwun ya
FC: Ya mas sama-sama. (FC leaves the
(2) SC: Mas, ada pecel lele ndak? Apa Cuma lele
goreng aja.
W: Kui aja mbak. Nyong ora sempet masak
pecel lele. Sida apa ora?
(3) TC: Mas, nyong arepan tuku.
W: beli apa mbak?
From the examples above, inter-sentential code switches is to relate speech that
has already occured in other conversation in English. And it is more frequent than
Day D1 D2 D3 Total
Types of code switching
Tag code switching 5 6 3 14
Inter-sential code-switching 6 5 2 13
Intra-sential code-switching 8 5 3 16
Types of code mixing
Code Mixing Word Level 6 2 5 13
Code Mixing Phrase Level 2 3 1 6
Code Mixing Clause Level 7 3 1 11
Code Mixing Baster Level - - - -
Code Mixing Reduplication Level - - - -
Code Mixing Idiomas Level - - - -

Based on the table above, the highest number types of code mixing is in the
word level. The waiter and customers often use the mix language while they are
talking to each other. The total utterances is 13 and the percentage is 43%. These
are the examples of the code mixing in word level useg by the waiter an customers
in Warung Tegal Ibu Dewi:
(1) Ayam nya paha atas 1 sama sambelnya sitik aja.
(2) Totale 49.500, bener ora mbak?
(3) Ya mas, bener. Iki ya duite.
In contrast, the lowest number types of code mixing are baster level,
reduplication level, and idiomatics level with the percentage 0%. In this case, the
waiter and customer do not use those types of code mixing as their conversation.
This is the diagram both types of code switching and code mixing. The
diagrams are as follows;

Types of code switching

37% 33%

Tage code-switching
Inter-sential code-switching
Intra-sential code-switching

Diagram 1. Types of code switching

Types of code mixing

37% 0%
Word level
Phrase level
20% 0% Clause level
0% Baster level
Reduplication level
Idiomas level

Diagram 2. Types of code mixing

E. Conclusion and Suggestion
In daily communication, using variety of language has become common
thing including the use of code mixing and code switching. The mixture and
changing of language are influenced by many factors. The use of code mixing and
code switching also implied different functions. After conducting this research
between the waiter and customers in Warung Tegal Ibu Dewi, it can be concluded
that the waiter and customers tend to use code mixing and code switching in their
dialogues. There are 73 codes found consisting of codes mixing and codes
switching. There are 43 codes mixing and 30 codes switching that can be
categorized as tag switching, intra-sentential mixing, and inter-sentential
However, the most type used by the waiter and customers in Warung Tegal
Ibu Dewi is intra-sentential mixing. It is because the waiter and customers mostly
change the language in the middle of sentence. Codes mixing and codes switching
found in the waiter and curomers conversation caused by many factors, and most
of the factors are the social community background and the hearer.
In types of code mixing the the conversation, the highest number found is
word level and there are 3 lowest number types of code mixing. Those are baster
level, reduplication level, and idiomatics level.
According to the result of the research as has described before, the
researcher would like to give some suggestion some point of suggestion are
proposed as follows:
1. The next researcher
The result of the research can be used as a reference in studying
sociolinguistics, especially about code switching and mixing, which is employed
by the waiter and customers in Warung Tegal Ibu Dewi near University of PGRI
Semarang. It is more complete if the next researcher can develop this research. It
is not only limited in the types and the reasons using code mixing but in the other,
for example in their pronounciation.
2. The readers
The result of the research may be helpful for the readers in giving some
understanding about code switching and code mixing. By reading the research, the
readers are expected to use any language properly.

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Transcripts of the waiter and the customers’ conversation
in Warung Tegal Ibu Dewi

