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Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2019) xxx, xxx–xxx

King Saud University

Journal of Saudi Chemical Society


Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity

of CoFe2O4 via heterojunction formation for
photocatalysis of organic pollutants in water
Sonu a, Vishal Dutta a, Sheetal Sharma a, Pankaj Raizada a,b,
Ahmad Hosseini-Bandegharaei c,d, Vinod Kumar Gupta e, Pardeep Singh a,b,*

School of Chemistry, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Shoolini University, Solan, Himachal Pradesh 173212, India
Himalayan Centre for Excellence in Nanotechnology, Shoolini University, Solan, HP 173229, India
Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Faculty of Health, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran
Department of Engineering, Kashmar Branch, Islamic Azad University, PO Box 161, Kashmar, Iran
Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials Research, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589,
Saudi Arabia

Received 5 June 2019; revised 16 July 2019; accepted 17 July 2019

KEYWORDS Abstract In previous years, cobalt ferrite has gained huge consideration in the field of semiconduc-
Spinel ferrites; tor photocatalysis for waste water treatment. Cobalt ferrite and its derivatives own tunable mag-
CoFe2O4; netic properties which results in higher absorption capability in comparison with other
Heterogeneous photocatalyst semiconductors. In the current review, a brief overview of CoFe2O4 as a semiconduc-
photocatalysis; tor photocatalyst is presented and ferromagnetic behaviour of CoFe2O4 is also discussed. Few
Heterojunction formation; drawbacks such as agglomeration, photocorrosion and recombination rate of electrons-holes are
Visible light; also discussed. For the enhancement of photocatalytic action of cobalt ferrite, the role of cobalt fer-
Wastewater treatment rite with type I, type II, direct Z-scheme, solid state Z-scheme heterojunctions, Schottky and p-n
heterojunctions based on different heterostructures were also discussed. In conclusive outlook for-
mation of cobalt ferrite based heterojunctions is best approach for the enhancement of photocat-
alytic performance. This is because heterojunction formation enhanced the rate of charge

* Corresponding author at: School of Chemistry, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Shoolini University, Solan, Himachal Pradesh 173212, India.
E-mail address: (P. Singh).
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.

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1319-6103 Ó 2019 King Saud University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Please cite this article in press as: Sonu et al., Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 via heterojunction formation for photocatalysis of
organic pollutants in water, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2019),
2 Sonu et al.

separation and thus reduced the electron–hole recombination. Herein, this review highlights the
CoFe2O4 based heterojunctions for the photodegradation of noxious organic pollutants in water.
Furthermore, the future expectations and challenges in exploiting CoFe2O4 nanocomposites for
water treatment, also discussed in precise conclusion of this review.
Ó 2019 King Saud University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license (


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00

2. CoFe2O4 as a photocatalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
3. Synthesis methods for CoFe2O4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
4. Heterojunction formation as an efficient strategy to enhance photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
5. CoFe2O4 based type-II photocatalyst . . . . . . . . . . ................. ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
6. CoFe2O4 based Z-scheme photocatalyst. . . . . . . . . ................. ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
7. CoFe2O4 based Schottky photocatalyst . . . . . . . . . ................. ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
8. CoFe2O4 based p-n heterojunction photocatalysts . ................. ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
9. Elemental doping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
10. Conclusive remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
Declaration of Competing Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00

1. Introduction A technique for oxidizing waste by hydroxyl radicals is a

good option for wastewater treatment, which is known as
All around worldwide, many problems are associated with the advanced oxidation process [35,36]. In this technique, all
water pollution. Yearly, millions of people and 3900 children the toxic organic wastes are destroyed without transferring
die every single day from various diseases caused by drinking into the another form, which makes it different from the other
polluted water and around 1.2 billion people require drinking [37]. Some of the advanced oxidation methods are as follows:
water security [1,2]. With the growing industrialization and Fenton process, UV-Photolytic technique, Photo-Fenton pro-
urbanization, our environment is under constant pressure of cess, sonolysis, ozonation process, photocatalysis [38–42]. Out
environmental problems out of which cleanness of water is of all these techniques, photocatalysis is the most favorable
the world’s top environmental problem [3]. In the upcoming technique because it uses solar energy for the mitigation of pol-
years, rapid population growth and urbanization will increase luted water [43].
day by day which results increase in the demand of pure water In general mechanism of photocatalysis (Fig. 1), when light
for agricultural, domestic and industrial use [4]. As per W.H.O falls on the surface of semiconductor photocatalyst, activation
report, by 2025, 50% of the world’s inhabitants will be living in of semiconductors takes place, and electrons in valence band
water stressed areas [5]. Until 2015, only around 20% of the are excited to conduction band of the semiconductor and holes
contaminated water was properly treated over the world. In will left in the valence band. The holes in the valence band can
developing countries, without proper disposal of heavy metal oxidize donor molecules and react with water molecules to give
and impurities, around 70% of industrial waste water is dis- hydroxyl radicals and electrons in conduction band reacts with
charged [6]. Aquatic pollutants are very dangerous, and very oxygen species to give superoxide radicals. Indeed, the holes
difficult to be cleaned up completely [7,8]. To avoid the nega- are consumed in the oxidation reaction and the electrons are
tive effects to the environment and also on the human health, used in reduction reaction. The produced reactive oxygen spe-
elimination of these organic pollutants from wastewater is very cies (ROS) interact with contaminants and decompose them
crucial [9]. The present infrastructure is not sufficient for into less harmful materials. The photocatalytic mechanism is
waste-water treatment and is also not economic [3,10]. Conse- explained by the following equations (Eqs. (1)–(21)) [44–46].
quently, researchers are looking for cost effective methods for AOP s þ OH ! Pollutant
water treatment with high productivity [11] (Table 1).
In the last few years, numerous techniques have been ! CO2 þ H2 O þ inorganic ions ð1Þ
developed for wastewater treatment. Among them, efficient
techniques are gravity separation, micro-filtration, ultra- Photocatalyst þ ht ! e ðconduction bandÞ
filtration, solvent extraction, sedimentation, precipitation, þ hþ ðvalence bandÞ ð2Þ
coagulation, flotation, oxidation, evaporation, distillation,
adsorption, electro-dialysis and electrolysis. But all these tech- O2 þ e ! O2 E0 0 ¼ 0:33V ð3Þ
niques require high investment and are of high preparation
cost [12–34]. HO2 ! O2 pKa ¼ 4:8 ð4Þ

Please cite this article in press as: Sonu et al., Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 via heterojunction formation for photocatalysis of
organic pollutants in water, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2019),
Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 3

