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Classroom Environment Philosophy Ellie Williamson

In my ninth and tenth grade level English classroom, I will create an environment that
encourages discovery learning and growth by encouraging respect, openness, and problem
solving mindsets. I want my students to feel free to learn, express, and to even struggle.
Disruptive behavior and lack of being able to keep up with course material will be met with
mediation, sitting down with the students and discussing behavior in a problem-solution structure
instead of as a form of punishment, and creative solutions designed to help and empower. My
classroom plans have been influenced first by Genva Gay (2002), who influenced my
philosophies about producing an environment where students can reflect and discuss their
cultural backgrounds on their own terms and in their own way. Based on this theory, my
classroom plans will strive to focus on topics all students can connect to their lives in some way.
If not actual experiences then themes and impact, always allowing students to tie what they have
learned into everyday life (113). But also by C. A. Thomlinson (2015), who influenced my desire
to create a learner-based classroom community centered around connection and comfortability
among the students. Those who feel comfortable in their environment and that they are free to
express themselves fully grasp a higher level of understanding a knowledge (p. 206). As an
educator, I am truly inspired by these theories because I have experienced first hand the impact
personal experiences and backgrounds have on creative a diverse and effective learning
environment and career. I believe that school should not be a place separate from the culture and
environment outside of its walls, but a place where those experiences and cultures come together
to build a deeper, more meaningful education. And lastly, by L.M. Brown who emphasised
focusing on the students as individuals and encouraging positivity. Students should never be
viewed as all the same or needing the same resources and attention. Every student is different
and unique. In my classroom, there will be no disabilities or setbacks, instead there are only
experiences or situations that help us learn. Students need to view others that way and understand
the difference between positive behavior and actions that harm others (2004).

I believe that students deserve to be empowered.

I plan to use my subject, English, to give students a voice. I want them to feel safe and
valued, like they have an important place in their school, community, and world. My classroom
and content will include language and literary diversity, showing students the value in sharing
their unique voice that honors their background and story. For example, starting out the year with
an “About me” project that allows students to choose their own structure and form of writing to
introduce themselves, and then continue to have such open assignments throughout class. I
believe one of the most empowering opportunities in an English classroom is the opportunity to
use their own voice in the way they choose. Returning to L.M. Brown’s theory, students deserve
to be treated as individuals and met with a positive attitude (2004). In my educational
experience, I felt most empowered when a teacher took the time to pay attention to my
educational needs and encourage me to discover the tools to reach success. I will consistently
support my students in discovering their unique path to success with positivity and creativity.

I believe that education is about connection to real life experiences.

Classroom Environment Philosophy Ellie Williamson

I believe that education is not about depositing information into a student's mind, it’s
about teaching them how to use what they have learned to navigate life and human experiences.
And as a teacher, it is my job to provide them with that information and guiding them, to have an
open door to provide help and guidance. For example, many works of literature contain themes
that relate to human experience throughout all of time. Students can relate to those themes even
in high school. Books such as “A Lesson Before Dying” by ​Ernest J. Gaines​ and “Night” by Elie
Wiesel contain themes of acceptance and perseverance. These books can open discussions about
situations in the student’s lives when they have needed to preserve in the face of adversity, and
when they have had to look past differences to accept others. As mentioned, G. Gay’s theory
supports this belief as it builds pedogogical bridges between learned and prior knowledge (2002).
Students understand basic human emotions and how that influences actions. That prior
knowledge of humanity and how it functions is something they see in their everyday lives.

I believe that students deserve to receive an education that meets their learning
I plan to meet students where they're at in terms of providing them with the tools they
need to learn effectively. Some students learn best through hands-on activities or through
collaboration with others. In my classroom, there will be options on how to complete the same
assignment, allowing students to have control over absorbing the information, all leading to the
same result, true understanding of the content. For example, students may choose to display their
knowledge and comprehension of a piece of literature or writing style by writing a poem, essay,
rap, presentation, or even producing a painting or drawing. I would like to give students the
opportunity to pursue and interest or passion while still displaying their knowledge and
understanding in a meaningful and comprehensive way.

I believe students deserve a place that feels like home.

