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Monotonous exercise stress of the modern person, practically

any sport and even the morning exercises which became the habit is given to
to serious consequences also cause diseases and deformations of the backbone
and joints. Carrying out ordinary gymnastics, we strengthen muscles of the stomach, hands
and legs. At the same time muscles of the back get excessive density,
straightening physiological bends of the backbone and deforming it. In
result of constant muscular tension the vessels clamped in suffer
vice of spazmirovanny muscles, blood supply of various is broken
bodies diseases also develop. Author of this edition famous
the Russian doctor, proposes to the reader the original solution of the task
strengthenings of health and maintenance of the organism are in good shape. In the book
the complex developed by it essentially new in essence is published
the daily gymnastics directed to relaxation of skeletal muscles. In
to the book also unique set of exercises is published for
prevention of diseases of vessels of the brain.

Anatoly Boleslavovich Sittele Gymnastics

Anatoly Sitel
Future gymnastics
Listen to pass "Advise, the doctor!" on Radio of Russia channel.
Pass is conducted by the editor-in-chief of Metafora publishing house Olga Kopylova.
On the air you will be able to ask questions to the best Russian experts
in various fields of medicine and to get at them the correspondence advice.
The program "Advise, the Doctor!" appears every Saturday from 13:10 till 14:00 on
to Moscow time. DV of 261 kHz (1149 m) of SV 873 kHz (343.6 m) of VHF 66.44 MHz
Word of the editor-in-chief
Monotonous exercise stress of the modern person, practically
any sport and physical culture, and even become the habit morning exercises and
run is led to serious consequences and cause diseases and deformations
backbone and joints. For example, together with muscles of the stomach, hands, legs,
which we strengthen at the usual exercise stress, back muscles
increase the tonic tension and get excessive, sometimes
even stony density, straightening physiological bends
backbone and deforming it.
In addition to it constant muscular tension and local
muscular spasms as if in the vice, clamp vessels that brings to
to foul of blood supply of various bodies and development of diseases.
In this book you will find the original solution of the problem of strengthening of health and
maintenance of the organism be in good shape. The author brings to attention
the reader the unique complex of the daily gymnastics directed on
relaxation of skeletal muscles. Also unique is published in the book
set of exercises for prevention of diseases of vessels of head
In several weeks of systematic occupations your backbone will become
much more flexible and mobile, the gait will find smoothness and
elasticity, you will feel inflow of vital forces! Many of you will note
disappearance of head and cardiac pains, pressure will cease to jump,
digestion will return to normal, it will become easier to breathe.
Perform the offered exercises once a day and also later
trainings, long physical work, in conclusion of yours
usual morning exercises.
Every 2-3 week take the week break, and then start to
to occupations again.
We pay your attention to original self-diagnostic test,
published in this book. We recommend to pass this once a week
the test which will allow you to determine those areas by sensations of pain
bodies where there are developments of stagnation. Using the test, the reader will be able
to make for itself(himself) the individual set of exercises which will allow
in due time and effectively to liquidate the stagnant centers in the organism and
to prevent development of diseases.
The offered easy way of restoration of blood supply in various
parts of the body for you the best easy it will become individual
the picked-up gymnastics for every day! If you take yourself for the rule
to carry out medical poses movements regularly, you will render to yourself invaluable
service you will also help all bodies and systems to perform the functions easily and
We are convinced that future gymnastics - the clever gymnastics curing
the person and supporting his organism be in steadily good shape,
there has to be influence first of all on skeletal muscles. And influence
it has to be weakening! We offer such gymnastics
to you to begin to master already today.
Dear readers, I wish you good health and success in development
Olga Kopylova
Relaxation instead of tension
So far the exercise stress at physical education classes in
schools, in sports sections, at remedial gymnastics evenly it is given
on all groups of muscles. It was always considered as the positive phenomenon. However
today another becomes clear. If the person every day within 3-5 years
will perform exercises with identical load of all groups of muscles,
from it he will get sick!
In the human body all muscular sphere on function is divided on
two groups. The first group - skeletal muscles (or tonic),
keeping modern look of the person ("on which bone keep"),
constantly is in tension, even when the person sleeps. It it is close
it is connected with the median structures of the brain and old bark responsible for
vegetative, neuroendocrine and emotional functions of human
organism. At the modern person these muscles constantly are in
condition of pathologically increased tonic tension.
The second group - the muscles responsible for instant application of force
(physical). At the modern person they are pathologically weakened, in
result of what reduce force of the reduction.
The muscles responsible for instant application of force have
minor value in the human body, but just on them
strengthening and increase in their force were also directed the last 100 years
physical exercises. But when carrying out scientific research became
it is clear, that the thoughtless makhaniye hands and legs brings not benefit, but harm.
Why? For example, we begin to swing the prelum abdominale, getting up from
prone positions in the sitting position, that is we train direct and oblique muscles
stomach, responsible for instant application of force, which at
the modern person are weakened., It seems, everything is right, but that at this time
becomes with tonic muscles of the back which, on the contrary, need in
relaxation? Nobody ever thought.

Together with stomach muscles which we strengthen, back muscles

increase the tonic tension and get stony
density, straightening physiological bends of the backbone.
Sometimes you look at the young man - muscles beefy, lovely sight
simply, and behind it is found uniform muscular tyazh from the nape to the sacrum.
Finger you touch - the stone, and only! The spiral shape of the backbone with
by physiological bends it is maleficiated, and on the curvature the backbone
approaches the concrete column.
If as a result of the different reasons the muscles responsible disappear for
instant application of force, happens nothing- the person
continues to live (at stout women after the delivery from direct and oblique muscles
stomach there are only tendinous helmets, for many people are available
tendinous helmets on the place of interscapular muscles). And here when cutting
any skeletal muscle of people turns into the disabled person at once: can't
to move or turn some part of the trunk.
As a result of the listed above factors at each person since the moment
births and in the course of manifestation of the physical activity
especially individual motive stereotype is formed. Motive
the stereotype is the set of all mosaic of muscular tension and
the relaxations coded in the short-term and long-term memory.
now in modern human population it is noted
people with not changed motive stereotype. At emergence
backbone pathologies undifferentiated physical activity
constantly strengthens the pathological motive stereotype.
The pathological motive stereotype adapts and does the patient
kind of steadier against the disease, allows to reduce the pain syndrome
or to avoid it and other clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis
backbone. During the occupations traditional physical culture "for strengthening
muscles" the person replaces muscles which wants to strengthen, others. In
result it exercises the non-coordination instead of its elimination and
thereby fixes the pathological motive stereotype. For example,
the person trains back group of muscles of the hip, lifting in situation on
stomach leg up. But as there is the weakness of back group of muscles of the hip, in
the motive act joins the taking-away group of muscles of the hip, bringing to
to simultaneous spin of the shin and foot. Tonic amplifies
tension of other muscles. When walking spin of foot outside appears,
pains in the buttock. The person trained the non-coordination.

Such physical culture "for strengthening of muscles" is absolutely contraindicated

the patient with clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis of the backbone.
functional blockade (passive restrictions of mobility) in joints
human body which support steady pathological
motive stereotype, can't be eliminated with such methods. At the same time
all movements of the patient and his bearing therefore it is impossible to define are distorted
even and to establish the true muscular strength what symptoms are
the consequence of the spondilogenny disease and what are connected with fouls
the central regulation as a result of the training
non-coordinations. We reconsidered the idea of that,
which have to be physical exercises.

