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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Properties and Changes in Matter

Students will be able to construct explanations using observations and measurements to describe
how matter can be classified as a solid, liquid or gas.
Students will be able to plan and conduct scientific investigations to determine how changes in
heat (increase or decrease) change matter from one state to another (including melting, freezing,
condensing, boiling, and evaporating)
State Standards:
Context: I am teaching this particular lesson to give my students an in-depth understanding of
the different states, solid gas and liquid and how to define these. Also so they understand why
they change from state to state. Before this lesson I will be teaching the student about
temperature and how we measure it as well as the different kind of energies and how they can
cause heat through friction. Students will bringing into this lesson a basic knowledge of how
temperatures work and what the freezing and melting temperatures are for water. After this
lesson students will be taught a lesson on Volume and how it changes. I am teaching my students
how the water molecules change shape when they change matter. This will prepare them to
explain volume better.
Data: For this lesson students will be sat in groups of 4. I will probably just group them based
off of who works best with who, talkative students, focused students, etc. I will keep note of how
these groupings worked so I can make adjustments in the future accordingly.
Materials: Website (Module), Pencil, Ruler, Water, Ice tray, Paper, Scale
Introduction (15 minutes): In this lesson you all (students) will be using a ruler to
measure size and scales to measure weight as well as just your observations to classify things
(water) as solid, liquid or gas. You will also be performing an experiment to see how temperature
changes and heat can cause changes in the form of matter. The goal is for you to get a good
understanding of the different states of matter and how heat can effect these.
Teacher Directed (10minutes): For these ten minutes I will be going from group to group
help the groups get started and provide any better understanding and info to anything they are
confused on.

Collaborative (50minutes): For these fifty minutes students will be performing their
experiments (which I provided a step by step instruction sheet for) to see for themselves the
changes between states.) They will also be going through an online module which will show how
things are classified and how they can do it themselves with the materials provided.
Independent Digital (10minutes): During these digital ten minutes students will do the
module for classifying things.
Closure (5minutes): Here I will just wrap everything up. I will answer any questions that
they students have and go over any main points that I think they really need to understand to do
good in the future.

(Multimedia 1= Website with module showing the changes):I chose this piece of media
because it is a good way to show students whom like learning on computers what
happened when the state of matter is changed and it shows how to identify what state
something is in. I know it is of high quality because I ran through it once myself before
deciding to use it. This module differiantes for all types of learners by being a visual and
also having audio. For those tactile learners they can click through the site as well as do
the project I assigned with the ruler.

(Multimedia 2= Video showing the changes happening to water between states: I chose
this piece of media because it will give the students a good idea and visual of the changes
actually happening. It supports student learning by giving students who need a visual a
visual. I know it is of high quality because I watched it before deciding to show it. It also
has audio explaining the changes which is good for the auditory learners and it has the
experiment for tactile learners.

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