I believe that there are many students in the public school system that use school as an
escape from their home lives, or from other stressors. School should be a safe place, but often,
there are just as many stressors in school as there are in other parts of life. I want my classroom
to be a place where students feel safe. This philosophy was inspired by C.A. Thomlinson’s
theory of a community based classroom where students and teachers work together to support
and uphold that community. A place where they can choose not to discuss these problems and a
place where they discuss them safely. I will implement a “Safe Place” philosophy; This means
that unless a student shares information that implies they or another student are in danger,
personal information shared in the classroom stays there. Students are encouraged but not forced
to connect their own experiences to class discussion and appreciate what other students share.

My students will never truly leave my classroom.

I believe that the best teachers​ ​are always there for their students, even after they are no longer
enrolled in their class. Students deserve to know that a teacher will always have their back and
won’t give up on them when the school year or semester is over. A great teacher’s door is always
open to all students. Just letting students know every once in a while that you’re there for them
Classroom Environment Philosophy Ellie Williamson

always, whether they are on your roster or not, goes a very long way. Telling them that you’re
available to talk, have open lunch, even review and edit their essays for other classes is very
valuable to students.

Parent/Guardian Letter
Hello Families!

Welcome to 9th and 10th grade English. I am so excited about this semester and for the
opportunity to work with your students and watch all of them grow academically and personally.
This semester will be filled with reading novels, writing, class discussion, and
opportunities to witness the power of English and literature in everyday life. We will be practicing
close reading and critical analysis to enhance reading comprehension and dive deeper into
understanding writing and literature. In order to stay on track, there will be consistent homework
that students will be expected to complete before class in order to participate actively in
discussion and in class assignments and move on to the next topic.
My homework policy is as follows:
Homework will often be given in ​advance​, either in the form of a unit packet to be completed
and returned on test day or an assignment that is due by the end of the week. Therefore,
students will be expected to adhere to those deadlines. Late work will not be accepted unless
there is an extenuating circumstance which students are expected to discuss with me prior to
the due date. Students are expected to practice time management skills when completing
homework assignments.
The most important part of our class will be group discussions. Students are encouraged to
actively participate, talk about their own interpretations, and learn from their peers’ perspectives.
From the beginning of this class, one of our goals as a learning team will be to build a
positive and encouraging classroom community and environment. Students are expected to
respect EVERYONE. We are a team working towards the same goal: reaching our full learning
and growth potentials! Below are classroom expectations and consequences for when
expectations are not met.

Classroom expectations:
R​emember how others feel
E​xpect the best from yourself and others
S​eek opportunities to enhance your knowledge
P​ersist through obstacles
E​ngage in listening and participating
C​hoose to set yourself up for success
T​hink before acting

Responses if a student chooses not to follow expectations:

First Consequence- Verbal Warning
Second Consequence- Thinking Time (Student will be asked to sit apart from their
Classroom Environment Philosophy Ellie Williamson

group and work alone)

Third Consequence - Student/Teacher Mediation and Problem Solving
Severity Clause - Office Visit/Mediation (If student chooses to fight or break
multiple expectations)

As a parent, guardian, or family member, you are a crucial part of our learning team! There are
many ways in which you can support your student’s learning from home:
-Ask your student about class and what they learned and discussed.
-Encourage your student to work hard, listen to the thoughts of others, participate, and
most importantly, HAVE FUN!
-You can check your student’s grades and missing assignments using PowerSchool.
-Take a look at the classroom needs on the school website
-If your student has any specific learning needs or strategies, please contact me.

I look forward to all the ways we can work together this semester and make it a positive
experience for all students! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns, my
contact information is below. I will also be starting a Parent/Student Text Remind group to help
everyone stay on track for upcoming due dates.

Thank you so much!

Ms. Ellie Williamson

Parent Letter Translation

Hola familias

Bienvenido a inglés de noveno y décimo grado. Estoy muy entusiasmado con este semestre y
por la oportunidad de trabajar con sus estudiantes y verlos crecer académica y personalmente.
Este semestre estará lleno de novelas de lectura, escritura, discusión en clase y oportunidades
para presenciar el poder del inglés y la literatura en la vida cotidiana. Practicaremos lectura
cercana y análisis crítico para mejorar la comprensión de lectura y profundizar en la
comprensión de la escritura y la literatura. Para mantener el rumbo, habrá tarea consistente
que los estudiantes deberán completar antes de la clase para participar activamente en la
discusión y en las tareas de la clase y pasar al siguiente tema.
Mi política de tarea es la siguiente​:
La tarea a menudo se dará por ​adelantado​, ya sea en forma de un paquete de unidad para
completar y devolver el día del examen o una tarea que debe entregarse al final de la semana.
Por lo tanto, se espera que los estudiantes cumplan con esos plazos. No se aceptarán trabajos
atrasados ​a menos que exista una circunstancia atenuante que se espera que los estudiantes
discutan conmigo antes de la fecha de vencimiento. Se espera que los estudiantes practiquen
habilidades de gestión del tiempo al completar las tareas.
Classroom Environment Philosophy Ellie Williamson

