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IN Q4, 2019
Conduct this poll either on Facebook or on Instagram story.

Eg1. Highlight a problem faced by your customers and then ask your followers if they face the same
problem: Yes/No?

Eg2. Point out a misconception made by your customers (without letting them know it is a
misconception) and then ask your followers if they agree/disagree?

Eg3. Bring out a question frequently asked your customers and then ask your followers if they like to
know the answer: I know/I don’t know

Wait for a few hours to let your followers respond to the poll. Send PM/DM to those who replied positively
(yes/agree/I don’t know) and ask for a meet up so you can reveal the solution/truth/answer.
If you are an insurance agent, your success story will be a successful claim. If you are a real estate agent,
your success story will be a house sold. If you are a fitness instructor, your success story will be your
customer’s physical transformation. Post this success story on social media. You can also broadcast the
story on your chat app (eg. WhatsApp). Keep it short and answer these questions.

1. What happen?
2. How did you help?
3. What were the positive results?
4. Why it matters to your customer?

Message every one who LIKES your post. Ask them: ”Do you have someone helping you (in your area of
expertise)?” If no, fix an appointment. If yes, ask a follow up question, “How can he/she be even better?”
And then tell them you can help them in that aspect – and ask for an appointment.
Pain is a much more powerful motivator than pleasure. It is a human flaw really haha.
But let’s use to our advantage, shall we?

So instead of just posting success stories all the time, do share failure stories too.
Look out for people who suffered as a result of not buying your product / engaging your service.

1. What happen?
2. How did the person suffer?
3. What is the lesson we can learn from this?

Careful not to make your story sound like the person deserves to suffer. Report the facts: What happen
when the person did not buy the right insurance policy? How did the person suffer when he refuse to get
himself on a fitness regime? How did the person lost out as a result of not engaging your services? And
then end with a lesson we can learnt as a result of the person’s indecision or wrong decision.
Read an article relating to your area of expertise (for eg. financial planning). You can either find trending
articles on, or personal finance websites/blogs in your country.

Keep the headline of the article. Summarize the key points. Add your own comments too to personalize
the content. If you have a knack for design, you can mind map or design infographics.

Post your summary on social media and then send out a broadcast to all your customers and prospects via
your chat app (eg. WhatsApp) with a link back to the post on your social media page. You could also send
them directly if you like.

When they respond positively to you (eg. ”thanks!”), offer to go over with them in person. If they are
already your customer, reply their “thanks” with “The best way to thank me is to share this with all your
friends and colleagues.” This way, you open up referral opportunities.
As an extension to idea #3, conduct an online survey. You can use
It is free! You just need ONE question. Or just a google document!

“What is ONE question relating to (your area of expertise) that if answered will make a positive
difference to you?

You can always give them suggestions by sharing them questions you have been asked before by your

The goal of this idea is simply to get them to respond. For those who respond, secure an appointment at
their convenience so you can answer their question in person.

See next page for a sample (I did it recently and collected over 200 questions! Which means 200 potential
sales appointments!)
Building on idea #4, you now have a whole list of questions that your prospects and even customers would
love answers for. Go find them answers! Or answer them yourself using PREP.

Point – your answer

Reason – justify your answer
Evidence/Example – back up with evidence and example
Point – recap your answer

Every week, focus on a theme. If you are in financial planning, you can organize around “life insurance”,
“retirement planning”, “medical and hospitalization” and “education and estate planning”. If you are a
fitness instructor, you can organize around “workouts”, “diet” and “mindset”. Send them a PDF with
answers to 3-5 questions for the theme of the week. Include your contact details. Encourage your
customers and prospects to forward to all their friends and colleagues. Get ready for calls and emails!
Or you can compile all the questions and answer them in a monthly newsletter for your prospects and
clients. Using Canva (a free software), you can design professionally looking newsletter with just a few
clicks. But first, you got to decide the content.