Table 1 Summary of CoFe2O4 based heterojunction photocatalysts for the elimination of pollutants present in wastewater.
Photocatalyst Method of Type of Effect of CoFe2O4 Pollutants References
synthesis heterojunction
CoFe2O4/AgBr Precipitation Type II Photodegradation efficiency of MO was increased Methyl orange [87]
CoFe2O4/BiVO4 Hydrothermal Type II Photodegradation efficiency of MB was increased Methylene blue [88]
CoFe2O4/ZnS Hydrothermal Type II Completely degraded MB within 70 min with Methylene blue dye [89]
method H2O2
CuS/CoFe2O4 Hydrothermal Type II Photodegraded MB completely within 30 min Methylene blue dye [90]
CoFe2O4/Ag3PO4 Precipitation Type II Photodegraded MB completely within 60 min Methylene blue dye [91]
CoFe2O4/g-C3N4 Calcination Type II 97.0% of MB was photodegraded Methylene blue dye [92]
Au-CoFe2O4/ Sol-gel method Solid Z- Photodegradation efficiency of MO was increased Methyl orange dye [93]
MoS2 scheme
BiOBr/ Hydrothermal Solid Z- Photodegradation efficiency of RhB was increased Rhodamine B dye [94]
CoFe2O4/graphene method scheme
Ag/AgBr/ Solvothermal Solid Z- Photodegradation efficiency of 4-chlorophenol 4-chlorophenol dye [95]
CoFe2O4 method scheme dye was increased
CoFe2O4/g-C3N4 Hydrothermal Direct Z- 2/1 wt ratio of CoFe2O4/C3N4 completely Rhodamine B dye [96]
method scheme photodegraded the RhB dye
MoS2/CoFe2O4 Hydrothermal Direct Z- Photodegradation of RhB and CR was increased Rhodamine B dye [97]
method scheme and Congo red dye
rGO-CoFe2O4 Hydrothermal Schottky Completely photodegraded malachite green dye Malachite green dye [98]
method junction within 15 min
CoFe2O4/graphene Hydrothermal Schottky Photodegradation of MB was increased Methylene blue [99]
method junction
CoFe2O4–RGO Co- Schottky Photodegradation of MO was increased Methyl orange [100]
precipitation junction
CoFe2O4/ZnO Hydrothermal p-n junction Photodegradation of MB was increased and no Methylene blue [101]
method loss in photodegradation after three cycles
CoFe2O4/ZnO Co- p-n junction Mineralization of DB71 was increased Direct Blue 71 [102]

Fig. 1 Schematic design of spinel ferrite photocatalytic mechanism.

Please cite this article in press as: Sonu et al., Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 via heterojunction formation for photocatalysis of
organic pollutants in water, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2019),
4 Sonu et al.

H2 O2 þ O 
2 ! OH þ O2 þ OH


3O2 ! Photocatalyst intersystem crossing!1 O2 ð18Þ

ROS; hþ þ contaminants ! oxidised productsðH2 O; CO2 Þ


O2 þ pollutants þ ht ! H2 O; CO2 ð20Þ

Recombination of e- - h+ pairs [47–51]:
e þ hþ ! Heat þ radiation less decay ð21Þ
From the last few years, this technology has generated an
abundant interest for reduction of toxic compounds from the
contaminated water [52,53]. For the abatement of contami-
nated substances, many technologies have been used, which
Fig. 2 Schematic of a representative CoFe2O4 structure, show- are involved in transferring compounds between phases or
ing oxygen atoms (sky blue), Fe+3 tetrahedral (green), Fe+3/Co+2 the sources to analyze [54,55]. Spinel ferrites are best choice
octahedral (red) units (Permission taken from Elsevier, license no. for the wastewater treatment as they are nano-sized and pos-
4583591482760). sess high surface to volume ratio and super magnetic proper-
ties. Spinel ferrites have a common chemical formula AB2O4,
where A and B are metallic cations which are situated at two
O2 þ 2Hþ þ e ! H2 O2 E0 0 ¼ 0:89V ð5Þ different positions, tetrahedral (A sites) and octahedral (B
sites) and main constituent in their structure is Fe (III). Oxy-
H2 O2 ! HO
2 þH
pKa ¼ 11:7 ð6Þ gen atoms are coordinated to cations of both positions tetrahe-
dral and octahedral respectively (Fig. 2) [55]. In the last few
O2 þ 2Hþ þ 2e ! H2 O2 E0 0 ¼ 0:28V ð7Þ years, scientists have focused on the synthesis of spinel ferrites,
with improved magnetic, optical, biological and catalytic prop-
H2 O2 þ e ! OH þ OH E0 0 ¼ 0:38V ð8Þ erties [56–67]. In previous years, for environmental applica-
tion, mainly for the deduction of toxic pollutants in water
H2 O þ hþ ! OH þ Hþ E0 0 ¼ 2:32V ð9Þ interest has been increased with the utilization of spinel ferrites
and their composites. The structure of spinel ferrite used as an
OH ! O
2 þH
pKa ¼ 11:8 ð10Þ adsorbent to treat noxious contaminants present in the water.
They have unique physicochemical properties different from
2HO2 1 O2 ! H2 O2 ð11Þ their bulk counterparts, so these are broadly considered as
adsorbents [55]. Spinal ferrite in wastewater treatment can cer-
O 1 0
2 þ h ! O2 E0 ¼ 0:65V ð12Þ tify long-lasting performance with exceptional features, such as
adjustable size, versatile surface, superior surface-volume ratio
2HO2 ! H2 O2 þ O2 ð13Þ and greatest magnetic property [68]. They can be prepared
from industrial wastes which is a cheaper method and an
2HO2 þ O
2 þ H2 O ! H2 O2 þ O2 þ OH

ð14Þ advantage for the commercial applications (Fig. 3) [55,69].
In order to examine previous works and trends of
2HO2 ! H2 O2 ð15Þ
researches on CoFe2O4 based heterojunctions for photocataly-
sis and for efficient photodegradation of organic pollutants, a
H2 O2 þ htðUVÞ ! 2OH ð16Þ

Fig. 3 Band gap positioning of spinel ferrites in interaction with aqueous solution referenced with NHE (right pH ¼ 14 and left pH ¼ 0)
relative to the standard potentials for the reduction and oxidation of water.

Please cite this article in press as: Sonu et al., Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 via heterojunction formation for photocatalysis of
organic pollutants in water, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2019),
Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 5

Fig. 4 (a) Number of Publications per year on ferrites from 2009 to 2019 (May), (b) Published research papers on spinel ferrites (c)
Published research papers on cobalt ferrite from 2010 to May 2019 (data taken from ‘Scopus’ using keyword nickel ferrite, magnesium
ferrite, calcium ferrite, copper ferrite, zinc ferrite, cobalt ferrite).

techniques, characteristics and favorable applications of the

CoFe2O4 based heterojunctions [53–60]. In this review, we
have considered the use of CoFe2O4 based heterojunctions
for efficient degradation of various pollutants, and modifica-
tion of CoFe2O4 for photocatalytic energy application.

2. CoFe2O4 as a photocatalyst

CoFe2O4 is an iron-based semiconductor oxide which com-

prises high cubic magneto crystalline anisotropy, high chemi-
cal stability, low toxicity, high coercivity, moderate
magnetization etc. [70–73]. Spinel CoFe2O4 is a ferrimagnetic
material having general formula Co2+(Fe3+)2O4, a face cen-
tered cubic (fcc) structure and large unit cell with eight for-
mula units. In the structure of spinel CoFe2O4, cations are
distributed in two types of lattices, i.e. normal spinel structure
Fig. 5 Schematic design of CoFe2O4 photocatalytic mechanism
and inverse spinel structure. In the normal spinel structure,
under visible light with band gap.
Co2+ have tetrahedral coordination and Fe3+ have octahedral
coordination whereas, in inverse spinel structure, Fe3+ possess
bibliometric study has been conceded out using search engine tetrahedral coordinated sites and (Co2+) and (Fe3+) equally
‘Scopus’. On the basis of Scopus data, 1261 articles were pub- goes on octahedral coordinated sites [74,75]. The magnetic
lished in the last ten years i.e. from 2009 to 2019 (May) and, on properties of both normal and inverse spinel CoFe2O4 are dif-
average, 126 papers have been reported per year (Fig. 4). The ferent from each other, but possess same chemical composition
maximum research articles are published in Separation and [66]. CoFe2O4 acts as ferrimagnetic below the Curie tempera-
Purification Technology, Chemical Engineering Journal, Ara- ture, TC = 860 K; through neutron diffraction data a collinear
bian Journal of Chemistry due to their importance to chosen magnetic structure was obtained [76]. According to the Neel’s
topic. Most of the research articles are focused on preparation ferromagnetism for two-sub lattice structure, magnetic

