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Part 1 新题:Concentration

1.When do you need to be focused?

You mean, apart from when I’m studying? Uh, I don’t know, when I’m trying to complete something

dangerous, like chopping carrots, or sewing(缝) something. Cuz, apparently, I may get injured by

knives or needles if I don’t fully concentrate. It did happen last summer. One afternoon I was

cooking while talking to my mom, when suddenly I cut my finger. Fortunately, it wasn’t a deep cut.

2.What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?

Well, a sudden and big noise, for instance. Say, if I am trying to work out an academic problem,


and there is a huge thud(砰地一声) in the living room, of course, I’d stop working and start

wondering if my dad clumsily(笨手笨脚地) tripped over himself, like, again. I’d have to check if

there’s a problem, and that’s just human nature. 全


3.What do you do to help you concentrate?



Mostly I just move my mobile and other devices to another room. Cuz the way I see it, the biggest

distraction nowadays would be social networks, they are like heroin(海洛因) for your brain. If my

phone is within my reach, I can never really focus. At the very least, I mute it and flip it over(翻过


4.Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?

Normally it’s okay. If I’m really keen on something, I don’t really need any assistance in keeping my

concentration. For instance, if I’m reading a book that I really like, I’d probably skip meals(忘食)

simply because I forget them completely. But sometimes when I’m tired and still need to work, I

need an absolutely quiet room to make sure I won’t get distracted.

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Part 1 新题:Languages

1.What languages can you speak?

Well, I can speak Mandarin, Cantonese and some English. Yeah, only some English. It’s not that I’m

not familiar with English. I actually started to learn English when I was four or five years old. I can

understand English when it’s spoken to me, and I read English magazines. However, speaking is

never something I’ve been good at. In fact, I only started to speak English in recent years.

2.Do you think it’s difficult to learn a new language?

I think it’s difficult to truly master a language, yeah. I say so out of personal experience. A couple


of years ago, I signed up for Spanish lessons. The beginning of it was so easy and interesting.

However, I couldn’t carry on after two months when I had to make that weird tongue-twisting

sound. Yeah, I was embarrassed to make that sound. I quit it. So no, I don’t think it’s easy to learn



a new language.


3.Will you learn other languages in the future?

I might. Yeah, it’s possible that I may have to learn new languages at some point, especially

Japanese because my sister has moved to Japan. She has been granted permanent residency. We

are very close, and I do plan to visit her often in the future. So, I may take Japanese lessons in the

future, just so I can enjoy my stay there.

4.Why do you learn English?

I chose to learn English because learning a language gives me a lot of satisfaction. I enjoy learning

it, and I know that every hour I spend gets me closer to perfection. Besides, by learning English, I

also learn about other cultures. Few experiences will make me grow as a person more than

learning the values, habits and way of life in a culture that is different from mine.

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Part 1 新题:Walking

1.Do you walk a lot?

I suppose I do, yeah. I mean, I always prefer to travel by foot when it’s a short distance. And I take

multiple short trips every day. Like, you know, I go to the library, the classroom, the school mart

and the dining room on foot every day. On weekends, I sometimes hang out with my friends in the

city, where it is too crowded to drive. So yeah, in that sense, I guess it’s fair to say that I do walk a


2.Do you walk more often now than in the past?


I have to say no, because when I was a child, I used to go hiking with my parents in the woods.

And when we were not hiking, we would take long walks near our home. That was quite a bit of

exercise! But now, it’s impossible to spend time walking every day. School is just too busy.



3.Do you think people will walk more or not in the future?


From what I can see, we probably won’t be able to walk much in the future, given the bustling city

life that we are heading into, you know. People already spend so much time indoors. Well, we work

on computers and entertain ourselves on electronic devices. How could we spare time to walk in

the future? Actually, it may be a surprise if we could make time for walking at all!

4.Where do you usually go for a walk?

Well, it depends on where I am living. If I’m living at home, I normally just walk on the street near

my home. Or sometimes I take a stroll to the shopping area to kill time. But when I’m at school, I

just walk in the playground with my friends. Sometimes we even go for a brisk walk around the


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Part 1 新题:Jeans

1.Do you wear jeans?

Yes, absolutely. I wear jeans a lot, and I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t. Now, some people

may say that it’s not really healthy because it can affect your blood circulation(血液循环), but I

think that only happens when you wear those ridiculously skinny ones. To be honest, I can’t see the

point. I always prefer baggy(宽松的) ones, which are immeasurably more comfortable.

2.How often do you wear jeans?

Basically, every day, I mean, if I don’t have to dress formally for an interview or something like that.


Formal occasions like that would have certain dress codes(着装要求), and wearing jeans at this

time could be impolite. But apart from that, I just wear them all the time. I’d say... in a typical(典型

的,常规的) week, there will be at least five days when I wear jeans. 全


3.Do you like wearing jeans, why?



Of course, especially in spring and autumn, when the temperature is not too high. The way I see it,

jeans are probably the most versatile(多面手的,多功能的) clothing in one’s closet. Say, if you wear

those super-popular designer brands like Evisu, you can easily achieve a really fashionable look.

Also, if you wear those dark indigo or even black ones with blazers(单西,西装外套), you can have

a smart, business-casual look.

4.Why do you think jeans are popular?

There are multiple reasons. For a start they are made from denim, which, essentially(本质上讲), is

just cotton. This is a really comfortable material, but also durable enough to avoid everyday wear

and tear . Also, they can match almost all kinds of everyday outfits(外套), like I mentioned just now.

What’s more, they are usually not that expensive, which means everybody can afford them.

5.Do you spend a lot on jeans?

Not really. Unlike silk shirts or cashmere(羊绒的) coats, jeans are generally inexpensive, as they

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were originally designed to be worn by industrial workers. But very occasionally, I buy some

designer jeans that I’m crazy about, like no more than once a year. And I can wear them for a long

time without wearing them out(穿坏,磨破).






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Part 1 新题:Voice

1.Does your voice sound similar to your parents?

No, not at all. My mother speaks with an accent, but it still sounds clear and sweet. If she was a

saleswoman, I suppose she would get the best sales figures amongst others. One can’t say NO to

such a pleasant voice. My father has such a low and deep voice. He never barks to show he is

unhappy, but he simply clears his throat. Interestingly, my voice is neither sweet nor persuasive,

just the middle type.

2.Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it?


Nuh... That could be a bit narcissistic(自恋的), from my point of view. As I’ve mentioned, I don’t

find my voice especially charming. But I do, sometimes, listen to my voice messages to others in

WeChat, just making sure, you know, that there wasn’t any mistake or disturbing(令人不适的) noise.



3.Has your voice ever changed?



Yeah, I think so, but I assume basically everybody goes through this period when their voices

change dramatically(剧烈地), like, for boys the pitch goes down, and for girls quite the contrary.

That happens around adolescence(青春期), typically. I was 13 when my voice broke,. But nothing

has changed ever after.

4.Do you like your own voice?

Well... I don’t know, actually... I mean, I don’t think I dislike it(否定转移,我也没有不喜欢), it’s just

that I don’t think there is anything special about my voice. Normally, we would describe a great

voice as ‘magnetic’, or ‘three-dimensional’, as if it comes from a high-end acoustic device(声学设

备), like a stereo. I don’t really think my voice has those qualities.

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Part 1 新题:Haircut

1.Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience?

That’s more like(更像是,不如说是) every time, ha-ha! You see, I just have this feeling that I have a

very different understanding of concepts like ‘a LITTLE bit shorter’, from, say, ninety-nine percent

of hairdressers. They almost always get my fringe(刘海) way too short making me look pretty silly.

To be honest, I don’t know what their problem is.

2.How long have you had your current haircut?

I don’t really like to change my haircut style too often, and I think I’ve kept it this way for the last


three or four years . I mean, yeah, there are new hair trends almost every season, but I just don’t

see the point of(不理解为什么) following them. It’s too tiring for me.

3.How often do you have a haircut? 全


Well, about once a month, sometimes even longer. My hair doesn’t grow very fast, compared to my


cousin. He goes to the barber’s every two weeks cuz otherwise, he’d look like a rock star – I

meant no offence(无意冒犯) to them, but, you know what I mean(你懂的). I, however, don’t have

that problem.

4.Do you like having your hair cut?

Um... If you mean ‘do I enjoy having a haircut’, then no. I’m not that keen on polishing(抛光,修饰)

my appearance. I think it has to be neat and clean, and that’s all. I don’t really enjoy sitting there

for at least half an hour waiting to get my hair cut, as I can’t even see anything clearly without my


5.What’s your last haircut?

It was like really short, and that was during my high school, when I found that having short hair

could be so much more convenient. It indeed was a bit too boyish(男孩子气的), I guess, my relatives

sometimes called me ‘tomboy’. But I’m fine with that. Then I decided to have a change and

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became... Let’s say, a bit more chic. And that’s when I changed to my current hairstyle.






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Part 1 新题:Animals

1.How can we protect wild animals?

There are several ways to protect wild animals. As a normal person, we could stop buying anything

made of the wild animals’ body parts, for example, fur products and ivory products. At the same

time, our government could also take action to stop the relative manufacturing activities. And I

believe it is urgent to build more nature reserves. We should put more money and manpower into


2.What wild animals do you like most?


My favorite wild animals are sea otters. They just seem to get so much enjoyment out of life.

Maybe we should try to be more like otters. I also think it's cute how sea otters balance shells on

their chests and break them open with rocks. Wolves are really cool too. They are very loyal and



devoted to their families. I guess there are quite a few lessons we could learn from wild animals.


3.Have you ever seen any wild animals before?

Yes. I was so fortunate to see a yak in the plateau. They were large and hairy, ambling quietly. I

was about to get out of the car and get a close-up of them, but my mom stopped me. The yak is

not docile; they will run fast to escape once a stranger comes close. So, I could only watch them

from a distance.

4.Do you like to go to the zoo?

Yes. Because it is the only way I (and many others too) would see these animals in person. Zoos

also educate people about animals, and tell us about the ones in danger of extinction. Some

animals are so in danger that there are more of them in zoos than in the wild. Zoos also take in

animals that would otherwise be killed, because there is nowhere else for them to go.

5.Have you ever kept pets?

Yes. I had several ducklings when I was about 8 years old. I hadn’t wished to have my own pets.

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However, my mom had hoped to nurture my sense of responsibility, so she bought them and asked

me to raise them. I started to love the little ducks, as they lined up after me every day, quacking

for food. It made me feel that they depended on me. So I had to protect them.






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Part 1 新题:Friends

1.Do you think you are a good friend to others?

Yes, I can proudly say so. I am sociable enough to know at first, lovable enough to get along with,

and judicious enough to give a piece of advice. Many friends of mine seek advice from me, and

generally, they take it into consideration. I guess that shows how close we are.

2.What kind of people do you like to make friends with?

I like to make friends with honest and straightforward guys. Cuz I’m the hot-headed type of

person. Once I was told to do something, I would do it blindly. If an honest and straightforward


friend came giving me wise advice, I could stop myself from acting stupidly and take a wiser move.

3.Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood? 思

Yes, of course. My BFF, Jane, was my kindergarten mate. Isn’t it unbelievable? I have a lot of



friends, but it is she who I want to share everything with. When every happy or sad moment came, I


would think of her. And then she would listen so attentively. I guess that’s the key to our

friendship. Always share and listen.

4.What do you think makes good friends?

Well, for me, good friends should have something in common. They share a common passion for

certain things. It could be minor things. For example, my best friend, Jane, and I am crazy about

knitting. Although we are no longer living together, we still share photos of the knitting we have

finished recently with each other. Every time we are talking about knitting, we find it hard to stop.

It is the same passion that ties us together during the separation.

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Part 1 新题:Movies

1.Do you want to be a movie star?

Yes. It would be so great to play all kinds of roles. In real life, I can only play myself, and show

people a sole personality. But to be a movie star means to tear myself into different parts, and

each of them plays a different role. I can experience all kinds of life in movies, and if possible, I

can bring the classic fictional characters into life. Wouldn’t that be great?

2.What kinds of movies do you think young people like?

No need to think. For boys, they watch a lot of science fiction movies, especially those made by


the Marvel Company. It sometimes confuses me how boys’ passion can be evoked so naturally,

once they watch a science fiction movie. They stare at the screen absorbedly, like they are a part

of it. And girls, you know, like romantic movies. Just like the boys, once sitting in front of the TV,



they can’t be distracted by anything.



3.Do your friends like this movie?

No, not really. Old movies are not their cup of tea. On the one hand, unlike the newly-shot types,

old movies are in low-definition, not very clear. On the other hand, the characters are becoming

very old-fashioned. You know, the young generations are trend-seekers; they love fashionable

things. Movies like Top Gun are out of the question for their choice.

4.What’s your favorite movie?

I guess my favorite movie should be Top Gun. I love it, first of all, because it is Tom Cruise’s first

movie, and it made Tom an international star. He had great performances in many exciting scenes

of air battles. Just like the song in the movie, my breath was taken away by the scenes.

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Part 1 Garbage

1.Do you think your city is clean or not?

Well, I suppose my city is quite clean for most of the time, thanks to the hard work of sanitation

workers,you can see neat streets and classification trash bins everywhere. By the way, if you

travel to my city and take a look, you will be amazed by how perfectly it is maintained as a clean

place to live in.

2.How do you feel when you see people throwing garbage on the street?

When witnessing people throwing garbage on the street, I always feel very angry, because I think


as citizens we all have the responsibility to take care of the city and abide by the regulations. Only

by doing this can we build a beautiful and clean home. 思

3.Why do some people throw garbage on the street? 全


From my understanding, I think people throw garbage on the street mainly because they find it is a


more convenient way to get rid of the garbage than throwing it in the garbage bin. Also, I would

say it is because there are not enough garbage bins around the city.

4.What do you do with garbage when you are on the street?

When I am on the street, first of all I myself would never throw garbage randomly, and would

always help keep the street clean. Secondly, if I pass by a piece of garbage on the street, I usually

volunteer to pick it up and throw it into the nearest garbage bin.

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Part 1 Sky

1.Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live?

Yes, I suppose so. I’ve got a tiny but clean balcony in my room, where I think is a perfect location

to appreciate the sky. Standing on the balcony and staring skywards, I can always find it

mysterious and attractive. It’s like an exquisite masterpiece of Vincent van Gogh. So, whenever I

have time, I will go to this small balcony to enjoy the appealing view.

2.Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live?

Well, to be honest, I believe it is a pity that I can hardly see those celestial bodies clearly in the


evening these days. Since the air pollution has influenced the visibility at night greatly. The moon

and stars can be spotted sometimes when the weather is nice enough but I have to say it is

becoming less and less frequent for me to see them. 全


3.Do you prefer the sky in the morning or the sky at night?


Actually, I don't have a preference for either of them, but if I have to make a choice, I would say

the sky in early time. The reason is that, in the morning the sky is still covered in mist and I am

really into this kind of vague view. Also, the rising sun in the morning sky represents the brand-

new beginning of another day, which I think is a positive symbol.

4.How often do you look at the sky?

Frankly speaking, I barely look skywards because for most of the time I stay indoors, so there is no

chance for me to do that. But when I was little, my mom and I used to take a walk every day after

dinner so when walking around, I often raised my head to appreciate the starry sky.

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Part 1 Perfume

1.What kind of perfume do you like?

Personally speaking, in comparison to those perfumes with very strong aromas, I prefer those with

lighter aromas. For example, I enjoy perfumes with natural aromas such as flowers or woods, as I

consider it is more suitable for a boy, and is also more acceptable for others.

2.Do you wear perfume?

I do wear perfume sometimes, but I don’t wear it every day. When attending some important

events, such as weddings, ceremonies or formal dinners, I wear some on my suit. However, I’m not


a fan of perfume day-to-day, and I don’t wear it frequently.

3.Do you give perfume as a gift? 思

Yes, I do. Last winter, I traveled to Egypt, a country famous for its perfume. When I was in its



capital Cairo, I found a very special perfume and I bought it for my mom. She was very delighted


and fascinated by my gift, and she now often wears it when going out.

4.What does perfume mean to you?

Well, for me, I think perfume is a special decoration and also a signal of one’s personality and

identity. For instance, if a lady wears perfume that has a rosey aroma, it might indicate that she’s

romantic and tends to date romantic men.

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Part 1 Tea/Coffee

1.When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?

Well, actually I am a big fan of coffee and I have the habit of drinking this kind of beverage every

day. You know, I just had a cup of espresso this morning. I am really partial to it because just a sip

of coffee can keep me refreshed and energetic. As for tea, it is not a common thing in my daily


2.Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee?

I believe that most people in our country are more likely to choose tea, because it is an essential


part of our culture. But since coffee was introduced into China and it is regarded as a modern

beverage, the number of coffee lovers is also growing. Especially among the young people,

drinking a cup of Americano has become a habit in the morning. 全


3.Do you prepare tea or coffee for guests at home?



Definitely coffee! The reasons are simple. Personally, I’m not interested in drinking tea, so you can

find anything but tea in my apartment. Besides, the flavor of coffee can be changed according to

guests’ preferences. You can add a dash of milk or sugar if you don't like bitter taste, but the

flavor of tea is not changeable. So I am not sure it is suitable for every visitor.

4.What kind of foreign food are popular in your country?

I suppose the so-called “junk food” in the western country has gained a lot of popularity in China.

There is a large number of restaurants serving hamburgers, pizzas and French fries. People,

especially youngsters, are really enthusiastic about them probably because eating this kind of food

is time-saving and also very fashionable. But personally, I don't regard it as a positive trend in our


5.What kinds of new food have you tried recently?

Well, I am always willing to try new things and last month I saw a newly-opened Mexico restaurant,

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so I decided to take a taste. I ordered nachos and tacos, which are two types of Mexican food. I

thought it might take me some time to get used to the food but surprisingly I fell in love with it

from the first bite! The spicy flavor is exactly my cup of tea.

6.Do you like to try new food?

Yes, of course! I am passionate about trying new restaurants especially those that serve foreign

food. Every time I have meals in a restaurant that I have never been to, it is like having an

adventure. Also, as a real foodie, I’m fond of cooking with different ingredients, hoping that I can

invent my own recipe one day.






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Part 1 Social network

1.How often do you use social networking apps?

Well, I have to admit that I’m among those addicted to social networking apps. On average, I use

them nearly 4 hours every single day. I use them to communicate with my friends, my teachers and

even my family, and I also rely on them to reach new friends who share the same hobbies as me.

2.Why do you use social networking apps?

For me, one of the reasons I use social networking apps is that they make it more convenient to

communicate and interact with my friends, and they enable me to get to know more friends


residing far away. Also, I enjoy using them since they give me a sense of belonging and friendship.

3.What are the disadvantages of social networking apps? 思

Well, I think one of the greatest disadvantages of social networking apps is that they can make



people become addicted and prevent them from enjoying their real life. For instance, many of my


friends spend so much time online that they fail to have real-life communication with their peers.

4.Do you think it is good to make friends online?

From my point of view, I think it’s good to make friends online, mainly because for me, making

friends online enables me to get to know people from different backgrounds without any limits

imposed by space or time. Also, communicating online can avoid embarrassment and make it

easier to make friends.

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Part 1 Maths

1.Do you think maths is important?

Yes, for sure. Although for some people, myself included, learning maths is difficult and

challenging, it’s very important since the modern world is built on it. As you can see, it’s used in

economics, scientific experiments and so on, which serve as the foundation of our civilization.

2.Do you think it’s difficult to learn maths well?

Definitely yes. Despite being a boy/girl and having always been expected to master maths well, I’m

quite bad at it and have to spend way more time learning it and doing exercises than most people.


So I do believe it’s difficult to learn, especially if you want to learn it well.

3.Do you often use a calculator? 思

When I was in primary school, I used to rely on calculators to help me solve maths problems.



However, to be honest, I don’t use them so often now, because I realised that using them was


hindering the development of my mathematical ability. So I quit them and now I prefer to do

calculations on my own.

4.Are girls generally good at maths?

It varies from person to person, but there’s an old saying that goes: “Everyone is equal in

mathematics”. I think maths is a subject which depends on how much effort you spend on it,

rather than the gender.

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Part 1 Patience

1.(1)Are you less or more patient when you are angry?

Definitely less patient! In a fit of anger, I may totally lose control and say whatever comes into my

mind first, no matter it is suitable or not. At the same time, I might talk more rapidly and never

want to repeat what I have said again. I know that is terrible, but that is what will happen when I

get mad.

2.(2)How do you feel when other people are not patient?

Well, in this kind of situation, I would get very nervous and wish to bring an end to this situation as


soon as possible, since under such circumstances, I would wonder if I have just bothered others or

have brought inconvenience to them. But when I was younger, I might get very annoyed when

others showed an impatient attitude because at that time I was not mature enough.



3.(3)Were you patient when you were young?



Actually, I have been very tolerant and easy-going since I was very little. I think that is because my

parents were both good-tempered. All my childhood friends liked to hang out with me because I

always listened to them attentively. My mom often says that being a teacher or psychiatrist will be

a perfect job for me since I have great patience.

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Part 1 Travel

1.Which place left the deepest impression on you when travelling?

Personally speaking, the place that left the deepest impression on me was Vancouver, which is a

coastal city in western Canada. I stayed there for nearly half a year when I was an exchange

student. I enjoyed travelling around the city and exploring its natural scenery.

2.Which cities have you travelled to?

Well, I’ve traveled to many North American cities as well as Asian cities, including New York,

Washington D. C., Boston, Toronto, Montreal, Bangkok and so on. I visited these cities during my


holidays and also my exchange semester two years ago.

3.Do you like travelling? 思

Yes, I’m a fan of traveling, especially backpacking, which is a kind of traveling characterized by



low expenses and high degrees of cultural immersion. I enjoy traveling very much mainly out of my


eagerness to know more about different cultures.

4.What kinds of cities do you like to travel to?

As a nature lover, I’m always fascinated by cities with gorgeous natural beauty and authentic

cuisine. Compared to metropolitans, I rather prefer traveling to small towns that are close to

nature, especially those adjacent to mountains or lakes.

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Part 1 Stars

1.Have you ever met a celebrity/superstar in real life?

Yes, I have! But it was quite unintentional. It was about three years ago, my friends and I went to

the cinema for the latest movie. When we were waiting outside, suddenly a sharp scream caught

my attention. Then I found that there was a large group of people holding posters in their hands

and among them was a famous actor. That is how I met a celebrity accidentally.

2.Who is your favourite movie star?

I think Tom Cruise is probably the movie star who can attract my attention most. His appearance


and acting skills are the most appealing things to me. In the movie series Mission: Impossible, his

excellent performance really impressed me. By the way, his latest movie also made me more

respectful to him because he did lots of extremely difficult movements although he is almost 60-





3.Are international superstars popular in your country?

I suppose so. As more and more international movies and TV programs are being introduced into

Chinese market, we have more exposure to foreign superstars so undoubtedly, they are gaining

popularity in China. Most of my friends are passionate about some international celebrities like Mr.

Bean, Nicole Kidman and of course, my favorite actor Tom Cruise.

4.Do you want to be a superstar?

Definitely no! Being a celebrity means that I might lose my privacy and I really detest the feeling of

being stared by the paparazzi. And it is very likely that I would be criticized by some people who

know me only from the distorted reports in the attention-grabbing tabloids. Although being famous

can bring a large amount of money, I still don't want to sacrifice my personal life.

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Part 1 Visiting relatives

1.What do you do when visiting relatives?

Frankly speaking, when I visit relatives I usually find it awkward and I’m at a loss to decide what to

do. However, my mother always encourages me to talk with my cousins and play with them, which

to some extent makes it a bit easier to kill the time.

2.Why do people visit their relatives?

Personally speaking, I believe people visit their relatives in order to cultivate their kinships with

them. You know, after all, we share the same blood and sometimes we need to strengthen our


relationships and maintain a relatively strong connection.

3.Do you often visit your relatives? 思

As I’ve just mentioned, the last time I visited a relative was almost a year ago, so I don’t visit my



relatives very often because actually my family lives far away from them, and paying frequent visits


seems a little unrealistic and unnecessary, so we’ve drifted apart somewhat. I know it’s not a good


4.When was the last time you visited a relative?

Well actually, the last visit was last year when I paid a visit to my cousin Rain, because he got 7. 5

in his IELTS test, so I just wanted him to teach me his “secret weapons”, you know, some useful

tips for the examination. I think his suggestions were quite helpful and made me feel encouraged.

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Part 1 Email

1.Do you think it’s important to reply emails quickly?

Well, I suppose the time of reply is not that significant when it comes to emails. Usually emergent

messages which need to be replied immediately will be delivered through text messages or phone

calls and only those official notices will be sent through emails. Sending emails means that we

should write back carefully and seriously but not necessarily to be quick.

2.Who do you write to?

There are two kinds of people who I write to. One is those I work with and the other is my


international friends. Writing emails is a quite formal action so it is used in my workplace. Also,

when communicating with foreign friends, I find that we use different types of social applications

so the emails are the common and most stable way for us to keep in touch.



3.What kind of email do you receive that makes you happy?



Because of the fact that I have to receive plenty of emails every day, I suppose it is those well-

organized ones that can make me feel delighted. If an email is well-written, with very standard

format and clear purposes, I will find it easy to comprehend and the important messages will not

be missed so I prefer the emails with high readability.

4.How often do you write an email?

I do that nearly every day. When I was in high school, I barely wrote emails but since I entered

college, emails have become probably the commonest way to convey messages. Every day after

breakfast, the first thing I would do is check my inbox so it has really been an essential part of my


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Part 1 Smiling

1.Do you like to smile?

Yes, I do, especially when I meet someone I know or encounter a professor at university. On the

one hand, I smile to show my politeness, and on the other, I intend to show my respect. Smiling

also makes me happier and more optimistic about life.

2.When do people smile at others?

People smile at others in many different situations. One of these situations is when people greet

each other. For instance, people smile when they encounter a friend in the morning in the park.


Smiling enables you to get closer to each other.

3.Do you smile when people take pictures of you? 思

Yes, I do. The reason for this is that I personally think that smiling is the best human expression,



which represents kindness, happiness and joy. With this belief, I always smile when pictures are


being taken.

4.Can you recognize a fake smile?

Well, I think I can, because fake smiles are obviously different from real smiles, and are quite easy

to recognize. When someone pretends to smile, for example, his or her lips act very unnaturally,

which makes it easy to notice, so I think I can recognize whether someone is smiling from the

bottom of their hearts.

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Part 1 Reading

1.Do you read electronic books?

No, I don't use electronic books personally, because compared to real books, I think electronic

books such as Kindles fail to give me a real sense of reading. Also, I prefer reading paper books

because I’m a fan of collecting different ones, while I wouldn’t be able to collect electronic books.