Here's what I suggest you can include inside:

1. Answer top 3-5 questions you get asked a lot by your clients that month. This question has got
to relate to your area of expertise. So if you are a financial advisor, the question revolves around
financial planning. If you are a real estate agent, the question revolves around property finding or
investing. If you are a direct marketer with a nutrition company, the question revolves around
health and wellness.
2. Success stories of your customers. This will come in the form of a customer testimonial.
Get your favorite client to answer the following questions for you. Or better yet, record a video
so you can even use it as a sales tool. Remember to include a picture of you and your happy
customer in your newsletter for credibility purpose.

Three questions to answer:

• Why did you choose to work with me?

• What have you learnt from me?
• How do I stand out from other advisors/agents/marketers?

3. A personal update about your life. Something interesting. Something fun. Most importantly,
it got to be personal and relatable to your prospect base and customer base. It can revolve
around a common passion (food!), an achievement (you got recognized by your company), a
celebratory news (your birthday) or an incident that recently happened which taught you a
meaningful lesson.
4. Remember to always include a professional looking picture of yourself and your bio! In
your bio, you should include your target market, your value proposition and your motivation
for joining the industry.

(Bonus tip) Engage someone to build a simple one page website for you so that you can use this
monthly newsletter as a chance to collect EMAIL ADDRESSES and even TELEPHONE NUMBERS.
This will form your broadcast list of warm prospects whom you can push content and offers to
anytime you want. A good example will be mine:
The purpose of this heath check is to help them assess their current situation and uncover blind spots.
It can come in the form of either a checklist (5 things you need to do...) or a series of questions to
answer (Have you done this...)

If you are a financial advisor, you can ask them a series of questions to help them evaluate
if they are well covered for every possible risk? If you are a real estate agent, you can send them a
checklist that helps them evaluate the investment value of a property.

This health check can be a simple PDF or even an online survey sent over email, WhatsApp or
Facebook depending on their preferred mode of communication. The key to making this strategy
work is to get them thinking about questions that they are unaware about and become problem-

Done well, you will end up getting distress calls to help them resolve these problems.
Your customers are not the only source of referrals and recommendations. There are five other types of
people that can provide you with high quality referrals and recommendations.

(1) Allies - they are salespeople or service professionals that serve the same customer base as you. So
say your target market is newly weds, allies could be wedding organizers or real estate agents.

(2) Social butterflies - they are highly extroverted and by virtue of their personality, are well connected
and well liked. A recommendation from them will save you
many meetings.

(3) Leaders of associations or interest groups - they are appointed by their members to lead
association meetings or conduct events. If they were to recommend you to their members (your
prospects), it will carry weight.
(4) Entrepreneurs and business owners - they are always on the look out for talents and opportunities
to grow their businesses. This is why they are the most open to collaborations and partnerships. If you
are able to help them, they will be more than happy to introduce their extensive network to you.

(5) Journalists and reporters (both online and offline media) - they are constantly hunting for news-
worthy content to feed their attention-deficit readers, listeners or viewers. If you can position yourself
as a credible source of information to them, you will find yourself under media limelight soon enough.

Step 1: IDENTIFY them from your current network. In the other words,
they should know who you are.

For a start, aim for 15. For each category, have 3. If you do not know any reporters
for now, identify more entrepreneurs or social butterflies first.

As long as you have 15, that will work!

Step 2: CONNECT with them.

Find an opportunity to meet up with them for coffee or a meal.

If it has been a while since you last touch base with them, send them a text!
If you are near the holiday season, send them holiday greetings.
When they respond, ask them out on the pretext of "catching up".
Make it easy for them to meet you.

Step 3: ADD MASSIVE VALUE to them.

Remember, your objective is to add value not sell them anything.

They are your golden gooses. The golden eggs are your potential prospects.
Think bigger. See further.

Find out about their interests, their challenges and their aspirations.
Establish common ground. Show genuine interest.
Find ways to add value to this individual. Period.
Value can come in the form of sharing relevant and timely insights,
introducing people of value to them, being their friend or
helping them resolve a problem or fulfill a dream.