Has to be the basis of physical exercises for the person

impact on the skeletal muscles raising the at pathology
tension. Influence has to be weakening.
The principle of yoga - not to strengthen, and to weaken - also quite approaches to
to the solution of the main objective, however it must be kept in mindit must be kept in mind that in
to gymnastics there are many harmful exercises for human health,
which need to be excluded from occupations.
First of all it is necessary to learn to relax the back muscles bearing
main loading. Exercises have to take place by the technique
"relaxations through concentration" on several types:
· the slow rhythmical movements stretching the tonic muscle
(to repeat 6-15 times, 20-30 seconds the break);
· by gravity to create for the tonic muscle situation, it
stretching, the phase of stretching lasts 20 seconds, 20 seconds the break,
to repeat 15-20 times;
· tension of the tonic muscle against resistance during 9-11
seconds, then 6-8 seconds relaxation and its stretching to repeat 3-6 times;
· tension of group of tonic muscles against resistance with
the opposite side within 9-11 seconds, 6-8 seconds relaxation,
stretching of group of muscles to repeat 3-6 times.
About harm of morning exercises
All people on the psychophysiological characteristics are divided on
"larks" who early fall asleep in the evening both get up early in the morning, and "owls",
leading active lifestyle in the evening, and in the morning with great difficulty
roused. It is connected with distinction of psychophysical
characteristics and biological rhythms at the different people who developed from
the births and fixed in process of the subsequent life. Their foul
leads to the stressful situation for the human body, and then to the disease.
Both "larks" and "owls" shouldn't jump from the bed at all and
to do at once physical exercises - it breaks physiological rhythms
human body. Even more harmfully after physical exercises to rush under ice
shower. The organism from it has the stress, and after short-term
artificial rise in forces at the person recession of activity begins, and at
frequent repetition - even the depression.
To receive the real charge of cheerfulness, from the bed it is better
to rise not earlier than 8-9 o'clock in the morning, very slowly, having lain down 6-15 more
minutes during which several times to stretch, having raised hands up and
having extended feet, having thought of what is necessary wonderful day. To sleep
not less than 9-11 hours are recommended, in 8 hours muscles don't relax.
The saying "Early bird gets the worm" doesn't maintain criticism.
"Owls" are recommended to do any physical exercises not earlier
4-5 o'clock in the evening, to "larks" are better to choose for this purpose day time.
It is necessary to begin physical therapy with the simplest exercises, then
it is possible to pass to more difficult. The main rule in occupations of medical
compliance of its chosen complex has to be gymnastics
to appointment.
Sometimes the patient himself chooses the exercises suitable for themselves,
being guided by lack of feeling of discomfort and pain at
occupations. If the patient notes that exercise brings benefit, he
has to include it in the complex.
Exercises shouldn't be accompanied by pain and especially from it
strengthening. At first trainings can be followed by some painful
feelings which have to weaken gradually. Through 2-3 occupations
the organism will get used to loadings, and it will be easier to perform exercises.
However it is necessary to remember that pain is the signal of danger for which it is impossible
to neglect. It is always necessary to begin very carefully, avoiding
wide movements and great efforts. To gain the range and dynamics
movements it is necessary gradually. It is important to control constantly the course of occupations,
to avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of pain or other surprise.
Gymnastics for relaxation of skeletal muscles
Medical poses movements for the general relaxation
Pose movement No. 1
With two additional points of support (the sacrum and shovels) to rise at the wall
and to raise relaxed arms. To be adjusted mentally on the fact that hands
begin to disperse in the parties. Not to wait for immediate result, not
to hurry, to concentrate. To establish the image of the divergence of hands, for example
to present that they make a start from each other as unipolar
magnets. When hands begin to disperse really, arise
pleasant feelings. It is important to remember and not to lose them the thread of internal
communications (fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The pose movement for the general relaxation

Pose movement No. 2
With two additional points of support (the sacrum and the shovel) to rise at the wall
and to part hands (one down and aside, another up and aside).
To be adjusted on their automatic movement to each other. If in process
such movement there is the feeling as if hands are pulled by some force, means
there occurs relaxation (fig. 2).

Fig. 2. The pose movement for the general relaxation

Pose movement No. 3
Get up it is weakened, with the lowered hands (fig. 3). Internally
present that the hand became easy and rises, emerges, come
pleasant feelings (fig. 4). The main thing - not to interrupt internal communication between
will and hand. When at your will the hand begins "to emerge", you will be able
to pass to other exercises.

Pose movement No. 4

Get up it is weakened, put legs on width of shoulders. Lift right
hand aside so that it was parallel to the floor in the direction
the next wall which doesn't reach several meters (fig. 5). And now
internally present that your hand gradually begins to be extended in
direction of the wall. The main thing - not to interrupt internal communication between yours
feelings and wall.
Here your "extended" hand "reaches" the wall (fig. 6).

Pose movement No. 5

After you well learned "to extend" the hand and to get extended
hand the wall, it is necessary "to feel" slowly finger-tips the wall and
to define its invoice: smooth it or rough, cool or
warm. Having felt the first time, to strengthen exercise, directing "extended"
hand on other venues: ceiling, case, table, etc.
Pose movement No. b
Exercise is performed in the weakened situation - standing, sitting or lying
(fig. 7). Try to present in one of these provisions how borders
your body begin to extend slowly.

Your body becomes more and more. You fill with the body
the room and gradually your body becomes such big as the house (fig. 8).
At the end of performance of exercises the body should be "returned" in
normal sizes.
Pose movement No. 7
Exercise is performed in the weakened situation - standing, sitting or lying
(fig. 9). In one of these provisions try to feel how borders of yours
bodies begin to decrease slowly.

Your body becomes less and less. Here it decreases by one

the third, becomes size at first about the soccerball, and then about apple
(fig. 10).
At the end of exercise performance the body should be "returned" in
normal sizes.
Pose movement No. 8
Exercise is performed standing, in the weakened situation, at the wall, with
free space in front on two-three meters. Without moving a little,
you feel how you take the step, another, the third and you stop,
examining the body which is at the wall. After exercise performance
the body needs to be "returned" surely to the home position - at the wall
(fig. 11).

Fig. 11. The pose movement for the general relaxation

Pose movement No. 9
Exercise is performed in the sitting position on the chair or the chair, in
the weakened state. Having bent the trunk in chest department of the backbone,
lean the elbows forearms on the knees so that hands were
are absolutely free and parallel each other at distance of 20-25 cm
(fig. 12).

Now through the nose to begin the slow breath, lowering grudobryushny
diaphragm, inflating the stomach and without stopping the middle part of the thorax,
holding apart edges and raising shoulders and clavicles. To make the exhalation in the return
in beat breaths very slowly, on millimeters to shift palms,
having presented that between palms you hold the easy plastic ball from
table tennis. As the distance between palms is
to decrease, it is necessary to feel some resistance as though
actually you gripped the plastic tennis ball which
doesn't allow to shift your palms (fig. 13). Focus on elastic
surfaces of the plastic ball.
We recommend to you to perform this exercise in the stressful situation for
fast removal of neuromuscular tension. If you can't sit down,
perform exercise standing. In most cases such simple measure
will help you to prevent exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases.
Pose movement No. 10
To perform exercise in the prone position, in the floor the gloom. To develop fingers,
to extend before with own eyes brush so that the look passed through
fingers also rested against the ceiling (fig. 14).

Fig. 14. The pose movement for the general relaxation

To focus internally on space just before
finger-tips and to look not movably not at it, and through it - in
ceiling. After a while you will feel change in space
near finger-tips. Can be Oshusheniya different: space
becomes lighter or is more dark, there can be clots of type of fog or rays,
going from fingertips. Try to extend rays on tips
fingers and you will see how they "are gradually extended".
Pose movement No. 11
Exercise is performed in the sitting position or lying. Carry out by the
palm over the top third of the hip, having focused on the
feelings (fig. 15).

Fig. 15. The pose movement for the general relaxation

You feel elasticity and resistance of tissue of the hip at distance. Can
to appear feeling of heat or pricking in fingertips and the palm
hand. Now, without bringing closer the hand to the hip and without moving the hand,
mentally press the hand on the hip. At the same time in the hip the feeling is felt
easy pressure, weight, heat. Now remove the hand pressure sense and
weights from the hip, feel the cool and ease in the top third of the hip.
It is necessary to repeat exercise until feelings don't become
absolutely accurate and repeated.
Pose movement No. 12
Exercise is performed in the sitting position or lying (fig. 16).
Fig. 16. The pose movement for the general relaxation
After full development of the previous exercise by finger-tips of hands and
palm, having focused on the feelings, it is necessary to feel,
that have distance between the palm and the top third of the hip accurately
distinguishable two layers - external, more discharged, and internal, more
dense which have no clear boundary and interpenetrate each other
(fig. 17).

Fig. 17. The pose movement for the general relaxation

We noted that usually at inflammation internal "increases"
dense bed, and at fouls of functions of nervous system (at paresis and
paralyzes) "becomes thinner" and even the external layer "disappears".
Pose movement No. 13
Exercise is performed in the standing position, legs are placed, hands up
(fig. 18). Try to relax, completely to be disconnected from surrounding
situations and to feel the small streamlet in the beginning, and then deep
the stream going from top to down from infinite height from Space.

