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11/28/2019 Common Cold and Homoeopathy

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Common Cold and Homoeopathy

11 November 2019

11/28/2019 Common Cold and Homoeopathy

With the sudden changes of temperature, some people are coughing, sneezing and rushing to
see their doctors.  It is important to know the difference in symptoms between cold and
in uenza. A cold is a mild respiratory illness, In uenza however can result in hospitalization
and lead to other serious respiratory conditions such as pneumonia. 

The Common Cold 

A cold is called common because it is just that – common. This respiratory virus is seasonal
and caused by many different types of viruses.  According to many sources, the rhinovirus is
the main cause of many colds.

Symptoms of a cold

A cough
Runny or blocked nose
Sore or irritated throat
Slight fever, mostly in children
Mild head and body aches
Sneezing repeatedly
Feelings of tiredness or lethargy

Is it infectious?

Yes it is highly contagious and spread by person to person contact by droplet contamination,
through coughing and sneezing. There is no cure for the common cold. Normally, symptoms
last from a few days to one week before receding.

Treatment for colds

Rest – Get plenty of rest. Give your body a chance to overcome the symptoms. Stay at
home as others can be easily infected.
Fluids – Drink plenty of uids so you do not get dehydrated.
Fever – Sometimes there can be slight fevers. Tylenol or other medication can help to
relieve this.
11/28/2019 Common Cold and Homoeopathy

Pain – Lozenges and gargling can help to ease sore throats and enable you to eat and
drink adequate uids.

In uenza 
Commonly known as the u, and often confused with the common cold. This seasonal
respiratory illness is also caused by a virus. It mostly affects people during winter months or
at the change of seasons, particularly in cold weather.

Is it infectious?

Yes like the cold it is infectious and spread by droplet contamination. However, in uenza is a
far more serious condition. It can be life threatening to the very young and the very old.

Symptoms of In uenza

Initial symptoms can be similar to the common cold: sneezing, blocked nose, sore throat,
tiredness and coughing. But more serious symptoms soon develop

High fevers 38 – 41degrees 

Severe headaches and body aches
Extreme exhaustion and fatigue
Coughing up phlegm, which may be green or yellow in color.
Swollen glands
Severe sinus pain

Diagnosis and treatment

Consult your doctor or health clinic. They can do a simple nasal test to con rm diagnosis. You
 also may require hospitalization for 2-3 days and IV uids to prevent dehydration.

Both the common cold and in uenza are viral infections. Antibiotics will not cure or heal you.
Antibiotics are used to treat bacteria not viruses, so these are unnecessary.

Preventing these viruses from spreading
11/28/2019 Common Cold and Homoeopathy

As both of these viruses are very contagious it is important to help prevent others from
becoming infected.

Stay home and do not go to work when you are sick.

If you have to go out wear a mask and avoid contact with infants, young children and
elderly people.
Use tissues whenever you cough and sneeze.
Wash your hands after coughing and sneezing, this is most important as the virus can
be transferred to others by direct contact.
It is also recommended that older people get the in uenza vaccine each year before the
cold season.
 Remember good hand hygiene can keep you healthy.

Homoeopathy for cold and in uenza

Easily chilled

Arsenicum Bryonia. Hepar Mercurius Nat m. Nux. Phosphorus Puls

Cold Worse, cold air

All c. Arsenicum Dulcamara Hepar Nux. Phos

Cold Worse, Cold dry weather

Aconite Bryonia Hepar Nux. Causticum

Cold Worse, cold wet.

Calcarea Dulcamara Rhus. Nat s.

Cold Worse, Inhaling cold air

All c. Hepar Phosphorus Rumex.

Cold Worse, draught
11/28/2019 Common Cold and Homoeopathy

Arsenicum Belladonna Hepar Nat c. Nux. Sul. Dulcamara Mercurius

Wet, worse, wet

Calcarea Dulcamara Kali iod. Mercurius Rhus. Pulsatilla Sul.

Wet, worse, warm wet

Gelsemium Carbo vegetabilis

Wet, Better warm wet


Warm room, Worse

Pulsatilla Tuberculinum All c. Mercurius Nux. (more uent)

Warm room, worse, entering


Open air, Worse

Nux. Nat m. Phosphorus Bryonia Hepar

Open air, Better

All c., Pulsatilla Acon ( Secale Arsenicum Dulc)

Uncovering head. Worse.

Hepar Nat.m.

Much sneezing

All c. Dulcamara Hepar Ipecac. Kali iod. Mercurius Nat m. Phosphorus Rhus., Sul

Catarrh, copious
11/28/2019 Common Cold and Homoeopathy

All c. Arsenicum Kali iod. Nat m.

Catarrh, copious, Fluent

Aconite All c. Arsenicum Nat c. Hepar Nux

Catarrh, copious, Fluent, in warmth

Dulc, Sul.

Catarrh, copious, Fluent alternately dry

Arsenicum Nat m. Nux. Phosphorus Pulsatilla Sul.

Dry coryza

Belladonna Bryonia Nux (early), Dulcamara (in cold air) Kali bichrome.

Nux. Dulc Pulsatilla Rhus. Ipecac. Carbo vegetabilis

With lachrymation

All c. Bryonia Euphr (acrid tears) Kali.iod

Discharge acrid

All c., Arsenicum Gelsemium Kali iod Mercurius Nux Sul.

Discharge, bland

Euphr., Pulsatilla

Discharge, bland, with acrid lachrymation


Discharge, offensive

Hepar Mercurius Calcarea Kali bich. Nat c. Puls
11/28/2019 Common Cold and Homoeopathy

Discharges, crusts

Calcarea Kali bich. Phosphorus Tuberculinum

Discharges, greenish

Kali bich, Kali iod. Mercurius Pulsatilla

Discharge purulent

Calc Hepar Kali bich. Kali iod. Mercurius phos. Pulsatilla Tuberculinum

Discharge blows out blood

All c. Arsenicum Belladonna Hepar Phosphorus Pulsatilla

With chilliness

Nux. Arsenicum Gelsemium Mercurius Rhus. Calcarea Bryonia Phos

With chills

Nux Gelsemium Ipecac.

With Shivering

Kali iod, Ipecac. Bryonia Nux. Rhus.

Alternate heat and chill

Kali iod.

Sweating. Better from

Nat c., Kali iod.

Sweating, Worse from,. or not better

Hepar Mercurius
11/28/2019 Common Cold and Homoeopathy

With nausea

Ipecac. Ant tart.

Cold travels down

Bry Ipecac. Carbo vegetabilis Arsenicum etc.


Belladonna Phosphorus etc.

Begins in chest and goes up


Frontal sinuses affected

Mercurius, Kali iod. Arsenicum Lycopodium Silicea

Larynx affected

Aconite All c. Belladonna Bryonia Carbo vegetabilis Euphr. Hepar Mercurius Nat m. Phos

With pain in head from sneezing or coughing

Bryonia Natrum mur. Phosphorus

With pain in abdomen, from sneezing or coughing

Bry, Drosera

With sore throat

Mercurius Nux. Phosphorus
11/28/2019 Common Cold and Homoeopathy

Homoeopathic approach of cough



1. Margaret Lucy Tyler

2. uenza/ 

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