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The two texts that I have chosen to use are “Recommended for You” by Blake Hallinan

and Ted Striphas, and “The Return of the Author” by Kristina Busse. I chose these two texts

because I believe that they share the common theme of information creation. In “Recommended

for You”, I will focus on the author’s argument that algorithms determine the information that

people absorb. In “The Return of the Author”, I will focus on the idea of author diversity and

how information can be translated differently based on the author’s background. I will use these

two texts to create a conversation about tunnel vision. I will focus on the risks of only viewing

certain types of information, whether this is a result of authors or technology. This can create a

bubble around us, in which we only view things that we personally agree with or are comfortable

viewing. Specifically, I will connect this idea to politics and how lack of author diversity and

personalized tech algorithms are only reinforcing our political views, not challenging them.

I want to create a physical project, specifically a piece of clothing. I think that clothing

can be really powerful in sending a message, using both images and text. Clothing can be a

physical representation of your thoughts and beliefs, and I want to capitalize on this idea.

My target audience is anyone involved in politics, or who wishes to be an informed

citizen. This is a large audience, which includes a large portion of the general public. Therefore, I

believe that my mode of choice, clothing, is a great way to reach this audience. When worn out,

clothing can be seen by the general public. It is especially eye-catching if it has bright colors or

designs on it, which I hope to incorporate. In addition, clothing can often start a conversation.

Many people recognize how clothing can be used as a form of personal expression, and so they

may be inclined to ask what exactly a certain item represents. This is a key reason why I chose

this mode because my argument is one that requires tough conversations to be had. Many people

may be unwilling to recognize how they live in a bubble surrounded by specific viewpoints,
which makes conversation about this topic so much more essential. This public display of my

book art will help start a conversation about my argument, and therefore reach my target


All of the objects that I have collected so far in order to represent my argument are

physical. I chose to use a denim jacket as my article of clothing for a couple reasons. The first is

that it provides a simple background, and I can use both the front and back of the jacket to create

my argument. The second reason is because this jean jacket is truly a found item, as it was sitting

n the back of my closet and largely unworn. The four other material objects that I have collected

are all pins, which I will put on the front of the jacket. The left side of the jacket will have the

first two pins that I found, which are very partisan and represent a singular view. One pin says

“Nixon Now!” and the other also advocates for a specific campaign. The right side of the jacket

will have the other two pins that I found, which encourage the gathering of information and

making your own decisions. One of these pins says “be an infomaniac” and the other states “Just

Use it: Brian Awareness Week”. While slightly sarcastic, I believe that the latter pin argues for

individual decision making, not basing your choices off of a timeline or single author’s


I will also employ more physical objects in order to make my argument. I would like to

find more pins to fill each side of the jacket, and maybe some patches that also convey similar

ideas. The final mode that I will use will be textual. I will use the ample space on the back of the

jacket to go more in-depth about my argument.

I will be using both description and persuasive modes. The front of the jacket will be

largely descriptive, as I use the pins and patches to form my argument. The back of the jacket

will be mainly persuasive, as I will use text to complete my argument.

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