Fig. 18. The pose movement for the general relaxation

This stream passes through the head cinciput, along the backbone and leaves
deeply to the earth. Here the counter flow - it rises from the earth and leaves
through your body vertically up, in infinite height. You feel
infinite pleasure, you feel freedom, laid down the bone and clarification of the
organism from slags and diseases. You kind of "soar" in air between
ascending and descending streams. After this exercise of people
receives the charge of cheerfulness, good health and excellent mood.
Pose movement No. 14
Exercise is performed in the standing position. After that go as you will achieve
feelings of the accurate movement on currents, imagine that in the center of yours
the heads the invisible membrane directed vertically up is established and
not preventing passing of the vertical ascending stream. Feel how
the stream directs from below up through the cinciput of the head and through area between
eyes. And now turn the membrane perpendicular to the ascending stream.
You will feel how from area between eyes in your organism became
"to be soaked up" energy. Repeat exercise until yours
feelings won't find the clearness and ease.
Pose movement No. 15
Exercise is performed in the standing position. After that go as you will accurately achieve
feelings of streams, imagine that at the level of the navel at you it is established
the membrane directed vertically up and which isn't preventing passing
the vertical descending stream. Feel how the stream directs from above
down also goes deeply to the earth. And now mentally turn the membrane
perpendicular to the descending stream. You will feel that in your organism
through the navel energy of the descending stream began to be soaked up. Repeat
exercise until your feelings don't find clearness and clarity.
Pose movement No. 16
Exercise is performed in the weakened state, in the sitting position (in
chair) or lying. You have to remember the episode from the life when at you
there was the condition of unconditional joy and happiness. Perhaps, it is the picture
certain color either landscape, or musical melody, or episode
births of your child, etc. Anyway it is necessary to remember the period
your life when you were healthy, feeling bring down yourself happy,
independent, believed in themselves and in the forces! Memoirs have to be without
melancholy and nostalgia because this moment of your life didn't leave
irrevocably, and we need to make these forgotten feelings yours
normal state. Having caused in itself happy memoirs at least
once, to you it is necessary then long to train to finish
entry into this state to automatism.
Pose movement No. 17
Exercise is performed in the standing position, legs are placed, hands up
(fig. 19).

Fig. 19. The pose movement for the general relaxation

In the beginning exercise performance you have to in the weakened state
to completely feel the ascending and descending streams passing
vertically through your body. Then feel merge to these as moving
streams. After that mentally "turn" perpendicularly invisible
membranes in the middle of the head and in the navel. "Reach" energy from
membranes in the middle of the head to the membrane in the navel, and with another
the parties, from the membrane in the navel to the membrane in the middle of the head.
Now it is necessary to feel and hold feeling of opposite
streams between membranes. As soon as you managed it, you will feel how
around your body there will be the ring protective stream of energy. Repeating
this exercise more and more time, you are convinced that your perception of external
the world became more real and weighed, you became much surer and
more quietly, and the health considerably improved.
Medical poses movements for relaxation of muscles of the back
Pose movement No. 1
Facing the open door recorded by the wooden wedge
to grasp with hands its upper edge (if necessary to rise on
small bench or chair). Having slightly turned in knees, to hang on straight arms (feet
surely concern the floor). The stretching arising at the same time reduces
pressure upon disks and backs of spinal nerves, joints and others
sensitive fabrics. To remain in this situation not less than 1 minute,
then to have a rest 10 minutes. To carry out the pose movement 2-3 times a day.
Pose movement No. 2
To strengthen the horizontal bar in the doorway. To sag on the horizontal bar on
outstretched arms (feet surely concern the floor). To try not to strain
neck, shoulder girdle and back, body has to be most weakened.
Skeletal muscles of the back stretch under the influence of body weight and
reduce the tension. Duration of each sagging 1-3
minutes. The pose movement is recommended to be carried out several times a day. Later
performance of the specified pose movement it is recommended to lie down 30-60 minutes.
Pose movement No. 3
The medical movement for relaxation of muscles of the back is carried out in situation
lying on the couch on the healthy side, the lower hand is enclosed under the head,
the lower leg is slightly bent in the knee joint, the upper leg as much as possible
it is bent in the hip joint and at an obtuse angle in the knee joint
(fig. 20).

Fig. 20. The pose movement for relaxation of muscles of the back
The upper hand to hold under the knee joint the upper leg in
the provision of the maximum bending in the hip joint. On the phase "breath"
within 9-11 seconds to press the hand on popliteal area of the leg, eye
down, to legs. On the phase "exhaled" within 6-8 seconds - relaxation,
to increase the range of bending of the leg in the hip joint. Medical
to repeat the movement 3-6 times, at each repetition whenever possible
to increase the range of bending of the leg in the hip joint.
Medical poses movements for relaxation of muscles of the waist
Pose movement No. 1
To rise at the wall with the additional point of support on the sacrum and to lift bent
in the knee joint the leg to the right angle with the trunk it is (not above). To hold it
in this provision of 20 seconds then to lower, 20 seconds the break. To make that
most other leg. To repeat the cycle of 15-16 times (fig. 21).
Pose movement No. 2
To rise at the wall with the additional point of support on the sacrum and to lift bent
in knee and coxofemoral joints the leg to the right angle with the trunk.
To put on it freight of 1-1.5 kg and to keep in this provision of 20 seconds, then
to lower, 20 seconds the break. To make the same with other leg. To repeat
cycle of 15-16 times (fig. 22).
Medical pose movement for relaxation of the side muscle of the waist
The medical movement for relaxation of the side muscle of the waist is carried out in
standing position with most inclined trunk aside,
opposite to the sick party. To hold most inclined in
the party the trunk within 20 seconds, 20-30 seconds the break. To repeat the cycle
15-16 times (fig. 23).
Fig. 23. The pose movement for relaxation of the side muscle of the waist
Medical pose movement for relaxation of muscles of the pelvic bottom
To carry out the medical movement for relaxation of muscles of the pelvic bottom in
ventral decubitus, with the heels developed outside, and hands,
located on the buttocks of the same name.

Fig. 24. The pose movement for relaxation of muscles of the pelvic bottom
On the phase "breath" within 9-11 seconds as much as possible to part with hands
buttocks in the parties against resistance of muscles of the pelvic bottom, the look up.
On the phase "exhaled" within 6-8 seconds - relaxation of muscles, the look down, for
this short time the soft movement of hands it is necessary to try whenever possible
to part slightly more buttocks in the parties (at the same time muscles of the pelvic bottom not
to strain). To repeat the medical movement 3-6 times, every time on the phase
"exhaled" hands slightly increasing cultivation of buttocks in the parties (fig. 24).
The medical movement for relaxation of muscles of the pelvic bottom can be carried out in
sitting position on cards.
For strengthening of muscles
We recommend to carry out medical poses movements for strengthening of muscles
before relaxation exercises of muscles. Medical poses movements for
strengthenings of muscles can be included in daily physical exercises, and after it
to carry out the set of exercises offered above on relaxation of muscles.
Medical pose movement for strengthening of muscles of the stomach
To carry out the medical movement for strengthening of muscles of the stomach in situation
lying on the back at slow pace. On the phase "breath" during seconds the stomach
up, on the phase the stomach down, without freight "exhaled" within 6 seconds. To carry out
till 15-20 exercises in the morning and in the evening. In 2-3 weeks to complicate medical
the movement - to put freight on the stomach, in the beginning it is no more than 0.3 kg, and so
to carry out the medical movement within 3 weeks or month (fig. 25, 26).

In the month to increase freight to 1 kg, in 2 months - up to 1.5 kg, in 3 months

- up to 2 kg, through 4 months - to 3 kg and so to bring to 15-30 kg within the year
or one and a half years.
Medical pose movement for strengthening of flabby muscles of buttocks
For strengthening of muscles of buttocks to receive the ventral decubitus from lifted
and the leg bent at right angle in the knee joint. Everyone seconds
to carry out the fluent slow movements, lifting and lowering bent in
knee joint leg. To repeat the medical movement till 15-16 times of everyone
leg (fig. 27).
Fig. 27. The pose movement for strengthening of flabby muscles of buttocks
Breathing exercises
In addition to the complex offered above the hedgehog of day weakening
muscles of exercises we recommend to perform breathing exercises.
The main respiratory muscle of the person is the grudobryushny diaphragm,
dividing chest and belly areas of the body. Majority
unexercised people very poorly involve the diaphragm in breath.
Therefore the main task of physical exercises - increase in depth
breath and training of the diafragmalny muscle. Increase in mobility
diafragmalny muscle promotes increase in ventilation of lower
departments of lungs. Good ventilation of the lungs leads to full
to blood saturation by oxygen. At increase in mobility of the diaphragm on
1 cm pulmonary volume increases on ON ml on the right, and at the left by 90 ml!
The trained person has the active and full-fledged excursion (lifting and
lowering) diaphragms from 5 to 8 cm promotes massage being below
bodies (the liver, the spleen, the stomach, etc.), improves in them blood circulation and
lymph flow. It should be notedIt should be noted also pump function of the thorax at
breath therefore blood sticks from abdominal organs
to lungs, getting into them being quicker supplied with oxygen quicker. Quicker
acids and products of exchange are removed from the organism that well influences
on the central nervous system and internals.
At increase in depth of breath its profitability increases and
efficiency, as alveoluses more than at superficial
breath, are filled with air. At the same time breath frequency decreases,
duration of finding of air increases in alveoluses, as a result
what the efficiency of oxygen increases and increases
blood oxygenation.
Breathing exercises need to be carried out in well aired
the room or in the fresh air, on an empty stomach or in 3 hours after the meal,
it is desirable after bladder emptying, intestines and hygienic
procedures of cleaning of the nose.
Exercise "Nasal breath"
In the standing position or sitting on the chair to make the slow breath and the exhalation. Then
to clamp the right nostril the thumb of the right hand and to inhale slowly
left nostril (fig. 28).