It's a long game because relationship takes time.

But if you start early you'll be able to reap the benefits soon enough!

There'll come a point of time when they will thank you for your help,
instead of saying "you are most welcome", say "I'm sure when the day comes
that I need your help, you'll help me too." And remember to smile!

Or be even more direct:

”The best way to help me is to introduce (type of customers you want) to me so

I can help them in (my area of expertise)!”

If he or she asks what help you need, tell them that you like to have the opportunity
to serve their network. And viola, you just open for yourself an endless source of
high quality recommendations and referrals!
Winning Self Introduction
How will you introduce yourself during a social event or business forum. Most of the time, we just tell our
prospect what we do (e.g. I am a financial advisor with XXX or I am a chiropractor with XXX). There are
three problems with such an introduction.

One, it is overused therefore boring.

Two, if the prospect has a bad impression with your profession, you have just put yourself in a
disadvantageous position.

Three, it does not encourage deeper conversation that leads to a potential sales appointment.

A much better to introduce yourself is to tell them what problems you are solving.
CREATIVE SALES IDEA #9 | Winning Self Introduction
People can relate to problems better than solutions. Plus, when you talk about their problems,
it evokes their emotions which drives action, in this case, meeting you for a sales appointment.

So the next time, someone asks you what you do for a living, follow this template.

My clients are mainly (insert market type e.g. young parents) just like yourself. And one of the
biggest challenges/issues/fears they have is (insert a problem e.g. struggling to save enough money
to ensure their child has a very bright future). And as a result of this challenge/issue/fear, they end up
(insert consequence e.g. feeling guilty and all stressed out). Do you have a similar
challenge/issue/fear as well?

(If yes) So this is where I come in. I help them overcome their challenge/issue/ fear by (insert your
unique solution e.g. teaching them how to leverage on different asset classes to accumulate
sufficient funds without having to sacrifice their current lifestyle).
CREATIVE SALES IDEA #9 | Winning Self Introduction
Since we are talking about this, do you have someone helping you with that challenge/issue/fear?

(If yes)
How’s the experience?

(If good) How can it be better?

(If bad) Oh what happen?

(After they reply)

If you like, I can spend 20 minutes with you next week and share with you how I have been helping (target
market) like yourself overcome this challenge/issue/fear once and for all.

(If no) Lucky you! Many of my clients unfortunately have this challenge/issue/fear. So this is where I come
in. I help them overcome it by (insert your unique solution).
CREATIVE SALES IDEA #9 | Winning Self Introduction
Out of curiosity, what is a challenge/issue/fear that you are currently facing then with regards to (your
area of experience e.g. financial planning, investment, finding a property, recruiting a talent)?

NOTE: If the person mentions a challenge/issue/fear you can help resolve, tell them that you also have
clients with that same challenge/issue/fear and then repeat the template to secure the sales

For this introduction to work, there are three things you need to take note.

1. Make sure you are talking to your target market and you are also crystal clear about the problem that
your target market is facing. If you are unsure, take time to talk to your current clients who belong to
this target market and find out:

“What are challenges/issues/fears you are facing that you felt I can help you solve and why?”

The more you can speak their lingo, the more effective this self-introduction will be.
CREATIVE SALES IDEA #9 | Winning Self Introduction
2. You need to rehearse and make sure you sound conversational. Feel free to edit the script to make it
sound like you. The second you sound like you are memorizing some script, you will lose credibility.

3. Get the person to like you first before you attempt to do this self-introduction. This is why I discourage
my mentees to ask “What is your profession” at the start of the conversation and the person will likely
ask you back. I rather you make small talk first to connect with the person. Once you are confident of
the connection, you can then proceed to ask about their profession.

Short of making this email an essay, check out my third book Unlock Your Personal Charisma Chapter 2
to learn how to master strategic small talk and get the person to like you within minutes. If you don’t
have my book, go to
Have you realize that capturing attention of your prospects and customers is getting increasingly
challenging? Using your product or service as an excuse to contact them is not as effective as it used to be.
So if you are looking for “better excuses” to reach out to your prospects and customers, here’s one you
would love.