Please cite this article in press as: Sonu et al., Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 via heterojunction formation for photocatalysis of
organic pollutants in water, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2019),
6 Sonu et al.

moment of ions are associated antiparallel to each other at recombination which effects the photocatalytic activity; (v)
octahedral and tetrahedral sites [77]. Saturation magnetization CoFe2O4 show high rate of photocorrosion when exposed to
increases for CoFe2O4 when temperature decreases from room contamination [55,85–87]. Nowadays, researchers have
temperature to 10 K. This may happened because of spin dis- focused on CoFe2O4 to enhance the photocatalytic perfor-
order and reduced thermal fluctuation at the surface of mance and to eliminate the obstacles for pure CoFe2O4.
nanoparticles [78,79].
In photocatalytic reactions of CoFe2O4 based heterojunc-
tions upon light illumination and activation of semiconduc- 3. Synthesis methods for CoFe2O4
tors, photon’s energy is more than the photocatalyst band
gap energy, then photogenerated electron is transmitted to Due to technological importance, and fascinating magnetic
conduction band from valence band and holes are generated properties, synthesis of cobalt ferrite nanoparticle is becoming
in valence band (Fig. 5) [80]. The generated electron-hole pairs one of the most interesting research area. To find out the best
imitate reduction and oxidation reactions on photocatalyst synthesis methods, still more research is required even with
surface, generating oxidative species like hydroxide and super- the progress of research in cobalt ferrite nanoparticles, which
oxide radicals. CoFe2O4 is a n-type semiconductor, possess a can produce ferrite nanoparticles with high quality, in terms
band gap of 1.76 eV. The reduction potential of CoFe2O4 is of purity, shape, size, stability and morphology of the particles
0.14 eV and the oxidation potential is 1.9 eV with respect to [89]. There are only two categories to which synthesis methods
NHE [81]. Devi et al. fabricated rGO-CoFe2O4 through a for nanomaterial are divided, i.e. ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down’.
novel hydrothermal process for the photocatalytic degradation During ‘bottom-up’ particles are formed when ions chemically
of 4-chlorophenol under visible light illumination [82]. The combine together, while in ‘top-down’ particles are formed
energy band gaps of CoFe2O4, reduced graphene oxide and when chemicals are crushed to form tiny particles. In
rGO-CoFe2O4 was around 2.5, 3.2 and 2.1 eV. RGO- ‘bottom-up’, there are many synthesis techniques which include
CoFe2O4 degraded 4-chlorophenol solution completely, co-precipitation, hydrothermal, thermal decomposition,
whereas bare RGO and CoFe2O4 degraded 50% and 73% of solvothermal, sol-gel, sonochemical, microwave-assisted,
4-chlorophenol solution, respectively. Du et al. fabricated microemulsion, flame spray pyrolysis, vapor deposition, and
novel magnetic CoFe2O4 particles modified on titanate nano- polyol techniques. However, in ‘top-down’ synthesis, there is
tubes (CoFe2O4/TNTs) through impregnation-calcination only mechanical milling technique and pulsed laser ablation
method [83]. CoFe2O4/TNTs are used for phenol photodegra- are the most common technique [90]. From these synthesis
dation under visible light radiation. The synthesized photocat- methods, hydrothermal, co-precipitation, and sol-gel tech-
alyst exhibited 83.9% phenol photodegradation proficiency niques are the best ones for the synthesis of cobalt ferrite. These
with 0.0300 min1 kinetic rate constant as well as TOC techniques have many advantages than other synthesis
removal. The as-fabricated CoFe2O4/TNTs enhanced the pho- methods, like lesser reaction time, milder reaction conditions,
todegradation efficiency up to 97.2% where k = 0.0607 min1, more yields, improved selectivity and clean reaction [91]. Due
TOC removal was 81.3% and showed 81.3% of cobalt leach- to utilization of different types of synthesis techniques, proper-
ing which was comparatively less than that of CoFe2O4 ties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles are extremely affected by the
nanoparticles. Wu and co-workers synthesized spinel magnetic method used for their synthesis. On the other hand, types of the
CoFe2O4-polyethylene glycol (PEG/CFO) by facile and synthesis techniques has some effects on the adsorption capac-
hydrothermal method for the removal of methyl orange, ity of the produced cobalt ferrite nanoparticles, when used for
methyl blue and congo red dye [84]. The synthesized magnetic decontamination of wastewater.
adsorbent CoFe2O4 catalyst showed the absorbance value Synthesis of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles by coprecipitation
using UV–vis spectrophotometer for congo red, methyl blue technique is the most useful, cost-effective and less time-
and methyl orange at 497 nm, 464 nm and 664 nm, respec- consuming, high mass production and frequently applied
tively. The PEG addition effected the adsorption performance technique to synthesize uniform sized nanoparticles [91].
of CoFe2O4 for congo red, methyl blue and methyl orange. Nanoparticles are in the super paramagnetic size range from
With addition of PEG, the adsorption capacity for congo 5 to 15 nm and by changing reaction condition the size can
red was increased and for methyl orange and methyl blue it be increased up to 40 nm. El-Shobaky et al. fabricated magnetic
was decreased. PEG/CFO nanocomposite adsorbed congo cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) nanoparticles by wet chemical co-
red, but cannot adsorbed methyl orange and methyl blue precipitation technique [72]. Metal nitrates were used as precur-
and when the PEG concentration was increased the adsorption sors and 4 M NaOH solution was used as precipitating agent.
capability increased too. The process was performed at 60–70 °C and a desired pH was
It is challenging to design and synthesize CoFe2O4 photo- maintained. In order to check the variation in catalytic activity,
catalyst having band structure which absorb an extensive the sample was calcined at 400, 500 and 600 °C. Crystallo-
range of visible light and also hold high redox potential and graphic analysis showed that high crystallinity was observed
good stability. It shows toxic effects, such as, a study showed at 600 °C but also showed the decrease in catalytic activity. This
toxicity of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles in Zebra fish (danio rerio) may be due to the change in the concentration of active sites
embryos. CoFe2O4 as a photocatalyst shows many limitations present and participated in catalyzed reaction. Also, the sites
such as (i) leaching, when Co2+ and Fe3+ particles are at present in the outer surface layer of catalyst had played a major
lower concentration, they show leaching; (ii) Agglomeration, role in the reaction. Thus, it can be concluded that high crys-
when Co2+ and Fe3+ particle are at higher concentration, they tallinity is not going to affect the catalytic activity, and the
show agglomeration; (iii) In strong acidic and alkaline condi- important factor is the concentration of active sites.
tions their photocatalytic efficiency decreases; (iv) CoFe2O4 Hydrothermal synthesis technique is performed in aqueous
at pure state show high rate of electrons and holes medium in which divalent and trivalent (commonly ferric)