Without making pauses after the breath, to clamp the left nostril the long finger of left
hands, having opened right and to make the slow exhalation (fig. 29) through it. Not
doing by pauses, to repeat exercise 9-10 times. During performance
exercises to concentrate the attention on air flow, passing
through the nose.
Exercise can be considered mastered if the exhalation becomes slightly longer
breath, breath during exercises will become equal, and all cycle at 9-10
exercises it will be carried out in 20-25 seconds.
To learn it is correct to breathe, it is necessary to master in the beginning
separate types of breath.
Exercise for breath development "Side separation of edges"
Exercise for breath development "Side separation of edges" (lower
breath) to carry out in the sitting position or standing. Backbone, head and neck
to arrange on one line vertically. To exhale all air from lungs
(fig. 30).

Fig. 30. "Side separation of edges"

To track that the grudobryushny diaphragm rose, and the stomach in was tucked.
Then slowly to inhale through the nose to feeling of the raspiraniye of the stomach. Not
to make any movements by the thorax and upper extremities. Not
doing stoppages, to begin the slow exhalation.
Exercise "Average breath"
"Average breath" to perform exercise in the standing position or sitting.

Fig. 31. "Average breath"

Through the nose to take the slow breath, holding apart edges, and then, without pause,
slow exhalation. Shoulders, the stomach and the diaphragm have to be not mobile, in
process of breath only edges (fig. 31) participate.
Exercise "Top breath"
"The top breath" to perform exercise in the sitting position or standing.
In the beginning as much as possible to exhale all air which accumulated in lungs. Then
through the nose to make the deep slow breath, raising clavicles and shoulders.
After the breath to begin the slow smooth exhalation with lowering of shoulders and clavicles
(fig. 32).

Fig. 32. "Top breath"

Only after separate development of separate types of breath it is necessary
to pass to full breath.
Exercise "Full breath"
To perform exercise in the prone position on the equal couch, the head on
to small pillow. In the beginning to relax, concentrate and as much as possible
to exhale all air from easy (fig. 33). Then through the nose to begin
slow breath, lowering the grudobryushny diaphragm and inflating the stomach. When
lower parts of lungs will be filled with air, to fill without stopping
middle part of the thorax, holding apart edges. Further, without stopping,
to continue to inhale air, raising shoulders and clavicles (fig. 34). At
the correct performance of exercise air owes silently continuous
constant stream to come to lungs. To make the exhalation in the return
sequences: in the beginning to tuck the stomach in, then to lower edges, and then
shoulders and clavicles. At the end of exercise with the force to tuck the stomach in. At absence
exercise to repeat feelings of fatigue or discomfort 6-10 times.
Exercise "Breath holding on the breath"
After development of full breath it is possible to pass to exercise "the Delay
breath on the breath". After the slow deep breath through the nose to detain
for several seconds breath, having relaxed as much as possible stomach muscles. Then
to make the usual slow exhalation through the nose. Gradually during two
weeks to try to finish breath holding up to 6-10 seconds. Exercise for
to repeat one cycle no more than 5-6 times.

After exercise development "Breath holding on the breath" it is possible to pass

to exercise "The detainee exhaled".
Exercise "The detainee exhaled"
After the slow full deep breath and breath holding to begin as
it is possible to do more slowly through the nose the continuous full exhalation.
Sequence of actions: reduction of muscles of the stomach, raising
grudobryushny diaphragm, lowering of edges, shoulders and clavicles. Exercise
to repeat 5-6 times.
Exercise "Breath holding after the exhalation"
After exercise development "The detainee exhaled" pass to exercise
"Breath holding after the exhalation". After performance previous three
exercises and release of lungs from air to tuck the stomach in and not to breathe
several seconds. Then to make the slow quiet breath. Exercise not
it is shown at pregnancy and to people with cardiovascular diseases.
Exercise "Cleaning breath"
To perform exercise in the prone position, sitting or standing. After slow
deep breath and breath holding to extend lips the tubule and with the force,
falteringly (with stoppages in half a second) to do the exhalation through the mouth, not
inflating cheeks until all air comes out lungs.

Fig. 35. "Cleaning breath"

Having finished vshchokh, to hold the breath for several seconds. Then to relax
and to make the deep quiet breath through the nose. This exercise is performed
after all breathing exercises also becomes only once (fig. 35)!
Exercise "Rhythmical breath"
To receive the comfortable position sitting, lying or standing. Having convinced that yours
the head, neck and thorax make, whenever possible, the straight line,
to lower freely hands on hips or knees. To feel that weight of the body
it is supported, mainly, and can long remain the thorax
in such situation. At the hollow thorax and the pot-belly
it is better to carry out exercise in the prone position.
· Slowly and deeply to inhale, counting 6 ictuses.
· To hold the breath, counting 3 ictuses (fig. 36).
· To exhale slowly, through the nose, counting 6 ictuses (fig. 37).
· To count 3 ictuses before the following breath.

To repeat 3-6 times, but to avoid overfatigue. Within 6-15 days

to gradually bring duration of the breath and exhalation to 15 ictuses.
Breath holding between the breath and the exhalation has to be equal approximately
to the half of number of ictuses at the breath or the exhalation.
Ratio between date of birth and the rhythm of breath
We suggest you to study interesting data, widely
used in east medicine. The table is given below, on
which can orient concerning the optimum rhythm
breath depending on date of birth. For example, if your date
the births lies in the range from March 21 till April 19, when performing
exercises "Rhythmical breath" the breath lasts during 18 ictuses,
breath holding - 9 kicks, exhaled - 18 kicks, breath holding before
the following breath - 9 ictuses.
I want to emphasize that the data provided in the table it is enough
are approximate.
Table 1. The ratio between date of birth and the rhythm of breath
Daily gymnastics for prevention of diseases of vessels of head
The complex of medical poses movements for every day is developed especially for
prevention of the headache and prevention of diseases of vessels
brain, including stroke. Exercises of the complex it is necessary
to carry out strictly in the offered order, lying in the bed, right after the dream.
If desired it is possible to repeat the complex lying in the bed in the evening before going to bed.
If you get up early ("lark"), it is better to do exercises in the evenings.
We recommend to do to "owls" the complex in the mornings.

Attention! Before performance of exercises for vessels of head

brain it is necessary to do the breathing exercises described above.
Medical pose movement for improvement of outflow of liquid from the skull cavity
To carry out in the back-lying position, the head in the neutral position.
Thumbs of both hands to arrange under tops of mastoidal
shoots (the most acting bone shoots under ears) (fig. 38 and, b
). On the phase "breath" to carry out pressure thumbs on mastoidal
from sprouts up, extending the head and kind of separating it from the trunk.

Fig. 38a. The pose movement for improvement of outflow of liquid from the skull cavity

Fig. 386. The pose movement for improvement of outflow of liquid from the skull cavity
On the phase "vshchokh" when the body is narrowed and the trunk goes down, to hold
the head in the situation reached during the breath. Medical pose movement
to repeat 3-6 times.
Medical pose movement for the drainage of venous vessels of occipital area
To carry out in the back-lying position, the head in the neutral position.
To put long fingers of both hands on the occipital hillock. To experience
feeling of tension of fabrics. Then to carry out slow smooth
rhythmic movements by long fingers from the occipital hillock to
occipital opening. The fluent slow rhythmic movements in
the direction from the occipital hillock to the occipital opening improve
venous outflow from the occipital sine.
The slow synchronous rhythmic movements in specified the directions
to carry out within 1.5-2 minutes.