W = Waiter
FC = First customer (Observed on Day 1)
W : Tuku opo mbake?
FC : Tuku sayur bayam mas, sama lauknya tempe tahu, ayam,
W : Sayur bayem pirang ewu mbak? Beli sayur bayamnya berapa
FC : Beli 3000 aja mas. Intuk e sithik opo akeh ya?
W : Semene kiye. Kurang ora mbake?
FC : Ora mas.
W : Tahu tempe ne siji bae opo piro?
W : Hmmm...tuku piro ya mas...
Beli tempe 3, tahu 3 ya.
FC : Apalagi mbak?
W : Ayam nya paha atas 1 sama sambel sedikit aja.
FC : Opo meneh mbak?
W : Sek yo mas, aku tak telefon temenku. Tadi kayaknya ada
yang mau nitip. (FC calls her friend around 7 minutes)
FC : Wes mbak? Tambahe apa kie?
W : Ono tambahan mas, koncoku sido nitip.
Kikil 1 porsi, sayur sop 1 porsi, tahu 3 tempe 3.
Ada rica-rica ayam apa nggak mas?
W : Ada mbak. Mau beli berapa porsi?
FC : Rica-rica ayam 2 porsi dikasih tambahan sambel ya.
Terus beli urap 3 porsi dan kering kentang 2.
Oh yo teh e 4 yo.
W : Wes mbak. Ora ono tambahan meneh?
FC : Orak mas, total e piro?
Nanti minta double an plastik ya mas itu (pointing the order)
W : Tadi sayur bayam 3000
Tahu 6 tempe 6, jadi 6000 ya
FC : Loh? Tempe tahune piro mas regane?
W : Harganya @500 mbak. 12 x 500 kan 6000
FC : Oh iya. Lanjut mas
W : Terus tadi paha atas 6000
Kikil 1 porsi 3000
sayur sop 1 porsi 3000
Rica-rica ayam 2 x 4000 berarti 8000 ya
urap 3 porsi x 2500 berarti 7500
kering kentang 2 x 3000 = 6000
Es teh 4 x 2500 = 10.000
FC : Totalnya berapa mas?
W : Totale 49.500, bener ora mbak?
FC : Ya mas, bener. Iki ya duite. Susuk 500 dikei tahu 1
W : Yo mbak, jipuk dewe.
Matur nuwun ya
FC : Ya mas sama-sama. (FC leaves the warteg)

W = Waiter
SC = Second customer (Observed on Day 2)
FC : Mas beli
W : Iya mbak, di makan sini apa di bungkus?
FC : Di bungkus to mas, kanggo buka puasa kok. Hahaha
W : Ya kali bae makan sini mbak.
FC : Ndak mas.
Tuku opo ya. (SC looked around)
: Tuku iki ya mas
Aku beli ini (pointed out the cook)
sayur kangkung, perkedel 2, lele 1.
W : Oke mbak
FC : Mas, ada pecel lele ndak? Apa Cuma lele goreng aja.
W : Kui aja mbak. Nyong ora sempet masak pecel lele. Sida apa
FC : Yowes mas, lele goreng nggak apa apa.
W : Ada tambahan, mbak?
FC : Es good day 1.
Es good day ne 1 wae ya mas es e sing akeh.
W : Wes raono tambahan meneh?
FC : Ndak mas. Kui wae
W : Sayur kangkung 1 porsi 3000
Perkedel mau juput 2 yo?
FC : Piye mas?
W : Perkedel tadi ambil 2 ya mbak?
FC : Iya, perkedel 2 lele goreng 1, es good day 1
W : Berarti perkedel 2 x 1500 = 3000
Lele goreng 5000
Es good day 3500
Total nya 14.500 mbak
FC : Iya mas (She gives the money)
W : Ora ana uang pas ?
FC : Ora mas.
W : (W gives the refund)
FC : Makasih mas
W : Iyo mbak
W = Waiter
TC = Third customer (Observed on Day 3)
FC : Mas, nyong arepan tuku.
W : Tuku apa mbak?
FC : Ana sayur apa bae mas?
W : Akeh tinggal pilih
FC : Aku tuku mangut 1
W : Mangute pada tahu lan tempe pora mbak?
FC : Iya mas.
Heeh mas, tahune sing gedhe ya.
W : Iyo iyo tak pilihna paling gede kiye.
FC : Terus beli opo meneh yaaa, kering tempe kae lo mas. Enak
W : Ono tambahan meneh?
FC : Ora mas, mukur kuwi bae.
W : Mangut tempe tahu 7000, kering tempe 3000
FC : Berarti bayare sepuluh ribu ya mas.
W : Iyo mbake.
Types of code switching between the waiter and customers in Warung
Tegal Ibu Dewi

