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Temporal and Spatial Changes in Social Vulnerability to Natural Hazards

Author(s): Susan L. Cutter and Christina Finch

Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
Vol. 105, No. 7 (Feb. 19, 2008), pp. 2301-2306
Published by: National Academy of Sciences
Stable URL:
Accessed: 24-11-2016 04:21 UTC

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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

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Temporal and spatial changes i
to natural hazards
Susan L. Cutter* and Christina Finch
Hazards and Vulnerability Research Institute, Department of Geography, University of Sout

Edited by B. L. Turner II, Clark University, Worcester, MA, and approved December 21, 200

During the past four decades (1960-2000), the United

(elderly and children), States
migration, and hou
experienced major transformations in population
owner). For example, size, develop
the literature has ci
ment patterns, economic conditions, and social
the elderly are characteristics.
more vulnerable in the event
limitations changes
These social, economic, and built-environment that influence their inability
altered the
American hazardscape in profound ways, with
comply with more people evacuation
mandatory living order
in high-hazard areas than ever before.
logical To improve
stress emergency
that impairs recovery and in
management, it is important to recognize
additional the variability
social services; in the
declining cognit
vulnerable populations exposed to hazards
hazard and to develop
information place
necessitating specially
based emergency plans accordingly. The concept
nication of social
or warning vulnerand fewer
ability identifies sensitive populations
repairthat may be
damaged less likely
homes, to
especially by elder
respond to, cope with, and recover from a (15-18).
incomes natural disaster.
Thus, the Social
greater the pro
vulnerability is complex and dynamic, changing
a community, the over
morespace and
vulnerable it is and
through time. This paper presents for
empirical evidence on
the community tothe spatial
fully recover from t
and temporal patterns in social vulnerability
There have in been
the United States
some notable attempts
from 1960 to the present. Using ability.
as ourare
study unit,
many we
found that those components that consistently
indicator studies increased so
that incorporate social c
cial vulnerability for all time periods werenumbers
population density and
distributions as a
race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic population
status. The spatial patterning
exposures to a of
variety of h
social vulnerability, although initially
Otherconcentrated in certain geo
studies incorporating vulnerability
graphic regions, has become more dispersed over time. systems
human-environmental The na at differe
tional trend shows a steady reduction in social
scales: withinvulnerability, but watersheds
India (26), U.S.
there is considerable regional variability, with
counties (28), many
and the counties
Yaqui Valley, Mexic
increasing in social vulnerability during the pastmetrics
vulnerability five decades.
on human-environ
subcounty enumeration units within the
disasters I inequality town County, SC (30); Revere, MA (31); a
VA (32). Methodological difficulties, da
issues, have
A lthough significant advancements and conceptual
been made shortcomings
in sus with
science limit
J tainability and vulnerability science, the development
especially the concep of consiste
tualization and representation of vulnerability to natural hazards.
the human
environment system (1-6), nuanced differences in the definition
of vulnerability between the risk-hazards and human
environmental research communities remain.
The shortcomings noted above led toThe primary
the development of the Social ap
plication arena also distinguishes these
Vulnerability two
Index or SoVI (33). The communities.
SoVI provides a county-level
Human-environmental vulnerability
comparative research relates
metric of social vulnerability to naturalto large
hazards based
scale global environmental processes, especially
on the underlying socioeconomic and climate change
demographic profile.
and its local to global impacts (7, 8). Findings from natural
hazards and disasters research onConsistency
vulnerability and
of Principal Components. resilience
The percentage of the vari are I

incorporated into emergency management and hazards
ation among U.S. counties explained by the SoVI variesmitiga
tion (9-12). Despite differences between
73% to 78% (Table 1). The the
number two research
of components changes z _3
communities, both acknowledge that slightly from the decadecomposition
to decade, ranging from 9of to 12 vulner
(Table 1). _ U