Attention! To carry out the last 2-3 movements in opposite

the direction from the occipital opening to the occipital hillock.
To repeat all elements of the medical pose movement of 3-6 times with
interval 2-3 minutes (fig. 39 and, b).
Medical pose movement for improvement of venous outflow and outflow
cerebrospinal fluid from the skull cavity
Relaxation of soft tissues of the skull base is necessary to increase
outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the skull cavity.
To carry out in the prone position on the couch.
To bend finger-tips of hands it is perpendicular to palms and to use them as
points of support on which the nape is counterbalanced. To enclose tips
fingers under the nape so that the head didn't touch or slightly touched
couches. The main thing that all weight of the head was distributed evenly on
tips of your fingers. Expressiveness of therapeutic effect
it is caused by the weight of your head. Soft tissues of suboccipital area under
influence of pressure of the head on tips of your fingers gradually
relax, the head is hung. Finger-tips it is necessary constantly
to make contact with the occipital bone. During breath don't allow
to finger-tips to be displaced after soft tissues down. Later
relaxations of fabrics of suboccipital area your fingers will rest against the first
cervical vertebra. There will be the slow increase in distance from
occipital bone to the first cervical vertebra.
It is necessary to hold finger-tips the first cervical vertebra and
it is at the same time easy to displace the occipital bone of the kzada and up, kind of
expanding the interval between the occipital bone and the cervical vertebra.

To perform exercise within 1 minute, 1.5 minutes the break, to repeat

3-6 times (fig. 40 and, b). Exercise increases outflow of liquid from the cavity
skulls through jugular veins.
Medical poses movements for improvement of blood supply of the brain
Pose movement No. 1
To carry out in the prone position, the head in the neutral position. To arrange
long fingers of both hands are 1 cm lower than external corners of eyes in deepenings.
Thumbs have to be on the lower bound of the occipital bone.

Fig. 41. The pose movement for improvement of blood supply of the brain
To come into nonskid contact of long fingers with the surface of skin and not
to squeeze them it is too strong. It is soft to hold the nape thumbs.
Then, having fixed thumbs on the occipital bone, to carry out
smooth slow rhythmical arm movements forward as though bending
head. To carry out the medical movement within 1-1.5 minutes, to repeat 3-6
time (fig. 41).
Pose movement No. 2
To carry out in the back-lying position, the head in it the trawl position.
Thumbs of both hands to arrange on mandible corners (right
hands - on the right corner of the jaw, left hand - on the left corner of the jaw).
Index fingers to arrange under eyebrows (fig. 42 and, b).
Then on the phase "breath" thumbs to carry out pressure up in
vertical plane, without unbending the head back, and kind of extending and
separating it from the trunk. On the phase "exhaled" when the body is narrowed also the trunk
falls down, to hold the head in the situation reached during the breath.
To carry out the medical movement within 1-1.5 minutes, the break 2-3 minutes,
to repeat 3-6 times.
Slow passive and active rhythmic movements for elimination
stagnant centers
Whether you know that the pressing boots fitting jeans and the hard belt on
belt can complicate work of heart considerably? Spazmirovanny muscles
in various parts of the body in the same way prevent heart to pump over freely
blood. Because of the spazmirovaniye of muscles often there is the foul
blood supplies of various bodies and fabrics. For restoration
blood supplies and stabilization of the vascular tone in general it is necessary
first of all to restore blood supply in the single muscle or
to group of muscles. Usually spasms of muscles cause sensations of pain,
constraint of movements and discomfort in the corresponding parts of the body.
For elimination of the available spasms we suggest you to use specially
the medical slow smooth developed by professor A. Sitel
the passive and active repeating rhythmic movements. Rhythm and
the nature of movements stimulates as well restoration of the general vascular
Quite often blood supply is broken at the level of capillaries. Even close
the ring on the finger complicates work of the cardiac muscle, blood
it is necessary to pump over through the obstacle! The same obstacle are
small spazmirovanny muscles of fingers. Therefore even performance
medical poses movements for relaxation of muscles of fingers of hands and legs plays
important role for restoration of blood supply of the organism in general!
Self-diagnostic test
For a start pass the small test. Receive offered below
poses also define those from them when which performing you will be
to feel pain or discomfort.
For convenience of orientation in areas of the body we bring to your attention
scheme of the structure of the backbone (fig. 43).

Fig. 43. Departments of the backbone

1. Get up directly, incline the trunk at first in one, then in
other party.
If when performing bendings there was the back pain, you are followed
to carry out medical poses movements for relaxation of the side muscle
waists (fig. 46, 47).
If when performing bendings there was pain in nizhnegrudny department
backbone, you should carry out the medical pose movement (fig. 55).
If when performing bendings there was pain in srednegrudny department
backbone, you should carry out the medical pose movement (fig. 56).
If when performing bendings there was pain in verkhnegrudny department
backbone, you should carry out the medical pose movement (fig. 57).
2. Get up directly, bend the trunk forward.
If when performing bending there was the back pain forward, you are followed
to carry out medical poses movements for relaxation of muscles of the waist
(fig. 48, 49).
If when performing bending there was pain in srednegrudny department forward
backbone, you should carry out the medical pose movement (fig. 50).
If when performing bending there was pain in verkhnegrudny department forward
backbone, you should carry out the medical pose movement (fig. 51).
3. Get up directly. Without tearing off legs from the floor, turn the trunk
in different directions.
If when performing turns there was pain in nizhnegrudny department
backbone, you should carry out the medical pose movement (fig. 52).
If when performing turns there was pain in srednegrudny department
backbone, you should carry out the medical pose movement (fig. 53).
If when performing turns there was pain in verkhnegrudny department
backbone, you should carry out the medical pose movement (fig. 54).
4. Get up directly, be unbent back.
If when performing extension there was pain in chest department
backbone, you should carry out the medical pose movement (fig. 58).
5. Get up directly. Turn the head at first in one, then in another
If when performing turns of the head there was pain, you are followed
to carry out medical poses movements (fig. 59, 60).
6. Get up directly. Incline the head at first in one, then in another
If when performing the ducking there was pain, you should carry out
medical poses movements (fig. 63, 64).
7. Get up directly. Bend the neck forward and unbend back.
If when performing neck extension there was pain, you should carry out
medical poses movements (fig. 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68).
8. Rotate hands in the direction outside and inside.
If at the same time there was pain in the brush or in the forearm, you are followed
to carry out medical poses movements (fig. 70, 71, 83).
9. Bend and unbend hands.
If when bending there was pain in the brush, you should carry out medical
pose movement (fig. 81).
If at extension there was pain in the brush, you should carry out medical
pose movement (fig. 82).
10. Take hands to the parties.
If at the same time there was shoulder pain, you should carry out medical
poses movements (fig. 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78).
11. Get hands for the back.
If at the same time there was shoulder pain, you should carry out medical
poses movements (fig. 74, 79, 80).
12. Strong squeeze fingers in fists.
If at the same time there was finger pain, you should carry out medical
pose movement (fig. 69).
13. Take aside at first one, then other leg.
If at the same time there was pain on the internal surface of the hip, you are followed
to carry out the medical pose movement (fig. 85).
If at the same time there was pain on the external surface of the hip, you are followed
to carry out medical poses movements (fig. 86, 87).
14. Bend toes.
If at the same time there was toes pain, you should carry out medical
poses movements (fig. 88, 89).
15. Unbend toes.
If at the same time there was toes pain, you should carry out medical
pose movement (fig. 90).
Restoration of blood supply in the stagnant centers
To understand how the technique works, get acquainted with physiological
the principles on which it is constructed.
At the heart of the method of restoration of blood supply and disposal of pains in
various parts of the body the idea of the weakening influence in medical lies
the purposes on the spazmirovanny muscle or group of muscles. In the book are described
special medical poses, having received which and having executed in such situation
the series of slow rhythmic passive and active movements, it is possible
as much as possible to relax this or that muscle or group of muscles. Relaxation
muscles at application of slow passive and active smooth
the repeating rhythmic movements results from them
stretchings (the reflex on stretching). When the muscle is stretched - it
relaxes. In other books by professor A.B. Sitel the different way is described
muscle strain.
Performance of the movements described in the present section is carried out to
reduction and disappearance of unpleasant feelings, with any
breaks in process of fatigue accumulation, on average after 10-15 such
If, for example, when performing self-diagnostic test at you arose
the left shoulder pain at the arm abduction aside, execute following
medical pose movement.
Sit down on the couch. Clasp with the right hand the left hand from below for the elbow
also bring her (bring closer) to the stomach centerline as far as it
Then the right hand on which the left hand held freely lies
by fingers of the right hand for the elbow, you carry out smooth slow rhythmic
the movement in the direction from the stomach and to the stomach as though you rock to sleep
baby (fig. 44, 45).