Please cite this article in press as: Sonu et al., Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 via heterojunction formation for photocatalysis of
organic pollutants in water, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2019),
Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 7

transition metal salts are dissolved separately in the 1:2 mol Thus, it can be concluded that, with this method, highly crys-
ratio respectively [92]. In hydrothermal synthesis technique, talline nanocrystals have been prepared.
solution is heated above 200 °C temperature under pressure
above 2000 psi in an autoclave. The heating temperature and 4. Heterojunction formation as an efficient strategy to enhance
time are dependent on the type of target nanoparticles to be photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4
achieved [93–95]. Tahmineh Sodaee et al. fabricated CoFe2-
xGdxO4 nanorods by a novel hydrothermal technique without According to semiconductor photocatalyst, the main purpose
use of any surfactant [96]. In this work, metal nitrates were of the photocatalyst is to start or faster the redox reaction in
used as precursors with 2 M NaOH solution. Hydrothermal existence of irradiated semiconductor. Semiconductor photo-
treatment was given at 100 °C. Crystallite size obtained was catalysts are irradiated with photons whose energy must be
from 15 to 40 nm with the increase in concentration of equal or greater than band gap energy of semiconductor cata-
Gadolinium. Magnetic properties of this material was lyst to complete the redox reactions. Electrons-holes recom-
observed and it was found that coercive field has increased bine with each other and disperse the input energy in the
from 590.35 Oe to 826.0 Oe and magnetic saturation was form of light or heat. Through the scavengers or crystalline
found to decrease from 72.36 emu/g to 53.61 emu/g, with the defects, the recombination is frequently facilitated. So, a better
increase in Gd concentration. Thus it can be concluded that crystallinity can reduce the trapping positions and recombina-
magneto-crystalline anisotropy dominates over shape aniso- tion sites, resulting the performance of the photo-generated
tropy with increasing concentration of gadolinium. carriers will be increased for the preferred reaction. Recombi-
Sol-gel synthesis method is broadly used for the spinal fer- nation cannot be allowed for better photo-catalytic perfor-
rites synthesis in which the metal alkoxide solution hydrolysis mance. To increase the photocatalytic efficiency, a method is
and condensation polymerization reaction happen to produce applied in which a semiconductor heterojunction is prepared
gels at the room temperature. Some of the advantages of the with a secondary semiconductor [102]. When different semi-
sol-gel synthesis technique include some facts that are low cost, conductors combine together between two sections with differ-
operability under low temperature, no need of special instru- ent band structure, and generate interfacial band arrangement
ments and achievability of narrow particle size distribution is known as heterojunction.
[97–99]. By adjusting different parameters such as sol concen- CoFe2O4 and other metal oxide based hetero-structure pho-
tration, stirring rate and annealing temperature in sol-gel tech- tocatalyst involves combination of both CoFe2O4 and other
nique, composition, microstructure, purity and shape of metal oxide, have improved photocatalytic efficiency than bare
nanoparticles can be controlled [97,100]. The major limitation CoFe2O4. Mostly, preparing a proper heterojunction between
of this method is that the nanoparticles produced lack purity CoFe2O4 and metal oxide is considered as a better scheme to
due to contamination from the reaction in the final product, decrease electron-hole pairs recombination and to attain the
so to achieve the higher purity thermal treatment is required improved photocatalytic efficiency. According to diverse
after the synthesis. Ashour et al. synthesized metal- charge carries separation mechanisms several semiconductor
substituted cobalt ferrites by sol-gel technique [101]. Nitrates heterojunctions can be prepared between CoFe2O4 and the
of cobalt, copper, zinc and manganese were taken as precur- metal oxide. CoFe2O4 and metal oxide photocatalysts hetero-
sors. Citric acid and ethylene glycol were used as reducing junction can be categorized in the following types: (i) Type I
agent and polymerization agent, respectively. Crystallographic heterojunction, (ii) Type II heterojunction, (iii) p-n heterojunc-
data clearly shows the formation of high crystalline nanostruc- tion, (iv) Schottky junction and (v) Z-scheme heterojunction.
tures. Also, cobalt ferrite was calcined at different tempera- The five heterojunction systems are discussed are the modern
tures from 400 to 700 °C. It was observed that with the developments [103].
increase in temperature the crystallinity increases and the size In type I heterojunction, the semiconductor 1 has lower
increases from 19 to 44 nm with the increase in temperature. valence band and conduction band higher than semiconductor

Fig. 6 (a) Schematic design of charge transfer in the type I heterojunction, (b) schematic design of charge transfer in the type II

Please cite this article in press as: Sonu et al., Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 via heterojunction formation for photocatalysis of
organic pollutants in water, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2019),
8 Sonu et al.

Fig. 7 Schematic illustration showing the electron–hole pair separation in the (a) p–n heterojunction, (b) Schottky heterojunction,
(c) solid Z-scheme heterojunction, (d) direct Z-scheme heterojunction.

2 (Fig. 6a). So, photogenerated holes in the valence band of effectively separated under the effect of electric field. So, in
semiconductor 1 are transferred to valence band of semicon- the p-n junction the recombination of charge carriers will
ductor 2 under visible light, while photogenerated electrons be reduced. Type II heterojunction is not enough to over-
are transferred from the conduction band of 1 semiconductor come recombination on semiconductor so the p-n heterojunc-
to conduction band of 2 semiconductors. In this heterojunc- tion prepared.
tion there is no progress in the charge carrier separation In Schottky heterojunction, a metal-like material and a
because all the charge carriers are stored on semiconductor 2. semiconductor combine, they are useful in creating a
In type II heterojunction, semiconductor 1 has valence space-charge separation area. At interface of two components
band and conduction band lower than the semiconductor 2 electrons transfer from one to another component. So, the
(Fig. 6b). So, photogenerated holes in the valence band of recombination of charge carriers is controlled and Fermi
semiconductor 1 can migrate to the valence band of the semi- energy levels can be associated to increase photo-catalytic
conductor 2 and the photogenerated electron of semiconductor efficiency (Fig. 7b).
2 transferred to the conduction band of the semiconductor 1 In Z-scheme heterojunction, redox mediators are used
[104]. Finally, better lifetime of the electrons and the recombi- which maintain the high and strong redox abilities [105].
nation of electron-hole pairs can be reduced and the spatial. Application of Z-scheme heterojunction are limited to liquid
Type II heterojunction provides finest band gap and spatial phase. So, to construct all solid-state Z-scheme photocatalytic
separation of charge carriers (Fig. 6). heterojunction a conductive solid material is used as an elec-
In p-n heterojunction, p and n type semiconductor combi- tron mediator. Photogenerated electrons are directly trans-
nes and prepare a p-n heterojunction photocatalyst (Fig. 7a). ferred from lower conduction band of semiconductor 1 to
The Fermi levels of p and n type semiconductors are found valence band of semiconductor 2, this type of heterojunction
near to the conduction and valence band respectively. Holes is known as direct Z-scheme heterojunction. Many Z-scheme
of p-type semiconductor will be transferred to the n-type heterojunctions which have an electron mediator but direct
semiconductor by leaving negative on the p-type semiconduc- Z-scheme doesn’t have electron mediator. All-solid-state Z-
tor. Once the Fermi level system reaches to equilibrium the scheme heterojunction are generally used in gas-solid and
electron-hole pairs diffusion will stop. Between p and n- liquid-solid system. Metals are used as electron mediator for
type semiconductor an electric field is generated at the inter- fabricating Z-scheme heterojunction because they are good
face and the photogenerated electron-hole pairs could be conductor of electricity (Fig. 7c, d) [103].