In all decades, the dominant
ability is driven by exposure, sensitivity, and response component was socioeconomic(carrying
-i U
capacity or resilience), and it requires
status. The remaining measurements
underlying dimensions of social ofvulnera both
environmental and social systems, bilitythe remain consistent during
latter being the decades
less asprevalent
well. These LU
in the literature. This paper adds to the
components, broadly paucity
described as the level ofof empirical
development of
literature on the vulnerability of the built social
environment, systems
age, race/ethnicity, through
and gender, account an
examination of the historical variability in natural-hazard
for nearly half of the variability in social vulnerability among U.S. vul a<Ln
counties (Table 1).
nerability, or social vulnerability. . "
Social vulnerability is a measure Aof number bothof unique the sensitivity
components appear only in a of single a
population to natural hazards and decade.its ability
Suburbanization (number toof respond
building permits) assumed to and
recover from the impacts of hazards. It is a multidimensional
construct, one not easily captured with a single variable. There
is ample field-based evidence for Authorunderstanding
contributions: S.L.C. designed research; S.L.C. the character
performed research; S.L.C. and C.F.

istics of people and social groups analyzed

that data; and S.L.C. and C.F. wrote the paper.
make them more sensitive
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
to the effects of natural hazards and reduce their ability to
adequately respond and recover This (13, 14).
article is a PNAS Race/ethnicity, socio
Direct Submission.

economic class, and gender are among

*To whom correspondence should the
be addressed. most common
characteristics that define vulnerable populations,
? 2008 by The National along with age
Academy of Sciences of the USA 0.1 073/pnas.0710375105 PNAS I February 19, 2008 | vol. 105 | no. 7 | 2301-2306

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Table 1. Construction of the SoVI 1960-2000
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
% variance 72.7 73.2 77.5 77.9 78.1
No. of components 9 11 12 12 11
Major components Socioeconomic Socioeconomic Socioeconomic Socioeconomic Socioeconomic
(% variance status (18.4) status (15.3) status (13.9) status (13.3) status (14.7)
Development (12.5) Age (1 1.2) Development (13.4) Age (1 1.8) Age (13.2)
Age (8.6) Rural (8.0) Age (10.3) Development (8.9) Development (13.1)
Age (elderly) Employment Race & gender (8.8) Rural Rural
(7.3) & gender (7.2) (8.9)
Employment & Development Gender Race & gender Race & gender (8.2)
gender (6.9) (7.6) (6.4) (6.9)
*The naming conventions for the components and representative variables i
high school education, per capita income, median house value); Age (med
Development (commercial establishments, manufacturing establishments, ho
(% employed in agriculture, mining, fishing, orforestry; % rural farm popu
Americans, % Hispanic); Gender (% female, % female-headed househo
transportation, communications, and other public utilities; % employed in s