To carry out the movement within 2-3 minutes to reduction of pain in the left shoulder.
The left hand at the same time remains absolutely passive. If pain amplifies,
immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm - 10-15 movements in
minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat exercise
once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches. Exercises are performed
daily, one or twice a day, within 3-5 days.
In several days when pain or discomfort considerably decrease and
range of assignment of the left hand will increase aside, it is possible to try
to perform the same exercise by already left hand without support right. In it
case it will be not passive, but active smooth slow
rhythmic movements by the left hand.
So, it is possible to achieve natural relaxation of the spazmirovanny muscle with
help of performance of the series of smooth slow rhythmic repeating
passive and active rhythmic movements.
Medical poses are presented in the book in the form of photos - clear,
available, simple - and, naturally, comments on these photos.
We recommend to take once a week self-diagnostic test,
which will allow you to determine those areas of the body by sensations of pain,
where there are developments of stagnation. Make those the complex of 3-8 exercises,
which you will carry out within the week daily in the mornings and
to evenings. At the beginning of the next week carry out the test again for
self-diagnostics also make the new set of exercises on forthcoming
The offered easy way of restoration of blood supply in various
parts of the body for you the best easy it will become individual
the picked-up gymnastics for every day! If you take yourself for the rule
to carry out medical poses movements regularly, you will render to yourself invaluable
service you will also help all bodies and the systems of the organism to carry out the
functions it is easy and harmonious.
Medical poses movements for relaxation of muscles of the waist
Medical pose movement for relaxation of the side muscle of the waist
The medical movement for relaxation of the side muscle of the waist is carried out from
home position standing, as much as possible inclining the trunk aside,
opposite to the sick party (fig. 46). From the home position
to carry out slow rhythmic smooth bendings aside,
opposite to that side of the waist in which pain is felt.
To continue before disappearance or reduction of sensations of pain. If pain
amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm - 10-15
movements in the minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat
exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches.
Medical pose movement at the back pains amplifying when bending
trunks aside
The medical movement at the back pains amplifying when bending
trunks aside, carry out from initial the standing position, the thumb
the hand which is from outside, opposite pain, fixes
acantha of the first sacral vertebra.

To carry out slow rhythmic fluent movements aside,

opposite to that side of the waist in which pain is felt.
To continue before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain. If pain
amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm - 10-15
movements in the minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat
exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches (fig. 47).
Medical poses movements at the back pains amplifying when bending
trunks forward
Pose movement No. 1
The medical movement at the back pains amplifying when bending
trunks forward, carry out from the home position standing, thumbs
brushes of both hands fix the top part of the sacrum. To carry out slow
rhythmic smooth bendings back before reduction and disappearance of painful
feelings. If pain amplifies, immediately to stop movements. Rhythm
exercises - 10-15 movements a minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3
minutes and to repeat exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5
approaches (fig. 48).

Pose movement No. 2

The medical movement at the back pains amplifying when bending
trunks forward, carry out from the home position being kneeling on
to couch, the straightened hands lean on the support. To carry out slow
rhythmic smooth deflections in the direction the stomach to the couch before reduction
and disappearances of sensations of pain. After the deflection the cart rotate in initial
situation, straightening the back. It isn't necessary to curve the back. If pain amplifies,
immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm - 10-15 movements in
minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat exercise
once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches (fig. 49).
Medical poses movements for relaxation of muscles of chest department
Medical pose movement at pains in srednegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying at trunk bending forward
The medical movement at pains in srednegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying at trunk bending forward, carry out on the couch in
standing position on a lap and on elbows.

Fig. 50. The pose movement at pains in srednegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying at trunk bending forward
To carry out slow rhythmic smooth movements-progibaniya in
the direction to the couch before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain.
If pain amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm -
10-15 movements a minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and
to repeat exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches
(fig. 50).
Medical pose movement at pains in verkhnegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying at trunk bending forward
The medical movement at pains in verkhnegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying at trunk bending forward, carry out on the couch in
standing position on a lap, hands are most straightened in elbow and
shoulder joints.

Fig. 51. The pose movement at pains in verkhnegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying at trunk bending forward
To carry out slow rhythmic smooth movements-progibaniya in
the direction to the couch before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain.
If pain amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm -
10-15 movements a minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and
to repeat exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches
(fig. 51).
Medical pose movement at pains in nizhnegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying at trunk turning
Medical movements at pains in nizhnegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying at trunk turning, carry out on the couch with bent
at right angle in hip and knee joints legs.
The straightened hand to lean on the couch, other hand is most raised
also it is taken aside. Slowly rhythmically smoothly to take away the raised hand
as much as possible back, creating passive spin in nizhnegrudny department

To continue before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain. If pain

amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm - 10-15
movements in the minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat
exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches (fig. 52).
Medical pose movement at pains in srednegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying at trunk turning
Medical movements at pains in srednegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying at trunk turning, carry out on the couch with bent
at right angle in hip and knee joints legs. Elbow
to lean on the couch, other hand is most raised and taken away in
party. Slowly, rhythmically, smoothly to take away the raised hand as much as possible
back, creating passive spin in srednegrudny department of the backbone.
To continue before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain. If pain
amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm - 10-15
movements in the minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat
exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches (fig. 53).
Medical pose movement at pains in verkhnegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying at trunk turning
Medical movements at pains in verkhnegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying at trunk turning, carry out on the couch with bent
at right angle in hip and knee joints legs. Hand,
extended in humeral and elbow joints to lean on the couch, other hand
it is most lifted and taken aside (fig. 54).

Slowly, rhythmically, smoothly to take away the raised hand as much as possible back,
creating passive spin in verkhnegrudny department of the backbone.
To continue before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain. If pain
amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm - 10-15
movements in the minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat
exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches.
Medical pose movement at pains in nizhnegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying when bending aside
Medical movements at pains in nizhnegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying when bending aside, carry out in the standing position on
all fours on the couch, legs are bent at right angle in coxofemoral and
knee joints. Hands are straightened and lean palms on the edge of the couch
(fig. 55).
To carry out slow, rhythmic, smooth side bendings to
reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain. If pain amplifies,
immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm - 10-15 movements in
minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat exercise
once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches.
Medical pose movement at pains in srednegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying when bending aside
Medical movements at pains in srednegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying when bending aside, carry out in the standing position on
all fours on the couch, legs are bent at right angle in coxofemoral and
knee joints.

Hands are bent in elbow joints and lean on the couch. To carry out
slow rhythmic smooth side bendings before reduction and
disappearances of sensations of pain. If pain amplifies, movements
to stop immediately. The exercise rhythm - 10-15 movements a minute. Then
it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat exercise once again. For one
time can be done 1-5 approaches (fig. 56).
Medical pose movement at pains in verkhnegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying when bending aside
Medical movements at pains in verkhnegrudny department of the backbone,
amplifying when bending aside, carry out in the standing position on
all fours on the couch, legs are bent at right angle in coxofemoral and
knee joints. Hands are straightened in shoulder and elbow joints and
lean forearms on the couch. To carry out slow rhythmic
smooth side bendings before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain.
If pain amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm -
10-15 movements a minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and
to repeat exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches
(fig. 57).

The medical movement at pains in chest department of the backbone,

amplifying at extension
The medical movement at pains in chest department of the backbone,
amplifying at extension, carry out in the sitting position, the brush
"наперекрест" on opposite nadplechya. To carry out bending
the trunk in chest department of the backbone so what at
purposeful breath the painful part fell on struck
motive segment. It is necessary "to grope" kind of pain on the breath and to hold it
during all breath. Further to carry out slow rhythmic smooth
breaths exhalations before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain. Exercise
to carry out twice a day within the month (fig. 58).
Medical poses movements for relaxation of muscles of cervical department
Medical poses movements at pains in nizhnesheyny department of the backbone,
amplifying at turns of the head
Pose movement No. 1
The medical movement at pains in nizhnesheyny department of the backbone,
amplifying at turns of the head, carry out in the prone position on
stomach, hands along the trunk, the head with the greatest possible turn in
the party of pain, chin rests against the edge of the couch.