2.Do you like reading?

Of course, because I always believe that books are the ladder of human progress, especially for

young students. Reading is crucial for teenagers, because the characters described in the books


can be models for young readers. What’s more, reading makes humans wise and full of knowledge.

3.What kind of books do you read? 思

As a student who’s majoring in economics, I prefer to read books that can broaden my horizons,



especially interdisciplinary study books, which can take my knowledge to the next level and make


me further understand my major.

4.Do you read books related to your profession?

Yes, I do. Reading books related to my profession is the only way to get the information I need

when I’m studying major-related courses. Also, reading these books is an indispensable way to

understand the meaning of new concepts.

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Part 1 Public holiday

1.Which holiday is your favorite?

I prefer the Spring Festival, which is actually a traditional Chinese festival. I love it for two reasons.

One is that I can take a long holiday, which might be a fantastic chance for me to relax. Another

reason is that the Spring Festival is when we family members gather together. Spending time with

them, I think, is sweet and pleasant.

2.How do you usually spend your holidays?

Well, the way to pass my holidays depends on the length of them. If there is only a three-day


vacation, staying at home with video games and latest movies or reality shows would be my first

choice. But if time permits, I will be more than willing to have a short trip to some cities next to

mine. A long-time journey is something that I will never choose since it can be very exhausting.



3.Do you think people need more public holidays?



Yes, definitely! The reasons are simple: people’s pressure is growing quickly nowadays, so taking

more time off is both mentally and physically beneficial to them. Also, I believe that the advances

of technology have increased the efficiency of people’s work so it might be a great choice to give

them more spare time, so that they may come back with more energy.

4.How many public holidays do you have in China?

That is a tough question because I’ve never counted the number of them. I suppose the figure may

be around 10 and most of them last only three days so we can only take very brief rests. But

actually, the number of holidays used to be even smaller so I think the situation is being improved.

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Part 1 Making plans

1.Are you good at managing your time?

Generally speaking, I’m literally an expert when it comes to time management. As my friends

always say, unlike most of them, I can always distribute my time properly when finishing my

homework, and I'm able to make both long-term and short-term plans, which helps me to monitor

and evaluate my progress in both work and study.

2.Do you make plans every day?

No, I don’t. However, I do make plans every week and every month. For example, when I was


preparing for my exams last semester, I made weekly and monthly plans to help me schedule my

timetable. 思

3.What is the latest plan you made? 全


The most recent plan I’ve made is for my upcoming graduation holiday. I’ve planned to travel to


Russia after my graduation and to go to Moscow and some other cities for around two weeks

where I will meet my friends.

4.What is the hardest part about making plans?

Well, I think the hardest part is that when you make plans, you have to think in advance about what

to do and when to do it, and that’s very challenging. For instance, when I make plans for my

exams, I have to decide which chapters are the most important and settle on a date to review


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Part 1 Borrowing/lending

1.Have you ever borrowed books from others?

Yes, I have borrowed books from people in the past. From my memory, I borrowed some books

about science and technology from one of my friends because I was very interested in those

subjects but I didn’t have any related books. I think it’s a good way to learn from each other by

lending and borrowing books, and it's also very convenient.

2.Have you ever borrowed money from others?

Actually, I have borrowed money from others before. For example, last summer I borrowed 900


dollars from my father to buy a laptop, but I returned it soon after I got my salary from my

internship. Frankly speaking, I don’t borrow money that often.

3.Do you like to lend things to others? 全


Well, I do not mind lending things to people but I do not like that. Because from my understanding I


think it is people’s responsibility to buy their own things and should not always borrow things from

others. And it is very annoying when I cannot get my things back after I borrowed them to others.

4.How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you?

Well, I think it depends. If someone failed to return my belongings without any reason, I would feel

disappointed and even angry at them, since they don’t respect promises. However, I can

understand if they don’t return my items due to unavoidable circumstances and have explained

them to me in advance.

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Part 1 Outdoors

1.Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?

As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been a huge fan of outdoor activities ever since I was a child, and despite

being already grown up, my passion for being outdoors is unchanged. Whenever I’m free, I go

outdoors with my classmates and we enjoy ourselves playing various sports!

2.Did you like to go outside when you were young?

Yes, of course! I loved going outside when I was a kid, because it was such fun and entertaining

compared to staying indoors with homework and exercise books. As I recall, I enjoyed going


outside to parks and playgrounds along with my friends, where we would play football together.

3.Did you often go to your friends’ houses when you were young?

Yes I did visit my friend’s houses quite often. For example, I often went to my best friend Jack’s



house during the weekend or holiday because we could have so much fun together. Usually we


watched some movies or played some computer games together and I really enjoyed it.

4.Is it important for children to play outdoors?

Yes I think it’s very important because I think it’s crucial to let children grow holistically. By playing

outdoors, children can have better physical and mental health, and can make more friends with

their peers.

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Part 1 Markets

1.What do street markets sell?

As I’ve mentioned, in general, street markets tend to sell cheaper goods compared to the

supermarkets, and the things they sell are less known, since they usually have less known and

inferior brands. However, the quality of the goods are not necessarily inferior and some of them

even have better quality than those sold in the supermarkets.

2.What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?

There are many differences between these two, just like comparing apples and oranges. You see,


generally, supermarkets are richer in their variety of goods available, which enables us to better

compare goods with one another. However, street markets, on the other hand, are more

competitive when it comes to their prices, as they sell cheaper goods.



3.(Version2)Do you often go to the supermarket?



Yeah, I go to the supermarket on a weekly basis. Actually, there’s a supermarket nearby my

neighbourhood, so it’s pretty convenient for me to purchase groceries at a reasonable price.

Besides, I’m a premium member of this supermarket, so I can enjoy a good discount whenever I

buy things, at least 20 percent off in fact.

4.Do you often go to the supermarket?

Yes, I do! While I enjoy street markets very much, I also go to supermarkets quite often, especially

during weekends or holidays. I often go with my family, and whenever we go, we spend a whole

afternoon exploring them!

5.Are there many street markets in China?

I’m not entirely sure about the exact number of street markets in China, but I have to say that

there are indeed a great many of them in almost every Chinese city. Take my hometown as an

example. You can easily find one in a random corner of the city, where there are a variety of goods

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at very favorable prices.






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Part 1 The area you live in

1.Where do you like to go in that area?

The sports stadium next to the building I live in, is where I would like to go frequently. The stadium

is not very spacious but well-equipped with plenty of sport facilities. Also, there is an indoor

swimming pool with a small number of people so I can swim whenever I want. That's really


2.Do you know any famous people in your area?

Actually yes! I am aware that a lot of movie stars come from where I live. I feel very proud every


time I see them in a fantastic film. Also, there are some poets and writers who are living in the

area that I come from. So, I suppose my city is an artistic and poetic area.

3.What are some changes in the area recently? 全


Well, a lot of changes are taking place nowadays in my city. I can see more and more skyscrapers


having been built and the public transportation system is becoming more diversified and

completed. But for me, the most fantastic change is that there is greater diversity in restaurants!

Now I can taste genuine foreign food in my city. How marvelous it is!

4.Do you like the area that you live in?

Of course, yes! There are so many aspects in this area that take my fancy. The climate of it is

perfect to me, although the winter is a bit freezing. And the modernity there is what attracts me

most. Living in this place, I feel that I can always keep pace with times.

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Part 1 Daily routines

1.What do you usually do on weekends?

Well, I usually do some exercise and work out. During the weekdays, I’m so busy studying and

doing part time jobs that I can barely spare time for exercise. Therefore, I usually make full use of

my weekends to work out in order to keep my body in shape and stay healthy.

2.Has your daily routine changed? If so, how?

As a student who prefers to get up early and go to bed early, my daily routine has never changed.

The reason why I’ve stayed this way is that I believe such a type of daily routine is of great benefit


for our health, preventing us from potential risks of sickness.

3.What are the differences between people’s daily routines in the past and those in the present?

Well, from my understanding, I would say people in the past tended to get up earlier in the morning



and always had three meals a day. However, I think it’s no longer the norm to have three meals a


day nowadays. It’s more common to see people getting up late in the morning and having no time

for breakfast, and usually having only two meals a day.

4.Will you change your daily routine in the near future?

Well personally, I probably won’t change my daily routine anytime soon. As a college student who’s

now already working for a company as an intern, I’m accustomed to getting up early, and I think

such a type of daily routine will remain the same for me in the future.

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Part 1 Hometown

1.Where's your hometown?

It's Hangzhou. Hangzhou is really a special place with a long history and great plants and trees. It

provides a favorable living atmosphere. It has a number of tourist attractions, like the West Lake

which attracts thousands of tourists every year.

2.Do you plan to continue living there?

My hometown is a quiet town with beautiful natural scenery. Although I love it very much, I don't

plan to continue living there. Since the economic developments there are not as fast as some big


cities, the lack of job opportunities and low-educational levels in my hometown are not good for

personal development obviously, so I decided to move out in order to better myself in my career

life. I guess I would move back after my retirement. 全


3.Where would you like to live?



I would like to live in international metropolises, such as Shanghai and Beijing. I think these cities

are always full of opportunities. Living there, I could get better education and career. What’s more,

the means of transportation and public facilities in big cities are state-of-the-art, so I could enjoy

a convenient life there. Although the living pace is relatively rapid and the competition is fierce, I

have confidence to meet the challenge.

4.Is that a big city or a small place?

Well , actually , it ' s a big place but not as big as Shanghai. The living pace is rather slow

compared to some megalopolis. And the chances are fewer than those megalopolis. Therefore,I

prefer to define Hangzhou a promising city that is on its way to become a real big city.

5.Please describe your hometown a little.

Well, the most thing about my hometown is that it has a number of scenic spots, like the West

Lake, and Linyin Temple. People of various age groups can enjoy or entertain themselves near the

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West Lake. Retired people usually sing opera near the Lake.

6.How long have you been living there?

For more than ten years. I moved from Suzhou to Hangzhou when I was a little girl. Since then,

Hangzhou has been a witness to my childhood and study.

7.Do you like your hometown?

Certainly! Taking one point to illustrate, it's really a great place with a long history and nice living

environment. If people are born here, it would be lucky because they are not only allowed to visit

the excellent attractions but also taste specialties, like West Lake and sweet and sour sauce.

8.Do you like living there?

Certainly! Taking one point to illustrate, it's really a great place with a long history and nice living

environment. If people are born here, it would be lucky because they are allowed to not only visit


these excellent attractions but also taste specialties, like West Lake with sweet and sour sauce.




9.What do you like about your hometown?


Well, the most attractive thing about my hometown is that it has a number of scenic spots, like the

West Lake, and Linyin Temple. People of various age groups can enjoy or entertain themselves

when they visit the West Lake. Retired people usually sing opera near that area.

10.Is there anything you dislike about it?

Well, transportation is a tough one. Transport is really a headache in Hangzhou. With the increase

in private cars, roads have to hold heavy traffic. It is extremely terrible during the rush hour, you

know traffic jam.

11.Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

Yes, the future of my hometown will be promising. With the stimulation of the cities around,like

Shanghai, it will definitely turn into a really modernized city. And it will attract more investment

from people home and abroad so as to be a better place for living.

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Part 1 Work or studies

1.What work do you do?

I am working as a teacher in XXX high school/ training organization right now. Usually I would

teach English courses four days a week. Correcting my students' homework and other assignments

is an essentially important part of my job. I would also spend time taking care of and playing with

kids outside the classroom.

2.Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?

There is no doubt that teachers play an important role in students' lives. Back in my school time, I


was lucky to encountered many excellent teachers who have had profound influence on me. Their

passion to teach and patience to care have inspired me to be a teacher someday. With this idea

along, I chose to study in English as my university major and became a teacher at the end of the





3.Do you like your job?

I am very fond of my job. Actually teaching is more of a career instead of a job to me. Since I was

a child, I always dreamed of being a teacher, standing on the stage in front of the podium. I love

embracing my students every day and passing on the knowledge I accumulated in the past years. I

always have this feeling that as long as staying with my students, I will be energetic and


4.Is it very interesting?

Well, on one hand, teaching kids really requires considerate amount of energy and patience. They

will sometimes make mistakes beyond your imagination. For example, they keep making noises

during classes which are absolutely forbidden. But on the other hand, I would give a big yes if you

ask me whether teaching is interesting. Spending quality time with kids will always inspire me to

think out of the box since often times they would ask challenging questions.

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5.(Possibly) Do you miss being a student?

Honestly, I do enjoy sitting in the classroom and listening to the teacher, so yes, I miss being a

student. Being a student is an enjoyable way for me to absorb knowledge. However, for now, I

prefer being the one who is delivering knowledge because teaching is creating values and it's a

way for me to pay back what I have learned during the past years.

6.What subject(s) are you studying?

I chose English as my major to study at XXX University. We have courses such as British literature,

American literature, Advanced English, Linguistics, Lexicology and etc. I find English is a really

challenging but interesting major.

7.Why did you choose to study that subject?/Why did you choose to study those subjects?

I think to learn another language is a good start to get a comprehensive understanding of their


culture. Besides, I want to be the master of the two most important languages, English and




Chinese. Once I know more about English and their culture, I can build up more bridges for these

two nations in this globalized world.

8.Do you like your subject?(Why?/Why not?)

Yes, of course I do. I would say I love the major I am studying in because learning another

language is never simply about the grammar or the words themselves. It's more about the cultural

background, serving as a way for communication and passing on the wisdom of humanity from

generations to generations.

9.Is it very interesting?

Learning another language is not only an interesting but also challenging experience. It's full of fun

when it comes to American and British humor. With excellent English, you can watch English TV

series and movies without the subtitles. But on the other hand, it requires substantial amount of

patience to remember different vocabularies and to use in the appropriate situations.

10.(Possibly)Are you looking forward to working?

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Absolutely, I am looking forward to working because only in that way can I utilize what I have

learned into practice and improve my capacities of it. What's more, I can learn from my peers and

my seniors at work. It's also an excellent opportunity to start new friendships.

11.Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?

I actually prefer to study in the mornings. People tend to have a quite clear mind and a good mood

in the morning. So by reading some delightful articles I can have a good start of my day.

Furthermore, it is said that in the mornings, people have better memories than afternoons, so it

might be easier for me to memorize things.






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Part 1 Transportation

1.Why did you choose that form of transport?

Since I am a student without any earnings, I always choose public transportation, such as bus and

subway, which saves me money. Taking public transportation is very convenient, since it is now

perfectly developed in my city. Besides, when weather permitted, I would choose to ride a bike. It

is the most environmentally friendly way of transportation and my favorite way of sport, which

brings me a lot of fun.

2.What form of transport do you usually use?


I usually choose to ride a bike. In recent years, the business of shared bicycles is very popular in

China, especially in big cities, so we can find shared bicycles almost everywhere, which is quite

convenient and economical. I also enjoy going cycling to the parks with my friends at weekends.



We cycled slowly so that we never missed the beautiful scenery along the road. That is my favorite


way of sport. Cycling makes me healthier.

3.What vehicles (or what means of transport) do people in China most often choose to use?

Generally speaking, people in China prefer to go out by bus or subway. China is a country with a

large population. If everyone chooses to use private transportation, that would cause terrible traffic

jam and severe air pollution. So, now more and more people choose the eco-friendly way to go

out. The government has controlled the price of public transportation in order to encourage people

to take them, so that they would be more preferred.

4.What do you think of the transport situation in your hometown?

The transport situation in my hometown is not bad. Although there could be some traffic jams in

rush hours, the traffic is smooth at any other time. The elevated road and subway line help to

reduce the travel time greatly. Besides, the government pays great attention to build more traffic

lines, which makes some remote areas be also accessible to us, so it is more and more convenient

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for us to take public transportation.

5.Would you say transport costs are high in your hometown?

I don’t think the transport costs in my hometown are high. Thanks to the controlling of the

government, almost everyone could afford the public transport costs. People can cross the city by

subway, paying no more than 10 RMB. Better still, the students and the old could even get a

discount when buying traffic tickets. So I think the transport costs in my hometown are reasonable.

6.How has the transport system in your hometown changed in the past few decades?

The transport system in my hometown changed a lot recently. Several decades ago, people prefer

to take buses. Now, because of the construction of subway traffic, people can choose to take the

subway, which is faster and more convenient. Bicycle becomes one of the modern ways of

transportation in recent years. Since more and more people get the awareness of environment


protection, they regard bicycles as their first choice.




7.What's the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?


Most people in my hometown travel by metro, which has now become the most useful and popular

means of transportation. As far as I know, we so far own 17 lines of metro extending in all

directions including rural and suburb areas of the city, and there are still some lines under


8.How often do you take buses?

Generally speaking, I take buses twice a day since I commute to work. Normally I spend one hour

to travel by bus if there’s no traffic congestion. But on weekend I prefer metro since it is

accessible in all directions of the city, which is much faster and more convenient.

9.Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?

Sure. Traveling by flight takes less time and it’s considered to be safer than taking a train since

there is a very small risk of plane crashing. While traveling by trains saves more money and it

provides frequency departure and relatively flexible timetable than flight does.

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10.Is driving to work popular in your country?

Yes, it’s quite common to drive to work here. With the increase of our living standard, cars are

becoming affordable to most people, no matter singled or married. Most importantly, teeming

underground carriages are unbearable indeed during rush hours compared to traffic queues on


11.Do you think people will drive more in the future?

Well I don’t think so. Realizing the situation of our severe traffic congestion and perfect public

transportation system, I believe people will get rid of private transportation to some extent. By the

way, parking difficulty is another serious problem facing those prefer to drive.

12.Would you ride bikes to work in the future?

Yes, I think I will take this choice unless my working place is really far away from home. It must be


good to start a day’s work with the wonder of cycling. Besides, riding to work avoid traffic queues




and teeming underground carriages, which keeps me in good mood.


13.What will become the most popular means of transportation in China?

Considering the large population and the large number of vehicles, subway will become the most

popular means of transportation in China. More and more cities in China have been constructing

rail transit systems. It's cheap, fast and convenient. For instance, I can go to almost every area in

Shanghai by subway.

14.Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?

From my perspective, I prefer public transportation since it is economic, efficient and

environmental-friendly. Besides, along with the comprehensive public transport, our traffic modes

turn to diversity: metro, buses and share bikes, which makes it no need to take private


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Part 1 Home/Accommodation

1.What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?

I live in a spacious apartment with the area of 170 square meters. To be more specific, it is a

high-rise brick flat with 2 bedrooms in a housing estate in downtown. Behind our flats there lies a

river and we can jog and take a walk along with it.

2.Who do you live with?

Well, I've been living with my parents in our apartment since I was a child. This year, the neighbor's

dog gave birth to three baby dogs and one of them became our new family member.


3.How long have you lived there?

Since last year. My family moves a lot, like every five years or so, because dad’s always changing

his job, um… in a positive way of course. So we are moving around and trying to get a better place



to live in.


4.Do you plan to live there for a long time?

Definitely! Not only because it is the place in which I grew up, but because most of my friends also

live nearby so that we can accompany each other from time to time.

5.(If you answer you haven’t lived there long) What’s the difference between where you are living

now and where you have lived in the past?

There are two major differences. The first one is the size of the apartments. The place where we

are living now is much bigger than the previous one. The second one is the friendly neighbors. We

got a bunch of friendly neighbors who watch our back when we are absent.

6.Can you describe the place where you live?

My apartment is not a traditionally residential place, but transformed from a factory building.

Because of the high ceiling and big beams, my father designed a two-floor apartment and

renovated it himself. As you can imagine, the staircase is my “playing ground” during my

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7.Which room does your family spend most of the time in?

It's the kitchen definitely! In great love of cooking, everyone in my family is kind of a top cook. We

study recipes, discuss them with each other and invent new dishes in our tiny but warm kitchen.

8.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?

Normally, I invite old friends to my flat to share and understand of a good book, a film or a song in

which we learn a lot from each other and develop our knowledge of the world. During sharing, we

talk, laugh and weep, building warm atmosphere in my flat.

9.Are the transport facilities to your home very good?

Thanks to the location, the transport ways are enough for traveling. The nearby metro line can

reach the city center as well as my school and a new tramway is also under construction.


10.Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?




You know, it's quite hard to say because different residents give you different feelings but if I have

to pick one, I would like to live in a flat as flats are usually situated in downtown so I wouldn't be


11.Please describe the room you live in.

I live in a room which is decorated in Scandinavian style. To be more specific, I have a king-size

bed, as well as a sofa next to the French window. The most relaxing time for me is to stay in my

room, lay on the sofa with sound system open and books on hand.

12.What part of your home do you like the most?

To be honest, it's the sitting-room. With an exquisite tapestry suspending on the wall, the whole

style makes me feel go back to middle age while smart TV with a large screen brings me return to

the modern life.

13.Do you live in a house or a flat?

Recently,I live in a flat in downtown area. Smaller than the house as it is, my flat locates in a

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housing estate which is right behind the commercial area with convenient transportation and

comprehensive living infrastructure. Due to the ever-increasing housing price, most people here

live in a flat than in a house.

14.What can you see outside the window?

Since I live in the 18th floor, I can see many things near and far. I can see the whole community, a

market about half a mile away, the main street behind it and also a railway afar. Also, if the

weather permits, I can see the mountain and crystal clear sky when I look far far away.






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Part 1 Music

1.When do you listen to music?

When I am having breakfast, I am used to listening to some music. Since I have to get up early on

weekdays, the music wakes me up and provides me a good mood for the whole day. At weekends I

also listen to some soft music before go to bed. The music can calm me down and help me sleep


2.How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

It depends. When I am busy with studying, I just listen to one or two songs every day to relax


myself. But when I am free, I can even spend two or three hours doing nothing but listening to

music. I don’t regard it as a waste of time, instead it makes me more energetic for the future work.

3.What kinds of music do you like to listen to? 全


I like pop music very much. First of all, pop music is lively, and suits me at my age. What I mean to


say is that we youngsters like to listen to music that fits in with the way we feel. Secondly, pop

music usually has good rhythm. For instance, it is suitable for us to dance on. Lastly, pop music is

simple to understand. And it helps me to relax after I have been studying hard for some time.

4.What’s your favorite kind of music?

My favorite kind of music is light music, because it can help me relax. And light music sounds

more peaceful, easy to make people calm down and think clearly. I prefer to listen to light music

before I go to bed. It helps me sleep well.

5.Have you ever been to a concert before?

Yes. Every year there are several concerts held in our city. I went to see a classical music concert

last year. I was really fascinated by the concert because I enjoyed the atmosphere there. And in the

live concert, I can share my views about music with such great audience. That is amazing!

6.Has your preference in music changed over the years?

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Well, to be honest, my musical preference has changed a lot since the past, back in the days, like

maybe 4 or 5 years ago, the way I sang and the genre I performed was very simple, for example, I

could hardly play the guitar and sang songs, over the years, I have attended some classes to learn

playing other kinds of musical instruments and started to learn how to rap. Now the way I perform

is diversified, like I play a variety of music such as pop and classic, by using different kinds of







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Part 1 Photos

1.How do you keep your photos?

We live in a digital age, and thank goodness for that, we can take lots of photos and store them

properly on phones and computers. I usually take photos with my iphone and that’s where I keep

my photos. But I always keep a backup of all important photos in my computer in case I lose the


2.In what situations do you take photos?

The main purpose for my taking photos is that I can capture the precious moment in my life, and


those are the main situations I take photos, such as the first day or last day at work, a family trip,

or the sweet moment with my boyfriend, or something I am surprised to see and want to share

with others. 全


3.Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos?


If I need to choose between the two, I would probably go with taking photos my self. I feel that

different people have different characteristic, so the tastes of photos will be distinguishing. I know

what works best for me. and I always feel embarrassed when I smile to other people.

4.Do you like to take photos?

I think so. I especially like to take photos of scenery because I really enjoy the amazing natural

scenery such as the early spring, the flowers, sunset, seashore. And I also like to take photos of

my family when we travel around, to capture their happy moments.

5.How often do you take photos?

First of all, I am not a professional photographer , i am just one of them who really love and admire

good view. Sometimes I only take photos few times a week. Sometimes, I take a lot of photos,

when I go on a trip or when I have a wonderful meal or when I hang out with friends.

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Part 1 Weather

1.What kind of weather do you like most?

I like a good many types of weather. Generally, I like cool weather suitable for outdoor activities,

the coolness that wind brings, as long as the wind or rain is not too severe. I just prefer cold

weather to hot weather.

2.What kind of weather is typical in your hometown?

My hometown is Shanghai, a city in mainland China. This is a city where you can experience

changes in the weather. For half time, it’s like warm summer weather, with a slight breeze and


beaming sun. The rest of time is pretty freezing and wet days, with lots of heavy rain but not so

much snow. 思

3.Do you prefer dry or wet weather? 全


If I were to choose between the two, I would probably go with dry weather. I think wet weather


makes people feel hot and humid and sometimes even a bit depressed. People generally feel more

comfortable with Low humidity. Moreover, if wet days continue for a long time, those damp black

mould will begin to grow.

4.What’s your favourite season?

I do like winter a lot, as I just prefer cold weather to hot weather. Sadly, I rarely experience that as

I live far south of China. Most days, it’s over 20 outside and we have surprisingly warm weather

even in winter. That’s why I like a cold weather with a lot of heavy snow.

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Part 2 喜欢的衣服

Describe your favourite piece of clothing

You should say:

What it is

How often do you wear it

What it looks like

And explain why it is your favourite clothing

1.高中时候好朋友送给我的 ,我很遗憾没有去到演唱会,她买到了JAY亲笔签名的纪念T恤 ,对我来说很



It was not a simple T-shirt but one with a special signature(特殊签名)! on top of it. I had it when I

was in high school. My best friend gave it to me as a birthday present for he knew how much

affection(挚爱) I possessed towards my idol---Jay Chou, whom I believed was the most amazing



musician ever. He sings well and even writes his own songs. Every piece of work from him is a


masterpiece. Unfortunately, I missed the time when he went to Shanghai for his live concert. My

best friend was lucky enough to go to the concert and got an autographed T-shirt in a souvenir

shop. It was just like! hitting the jackpot(像中彩票一样幸运). Surprisingly, he gave it to me at my

birthday party. To be honest, I burst into tears when I saw the T-shirt. It is a pure white T-shirt

with several big black letters on the front. It actually became my most valuable asset(最有价值的财

富) and was folded up tidily at the bottom of my drawer. I loved it so much that I refused to wear it

once. I would rather save it as a symbol of our friendship(友谊的见证). I could not say more thanks

to him and I was so impressed by how he treated me as his best mate. I believe, my friendship with

him will last forever.