importance in 1970. By 1980,tremes,

gender, high vulnerability
specifically (51
high percen
ages of women in rural areas, emerges as a (636 counties
separate or
and extreme wealth and civic engagement
SoVI, there were (percent votin
fewer signif
became important as well.vulnerability
In 1990, the economic
(355 countiesvalue
or 11
industries and value of property or 19.3%).
surfaces as a driving force o
social vulnerability. In the 2000
For SoVI,
1980, aspects
the extremes of immigratio
in social
(foreign-born residents) assumed
distinct more importance
spatial patterns. as For
a uniq
component, as did the economic vulnerability
dependence remained
of counties. along t
Native American lands in the Sou
Mapping Social Vulnerability. To Mississippi
illustrate Valley, and
the geographic patter in
in the county SoVI scores, bution
we classified
of least the visualization
vulnerable counti
mapped scores using standard shift,
deviationsshowing from the mean for in
concentrations e
decade. Because our primary Basin
focusarea is on the1).
(Fig. extremes
A vestige ofof th l
distribution, we define social remained
high and low along the eastern
vulnerability as th f
counties with SoVI scores greater than and
two North
from the mean (high vulnerability ? +2reached
SD; low its low point
-2 SD). To determine the patterns ofwith only 293
similarity and counties
dissimilari (9.
in the clustering of social vulnerability,
cluster and we 344examined the spat
counties (11.2%) i
By 1990,
autocorrelation among the counties. For thethislower Mississippi
analysis, only th
counties in the conterminous Valley,
United andStatesthewereGreat Plains
used (Alask co
and Hawaii were deleted because of their lack
vulnerability. Most ofofspatial
Alaska cont
guity). We used the GeoDa but software
Hawaiian to counties
calculate the spat
improve to
statistics (34). The global spatial
There statistics
is an increasemeasure in thespatial
numbe de
pendence based on simultaneous vulnerablemeasurements
category, and from man
a decre
locations (35). The local indicator
this same of classification.
spatial autocorrelatioThe over
(LISA or the Local Moran's I) level
captures(Moran'sthe local variability
I = 0.38), but ther (3
and identified clusters similarity
the local clusters (high of and low
high soci
vulnerability). and low vulnerability (448 coun
Fig. 1 shows the geographic pattern ofthe social2000 SoVI shows
vulnerability fo
each decade. In 1960, the most socially
social vulnerable
vulnerability counties a
nationally, a
concentrated in the Southwest, north-central
social vulnerability Great
remainPlains,in than
lower Mississippi Valley, andthe in Florida
Deep South, and Hawaii.
the upper TheGrealeas
vulnerable counties in 1960 areCalifornia
in New England, (Fig. 1). theThe patter
upper Gr
Lakes, the Pacific Northwest,appears
and Alaska. concentrated
For 1970,in thethe Roc
of high social vulnerability inwasthe little
Southwestchange in the
shrank, andsignif
a n
area emerged along the U.S.-Mexico border from the previous
regions of Texas
The lower Mississippi Valley there andwas thea Uppernoticeable Great Plain
retained their placement in clusters
the highlocally vulnerability
for those category
Interestingly, the pattern of ties
low or social
and low-vulnerabil showe
regional shifts, with many of 11.1%).
the 1960 What this finding
counties moving suggesinto t
moderate or average range. There
of social wasvulnerability
strong spatial is clusteri
in both the 1960 SoVI (Moran's regions I =over0.49) and (Table
time the 1970 2). So
(Moran's I = 0.51) (Table 2). Three
The 1960 counties decade showed
appeared among the
greatest number of significantly in each
clustered decade:
counties at King
the e

2302 | Cutter and Finch

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I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~R

| m~~~O - -~~~~

- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4
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z _3
_ U

-i U

Standard Deviations from the Mean _ < -2 _ -1 --2 -1< Mean < I I - 2 _ > 2 LU

Least Vulnerable Most Vulnerable

Fig. 1. SocialI vulInera bilIity 1960 -201 0.
. "

Shannon (SD). In fact, New York wasPlaces,

Local the most
Local vulnerable
Changes. Although it is
county for all decades. The components most
national frequently
pattern assoin social vulner
and trends
analyses provide
ciated with areas of high social vulnerability are urban andevelop
understanding of
ment, race and ethnicity, and low socioeconomic
experiencing status.
significant In
changes in their s
show how
comparison, only five counties appeared in thesuch changes
least might influence
category for three decades: Gilpin, ness and Pitkin,
Hinsdale, response andinSummit
the future. For ex
(CO), and Teton (WY). Characteristics associated
vulnerability with least
of County A increased, dec
vulnerable counties are affluence, a relatively
tively the same homogenous
historically? More import
population (White), and a youthful this historical
population trend,
(older thanwhat
5 andlevel of social v
younger than 65 years of age). expected in County A in 2010?