Fig. 59. The pose movement at pains in nizhnesheyny department of the backbone,
amplifying at turns of the head
On the expiratory phase to carry out easy slow rhythmic fluent movements
the head in the direction from the couch before increase in range of turn of the head
towards pain and reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain. If pain
amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm - 10-15
movements in the minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat
exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches (fig. 59).
Pose movement No. 2
The medical movement at pains in nizhnesheyny department of the backbone,
amplifying at turns of the head, carry out in the sitting position. Back
palms of one hand lifted to chin level to hold the head with
emphasis on the chin in provision of the greatest possible turn in
party of pain.

Fig. 60. The pose movement at pains in nizhnesheyny department of the backbone,
amplifying at turns of the head
Fingers of other hand to fix the sticking-out underlying cross
shoot on the other side of the neck (fig. 60). Lungs slow rhythmic
fluent movements are carried out in this case passively, with the head support
on the hand. Movements are carried out supporting the head for the chin
hand, the head actively shouldn't be turned! To continue before reduction
and disappearances of sensations of pain. If pain amplifies, movements
to stop immediately. The exercise rhythm - 10-15 movements a minute. Then
it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat exercise once again. For one
time can be done 1-5 approaches.
Medical pose movement at pains in nizhneshcheyny department of the backbone,
amplifying at extension of the head
The medical movement at pains in nizhneshcheyny department of the backbone,
amplifying at extension of the head, carry out in the sitting position, hands
also fingers of hands are bent at right angle in shoulder joints
fix the lower part of the painful segment (fig. 61).

Fig. 61. The pose movement at pains in nizhneshcheyny department of the backbone,
amplifying at extension of the head
To carry out slow rhythmic smooth active head movements
back before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain. If pain
amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm - 10-15
movements in the minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat
exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches.
Medical pose movement at pains in nizhnesheyny department of the backbone,
amplifying at turns of the head
The medical movement at pains in nizhnesheyny department of the backbone,
amplifying at turns of the head, carry out in the sitting position, the head with
the maximum turn towards pain and extension back, hands are bent
at right angle in shoulder joints, and fingers of hands fix
lower part of the painful motive segment. To carry out slow
rhythmic smooth active head movements in the direction aside
pains and back before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain. If pain
amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm - 10-15
movements in the minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat
exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches (fig. 62).

The medical movement pains in nizhnesheyny department of the backbone,

amplifying at the ducking aside
The medical movement at pains in nizhnesheyny department of the backbone,
amplifying at the ducking aside, carry out in situation
sitting on the couch, the head is inclined towards pain. The hand from pain
it is lifted and clasps the head as shown in fig. 62. Index finger
other hand to fix the acantha of the lower part of painful
motive segment. The hand clasping the head, slowly rhythmically
to smoothly incline the head towards pain before reduction and disappearance
sensations of pain. If pain amplifies, immediately to stop movements.
Exercise rhythm - 10-15 movements a minute. Then it is necessary to take the break
2-3 minutes and to repeat exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5
approaches (fig. 63).
Medical pose movement at pains in average and nizhnesheyny departments
backbone, amplifying at the ducking aside
The medical movement at pains in average and nizhnesheyny departments
backbone, amplifying at the ducking aside, carry out in
sitting position or standing. To clasp with the hand from pain the head so that
the brush was located on the opposite temple fingers down, establishing
level of side bending. The long finger of the brush of other hand to fix
for the acantha lower part of the painful motive segment.

Fig. 64. The pose movement at pains in average and nizhnesheyny departments
backbone, amplifying at the ducking aside
The hand clasping the head, slowly rhythmically, smoothly to incline the head
towards pain before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain. If pain
amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm - 10-15
movements in the minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat
exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches (fig. 64).
The medical movement at pains in nizhnesheyny department of the backbone,
amplifying at extension of the head
Pose movement No. 1
The medical movement at pains in nizhnesheyny department of the backbone,
amplifying at extension of the head, carry out in the sitting position
astride the chair with the placed legs (as on the horse), facing the chair back.
Leaning elbows on the chair back, to arrange the brushes on the head so,
that thumbs were on mandibles, and the others
fixed the neck. On the exhalation to carry out slow rhythmic smooth
active head movements on extension before reduction and disappearance
sensations of pain. If pain amplifies, immediately to stop movements.
Exercise rhythm - 10-15 movements a minute. Then it is necessary to take the break
2-3 minutes and to repeat exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5
approaches (fig. 65, 66).
Pose movement No. 2
The medical movement at pains in average and nizhnesheyny departments
backbone, amplifying at extension of the head, carry out in
sitting position astride the chair (as on the horse) facing the chair back.
To lean elbows on the chair back with the maximum reduction of the chin
to the breast so that the index fingers of both hands located on
nape, and the thumbs located on malar arches fixed
nape in the provision of the greatest possible bending of the head.

On the breath and the exhalation to carry out slow rhythmic smooth active
head movements on extension before reduction and disappearance of painful
feelings. If pain amplifies, immediately to stop movements. Rhythm
exercises - 10-15 movements a minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3
minutes and to repeat exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5
approaches (fig. 67, 68).
Medical poses movements for relaxation of muscles of hands and the shoulder girdle
Medical pose movement at handpains
The medical movement at pains in fingers of the hand is carried out in situation
sitting. To fix big and index fingers of the healthy hand the neighbor
department, and the average - distant department of the sore finger. Slowly rhythmically
to run smoothly extension by the healthy hand for near department of the patient
finger before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain. If pain
amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm - 10-15
movements in the minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat
exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches (fig. 69).

Medical pose movement at forearm pains and the brush at turns of the brush
outside and inside
The medical movement at forearm pains and the brush at turns of the brush
outside and inside carry out in the standing position. The brush of the healthy hand fixes
the patient, most divorced fingers of the sore hand lean on the edge
table. To carry out slow rhythmic movements back and forth,
"rolling over" the palm basis outside of and inside (fig. 70). Same
the medical movement can be carried out without support on the table in the standing position,
the thumb is taken away. The brush of the healthy hand to take the forearm with
the outer side and to carry out slow rhythmic active
movements by the brush outside of and inside (fig. 71).

Fig. 71. The pose movement at forearm pains and the brush at turns of the brush
outside and inside
Medical pose movement at shoulder pains at the arm abduction aside
The medical movement at shoulder pains at the arm abduction aside
to carry out in the sitting position on the chair, sideways to its back on which
the small pillow is put. The sore hand is thrown through the back of the chair and
leans against it the axillary hollow. On the exhalation area of the armpit
to press by means of the weight, without additional efforts, on the chair back,
kind of hanging on it. On the breath without efforts to return to the home position.
Up-down to carry out such passive movements slowly rhythmically smoothly
before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain.

If pain amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm -

10-15 movements a minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and
to repeat exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches
(fig. 72, 73).
Medical pose movement at shoulder pains at the arm abduction for the back
To carry out the medical movement at shoulder pains at the arm abduction for the back
near the wall. The brush of the straightened hand got for the back, the
the back leans on the wall (fig. 74).

Fig. 74. The pose movement at shoulder pains at the arm abduction for the back
With the support on the brush to carry out slow rhythmic smooth passive
movements, bringing closer to the wall, and then distancing from the wall the trunk to
reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain. If pain amplifies,
immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm - 10-15 movements in
minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat exercise
once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches.
Medical poses movements at shoulder pains at the arm abduction aside
Pose movement No. 1
The medical movement for relaxation of the taking-away shoulder muscles at pains in
shoulder at the arm abduction to carry out in the standing position aside near
wall. The forearm to lean on the wall.
On the exhalation to carry out slow rhythmic fluent movements by the trunk in
the direction to the wall and from the wall before reduction and disappearance of painful
feelings. If pain amplifies, immediately to stop movements. Rhythm
exercises - 10-15 movements a minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3
minutes and to repeat exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 10-15
approaches (fig. 75, 76).

Pose movement No. 2

Sit down on the couch. Clasp with the right hand the left hand from below for the elbow
also bring her (bring closer) to the stomach centerline as far as it
perhaps. Then the right hand on which the left hand freely lies,
held by fingers of the right hand for the elbow, you carry out smooth
slow rhythmic movements in the direction from the stomach and to the stomach, as
as if you rock to sleep the baby. To carry out the movement within 2-3 minutes to
reduction of pain in the left shoulder. The left hand at the same time remains absolutely
passive. If pain amplifies, immediately to stop movements. Rhythm
exercises - 10-15 movements a minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3
minutes and to repeat exercise once again.