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Part 2 新题:童年玩具

Describe a toy you had in your childhood

You should say:

When you had the toy

Who gave you the toy

What it was like

And explain how you felt about the toy




Well, talking about an extraordinary toy I had, I guess I have a bunch of toys I want to share with

you, but the one I would like to introduce to you now is a quite memorable one. It is a puzzle of

world map. In my memory, a buddy(俚语伙计 friend) of my father gave it to me as a present 12



years ago on my 10 years old birthday. I remember this buddy was approximately (about) 40 years


old and had a quite average looking. Frankly speaking, he was kind of overweight, looking like a

walking refrigerator(俚语形容一个人很胖). However, I was quite grateful to him because I liked it

very much. You know, I adored(口语中可替换like) geography in my childhood sometimes I

just stared at(凝视 kept looking) maps in several hours. So you can imagine how elated(兴高采烈的

happy) I was when I got it, I felt at the top of the world at that time(俚语形容高兴极了 felt extremely

delighted) and I couldn’t wait to have a try for it. It was so gigantic(巨大的 big), that amounted

to(等于 equaled to) a 5*5 (发音 5 multiple 5) carpet. Actually I almost spent my whole winter

vacation in solving it. You know, every day I just left all the pieces on the floor and linked them in

the correct way referring to the map. I should be quite careful because once a minimal mistake

could be lethal(俚语每一个细节都很重要) in puzzling. At the end of the vacation I finally made it. And

I was pretty excited to see my effort finally paied off(努力得到了回报) I had overcame many

difficulties). As far as I’m concerned(就我而言), I think it was pretty important because with this

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puzzle, I got the hang of(俚语学习到,了解到 learn/know) the whole world. Also, it helped me

determine to travel around the world. Now I have covered a lot of places(俚语去过了很多地方

traveled in many places). In a nutshell(总而言之), this puzzle is quite impressive for me and I will

definitely give my kid the same one down the road(俚语在未来 in future).






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Part 2 改变计划

Describe a time that you had to change your mind/plan

You should say:

When this happened

What made you change the plan/mind

What the new plan/mind was

And explain how you felt about the change





This topic reminds me of a big change of attitude towards keeping a pet when I was in high

school. As a sophomore, I was always dreaming of having a dog as my pet. And I begged my mom



for this for a long time. There happened to be a colleague of my mom who planned to travel for a


week, and his puppy needed to be taken care of(需要被照顾). My mom decided to give me a

chance to see whether I was capable of taking care of a dog on my own (是否有能力自己照顾小狗).

At first, I was excited about having a pet. But as the puppy felt anxious in the unfamiliar

environment, he kept yapping day and night. In addition, he was too little to pee on schedule at

that time, so he kept peeing in my bedroom and made my bedroom smelly. Gradually, I realized

that keeping a pet is not as simple as I imagined. Together with joy and fun, there also come a lot

of responsibilities (除了欢乐,还有很多责任随之而来). I started to feel tired and bored after half a

week and felt almost exhausted when his owner finally came back and took him away. After this

attempt, I realized that at that time, I was not able to raise a pet on my own yet. Thus, we reached

a consensus (达成共识) to push back the plan of keeping a pet. I’m proud that I made the change

of not keeping a pet by myself, as it indicated that I’m more mature than before.

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Part 2 新题:借东西

Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from friends or family

You should say:

What the thing was

When you borrowed it

Whom you borrowed it from

What you did with it

And explain how this happened




还好借到了书,我在那次考试中取得了理想的成绩,感觉很幸运。 思

I took the second major in finance when I was in my sophomore year (大二那年). I was very



passionate about the course since I believed that if I could get a good result in it, it would be very


helpful for my future development. However, when the final exam was just around the corner (快要

来临) , the professor informed us that the course "Principles of Economics" would have an open-

book exam(开卷考试). However, I just had the electronic version of the book so I had to borrow one

from others. As soon as (一...就...) the class was over, I rushed to a senior student majoring in

accounting for help, hoping that I could borrow a book from her. Although I had been working

extremely hard on the course, there were still some very abstract concepts and elusive definitions

(抽象概念和难懂的定义) which confused me a lot so that the book could be of great significance for

me. I was afraid that she had already lent it to someone else. So fortunate was I that (so... that...倒

装句) the book hadn’t been lent out yet! She told me that she was the only one who still had the

book on hand at that time in her dormitory because all her roommates had already given it to

others. Thanks to the book, I eventually got a satisfactory result and I felt that fortune really smiled

on me (我真是交了好运). If it hadn’t been for the book, I would never have gotten such an ideal

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资 加
料 我
齐 们
全 微
! 信
别 :
处 ie
购 ts
买 67
均 99

盗 雅
版 思
不 加
全 油
! 站

Part 2 上网搜信息

Describe a time when you look for information on the Internet

You should say:

When it happened

What you looked for

Where you searched on the Internet

And explain how you felt about the information





At the end of my undergraduate degree, my friends and I decided to take a graduation trip to

celebrate our graduation. Actually, apart from its ritual function of saying farewell to our college



life(大学生活的告别仪式), a graduation trip now also serves as a form of soul-searching(追寻自我)



for us graduates. We had no idea about our destination, but we really wanted to choose a

wonderful place for our graduation trip, because we all hoped it would be a holiday of our

lifetime(终身难忘的旅行). Therefore, we spent time surfing the internet for a suitable destination

and made elaborate preparations for our trip. We inquired about the city, climate, round-trip fares,

accommodation and other aspects of tourism information, and then decided the destination. We

browsed the travel related posts, forums, downloaded a lot of apps, such as Honeycomb, Ctrip,

etc., and we also read a lot of travel notes and strategies. I think it's very reliable to find tourist

cities through the Internet because travel notes and travel guides can restore the true appearance

of tourist spots to a great extent. A quick search on the internet using the keywords 'graduation

trip,' for example, provided links to articles discussing some famous holiday resorts(度假胜地), as

well as tips for our trip that merit our attention(值得注意,值得参考).

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Part 2 感兴趣的历史时期

Describe a historical period you would like to know

You should say:

When it was

How you heard of it

What you are interested in

What you have known

And explain why you would like to know more

1.三国时期是中国历史上非常特别的一段时期。 在三国时期,中国被分裂成了三个政权,在这段期间内,



我对三国的历史很感兴趣,是因为小时候就读了三国演义这本小说。 思

The Three Kingdoms period was a very special period in Chinese history, which began in 220 AD



and ended in 280 AD. During the Three Kingdoms period, China was divided into three regimes,


called Wei, Shu and Wu. Wei was the strongest, occupying the territory of(领土) northern China,

while Shu occupied the southwest and Wu southeast. During this period, China was fragmented by

rivaling warlords(群雄割据) and the three countries fought for the unification of China. Ironically(讽

刺的是), at the end of the Three Kingdoms period, no one won. A minister replaced the Wei

emperor and merged(吞并) Shu and Wu, which signaled the end of the Three Kingdoms era. From

my perspective, the Three Kingdoms period is known well by us(著名) because a series of

distinguished militarists(杰出的军事家) and generals emerged(涌现) during this period. For instance,

the resourceful military strategist(军事家) Zhu Geliang, who made numerous(无数次) victories, is

now regarded by the Chinese as the incarnation of wisdom(智慧的化身). I am extremely(极其)

interested in the history of the Three Kingdoms, because when I was a child, I read the book

Romance of the Three Kingdoms(三国演义), which is one of the four Chinese literature classics(四


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Part 2 捡起的东西

Describe something lost by others but found by you

You should say:

Who it belonged to

When it happened

How the person lost it

How you found it

What you did with the lost thing

And how you felt about it



计是某位住在小区的人钥匙不小心掉了出来。我交到了小区警卫处,警卫处就相当于一个失物招领处。希 思

望失主可以尽快找到它。 全


Last winter holiday I was walking around the community to meet up with friends in the


neighborhood(邻居朋友). Suddenly, I saw a bunch of keys(一串钥匙) alongside the road. The road

was already covered with some snow(白雪覆盖) and the keys stood out(很显眼) reflecting the

sunshine. I picked the keys up immediately and looked at the keys closely. I was sure that it did not

belong to anyone I knew in the neighborhood. In terms of appearance, the key ring was made of

silvery metal with a cartoon character printed on it. The color was already worn and faded(褪色). I

guessed it might belong to someone who lived in the community because outside people were

usually not allowed to enter the community. The owner must have put the key in his pocket and it

somehow accidentally fell out of his pocket(掉出口袋) while he was walking on the road. I had

planed to leave the key there because I thought the owner could find the key along the path when

he came back to look for it. But after I thought about it again, I found that it would be better to

hand the keys over to the security guard(门卫) of our community, because people who lived here

usually went to the security office when they lost things on the road in the community.

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Interestingly, the security office acts somewhat as a lost and found office(失物招领处). I handed

the key to the guard and felt that I was doing the right thing. I hoped the owner could find it as

soon as possible.






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Part 2 俊男靓女

Describe a beautiful woman or handsome man that you have seen

You should say:

Who the person is

When and were you saw the person

What the person looked like

And explain why you think the person is beautiful or handsome

1.我想要谈谈我的学长Eric。我们是在大学的学生社团认识的,他是我们的team leader。Eric很高很瘦,

带着一副方的黑框眼镜。他喜欢穿黑色卫衣,走路喜欢带着耳机听歌。Eric是个很优秀的team leader,每



Well, for this part, I would like to talk about my senior college friends named Eric. I was acquainted

with him(认识) in college student union and he worked as my team leader. Eric is of lanky



stature(高瘦身材) and wears black-rimmed glasses(黑框眼镜) with his piercing eyes(锐利的眼睛)



narrowing behind. Besides, he is always wearing in black sweater and walking with headphones.

Eric was a splendid(优秀的) team leader. To be more specific(具体来说), every time we were

discussing for strategic planning, he managed to go straight to the heart of the matter(一针见血)

all the time and played a significant role in leading us to brainstorm for content innovation. Another

reason why I think Eric is a charming guy is because of his sound voice. He hosted most of the

activities organized by our student union. To tell the truth, his raspy voice(有磁性的声音) and his

logic and detail-oriented(注重细节的) mind were so attractive that it kept the audience

concentrated on his saying all the time. What's more, Eric is a man with a sense of humor. It is

satisfying and pleasant to talk to him since he always responds quickly and talks in a humorous

way, which makes me feel him charming.

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Part 2 最理想的房子

Describe an ideal house

You should say:

What it is like

Where it is

When you want to live there

What some special features it has

And explain why it is ideal to you




个月我就心满意足了,这一定会是我最难忘的毕业旅行。 思

No Kidding.. I have dreamed of living in a castle since I was a young child. Although there are few



people in the world who truly live in a castle, I still hold this dream(我仍然有这样的梦想). So if I


really can choose, I want to have a castle with big lawns, gardens and lakes. You know, it would be

amazing to ride horses, row on the lake and hold big parties(骑马,划船,聚会) in my private

playing field(我的私人游乐场). Besides, I want this castle to be yellow and blue because most of the

castles in Disney cartoons have colors like this. Hmm.. If it is possible, I want this castle to be

located in a small country in western Europe where I can enjoy the pleasant weather. And this

country should have no winter so that my lakes won’t be frozen and my whole castle can always be

green(河水不会结冰,城堡总是郁郁葱葱). I think it would be perfect if I can live in such a place when

I graduate. Actually, my friends and I are planning our graduation trip(规划毕业旅行) and this castle

will definitely be the most unforgettable part in it(最难忘的部分). This will be the best way to say

goodbye to my college life. By the way, the main feature of my ideal castle will be its ball room(宴

会厅). I want hundreds of people to dance at the same time. I have seen this on movies but I’ve

never experienced it before. It may sound nothing special but for me, that is the best part of this

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castle. If all of that comes true, I think this experience will be the most beautiful memory of my

whole life(人生中最美的经历).






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Part 2 教晚辈新东西

Describe an occasion when you taught someone something new to a younger person

You should say:

What you taught

When it happened

Who you taught

Why you taught this person

And explain how you felt about the teaching

1.周末去姐姐家,吃完饭后,小外甥拉着我让我教他写字。 小家伙学的很快,虽然字写的扭扭捏捏,但是



似懂非懂,让我想起了我小时候学习的场景。 思

Well, speaking of a teaching experience, I’d like to share this with you. Last week I went to my



cousin’s for lunch, after which my nephew asked me to teach him calligraphy(书法). I didn’t expect


such a young boy could learn it, but his sparkling eyes staring at me made it impossible to say no.

Different from Latin letters, Chinese characters contain a lot meaning and connotations. So I

explained to my nephew what each character stands for(代表). For example, I told him, “this one

represents bamboo, and it often refers to a person who is upright and of integrity.” Apart from

that, I also analyzed the structure and the order of strokes of each character for him, which

seemed to confuse him a bit despite my effort to be simple and explicit. My nephew claimed to

have grasped(理解,掌握) my ideas, though. It turned out to be that this little boy was really a quick

learner. You know, soon was he able to trace the sample to a satisfactory degree. His handwriting

really reminded me of my old days when I was taught to write calligraphy. In my view, this teaching

experience was quite rewarding. Not only did I improve my skills to express myself, but I also

strengthened the bond between me and this cute little boy.

63 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 2 他人说谎

Describe an occasion that someone don’t tell you the complete truth

You should say:

When it happened

What the lie was

Who cheated you

Who you were with

What the situation was

And explain why the person didn’t tell you the whole truth



只觉得开了很久。然而在下车检查完行程之后,才发现司机带我们走了一大圈,他是想多赚一些钱,但我 思

不认为这样做是合理的,之后我在app上反映了司机这个行为。 全


Well, speaking of this topic, I would like talk about an experience when the taxi driver detoured(绕


路) on purpose. Last week I went out for dinner with my friend. After the meal, I got a taxi on a

car-hailing app(叫车app) and planned to go home. Since my friend and I lived nearby, we got in the

taxi together after it arrived at the pick-up location. We kept chatting during the journey without

noticing the way. Well, I just felt that it seemed to be a longer way than expected and the taxi

driver kept silent all the way. However, not until we got out the car and checked the travel

itinerary(行程确认单) did we realize(倒装) that there was something wrong. We found that the route

wasn’t the most direct(不是直线距离), instead, he took a roundabout way(绕远路) and spent twice

as much time as it was supposed to take, which means, we had been taken on a detour(绕路).

From my perspective, I understand that he might have had a hectic day(辛苦工作了一天) and it’s

hard for a taxi driver to earn his living(谋生), but I don’t agree it’s a reasonable behavior since it’s

kind of a customer deception(欺骗消费者). Later on, I reflected upon this experience on the app

and got my trip free(免单).

64 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 2 给别人的建议

Describe a time that you gave advice to others

You should say:

Who you gave advice to

What the advice was

Why you gave advice

And explain how you felt about the advice





During the summer vacation, my friend Lisa said that staying at home watching TV was boring. She

said that she changed the channel(换频道) for the fourth time and realized that once again there’s



nothing on television that gets her attention. Well, I said to her, “Why not throw on (匆匆穿上) some


running shoes and comfortable clothes and go for a run?”. One of the coolest things of running is

that you do not need expensive equipment, just a pair of comfortable running shoes. Another

reason why I suggested she should go for a run is that running can improve people’s health.

Believe it or not, running is actually a great way to increase your overall level of health (整体的健康

水平). Running can raise your levels of good cholesterol(胆固醇) while also helping you increase

lung function and use. In addition, running can also boost your immune system (增强免疫系统) and

lower your risk of developing blood clots. Moreover, not all of the benefits of running are physical.

It can provide a noticeable boost to your confidence (增强自信心) and self-esteem. By setting and

achieving goals, you can help give yourself a greater sense of empowerment (能量) that will leave

you feeling much happier. I think this is a good suggestion. I will go out for a run when I am free.

Running is incredibly beneficial to our health, both mentally and physically. I always find that even

short runs can help leave me feeling more energized, more focused and better able to enjoy all

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that life has to offer (即使是短距离跑步也能让我感到更有活力,更专注,更好地享受生活所提供的一切.






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Part 2 早起

Describe an occasion when you got up extremely early

You should say:

When you got up

What you did that day

Why you got up early

And explain how you felt about it





For most students, the time leading up to exam week is more often than not, a nightmare. Many

share the experience of being put on edge by the overwhelming workload and troubled by the



immense anxiety as the exam week approaches (随着考试周临近,很多人都有被工作量和焦虑情绪支



配,感到应接不暇的经历). In this context, seats at the library are often in short supply, making the

library the most crowded space on campus. The Saturday before the last exam week, I set a 5 a.

m. alarm clock to guarantee myself a precious seat at the library as soon as it opened at 7. As

soon as the 5 o’clock alarm rang I snuck out of bed, had a quick breakfast and left the dormitory

with books and my nap pillow (当五点的闹钟一响,我就悄悄下床,吃好早饭,带上书和午休的枕头离

开了宿舍). The final exam week was indeed a crazy time when everyone seemed to abandon their

habitual lying-in (改掉了睡懒觉的坏习惯) and devoted their time fully to preparation. I could hear

sounds of reading echoing as I walked towards the library and a long queue had already been

formed at the front gate. Every minute counts, so without hesitation, I joined the queue and

opened a pile of review materials. Oddly enough, although I was slightly sleep-deprived due to the

early wake up, getting up early cleared my head and improved my learning efficiency (奇怪的是,虽

然我有些睡眠不足,但早起让我的头脑更加清醒,学习的效率也大大提高). Only once I had turned the

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materials to the last page did the library bell ring (not until 倒装句,直到我翻到复习材料的最后一页,

图书馆的铃才响起来). I followed the queue into the library, sat by the French window as I wished for

and started a new day of studying.






68 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 2 擅长外语的人

Describe someone who speaks a foreign language well

You should say:

Who this person is

What kind of foreign language he/she speaks

Why he/she learned this foreign language

And explain why you think he/she speaks this foreign language well


去现场看演唱会。 她学习韩语的主要方式是通过看演唱会和发布会等等。睡觉前,甚至睡觉时都要听K-



Speaking of someone that can master a foreign language well that would be my cousin, a fourteen

year-old middle school student. She’s like, crazy about everything that’s related to South Korea.



As far as I know, she has never missed any concert of her favourite K-pop(韩流) band, EXO. Well, I


mean, so far she has only watched them online, cuz her parents won’t allow her to travel to Korea

just for some concert. She has been very hard-working, in regards to(说到) learning Korean. Due to

her love of those K-pop stars, she spends at least two hours every day on watching videos about

them, during which she learns Korean. Once she told me that she actually wants to study in Korea

one day, so she could go to see her idols’ concerts more conveniently.(偶像,爱豆). Sometimes, in

addition to concert videos, she also watches MVs or press conference footage(记者见面会视频) to

learn the language. She sometimes listens to K-pop songs before – or even WHILE sleeping, that

is, if my aunt didn’t find out her doing so. I mean, that’s totally fanatic, isn’t it? Young as she is(尽

管她还很小), she has just passed the renowned Korean ability test called TOPIK, and is now

recognised as a level 4, which is, I think, pretty impressive for a middle school student. I tend to

believe that her success in learning Korean is because of her endless motivation that comes from

her interest, and the commitment she has been making to reach her goal.

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Part 2 想见的外国名人

Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person

You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew about this person

What this person does

And explain why you want to meet this person





更像是一个邻居家的大姐姐,我们有着相似的生活轨迹和思考方式, 思

I want to meet Taylor Swift. She is a famous American singer. I found myself in love with her(发现



自己爱上她) music when I happened to(偶然间) listen to one of her songs. That particular song is


about youth and love which is very close to my own life(贴近生活). She insists on writing(insist on

doing坚持做某事) her own songs. Some of them are about family, some are about love and others

about youth. All in all, I think her songs are very down to earth(贴近生活;务实). It’s very easy to

understand because it happens in our lives too. Maybe because we share similar ages(年龄相仿), I

think her songs mirror my life(映射了我的生活). The lyrics are very impressive and resonate with my

own feelings(引起了我的共鸣). And also, I know she keeps many cats(养猫). I always believe that pet

lovers(喜欢宠物的人) are sensitive people. I also love dogs and cats so I have an even more good

impression of her. I want to meet her in person not only because that I like her songs, but also

because that I feel music brings us closer to each other(音乐拉近了我们之间的距离). Music is a

common language regardless of your nationality, your religion, your gender, etc. So, to me, she

does not feel like a stranger. She’s more like a neighbor who shares her life with me using music.

We live a similar life and we share each other ups and downs(分享酸甜苦辣). I want to meet her in

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person because she has talked about her life, and now, in turn, I want to talk about mine.






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Part 2 广告

Describe an advertisement you remember well

You should say:

Where you saw it

What it was about

What it was like

Why you remember it well





I’d like to tell you about an advertisement about food. And this one, I have to say, is loaded (充满

了) with memories of my childhood. The most recent time I saw it was in my nephew’s room. My



parents and I went to visit my aunt. My nephew was watching a cartoon. And during the break(广告


时间) of the cartoon, this ad popped out(跳出来) and I felt a wave of nostalgia and felt like my

nephew’s age. I remember that when I was little, every time I saw the ad, I would always ask mom

to buy the product advertised in the ad for me. Anyways, the advertisement promotes(推销) milk of

a certain brand called Wangwang. It starts with a chubby little boy(小胖墩(男孩儿)) running to a

store to buy a bottle of milk, drink it, and then run back home to rule out(划掉) one of the nutrition

checklists (营养清单) made by his mom. Every time the boy drinks the milk, he would make some

funny noise. You gotta know this is very tempting(诱惑的) for a kid. As I was thinking back, I heard

my nephew shouting, “Mom! I Wanna drink Wangwang milk!”. It is just so funny whenever I think

about it.

72 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 2 想法有趣的人

Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions

You should say:

Who the person is

How you know the person

What the person does

And explain why you think his/her ideas and opinions are interesting





百姓交流甚至住在贫民区,来了解一个城市的另一面,他认为这些被大家认为脏乱差的地方更能提现出一 思

个城市的文明程度。 全


I want to introduce a friend of mine, and his name is Austin. We met each other during a trip last


year when both of us were backpacking(背包旅行) in Thailand and were staying in the same youth

hostel. After a brief introduction, we found that we had a lot in common(从句), for instance, we

were both attracted to the dense Buddhist atmosphere in Thailand, and we were fans of the same

singer. Austin had just graduated from college, and he decided to spend the next year travelling

around the world and enjoying life. He explained that he was feeling a little lost after graduation,

so he was trying to find the things that he wanted to do and his goals during the trip(从句). The

interesting thing about him lies in(在于) his interest when travelling. Austin said that scenery spots

could not necessarily reveal the glamour(展现魅力) of a city, and he would prefer to see the city

sewage system, or go to the slum area(贫民区) and talk with local people; sometimes he would

even choose to live in the slums. He explained that by doing so he can get to know the other side

of the city, that is, the mundane(世俗的) as well as the authentic(真正的) part of the city. Austin

believes that the places that are dirty, disorderly and bad are the perfect places to reflect the level

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of development and civilization of a city(复杂句+从句). I was surprised with while at the same time

amused by this idea, as this never occurred to me. Maybe he is right, and maybe I'll try his idea in

the next trip.






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Part 2 邀请聚餐

Describe an occasion when you invite your family or friends to dinner

You should say:

When you invited them

Where you had the dinner

Why you invited them

And explain how you felt about this dinner





他们心里还是非常高兴的。那天我请父母吃了火锅鱼,我们一家人其乐融融,非常开心。 思

I’d like to talk about the time that I treated my family with dinner during last year’s Mid-autumn



Festival. The truth is I work alone in another city. And every time during festivals, I miss my family a


lot, and my parents in particular. Especially during such festivals when all family members are

supposed to(应该) gather together, (聚在一起) chatting and laughing. I remember it very well when

my colleagues began planning what to do with their families even weeks before the festival

started(节日到来). I was all emotional, jealous and homesick, and out of impulse(一冲动), I bought a

ticket to fly back home without telling anyone. My parents were totally shocked by my sudden

return. But I could see they were actually glad to see me back. As I just got my salary for that

month, I treated my parents with dinner later that day when I got back. We had fish hot pot(鱼火

锅), as mom said that she wanted to have some fish. We talked a lot that night, talking so freely

like we hadn’t met in years. We talked about not only me, but how my parents had been doing

recently, how they have learnt new stuff and how they thought about their lives and my life at the

present stage. I felt again what a family should be like, and what a bond should feel like.

75 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 2 喜欢的歌手

Describe your favourite singer or band

You should say:

Who the singer/band is

What personality/characteristics the singer/band has

What kind of genre his/her music belongs to

And explain why the singer/band is your favourite





My favorite band, beyond all doubt (毫无疑问), is Mayday, a band that debuted in Taiwan in 1999

with five members: the lead singer Ashin, Monster, Stone, Masa, and Guanyou. They are very warm



and sincere to their fans. It is hard to say what kind of music their music belongs to. They have


ballads, rock and rolls, jazz, and so on. They are popular for their ability in capturing the zeitgeist

of the youth(捕捉年轻人的时代精神) in the mid to late 1990s. The lyrics written by Ashin centered

around themes of teenage angst and growing up (以青少年的愤怒和成长为主题). They are often

cited as one of the pioneers of rock music in Taiwan. Their songs always strike a chord with many

people. Tickets to their concerts are hard to come by. It is said that when Mayday holds a concert,

fortune shines upon ticket scalpers (据说五月天一开演唱会,黄牛就赚得盆满钵满。). I like them

because their songs accompanied me through my youth. My favorite song of Mayday is You Are

Not Truly Happy. I think this song really sung out my thoughts when I was an adolescent. “You are

not truly happy. Your smile is just your protective coloration.” That was exactly what I felt at that

time. I really resonated with this song. Moreover, they are also vocal advocates on the issue of gay

rights, with several songs making oblique reference to (间接提到) the issue. I think it motivates me

to speak for those who are not fairly treated and to embrace this world with an open mind (以开放

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资 加
料 我
齐 们
全 微
! 信
别 :
处 ie
购 ts
买 67
均 99

盗 雅
版 思
不 加
全 油
! 站

Part 2 交通工具故障

Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your travel

You should say:

When it happened

Where it happened

Who you were with at that time

And explain what impacts this breakdown had





时才到达目的地。 思

I went on a trip to Shenzhen, a major southern city in Guangdong Province, with my college



classmates in the summer vacation right after my college graduation. It was a fairly exciting


journey at first, but unfortunately, the bus we were on got a flat tire(车辆爆胎) by accident on the

highway from Guangzhou to Shenzhen. Thankfully, the calm driver immediately turned on the

warning light(警示灯), pulled the bus over to(把巴士停靠在) the emergency parking strip and put a

warning sign 150 meters behind the bus to alarm other cars that came by. Once the car was pulled

over and no serious safety issues was found, the driver called the police and informed us of what

went wrong. My classmates and I were relieved as soon as we were told that nothing serious

happened in the accident. We then called our parents to assure them that we were safe and

sound(安然无恙). Although no one was injured as a result of the accident, our travel schedule was

seriously delayed to the extent that it took us a couple of hours more than planned to arrive at the

destination. We had to reschedule our trip to fit our busy calendar(繁忙的日程). Eventually, as it

turned out, the flat tire did not ruin our trip. Instead, it made our trip more like an adventure and

thus became an anecdote that my classmates and I often talk about when we gather together. All

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in all, the trip was still fantastic and we all enjoyed it.






