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=== WordPress Coupon Plugin - WP Coupons and Deals ===

Contributors: imtiazrayhan, mohmedelwany, wpcdplugin, ultimateblocks, wpleaders1,

Tags: coupon, coupons, deal, deals, affiliate, affiliate marketing
Requires at least: 4.6
Tested up to: 5.2
Stable tag: 2.8.5
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Best WordPress Coupon Plugin. Generate more affiliate sales with coupon codes and

=== Description ===

**Best WordPress Coupon plugin to promote affiliate coupon and deals on your
WordPress site. Present Coupons and Deals the right way. Protect affiliate sales
and generate more revenue.**

[__Live Demo__](

== Key Features ==
* Very lightweight, loads fast.
* Responsive and attractive shortcode.
* Live Preview of the coupon as you create it.
* Insert shortcode directly from the post editor.
* Click to copy functionality.
* Voting System for individual coupons.
* Social Share Buttons for individual coupons.
* Widget to show coupons and deals on widget areas.
* Easy to use settings.
* Coupon categories to categorize your coupons.
* Expiration system to show coupon expiration.
* Stylesheets and scripts are loaded conditionally for better performance.

**[UPDATE] From version 2.8.0 - we have AMP support for all coupon shortcodes.**

== Pro Features ==
* Hide Coupons.
* Coupon expiration countdown.
* Coupon Templates.
* Show Specific Coupons.
* Show Coupons of specific Category.
* Show Coupons of specific Vendor.
* Coupons Archive Page.

**You can upgrade to Pro Version from your dashboard.** [__More Info and Demo of
Pro Version__](

Here's a video to quickly show you how the plugin works.


WP Coupons and Deals is a Coupon plugin that lets you add coupons, deals to your
posts, pages with a simple and beautiful shortcode.

You can also show coupons and deals on your sidebar or other widget areas using an
You can create three types of coupon.

* Coupon
* Deal
* Image

The coupon shortcode comes with the functionality to **click to copy coupon**. That
means when users click on the coupon code, the coupon code will be copied to

When coupon is copied, a link is opened in a new tab. You can use your affiliate
link here. So when users copy the coupon code, your affiliate link is opened in a
new tab.
This way you can generate more sales from your coupon codes.

Deal shortcode looks the same as the coupon type. Only difference is instead of
coupon code, a button is showed which can say anything you want, like - 'Get This
Deal', 'Claim This Deal'.

Also, when users click on this button, nothing is copied. Only your link opens in a
new tab.

With both the coupon types, a discount amount/text is shown on the left, so users
immediately know what the coupon code/deal is about. Below the discount amount/text
coupon type is shown i.e whether it is a coupon code or a deal.

Both coupon code/deal button shows a little tooltip text to make it more
attractive. You can set what text is showed here.

Expiration date or text is shown on the right below the coupon code/deal button. If
coupon/deal is expired, an expired message is shown. You can show your own text
If any coupon/deal doesn't expire, another text is shown. You can customize that

You can customize the date format of the expiration date. Make sure you update
expiration date of your old coupons, otherwise the previous date format will be

Now you can also show only the coupon code instead of the full coupon with details.
You can select the shortcode type from the shortcode inserter.

Image coupons are just images. You can upload image of a coupon and give users the
option to print the coupon.

== How To Use ==

After you have installed the plugin, you can see 'Coupons' with a little scissor on
your admin dashboard menu.
Under that section, there are four items - Coupons, Add New Coupon, Coupon
Categories, Settings.

1. Coupons shows the list of all coupons you have added. The list shows options
like Coupon type, Coupon Code, Description, Link, Category, Shortcode, Expires.
2. Add New Coupon is where you'll add new coupons.
3. Coupon Categories shows the categories, You can also create categories here.
4. Settings contains some general settings you can set.
After you have added a new coupon, you have to insert a shortcode in your posts to
show the coupon. You can find the shortcode from the coupons list page. You can
copy from there and paste on post editor.
The easiest way is to insert the shortcode from the post editor. When you're on the
post editor, you can see an 'Add Coupon' button beside the Add Media button.

Click on that, an window pops up. A list of all your added coupon is showed. There
select the coupon code you want to insert and choose the shortcode type. Then click
on 'Insert Coupon Shortcode' button.
Shortcode will be inserted on your post with corresponding ID. Now save your post
and you can see your shortcode on your post.

You're done!

**Note: We use [__Freemius__]( to collect some basic data

about your usage to improve the plugin. We only collect if you allow us to. You can
opt out any time to stop sharing your data with us.**

## Join Us To Get Updates and Resources

* [Visit WP Coupons and Deals Website](
* [Follow Us on Twitter](
* [Join Our Facebook Group](

== Installation ==

This is one way you can install and use the plugin:

1. Install WP Coupons and Deals plugin either via the plugin
repository or by uploading the files to your server.
2. Activate WP Coupons and Deals plugin.
3. Go to 'Coupons' menu item and add, manage your coupons.
4. Want more features? Check out the Pro version.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Who should use WP Coupons and Deals? =

If you are a blogger or affiliate marketer promoting coupon codes and deals on your
WordPress website then WP Coupons and Deals is perfect for you. This is not for you
if you are trying to automatically generate coupon codes for your users to use on

= Do I need to have coding skills to use WP Coupons and Deals? =

Absolutely not. You can create and manage coupons without any coding knowledge. WP
Coupons and Deals is very beginner friendly. If you do get stuck with anything,
[__check our knowledgebase__](

= Coupon is not showing properly. What should I do? =

You can try clearing your cache.

= Click to Copy is not Working. What should I do?

Most of the times, it can be an issue if you use plugins or other tools to combine
and minify JavaScript files. If you face this issue of click to copy not working,
please turn off combining and minifying for the time being and check if that's what
causing the issues.
= Why there is no expiration message showing? =
Most probably you didn't choose to show it when you created the coupon. If you
chose to show expiration and left the date field blank, 'Doesn't Expire' message is
shown instead.

= I am looking for a feature, that's not in the plugin. What can I do? =
You can [__submit a feature request__](
feature-request/). We will try our best to work on your ideas.

== Screenshots ==
1. Example Shortcode output.
2. Widget Output.
3. Adding a new Coupon Category.
4. Adding a New Coupon Code.
5. Adding a New Deal.
6. Adding expiration dates.
7. Coupons list with information.
8. Adding coupon from post editor.
9. Inserting the Coupon Shortcode.
10. Shortcode in Post.
11. Adding the widget.

== Changelog ==

= 2.8.4 =

Release Date: July 2nd, 2019

* FIX: Deprecation Error.

* UPDATE: Freemius SDK to 2.3.0.

Full changelog can be found here - **[WP Coupons and Deals changelog]

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