Cutter and Finch PNAS I February 19, 2008 | vol. 105 | no. 7 | 2303

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Table 2. Spatial clustering statistics and LISA cluster categories, 1960-2000
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Global Moran's * 0.495 0.507 0.323 0.377 0.367
LISA cluster categories Count % of total Count % of
Significant local spatial clusters
High vulnerability (high-high) 517 16.7 355 11.4 293 9.4 344 11.1 239 7.7
Low vulnerability (low-low) 636 20.5 597 19.2 344 11.1 448 14.4 342 11.0
County spatial outliers
Low-high 25 0.8 36 1.2 55 1.8 56 1.8 60 1.9
High-low 42 1.3 46 1.5 70 2.2 60 1.9 58 1.9
No statistically significant spatial cluste
Counties 1,880 60.7 2,073 66.7 2,347 75.5 2,203 70.8 2,410 77.5
Total 3,100 100.0 3,107 100.0 3,109 100.0 3,111 100.0 3,109 100.0
*The Moran's i statistic is interpreted as follows: a value close to + 1 represents strong similar
of -1 indicates dissimilarity; while a value of zero represents a random pattern.

Consider Orange
To answer these questions, the individual SoVI County,scoresCA, which forwas in eachthe moderate
county for each decade were transformedvulnerability category
to z-scoresin 1960 but by(based
2000 was among onthe most
the national mean score per decade) socially
to vulnerable
ensure in the nation. Orange County experienced
over time for each individual county. significant
using growth because of itslinear
a simple proximity to Los
Angeles, Long Beach,
regression, a line of best fit was calculated with and Santaeach Ana. Since 1960, the population
transformed SoVI scores from 1960 of Orange
to 2000. County, CA, The increased by -300%. The
resulting R2population
assessed the strength of the relationship largely the resultthe of an influx
line of of
immigrants that
fit and the decadal SoVI points, whereasresulted inthea moreslope
diverse population,
of the prompted
linemore ofdevelop
best fit assessed directionality. Thus,ment; both factors contribute
a positive to social indicated
slope vulnerability to natural
increasing social vulnerability, andhazards.
a negative slope indicated
decreasing social vulnerability. An F There are also examples
statistic was of countiesto
used experiencing
mine whether the strength of the nomic changes that decreasewas
relationship social vulnerability.
considered In 1960, Teton
County, WY, Pitkinlevel.
statistically significant at a 0.01 significance County, CO, and Mono County, CA, were
rural counties with small
There were 484 counties that had statistically populations and were
significant categorized with
trends in their social vulnerability moderate
through levels oftime
based The counties
on the experienced
F dras
statistic; the remaining 2,657 counties tic increases
showedin populationno over statistically
the 40-year time span, ranging
significant linear trend. To determine from
the doubling to quintupling.
direction ofPitkin
the County's
trend,population in
these counties were classified by using creasedtheby -525%,
slope Tetonbreaking
County's increased pointsby 496%, and
of 0.5. The breakpoint represents the Monomedian
County's increasedof the by 481%. Instead
line ofof increasing
best the
fit values (range: -1.22 to + 1.40) vulnerability,
for the 484 counties
the population with
growth actually reduced it because
statistically significant trends. Thereof the characteristics
were 46 of in-migrants:
counties whitewith
and wealthy a individ
uals who helped stimulate
significant slope of >0.5, thereby representing an economicwith
counties boom in the antourism
increase in social vulnerability. On thesector,
other the predominant
end of economic
thedriver in the counties.
there were 40 counties with a significant Population growthslope as a single variable tends
< -0.5, demon to increase social
vulnerability. Yet,
strating a decrease in social vulnerability. Theone of remaining
the contributions of the 398 SoVI is that it
counties had a statistically significant us to examine the multidimensionality
between of such
thegrowth by
examining changesthe
SoVI points and the line of best fit; however, in the characteristics
linear slope of the population
was and its
not large enough to suggest an obvious subsequenttemporal
impact on the county's overall vulnerability.
increase or
Population change and population density have a significant Anticipating Future Vulnerability. What might the social vulnera
impact on the temporal trends of social vulnerability. Counties bility of U.S. counties look like in 2010? One the basis of the
increasing in social vulnerability are doing so because of extreme linear trend for each county across the five time stamps (1960,
depopulation or population growth. For example, the depopu 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000), we expect 88 counties in the most
lation of the Great Plains had a direct influence on many vulnerable category, representing 2.8% of the total counties in
components that increase social vulnerability that are evident 2010. We expect that the least vulnerable category will contain
from the mapped patterns (Fig. 1). Consider McIntosh, Towner, 55 counties or 1.8% of the total counties. The projected spatial
and Divide counties in North Dakota. All of these counties pattern of social vulnerability in 2010 is similar to previous
experienced a 49-59% decrease in population from 1960 to decades (Fig. 1). There will be concentrations of high social
2000. As the counties lost younger people, the remaining pop vulnerability along the lower Mississippi River, the Southwest,
ulation aged and eventually became dependent on social services the Texas-Mexico border, and California. However, the most
and government support for their livelihoods. With fewer people, dominant area of high social vulnerability will be located in the
the civilian working force decreased, influencing the economic North Central United States. The counties with increased social
vitality of the county, and led to reduced access to critical vulnerability in 2010 are in North Dakota, South Dakota, and
facilities, such as hospitals and physicians. In 2000, Divide Montana and are associated with Native American Reservations
County's population was 27.6% elderly (65 + years of age) or the depopulation of the Great Plains. As in all other decades,
compared with the U.S. population distribution (12.4% elderly). New York County, NY, will be the most vulnerable county in the
The opposite influence of population change is represented in predicted 2010 SoVI, followed by Kings County, NY, Bronx
the counties that increased in social vulnerability through time. County, NY, and San Francisco County, CA.