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Part 2 水上运动

Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future

You should say:

What it is

Where you would like to try it

How difficult it is

And explain why you would like to try it





In terms of water sports, I want to try to learn swimming someday in the future. I have never tried

to swim before, so if I get the chance to learn it one day, I want to do it at a standard swimming



pool instead of open water(公开水域), such as reservoirs or lakes, so as to avoid safety issues.


Compared with open water, standard swimming pools are much safer, with rigorous safety

standards(严格的安全标准) and lifeguards in place, so they would be my ideal place to go as a new

learner. Swimming appears to be an extremely difficult water sport for me to learn, as it is utterly

different from other sports that take place on land. For me, facing the unknown in water is

challenging and terrifying. In addition, I fear that I might get water up my nose or possibly drown

without anyone noticing as a result of my incorrect swimming technique (游泳动作). All these

concerns pile up the fear in me, making it increasingly hard for me to try to learn swimming with

confidence. Regardless of these worries, I am still looking forward to learning about how to swim.

It is not only because swimming is a necessary skill set that comes in handy(派上用场), but also

because facing your fears is an important lesson in life. If I have to deal with my fears in other

forms sooner or later, I would rather prepare myself for that challenge by proactively learning how

to swim.

80 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 2 助你实现目标的人

Describe a person who encouraged and helped you to achieve a goal

You should say:

Who this person is

What this person encouraged you to do

How this person has helped you

And explain why their encouragement helped you achieve the goal





Speaking of a person who encouraged and helped me to achieve a goal in my life, I would like to

share with you my experience of being encouraged by my mother when I was a senior student at



university. Last year, as I was about to enter the fourth year of study at university, I became


increasingly anxious about my upcoming graduation. The uncertainties embedded in (伴随) the

graduation were worrying me so much, as I was not sure which path to embark on, to continue my

postgraduate studies or to seek employment. At the time, my mother gave her encouragement and

insisted that I continue my studies after graduation. She spent a whole afternoon talking with me

via phone, trying to convince me of the importance of postgraduate studies. She was certain that it

would be much easier for me to pursue my master’s degree right after my undergraduate studies

compared to doing so after working for a couple of years. She further encouraged me that I have

the ability to pursue higher degrees and thus suggested applying for an overseas master’s

program. Thanks to my mother’s encouragement, I was able to uphold (坚守) my self-confidence,

which inspired me to apply for prestigious programs. Therefore, I am indebted to her, someone

who has always been my family, mentor, friend and soulmate. (心灵伴侣).

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Part 2 游戏节目

Describe a game show or a quiz program you watched on TV or online

You should say:

Where you watched it

What it was like

How often you watched it

How you liked it

And explain how you liked/disliked it

1.Super Brain 每个星期五都会和家人看江苏卫视这档节目。是这档节目的铁粉。参加这档节目的选手展



自其他国家的选手PK。喜欢这个节目因为可以对认知能力更了解。 思

I am going to talk about Super Brain which is broadcasted on Jiang Su TV, the biggest TV channel



in the Jiang Su Province. Every Friday I watch this TV show with my family at home. To be honest, I


have been a fan (现在完成进行时,表示过去的动作延续到现在,一直都是铁粉) of this program for

over three years now. The contestants show their triumph card (亮出他们的绝技) on screen. For

example, one participant could memorize dozens of phrases in order in seconds, one could restore

the mini cube (复原魔方) blindly and one could recognize the items blindly simply by smelling it.

Then the judges who are professional brain scientists would score the contestants. The

contestants whose scores are above 80 would get the chance to move on to the nest round of

competition. Each competitor has to pass rounds of challenges with their counterparts so that they

can eventually get the chance to compete with other contestants from different countries.

Personally I am obsessed with watching this show for various reasons. Firstly, it is cliff-hanging (扣

人心弦). This show always keeps me at the edge of the chair especially when the judges announce

the scores. Plus, I can apply what I have learned from this show in (把...应用于) studying, like how

to memorize English vocabulary effectively. It’s a show that is both recreational and educational.(兼

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具娱乐性和教育性) I hope I can watch this show again shortly.






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Part 2 历史建筑

Describe a historical building you have been to

You should say:

What it is used for now

Where it is

What it looks like

What you learned there

And explain how you feel about the historical building



界上现存规模最大的木质结构古建筑之一。 故宫的前部宫殿宏伟壮丽,象征封建政权至高无上。 我在故

宫参观了各类明清代历史文物,这座建筑让我更进一步了解中国历史,让我对祖国两千多年连绵不断的历 思

史传承感到无比自豪。 全


The Forbidden City is one of the grandest and most culturally influential historical works of


architecture that I have ever visited in China. Situated in the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City is

now one of the largest wooden work of architecture(木质结构建筑) across the world. As a

significant symbol of ancient royal constructions(古老的皇家建筑群) in China, the Forbidden City

was among the World Cultural Heritage list and one of the most protected cultural relics in China.

In addition, it is also one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world with over 17 million

tourists in total in 2018. Meanwhile, the architecture collects a wide array of invaluable cultural

relics(文物) once used by Chinese royalty back in the Ming and Qing dynasty. Preserving and

researching these relics, the Forbidden City serves as a crucial part of the protection of Chinese

historical culture. Constructions in the Forbidden City are orderly, lined up from north to south and

perfectly aligned(完美地对齐分布在) on the left and right side of the central line, making the

architecture a stunning view to visitors. Palaces in the front part of the Forbidden City are

magnificent, symbolizing the paramount power(至高权力) of the imperial authority back then, while

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in contrast, the rear part of the architecture is more compact. In the museum of the Forbidden

City, I have seen a variety of Chinese historical relics and further understand the centuries of rich

Chinese history that this architecture has long preserved. Thanks to the Forbidden city, I can

closely review the long Chinese history that makes myself so proud to be Chinese.






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Part 2 利用网络解决问题

Describe a time that you solved a problem through the Internet

You should say:

What the problem was

How you solved this problem

How long it took to solve the problem

And explain how you felt about it

1.我们一家决定去马来西亚旅行,旅行攻略的制订由我来做。 虽然这个问题很难解决,但是我还是利用各

种网站圆满完成了任务。安排了性价比高的舒适的食、住、行。 因为平时还要上课,所以整个过程花了一



Last year, my family decided to travel to Malaysia, and celebrate the Spring Festival there. You

know, this kind of ‘destination celebration(旅行过节,参见旅行结婚)’ is becoming increasingly



popular in China. During our family meeting, we decided that the itineraries(旅行日程) provided by


travel agencies are quite boring and that we are not using them anymore. The thing is, you still

need an itinerary, don’t you? My parents are extremely busy with their jobs, and my grandparents

are not terribly familiar with the internet. So apparently I was to do it. Making plans for a trip is far

more complicated than it seems, but I tried my best using all the websites I know, such as

Skyscanner, Booking, Tripadvisor, etc. As a result, I managed to cater for everyone’s needs in my

family, namely the Petronas Twin Towers(国家石油公司双子塔) that I’ve always wanted to visit, my

shopaholic(购物狂) mom’s visit to the outlets, dad’s scuba diving day, and of course, my

grandparent’s preference for sightseeing of natural landscapes. The thing that made me really

proud was that I didn’t make the trip a hurry-scurry(匆忙,手忙脚乱). Instead, it was quite comfy(舒

适的,口语版本) in regards to accommodation and transport. You see, I had lectures and other

schoolwork to attend to, so the whole procedure took me about a week, give or take(差不多,允许

有少许误差). And I felt a sense of tremendous achievement afterwards for helping my family have a

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good time with my knowledge and efforts. The internet really brings convenience to our life, which

I could easily feel in this case.






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Part 2 实用技能

Describe a practical skill you learnt

You should say:

What it was

When you learned it

Why you learned it

And explain how you felt about it




Speaking of a skill that is practical, I would like to share with you a very common yet important

skill, which is swimming. To be honest when I was a child I had a fear of water which made

learning to swim almost impossible. This prevented me from taking up any water-based activities



in my childhood. This phobia was exacerbated by a near-death experience I had when I was 10. I


was playing near a river with some friends when I slipped and fell into the water. Luckily a local

farmer heard my panicked cries and fished me out. As a result of this experience my phobia of

water got so bad (对游泳恐惧) that I refused to go anywhere water throughout my junior and

middle school years. So basically, I was made to(被逼迫) learn this skill in high school, as it was

compulsory to pass a swimming examination. Although it was a seemingly impossible task(无可完成

的任务) for me, I was able to finally master it after a lengthy period of(很长一段时间的) training and

practice, which lasted for nearly two months. Well, I bet that you might have speculated, some

people might laugh at me when I say it took me two months to learn to swim! But you know, it was

indeed a great achievement for a person who used to be afraid of water. By the way,after

learning it, I actually felt it is a truly helpful skill for one’s survival, and it also contributes to our

health, as swimming is also a fantastic means of exercise!

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Part 2 想获得的奖

Describe a prize you want to win

You should say:

What the prize is

How you knew about it

What you will do to win it

And explain why you want to win it





I wish to win the photography contest that is held annually in my province, and the prize is

rewarded to the photographer who gets most “like”s from visitors. Actually, this is a quite famous



contest, in that(因为) several prominent(著名) photographers won this prize when they were still


noteless(无名); Therefore, the photography contest is regarded as “high-level” and “producing

future talents”. I signed up for (报名) the contest and wish to win the contest because photography

has always been my hobby. Wherever I go, I would definitely take my camera with me, as I don’t

want to miss a single beautiful scene(从句). Also, taking pictures of the mundane(世俗) while

moving scenes has always been my favorite, for instance a little girl holding an umbrella for an

alley cat during an intense fall, or an old couple walking on the street, and the grandma holding a

lollipop that the grandpa just bought for her(从句). I wish to convey(传达) these beautiful scenes

that we often take for granted(习以为常), and hope to raise people’s awareness as well as

appreciation. To win this prize, I plan to read some more books on photography, as skills and light

and shadow theories play the fundamental role in taking a picture. Practicing is also essential, I

would definitely practice more with what I learn from the books. Moreover, I’m going to carefully

investigate the previous award-winning works and try to obtain some inspiration(灵感). Pretty

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exciting, right? I’m hoping for some good results.






90 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 2 错误信息

Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information

You should say:

When you got it

How you got it

How you found it was incorrect

And explain how you felt about it





得到话之后,有点懊恼。因为那款牛奶又贵又不好喝,如果没有这个功效,我早知道就不买他了。 思

When I was a kid, I insisted on drinking Uncle Strong, a kind of pure milk (纯牛奶). The reason why I



kept drinking it was because it was endorsed by (由...代言) Yao Ming who is a legend of


basketball(篮坛传奇). Without question Yao is a household name (家喻户晓) in China. In the

advertisement on TV, he said that people will become as tall as him after drinking the milk. He was

playing a competitive basketball match while saying the slogan with confidence. You know, I was

totally impressed by his words, so I had my heart set on (梦寐以求) being a tall guy just like him, so

I persuaded my mom to buy the milk for me. I drunk two boxes of milk on a daily basis (=everyday

每天). However, I was kind of disappointed when I had a body check at the end of the term. You

know, I hadn’t grown any taller and I was still the smallest in my class. Eventually, I turned to the

doctor for help and asked him why I was so small even though I drunk the milk every day. After

looking at the ingredients (配料表) of the milk, the doctor said that it only benefits us from

absorbing nutrients rather than gaining height. Honestly,the doctor’s words knocked me down

with a feather (让我大吃一惊) and I regretted buying this kind of milk.

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Part 2 旅游

Describe an unusual experience of travelling

You should say:

Where you went there

When you went there

Who you were with

What you did there

And explain why it is unusual




书,一定学有所成。那次北大旅行对我来说真的意义重大。 思

Last year I went to a tour at Peking University. It was my dream college while I was growing up, but



life is full of dissapointments, isn’t it? I didn’t get accepted. And I had to come to terms with(和解)


the fact that I only went to an ordinary university in Wuhan. So it actually surprised me that I still

shed tears looking at the Weiming Lake. I was reminded of those hard-working high school years

when I fought for my dream to come true in the prime years(黄金时期) of my life. It was a beautiful

time when I learnt to discipline myself, to make friends, to develop sports skills, and to just be a

teenager. Well, teenagers grow to be adults, if you know what I mean by that. When I learnt that I

didn’t get accepted by Peking university, I locked myself in my room for two days. I knew that I had

failed my promise and decided that I should just live my ordinary life and forget about my dreams!

But that time, personally being at Peking University for the first time, I felt that my passion was

stirred up(被激起) again. I wanted to do something meaningful other than(而不是) just wasting my

life! I missed that teenager who was full of dreams and energy! And I made up my mind to study

overseas and get my masters degree. I may have missed out on my dream school, but that didn’t

mean I had to give up my dreams completely.(完全地,彻底地) All roads lead to Rome, after all! So

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yeah, the Peking university tour meant a great deal to me! In a way, it helped me pick up my

confidence and will to fight for the life that I desired!






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Part 2 和朋友出去

Describe an experience that you went out with your friends and had a good time

You should say:

Where you went

When you went out

What you did

And explain why you had a good time





It might seem strange to answer a question on a good day out with friends with a story about a

visit to the gym, but please hear me out. A few weeks ago me and some of my colleagues, who are



also friends, decided to go for a gym induction on a Friday night after work. Usually we go to a


restaurant or hit some bars on a Friday after work but on this occasion we decided to do

something really positive. As soon as we walked through the door our instructor greeted us with a

big, beaming smile and as we filled in our induction forms(填写入会表格) he cracked some jokes(说

了些笑话) about how he would whip us into shape in no time(立刻帮我们塑形). This was the first

time I had done a proper workout session in my life and so my friends all giggled(傻笑) as I lifted

my first weights. I had really a good time! Who would have thought lifting heavy items could be

such fun? Next up was Dave, he is slightly overweight, and as he bent down to pick up the weights

his trousers split(当他弯腰去举重的时候他的裤子裂了) and we all fell about laughing. Luckily he had

a spare(备用) pair of pants and he actually turned out to be surprisingly strong. After we had all

lifted weights and done some cardio(有氧运动) it was time to warm down. We did some gentle

stretching and even some breathing exercises. Although I didn’t intend to make the gym a regular

part of my routine I now go every other day and I am actually now really fit. And Dave…. Well, he is

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no longer overweight.






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Part 2 公园

Describe a park/garden you like visiting

You should say:

Where the park/garden is

When you visit it

What the park/garden is like

And explain why you like visiting it




Well, talking about a garden I have visited, I immediately think of the one at my house. My house is

located in the suburbs(郊区), occupying (占地) 300 square meters. The garden at the front is

definitely my favorite place, and I have spent most of my spare time there. The size of the garden



is 80 square meters, and my mom told me that the main reason they bought this house was


because of this big garden. My mother is a gardener, and she is fond of (俚语喜欢 likes) botany(植

物学). Therefore, the beautiful plants in this garden should all be attributed to(归功于) her. There

are sunflowers, roses, tomatoes, and some fruits in the garden, which is a good combination of

aesthetics and utility. On one hand, I can walk through four seasons in this garden, witnessing the

color changes of flowers and leaves. On another hand, I can taste the bounty of the summer and

autumn harvest. More importantly, this garden is the source of many precious family memories. I

will never forget that my father hugged me on the grass, while my mother was gardening just near

us. Now that I have grown up, I have less and less time to spend with(陪伴) them. However, on the

weekends, I still spend two or three hours chatting and enjoying the sunshine with them in

the garden.

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Part 2 让你笑的小孩

Describe a time a child made you laugh

You should say:

When it was

Where you were

Who the child was

What the child did

And explain why you laughed




无忌。原因2,想起自己快乐的童年时光。 思

This topic reminds me of a scorching hot summer’s day last summer holiday. It was too hot to do



any outdoor activities with my sister on that day so my mom asked me to baby-sit at home. My


sister, a 5-year-old girl who always carries a big smile (笑得灿烂) on her face, is quite naughty,

and my family always call her “the king of children”. On that day, she sneaked into (偷偷溜进) the

cloakroom and put on my mom’s high-heeled shoes. (高跟鞋) The shoes were stunning, and looked

just like Cinderella’s crystal shoes. Then, she staggered into (踉踉跄跄地走) the courtyard wearing

the shoes, which were not suitable for her at all. When she was walking downstairs, she lost

balance and fell down a couple of steps. Instead of bursting into tears, she said it must have been

mom who told the shoes to not let her walk in them. No sooner had she finished her saying those

words, I laughed out loud. (倒装句,她讲完话不就,我笑得很大声) As for why I was laughing, well,

firstly, her silly words simply cracked me up. (笑破肚皮) Plus, she reminded me of my happy


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Part 2 听陌生人打电话

Describe a time that you heard a stranger talking on the phone in the public place

You should say:

Where you were

When it was

What the stranger was talking about

And explain how you felt about it





东西。我衷心感谢这些送货员,因为他们真的让我们的生活更加方便。 思

Well, yesterday I was going to the library to prepare for my exams, and I heard these calls made on



the square in front of the library. You see, the delivery system is super developed in China now,


you can get the items you bought on the websites in no longer than a week, regardless of(无论)

your location. And if you happen to be living in a metropolis like Beijing or Shanghai, sometimes

they arrive at your doorstep in the afternoon or at most overnight(隔夜). For this we have to thank

the delivery guys who basically ‘fly’ between communities to send your package. This delivery man

in my uni was one of them, but as you can understand, they cannot really go into the dorms for

security reasons(为安全考虑). So they have to make phone calls to every customer, and ask them

to come to the rendezvous to pick up their items. That day, as I passed by him – that was, like no

more than 30 seconds, he made probably four or five calls. The words he said are as simple and

straight as they can be(尽可能地简单直接): ‘You’ve got a package.’ And I can simply imagine

people getting those phone calls rushing to the square, where everybody in my uni knows as the

rendezvous for this event, and waiting for the guy to call upon their names. I felt heartedly thankful

for these delivery people, coz they have really made our life so much more convenient.

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Part 2 新题:庆祝成就

Describe a situation when you celebrated your achievement

You should say:

What you did

When you celebrated it

Who you celebrated it with

And how you felt about it





很开心,因为准备报告期间我们压力一直很大,这种努力过后可以看到的成果让我觉得很有成就感。 思

Well for this topic I would like to share how I celebrated after finishing my final group report last



semester. As this report was a significant fraction(决定性的部分) of our academic year GPA, my


team member and I went all out(倾尽全力) on this report. Starting from the initial data collection,

we spent two months brainstorming, extending research orientation and setting up multi-angle

data analytics. Eventually, sure enough, “Hard work pays off.(付出得到回报)” We won the first-

grade with excellent results. To celebrate our achievement, right after the presentation finished we

made a prompt decision to book an overnight KTV box, and of course, with skewers(烤物), fried

chicken and beers ordered. Boys sat behind and swallowed the meat down(狼吞虎咽) while girls

just grabbed a bite and started to sing. In a word, everyone was immersed in the rotation of

drinking, eating and singing, which lasted all night. Although waves of drowsiness ran over and

over(一阵阵的困意来袭), nobody left early and we all stayed out until all hours(撑到…结束). I felt

relieved and thrilled at that moment. As you know, we were kept under great pressure during the

preparation process. Therefore, when the result turned good, it fulfilled my sense of achievement

to a large extent. But on the other hand, to tell the truth, that night’s singing was really exhausting.

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I went into a trance(昏睡) throughout the afternoon the next day, I never want to do that again.






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Part 2 新题:与陌生人有趣对话

Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger

You should say:

Who this person was

What the conversation was about

Why you had this conversation

And how you felt about it





本来觉得候机很无聊,没想到能和一个外国人用中文聊这么多,感觉很有趣。 思

Well, this happened last year, about July, when I was flying home alone from my university. You



know, airports can be really crowded at that time, cuz, well, plenty of students were flying home.


So yeah, I just got all the issues dealt with and found myself a seat, waiting to get aboard. Then

there came this gentle old papa, who was about... I guess, around sixty. And he was in a grey

hunting jacket(猎装). He came to me and politely asked me if the seat next to me had been taken,

in fluent Mandarin(普通话). That was a bit mind-blowing cuz he looked very much foreign to me. Of

course there was no one sitting there, and he got seated after getting my answer, and thanked me.

We started talking in English, cuz... I don’t know, I just supposed that it would be easier for him to

talk in English. Then he suggested we can use Mandarin, and he actually wanted me to help him

practice. Through our conversation, I learnt that he is actually a professor of linguistics from the

US, and was taking a tour around China during his sabbatical(美国大学给教师的七年一次的假期). I

recommended several cities to him, like Chengdu and Guangzhou, well, for their food mainly, and

culture. He actually put my advice down on his notebook, which was, you know, quite surprising to

me. The thing is, I’ve never expected waiting in the departure lounge(出发大厅) can be so much

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fun, you know, talking to an American in Mandarin, totally not what you can experience every day.






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Part 2 新题:和他人无聊经历

Describe an experience that you got bored when you were with others

You should say:

When it was

Who you were with

What you did

And explain why you were bored




Last week, my cousin came back to visit us, you see, she goes to high school in another city, and

doesn’t really come back a lot. She arrived on a Thursday, when my parents were pretty busy, so

my mum asked me to take her somewhere and welcome her on their behalf. Anyway, there was a



newly-opened dim-sum(点心) shop that has become a sort of a local ‘cewebrity(网红)’, and I just


took her there. I bought her some pancakes(班戟), and also some smoothies(奶昔), and tried to

start some conversations. You see, we didn’t really grow up together, but since she came to visit, I

decided to get to know her, and probably give her some advice if possible. You know, I was just

trying to be nice. The problem was, she just can’t stop looking at her mobile phone, even when I

was talking to her, which, I believe, was not very polite. At first, I thought she might have some

urgent issues to attend to(需要处理的急事), and just carried on. Then after about half an hour,

she’s still doing that. So, I just asked her what she was doing, and she said she was talking to her

classmates. At that point, I was already not very pleased, but I still tried to change subjects,

assuming that she wasn’t interested in the previous ones I talked about(伴随状语结构). However,

throughout the three hours in the shop, her eyes were on the screen all the time. She even played

some phone games, which made me super awkward(尴尬) and bored. Then after a short while, I

just had to take her home.

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Part 2 新题:不用工作学习的一天

Describe a free day when you did not need to study or work

You should say:

When it was

What you did

Who you were with

And how you felt about it




Just this summer, we had this typhoon(台风) problem, which led to continuous rains. I mean it was

like, it rained whole day, every day, throughout the month. Then there was this Wednesday, I guess,

when the rain just poured down, like a waterfall, and everywhere was flooded, we learnt from our



mentor that we got an unexpected day off. Since going out wasn’t really an option, my flatmates


and I just decided to play Monopoly(大富翁) in our dormitory. Believe it or not, these days you don’t

even need to hold your token money when playing Monopoly, cuz it is actually equipped with a

POS machine(POS机), and everybody has a toy bank card that can be read by it. Imagine that! So

of course, we had so much fun. The problem was, it rained so hard, to the point that even if you

want to go to the canteen(食堂), which we can actually see through the dorm window, you’d

probably need to swim there. At first, we decided that whoever lost the game would have to buy

food and drinks for everyone. Then, although Lucy accepted her loss and prepared to go, we all

thought it was too dangerous. So we had all our meals that day through online ordering

applications, like, you know, you can just place your order(下单) and they will deliver very soon to

your doorstep(很快送货上门). We all had a marvellous day, yes, in the meanwhile, though, we all felt

bad for those poor delivery guys, who had to travel in that kind of weather.

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Part 2 新题:很累但要保持清醒经历

Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake

You should say:

When it happened

Why you were sleepy

Why you had to stay awake

And how you stayed awake





其实,我觉得数学复杂又无聊,为了不在复习时睡着,我喝了好几杯咖啡,拿着书在宿舍里走来走去。此 思

外,遇到我不会的问题时,我向我的室友求助,突然间我发现,当我们一起讨论解决方法时,就不会觉得 全




I remember when I was in high school, I once burned the midnight oil to prepare for my final exam.

I had many classes that day, so it was already eight or nine p. m. when I got back to my dorm

room宿舍. That had made me extremely极其 tired and sleepy. I really felt like having a good rest in

bed. But I couldn’t! Because I had a maths exam the next day. I didn’t perform well表现不好 in

math classes, so I was afraid of falling behind 落 or even failing the exam挂科. In order to do a

good job为了表现出色 in the coming exam, I took out my math book and the notes I took in class

and then I began to review all the important concepts概念, formulas公式 and exercises. Actually, I

find it very tedious to我觉得很无聊 review the complex math problems and I almost fell asleep

several times. To stay awake, I drank cups of coffee and walked around the dorm room with the

book in my hands. Plus, when I came across遇到 some questions I couldn’t work out解决, I turned

to my roommate for help. Suddenly, I realized that when we were discussing the solution together,

we both wouldn’t feel so sleepy. That really helped me a lot and I got a good grade on the exam.

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That’s all. Thank you.






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Part 2 新题:访友经历

Describe an experience that you visited a friend

You should say:

Who you visited

What you did

Why you visited him or her

And how you felt about it





让我想起,以前我家搬家的时候Iris也来帮我父母一起打扫了屋子。没想到,一转眼我们已经长大。 思

Last summer I paid a visit to my friend, Iris. Her father was opening a new Sichuan cuisine



restaurant in the neighborhood. It is a Chinese tradition that the friends who are in any way


connected to the owner of the restaurant are obliged to wish congratulations in person at the

opening ceremony. Therefore, I prepared a bunch of sunflowers, which stand for ‘prosperity’ in the

Chinese culture, hoping that Iris’ dad makes a good fortune through the booming business.

However, I arrived, while the tables and chairs were not yet laid, and decorations were not done.

Iris’ exhausted face suddenly turned radiant the moment she saw me. It was the first time I was

seeing her since we had separated half a year ago. Like any two friends meeting up after a while,

we wished to have more time to chat. However, we were urged to be chop-chop, because those

tables, chairs and flowers were waiting for a place to stay. We made use of every possibility to

talk. “See how beautifully I arranged the roses!” “Don’t you think that chair matches better with

this table?” or something like that. The hustle and bustle in the restaurant reminded me of the far-

away days we had spent decorating my small room, bickering and self-pleased over the layout of

the furniture. How time flies. In the blink of an eye we have grown up and come to the age of

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nostalgia. I’m sure those days will live in my memory forever.






