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EJERCICIOS COMPLEMENTARIOS - SOLUCIÓN ……SAID…., "Hello! I am your Fairy Godmother. Why are you sad?

Cinderella (say) …SAID…., "I want to go to the party but I haven't got any
beautiful clothes."
Simple Past The Fairy Godmother (say) … SAID ….., "No problem, here is a new dress
and some glass shoes. There is a golden bicycle in the street. Now you
Estos ejercicios no son obligatorios. Están can go to the party, but you must return before 12 o'clock." Cinderella (say)
… SAID …, "Thank you." She (put on) …PUT ON… the glass shoes and
diseñados para fijar contenidos gramaticales. the red dress. She (look) …LOOKED….. very pretty. Then she (go)
…WENT.. to the party by bicycle.
The party (to be) …WAS….. very good. At first, Cinderella (to be)
Completa el siguiente texto. …WAS….very shy but after an hour, the Prince (ask) …ASKED….
Cinderella to dance. They (dance) …DANCED…. for a long time. The
Cinderella (live)…LIVED………. in a small village in the north of England. Prince (say) … SAID … to Cinderella, "I like your dress and you are very
She (have)……HAD…two sisters; they (to be) WERE…….. very ugly. She pretty." Cinderella (to be) …WAS.. very happy. She (forget)
(get up) GOT UP…… every morning at six o'clock, then she (make) …FORGOT…. what time it (to be)…WAS...
…MADE…. breakfast for her sisters, and afterwards she (clean) Suddenly the clock (ring) …RANG…... Cinderella (say) … SAID ……, "Oh
…CLEANED…… the house. She (work) …WORKED.. all day. Her two no! I must go. It is 12 o'clock." She (run) …RAN…… home, at the door of
ugly sisters (to be) …WERE… very lazy; they never (do) …DID…. any the Prince's house. She (lose) …LOST… her shoe.
work because Cinderella (do) …DID…. everything. Cinderella (to be) The next day, the Prince (to be) …WAS… very sad because he (to be)
…WAS………. very unhappy. …WAS…. in love with Cinderella but he (not know) …DID NOT KNOW…
One day, the postman (come) …CAME….. to the house. He (give) where she (live).…LIVED…….He (go) ……WENT…. to all the houses in
…GAVE…… the village and (say) …SAID……, "Do you know whose shoe this is?"
Cinderella's sister an envelope. In the envelope there (be) …WERE…... Finally, he (go) …WENT… to Cinderella's house. Cinderella (open)
three invitations to a party at the Prince's house. She (say) …SAID…. to …OPENED… the door. The Prince (say) … SAID ….., "I love you. Do you
her sisters, want to marry me?" Cinderella (say) … SAID ……., "Yes." The wedding (to
"Fantastic! There is a party at the Prince's house. I can wear my new red be) …WAS…… the week after. Cinderella and the Prince (to be)
dress and Esmerelda can wear her new blue dress, but Cinderella can't go ……WERE…… never unhappy again.
because her dress is old and dirty and she hasn't got any shoes."
On Saturday at 8 o'clock, the ugly sisters (go) …WENT….. to the party.
Cinderella (sit) …SAT… in the kitchen. She (to be) …WAS… very sad.
(There be) ……WAS… a ring at the door. Cinderella (open)
Completa con was o were.
…OPENED……the door. (There be) …WAS……. a woman. She (say)
1. John ...WAS... at home last week. walk - WALKING
2. They ...WERE... at the cinema yesterday. make -MAKING
3. Your parents ..WERE.... at the station at nine o´clock. wash -WASHING
4. Mary .... WAS.. in the street this morning.
lie -LYING
5. My aunt ... WAS... in hospital yesterday morning.
6. I ... WAS... at school this morning. stop -STOPPING
7. Jill and Kevin ..WERE.... at the zoo las Sunday.
8. We ...WERE... in a Chinese restaurant last night.
Simple Past. Escribe las formas correspondientes de
Escribe estas frases en la forma negativa. la 3ª persona del singular de los siguientes verbos.

1. Mum was at home this morning. MUM WASN’T… write – she WROTE
2. Paul and Mary were in the shop. PAUL AND MARY WEREN’T… kiss – he KISSED
3. His friends were very happy yesterday afternoon. HIS FRIENDS must – she MUST
WEREN’T… laugh – she LAUGHED
4. I was late for the cinema. I WAS NOT …
go – he WENT
5. We were at home to watch a film on TV. WE WEREN’T …

Responde a las preguntas con la respuesta corta.

1. Were you at home last night? Yes, I was / No, I wasn´t

2. Was it hot yesterday? .....YES IT WAS, NO, IT WASN'T.....
3. Were your friends at home last Monday? ...YES, THEY WERE; NO,
4. Was your father at work this morning? ..YES, HE WAS; NO, HE WASN'T
5. Were you in class yesterday morning? ...YES, I WAS; NO, I WASN'T....

Present Continuous. Escribe la forma en -ing de los Completa las frases con los verbos del recuadro.
siguientes verbos.
- Afirmativas
Work Play Like Cycle Carry
I LIKED ____ that film. 1. He goes to the swimming pool because he likes swimming.
She __CYCLED______ to school this evening. ……HE WENT [……………………]
We ____WORKED_____ hard last week 2. They have dinner at nine o´clock.
I ___CARRIED _____ your suitcases ……THEY HAD […………………]
My friends ____PLAYED_____ football yesterday 3. Adam runs 500 m
……ADAM RAN […………………]
4. Helen eats too many sweets.
-Negativas e interrogativas ……HELEN ATE [……………………………]
5. I buy the newspaper in the shop.
Sleep See Win Have Start …I BOUGHT […………………]
6. We get up at eight o´clock and go to school.
___DID__ you ___SEE__ that car?
I ___DID NOT SLEEP_________ last night ……WE GOT UP […………]
Why ___DID__ you __START____ cycling?
They ___DID NOT WIN_______ the match
What __DID__ you ___HAVE___ for lunch?
Escribe lo que Jim hizo y no hizo ayer, como en los
Completa las frases con los verbos del recuadro.
1. Go to the bank (yes) 1. He went to the bank
Buy Do Go Have Write 2. Buy some shoes (no) 2. He didn´t buy any shoes.
3. Write to Sally (yes) …HE WROTE TO SALLY……….
4. Buy a shirt (yes) ……HE BOUGHT A SHIRT………..
- Shakespeare ___WROTE_____ Romeo and Juliet. 5. Have lunch with Adam (no) …HE DID NOT HAVE LUCH WITH ADAM..
- I ____BOUGHT____ a fantastic CD yesterday. 6. Write to Peter (yes) …HE WROTE TO PETER………………..
- We ___WENT______ to Italy last summer. 7. Go to the hospital (no) …HE DID NOT GO TO THE HOSPITAL…..
- I ___HAD_______ a shower this morning. 8. Have dinner with Susie (yes) …HE HAD DINNER WITH SUSIE………..
- My brother ____DID______ his homework. 9. Play football (no) …HE DID NOT PLAY FOOTBALL…..
10.Make dinner (yes) …HE MADE DINNER……………..

Escribe estas frases en pasado simple.

Escribe estas preguntas en el pasado

1. DID she buy the newspaper in the shop over there?

2. DID they do their homework in the evening?
3. DID they have a good holiday?
4. DID they find any animal in the forest?
5. WAS it dark when she gets up in the morning?

Haz la pregunta para estas respuestas

1. Where did you go yesterday?

I went to the park
My friend arrived at five o´clock
He said “hello!”
The film started at seven.

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