2304 | Cutter and Finch

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The least vulnerable counties in 2010 will belosses would bein
located correlated
the with social vulnerability.
mountainous West, especially in Colorado,However,
Nevada,this approach
and assumes
Idaho. that the most socially vulner
able populations
The dominance of Colorado counties (Summit, Pitkin, have Hinsdale,
the most to lose (economically), which is
not the
and San Miguel) as the least vulnerable will case. In correlating property losses with social vulnera
bility, we would expect an inverse relationship (high social
Discussion vulnerability; low dollar losses), yet this assumes that the losses
As the composition of American society changed during the past are evenly distributed throughout the nation, which they are not.
five decades, so too has our social vulnerability to natural Just as there is a spatial pattern of social vulnerability, there is
hazards, as measured by the SoVI. Those most socially vulner a geographic distribution of natural hazard losses, with some
able populations were initially concentrated in the Deep South regions exhibiting more hazard-proneness (e.g., coastal areas,
(race, gender, and socioeconomic status), the Southwest (Native seismic zones, and floodplains) or exposure than others (40, 41).
American lands), and in Florida (elderly), but over time the Third, one could validate SoVI in a postevent situation such as
pattern of social vulnerability to natural hazards in the United Hurricane Katrina, where we could predict the differential
States changed. By 2000, the social vulnerability was greatest in recovery outcomes on the basis of the preexisting social vulner
the lower Mississippi Valley region, in South Texas border lands, ability. This natural experiment is underway and it is too soon to
in California's Central Valley, and in the upper Great Plains. judge, but such an approach could provide for a true validation
Pockets of high social vulnerability remained in the Deep South of the SoVI metric. Finally, once the 2010 Census is completed
and Southwest. and released, we will be able to test how close our projected SoVI
The driving forces behind increased social vulnerability vary was to the actual computation.
between regions and across counties. For example, contributing The identification of socially vulnerable counties and regions and
components in the lower Mississippi Valley counties were race the components contributing to social vulnerability is a critical
and socioeconomic status; along the Texas-Mexico border coun element for emergency preparedness, immediate response, mitiga
ties, it was ethnicity and poverty, whereas in the Great Plains tion planning, and long-term recovery from disasters. As we have
counties, it was a combination of economic dependence and an shown, social vulnerability to natural hazards is dynamic. The
aging population brought on by depopulation. The overall result temporal and spatial changes in social vulnerability based on our
was a distinct geography of social vulnerability to natural hazards historic assessments suggest that for future preparedness, response,
based on the SoVI metric. recovery, and mitigation planning, a one-size-fits-all approach may
Many counties in the United States are experiencing a signif be ineffective in reducing social vulnerability or improving local
icant increase or decrease in social vulnerability, suggesting that resilience to the impacts of hazards. Instead, a more flexible
the county's susceptibility to hazards and their potential ability approach that nests place-specific local variability within the
to recover from them has changed. On the basis of this analysis, broader federal policy guidelines and frameworks is suggested.
46 counties had significant increases in social vulnerability and
40 counties had significant decreases in social vulnerability from Materials and Methods
1960 to 2000. As these counties experience changes over time SoVI. Working from the extant literature on hazard impacts and disaster
attributable to components such as increasing development and response generated by field studies, a broad list of characteristics that influ
diversity, the driving forces contributing to the social vulnera ence social vulnerability was generated (e.g., socioeconomic status, gender,