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Part 2 新题:家乡特产

Describe a food made from the region you come from

You should say:

What it is

Where you can get the food

Who will buy the food

And explain why people like the food





候,我都会带他们去家楼下的小笼包店,去品尝最正宗的上海味道,一起分享我与小笼包的美好记忆和故 思

事。 全


Whenever anyone talks about the most famous food in my hometown, Shanghai, I think of


Xiaolongbao. Shanghai's Xiaolongbao is one of the most famous dishes in China. The preparation

process of Xiaolongbao is very delicate. Normally, the filling is made from pork leg, and the chef

uses chicken soup and pork skin to make the meat jelly-like(猪腿肉为馅料,鸡汤,猪皮做成了肉冻).

After steaming, the Xiaolongbao looks crystal clear(晶莹剔透). If you take a bite, you can taste the

extremely delicious soup. The soup is what differentiates it from normal buns (Baozi). You can find

Shanghai Xiaolongbao at almost any Shanghai restaurant. My best recommendation are the local

food stands. When you come to Shanghai for the first time, I highly reccommend you visit

Nanxiang Xiaolongbao restaurant because they have the most famous Xiaolongbao in the entire

country. Many local Shanghainese, especially those of the older generation, like to buy Xiaolongbao

take-out and share it with their families after work. The Xiaolongbao not only has a beautiful and

distinctive look, but is also delicious, carrying the memories of many Shanghainese, so it has

always been very popular. Everytime, I see Xiaolongbao, it reminds me of the good old times

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when(提醒我过去的美好时光) my mother brought home a lot of snacks and dinner after work as well

as the warm-hearted family time. I will always take my foreign friends to the Xiaolongbao place

near my home to taste the original flavor of Shanghai(上海的原汁原味), and, to share my stories

and memories of Xiaolongbao.






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Part 2 新题:最开心一天

Describe the happiest day you had

You should say:

Where you were

Who you were with

What you did

And explain why you think it was the happiest day





When it comes to(说起) the happiest day, I can't help thinking about my mother's birthday last year.

It was such a coincidence that(强调句) my mother's birthday fell exactly on Mother's Day. So my



father and I decided that we should do something extra special on this memorable(值得纪念的) day.


Having come up with(提出) several ideas, we finally made up our mind to cook at home for my

mother. We also invited my aunt and her family to join us. My father and I went to buy some fresh

fruits and vegetables the day before, and then we searched for recipes on the internet. Having

done all the preparations, we got started and as expected we were quite busy rushing from one to

another(手忙脚乱), hurried but delighted. We sat around the table, sang birthday songs and talked

over relishing(享用) the special dinner. I noticed that tears brimmed(热泪盈眶) in my mother’s eyes.

Shortly after dinner, she posted a picture of my family on her Wechat moment, a social app, and

also cited a sentence that said: ‘Happiness is just like this moment’. I was almost moved to tears

when I saw this. Bringing happiness to my mother made me truly satisfied and I would be more

than happy to do anything that would make us united. I will never forget that day because it

brought me real happiness.

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Part 2 新题:选工作或学习建议

Describe an advice you received on your choosing your major or work

You should say:

What it was

When you received it

Who you received it from

And how you felt about it





实用。因此我接受了她的建议。 思

The graduation was approaching, while I, like most of the graduate-to-bes, was fretting over



finding an ideal job. I either felt unsatisfied with the target companies or was turned down by


them. As the job market cooled down, my anxiety grew. I was busy tutoring my student, Michael,

when his mother Janet noticed a change in my mood. “Dear, you are not yourself today. What

happened?” asked Janet. I told her what was haunting me. She had such an understanding

personality. First of all, she suggested that I choose teaching as an initial job, considering my

equable temperament, lovable character, and, most importantly, my enthusiasm for teaching

langauges. Besides, she tried to comfort me with her own experience that she hadn’t found her

ideal job until very recently, she was hired by a consulting firm. She can’t be happier with the

status quo. In her opinion, the most interesting part of life is the unfathomable possibility, since we

can never predict what is waiting for us. Sometimes, it takes only a small step to get the ideal

chance, but most of the time, we have to bide our time until it comes along. Janet knew me well; I

can be very impatient at times. As much advice as I had sought from family and friends, I found

there were rare pieces that could resonate with me the way that Janet’s had. She had walked

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through the career path I was struggling with, and had dealt successfully with the difficulties. There

should be nobody more fit than her to be my role model and mentor. Having mulled over her words,

I made a judicious decision—to be an English teacher.






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Part 2 新题:童年学校

Describe a school you went to in your childhood

You should say:

Where it was

What it was like

What you learned there(is there something useful)

Who is your favorite teacher

And how you felt about it




喜欢的是音乐老师许小姐,放学后我和Jane会蹲在门口静静欣赏她弹琴。现在偶然听到有人弹奏贝多芬总 思

会想起小学,想起美丽的许小姐。 全


When entering the second grade, I was transferred to a new preliminary school. It was so close to


home that it took me only 10 min to get there. The campus was barely large enough to place a

teaching building and an office building in, while the playground stood in between. There I met a

girl, Jane, who later became my bosom buddy(知心朋友). The time after school was generally the

time to horse around (打闹) in the playground for kids, but not for me and Jane. She would unzip

her backpack to show me a whole stack of books and I could pick one for daily reading. Every now

and then, we would discard the books and take a stroll (漫步) around the campus to closely

observe the plants and ants. The most beautiful time was when the sweet sound of the piano

appeared. Upon that, I and Jane would tip-toe(踮着脚尖走) to the door of the music classroom,

leaning by the door and enjoying our time. It was Ms. Xu who was playing. She was my favorite

teacher. After the solo, she generally treated us with candies and cookies, prompting us to(鼓励某

人做) give advice as to her playing. Spending five years there, I cherished the school as a huge

mat. It was interwoven by musical notes, green leaves, variegated flowers, chirping birds, and a

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soft breeze. And most importantly it ensured me five safe and happy years(确保). I couldn’t love it







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Part 2 新题:想分享的电影

Describe a film you would like to share with your friends

You should say:

Where you watched it

What it was about

Who you watched it with

How you felt about it

And why you want to share it with friends




许多动人场景,与我一同观影的室友Charlotte不断用纸巾拭泪。而我想起了曾经的数学老师黄女士,她就 思

像片中的Keating先生,培养学生自由意志,鼓励我们独立思考。当今社会大多数人重视功利,看看这部 全




In a drizzling spring afternoon(春雨绵绵的下午), with Charlotte in my messy dorm room, I watched

Dead Poets Society, a famous movie starred by (由……出演) Robin Williams. The main role, Mr.

Keating, is such a teacher that since his arrival in the renowned school, he brought a fashion of

reformation (改革之风) there. He encourages the students to think actively and independently, and

to train their eyes for beauty(发现美的眼睛), which subverts the traditional and dogmatic

pedagogical method(教条的教学方法). He and the students team up a choir; huddling together and

singing Keats and Yeats every midnight is such an escape(短暂逃离) from the school burden. There

were numerous gripping scenarios that worked up our tears(激起眼泪); so much so that I handed

Charlotte napkins and napkins. Different from most movies that end in tears, the Dead Poets

Society emphasizes the useless-ism, which is just opposite to pragmatism (实用主义), which

people are believing in today. It reminds me of my language teacher Mrs. Huang, who educated me

to enjoy the beauty of poems, the beauty of life, and the beauty of useless things. I could not

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observe the aesthetics in nature at the early stage of life if it wasn’t for her. Before graduating

from middle school, Mrs. Huang urged me: you can give away wealth and health, but always take a

firm grip on(紧握不放) your mind. A good teacher is a beacon that directs the student to the right

path (指路明灯); if, unluckily, such a teacher is absent, then watching this movie should be a

beneficial choice.






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Part 2 新题:多彩的地方

Describe a place you remember well that is full of colors

You should say:

Where it is

What it is like

What it is used for

And explain why you remember it well





服。古巴人受彩色环境影响,他们热情好客,在那里我受到了他们的热情接待,让我久久无法忘怀这一段 思

美好的旅程 全


I was not fully aware of the magic of color until (直到……才) I went to Cuba. Two years ago, I


chose Cuba as the destination for my family trip. Cuba is a sovereign state comprising (由……组

成) the island of Cuba as well as (也) several minor archipelagos(群岛). Cuba is located in the

northern Caribbean where the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean meet (相

交). Havana is the largest city and capital. Upon arrival, I was nearly overwhelmed (被……震慑) by

the color spreading wall to wall in Havana. After breakfast, my mother suggested a simple walk as

a ‘hello’ to the city. Well, to my surprise, I, for the first time, found that there exists color-

sickness(晕色症) besides airsickness and seasickness. As we were rambling about(闲逛) the

streets, colorful buildings passed us. And all of a sudden, I was seized by(被……) a feeling of

dizziness. The diverse colors were too bright to look at in the morning sunlight. The tour guide

briefed us about the origin of the local colorful buildings. It could be dated back(追溯回) to the

colonial era(殖民时代) of Cuba when each colonial state was identifying(确定身份) his territory

through colorizing their building. Later on, the colorizing activity evolved into(进化成) a tradition.

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Nowadays, even car factories cater to(迎合口味) the local taste by painting the old-style cars with

colors. The Cubans’ uniform taste(同一口味) for the car model and diverse choice of color makes it

harder to pinpoint (确定位置) one’s car in the parking lot. Never mind. During the week-long stay, I

came to understand how growing up in a colorful environment nurtures one’s temperament(培育性

情). Sometimes, you don’t even have to ask, just a simple confusing look on my face can draw a

passionate local resident close (引来) and offer help to me. It can be giving directions, answering

what time it is, or recommending a deli. And after all of those, he/she would be hoping to give

more help. Now I love being surrounded by colors; it fills me with Cuban passion(充满激情).






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Part 2 新题:初遇某人

Describe a time when you first met someone

You should say:

Where you met him or her

When you met him or her

What you talked about

And how you felt about it





渐成了最好的朋友。 思

Eight years ago, I met my best friend, Jane, in Beijing. It was a sweltering(闷热的) summer



afternoon that I stood at the cross-roads with a map held in my hand, trying to figure out(想出) the


direction of the hostel I booked. However, the map was all Greek to(犹如天书) me. Amidst the

confusion(混乱之中), Jane passed by(经过) me and noticed the confounded look(茫然的表情) on my

face. She came close and asked: “Do you need any help?” “Yes! Will you?” I accepted her offer as

my last straw(救命稻草). How lucky I was! Needless to(无需……) look at the map, she pointed out

the right direction for me. Never had(从来没有) I met a girl with so strong a sense of direction. In

case I lost the direction again, she insisted on walking me to(陪……走路去) the hostel. We had a

good talk the whole way up there. As it was my first time in Beijing, she searched her brain(绞尽脑

汁) to think of those entertaining anecdotes(奇闻异事) she encountered there to amuse (逗乐) me.

Before that day, Beijing was a mystery to me considering its history. However, Jane’s short

account of her life civilized(文明化) this city. When the farewell moment(告别时刻) came, I revealed

to her that I was going to leave the next day. Then Jane asked about my postal address and phone

number. I deemed it merely to be (将……视为……) a polite move, whereas(然而) the years before

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we met again, she kept close contact with me through letters and, sometimes, phone calls. She is

really a trustworthy friend who I can reveal myself to(暴露自己;做真实的自己) and get help from. I

feel so blessed(何其幸运) to have her in my life.






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Part 2 新题:经常坐飞机的人

Describe a person who often travels by plane

You should say:

Who he or she is

Where he or she goes

Why he or she travels by plane

And how he or she feels about it

1.Casey Neistat是一位经常飞行的人。他是美国纽约的Youtuber,微电影制作人,当红视频主播,旅行




One person I know who flies a lot is one of the most popular YouTubers worldwide. His name is

Casey Neistat. He is an American YouTube personality, filmmaker, vlogger from New York City. His



current career actually decides his lifestyle, travelling, always on the road. He travels to a lot of


places to take videos or to attend events. He needs to go to various parts of the world and

therefore he travels by plane a lot. The thing I like most about watching his stories right from the

beginning (从一开始) is his passion for (对..的强烈爱好) travel. That love of travel combined with his

great storytelling skills have made for some very entertaining videos over the years. Some of his

famous videos are actually related to air travel, for example, his first class experience on an

Emirates A380, detailing the over-the-top (夸张的) service. No doubt there are many tough flights

for Casey. Everyone can relate to those parts including insane delay, jet lag headache and the ride

back from the airport. However, I believe overall Casey enjoys travelling by plane. He loves flying

and airplanes. For a Nike commercial he worked on, what he did was to take a ten-day,

spontaneous round-the-world trip (环球旅行). As he said, to spend ten days on airplanes seeing

the greatest things in the world is what he wants to do.

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Part 2 新题:擅长工作的人

Describe a person who is good at his or her job

You should say:

Who this person is

What his or her job is

How he or she likes the job

And explain why this person is good at the job





I’m going to talk about an award-winning movie director James Cameron. I first came to know him

from his most famous movie Titanic. It was really popular in China at that time. Cameron has been



amazing in his job and found major success after directing and writing a wealth of (大量的) science


fiction action films and built his reputation (建立声誉) in this genre. He is the writer, director and

producer of The Terminator, Aliens, Avatar and many other well-known movies’. I bet (我相信) he is

the person that really has a passion for his job. Cameron did not study film at University. Instead

he did a variety of menial jobs and used all his spare time to teach himself filmmaking. I learnt that

the idea of Avatar was from the dream and imagination of Cameron ever since he was a child. He

had been working on that for years. And it has been wonderful as he had the opportunity to realize

those amazing ideas. To make those ideas happen, Cameron also helped develop cutting edge 3D

camera systems, which pushed technological innovation (技术革新) in filmmaking. One of the most

important factors that contributes to his success in his job is because he has many original and

peculiar ideas. I really respect James Cameron for his interesting ideas and creativity and no

wonder he is now one of the most well-respected directors of our time.

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Part 2 新题:想去的新公共场所

Describe a new public place you would like to visit

You should say:

Where it is

What it is like

How you knew this place

And why you would like to visit it





Well, I’d like to visit the newly built Wetlands Park in my hometown. My hometown is a small inland

town(一个内陆小城), where a river goes through the heart of it. For the past two years, I’ve been



hearing from my parents that the government subsided(拨款) a large sum of money to build a park


around the river to make the place a leisure spot.(一个休闲地方) Finally, in the last couple of

months, this big project was completed! I can’t wait to go and enjoy it! Not that there’s no other

fun places in my hometown, but according to my parents, this Wetlands Park is like a paradise! It

not only offers natural beauty like trees and gardens, but also sports facilities like a basketball

court and a big square for people to kick back and relax! Though the highlight of this park is the

night tourist boat, which used to be just a water vehicle to transport people. Now it has become a

tourist boat that only works at night for passengers to enjoy the tranquility of a small town’s night.

I mean, just imagine lying in the boat, staring at the starry night sky and listening to the gentle

sound of running water. Well, that’s about the best way to unwind in the world. Apparently, my

parents have been taking strolls(散步) up there. But they haven’t got on the boat yet. We have

agreed to go on the night boat together when I could manage to use a holiday from the hectic(繁忙

的) school life. Yeah, well, I am really looking forward to that.

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Part 2 新题:想看的天空

Describe a sky you would like to see

You should say:

Where it is

Who you would like to see it with

What you would like to see

And explain why you would like to see it





If I could, I’d like to visit Australia with my mother sometime, to see the beautiful sky there. Well, I

am a nature person. I feel most comfortable when looking up to the blue sky. I guess this is due to



the country environment that I grew up in. Yeah, there was a time when China still had nature!(没错,


中国也曾经有绿水青山。). Unfortunately, everything has changed. The country town where I grew up

is now turned into an industrial place that holds hundreds of factories that produce toxic wastes(有

毒垃圾). The trees are gone, replaced by skyscrapers. And the water looks disgusting! The whole

place is barely recognizable(整个地方已经面目全非了)! Well, I have traveled to other cities in China

as well, but you know what? They weren’t that much different. Well, you probably know what I’m

talking about. So anyway, two years ago, my mother went on a business trip to Australia and came

home all refreshed. She showed me on the video just how clean the sky looked there. It’s blue as

the sea, with white clouds hanging around. It looked surreal to me!(看起来简直不真实) Like a

painting of cotton, you know? My mom said when she drove on the freeway, the sky was like only

inches above her, but she couldn’t touch it. That's what nature felt like. I’d be lying if I say I’m not

interested in experiencing that sky personally. I hope that next time when my mother goes to

Australia, I can go with her to feel the tranquility of the beautiful sky there.

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Part 2 新题:室内游戏

Describe an experience when you enjoyed an indoor game

You should say:

What the indoor game was

Who you played it with

Where you played it

And how you felt about it





I'd like to talk about when I went bowling with my childhood friend. She came to visit me last

weekend. Well, we haven’t seen each other for ages! I wanted to really enjoy the time with her. And



we both happened to want to try something new and exciting. So I took her to the Bowling Alley(保


龄球馆) near my uni. Technically, it was the first time I ever tried bowling. My previous bowling

experience was with my father when I was, maybe eight years old? I barely touched the ball! And

my friend was a total novice (生手)! The game was a real challenge to us. As we were trying to hit

the skittles with the ball, we were also looking for bowling videos online to pick up some handy

techniques(学习一些容易上手的技巧). You know, from how you ought to throw the ball to how to

aim at the skittles from the right angle. Well, we took turns to help each other correct our

postures. Surprisingly, it wasn’t a dull experience at all! We totally enjoyed it! It felt like time had

taken us back to when we were little(时光仿佛倒流到我们小的时候), helping each other out in the

chess games. We ended up making great progress at bowling that day. By the time we left the

Bowling Alley, it was past 10 pm. I don’t know about her, but I definitely have taken a fancy to

bowling. In fact, I’m already thinking about going to that Bowling Alley again.

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Part 2 新题:花费很长时间准备的礼物

Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare

You should say:

What it was

Who you gave it to

How you prepared it

And explain why you spent a lot of time preparing it





Well, I don’t send out many gifts. But one time when I did give a scarf to my grandmother as her

birthday present, it took me nearly one month to prepare for it. I was only a freshman(高一新生) in



high school when my grandmother turned 80. In China, 80 is a significant age. The family is


supposed to make it a big day for the birthday person! But I was only a poor student who was still

getting allowances from my parents. I couldn’t afford fancy gifts!(我买不起贵重的礼物) One of my

friends suggested that I make a scarf by myself. Initially(一开始), I thought that would be an

impossible task! I mean, any nice-looking scarf seemed complicated, with all that knitting and

decoration, you know? But she showed me some video links for knitting scarves. Well, knitting

didn’t look so difficult in those videos. Finally, I decided to give it a go. I instantly ordered needles

and woollen yarn from the online shops. Well, that learning process was not easy, I tell you! The

actual knitting was far more difficult than what was shown on the video. I needled my fingers(我扎

到了手指) several times in that process. But fortunately, I was a fast learner(我学得很快). My

knitting skills got better with time. By the time I finished the basic knitting, I went to buy some

cloth flowers to sew them on the scarf. I managed to complete the whole thing one day before my

grandmother’s birthday. She was over the moon when she received my DIY scarf! All the troubles I

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went through became worthwhile when I saw that satisfying smile on her face.






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Part 2 新题:读写的地方

Describe a place where you read and write(not your home)

You should say:

Where it is

How often you go there

Who you go there with

And how you feel about this place




The longest relationship I have ever had is an 18 year relationship with reading. The match-

maker(媒人) is an old library in my hometown, where I still go back to during vacations, maybe

twice a year, which depends . I love that antique(古、旧) place that witnessed most of the



childhood memories I hold dear to me. Sitting among lines of modern buildings, the library, painted


red, is like an ancient maiden about to wed. Going inside, the wooden tables and chairs

immediately give readers a flight back to old civilizations when people were reading and writing

with reverence(尊敬). Traditional calligraphy(书法) is hung on the walls, exhibiting the conventional

attitude towards reading and studying. Readers craving ancient civilization will be satisfied in this

area. Going deeper, the style goes through a drastic(剧烈的) change into modern decoration, with

famous writers’ and educators’ portraits hanging on walls. In this section, one can find books

about modern art, literature, and technology. The distinct layout makes it easy for people to

retrieve(检索) what they want to read. Actually I usually went there by myself so that I could enjoy it

more. During those years, I would immerse myself in traditional Chinese literature, memorizing

poems and prose work of previous dynasties. Also, I would find a corner table to enjoy a piece of

tranquility(安静) and to meditate and write about things that I love, for example, character analysis

of Lin Daiyu, the female protagonist in The Dream of Red Mansions. I still visit there when I can

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and pick up the books I read years ago to recall the good memories of innocence and joy.






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Part 2 新题:家中照片

Describe a picture or photograph in your home

You should say:

What does it show

When you took it

Where the picture is in your home

And explain why you like it best





I want to talk about the family photo that we took about three years ago, when I graduated from

high school. Well, that’s the first and only family photo that we have, ‘cause my father never likes



to be on camera. He has camera-phobia(镜头恐惧症). It took me quite a bit of effort to persuade



him to have that photo with us. Anyway, it is a beautiful photo shot and my father looks quite

natural in it. That photo has five people in it- my parents, my older brother, older sister and myself.

Everybody has this big happy smile on their face. Yeah, I think we were saying ‘Cheese’ when

taking the photo. Mother bought a huge photo frame to fix the picture and hung it in the most

obvious place in the living room. Whenever we receive guests, they look at the photo with

appreciation first and then give some witty comments(有趣的评语). Yeah, it sorta has become an

attraction piece in the house. Personally I have taken uncountable photos. But this family photo is

definitely my favourite. Well, not that I look good in this photo, but every time when I see it, I think

of the sweet old days that I spent with my family. Because I am the youngest in the family, I was

always the one that received the most attention while growing up. My family provided a warm

harbor(一个温暖的港湾) for me, always. Every smiley face in the photo reminds me of how lucky I

was and am to have them around! So yeah, to me, that’s the most precious photograph.

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Part 2 新题:家庭休闲活动

Describe a leisure activity you do with your family

You should say

What it is

When you do it

How you do it

And how you feel about it





Something fun that I do with my family every year is playing poker on Chinese New Year’s Eve.

Yeah, one of the traditions for Chinese New Year is to stay up on New Year’s Eve. It’s said that



the later you can stay up, the more likely your New Year resolutions(新年愿望) are gonna turn real!


My family totally buy this tale(我家人对此深信不疑)! That’s why we can stay up all night for the

poker game! The poker game that we play has really simple rules. Whoever loses the game is

responsible for the house cleaning during the New Year holiday. And the winner will get the red

envelope with the bonus in it! The bonus is often a few hundred notes. So when I was younger, I

treated this poker game dead seriously. My eyes were on the bonus! Imagine all the toys I could

buy with that money! So I used to think hard about the poker techniques. Yeah, well, now I look

back at it, it’s quite a bit of mind-effort(脑力劳动) that I put in there! I did win a few times! The

funny thing is though, my father is always the one that loses the game! Well, he is normally a good

player, but something always goes wrong in the New Year’s game. In fact, I believe he loses the

game on purpose(故意地). So he can clean the house, while the rest of us get to enjoy the holiday.

I think this year when we play, I’m gonna lose the game. So my father can enjoy a holiday too!

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Part 2 新题:不告诉别人的真相

Describe a situation when you did not tell others the truth

You should say:

Why it happened

Who is the person

When it happened

And explain how you feel about it





当天,我们拿出蛋糕的时候给她了一个大惊喜。 思

My friend Lily’s birthday is in June. Every year, some of her best friends, including me, celebrate it



with her. This year, to give (因为觉得原表达太wordy) her a big surprise, everyone pretended to be


fully occupied with work and that they couldn’t spare any time to go to the party. In fact, we had

begun preparing for it several days ago. I ordered a big cake with a little beautiful princess like

Snow White on the top of it. On the second layer, the cake was made of ice-cream which was her

favourite. In addition, some of her friends made a reservation in a well-known restaurant, which

served various kinds of Thai food. When the day came, in the afternoon she asked us in the chat

group whether we wanted to go out and have dinner with her, but we replied “sorry, I am too busy

to hang out with you.” Thus, she thought that we forgot her birthday and became very

disappointed. In the evening, when she returned home from work, she was surprised to find that

we had already been waiting for her. Singing the “Happy Birthday Song”, I held the birthday cake

and the other two gave her birthday presents. Although she was somehow “pranked”, she was very

grateful for our effort. Also, I was quite happy about that.

133 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 2 新题:特别的一天

Describe a special day you remember well

You should say:

Where you were

Who you were with

What you did

And explain why you remember it well





也畅想大学生活,结束是新的开始,那一刻,我觉得我步入了人生的下一个阶段。 思

The day when I finished the College Entrance Exams is a special memory to me. Long has it



past(尽管过去很久了,倒装句), it seemed to have happened just yesterday. I was at a boarding



school(寄宿学校) for three years, as you may know, students in senior schools are much too

overloaded(负重), especially in boarding schools. I was truly relieved after the English examination

in which I did pretty well. So my roommates and I decided to enjoy ourselves thereafter. We made

several plans in advance, one suggested going hiking to get close to nature, but since we had been

buried in(投身于) studying for too long and going hiking was really energy-consuming, we gave up

the idea. Finally we all agreed to have fun in KTV, singing and relaxing. We had asked for

permission from our parents and then made a reservation(预定) in advance. On that day, right after

the bell rang, we rushed out of the classroom and went straight there. My roommate ordered food

and drinks just upon our arrival, we relished the dishes and then sang songs, someone even

danced with the music. We had an all-night party and enjoyed ourselves to the utmost(尽情). At

that moment, we forgot about the burdens and the unknown results. We then recalled the missing

school days and thought about the future college life. I remember very clearly that I felt I entered

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into the next phase of my life because I got to know we part to meet again.






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Part 3 新题:家中休闲活动

1.What leisure activities are popular in China?

Well, in China, men and women relax in different ways. For most men, playing poker or chess with

a couple of friends on the weekend is a fun way to pass time. And as far as I know, many men also

gather up to drink beers after work. Well, for girls though, we like to meet up for some yummy

street snacks or go shopping together. Older women enjoy square dancing after dinner. But having

said that, most young people, girls and boys, also hit leisure spots like the KTV to enjoy

themselves. So yeah, these are common activities that we do in spare time.


2.What leisure activity do young people like?