W = Waiter
FC = First customer (Observed on Day 1)
No Types of code Category of Utterances
switching code switching
1. Tag Switching Java Tag- W : Sayur bayem, pirang ewu
Switching mbak?
W : Semene kiye. Kurang ora
W : Wes mbak? Tambahe apa
Indonesia Tag- FC : Beli 3000 aja mas. Intuk e
Switching sithik opo akeh, ya?
FC : Ya mas, bener. Iki ya duite.
Susuk 500 dikei tahu 1
Subtotal 5 utterances
2. Inter-sentential Java Inter- W : Tuku opo mbake?
Switching sentential FC : Tuku sayur bayam mas,
Switching sama lauknya tempe tahu,
ayam, sambel.
W : Opo meneh mbak?
FC : aku telefon temenku. Tadi
kayaknya ada yang mau
nitip. (FC calls her friend
around 7 minutes)
W: Yo mbak, jipuk dewe. Matur
nuwun ya
FC: Ya mas sama-sama. (FC
leaves the warteg)
Indonesia Inter- W : Ada mbak. Mau beli berapa
sentential porsi?
Switching FC:Rica-rica ayam 2 porsi
dikasih tambahan sambel
ya. Terus beli urap 3 porsi
dan kering kentang 2.
Oh yo teh e 4 yo.
W: Tadi sayur bayam 3000.
Tahu 6 tempe 6, jadi 6000
FC: Loh? Tempe tahune piro
mas regane?
W: Totalnya berapa mas?
FC: Totale 49.500, bener ora
Subtotal 6 utterances
3. Intra-sentential Java Intra- FC : Tuku sayur bayam mas,
Switching sentential sama lauknya tempe tahu,
Switching ayam, sambel.
W : Sayur bayem, pirang ewu
mbak? Beli sayur bayamnya
berapa ribu?
FC : Sek yo mas, aku tak telefon
temenku. Tadi kayaknya
ada yang mau nitip. (FC
calls her friend around 7
FC:Ono tambahan mas, koncoku
sido nitip. Kikil 1 porsi,
sayur sop 1 porsi, tahu 3
tempe 3. Ada rica-rica ayam
apa nggak mas?
FC: Orak mas, total e piro?
Nanti minta double an
plastik ya mas itu
Indonesia Intra- FC: Rica-rica ayam 2 porsi
sentential dikasih tambahan sambel
Switching ya. Terus beli urap 3 porsi
dan kering kentang 2.
Oh yo teh e 4 yo.
W: Totalnya 49.500, bener ora
FC: Ya mas, bener. Iki ya duite.
Susuk 500 dikei tahu 1
Subtotal 8 utterances

W = Waiter
SC = Second customer (Observed on Day 2)
No Types of code Category of Utterances
switching code switching
1. Tag Switching Java Tag- SC: Di bungkus to mas, kanggo
Switching buka puasa kok. Hahaha
W: Perkedel mau juput 2 yo?
Indonesia Tag- W: Iya mbak, di makan sini apa
Switching di bungkus?
SC: Mas, ada pecel lele ndak?
Apa Cuma lele goreng aja.
W: Ada tambahan, mbak?
W: Perkedel tadi ambil 2 ya
Subtotal 6 utterances
2. Inter-sentential Java Inter- W: Piye mas?
Switching sentential SC:Perkedel tadi ambil 2 ya
Switching mbak?
W: Ora ana uang pas ?
SC: ndak mas.
Indonesia Inter- SC: Mas, ada pecel lele ndak?
sentential Apa Cuma lele goreng aja.
Switching W: Kui aja mbak. Nyong ora
sempet masak pecel lele.
Sida apa ora?
W: Ada tambahan, mbak?
SC: Es good day satu ya mas. Es
good day ne 1 wae ya mas
es e sing akeh.
W: Makasih mas
SC: Iyo mbak
Subtotal 5 utterances
3. Intra-sentential Java Intra- SC: Ndak mas. Tuku opo ya.
Switching sentential (SC looked around)
Switching Tuku iki ya mas
Aku beli ini (pointed out the
cook) sayur kangkung,
perkedel 2, lele 1
SC: Yowes mas, lele goreng
nggak apa apa.
SC: Di bungkus mas, kanggo
buka puasa kok. Hahaha
Indonesia Intra- SC: Es good day satu ya mas. Es
sentential good day ne 1 wae ya mas
Switching es e sing akeh.
SC: Ndak mas. Kui wae
Subtotal 5 utterances

W = Waiter
TC = Third customer (Observed on Day 3)
No Types of code Category of Utterances
switching code switching
1. Tag Switching Java Tag- TC: Ana sayur apa bae mas?
Switching TC: Heeh mas, tahune sing
gedhe ya.
W: Iyo iyo tak pilihna paling
gede kiye
Indonesia Tag-
Subtotal 3 utterances
2. Inter-sentential Java Inter- TC: Mas, nyong arepan tuku.
Switching sentential W: beli apa mbak?
Switching W: Mangute pada tahu lan
tempe pora mbak?
TC: Iya mas.
Indonesia Inter-
sentential -
Subtotal 2 utterances
3. Intra-sentential Java Intra- TC: Ana sayur apa bae mas?
Switching sentential
Indonesia Intra- .TC: Terus beli opo meneh yaaa,
sentential kering tempe kae lo mas.
Switching Enak koyane.
TC: Berarti bayare sepuluh ribu
ya mas.
Subtotal 3 utterances
Types of code mixing and the reason of the waiter and customers use code
mixing in Warung Tegal Ibu Dewi