For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches. Exercises are performed

daily, one or twice a day, within 3-5 days (fig. 77, 78). Through
several days when pain considerably decreases and will increase range
assignments of the left hand aside, it is possible to try to carry out same
exercise by already left hand without support right. In this case it will be
not the passive, and active fluent slow rhythmic movements
left hand.
Medical poses movements at shoulder pains at the hand institution for the back
Pose movement No. 1
To carry out the medical movement at shoulder pains at the hand institution for the back
in the back-lying position on the edge of the couch. The sore hand is taken away under
right angle to the trunk, the elbow is bent at right angle in the humeral bone
also plays for the edge of the couch so that the forearm under the influence of the
weights hangs down down. To carry out slow rhythmic smooth active
movements by the hand to the floor before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain.
If pain amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm -
10-15 movements a minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and
to repeat exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches
(fig. 79).
Pose movement No. 2
To carry out the medical movement at shoulder pains at the hand institution for the back
in the back-lying position, the forearm and the hand, bent under direct
as corner in humeral and elbow joints, play for the edge of the couch and it is free
hang down by gravity (fig. 80).

Fig. 80. The pose movement at shoulder pains at the hand institution for the back
To run the fluent slow repeating active movements by the hand,
lifting it from the elbow to the brush on 90 ° up, then lowering, before reduction and
disappearances of sensations of pain. If pain amplifies, movements
to stop immediately. The exercise rhythm - 10-15 movements a minute. Then
it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat exercise once again. For one
time can be done 1-5 approaches.
Medical pose movement at the pains amplifying when bending the brush
To carry out the medical movement at the pains amplifying when bending the brush
in the sitting position. To bend the sore hand in the elbow joint, the brush healthy
hands to clasp the brush of the sore hand from above and to bend it towards pain.
To carry out the slow rhythmic fluent passive movements healthy
hand on bending before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain.
Healthy hand as much as possible we bend the brush towards pain, and then it
passively returns to the home position (fig. 81).

Fig. 81. The pose movement at the pains amplifying when bending the brush
If pain amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm -
10-15 movements a minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and
to repeat exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches.
Medical pose movement at the pains amplifying at wrist extension
To carry out the medical movement in the sitting position on the couch. Sore hand
it is necessary to unbend in luchezapyastny and to bend in the elbow joint. Brush
healthy hand to capture the brush of the sore hand (fig. 82).

Fig. 82. The pose movement at the pains amplifying at wrist extension
To carry out the slow, rhythmic, fluent passive movements on
wrist extension before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain.
Healthy hand as much as possible we unbend the brush, and then it it is passive
returns to the home position. If pain amplifies, movements
to stop immediately. The exercise rhythm - 10-15 movements a minute. Then
it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat exercise once again. For one
time can be done 1-5 approaches.
Medical pose movement at morbidity of turn of the brush
To carry out the medical movement at morbidity of turn of the brush in
sitting position. The healthy hand holds the sick brush in situation
turn in the painful party (fig. 83).

Fig. 83. The pose movement at morbidity of turn of the brush

To carry out slow, rhythmic, smooth passive turns aside
pains before reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain. Healthy hand
as much as possible we turn the brush towards pain, and then it it is passive
returns to the home position. If pain amplifies, movements
to stop immediately. The exercise rhythm - 10-15 movements a minute. Then
it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat exercise once again. For one
time can be done 1-5 approaches (fig. 83).
Medical poses movements for relaxation of muscles in the pelvic girdle and legs
Medical pose movement for relaxation of muscles of the pelvic bottom
To carry out the medical movement for relaxation of muscles of the pelvic bottom in
ventral decubitus, with the heels developed outside, and hands,
located on the buttocks of the same name. It is slowly rhythmical to move apart
buttocks in the parties against their resistance before reduction and disappearance
sensations of pain. If pain amplifies, immediately to stop movements.
Exercise rhythm - 10-15 movements a minute. Then it is necessary to take the break
2-3 minutes and to repeat exercise once again.

Fig. 84. The pose movement for relaxation of muscles of the pelvic bottom
For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches (fig. 84). The medical movement for
relaxations of muscles of the pelvic bottom can be carried out in the sitting position on
cards. This medical movement is recommended at impotence.
Medical pose movement at pains on the internal surface of the hip at
leg abduction aside
The medical movement at pains on the internal surface of the hip at
leg abduction to carry out in the back-lying position, the trunk aside with
one party it is inclined to the couch on 30-40 °. Healthy leg, as much as possible
bent in knee and at an angle 90-100 ° in the hip joint,
to hold the brushes of both hands linked "in the lock".

Fig. 85. The pose movement at pains on the internal surface of the hip at
leg abduction aside
To slightly raise the hip of the sore leg to feeling of resistance and
to make it the slow, fluent rhythmic active movements in
the direction of reduction of the leg (approximations to the body) before reduction and
disappearances of sensations of pain. If pain amplifies, movements
to stop immediately. The exercise rhythm - 10-15 movements a minute. Then
it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat exercise once again. For one
time can be done 1-5 approaches (fig. 85).
Medical poses movements at pains on the external surface of the hip at
leg abduction aside
Pose movement No. 1
The medical movement at pains on the external surface of the hip at assignment
aside to carry out legs in situation on the healthy side so that the basin
was on the foot edge of the couch. The healthy leg is most bent in
knee and coxofemoral joints also keeps linked "in the lock"
brushes both of them hands. The sore leg freely hangs down (fig. 86).

Fig. 86. The pose movement at pains on the external surface of the hip at
leg abduction aside
To carry out the slow, rhythmic, fluent active movements of the patient
leg, raising it a little and lowering to the condition of the free svisaniye.
To carry out movements to reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain. If
pain amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm -
10-15 movements in mi to chick-pea. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and
to repeat exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches.
Pose movement No. 2
The medical movement at pains on the external surface of the hip at assignment
legs to carry out in situation on the healthy side, the basin on the edge aside
couches, the healthy leg is most bent in knee and coxofemoral
joints is also kept by the brushes of both hands bent "in the lock".

Fig. 87. The pose movement at pains on the external surface of the hip at
leg abduction aside
To bend the sore leg in the knee joint at an angle 90 °, whenever possible
having developed the basin outside on 45 °. In such situation the sore leg freely
hangs down (fig. 87).
To carry out the slow, rhythmic, fluent active movements of the patient
leg, raising it a little and lowering before reduction and disappearance
sensations of pain. If pain amplifies, immediately to stop movements.
Exercise rhythm - 10-15 movements a minute. Then it is necessary to take the break
2-3 minutes and to repeat exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5
Medical poses movements for relaxation of muscles of feet
Medical pose movement at toe pains
To carry out the medical movement at toe pains in situation
lying or sitting. The leg is most bent in coxofemoral and knee
joints. To fix big and index fingers of one hand
neighbor, and big and index fingers of other hand distant department
joint of the finger (fig. 88). To carry out slow, rhythmic, smooth
movements in the direction of extension of the sore finger before reduction and
disappearances of sensations of pain. If pain amplifies, movements
to stop immediately. The exercise rhythm - 10-15 movements a minute. Then
it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat exercise once again. For one
time can be done 1-5 approaches.

Medical pose movement at heel pains when bending toes

To carry out the medical movement at heel pains when bending toes in
sitting position, having established the sore leg on the knee of the healthy leg.
One hand to take the heel, and other hand - fingers and front department
feet (hand thumb from below feet). To carry out slow, rhythmic,
fluent movements by the hand holding toes on their bending. Movements
to see to reduction and disappearance of sensations of pain. If pain
amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm - 10-15
movements in the minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and to repeat
exercise once again. For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches (fig. 89).
Medical pose movement at pains at extension of foot and toes
The medical movement at pains at extension of foot and toes
to carry out in the sitting position across the couch. To throw the sore leg
through the knee of the healthy leg to fix from above big, and from below -
and to carry out front departments of foot by index fingers of hands slow,
rhythmic, smooth passive arm movements, holding foot, on
its extension. To carry out movements before reduction and disappearance of painful

Fig. 90. The pose movement at pains at extension of foot and toes
If pain amplifies, immediately to stop movements. The exercise rhythm -
10-15 movements a minute. Then it is necessary to take the break 2-3 minutes and
to repeat exercise once again.
For once it is possible to do 1-5 approaches (fig. 90).

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