Ah, as I just mentioned, the young generation loves to hang out in the KTV to sing and drink

together. Apart from that, it’s trendy among young people to go backpacking. Yeah, well, we think



it’s cool to be a backpacker, and crash in a backpacker’s hotel seems an attractive option for us


to meet new people, from different parts of the world. I myself have done that a few times. My

latest trip was to Thailand. It was so much fun! However, there are also some young people who

prefer to stay at home doing some quiet activities, like surfing online, or chatting and making

connections on social apps.

3.Do leisure activities have to be educational?

Not necessarily, I’d say. I mean, leisure activities are supposed to help people wind down. You

know, to relieve people from the hectic or even stressful life for a bit. So I don’t see the point to

making them educational. There are certain activities that are indeed educational though, such as

sports activities which can teach people about cooperation and team spirit. And I do think it’s a

good idea to engage children in such activities. So they could learn something meaningful and

useful, while they enjoy themselves. However, that doesn’t mean all leisure activities should be


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4.Do men and women like different leisure activities?

Yeah, yeah, definitely. Men generally prefer more active activities, such as basketball or football. I

guess it’s because being engaged in those activities, they could not only bond with their mates,

but also to build their muscles. You know, one stone, two birds! Besides, many men, teenagers or

adults, enjoy playing computer games. Well, I suppose most girls wouldn’t think it’s fun to sit in

front of a screen all day long. Girls generally would go for activities like Yoga to shape their body,

or hang out in shopping centres. Yeah, do some girl things, you know.






137 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 3 新题:家中照片

1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking photos with smart-phones?

Indeed smart-phones have some merits when taking photos. You see, it is convenient. A phone is

so portable that you can take it with you at about all times. So you can take a picture with it

anytime you want. Plus, compared to a professional camera, a smart-phone is relatively cheap.

Most people can afford using it to take photos. However, on the downside of it, mobile phones

often have low pixel. It’s hard to get high-quality photos on a mobile phone. So if you demand the

photo quality, maybe go with the professional camera.


2.Do you think photographers are artists?

Yes, why not? Photography itself is a form of art. It takes some knowledge of the aesthetics to

train oneself to grasp the beautiful moment at the perfect time. And you do also need photography



techniques, like taking the right shooting angle, using the right mode, and looking for the suitable


scene. The whole process is not an easy task. I imagine it would take quite a bit of time and effort

to finally come out with photos of desirable effects. Given the hard work that a real photographer

has to take on, I think it’s fair to say that they equal to any other artists in our society.

3.What are the benefits of learning painting for children?

Children are natural painters. I mean, for children, painting is about the most common way to

express themselves. If they are encouraged to paint, basically they are given the opportunity to

develop and nourish their imagination. In the long run, this will do great good to their mental

development. Not only that, painting can help children concentrate. Children are active, oh, actually

some children are too active that they can’t even sit down for five minutes. But painting requires

them to focus and be quiet. When they are immersed in painting, they will naturally develop their

concentration skills.

4.Can anyone become a famous artist through hard work?

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Well,to be an artist certainly requires a tremendous amount of hard work. Only if you are

dedicated to what you do can you achieve the best results, isn’t it so? But that being said, to be a

famous artist like Van Gogh does demand natural gifts. You can’t imagine a painting like The

Starry Night came only from hard work, can you? I mean, a painting like that is something genius.

It takes inspiration. I’m afraid that’s not something that a person like you and I can sit down to

accomplish. So can we become a well-known artist through hard work? Well, it’s possible, but not







139 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 3 新题:不告诉别人的真相

1.When will the children tell a lie?

Most parents think children lie to get something they want, avoid getting caught or get out of

something they don’t want to do. These are common motivations, but there are also some less

obvious reasons. If the kids get a new idea, they might wish to test it out and see what happens.

Under such circumstances, the kids lie. In some other conditions, they lie to gain self-esteem and

approval, because maybe the lie can make them look good and seem more impressive. And of

course, there are times that the kids need to tell white lies, for example, to spare someone’s


feelings. Telling lies is inevitable, but we should teach the kids to be an honest person as much as

they can. 思

2.What should parents do when their children tell lies? 全


I think parents have to deal with lying the way a cop deals with speeding. If you’re going too fast,


he gives you a ticket. He’s not interested in a lot of explanations from you. He’s just going to give

you a consequence. Look at it the same way with the child. He didn’t tell the truth, whether the

truth was distorted, omitted or withheld. There should simply be consequences for that. The first

time he lies, he goes to bed an hour early. The second time, he loses his phone. It should be

something that the kid feels.

3.Are there any situations that are not suitable to tell the truth?

In situations where the person will not grow from hearing the truth but only be hurt by it. There is

the classic example of “do I look fat in this dress?” In this case, it’s bad, not because they look fat

or otherwise, but because they feel like it matters. It doesn't. They’re beautiful regardless. If you

find out your friend is being cheated on, and you know this for certain, should you tell? Your friend

may be devasted, yes, but in the long run you know that their significant other doesn’t deserve

them and they will be better off knowing the truth sooner rather than later.

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Part 3 新题:借东西

1.What kinds of things do people borrow from each other?

Borrowing thing from each other is common in our daily lives. At one point or another, we all need

help from others. As for what we often borrow, I’d say all sorts of things, really. Take myself as an

example, I borrowed money from my friends, I think twice? That’s when I was urgently in need of a

phone and a laptop. And my cousins borrow books from me ever since I was little, because I own a

shelf of thousands of books. I’ve also seen people borrow cars, car parking space and even

apartments from each other. So really, I guess anything is borrow-able as long as others are


willing to help.

2.What are the things that people don’t choose to lend to others?

Ah, some people are reluctant to lend expensive things to other people, like their brand new cars.



Usually that’s because they worry that once their car is scratched, not only would they feel terrible


about it, but it may cause unnecessary conflict between them and the person they lent it to. Apart

from that, when it comes to things that are dear to someone, I imagine it will also be hard for the

person to lend them out. Like I have a pen that’s a present from my late grandpa. I will never lend

it to anyone else, because it’s exclusive and unique. I can’t bear the thought that I would ever lose


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Part 3 新题:庆祝成就

1.How do Chinese people celebrate their family events? Is there anything different from other


Most commonly, we gather up and have a feast to celebrate family events! The eating culture in

China is huge, especially when it comes to celebrations. You see, we feast for the Chinese New

Year, Lantern Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and birthday events. As for whether it’s different from

other cultures, I suppose it might have slight differences, but it isn’t that different. I have some

foreign friends from Australia, Japan, and America. They say that for family events, they also


gather up for a good meal. Except that they also do a lot of drinking, both women and men. Not

that we don’t drink here for family events, but usually only men drink and get drunk at family

meals. 全


2.Why is it important for sports fans to celebrate when their favorite team wins?


Ah, I’m not a sports fan, so personally I never celebrate for any winning teams. But I have some

friends who are crazy for football, or basketball. Because of the time difference, they can stay up

all night for the World Cup! That’s impossible for me! And when their team wins, they go out

drinking. I guess when their favourite team wins, it kinda feels like they are the ones winning the

game! You know, they bet on their team, they put in time, energy and even money to support their

team. So when the team gets the trophy, a person may feel that their hard work has paid off! So of

course, they should celebrate it!

3.Do people prefer winning in a team or on their own?

That’s a tricky question. In today’s world, team work and cooperation are found in most events. It’s

hard to imagine a great success with only one person’s effort put into it. However, how an

individual feels about the success should depend on the person’s personality, I suppose? Some

people love to be engaged in team work. They enjoy bonding with other teammates. So when their

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team wins, as a contributor to the team, they also feel a great sense of achievement! However,

there are solo individuals who prefer to work independently. When they finally achieve something,

they like to claim the prize and hard work all to themselves.






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Part 3 新题:和陌生人有趣对话

1.What’s the difference between face-to-face conversation and phone conversation?

People talk about small trivial subjects on the phone. I mean, phone conversation is usually to

deliver some urgent message. Most people would prefer to communicate face to face when it

comes to important matters. I mean, generally it is like that. You see, important matters are always

discussed face to face. For example, nobody would settle down the contract terms over the phone.

They’d sit down to talk about it. I guess that’s why country leaders fly around to visit each other

for important matters, rather than talking on the phone. Right? So, I suppose face to face


conversation is more effective than phone communication.

2.Which one do you prefer? Face-to-face conversation or phone conversation?

Personally, I prefer face to face conversation. One, because face to face conversation is more



direct. You see, when we sit down face to face, we have multiple other ways to communicate with


each other besides verbal language. A person’s facial expressions, body gestures, and eye contact

can all tell us certain things. These messages will increase our communication quality, for sure.

However, if we are talking on the phone, all communication is done by verbal sound. Not that

language is not effective, but language alone sometimes leads to misunderstanding, and it is not

always reliable. Like, I wouldn’t be able to tell if someone is lying to me when I’m on the phone. So

I’d rather spend the time sitting down to have a talk if possible.

3.Are there any disadvantages of face-to-face conversation?

Disadvantages, yeah, there certainly can be. I mean, regardless of the many merits that face to

face communication carries with it, you do have to travel to meet someone if you want to talk face

to face. That traveling can take up quite a bit of time, especially when you live in big cities where

traffic conditions are often terrible! Apart from that, as` I mentioned earlier, face to face

communication is more straightforward and direct. So if the subject is sensitive, and the

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conversation doesn’t go smoothly, it can embarrass the communicators. The atmosphere may get

awkward instantly.






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Part 3 新题:想去的新公共场所

1.Do people prefer to live in new houses or old ones?why?

In my opinion, young people are often more interested in living in new houses, while the elders

prefer to stay in their old dwellings. You see, most new houses are built in busy areas where there

are commercial centres, leisure facilities and modern transport means like the subway. These are

all necessities to the young generation, because they are drawn to the fast-paced modern lifestyle.

However, for the old generation who have lived in an old house for many decades, their old houses

hold too many sweet memories. Moving out means abandoning their dear memories. That’s what


many old people hate to do.

2.Should old buildings be rebuilt?why? 思

It depends on what kind of old building it is. If it’s someone’s private property, then I think it’s a



good idea to polish it up, because it can make the family’s life so much more convenient. However,


if that old building is a historical building, I’d say no, don’t rebuild it. A historical building carries

historical value, and in a sense, it stands as a symbol of a historical age. If we rebuild it, it will be

no different than any of the modern buildings, therefore it will lose its special meaning. It’s just not

worth it.

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Part 3 新题:童年学校

1.(What’s the difference between teachers nowadays and those in the past?

I think in today’s world, a teachers’ job has become much more difficult. That’s mainly because

many children today are spoiled at home. Teachers must basically provide supervision as well as

care 24/7. Take my mother as an example, she is a middle school teacher. She worries about her

students all the time, and her phone is available for her students at all times. Besides, she keeps in

touch with all the parents, just in case of emergencies. But when she was a student herself, her

teachers were only responsible for teaching and her parents had never even met her teachers.


2.What’s the difference between being taught by teachers and being taught by AI?

That’d be quite different, I imagine. As a person, we ought to interact with another human being

when it comes to education. Simply because an experienced human being can show us how to



behave according to the social code. Therefore children will grow up making their own social nets


more easily. We are social animals after all. However, if we leave children to the AI, they will

probably only have access to knowledge. Yet a successful human being needs much more than

just knowledge. So yeah, in the education system, I think AI should only be complementary to


3.What’s the difference between private schools and public schools?

Ah, firstly, private schools are expensive. As far as I know, in many countries, public schools are

free. The government pays for children’s education. However, if you send your children to a private

school, the tuition alone would cost a fortune, let alone other expenses, such as the extra fees for

putting your children on a swimming team for training, etc. But having said that, we can’t deny that

most private schools do provide better facilities, as well as more qualified faculty members. Yeah,

well, most private schools have high criteria when it comes to hiring teachers.

4.What’s the difference between international schools and other schools?

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I think both the international schools and other public schools have their own positive side. Public

schools might have seemed unqualified for some people, but they are helpful for families with a

lower income, because international schools are too expensive for them to afford. On the other

hand, for international schools, their educational concept is different. Their students don’t need to

study every detail by-heart and memorize it. They will be able to sit for exams very well even if

they only understand the idea of the studies. International schools put more efforts into training

their leadership and way of thinking, while in the public schools, children learn the rudimentary

knowledge, and enter the next level of education by studying hard.






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Part 3 新题:不用学习工作的一天

1.What do people like to do when they are free in your country

Different people have different choices. Young people want to hang out with their friends on

weekends. It can be dining out, buying a new dress, or doing their nails together. A group of

friends can go to the karaoke with big screens and cordless speakers. People are under great

pressure today, so it is a way of relaxing their nerves . For the older people, square dancing comes

as their first choice. It is good for their health, but sometimes the music is noisy to the

neighborhood. Besides square dance, fishing is popular, especially among the male group.


2.Do you think most people are able to manage their free time well?

No, at least not for the young generation. But I don’t think they are to blame for it. Most of the

young people are living under great pressure. Having been working overtime during the week days,



they have no plans to do anything on the weekends. Lying in bed and binge-watching is blissful


enough. So, if we hope to see the young people manage their free time well, we have to drive the

enterprises to increase their efficiency. Only if so, the young staffs can get enough free time to

plan and to improve themselves.

3.What are the differences between the things people did in their free time in the past and the

things they do nowadays?

The most evident difference is nowadays, our pastimes are generally related to TV and the

Internet, but in the past, people went to nature to get fun. People in the past loved to swim,

fishing, mushroom picking, or even hunting. But today, the city residents know little about nature,

because we have smart phones. There is another difference. Today, people love watching rather

than reading. I guess, they lost the passion to get knowledge. In the past, for most people, reading

was the cheapest and most beneficial activity. That’s why I’m afraid that our society will become

illiterate if we lose the reading passion.

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4.Do people have more free time now than in the past?

No, absolutely not. I think this generation, well, our generation is the busiest one so far, and the

situation will keep deteriorating(继续恶化). For instance, in the past, when mobile technology hadn’t

become so advanced and thus manipulative(操纵的、控制的), our parents could have much more

considerable personal time after work. At present, however, our boss just can’t stop ‘supervising’

us even on holidays, cuz they simply need to send you a voice message(语音信息), and you’ll have

to stand by twenty-four-seven(二十四小时待命). This ‘on-call(随叫随到)’ condition makes modern

workers more stressful than they have ever been, and free time just vanishes(消失) together with






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Part 3 新题:和他人一起的无聊经历

1.Why do some people choose boring jobs?

The logic behind might be different. For some, they find it a struggle to get a dream job; it is hard

to hang on to the dream job; or the dream job is time-consuming. So they turn to a boring job.

Boring jobs may bring them lower wages, but it also gives them a sense of satisfaction. There is

no boss finding fault with them, and no teammates pointing fingers. For some, their dream is to

have a boring job and live a happy and simple family life. Although these jobs seem boring, they

are worth doing.


2.Why are people less interested in reading books nowadays?

Reasons may differ from person to person, but I think it has something to do with ‘media

revolution(媒体革命)’, a lot like ‘industrial revolution’. You see, computers are irreplaceable as a



productivity tool as they replaced typewriters and stuff like that. Similarly, it’s not really surprising


that new media like video clips(短视频) or photo streaming (图片流) should take the place of, say,

radio or newspapers. This is just an irreversible trend that comes with technological developments.

And this trend shapes(塑造) people’s reading habits, which make them no longer interested in

reading books. To be honest, I don’t think it’s necessarily that detrimental(有害的).

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Part 3 新题:最开心的一天

1.Do people spend too much money on their birthday party and wedding?

For birthday parties, I don’t really think so, cuz, let’s take me for instance, I only invite my best

friends to my birthday parties, and we mostly just have some good food and then play some board

games(桌游), no excessive expenditure needed, apparently, not to mention that sometimes your

friends would share the bill for your birthday party. But when it comes to weddings, I think it’s a

collective rip-off(集体的敲诈) committed by the whole society to the couple. My cousin spent what,

like two hundred thousand rmb for his wedding, and I was like... What for? Don’t get me wrong, I


love him and his wife, and they are a perfect match(天生一对), but to waste that amount of money

on a ceremony is just beyond reason(不可理喻). 思

2.How much should people spend on their birthday party and wedding?



That, I believe, entirely(完全) depends on your financial capability. For instance, I think, for a


birthday party, you can spend... Um... Like one-tenth of your monthly income, at most, otherwise

you will just be feeding your ego (虚荣). As for weddings, I think to spend the amount of your

yearly income should be the maximum(最大值,至多), but considering couples mostly share the bill,

that could be six months’ salary. I mean, these are happy events, for the purpose of(为了)

celebrating significant moments in one’s life. If they lead to financial burdens afterwards and

affect the sustainability(可持续性) of one’s future, don’t you think that’s terribly ridiculous?

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Part 3 新题:初遇某人

1.Do you think it’s strange to make friends online?

No, not at all. I think technology like the internet does help us a lot when it comes to socialising(社

交). With all those social networks available now, you can easily find people who share the same

interests and ways of thinking like yourself. And that makes it very convenient to get to know them

and thus become friends. However, I do think if people want to make trust-worthy(值得信任的)

friends, or even develop a relationship through the internet, it could be rather strange, or perhaps

more like risky. Cuz, you see, on the internet, everyone hides behind an alias(假名,头像), and it’s


even harder to find if they are sincere(真诚的) or honest at all.

2.Why do some people have few friends? 思

There are many possibilities. For one, some people are born to be sceptical(怀疑的) about



everything and tend to suppose that all strangers are ill-intentioned, you know, that they are up to


something(心怀不轨). So much so that they simply find it difficult to trust anyone they don’t know.

Also, there are people who just prefer a small circle of intimate friends, and thus they don’t really

wanna bother to expand (使扩大) the circle and get to know new friends, which is totally

understandable. You see, I have plenty of friends myself, so I know very well that maintaining

friendships actually can be exhausting, especially when you have many friends.

3.Which is more important, new friendships or old ones?

This is a super tricky question. Well, on one hand, old friends are priceless(无价的), cuz you know

them well, and vice versa(反之亦然), which means there can be firm mutual trust, and you can

share almost everything with each other, including secrets. But on the other hand, people do

change over time, so inevitably(不可避免地) you would lose some old friends as you grow, and

make new ones in the meantime, especially if you move to a new place. And new friends will also

become old ones through time. Personally, I’d say I value(重视) old friends more, cuz the bond

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between us has been tested many times, but I wouldn’t say new friendships are trivial(微不足道的).

4.How do companies welcome their new employees?

Um... To be honest, I haven’t started working yet, well, not officially. But from my experience of

internships(实习), most companies would have parties to welcome newbies. And in China, you

know, parties mean feasts. After your first day in the company, the manager normally pays for the

dinner, and everyone enjoys some great food together, sometimes they drink, as well, but that

depends. I think it’s a nice way to get to know your colleagues, cuz... Well, I guess people are more

relaxed when they eat, and hierarchical (阶级、等级制度) things can be, more or less, put aside for

a while, perhaps not completely, but it is, indeed, helpful for communication and building






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Part 3 新题:想分享给朋友的电影

1.What kind of films are popular in China?

This is a really difficult (巧妙的) question, cuz you see, it’s hard to name just one genre(类型).

China is an enormous country and as such, the market diversity is almost infinite. But I guess in

the meantime, the most popular sort of film would be Sci-fi, of which the trend could date back

to(追溯到) the renowned The Wandering Earth, an absolute box office smash during last Spring

Festival. Since then, tons of Sci-fi films have been made and brought to the cinema or the

internet. However, to be fair, most of them are not of decent quality, at least, not matching their



2.What kinds of films do young people like to watch? 思

This really depends on personal preference, mostly. For instance, I’m not really keen on superhero



films like Marvel franchise(漫威系列), or Batman, you know, DC stuff. But they are, indeed,


extremely popular among many young people. For me, however, I don’t really have a favourite

genre, I just like watching films that have deep insights(深刻洞见) into the social conflict, like

gender inequality(性别不平等), or privacy crisis, etc. They don’t have to be documentaries, you see,

the discussion can be metaphoric(隐喻性的), even animations can be thought-provoking(发人深省

的) sometimes. I guess my preference can also represent a considerable amount of young people

in China.

3.Do fewer people choose to watch movies in the cinemas than people did in the past?

Quite to the contrary, I tend to believe that cinemas are prosperous(繁荣的) in China now. One

reason for that is our financial capability(经济能力) has been rising, well, at least on paper it is, and

the young generation has a different, more embracing(欣然接受的) attitude towards entertainment,

compared with our parents’ generation. Another possible reason, which is relatively more ironic (讽

刺的), is that the economy is in a downturn, and we all know that entertainment industry booms in

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such circumstance, cuz... Oh I don’t know, cuz people don’t have better things to do? Yea, and

they just want to have a rest or even escape, from their stressful daily routine.

4.Do you think cinemas will disappear in the future?

Not really. I think it’s a completely different sort of feeling when you watch a film sitting in the

cinema, probably because of the huge screen, like the ones in IMAX cinemas, and that cannot

really be substituted(替换) by any device accessible from your living room. Also, going to the

cinema for a film is a common social activity that happens a lot between friends, or in a

relationship. Inviting others to your place to watch a film can sometimes be awkward or not really

appropriate(不太合适). So I think they will still exist, both as an irreplaceable entertainment facility

and social establishment(社交场所).





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Part 3 新题:童年玩具

1.Do you think parents should buy more toys for their kids or spend more time with them?

I would go for spending more time with kids. Parents should of course buy their kids toys, because

they can’t set their work aside and spend every minute with their kids. But toys are lifeless; they

can’t replace the parents. Spending more time as much as the parents can help them have more

interactions with the kids. The dynamic interaction is important. It is essential to find whether the

kids are doing well, acting normal and growing healthily. It is also a way to keep track of the kids’

EQ and IQ development. Nevertheless, toys are unable to have such functions.


2.What’s the difference between the toys kids play now and those they played in the past?

There are four major differences. The materials of toys in the past were wood, tin, cloth and china,

but today, it is generally plastic, foam, rubber and nylon. The popular LEGO construction toys are



composed of plastic. The technologies used in making the toys are different. In the past, it was


mainly about clockwork, while today, we use electric motors, speakers and screens. The toys in the

past were largely handmade, but today, people produce them in factories. Handmade toys were

with some sharp edges, unsafe to children. Today, the producers just have to follow the strict rules

on toy safety.

3.How do advertisements influence children?

The way I see it, plenty of advertisements tempt children into asking for things that they don’t even

need from their parents, like toys or tablets(平板电脑), etc. Well, it’s the same case when it comes

to(说到XX也是一样的) adults, but due to their young age, most kids don’t really understand the

difference between what they want and what they actually need. So their demands are largely

dependent on comparisons with their peers as well as the commercials(商业广告). As they can be

easily affected by commercials, comparisons deteriorate((使)恶化) further, and this becomes a

vicious cycle(恶性循环), which means they ask for even more unnecessary things.

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4.Should advertising aimed at kids be prohibited?

Well, I do believe they absolutely need better censorship(审查), but not necessarily(不一定) to be

banned. Like I said, those advertisers are actually taking advantage of the lack of judgement of

those kids. They know very well that those kids cannot tell the difference between their material

desire(物欲) and their actual need, and they are simply using this to make profits. I’d say more

strict scrutiny(严格检查) should be applied to make sure they do not exaggerate their products, or

even make things up. If we don’t limit the consumerism(消费主义) created by those ads targeting at

kids, we are no better than accessary criminals(从犯).






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Part 3 新题:室内游戏

1.What do you think people spending too much time playing computer games?

Every coin has two sides. Spending too much time playing computer games can hurt one’s eye-

sight. And sitting in front of the computer too long is sure to cause spine troubles. But despite all

the potential negative effects, computer games aren't all bad. First off, they're crazy fun. Don’t you

want to get relaxed after a whole day’s work? Second, they can improve everything from critical

thinking skills to hand-eye coordination in the right context. Playing is training. Frequently playing

computer games can even make your brain stronger at times. If you have your own game team,


you can develop the team spirit as you play more and more.

2.What indoor games do children like to play nowadays? 思

I don’t have a very clear idea, to be honest, but I guess board games like Snakes and Ladders(蛇梯



棋) or Monopoly(大富翁) are still pretty popular. As a matter of fact, nowadays kids are much more


interested in phone games, you know, cuz they have more impressive visual and acoustic

effects(视听效果). Apart from the time they spend on phone games, or other electronic games, they

also play board games. My cousin, who’s now about 10 years old, is really keen on Monopoly, and

always asks me to play that game with him. I think the funny truth here is, as long as(只要) they

don’t have to study, they love all kinds of indoor games, even ‘hide and seek’.

3.What qualities should a team leader have?

There are many qualities that are important for leaders, but I think the foremost(首要的) one should

be determination. You see, as a team, it is extremely significant that all members share the same

goal. And if the leader has strong determination, it is more likely that(更有可能) he can bring the

whole team together towards their aim. Also, I think leaders have to be full of integrity(正直). Only

an honest person can be trusted and respected by his team members, and thus able to trigger

chemistry within the team. After all, we all want to work with, or for, people who are respectable.

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4.Is teamwork important to individuals?

Sure. Unlike what it was in the past, individualism(个人主义) is no longer a very helpful thing when

pursuing success at present. Nowadays, as tasks become much more integrated(整合的) and

complex, people mostly have to cooperate with each other and take different roles in a team to

make sure everybody can use their expertise to the fullest, and reach the ultimate goal(终极目标).

Also, during teamwork, individuals can learn from their teammates, and enhance their own

capabilities. As a result, individuals not only achieve something they could not otherwise have

done, but they also become someone they could not otherwise have become. (not only but also结






160 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 3 新题:想要看的天空

1.Should kids acquire knowledge about stars?

Well, the way I see it, of course they can learn about astronomy if they like, but there’s nothing

requiring them to do so, like ‘you should learn this’ or ‘you shouldn’t learn that’. Now, as a child, I

was always curious about the stars and planets, and eager to learn about the mysterious

universe(神秘的宇宙), whereas my cousin doesn’t really care about what happens in space at all.

She is always more interested in sports. If kids learn about, for instance, those things about the

solar system(太阳系) and outer space and such, it will surely broaden their horizon(拓宽视野), but


there is more than one way to achieve that.

2.Is advanced technology helpful for star watching? 思

Absolutely. In fact, star watching largely relies on the development of technology. In ancient times,



well, imaginably(可以想象), people would have to observe the sky with their eyes, cuz they didn’t


have any device better than them. Then I think it was Galileo who invented the telescope, which

dramatically improved the accuracy and efficiency of stargazing(观星). And so many centuries

later, we now have radio telescopes and satellites, and telescopes themselves have been enhance

into the professional ones that equip observatories(天文台). What’s more, once we could only

watch them from a huge distance, but now with the help of spacecraft, we can even land on

planets and see them up close.

3.What kind of people are interested in stars?