Please cite this article in press as: Sonu et al., Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 via heterojunction formation for photocatalysis of
organic pollutants in water, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2019),
Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 9

Fig. 8 (a) Schematic illustration of photogenerated electrons and holes within CoFe2O4/AgBr nanocomposite under visible light
irradiation, (b) Schematic illustration of photocatalytic mechanism for degradation of methylene blue over CoFe2O4/BiVO4
nanocomposite under visible light irradiation (Permission taken from Elsevier, license no. 4583010779247, 4583540659402).

5. CoFe2O4 based type-II photocatalyst values are symbolised by error bars. Highest photocatalytic
degradation of MB was 72.47% at the mole ratio 0.2:0.8 of
Out of all investigated heterojunction systems, Type II has the CoFe2O4 to BiVO4 sample. Degradation of MB was
exceptional staggered band structures between two photocata- affected by the mole ratio of CoFe2O4 to BiVO4 in the
lysts, which may considerably encourage spatial parting of CoFe2O4/BiVO4 nanocomposite under visible light radiation.
holes and electrons to hinder their recombination. CoFe2O4/BiVO4 displayed type II heterojunction in which
Ge et al. synthesized the magnetic CoFe2O4/AgBr photoinduced electrons were transferred from CB of CoFe2O4
nanocomposite via facile precipitation-deposition technique to CB of BiVO4 and the holes were transferred from VB of
for enhancement of photo-catalytic performance for pho- BiVO4 to VB of CoFe2O4 under visible light illumination.
todegradation of dyes (Fig. 8a) [106]. Degradation of MO by The photocatalytic efficacy was increased because
CoFe2O4, AgBr and 20% CoFe2O4/AgBr is insignificant CoFe2O4/BiVO4 nanocomposite decreased the recombination
without visible light radiation. The degradation of MO by of electron-hole separation and the formation of hydroxyl rad-
CoFe2O4 and AgBr was negligible and 89% respectively under icals. After five cycles the mole ratio 0.2:0.8 of the CoFe2O4 to
visible light irradiation for 60 min. Degradation efficiency was BiVO4 in CoFe2O4/BiVO4 nanocomposite have an excellent
enhanced when content of CoFe2O4 was increased in recyclability without any decrease in photodegradation effi-
CoFe2O4/AgBr. The degradation of MO below visible light ciency. So, the fabricated CoFe2O4/BiVO4 nanocomposite
for 60 min by 5% CoFe2O4/AgBr, 10% CoFe2O4/AgBr, and was effective for waste water treatment Fig. 8.
20% CoFe2O4/AgBr was 87%, 92% and 95% respectively. Farhadi and co-workers fabricated magnetic CoFe2O4/ZnS
When the concentration of MO and pH of MO was increased core-shell composite with crystallite size of 18 nm by
the photodegradation efficiency of MO was decreased. hydrothermal method for the degradation of methylene blue,
CoFe2O4/AgBr showed type II heterojunction in which methyl orange and rhodamine B in presence of H2O2
photoexcited electrons were transferred from CB of CoFe2O4 (Fig. 9a) [108]. The degradation efficiency of MB with
to CB of AgBr and holes are transferred from VB of CoFe2O4/ZnS was around 51% within 70 min. and with
AgBr to VB of CoFe2O4 under visible light radiation. 20% hydrogen peroxide, peroxydisulfate and potassium periodate
CoFe2O4/AgBr nanocomposite showed 16.7 emu g1 within 70 min, 50 min and 40 min, respectively was around
saturation magnetization (Ms), so it was easily recovered due 100%. The photocatalytic efficiency for degradation of MB
to magnetic properties. Hence, this photo-catalytic system is was increased due to increase in –OH radical which are gener-
effective for practical application under visible light. ated by the addition of H2O2. Photodegradation of RhB dye
Wetchakun et al. fabricated novel CoFe2O4/BiVO4 com- and MO dye by CoFe2O4/ZnS with H2O2 was reached around
posites by the simple hydrothermal process for photodegrada- 74% and 44%. CoFe2O4/ZnS core-shell nanocomposite
tion of methylene blue (MB) (Fig. 8b) [107]. Photodegradation showed type II heterojunction in which photoexcited electrons
of MB under visible light illumination by pure CoFe2O4 and were transferred from CB of ZnS to CB of CoFe2O4 and holes
pure BiVO4 was 8.09 ± 0.03% and 29.74 ± 0.09% respec- were transferred from VB of CoFe2O4 to VB of ZnS under vis-
tively. Degradation of MB by CoFe2O4:BiVO4 nanocompos- ible light irradiation. CoFe2O4/ZnS core-shell nanocomposite
ites at different mole ratios of 0.8:0.2, 0.6:0.4, 0.5:0.5, 0.4:0.6, reduced the recombination of electron-hole separation.
0.2:0.8 were at 9.27 ± 0.03%, 29.64 ± 0.09%, 27.64 CoFe2O4/ZnS nanocomposites showed 20.2 emu g1
± 0.09%, 45.17 ± 0.14% and 72.47 ± 0.23% respectively. saturation magnetization (Ms) and ferrimagnetic behavior so,
By frequent experiments the achieved standard deviation they were easily separated from aqueous solution. For

Please cite this article in press as: Sonu et al., Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 via heterojunction formation for photocatalysis of
organic pollutants in water, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2019),
10 Sonu et al.

Fig. 9 Schematic design of photogenerated electrons and holes separation on the interface of (a) CoFe2O4/ZnS composite under
ultrasonic irradiation, (b) CoFe2O4/CuS nano-hybrid under ultrasonic irradiation, Schematic design of the photodegradation mechanism
of (c) CoFe2O4/Ag3PO4 and (d) g-C3N4/CoFe2O4 (Permission taken from Elsevier, license no. 4583540827055, 4583540984787,
4583541118648 and 4584711177118).

photodegradation of organic pollutants this heterogeneous better photo-catalytic efficiency than Ag3PO4 because
photocatalyst shows best results. Ag3PO4-CoFe2O4 nanocomposite degrade MB and RhB dye
Magnetic CuS/CoFe2O4 nanohybrid was prepared by Far- completely within 30 min under tungsten halogen lamp. When
hadi et al via hydrothermal process for the photodegradation the concentration of CoFe2O4 was increased it might
of dyes such as methylene blue, rhodamine B and methyl have decreased the degradation speed. Such as when the
orange in presence of H2O2 (Fig. 9b) [109]. The photodegrada- Ag3PO4-CoFe2O4–7.5% showed better degradation speed than
tion of MB within 30 min by H2O2, CuS/H2O2 and CFO/H2O2 Ag3PO4-CoFe2O4–10%, this gives the negative effect for the
was around 6%, 62%, 23% and 100%, respectively. MB com- photo-catalytic efficiency of the Ag3PO4-CoFe2O4–10%. When
pletely degraded within 30 min by CuS/CFO/H2O2 under vis- the dye concentration was increased Ag3PO4-CoFe2O4 com-
ible light radiation. Photodegradation efficiency of RhB and pletely degrade the dye within 60 min. Ag3PO4-CoFe2O4
MO was reached around 83% and 72% respectively by nanocomposite type II heterojunction in which photoexcited
CuS/CFO/H2O2. Increased in the concentration of electrons were transferred from CB of Ag3PO4 to CB of
dye decrease the photodegradation around 100% to 56%. CoFe2O4 and holes were transferred from VB of CoFe2O4 to
CuS/CFO nanohybrid showed type II heterojunction in which VB of Ag3PO4 under visible light radiation. The photocatalytic
photoinduced electrons were transferred from CB of CuS to efficiency was increased due to the reduced recombination of
CB of CFO and the holes were transferred from VB of CFO electron-hole pairs and formation OH radicals. The presence
to VB of CuS under visible light. Photocatalytic efficacy was of CoFe2O4 increased the photocatalytic efficiency and reduced
increased due to the generation of OH radicals which are gen- the band of Ag3PO4. The synthesized Ag3PO4-CoFe2O4
erated by H2O2 and reduced recombination of electron-hole nanocomposites were easily separable from the aqueous
separation. CuS/CFO nanohybrids saturation magnetization solution due to ferromagnetic properties of CoFe2O4.
was 37 emu g1 and it showed ferrimagnetic behavior. CoFe2O4/g-C3N4 nanocomposite was fabricated by Huang
CuS/CFO nanohybrid are easily separable from aqueous solu- et al. through the novel calcination method for the removal
tion because of suitable ferrimagnetic behavior they are easily MB under light illumination. Photodegradation of MB with-
recyclable after four consecutive runs. out any photocatalyst was negligible under visible light
Gan et al. fabricated core-shell CoFe2O4 incorporated (Fig. 9d) [111]. MB was slightly degraded by H2O2 under vis-
Ag3PO4 composites by the precipitation technique for degra- ible light. It was also reported that pure CoFe2O4 did not show
dation of MB and RhB under a tungsten halogen lamp with any photocatalytic activity whereas CoFe2O4 photodegraded
500 W (Fig. 9c) [110]. Ag3PO4-CoFe2O4 nanocomposite type around 40.1% of MB in 3 h when 0.5 ml H2O2 was added.
II heterojunction suppress the recombination electron-holes Mass ratio of CoFe2O4 in CoFe2O4/g-C3N4 nanocomposites
charge carries. Ag3PO4-CoFe2O4 nanocomposite shows significantly affected the photo-catalytic efficiency. When the