1. Identify two of your top customers who will be interested to meet each other (they could either have
a common interest e.g. golf or they could help each other e.g. one is a digital marketer and the other
is a business owner)

2. Give them both a call and tell them you have someone interesting to introduce

3. Set up a coffee date

4. Once they agree to the coffee date, ask each of them to bring one more friend or colleague who
will find this meet up of value as well.

5. One day before, call your two customers and remind them about the meet up. Also ask for their
help to put a good word when you meet their friend.

6. On the actual day, do the introductions.

7. Sit between the two new prospects while you let the other two customers sit beside each other,
opposite you.

8. Make sure your two customers are comfortable with each other.

9. You focus on the other two prospects. Get to know them. Find out their PPVV: passion, pain, value
and vision (any one of these four vital information will allow you to easily follow up with them).
10. If they ask you what you do for a living (in case your customer forgets to introduce you), use the
introduction I taught you earlier: Creative Sales Idea #9

11. Take the chance to get your customers to tell your two new friends why they work with you instead
of your competition (note: prepare them, see #5)

12. Make sure everyone has a fun time and follow up accordingly!

Clearly, this sales idea has a number of benefits. First, it is a lot easier to ask your customers out when
there is clear value. Two, you get a lot done in 60 minutes. You get to stay in touch with two of your top
customers and you even get two new recommendations in the process!

Imagine doing this for every lunch this month. So assume you work for 20 days, you get to stay in touch
with 40 customers (and possibly getting repeated business) and 40 new recommendations, every one of
them can become your customer as well.

Give this idea a try especially if you enjoy socializing. Let me know how it went!
Whenever you interact with a stranger or a prospect, make it a habit to find out one of their PPVV:
passion, pain, value, vision.

Passion – what interests them either personally or professionally

Pain – what frustrates them and keep them awake at night
Value – what do they value the most
Vision – what is a fun project they are working on right now

Three reasons why.

This goal of finding out more about the person wires you to pay full attention and ask more questions.
This means the person is talking more which is always a good thing because the more they talk, the
more comfortable they will begin to feel around you.
Once you know their PPVV, it also gives you the opportunity to establish common ground with them
which is a quick way to get them to like you (because people like people who are like them!)

And finally, when you know any one of their PPVV, it gives you an easy excuse to ask the person out
for a second meeting which usually leads to a sales conversation. If you know their passion or value,
you can organize an activity around a common interest or value (e.g. badminton). If you know their
pain or vision, it gives you a chance to add value to the person either by helping the person resolve
the pain (e.g. finding a babysitter) or offering insights to fulfill their goal (e.g. lose weight).

So the next time you meet a stranger or prospect – and even a client – take time to get to know their
PPVV. Once you know their PPVV, make an effort to establish common ground with them. Better
yet, ask them out again with one of their PPVVs.

Remember, a prospect who is listening is no prospect at all.

Let them do most of the talking! This way, you will know how to open a sales conversation
with the prospect.
If applied to strangers, you will see them opening up to you very quickly and it becomes easy to
secure a second appointment.

If applied to prospects, you will experience an increase in your closing ratio!

Hear what my students have said about this PPVV strategy.

Rod: “Eric, using your PPVV method, I manage to get the prospect to purchase life insurance of
premium RM10,000 on my first appointment with him. And he is a stranger!”

Candy: “At first I thought it is tough to close on the spot. But I applied your PPVV tip and I close
him on the spot today!”
This sales idea is particularly valuable if your target market falls into any of these three categories:
working professionals, senior management or business owners.

First, you need to make sure that your LinkedIn page is updated.

• Profile picture is current and professional

• Bio describes clearly your profession, who you serve and the value you offer

• Insert skills and expertise relevant to your profession

Once your profile page is updated, start adding all your customers on LinkedIn. When they accept your
connection, ask for a LinkedIn recommendation. It is like a testimonial. And when they write one for
you, their contacts will get to see it too which leads to more sales opportunities for you.

