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Research Environment

The study is conducted at Tuyan National Highschool for thr S.Y 2019-2020 the school is located at
the southern part of Naga Cebu with the total area of 2,086 sq.meters. Presently the school has a total
population of 200 Highschool students from Grade 7,to Grade 10 students and 25 highschool teachers.

Basically,this study focus on the implementation of kitchen laboratory safety practices.

Figure 3: Shows the location of Tuyan National Highschool, Tuyan Naga Cebu.

Research respondents

The population of the study is composed of 200 highschool students from 7th to 10th grade
classes in Tuyan National Highschool and 25 highschool teachers. In reference to Uzoagulu's sample size
as cited in Alawa and Dijech which states that when a defined population is less than 1,000, 20 percent
could be used to reduce sampling error, 10 percent for 5,000 and 5 percent for 10,000 so, 20 percent
from 200 students and 25 highschool teachers are considered in this study. Therefore, the sample of this
study is 40 which is equal to 20 percent of the entire population.
The table belows shows the number of students who make the population according their classes.

Table1: Tuyan National Highschool Grade 7, 8,9 and 10 highschool students and Highschool teachers

Level Number of Sample Male Female


Grade 8 51 10 5 5

Grade 8 49 10 4 6

Grade 9 50 8 5 3

Grade 10 50 7 3 4

Highschool 25 5 2 3

TOTAL 225 40 19 21

Data gathering procedure

The researcher will be using the library research and internet research thus would give a
further knowledge and gain massive information.

The study had undergone scrupulous phases which defined the ethical standard of this
research such as: (1) Request letter to conduct study,(2) Pretest procedure,(3) Treatment
procedure,(4) Post-test procedure,(5) Interpreting data to an appropriate statistical computation
and(6) Reports for finding, conclusions and recommendations.

Phase 1: Transmittal letter: A letter of request is sent to the school principal asking
permission to conduct the study within the school. It further Stated the intention to use
selected Grade 7 to Grade 10 students as the research respondents. When it is approve, other
research related such as the venue, facilities and Human resources were all prepared to achieve
smooth operation while conducting the study.
Phase 2: Pre-test procedure: Before the commencement of the main treatment Pre-test
will be admiister from 7th to 10th grade classes and the highschool teachers to ascertain the
group equivalency.

Phase 3: Treatment procedure: The purpose of this study is to investigate the

implementation of kitchen laboratory safety practices to grade 7,8,9,10 and highschool
teachers. A total of 50 students from four different level of classes participated in this study.

Phase 4: Post-test procedure: from grade 7 to grade 10 highschool students were given
post-test to measure achievements and knowledge retention. Furthermore, all students already
selected, were given the same time to respond to the questionnaire. Therefore, the copies given
were collected up to the time fix out of the 45 questionnaire that were distributed 45 were also
collected, which is equals to a hundred percent of all copies given.

Phase 5: Interpreting data to an appropriate statistical computation: The data obtained in

this study were subjected for analysis using means, standard deviation, and T-test. In this
research, significant level is 0.5. Furthermore, the statistical analyses were calculated using
SPSS(Statistical Package for Social sciences) version 24. The data will analyzed in two parts. The
first part is a descriptive statistics and the second is the inferential statistics.

Phase 6: Reports of findings, conclusions and recommendations. Based on the results

found, summary of findings were presented conclusions were drawn and recommendations
were made as an outgrowth of the study.

Treatment of data

Since this study used discriptive method of research the actual mean is computed and
categorize as Strong Agree, Agree, Neutral, Dis-agree and strong dis-agree. Response the
questionnaire by highschool students and highschool teachers in Tuyan National Highschool
statistically analyzed with the data requirements of the study.
Meanwhile, In order to know the implementation of kitchen laboratory safety to Grade
7,8,9,10 and highschool teachers the result in the Pre-test are compared with the results in the
post test. To test whether there exist an improvement T-test is use. Furthermore, the statistical
analyses were calculated using SPSS(Statistical package for social sciences) the data were
analyzed into two parts. The first part is descriptive statistics and the second is the inferential
statistics. Based on the result summary, findings, conclusions and recommendations will be

Scoring procedure

for scoring efficiency, the scale below are use to determine students and teachers

Scale Category

5 Strongly
Agree( SA)

4 Agree(A)

3 Neutral (N)

2 Disagree (D)

1 Strongly Disagree

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