Please cite this article in press as: Sonu et al., Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 via heterojunction formation for photocatalysis of
organic pollutants in water, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2019),
Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 11

Fig. 10 (a) Schematic design of solid Z-scheme electron transfer in Au-CoFe2O4/MoS2 (b) schematic design of photocatalytic process for
Ag/AgBr@CoFe2O4 nanocomposite under visible light irradiation (Permission taken from Elsevier, license no. 4583561013352 and Royal
Society of Chemistry).

mass ration of CoFe2O4 was 41.4% and 25.3% it degraded separation through solid Z-scheme transfer mechanism.
97.3% and 84.6% respectively of MB dye within 3 h under- Photodegradation of MO without any composite can be
neath visible light irradiation, so the mass ratio of CoFe2O4 ignored under visible light irradiation. Better photodegrada-
was 41.4% showed better photocatalytic activity. When the tion efficiency observed from Au-MoS2 or AuCoFe2O4 than
mass ratio of CoFe2O4 was 64.7% it degraded 51.5% of MB MoS2 or CoFe2O4 nanoparticles it was due to Au nanoparti-
within 3 h under visible light irradiation. So that, when the cles, due to great conductivity enhance fast charge transfer
mass ratio of CoFe2O4 was further increased more than from CoFe2O4 or MoS2. CoFe2O4 and Au-CoFe2O4 showed
41.4% in CoFe2O4/g-C3N4 nanocomposites it slightly less photodegradation efficiency than MoS2 and Au-MoS2.
decreased the photo-catalytic efficiency. So the proper concen- Generally Au-CoFe2O4/MoS2 nanocomposite showed best
tration of CoFe2O4 in composite is important to improve the photodegradation efficiency under visible light irradiation
photo-catalytic activity. CoFe2O4/g-C3N4 nanocomposites within 120 min. Au-CoFe2O4/MoS2 nanocomposite showed
showed type II heterojunction in which photoinduced elec- 60% more photodegradation than CoFe2O4/MoS2, this indi-
trons were transferred from CB of g-C3N4 to CB of CoFe2O4 cates that Au nanoparticles have increased the charge transfer
and the holes were transferred from VB of CoFe2O4 to VB of over the interface and Au acted as an electron transfer media-
g-C3N4 under visible light. The photocatalytic efficiency was tor. Photocatalytic efficiency was enhanced due to formation
increased due to formation of OH radicals by H2O2 of O–2 and decreased recombination of electron-hole separa-
and the reduced recombination of electron-hole separation. tion. Finally, magnetization CoFe2O4 at room temperature,
CoFe2O4/g-C3N4 nanocomposites showed 76.6 emu g1 satu- high conductivity of Au nanoparticles and large surface area
ration magnetization. This heterojunction was easily separable of MoS2 are combined together for the highly ferrimagnetic
from the aqueous solution due to ferromagnetic properties of recollect able photocatalyst for the photodegradation of pollu-
CoFe2O4. CoFe2O4/g-C3N4 showed 97.0% degradation of tants below visible light.
MB in visible light after three consecutive cycles. Li et al. fabricated BiOBr/CoFe2O4/graphene nanocompos-
ite via novel hydrothermal technique which was based on
6. CoFe2O4 based Z-scheme photocatalyst simple Z-scheme photocatalyst for the removal of RhB under
visible light radiation [113]. Pure BiOBr photodegrade RhB
Though all the aforementioned heterojunctions can attain dye completely within 90 min. under visible light
improvement in separation competence of electron-hole, the irradiation. CoFe2O4 increase the photodegradation rate
redox capability of composite is negotiated because of the fact BiOBr because when two components forms a heterojunction,
that reduction and oxidation occur on semiconductor with less the photoexcited electrons transfers and stabilizes effectively.
reduction and oxidation potentials, respectively. In order to When the concentration of CoFe2O4 increased more
diminish these limitations, the innovative work of fabricating than 15 wt%, the photocatalytic efficiency was decreased.
a Z-scheme system was propositioned. Nonetheless by using BiOBr/CoFe2O4-10 wt% was used to prepare Z-scheme
redox intermediaries, applications of Z-scheme systems are nanocomposite and it showed best photocatalytic efficiency.
restricted to liquid phase. Associated with liquid-phase A ternary nanocomposite BiOBr/CoFe2O4/G showed
Z-scheme, all-solid-state Z-scheme systems can be more exten- better photodegradation of RhB dye than BiOBr/CoFe2O4.
sively used in both gas-solid and liquid-solid systems. When the concentration of graphene was increased in
Liu et al. fabricated a unique magnetic Au-CoFe2O4/MoS2 BiOBr/CoFe2O4/G from 0.5 wt% to 2.0 wt%, the photodegra-
nanocomposite via sol-gel process for the photocatalytic dation of RhB increased firstly than decreased conversely and
degradation of MO dye in visible light radiation (Fig. 10a) the highest photodegradation of RhB was showed by
[112]. Au-CoFe2O4/MoS2 nanocomposites showed solid BiOBr/CoFe2O4/G when the concentration of graphene was
Z-scheme photocatalysis in which Au nanoparticles are at 1.0 wt%. Ternary nanocomposite BiOBr/CoFe2O4/G showed
interface of CoFe2O4 and MoS2 increased the electron-hole better photocatalytic activity than BiOBr/CoFe2O4 binary

Please cite this article in press as: Sonu et al., Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 via heterojunction formation for photocatalysis of
organic pollutants in water, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2019),
12 Sonu et al.