bility need to be identified in current hazard assessment and and housing tenure) (14). More than 250 variables initially were collected from
mitigation plans to make them more responsive. 1990 U.S. Census sources for all U.S. counties. A number of statistical tests were
The projected social vulnerability in 2010 identified priority areas performed to eliminate correlated variables, resulting in a set of 42 normal
ized (to percentages, per capita, or per square mile) independent variables
that should be addressed now, to improve the resilience of com
(33). A principal components analysis (PCA) was used to further reduce the 42
munities. The SoVI of 2010 projects that high-social-vulnerability
variables into broadly based dimensions of social vulnerability (hereinafter
concentrations will continue along the lower Mississippi River, the referred to as components). To simplify the underlying structure of the
Texas-Mexico border, southern California, the northern Great dimensions and to produce more statistical independence between them, a
Plains, and in the nation's largest metropolitan areas. varimax rotation was used. We used the Kaiser criterion (eigenvalues > 1.00)
Social vulnerability is born from inequality and its social and to generate the total number of components. These procedures reduced the
political consequences (37). In many ways, it mirrors the geog 42 variables to 11 independent components accounting for 76.4% of the
raphy of inequality (38) and poverty (39). Within the context of explainable variance in the data (in the original 1990 case). The SoVI score was
natural hazards, the SoVI helps determine which places may created by summing all of the independent component loadings for each
need specialized attention during immediate response and long record, in this case the county. As noted in the original article, there is no
theoretical justification for assuming the relative importance of one factor
term recovery after a natural hazard event, given the sensitivity
over another in the construction of the index. In the absence of such a
of the populations and the lowered capacity to respond. Al
theoretical basis, the factors were equally weighted to produce the composite
though not as readily apparent in the visualization of SoVI, SoVI score for the decade.
metropolitan counties continue to be among the most socially The SoVI is a unitless, spatial measure, and its importance is in its compar z 3
vulnerable over time driven by components such as development ative value across geographic locations, not its absolute value. We can think VA
density and large diverse populations. In a broader context of of SoVI as an algorithm for quantifying social vulnerability rather than a
social policy, the SoVI has applicability in the identification of simple numerical index that can be ground-truthed with direct observational
counties that are most in need for socially based services data. For interpretive reasons, high social vulnerability is defined as those
health, welfare, housing, education-that would not improve the counties with SoVI scores 2 2 SD from the mean, whereas counties low in social
quality of life of residents but would improve their ability to vulnerability have SoVI scores - 2 SD from the mean.
respond to and recover from disaster events.
Historical Reconstruction of Social Vulnerability. To analyze changes in social
Although there is much exciting work on the development of
vulnerability overtime and across space, the original computation of SoVI was
vulnerability and resilience indices, there are serious obstacles to
rerun for 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000 by using the same variables and
validating such metrics. First, the concepts of vulnerability and methodology. There were many challenges during the reconstruction of SoVI,
resilience are complex, and their meanings are often contested including changes in the spatial enumeration unit and the consistency of
within their respective research communities. Thus, establishing variables throughout time.
viable metrics for measuring vulnerability and resilience and at
the appropriate scale becomes problematic. Second, using nat Spatial Enumeration. The unit of analysis was the county level for the United
ural hazard losses as validation is an oft-suggested approach, States because it was assumed that once established, county boundaries rarely