Here’s how you ask for a LinkedIn recommendation.

1. Go to your profile, look for the “View Profile As” button

2. Click the arrow to the right of that
3. You'll see “Ask to be recommended”—click that and follow the prompts.

Make sure you have at least 10 recommendations collected by this week.

For reference, go to my LinkedIn page ->
I got you to set up your LinkedIn page, add your customers and also ask for their recommendations.

The above three steps are critical to building your credibility in LinkedIn.

This week, you will start growing your LinkedIn connections.

1. Click ‘My Network’ (on top banner)

2. Click the number on the left of the page (it indicates the # of connections you have)
3. Scroll through and click on your customer (this is why you need to add them first!)
4. Scroll down and you will see in the ‘Highlights’ box the # mutual connections
5. Click on the # of mutual connections
6. Make sure on the top banner under ‘Connections’ you check on the 2nd box too (what that means
is you will get to see your customer’s connections who aren’t yours yet)
7. Click ‘Connect’
8. Click ‘Add a note’

Here’s a template you can use:

Hello XYZ (always type in their name to make it more personal)

I notice we both have a common connection (ABC) who is a customer of mine. We also have very
similar interests (find one from reading their profile)! This is an area of interest for me because (give a
valid reason) and I would love to connect with you on LinkedIn to share ideas, information or just get
to know each other better. I look forward to learning more about you.

EFG (your first name)

Once the prospect connects with you, find opportunities to add value.
Refer to creative sales idea #1, 3, 4, 7.
One of the most powerful sales tools you can use at your disposal is customers’ testimonials. You
leverage on social proof to speed up the buying process and also increase your closing ratio. Testimonials
can be repurposed into written and video content for LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. You
can also use your clients’ testimonials as a seeding tool prior to your sales appointment with a prospect.

Here’s how you can start collecting an archive of testimonials that work to your favor.

1. Meet up with your top 20-30 clients over the next one month (one every day). They must be clients
who genuinely love you and are your biggest supporters.

2. During your meeting with them (either over drinks or a meal), let them know why you are doing
this: “I want to become a better (insert profession). And to do that, I need to get clear of my
strengths and also identify areas I can improve. So I thought about you. And I knew you will be
honest with me.”
3. Then ask them the following questions:

a. Why did you choose to work with me?

b. What have you learnt from working with me? / How have you benefited from working with
c. How do I stand out from my competition?
d. Why should more people like yourself work with me?

4. Take notes! Go deep and ask for specific examples.

5. Once they are done, ask for permission to video them. Make sure you have good lightings and the
environment is relatively quiet.

6. Tell them that it would mean a lot if they allow you to record this. One, for encouragement (so you
can re-watch each time you feel demoralized) and two, to show prospects who have similar profile
as them. Not all will say yes which is ok. This is why you got to meet 20-30 top clients to extract at
least 5-10 videos.
7. Once you finish recording, thank them. And then proceed to ask them how you can do even better.
Take notes and start working on them.

8. Since they are waxing lyrical about you, take this opportunity to also ask them who they know who
will also benefit from working with you. And then get them to forward the video you just took to
your client and get your friend to share this video on WhatsApp/line/WeChat/telegram or on social
media like Facebook or Instagram.

9. If your client has LinkedIn, also get them to send you a recommendation with what they have just
shared. Make it easy for them by transcribing for them.

10. This sales idea kills two birds with one stone. It gives you an excuse to stay in touch with your
clients and solicit referrals naturally. It also allows you to create powerful sales tools that will help
you speed up the buying process and double your closing ratio.

NOTE: This sales idea work. Period. I have many mentees who have done it. It’s your turn. And when you
succeeded, let me know so I can rejoice with you!
Fact tells but story sells.

This is why stories are powerful sales tools to help you influence buy-in and motivate urgent action.
One type of stories that will work for salespeople are “success stories”. They are essentially case
studies of how your products or services have successfully help your customers achieve the
business/personal outcomes your prospects aspire.