Fig. 11 (a) Schematic design of hole-electron separation transfer process for CoFe2O4/g-C3N4 catalyst in the presence of H2O2 under
visible light irradiation, (b) Schematic design of direct Z-scheme mechanism between MoS2 and CoFe2O4 (Permission taken from Springer
nature, license no. 4583571388276 and permission taken from Elsevier, license no. 4583580286398).

composites. In ternary nanocomposite graphene acted as an photocatalysis in which photoexcited electrons in CB of

electron transfer mediator which enhance the photocatalytic CoFe2O4 were transferred and recombined with the holes in
efficiency. Photocatalytic efficiency was increased due to the the VB of g-C3N4. So, the CoFe2O4/C3N4 heterojunction
formation of OH, O–2, hole and electron, respectively. The enhance the photo-catalytic efficiency because the efficient
ternary nanocomposite was easily separable due to magnetic charge separation from the interfacial contact between the
properties. two components which suppresses the recombination of
Xu et al. synthesized Z-scheme magnetic Ag/AgBr/ electron-hole pairs. Photocatalytic efficiency was enhanced
CoFe2O4 by solvothermal technique for the photodegradation due to the formation of O2 and h+. Degradation efficiency
of 4-chlorophenol dye (Fig. 10b) [114]. Photodegradation of 4- was influenced by dye concentration, pH of primary solution
chlorophenol without any catalyst was negligible under visible as well as amount of H2O2. CoFe2O4/C3N4 saturation magne-
light irradiation, it showed that the 4-chlorophenol was chem- tization 0.31 emu/g so they magnetically separable. Finally,
ically stable. Photodegradation of 4-chlorophenol in presence CoFe2O4/C3N4 heterojunction as direct Z-scheme was low
of Ag/AgBr and 15% Ag/AgBr/CoFe2O4 was 30.5% and cost, and shows best photo-catalytic efficiency.
83.6% respectively under visible light irradiation within Zeng et al. fabricated MoS2/CoFe2O4 nanoparticles by the
140 min. Ag/AgBr/CoFe2O4 showed solid Z-scheme photo- novel hydrothermal process for the photodegradation organic
catalysis in which photoinduced electrons were transferred dyes [116]. Photodegradation of RhB and CR without any
from CB of AgBr to metallic Ag and quenched with the holes photocatalyst was negligible under visible light illumination.
which are coming from VB of CoFe2O4. Ag acted as an elec- Photodegradation rate of RhB under visible light radiation
tron transfer mediator in Ag/AgBr/CoFe2O4 which enhance for bare MoS2 and CoFe2O4 was around 24.63% and
the photocatalytic efficiency. Photodegradation efficiency was 16.27% respectively within 90 min. Photodegradation rate of
increased due to formation of O–2, OH and reduced recom- CR by pure MoS2 and pure CoFe2O4 was around 44.60%
bination of electron-hole separation. 15% Ag/AgBr/CoFe2O4 and 33.18% respectively within 90 min under visible light irra-
showed better photo-catalytic degradation than Ag/AgBr. diation. MoS2/CoFe2O4 have better photocatalytic efficiency
15% Ag/AgBr/CoFe2O4 saturation magnetization 5.5 emu/g than pure MoS2 and pure CoFe2O4, mass ration MoS2 and
and showed ferrimagnetic behavior so, it was easily separable CoFe2O4 have an effect on photo-catalytic efficiency in
from aqueous solution due to its magnetic properties. MoS2/CoFe2O4. When the mass ratio of MoS2 and CoFe2O4
CoFe2O4/g-C3N4 hybrid of direct Z-scheme was synthe- was 3:1, the photocatalytic efficiency for the degradation of
sized by Yao et al. through a simple hydrothermal technique RhB was 93.80% in 90 min and degradation of CR was
for removal of dyes under natural light (Fig. 11a) [115]. The 94.43% within 50 min under visible light radiation. It hap-
degradation of RhB without any photocatalyst can be ignored pened because of the separation of electrons-hole pairs which
and with H2O2 the degradation of RhB is around 3.2% under are accelerated by the heterojunction between MoS2 and
light irradiation. Photodegradation of RhB by g-C3N4 was CoFe2O4. When mass ratio of CoFe2O4 and MoS2 was 1:2
weak and by CoFe2O4 69% of RhB was destroyed in presence the photocatalytic efficiency was decreased under visible light
of H2O2 within 210 min. When the concentration of CoFe2O4 radiation, the degradation of RhB was 73.61% in 90 min.
was increased the photo-catalytic efficiency was also increased and degradation of CR was 77.71% within 50 min. The pho-
and at the weight ratio 2/1 of CoFe2O4/C3N4 it degraded todegradation of RhB was around 48.69% in 90 min. and
100% of RhB dye within 210 min under indoor natural degradation of CR was 67.56% when the mass ration of
light irradiation. CoFe2O4/C3N4 (2:1) showed better CoFe2O4 and MoS2 was 1:4. MoS2/CoFe2O4 nanocomposites
photo-catalytic efficiency than g-C3N4 and CoFe2O4. showed direct Z-scheme photocatalysis in which photogener-
CoFe2O4/g-C3N4 hybrid showed direct Z-scheme ated electrons in CB of CoFe2O4 were recombined with holes

Please cite this article in press as: Sonu et al., Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 via heterojunction formation for photocatalysis of
organic pollutants in water, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2019),
Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 13

in VB of MoS2. Photocatalytic efficiency was increased due to

the formation of O–2 and h+ radicals. When mass ratio of
CoFe2O4 and MoS2 was 1:3 saturation magnetization was
0.14 emu g1. After seven cycles of MoS2/CoFe2O4 nanocom-
posites show the photodegradation of RhB and CR around
82% and it is easily separable from aqueous solution due to
magnetic properties (Fig. 11b).

7. CoFe2O4 based Schottky photocatalyst

The Schottky junction comprises of metal material and semi-

conductor, which is advantageous in fabricating a space-
charge region. Magnetic rGO-CoFe2O4 hybrid nanocomposite
was prepared by He et al. through simple hydrothermal pro-
cess for the photodegradation of malachite green below visible
light [117]. Hybrid rGO-CoFe2O4 nanocomposite showed
granular morphology with average size of 17 nm. Hybrid
rGO-CoFe2O4H2O2 increased the photodegradation of mala-
chite green dye, it degraded malachite green dye completely
within 15 min under visible light. In this heterojunction the
recombination of electron-holes reduced and photocatalytic
efficiency was found increased. rGO-CoFe2O4 hybrid Fig. 13 Conclusive outlook for modified CoFe2O4 photocata-
nanocomposite showed schottky heterojunction in which pho- lysts for pollutant degradation.
toexcited electrons in the CB of CoFe2O4 were transferred to
the CB of rGO and holes in VB of rGO were help in the
formation of OH radicals which increased the photocatalytic photodegradation than pure CoFe2O4. Photodegradation of
efficiency. The photodegradation efficiency of the hybrid MB was 100% done by CoFe2O4/graphene 10 wt% within
rGO-CoFe2O4 nanocomposite was much more than the 1 h under visible light irradiation. MB was completely photode-
nanoparticles and photodegradation was increased with graded by CoFe2O4/graphene 5 wt% and CoFe2O4/graphene
increase of rGO/CoFe2O4 ratio and initial pH. rGO-CoFe2O4 20 wt% within 2 h under visible light irradiation.
hybrid nanocomposite saturation magnetization was in the CoFe2O4/graphene 40 wt% also completely degraded the MB
range 61.82–63.73 emu/g and ferromagnetic behavior so; it dye but it takes 3 h to reach the complete degradation under
was easily separable from the aqueous solution. visible light irradiation. CoFe2O4/graphene nanocomposites
Shang and co-workers synthesized magnetic showed schottky heterojunction in which photogenerated
CoFe2O4/graphene nanocomposites by a novel hydrothermal electrons in the CB of CoFe2O4 were transferred to the CB of
process for the photodegradation of methylene blue [118]. graphene and the holes in VB of CoFe2O4 helps in the
Photodegradation of MB by pure CoFe2O4 was around 34% formation of OH radicals which enhance the photocatalytic
in 2 h or more under visible light radiation. Magnetic efficiency (Fig. 12a). In this graphene acted as a charge carrier
CoFe2O4/graphene nanocomposites showed high rate of which increased the photo-catalytic efficiency of CoFe2O4.