You see, faraway space has always been attractive to human beings. All kinds of people may

develop interests in stars, from young kids to retired people. But I guess, of all people, the most

fanatic(狂热的) fans would be astronomers(天文学家). I have a friend who’s studying astronomy in

college, and he has decided to devote himself to that science. He’s a total enthusiast (狂热爱好者)

for stars, who has spent all his free time on watching and studying the stars. I once went to his

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place, which is not far away from mine, and his study looked like a library filled with books on stars

and planets.






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Part 3 新题:很累但是要保持清醒经历

1.What occasions do people need to keep awake even though they feel tired?

of all, a doctor should stay awake even though he might have had several operations in a row,

because he should be responsible for the patient. The passenger should stay awake, whether he is

in a private car or a bus. Sometimes, when there is an emergency brake or a car accident, a

sleeping passenger can’t respond well to it, or sometimes, may be badly hurt. The best condition is

that he is only frightened, but a sudden frightening should be harmful to the heart. So, keeping

awake is the better approach to avoid or reduce the harm.


2.What kind of people lack sleep?

People doing those jobs that stimulate(刺激) their brains all the time, I suppose, would lack sleep,

such as policemen or teachers. Police officers may have to study the case day and night if it’s a



severe or urgent one, and they have to think about it so much that they dream of it even during


sleep. As for teachers, they have many students to tend to(照顾,趋向于), and almost each of them

has different merits and shortfalls, they have to consider the best plan to educate them all the

time, and some students nowadays can really give them a serious headache(让人头很痛,很困扰),

physically and mentally.

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Part 3 新题:和他人的无聊经历

1.Why do people get bored?

Well, there can be many reasons, for instance, the job itself is, in fact, tedious. If you ask me to do

some mathematical analysis, I guarantee you that I’ll be yawning(打呵欠) in like, five seconds. But

this can also be because people have different personal interests, for example, plenty of people

enjoy watching reality shows(真人秀) cuz they are quite fascinating, but I can actually easily fall

asleep watching them. This is simply because I couldn’t care less about those celebrities and what

they do. So, I guess it’s just everybody has a different boredom threshold(临界值,门槛), when the


‘red light’ is on, you just feel really bored.

2.Are all the boring jobs going to be done by robots in the future?

Not necessarily, cuz as I’ve mentioned, people’s interests can vary significantly. As the saying



goes, ‘one man’s meat can be another’s poison(吾之蜜糖,彼之砒霜)’. So, even if a lot of people


think some jobs are tedious, so much so that(如此以至于) it’s not even humane, there might be

people who actually enjoy it, as a matter of fact. Nevertheless, there are such jobs that are

basically, generally acknowledged(公认) to be boring, like security guards, or data entry clerks, that

may be largely replaced by robots or artificial intelligence in the near future. But then again, you

can never be that sure about it.

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Part 3 新题:多彩的地方

1.What color do you think people would choose when decorating their houses?

That largely depends on their preference and a lot of other factors, like gender. But the most

common shade chosen would be creamy white(乳白色), I mean, for the walls, cuz it gives you an

impression of hygiene(卫生), but not pale white cuz it makes people feel cold and creates a sense

of distance. Sometimes people also paint their children’s room into light pink or sky blue or

something like that, depending on the sex of their kids. As for other decorations like tiles, well,

that’s just up to their personal taste, those who like luxury style may choose mosaic(马赛克) wall


paintings, whilst minimalists(极简主义者) like me would prefer simple, pure colours.

2.Do you think the color of a company’s dress code represents the image of the corporation?

Well, the dress code, yes, but the colour of it... I’m not so sure. I mean, if a company requires its



staff to wear formal dress all the time, like what law firms(律师事务所) or banks always do, it does


give people a professional impression. But if you ask me if a company where everybody wears

black suits has more competence(竞争力) compared to another one where everyone wears navy

blue, I’d say it’s just not that relevant. Unless, of course, we are talking about some extreme cases,

like if the organisation asks all the employees to wear pink coveralls all day long, it feels more like

an insane asylum(疯人院) or something like that to me.

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Part 3 新题:读写的地方

1.Which is more important, reading or writing?

Of course reading. From my perspective(依我看来) language learning is like making tea, and if you

don’t pour water in the teapot first, there’s nothing you can pour out of the teapot. Sufficient input

is always the necessary premise(前提) of output. By reading great works, on the superficial layer,

you can imitate and learn about the grammar and rhetoric and stuff like that; deep down, there’s

also philosophy of life and insight(洞见) into the society that you may learn from the author. After

accumulating enough of those, you’ll naturally be able to write something decent yourself.


2.Who needs to have good writing skills?

Well, journalists and writers, apparently, cuz they basically live on writing. Although we now have

artificial intelligence broadcasters(播音员) and all sorts of fancy technologies in the news industry,



words are still the very core or essence of everything happening in it. Well, writers? That’s just


self-evident(不证自明), I mean, look at the name of the occupation. Then there is us, the students.

We are always required to write all sorts of reports, analysis, dissertations(论文) and so on. Now, I

want to go abroad to further my study, which means I’ll have to write personal statements and

materials like that. Pathetically(可悲地) no one pays us for writing these, but we still need to make

sure we are good at writing for our future development.

3.Where can people get more information, words or pictures?

You see, there’s a saying called ‘a picture is worth a thousand words(一图胜千言)’. But I don’t

completely agree with it. You see, if there is an illustration(插图) in an article, which contains... say,

500 words, then it’s likely to convey the information better than a twice-as-long counterpart that

includes no pictures. That is, pictures HELP you demonstrate(展示) your idea, they cannot do if for

you. If you only put a picture there, without any words to explain what actually happened, people

have to use their imagination, which can vary, and is much less reliable. Sometimes, lack of words

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may even lead to confusion or misunderstanding(误解). So, if I have to choose one, I think words

give people more information, but in fact a combination would be better.






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Part 3 新题:访友经历

1.What social skills can you learn from communication with other people?

First of all, the ability to perceive the atmosphere(感知气氛). There is a very wise proverb that I like,

which says: ‘If you don’t have to speak, tell nothing; if you have to speak, tell the truth; if you can’t

be honest, tell a joke.’ This is a very conclusive(总结性的) theory of interpersonal communication.

For instance, if you don’t like one of the people at the party, you just try to avoid talking to him

when possible. If you ever have to deal with him, then instead of having a debate or even a quarrel,

simply talk about something trivial(微不足道的,无关紧要的) and fun, so that conflict can be


effectively avoided.

2.Do you prefer hanging out with a big or small group of friends?

A small group, for sure. I tend to believe that big parties are just like platforms, which are for you



to build and perfect(使完美) your social network. You don’t necessarily have more fun, or even


enjoy yourself at a big party, well, at least this is true for me. I often feel like I don’t know what to

do or who to talk to in those circumstances(情况). Also, it’s very hard to find a common interest for

a big group of people. For instance, my best friend Lucy and I, we always go to all sorts of

museums, cuz we both enjoy browsing antiques(古董) and learning about history. That way, we can

easily have a marvellous time together, without worrying about anything else.

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Part 3 新题:选工作和学习的建议

1.Why do so many young people choose communication and media studies as their major?

Undeniably(不可否认地), this is a very hot major now, cuz the demand for such talents is enormous.

With the rapid expansion of the media industry, especially when live streaming(直播流媒体) has

become almost the dominating media form now. Plenty of vacancies with more than decent

salaries are available almost every day. Of course, the major itself is a fascinating one, at least to

me, it’s much more interesting than mathematics or rhetoric(修辞学), cuz you get to learn about

the spread of information, and during that, you get to know, or see, at least, plenty of celebrities.


Like... My friend Lucy chose that major, and she has all kinds of opportunities to have interviews

with famous people. I guess that would be super fun. 思

2.Why do young people find it hard to make career choices? 全


There can be many reasons. But as far as I’m concerned, I think the main reason is that they failed


to find their own interests. It’s common that kids are educated to be obedient(顺从) to the elderlies

in China, including their parents and teachers. They would, of course, think FOR the kids in the way

they think is the best, the problem is, that way doesn’t necessarily suit the kid. For instance, my

parents wanted me to choose Science(理科) in high school, cuz they thought I would have more

options and better development in the future, but fortunately they allowed me to choose art based

on my own will, and learn whatever I want to in university. If the kid was always told to follow

orders, he or she may have a very hard time making choices themselves.

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Part 3 新题:擅长工作的人

1.How should young people perform at their first jobs?

well, something that Steve Jobs said, I’m not entirely sure if I remembered correctly(不太确定有没有

记准). Of course you’ll find all sorts of difficulties and descend into confusion(陷入混乱), even,

considering that is the first step of your career. But it’s very important to observe others, and ask

questions all the time to learn fast. I don’t really think you have to do overtime(加班) actively, cuz

that can mean you are inefficient sometimes. To be curious about your colleagues, who are

supposedly much more experienced, however, shows that you are eager to learn and improve.


2.How can people improve their job performance?

I think having a to-do list is an effective method. That means you’ll have to list the issues you

need to cope with the next day, or, you know, that very day, depending on if you prefer to do your



plans at night or in the morning(伴随状语结构). Then it will be easy, to check all those issues one


by one, and see if they are properly done. To make it even better, you can categorise(分类) your

issues according to their degree of urgency and importance. That way, you can prioritise (优先项,

优先权) better, and deal with the most significant matters first before you move on to the rest.

3.What skillset should a manager have?

Oh there are so many of them. First I think a manager should definitely possess the ability to

motivate his subordinates(部下). Everyone gets tired, or even depressed sometimes, and as a

manager, it is your duty to put them back on track(使回到正轨), or at least, help them pull

themselves together. Apart from that, they should also be able to evaluate their subordinates(下属)’

performance, and carry out something accordingly(相应地), like awards, or, if necessary, talks or

even financial punishments. By doing this, a manager can lead his or her team to have better

efficiency and determination, which can be vital for business success.

4.Do you think what you learn in university is going to help in your future job?

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Well, sure, I guess, at least to some extent. You see, I’m learning finance for my first degree(本科学

位,第一学位), and I believe this knowledge can be useful in my future career, well, one way or

another. Although people do not necessarily go into occupations that are related to their

undergraduate(本科的) course, whatever you have learnt will always be beneficial to you in some

way, for instance, a manager who learnt psychology can use the expertise(专业知识,专门技能) to

motivate his colleagues. Also, it’s not only knowledge that we get from university, but also the

ability to learn, and that will serve us throughout(贯穿,指时间或空间) our career.






171 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 3 新题:经常坐飞机的人

1.What are the advantages of traveling by plane?

Well, to start with, it’s much faster than any other transport available. For instance, flying from

Beijing to London would take you about twelve hours I guess? If you choose trains, that is, if there

is one(假设有的话), you’ll have to spend a considerable time on the way to your destination.

Travelling by plane can be really efficient and thus save your time. Also, air trips can be more

comfortable, well, if you choose business class(商务舱) or higher. This is because you can lie down

in the reclining seat. They do provide these facilities on high-speed rail trains, but from my


experience, they are not as good as their equivalent (同等地位的人或物) in the plane cabin.

2.Why do some people prefer to travel by train? 思

Well, although plane travel has its merits, as I said, it is undeniable that you’ll have to face



delays(延误) very often, if you choose to travel by air. There are just so many factors that will


hinder taking off, like rain, birds, or even drones(无人机) nowadays. No matter if you are travelling

with family or for business purposes, there are always higher risks of having to change your

itineraries(旅行日程) and schedules, which can create a lot of trouble. Also, high speed railways

now connect almost all major cities in China, and if you take delays and stuff like that into

consideration, they are not necessarily much slower than flights.

3.What are the disadvantages of living near an airport?

An obvious drawback is that you’ll be living in the countryside, or worse even, in a rural area. Now,

that’s because most airports in China are located in such places, to avoid any possible

disturbance(打扰) to the urban area, where population density is the highest. And this leads to the

second reason, which is also apparent, that you’ll have to put up with inevitable loud noises if you

live around an airport. When taking off, plane engines can make noises up to one hundred and fifty

decibels(分贝), enough to be detrimental(有害) to any living creature’s health, I suppose. Even if

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you live, like, 5 kilometres away, I guess the noise can still effectively wake you up at midnight.

4.How is working at the airport different from working in other places?

To be honest, I have no experience whatsoever about working in an airport. But from what I see, I

guess that working there could be quite boring. You see, for instance, if you work in downtown,

you can take your lunchbreak(午休) and go to any nearby restaurant with your colleagues, and you

may even be able to grab a coffee(喝杯咖啡), or wander a bit in the garden or park before going

back to work. I imagine all those would be basically impossible for airport staff, especially if you

work in the tower, you know, as an air traffic controller(空管) or something like that. At best I guess

they can go to the canteen and see what’s available there and get back as soon as possible.





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Part 3 新题:花费很长时间准备的礼物

1.How do people usually choose gifts?

Well, I guess first you have to do some enquiring about the receivers’ preferences(偏好) or hobbies,

that is, if you don’t already know these things about them. Then choose something of a realistic

price. You see, it’s not really my style to link price with friendship, but to think in a practical (功利

主义的) way here is indeed helpful. For instance, if you want to choose a gift for your best friend’s

graduation from college, then neither a ready-made card nor a diamond necklace would be

appropriate. Well, maybe if the card is made entirely by yourself it would be okay, but I still think


something more useful and a little bit more expensive can express your congratulations better,

such as a pair of headphones(耳机) or something like that. 思

2.Why do some people find it hard to choose gifts? 全


That is indeed a huge problem, actually. Cuz there are so many factors you need to consider. First


of all, we want to give people something nice, something useful, but a very important thing is that

they better not(最好没有) already have it. Also, as friends, it’s not appropriate(恰当的,合适的) to

buy them things that are too personal, like a toothbrush or something like that. Another thing is

that we wanna buy something different from others, like, even if your friend loves flowers, it may

not be the best scenario where everybody who comes to the party brings her a bunch of flowers.

3.Do you think useful gifts are always more suitable than those useless ones?

Personally, yes. I do think I prefer practical (功能性的) gifts myself. But this doesn’t mean that so-

called ‘useless’ gifts are necessarily worse ones. This is because the definition of ‘usefulness’

itself varies significantly. For instance, I may think that flowers are actually not that useful, and

they perish(枯萎,腐烂) rather easily, whilst there are many people who think flowers can put them

in a good mood and can also be perfect decorations for their room. In that case, I’ll consider

sending flowers to those people, cuz those are apparently way more suitable than other

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‘functional’ gifts in my mind, like a smart speaker(智能音箱).

4.Do people give the same gifts as they did in the past?

Absolutely not. My mum told me that when she was dating my dad, she knitted sweaters(织毛衣)

and scarfs(围巾) for him as gifts. Well, people still do this nowadays, of course, but the popularity

of doing so is surely diminishing(减少,缩小). With the development of commodities in the

economy and technology, there are more and more fascinating gifts available at present. For

instance, I sent a smart speaker to my dad, as a birthday gift, cuz I go to university in another city,

and when I’m not home, this artificial-intelligence-based(基于人工智能的) device can help him have

more enjoyable leisure time. These sorts of devices weren’t even there in the past.





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Part 3 擅长外语的人

1.Is learning a foreign language important?

Yes, definitely. Apart from the pragmatic benefits that a foreign language can provide, like

communicative advantages or appreciating original literature and things like that, I think I’ve read

an article claiming bilingual people have multiple other advantages over monolingual people. These

include better memory, analytical skills, critical thinking and so on. And even if we put all these

aside, learning a foreign language brings you a lot of convenience when travelling abroad, I mean,

at least you’ll be able to bargain the price.


2.What benefits can a foreign language bring to one’s career?

Well, in my opinion, mastering a foreign language is very useful as well as helpful to people’s

careers. It’s a good way to show one’s ability, and also it can bring many benefits. For example,



someone who can speak a foreign language will have a better opportunity of promotion. To be


specific , when you’re able to communicate directly with foreign colleagues or partners, it’s your

showtime! It also leads to cost-saving, as the company wouldn’t need to hire interpreters for

international business. Besides, a language ability can also give you the chance to train or study

abroad. As the old saying goes: “success and opportunities are only given to those who are well-


3.Do you think English will be the mainstream of the world in the future?

As a matter of fact, I tend to believe that English has already been the mainstream language of our

time, knowledge-wise and communication-wise. As far as I know, the great majority of significant

modern scientific research is in English, and the most widely used language is also English. If you

want me to predict the future trend of popular languages, I’d say that English, in the foreseeable

future, will retain its status. I mean, being Chinese, I hope that Mandarin could become

mainstream, but it seems too difficult to become that common.

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4.When learning a foreign language, which part is easier? Speaking or writing?

I’d say writing, because when we speak, we need to have proper rhythm and flow, otherwise we’d

sound very hesitative and unconfident, whereas in writing, you can pause every now and then, and

think about your wording. No one is going to notice your pauses, as they will only be reading the

words. This is just like comparing calling and texting - the latter is definitely easier for me.






177 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 3 想法有趣的人

1.Is there anyone with good ideas that has changed people’s lives?

Only too many! I can easily name quite a few of them, those who we call ‘inventors’. For instance,

Thomas Edison, who invented the modern bulb, which made evenings and nights much more

magical. Or Steve Jobs, the late CEO of Apple, without whom we’d all still be using ugly keyboard

phones. And another nominee could be Stan Lee - because of his ‘excelsior’, we wouldn’t have

any of the Avengers. I certainly wouldn’t want to live in a world like that!

2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting rules for children?


We have a saying here that coins always have two sides, so the pros may be better manners, more

security for themselves, and so on. But I tend to believe that rules for children should be like laws

– you should only limit them where absolutely necessary. You see, too many restrictions will



destroy children’s creativity - the most precious perk of being a child - which is very harmful to


their development.

3.Why are there more and more differences between children and their parents?

Well this is simple. Society is developing at a, more than ever, astonishingly fast speed. The world

is changing so fast that if you simply turn off your internet connection for a few days, you’d feel

like you’re from the Stone Age. And we’re actually talking about two different generations here, so

I don’t really feel there’s anything surprising when children disagree with their parents or vice

versa. The two parties just have completely different sources of information, and of course,

different capabilities of embracing new concepts.

4.When do children begin to have their own ideas?

Actually, no one can say the exact time or age for this because it varies from child to child. We

also need to consider the genetic factors, but to the best of my knowledge, children generally have

their own ideas around the age of one. Although most children are still unable to talk, they can cry

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or use body language, I mean, certain gestures to express their demands. For example, my nephew

Tom is about 1, and if he doesn’t like you, then no matter how hard you try to make him laugh, he

won’t hug you or smile at you.






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Part 3 喜欢的歌手

1.Do people learn to sing nowadays?

Some do, I think, out of love. But as far as I can see, most people who learn to sing are retired

people, like my granny, for instance. You see, a very embarrassing yet true fact about developing

countries like mine, is that people are very busy, and to be honest, quite anxious. They work day

and night, and fear that one day they may lose their jobs due to... I don’t know, aging? Or the

economy? - Which has basically always been a joke. So mostly people only start to learn art after



2.What kinds of music do people like at different ages?

That varies from person to person, but generally speaking, young people like me have a better

chance of falling in love with rock, which can be outrageously loud and noisy for our parents’



generation who prefer folk songs or classical, even. As for the old, like my grandparents, they like


to listen to military songs due to their upbringing. So I’d say different age groups do have some

different preferences, but this really depends. Not all young people like rock, after all.

3.What kinds of music are popular in China and what kinds will be in the future?

Well, if you ask a question like that to someone from another country, it will be much simpler to

answer. But every question like this becomes extremely complex if defined in China. You know

why? We just have too large a population. Nowadays I’d say pop songs are still the most popular

ones, I mean, look at their names, they are called pop. As for the future, I really don’t know...

Probably in the foreseeable future it will still be pop, I think.

4.Do you think the most popular singers are the best ones?

Probably not. Nowadays, ranking lists like the billboard chart and the Top 40 can be easily

manipulated, so the most popular ones on the list are not even guaranteed to be good, let alone

‘the best’. My personal preference would be to listen to some classic songs, or new songs

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recommended by my friends. Call me selfish, but I just don’t really like being a guinea pig when

listening to music.






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Part 3 助你实现目标的人

1.Why is it important for teenagers to set goals?

Um... Let’s just say, goals are actually the source of one’s motivation. Without goals, one would

not be able to find the direction in which they should proceed. Teenagers are too young so they

are likely to lose their way. Therefore, they must try to set proper goals at an early age. With

achievable short-term goals, they will be able to enjoy the success once they find it, but they also

need bigger, longer-term goals.

2.Do parents and teachers punish children physically nowadays?


Well, in fact, I believe this kind of punishment still exists in some places, especially in rural areas of

our country. You see, we did have a saying in China which said ‘Strict teachers make smart

students’ or ‘Beating makes a decent kid’, which implied that students, or kids, can be legitimately



punished in physical ways. Now, with the development of educational theory and civilisation,


physical punishments have basically been stamped out in the cities. However, in some remote

areas, evidence shows that such behavior still exists.

3.Who do you think has greater influence on goal-setting for children? Teachers or parents?

To be fair, I think teachers play a more important role here. The truth is, Chinese kids nowadays

spend way more time at school than at home, that is, if we regard sleeping as ‘not effectively at

home’ as they don’t interact with their parents at all during sleep, do they? Given that they spend

so long with their teachers in classes, they are significantly influenced by their behaviour and

words, especially developmentally.

4.What would encourage children to learn more?

I think the answer to this question is quite simple because if we really want to ENCOURAGE

children to learn, the best way would be to find their interests. Many people say ‘Interest is the

best teacher’, yet they never actually carry out the words. From what I see in China, most parents

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make, or shall we say, push, their children into learning the piano, Sinology or robotics, and justify

these all in the name of a ‘better future’. You see, the way I see it, they should try their best to

find their kids’ natural interests and talents, then cultivate these with proper guidance.






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Part 3 历史建筑

1.Do Chinese people like to visit historical buildings?

Yes, I think so, and fortunately, we have more than enough historical buildings to visit. Learning

Chinese history can be a very long and exhausting task, even for Chinese people, just because it’s

amazingly long, but that doesn’t make it a boring task. Very often you really need to go on a field

trip and visit them yourself, so as to feel and experience the history in a vivid way.

2.Why do people visit historical buildings?

Because historical buildings allow you to be in the history, and if permitted, maybe even touch the


history with your own hands. These are the things you can never experience by reading a book or

watching a documentary. Also, unlike paintings and crafts, buildings can rarely be included in the

collection of any museum, although sometimes, interestingly, they can become museums



themselves. These factors make them irreplaceable, and you just have to go there in person.


3.Is it necessary to protect historical buildings?

Well, it is necessary if the historical buildings are actually historic, that is, if they are of significant

archaeological, architectural, or aesthetic value. You see, buildings with those values are the

absolute cultural heritage of the country, and they are, in fact, more than just witnesses of history,

they ARE living history. However, we should balance protection of these crucial properties with the

development of a thriving of modern society. That’s why I think they should be evaluated first,

because if they’re of no or very little importance, they shouldn’t be in our way of development.

4.Do most people agree with government funding to protect historical buildings?

I guess yes. I’m not terribly familiar with architecture, or administrative affairs, but commonly,

donations from individuals or organisations aren’t mainstream sources of funding in such projects.

Most people still agree, and they actually believe that the government should be responsible for

these, but I’m looking more at my country. I heard that in some extremely underdeveloped

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countries like Cambodia, they have to rely on UNESCO to do the job.






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Part 3 早起

1.What effect does sleeping in late have on a person’s life patterns?

Personally speaking, I think sleeping late in the evening has numerous harmful effects on people’s

life patterns, especially for teenagers. Firstly, sleeping late will cause a person to get up late the

following morning, which will deprive them of the whole morning so that they won’t have any time

for work or study. Also, sleeping late will harm a person’s physical and mental health in the long


2.What kind of people usually get up early? Why?


From my own observation, I think high school students usually get up very early, especially senior

students who are preparing for the College Entrance Examinations. I can still recall when I was in

senior high school when I got up at around half six, because the morning classes started at 7.



Students get up extremely early as they have to work hard, and earn themselves a bright future.


3.What are the benefits of getting up early?

Generally, there are a lot of benefits when somebody gets up early. For instance, if you get up

early in the morning at about 7 o’clock, you can make full use of your morning to finish lots of

work and even do a lot of things that you enjoy doing. However, if somebody gets up late, at about

11, you can probably imagine that they will have no time for anything except lunch, and will waste

the whole morning.

4.Is it easier for older people to get up earlier than younger people?

1. Well, although many people believe that getting up earlier is easier for older people than for

young people, I think it really depends. For instance, my grandmother, who’s now over 70 years

old, always gets up extremely early in the morning, because she’s fond of doing exercises at that

time. However, for my grandfather, who’s also in his 70s, getting up at 9 o’clock is the norm, and

he really hates getting up early.

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Part 3 让你发笑的小孩

1.(4)Do you think people should be trained before they become parents?

Well I think this is a good idea but not very practical, since each person has their own way of

learning. That’s to say, people grow up in different families and they have different values and

philosophies. Not all parents believe the same. However, in some aspects, new parents should

definitely be trained, like how to take care of new-born babies, how to balance family and work,

and what are the best ways to communicate with their babies, and so on. This is necessary and

commonly used knowledge.


2.(3)What can make children laugh?

Well a kid can basically laugh at anything, in my opinion. For instance, they can laugh at a simple

joke, or a funny gesture, or anything that they think is interesting. I think they laugh so much simply



because they are full of curiosity towards the world and they haven’t had much burden from life.


For instance, I remember when I was little. I could laugh all day at my uncle’s funny face, but now I

won’t, because now I would think it’s stupid, and practically, I’d rather spend the time on my

assignments and internships.

3.(2)Do you think childhood is the most important period in one’s development?

Well, personally I think childhood plays a key role in one’s growth, but to say it’s the most

important is a bit too much, because childhood isn’t the only phase that a person can learn and

develop. On the one hand, a person’s character is directly related to their youth, like what their

parents or teachers taught them, what their family was like, and so on. But after this person leaves

their home and enters society to live on their own, it will be a totally different story. The various

people that they meet will influence them in both good and bad ways, and therefore anyone can

change into a good person or a bad one.

4.(1)What do you think is the best age for people to have children?

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Well, actually I think this depends on different cultures or even different nations. As far as I’m

concerned, 32 or above might be a good time to have children, because usually a person around

that age is relatively stable at work. The steady income can guarantee their children’s education

and give the person balance to deal with both their work and family. What’s more, a stable job

means that parents can have more time to accompany children. Comparatively, those below 30

mainly focus on their work or promotion, and usually don’t have the time and energy to take care

of kids.






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Part 3 想见的外国名人

1.Why can some celebrities stay famous for a long time while some cannot?