Cutter and Finch PNAS I February 19, 2008 | vol. 105 | no. 7 | 2305

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change with every decennial U.S. Census. The assumption was not entirely percentage of persons of Hispanic descent, was not always collected as such.
correct because there are significant changes in the county geography of the In 1960, the measure was not available at the county level, and in 1970 it was
United States from 1960 to 2000 that warrant a brief discussion. In 1960, there labeled as the percentage of persons of Spanish heritage. Starting in 1980,
were a total of 3,128 county entities (3,096 counties; 30 independent cities in there was an explicit variable measuring the percent of Hispanic population.
Virginia; Baltimore, MD; and St. Louis, MO). Some of the significant changes In other cases, some variables simply were not collected in the earlier decades
through time include the following: the merger of Washabaugh and Jackson (e.g., in 1960, number of physicians per 100,000) or if collected, they were
counties in South Dakota into a single entity, Jackson County, in 1979; the defined differently (number of physicians changed to number of people used
creation of Cibola County, NM, in 1981 and La Paz County, AZ, in 1982; the as healthcare practitioners and technical occupations in 2000). Therefore, the
creation of Yakutat Borough, AK, in 1992; and the renaming of Dade County, equivalency of the variables over the five decades is limited by the reliance on
FL, to Miami-Dade County in 1999. By 2000, there were 3,142 county units the U.S. Census sources. In rare instances, we had to resort to closely related
(3,097 counties; 41 independent cities in Virginia; Baltimore, MD; St. Louis, variables, such as the change in the threshold designator for higher income?
MO; and Carson City, NV). Each decadal SoVI was created and displayed by starting with families earning more than $15,000 in 1960 to families earning
using the appropriate decadal geography.1 more than $100,000 in 2000.
Another issue was missing values for some variables. Factor analysis in
Data Comparability. One of the difficulties in examining the historical changes general, and PCA specifically, cannot be performed with missing values. In
in vulnerability is comparability of Census variables. There is richness in the those counties or decades where data are missing, we substituted the mean
historical Census material, but often there are not exact variable matches from value forthe state for the missing values forthat variable. This accounts for the
one decade to another. Not all of the variables were collected for all time slight difference between the original SoVI computation in 1990 (11 factors
periods, and in many instances, there was a change in the definition of the with 76.4% explained variance) and the rerun 1990 SoVI (12 factors with
variable. There are numerous examples that illustrate this point?mostly in 77.99% explained variance). Statewide means were calculated from the vari
how the Census Bureau defines race and ethnicity (e.g., Hispanic, Asian, or able values from the available counties within the state. We recognize that
Hawaiian Islanders). For example, one measure of ethnicity, Hispanics or the assigning a mean value for a missing variable for cases may not accurately
represent the true vulnerability based on that specific variable. Although it is
not a perfect solution to missing data, we felt it was more important for the
+A description of the complete county geography changes (metadata) used in the construction
research to include all U.S. counties in the analysis (a geographic consider
and mapping of SoVI can be found at
ation) and to include all years (a temporal consideration) in the overall analysis
Alaska counties provide a unique challenge for historical analyses. Gaining statehood rather
late (1959), the early census divisions were significantly altered to boroughs and census areas of the patterns of social vulnerability in the United States.
in the 1980s and further changed to boroughs and counties in subsequent censuses. The
geographic areas were changed as were the names and identifying codes. For example, in the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This research has been supported by the National
1990s, Yakutat borough was formed from pieces of other divisions. These changes are noted Science Foundation (Grant CMS0220712) and the U.S. Department of Home
in the U.S. Census documentation of changing geography ( land Security's Center of Excellence for the Study of Terrorism and Responses
ctychng.html). to Terrorism (START) (Grant N00140510629).

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