Here are the questions to answer that will help you construct your case study.

SITUATION: What was the challenge that your customer was facing before he met you?
And why did he face the challenge?

PROPOSITION: So what did you propose to help your customer overcome the challenge?
And why did you propose this solution?
RESPONSE: How did your customer respond to your solution? Was he receptive? Were there any
objections? How did you address them?

RESULTS: What happen after your customer took your advice? What results have you created for
your customer? How did he feel right now?

CONSEQUENCE: What would happen if your customer had not make that decision?

You can tell these stories at events with potential customers. The best chance to tell them is when
they ask you, “how was your day/week/month?” and you can start by saying, “Fantastic because I
manage to help this customer… (tell story)”

And then “Do you have the same challenge?” If yes, secure sale sappointment
If no, ask “What challenge are you facing right now?”

Or you can post your story online in the form of a written post or a video post and then message those
who LIKE your post. Same script as the one I shared in Creative Sales Idea #2.
I recently closed a six figure corporate training deal that came out of a random text to an old client of
mine. He engaged me three years ago and then moved to a new organization. Then one Sunday
morning, I text him out of the blue: “How are you?” We started chatting and then the next thing you
know, he invited me to his office. The rest is history.

You may say I am just plain lucky. Perhaps I am. But the probability of winning a deal is exponentially
higher than striking the lottery so please give this a try.

Pick ten prospects who rejected you and/or ten customers whom you have lost touch with.

Give them a text. Check in with them. And see how it goes. In today’s highly competitive business
world, the battle is no longer fought in the wallets. The battle is fought in the mind. Win their attention
and you will have a fighting chance to win the sale.
This sales idea comes in the form of a question: “What is ONE thing you can do in your future sales
appointments that will positively surprise your prospect so much so that he or she will talk about you
to their friends?”

Possible ideas:
1. You share with them a valuable insight that they were initially clueless about
2. You taught them something useful
3. You answered their burning question
4. You have a unique approach to helping your prospect
5. You tell a funny or interesting story relating to what you sell
6. You bought them something that help them remember you
7. You introduce someone of value to them

The key here is to DO SOMETHING UNEXPECTED YET VALUABLE to the prospect so that they will
talk about you positively to all their friends (and anyone they meet that day or even that week!)
Identify five people who serve the same market as you. For example, if you serve the business owners

Possible people who will also serve the business owners market will be service professionals like
accounting firm, lawyers, marketing consultants etc.

They are your allies.

Ask them out and explore potential collaborations since both of you are also dealing with the same

If you do not have five, go back to your contact list again and find out who will be able to link you
potential allies. And then do the same.

The end goal is to build a strategic network of allies (start with 5 and scale up) who will supply you with a
stream of referrals and recommendations in the last quarter and beyond.
Not every one will buy from you immediately. But just because a prospect says no to you now, doesn’t
mean he or she will say no to you forever. Question is, do you have a process to stay in touch with all
your prospects who said no to you (let’s call them pre-customers)?

I suggest creating a broadcast list for all your pre-customers. Or put them into a mailing list. If they are
active on social media, add them there too. Bottom line is to keep in touch. And while you are at it,
add value to them. (see next slide for ideas on how you can add value to them!)

Not only will doing this make you stand out from your competition, you are also activating reciprocity
– which means in time to come, they will return the favor by engaging you!

When they thank you, reply them: “The best way to thank me is to give me 30 minutes of your time
so I can help you in the area of my expertise!”
1. Provide valuable insights 5. Support their personal goals

2. Build authentic connections 6. Champion their causes

3. Introduce people of value to them 7. Be their PR agent

4. Contribute revenue to their business 8. Offer exceptional service

We don’t grow from experiences. We grow from REFLECTING on our experiences.
The reason why we have problem REPEATING OUR SALES SUCCESS is because
we don’t reflect on every sales appointment we make.

Here’s a habit I like you to start developing. After each appointment, whether you manage
to close the deal or not, reflect on the following questions.