La parte más importante de nuestra clase serán las discusiones grupales. Se alienta a los
estudiantes a participar activamente, hablar sobre sus propias interpretaciones y aprender de
las perspectivas de sus compañeros.
Desde el comienzo de esta clase, uno de nuestros objetivos como equipo de aprendizaje será
construir una comunidad y un ambiente de aula positivos y alentadores. Se espera que los
estudiantes respeten a TODOS. Somos un equipo que trabaja para alcanzar el mismo objetivo:
¡alcanzar nuestros potenciales de aprendizaje y crecimiento! A continuación se presentan las
expectativas y las consecuencias del aula cuando no se cumplen las expectativas.

Expectativas del aula​:

Recuerda cómo se sienten los demás
Espere lo mejor de usted y de los demás.
Busque oportunidades para mejorar su conocimiento
Persistir a través de obstáculos
Participar en escuchar y participar
Elige prepararte para el éxito
Piensa antes de actuar

Respuestas si un estudiante elige no seguir las expectativas:

Primera consecuencia: advertencia verbal
Segunda consecuencia: tiempo de reflexión (se le pedirá al estudiante que se siente aparte de
grupo y trabajo solo)
Tercera consecuencia: mediación estudiante / docente y resolución de problemas
Cláusula de gravedad: visita al consultorio / mediación (si el estudiante elige luchar o romper
múltiples expectativas)

Como padre, tutor o miembro de la familia, ¡usted es una parte crucial de nuestro equipo de
aprendizaje! Hay muchas maneras en que puede apoyar el aprendizaje de su hijo desde casa:
-Pregunte a su estudiante sobre la clase y lo que aprendieron y discutieron.
-Anime a su estudiante a trabajar duro, escuchar los pensamientos de los demás, participar y
lo más importante, diviértete!
-Puede verificar las calificaciones de su estudiante y las tareas que faltan usando PowerSchool.
-Echa un vistazo a las necesidades del aula en el sitio web de la escuela
-Si su estudiante tiene necesidades o estrategias de aprendizaje específicas, comuníquese

¡Espero con ansias todas las formas en que podemos trabajar juntos este semestre y
convertirlo en una experiencia positiva para todos los estudiantes! No dude en ponerse en
contacto conmigo si tiene alguna inquietud, mi información de contacto está a continuación.
También comenzaré un grupo de Recordatorio de Texto para Padres / Estudiantes para ayudar
a todos a mantenerse en el camino de las próximas fechas de vencimiento.
Classroom Environment Philosophy Ellie Williamson

Muchas gracias!
Ms. Ellie Williamson

Overall, my classroom philosophy and structure is built on discovery learning and growth
by encouraging respect, openness, and problem solving mindsets. I want my students to feel free
to learn, express, and to even struggle. My classroom will be a safe space where students can
discover English language and literature while exploring their own unique experiences and
backgrounds. The success of my classroom will depend on a community learning style that
focuses on problem solving and ways to reach success. Disruptive behavior and falling behind
the schedule of course material will be met with mediation, sitting down with the students and
discussing behavior in a problem-solution structure instead of as a form of punishment, and
creative solutions designed to help and empower. Throughout our learning experience in which
we discover reading literature and informational text, crafting a work of unique writing in
different styles, and mastering standard English conventions, we will be constantly making
connections between content and personal experiences and real world applications. This plan
will guide my policies and actions in the classroom and will serve as a personal standard to
which I will hold myself.
While my ideals and beliefs surrounding effective education have drastically changed
throughout the course of this class, I have formulated stronger backing using the theories
discussed in this course. I have learned further application strategies and gained a deeper
understanding of how to implement these beliefs effectively in my classroom. Over the course of
this semester, I have become more confident in forming a clear picture of how I will conduct my
classroom and uphold these standards I have set for myself. I am confident in my ability to use
these standards in the years to come as I prepare to become a professional educator.

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