CMWL : Code Mixing Word Level

CMPL : Code Mixing Phrase Level
CMCL : Code Mixing Clause Level
CMBL : Code Mixing Baster Level
CMRL : Code Mixing Reduplication Level
CMIL : Code Mixing Idiomas Level
W = Waiter
FC = First customer (Observed on Day 1)
Utterances The Type of Code The reason of
Mixing students use CM
Tuku sayur bayam mas, CMPL Hearer (Speaker and
FC sama lauknya tempe tahu, partner speaking)
ayam, sambel.
Beli 3000 aja mas terus CMCL Hearer (Speaker and
intuk e sithik opo akeh ya?
FC partner speaking)

Semene kiye. Kurang ora CMCL Social community

mbake? and backgroung
Hmmm...tuku piro ya mas... CMCL Social community
Beli tempe 3, tahu 3 ya. and backgroung
Ayam nya paha atas 1 sama CMWL Social community
sambelnya sitik aja. and backgroung
Sek yo mas, aku tak telefon CMCL Social community
temenku. Tadi kayaknya ada and backgroung
yang mau nitip. (FC calls
her friend around 7 minutes)
Wes mbak? Tambahe apa CMWL Hearer (Speaker and
kie? partner speaking)
Ono tambahan mas, CMCL Social community
koncoku sido nitip. and backgroung
Kikil 1 porsi, sayur sop 1
porsi, tahu 3 tempe 3.
Ada rica-rica ayam apa
nggak mas?
Ada mbak. Mau tuku CMPL Social community
pirang porsi? and backgroung
Rica-rica ayam 2 porsi CMCL Hearer (Speaker and
FC dikasih tambahan sambel ya. partner speaking)
Terus beli urap 3 porsi dan
kering kentang 2.
Oh yo teh e 4 yo.
Orak mas, total e piro? CMCL Hearer (Speaker and
Nanti minta double an partner speaking)
plastik ya mas itu (pointing
the order)
Tadi sayur bayam 3000 CMWL Social community
W Tahu 6 tempe 6, dadi 6000 and backgroung
Totale 49.500, bener ora CMWL Social community
mbak? and backgroung
Ya mas, bener. Iki ya duite. CMWL Hearer (Speaker and
partner speaking)
Yo mbak, jipuk dewe. CMWL Social community
Matur nuwun ya and backgroung

W = Waiter
SC = Second customer (Observed on Day 2)
Utterances The Type of Code The reason of
Mixing students use CM
W Ya kali bae makan sini CMWL Social community
mbak. and backgroung
SC Ndak mas. CMCL
Tuku opo ya. (SC looked
Tuku iki ya mas Hearer (Speaker and
Aku beli ini (pointed out the partner speaking)
sayur kangkung, perkedel 2,
lele 1.
W Kui aja mbak. Nyong ora CMCL
Social community
sempet masak pecel lele.
and backgroung
Jadi apa nggak?
SC Yowes mas, lele goreng CMPL Hearer (Speaker and
nggak apa apa. partner speaking)
SC Es good day datu. CMPL
Hearer (Speaker and
Es good day ne 1 wae ya
partner speaking)
mas es e sing akeh.
SC Ndak mas. Kui wae CMPL Hearer (Speaker and
partner speaking)
W Sayur kangkung 1 porsi CMCL
Social community
and backgroung
Perkedel mau juput 2 yo?
W Berarti perkedel 2 x 1500 = CMWL Social community
3000 and backgroung
Lele goreng 5000
Es good day 3500
Totale 14.500 mbak

W = Waiter
TC = Third customer (Observed on Day 3)
Utterances The Type of Code The reason of
Mixing students use CM
W Akeh tinggal pilih CMWL Social community
and backgroung
FC Aku beli mangut 1 CMWL Hearer (Speaker and
partner speaking)
W Mangute pada tahu dan CMWL Social community
tempe pora mbak? and backgroung
FC Iya mas. CMCL Hearer (Speaker and
Heeh mas, tahune sing partner speaking)
gedhe ya.
W Iya tak pilihna paling gede CMWL Social community
kiye. and backgroung
FC Terus beli apa meneh yaaa, CMPL Hearer (Speaker and
kering tempe kae lo mas. partner speaking)
Enak koyane.
FC Berarti bayare sepuluh ribu CMWL Hearer (Speaker and
ya mas. partner speaking)
The documentation of the research

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