1. What happen (report facts!)

2. What did you do RIGHT that led to a sale? (continue doing it for future appointments!)
• Is it what you say/didn’t say
• Is it because of a question you ask or a story you tell
• Is it of something you showed the prospect

3. What could you do BETTER in your next appointment? (make improvements in your future appointments!)
OK first the context. The more people you meet the luckier you get. Period. So in the last three
months, make sure you are in constant interaction with people that you want to sell to. Go to an event
(be it a learning event, a social event, a fun event). Invite your customers to go with you. Ask them to
bring their friends along. Have a good time. Establish common ground, the more the better.
And then when you sense rapport (comfort) and the person genuinely likes you, pop the question:

”Hey (name), out of curiosity, do you have someone taking care of you right now in
(the area of expertise)?”

And depending on how the person respond to you, see next page on the script to use to help you
secure a sales appointment!
“Do you have (EXPERT) That
is taking care of you right now?”
Bad experience
Cos’ you
haven’t met Why not? How’s your experience?
me yet! J I can do it Good! Bad!

If what you know How can it Tell me

for sure isn’t true, be better? more!
when will you want
to know? Why is that Why is that
important to you? important to you?
I can help! J I can help! J
(1) On the scale of 1-5, how interested are you purchase this product/service?
(After they give you a number) Ask them: “Why did you not give me a lower number?”
This will prime them to talk about what they like about your product/service.
Then follow up with: “How can I take you to a 5?”

(2) What can I do to get you to (sign up/buy this product/engage me) today?

(3) Do you have any other questions or are you are ready to move forward with me?

(4) If everything sounds good to you, we can proceed with the paperwork to get you started!

(5) In response to “I will think about it”: “Great! Since I am here, let me help you with that.” or “What
aspects of this offer/proposal are you thinking about?”
There is a lot of satisfaction in completing a journey. This is why many of us are addicted to games
because games take us through a journey of zero to hero. Take Pokémon Go for example. We start with
zero pocket monsters and zero XP. But as we play, we will slowly acquire more powerful monsters and
gain XP along the way. Progress excites us and keep us addicted to the game.

So likewise, if you want your customers to be addicted to you, you got to gamify their journey with
you. Show them where they are right now (X) and show them where they can get to with your help (Y).
In between, identify the milestones.

Take a piece of paper right now and mark X on the left and Y on the right. X represents the starting
point of your customer with respect to your expertise (money in the bank, weight, health level, #fans).
Do quantify a number too. On the right, mark the ideal end point of your customer and also quantify
the number. And then in between, identify 5-7 milestones that your customer will need to hit in order
to achieve the ideal end point. The more the merrier.
In my case, x = o fans; y = 100K fans
And in between there are four key
milestones. And within each
milestone, I have 3-5 checkboxes that
indicate actions to take with me.

Create a similar roadmap like this for

your customers using PPT.

And then indicate where each of your

customer is as of now. When they see
the GAP, this will trigger URGENCY to
meet you to complete the gap. Give it
a try and talk to me if you need
clarification. This has HUGE potential
to get you repeated sales! J
Well known for his bestselling book Unlock Your Personal Charisma®,
which details the strong correlation between sales success and one’s
charisma, Eric has been invited to all over the world most recently USA,
Budapest and Prague to speak, train and coach on the future of selling.

His content is most popular among the B2C industries such as financial
service, real estate and direct marketing. Till date, he has addressed
over 150,000 sales professionals in his decade of speaking.

What consumes Eric every day is the desire to raise the standards of
professional selling and to help salespeople become highly sought after
by their customers.

Recently, Eric was also conferred the prestigious title “Certified

Speaking Professional” (CSP). This title is given to the top 12% of the
global speakers fraternity for their ethics and excellence. As of 2019,
Eric is the youngest Singaporean to be conferred Certified Speaking
Get connected with Eric!
/UpcloseWithEric More sales ideas here!
Thethe more you learn
more you earn!

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