Fig. 12 (a) Schematic design of the photocatalytic mechanism for the photodegradation of the MB dye, (b) Schematic design of the
photocatalytic mechanism of CF–RGO nanocomposites for photodegradation of dye (Permission taken from Elsevier, license no.
4583570964226 and Royal Society of Chemistry).

Please cite this article in press as: Sonu et al., Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 via heterojunction formation for photocatalysis of
organic pollutants in water, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2019),
14 Sonu et al.

CoFe2O4/graphene was easily separable from the aqueous solu- by pure ZnO was 0.62  104 s1 under visible light, when
tion due to magnetic properties of CoFe2O4 and reused many concentration of CoFe2O4/ZnO was 1.6 g/L showed the
time without losing photo-catalytic efficiency (Fig. 13). maximum decolorization rate 2  104 s1 under visible
Ghosh et al. synthesized CoFe2O4–RGO nanocomposite by light radiation. By further increased concentration of
co-precipitation method ‘in situ’ for removal of various dyes CoFe2O4/ZnO nanocomposite, the decreased decolorization
underneath visible light radiation [119]. Without the presence rate under visible light irradiation was observed.
of photocatalyst, no photocatalytic degradation was witnessed. CoFe2O4/ZnO was easily separable from the aqueous solution
The nanocomposite CoFe2O4–RGO with H2O2 showed due to magnetic properties of CoFe2O4. The maximum rate for
enhancement of photocatalytic action under visible light radia- photo catalytic mineralization and of DB 71 was witnessed in
tion. CoFe2O4–RGO nanocomposite which have 5, 10, 15 and the existence of CoFe2O4/ZnO and PMS catalysts because of
25 wt% RGO concentration photodegraded MO dye within generation of greater number of non-selective hydroxide and
270, 150, 120 and 60 min respectively under visible light irradi- superoxide radicals and easily generated chain type reaction
ation. Further increased concentration of RGO has decreased during photocatalytic process.
the photodegradation efficiency of MO. So, CoFe2O4–RGO
25 wt% showed upmost photocatalytic activity for the elimina- 9. Elemental doping
tion of MO under visible light. CoFe2O4–RGO nanocomposite
showed schottky heterojunction in which the photoexcited elec-
trons in the CB of CoFe2O4 were transferred to the CB of RGO. The metal/non-metal doping is a significant strategy for the
CoFe2O4–RGO nanocomposite photocatalyst reduced the modification of optical band gap of any photocatalyst. As a
recombination of electron-hole separation and helps in the for- factor of duration of photocatalytic reaction, major fraction
mation of OH, O radicals. CoFe2O4–RGO was simply of photo-generated holes and electrons lean towards recombi-
removed from the aqueous solution due to magnetic properties nation before getting to the surface of photocatalyst. As a
of CoFe2O4 and this showed same photo-catalytic activity after result, only partial holes and electrons reach the surface of
4 consecutive cycles (Fig. 12b). photocatalyst. Transition metal ions as dopants can change
host lattice defects, crystallinity, prevent recombination of
e--h+ pairs, extend the life time of charge carriers and also
8. CoFe2O4 based p-n heterojunction photocatalysts
extend absorption region in semiconductor photocatalyst. Sev-
eral metal ions have been used as dopants as Ho3+, N3+, Sn2+
While Type II system can preferably separate charge carriers in and Zn2+ to tune the band gap of CoFe2O4 [122,123]. Metal
space, attained enhancement in electron-hole separation dopant, such as Mn3+ and Fe3+, results into a red shift in
throughout Type II heterojunction is not adequate to over- the energy band, i.e. transition in between impurity levels to
awed the fast recombination of electron-hole on semiconduc- the valence band or conduction band. These metal ions unite
tor. In respect of this, hypothesis of fabricating a p-n within crystal lattice of semiconductor photocatalyst and con-
heterojunction system is proposed frontward, which is compe- struct impurity levels in semiconductor forbidden band. For an
tent to deliver an extra electric field to hasten the transfer of effective doped semiconductor photocatalyst two conditions
electron-hole pairs for increasing photocatalytic activity. The are required: (i) trapped e- and h+ can be free and drift to
separation efficacy of electron-hole pairs in p-n system is the interface and (ii) dopant can capture e- and h+ to promote
quicker than that of Type II system, which can remarkably local separation. Moreover, Mn3+ used as a metal dopant can
boost the photocatalytic action. narrow band gap and also rise optical absorption for visible
Mishra et al. fabricated magnetic CoFe2O4-ZnO photocat- light and IR regions [14]. The non-metal dopants, such as
alyst by hydrothermal technique for the photodegradation of Ni, can helps in locating extra extrinsic electronic levels in
methylene blue (MB) under visible light [120]. In the presence the band gap of a semiconductor photocatalyst. Lately, vari-
of CoFe2O4-ZnO, absorption spectra of MB solution changed ous non-metals dopants such as N, Ni, C, S, P, F and Br were
many times under UV light. With increased UV exposure time also used to tune the band gap of CoFe2O4 photocatalysts [14].
at 298 nm, the absorption peak drops slowly within 60 min The traditional non-metal doping method depends on the
during the reaction and there was no absorption bands adsorption of organic ligands or gas molecules on the surface
appeared in the UV or visible regions, which showed the whole of photocatalyst which results in small absorption peaks in UV
photo-catalytic decolourization of MB solution. CoFe2O4- spectra. In this method, first step includes embedment of
ZnO photocatalyst was easily separable from aqueous solution dopant precursor into shallow lattice and then thermal treat-
due to ferrimagnetic properties of CoFe2O4. CoFe2O4-ZnO ment was used for making a homogenous doping.
nanocomposite did not show any loss in photo-catalytic activ-
ity after the three cycles for the photodegradation of MB.
CoFe2O4-ZnO saturation magnetization was 51 emu g1 and, 10. Conclusive remarks
because of ferromagnetic behaviour, this photocatalyst was
easily separable from aqueous solution. Thickness of ZnO shell Herein, this review emphasizes on the use of CoFe2O4 based
affected the photocatalytic efficiency, so that the thicker ZnO heterojunctions for the photodegradation of various organic
shell caused a higher photo-catalytic efficiency. contaminants in wastewater. This review briefly discusses the
A magnetic ZnO supported CoFe2O4 was fabricated role of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles with type II, direct Z-scheme,
through a novel co-precipitation method by Anandan et al. solid state Z-scheme, Schottky and p-n heterojunctions based
for mineralization of direct Blue 71 dye underneath visible on different heterostructures and charge transfer. There are
light [121]. CoFe2O4/ZnO showed zero decolorization of DB some important points related to cobalt ferrite, which can be
71 under visible light. Decolorization efficiency for the DB71 summarised as below:

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Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 15

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Please cite this article in press as: Sonu et al., Review on augmentation in photocatalytic activity of CoFe2O4 via heterojunction formation for photocatalysis of
organic pollutants in water, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society (2019),

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