In my opinion, I deem that some people stay famous for a long time because they have brought

positive influence to the society, while those who only stay well-known for a short period of time

are those who have no social responsibilities and did not embrace any social benefits. For

instance, a movie star can stay famous for his or her active participation in donations, which helps

the society fight with inequality.

2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a celebrity?


For me, I think one of the biggest advantages of being a celebrity is that you enjoy a relatively high

income compared to ordinary persons. However, being a celebrity also means that you will lose

your personal life and privacy, because as a celebrity, everything you do will be observed and



watched by the public, and this is, I think, the greatest disadvantage.


3.What influences can famous people have on the society?

Famous people can have influence on society using their popularity, and they can benefit the

society with that. For example, a pop singer can publicly advocate for volunteering and call on

people to join him or her in volunteering activities. Since celebrities and famous people are known

by many people, they can bring positive results to the society if they intend to do so.

4.How can people become famous?

People become famous for different reasons. For instance, some people became famous because

of a role they played in a certain movie in Hollywood, while others became well-known because of

winning a football match. In addition, there are also many people who became famous after doing

something stupid or funny, but those people usually don’t stay famous for long.

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Part 3 广告

1.Is music useful in advertising?

Yes, it is. Music is one of the most important elements in advertising. Good music entertains

people, and can make them watch the contents of the ads. However, a bad or unsuitable music

may destroy the advertisement, making the audience lose all of the interests in the advertisements.

So, I do believe that music is of vital importance in advertising.

2.Why do some people hate advertisements?

For most of us, when advertisements are shown on the TV, it often means that we need to wait for


a very long time before we can watch the actual TV series we love, which is disappointing and

boring for many people. At the same time, some ads are lacking in creativity, and are sometimes

even full of bad contents that are not suitable for teenagers. 全


3.What are the advantages of TV advertisements? How about internet advertisements?



From my point of view, I think the biggest advantage of TV adverts is that they use video

recordings for advertising, which can show the audience the characteristics of the new products,

and lure them into buying the commodities. On the other hand, Internet adverts are much simpler

than those on TV, as it could be just a simple picture.

4.Do people usually buy things after watching advertisements?

Not really. I think the reactions of people depends on the quality of the advertisements. Normally,

people intend to buy things upon their needs, but if ads make use of real scenes, or help solve real

problems in people’s lives, people will pay for them. On the other hand, if ads are fake, I don’t

think people will buy the products.

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Part 3 邀请聚餐

1.Why do more and more people like to eat at restaurants rather than at home?

From my point of view, there are a lot of reasons why people like to eat at restaurants rather than

at home. First and foremost, dining at restaurants is time-saving and convenient, which is of vital

importance for modern people who regard their time as significant in their lives. Secondly, eating

at restaurants means that we don’t need to clean the dishes and the table, which relieves people

from extra work. Last but not least, eating out gives us a chance to taste dishes made by famous

cooks and from different regions of the world, which is almost impossible at home. R.


2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at restaurants?

From my point of view, I think that eating at restaurants is time-saving and convenient, and we

don’t need to wash dishes after the meals, which is such a relief for us modern people! What’s



more, the food at restaurants is normally more delicious than that which is home-made. However,


the safety of food at restaurants cannot be guaranteed, and a lot of people tend to eat at home

rather than eating outside because they are concerned about the potential risk of becoming sick.

3.Where do Chinese people usually eat? At restaurants or at home?

For traditional Chinese people, eating with families inside their homes is a given. For them, it’s a

signal of unity which makes the members of family more interconnected with each other. For

example, my parents are more comfortable with eating at home compared to dining outside.

However, with the development of China’s economy, citizens are getting wealthy and their

traditional views are being changed gradually. Therefore, nowadays more and more people are

eating outside at restaurants.

4.Do you think it’s possible that everyone will eat at restaurants instead of at home in the future?

Yes, I think this scenario is quite possible in the future. Take myself and my family as an example.

As a college student, I’m absorbed in intensive studies every day and there’s no time for me to

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cook or eat at home. For this reason, I dine at restaurants almost every day. Also, due to their busy

jobs, my parents eat at restaurants too, which makes our kitchen useless without any use.

Therefore, I do believe that in the future, people are more likely to eat outside instead of cooking

at home.






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Part 3 听陌生人打电话

1.Why do some people always break rules in public places?

There are a couple of reasons that can explain this behaviour. To begin with, some people don’t

realize what they’re doing is against the rules, therefore they fail to obey rules that they don’t

know. Secondly, despite knowledge of rules in place, some people decide to ignore them for their

self-interest. Last but not least, some people believe that most likely, they’re not going to get

caught when breaking rules.

2.Why do you think some people talk aloud on public transport?


I think it generally has something to do with people’s habits. Some people have been used to

talking aloud, whether in public or private, for years or even decades, so they don’t take other

people into account. These people might not realize that their noise bothers other passengers or



even worse, they don’t care about others at all. Since they mostly don’t realize this impolite habit


they’ve had for so long, it’s hard for them to change.

3.Is it bad to talk on the phone in public places?

If people can keep their volume low while talking on phone in public places, I think it’s fine. A lot of

times, when our phones ring, it’s quite hard to quickly find a place where talking doesn’t annoy

anyone else. Therefore, so long as we don’t disturb others, it’s OK. However, if the public places

require utter silence, it’s inappropriate to talk on the phone.

4.Should people be banned from talking aloud in public places?

Personally, I believe it depends. If people are in public places where loud noises don’t disturb other

people, like concerts, bars and sports events, they should be allowed to talk aloud. The reason for

this is that loud noises can spice up the atmosphere on these occasions and lead people to have a

great time. On the other hand, to show others respect, people should be prohibited from talking

aloud in public places where noise might distract others.

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Part 3 给别人建议

1.Whose advice is more helpful, parents’ or friends’?

I believe that more often than not, parents’ advice is more helpful than friends’. Spending years

together from the day we’re born, our parents are more likely to understand what we truly need, so

they’re capable of figuring out solutions that can address our needs. On top of that, having been

through ups and downs in their own lives, our parents are also more experienced and capable of

giving constructive advice than our friends.

2.What kinds of advice do parents give to their children?


Parents usually advise their children to respect other people, because they believe that respect for

others is one of the most fundamental morals in life. In addition, parents also want their children to

know what they’re passionate about. Passion can stimulate children’s curiosity and drive them to



relentlessly strive for their goals. Parents generally believe that the sooner children find their


passion, the better it is for them to achieve their dreams.

3.How do experts give advice to others?

While giving advice to others, experts usually focus on evidence and conclusion. More often than

not, experts first lay out their conclusion on how others should proceed to solve their problems.

Then they explain their conclusion with evidence to back it up. In terms of evidence, experts might

use their personal experience or relevant data to prove their conclusion. In this way, others are

more likely to accept their advice as it’s logically reasonable and convincing.

4.What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends?

In terms of making friends, common advice that parents give to teenagers is to identify whether or

not these would-be friends are right for them. Most parents are concerned that making bad

friends can seriously damage their children’s future. Other advice that parents have for teenagers

is to stay loyal and committed to their friendships. Friends are an important part of teenagers’ lives

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and can give them crucial help when in need.






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Part 3 利用网络解决问题

1.What impacts does the Internet have on schools?

The Internet can be beneficial and damaging for schools at the same time. Technology enables

teachers to search for useful information that can make their classes much more informative and

educational. Thanks to the Internet, students now have access to online courses, which can save

them a lot of time and money. Nevertheless, with tons of addictive information, the Internet also

distracts a lot of students from learning, which negatively affects their performance at school.

2.Do you think many people waste time online?


Yes, I think it’s true that many people waste time online. The Internet is a mix of useful and

damaging information. Quite a lot of people fail to resist addictive information online that ends up

wasting their time and ruining their future. Violent video games and pornography are two very



typical examples. I think it’s up to the government and parents to figure out how to protect people


from addictive information online.

3.What might people do with the Internet in the future? And how?

I suppose people might be able to have their memory stored on the Internet in the future. We now

already have cloud storage on the Internet to keep our data safe. As we grow old, our memory

fades and as a result, we might lose important experiences in the past that make our life

meaningful. It would be incredible to create technology that enables us to permanently keep all our

memories. I imagine there would be an online system that stores memory with people’s permission.

As soon as we enter the correct password, we can access, edit and delete our memory whenever

we want.

4.What do people do online in their free time?

Nowadays, what people usually do online in their free time includes searching for information,

watching videos and playing online games. The Internet offers tons of helpful information that

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people at different stages can use to solve their problems. Unlike physical books, the Internet

provides us with a much more efficient engine to search for what we need. Watching videos and

playing online games are two popular entertainment activities that a lot of people do now. These

activities online are relaxing and entertaining, so people enjoy them in their leisure time.






197 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 3 交通工具故障

1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of private transport?

I believe that flexibility and time-saving are two of the major advantages of private transport. With

private cars, we can freely choose wherever we go and whenever we go. Unlike public transport,

we can go straight to the exact destinations by private cars without going around the city

unnecessarily and waiting for other passengers at every stop, so it saves us a lot of time. However,

pollution is the biggest disadvantage of private transport. Private cars emit more carbon dioxide

than public transport and therefore severely pollute the environment. This is an urgent urban


problem that we have to address as soon as possible.

2.What do you think needs to be improved with public transport?

Personally, I want public transport to handle a larger number of passengers and cover more



destinations. During rush hour, we see buses and subways packed with people on their way home


or to work, meaning there’s a serious issue regarding the capacity of public transport. Being

squeezed onto buses and trains is pretty uncomfortable and stressful, so this problem needs to be

addressed. In addition, covering more destinations would allow people to save a lot more time

going where they want and therefore, public transport might be more popular among people.

3.Are there fewer people using cars nowadays because of improved public transport?

Yes, I believe that optimized public transportation systems are the reason why fewer people drive

cars. As public transport has improved, people can get to where they want at a lower cost and a

faster speed. In addition, people’s awareness of environmental protection has been increasingly

rising, so choosing public transport seems to be their contribution to the environment for a lot of

people. All these benefits encourage more and more people to choose public transport over cars.

4.Who likes to travel more? Older people or younger people?

1. I think young people tend to travel more. Since people tour around places all day long, traveling

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can be physically demanding. With significantly worse physical conditions compared with young

people, old people might find it hard to travel too frequently or too far away at their age. Another

reason is that young people are usually more curious about the world, so they’re more likely to

travel around so as to fulfill their curiosity. In comparison, old people might turn out to be less

curious and therefore tend not to travel as often as young people.






199 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 3 水上运动

1.What’s the difference between outdoor sports and indoor sports?

Compared with indoor sports, outdoor sports take place in an open area, which means people have

relatively more space to do what they want. Plus, outdoor sports allow us to breathe in much more

fresh air, so they’re probably better for our state of health. However, the major disadvantage of

outdoor sports is that they’re subject to weather conditions. If it’s raining outside, it might be

inconvenient for us to continue doing outdoor sports, whereas indoor sports wouldn’t be affected

at all under the same conditions.


2.Do you think it’s necessary for everyone to learn to swim?

I believe that learning how to swim is necessary for everyone. To start with, swimming is a life-

saving skill that comes in handy when dangerous situations in water occur. We just don’t know



whether we might stumble into a life-threatening situation, so we’d better preemptively prepare.


Another reason is that swimming can keep us healthy in its unique way. Learning how to swim can

give us an alternative sport to play in order to stay healthy.

3.Why should we develop water sports?

Generally speaking, I think water sports keep us healthy in their unique way and develop skill sets

that can benefit us forever. Take swimming for example. Swimming on a regular basis helps us

maintain a healthy weight and a healthy heart. Moreover, swimming enables us to build endurance,

muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness, which can help us lead a much more productive life.

4.What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?

Swimming and rowing are two of the most popular water sports nowadays. A lot of cities have

been well-developed to the point where standard swimming pools are quite common, so swimming

has become a pretty accessible and low-cost water sport for many people. In addition, many

people see swimming as a necessary skill and a way to relax with friends in a scorching summer,

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so it’s very popular. Rowing is quite popular at tourist attractions, where people can get thrilled

and excited as they’re rowing a boat on a rapid river.






201 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 3 游戏节目

1.What is the difference between the games people play now and those people played in the past?

Firstly, the games people played in the past were offline and used real items like chess pieces and

poker cards, while most of the newly-released games nowadays are online with virtual images and

actual figures. For example, Nintendo have brought us the notion of playing games by waving a

controller, and VR technology has brought us an immersive gaming experience. Secondly, games in

the past normally allowed more people to join while modern games are more set up for single



2.Why do some people watch TV shows online?

On the one hand, it saves time. People can watch shows on their mobiles by making use of dead

time during commutes or queuing, for example, since they’re always accessible via the internet. On



the other hand, it’s much more flexible to watch shows online. People can pause whenever they


want and rewind to any scene, which is hard to do on TV.

3.Why do people like to watch TV shows?

Well, the reasons differ. Some just use TV shows as a time killer, but mostly they’re for mental

relaxation. People regard watching TV as a way of relieving stress and anxiety since it releases

them from their fast-paced lives and jobs for a while. However, at the same time, there also exists

star-chasers who watch TV to support and get closer to their idols, regardless of the show itself.

4.What kinds of TV shows do people like to watch?

Well for the young generation, I think drama series with the theme of romance and comedy top the

list, especially TV series featuring popular stars. Also, talent shows have enjoyed ever-increasing

audiences in recent years. These shows give opportunities to selected boys and girls by way of

nationwide pick-up, which heightens the audience’s engagement significantly. While for old

people, they concentrate more on talk shows in the field of finance and education, which are

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closer to life.






203 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 3 实用技能

1.What are some special skills that people can learn?

For me, I would recommend learning time management, which is vital to helping overcome

procrastination and raise efficiency. To be more exact, it pushes you to find out the priority of your

daily work and life, therefore maximizing the use of your down time. What’s more, since it’s

important for everyone, a lot of apps have been developed to guide you to optimize your time.

2.What kind of professions require practical skills?

To tell the truth, almost all professions require practical skills, but I will say that working as a


business analyst requires more as it’s a high-demanding job. First of all, it needs data collecting

skills to target the object of study. Second, it requires the capability to use programming language

to build financial models to analyze the data and find out the conclusion. Last but not least, one



has to be equipped with presentation skills to explain the problem and related solution to the



3.What kinds of skills are difficult to learn?

Well, I would consider promotional skills as ones that are difficult to learn. This is because I find

that people are born to more often refute something instead of praising it. Promotion skills, such

as how to exploit the market, how to cater others’ emotions and concerns, and how to meet their

needs is a great skillset to learn. And at the same time, such skills are indispensable(不可或缺的)

because one is selling themselves and their ideas to others everywhere in life.

4.What’s the most important practical skill in modern society?

From my perspective, interpersonal skills are a priority in modern society, and to be more specific,

the ability to understand other people, to know what motivates them, and to be able to work

cooperatively with them. It’s not difficult to see that interpersonal skills are described as a must-

have in almost every position. In other words, they’re not only the basis to making one integrate

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into society better, but also the foundation of efficient work.






205 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 3 想获得的奖

1.What kinds of rewards can companies offer to their outstanding employees?

Well, the rewards from a company symbolize the recognition and appreciation of the employee’s

contribution, which as a result indicates sincerity. Learning materials like Kindles and iPad Pros,

and health investment gifts as gym or yoga cards could be good options. But to tell the truth, if

there happens to be a year-end reward, a red pocket with cash in it would be the best choice.

2.Is it good for children to compete for prizes at school?

Well, there are always two sides. Prizes motivate children to learn harder and get higher grades,


and as a result, they create an atmosphere of benign competition in school. While on the other

hand, prizes can also stimulate one’s desire to win, which might cause extreme behaviors and

ideas. The point is to tell children that they should compete with themselves for prizes but not with



each other.


3.Should parents push their children to get prizes?

Although prizes encourage children to perform better and follow the teacher’s word, I don’t think

it’s appropriate for parents to force their children. Prizes are just an extra award instead of a must.

Trying your best is more important, rather than comparing your kids with others, which can be

damaging and lead to a lack of self-worth.

4.What rewards can children get from school?

From my perspective, the rewards from school should be beneficial to study and be of good use.

To be more specific, small gifts as stationery and notebooks, and bigger ones as USB flash drives,

schoolbags and e-dictionaries would be suitable gifts for children. Moreover, there are some more

creative options. For example, “no homework for a day” could also be regarded as a gift, which

would please children for sure.

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Part 3 喜欢穿的衣服

1.Do people living in southern China wear different clothes from those living in the north?

Certainly yes, especially in winter. People in the southern part of China wear different kinds of

clothes from people in the northern part, since southern China is warmer and more humid than the

north, particularly in winter. People in the north wear overcoats, down jackets and even gloves.

However, people in the south simply wear sweaters. It’s not necessary for them to wear gloves and


2.When do people wear formal clothes?


Well, there are a variety of occasions, such as dinner parties, commercial meetings and wedding

ceremonies. People wear formal clothes to fit the dress code and to show their respect for the

special event. For example, I wore a dinner dress for the first time at a cocktail reception at my



exchange university in Spain. We were required to wear formal outfits, since the ceremony was


important for both the school and the students.

3.Do you think students like to wear uniforms?

I don’t think they’re into wearing school uniforms as they can’t show their individuality and

aesthetic style when wearing them. For example, when you walk into a middle school or high

school, you will find that all the girls and boys look the same, with school uniforms and similar hair

styles. It’s difficult for you to distinguish one student from another, since their identities are

unoticeable because of the regulation of wearing uniforms.

4.What’s the difference between the fashion of young people and that of old people?

I think the young generation prefers fashionable clothes, while the old tend to wear conservative

outfits. For instance, I’m in my early twenties now, and I like to follow the trends by wearing slip

dresses, cover ups and ripped jeans. My granny, however, who isn’t that fashionable and energetic

enough to follow the fashion trends, wears a blouse on daily basis.

207 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 3 错误信息

1.Do people trust the information online?

It depends. I reckon people believe information which is published by authorized organizations on

the internet, while information shared by social media users isn’t trusted by others. Take Wechat

as an example. Although people can share news and read it on Wechat moments nowadays, the

majority of people subscribe to Wechat public accounts like China Daily and Xin Hua to read the

news, simply because the information is scrutinized before being published.

2.How can people check whether a piece of information is correct or not?


From my perspective, there are different ways to check, such as asking for someone’s advice,

checking the news announced by authorized organizations, and surfing the internet to collect

information from various sources. For me, the most effective one would be collecting information



from varied sources. For instance, when I read the international news, I find that the opinions vary


across different news agencies, so I always read the news published by both the foreign and

Chinese media in order to get the objective view.

3.What’s the difference between giving information by phone and by email?

There are various kinds of aspects, such as the duration of giving information and how formal the

information is. I would say that people like to share formal information via email. For instance,

when I asked some questions regarding a visa application to the staff at the Spanish Embassy,

they always asked me to write to them via email and promised to reply to me as soon as possible.

4.What kinds of professions are related to giving information to others?

There are a great number of occupations, such as journalist, salesperson, and consultant. These

people need to communicate and share information with others from current affairs, the

information of a product and the solution to a specific issue. However, the authenticity of the

information is not highly guaranteed.

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Part 3 旅游

1.Do you think there will be more ecotourism in the future?

I believe so, and I reckon sustainable tourism will become more and more common. As you may

know, more and more people are paying close attention to environmental issues, and those who

care about the environment are likely to take part in green tourism. Besides, green travelling is

beneficial to people’s health in that it can make them fitter and stronger, which is appealing to


2.What do people usually do during long holidays?


Well, it depends on different people, I think. For those who have visited various places, they may

prefer to laze in the sun, enjoy a cup of jade and simply go for a walk to kill time. While those who

haven't paid a visit to different places may want to visit as many tourists attractions as they can.



Therefore, they might like to visit other cities or countries during long vacations.


3.Why do many people like to travel abroad?

I believe there are various kinds of reasons, such as broadening their outlooks, escaping the reality

of their home countries and even keeping up with the Joneses. Broadening their viewpoints would

be the main reason. People can experience foreign cultures and appreciate interesting buildings

when they pay a visit to foreign countries. For example, foreigners would have better

understanding of Chinese Kung Fu if they travelled to China.

4.What are some popular attractions that people like to visit?

I believe that there are various kinds of tourist attractions such as natural scenic spots, historical

sites and even modern buildings. I think that generally people nowadays prefer to visit natural sites,

since most people work in metropolises, and are trapped in a concrete jungle. Paying a visit to

scenic spots allows them to inhale fresh air and let their hair down.

209 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 3 和朋友出去

1.Do science and technology improve the relationship between people?

I think so, especially the relationship with friends and relatives who live far away, since people can

have video talks or send voice messages to each other. For instance, I have a like-minded friend

who’s currently studying in Australia. It would be difficult for us to socialize if we just wrote letters

to each other. However, with the development of social media like WeChat and Facebook, we can

talk whenever and wherever we like.

2.Do you prefer being with a large group of people or with just a few friends?


For me, I tend to be with a small number of friends, since I’m not a people person and I feel kind

of awkward when I’m with many people. Besides, it’s easier for me to catch up with a few friends

and strengthen our mutual understanding if I’m with just a small group.



3.What’s the difference between staying with friends and staying with family?


Well, there are different aspects, such as the place where you stay, how you behave and even the

duration of staying together. I think the difference of behaviour is most significant. For instance,

when I have dinner with my family, I need to take table manners into account. I will pass them the

napkins and offer them tea during the meal, while when I’m with my friends, I generally act at will.

4.Who should people spend more time with? Family or friends?

I suppose people are expected to spend more time with their family members, especially their

parents, since generally, they looked after us when we were young. Now that we’ve grown up, we

should accompany them like they did when we were kids. For example, when an appointment with

my family clashes with one with my friends, I would go to the family party. You know, blood is

thicker than water.

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Part 3 公园

1.Why do some people plant flowers at home?

I would say that those who grow flowers at home like to beautify their houses in this way. As you

know, not only are flowers colorful, but they also bring fragrance into the house. For example, my

aunt, who has green fingers, grows flowers in the yard all the time. She says they’re the best way

to decorate the house. She has a real sense of achievement and satisfaction when she looks at all

the flowers in her home.

2.Should people help clean public parks?


No, I think public parks should be cleaned by professional cleaners rather than the public. Firstly,

the public generally doesn’t know how to clean them, like cleaning chewing gum off the ground. In

addition, most parks are funded by the government, and the citizens have paid tax for their



construction and maintenance. Therefore, they aren’t responsible for cleaning them.


3.Do young people go to parks very often?

I don’t think so. Young people are generally occupied by study, jobs and families, and therefore

they may not have enough time and energy to pay a visit to the park that often. Take me as an

example. I’m now right in the middle of preparing for the IELTS exam, and I’m just too busy to go

to the park.

4.What are the benefits that parks can bring to a city?

There are a great number of benefits, such as offering a place for people to unwind, beautifying

the environment of the city and even providing escape from the heat. I believe the most important

one would be offering a place for people to let their hair down. As you may know, citizens

nowadays are trapped in a concrete jungle. They seldom have enough space to do exercise, while

a tranquil park is like the oasis of the city which allows them to relax.

211 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 3 改变计划

1.Do old people often change plans?

Well, it’s really hard to say because it differs from person to person, but I believe that old people

are generally more traditional and conservative compared to younger generations, changes are

always bad news to them because it’s hard for most old people to adapt new things. In addition,

old people tend to have weaker memories and most of them choose the most traditional way to

write down their plans. Changes of plans will make them confused sometimes, So I guess old

people won’t change their plans easily.


2.Do young people like to change plans?

Well, it’s not easy to answer this one, because it varies from person to person, I believe people are

generally unwilling to change their plans easily despite of young or old people. Changes of plans



will make us confused sometimes, for example, you’ve got a a tight schedule, then you are forced


to adjust your schedule because an event is delayed because of the weather, so other parts of

your schedule must change as well and that will bring us a lot of hassle. So I feel that most people

won’t change their plans unless they have to.

3.What are the common reasons when people need to change plans?

Well, people are generally unwilling to change their plans easily, so there are absolutely a few

reasons why they change their plans. One of the main reasons is the weather, I mean, lots of

events and schedule can be affected by some unexpected factors such as the unusual weather

like, storming and typhoon. Another important factor is illness, it’s extremely difficult for people to

focus themselves when they feel sick and uncomfortable, so they must change plans for it. What’s

more, people may also change their plans due to different personal reasons.

4.How would you tell your friends when you must change your plan?

Well, if I have to change my original plan, then I would find some reasonable excuses to make it

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more acceptable to my friends. For example, one excuse I use often is getting sick, I mean, it’s

extremely difficult for people to focus themselves when they feel sick and uncomfortable, so they

must change plans for it while my friend won’t take it seriously. Another way to tell my friends

when I am gonna change my plan is to tell them that I am having something much urgent to do,

you know, everyone has their trouble they have to deal with.

5.What kinds of plans are practical?

Well, to be honest, I don’t make plans a lot, but I guess there are some plans that are quite

practical in life. Like a plan for your study or maybe a plan to stay healthy. You know, study is

actually a long process, I mean, everyone needs to learn no matter how old you are, so a daily

study plan helps you to absorb and organize things easily. Staying healthy is also a very important

part of our life, but it needs self control. Therefore, a plan for health diet could remind you what to


eat and how much to eat.




213 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 3 教晚辈新东西

1.How can people be motivated to learn new things?

From my perspective, one tends to be stimulated and is more likely to make up his or her mind(决

定) to learn something new when they witness the achievement others gained(见证别人获得的成果)

from learning novel(新奇的) things. Besides, obtaining achievements after a short period of study

will also promote one to keep learning in this new field(在新的领域).

2.What are the skills that you wanted to learn?

I want to learn how to speak before audiences(当众演讲). This skill is important whenever making


oral defense(论文答辩) or presenting PowerPoint in front of the public. What’s more, the capability

for logical self-expression is a significant skill to manifest our competence(体现自身能力), which

really does good to us after we set foot on society and helps us better set up interpersonal





3.What can children learn from teachers and parents?

In school, children can learn not only knowledge from teachers but also the method of learning(学

习方法) effectively. While at home, parents should be responsible for teaching them the way to

dealing with different issues and the skills to get along with others. From my perspective, learning

the method of treating people morally and handling different circumstances in a rational way tops

the list. That’s why in some aspect home education is much more important than school learning.

4.What skills do adults need to have?

Adults should learn to be independent and find their feet(独当一面). To be accurate, adults are

supposed to adjust themselves rapidly, be less sentimental(少情绪化) and be more solution

–oriented(结果导向) when problems pop up(突然出现). To achieve these skills, adults should always

stimulate themselves to set out of their comfort zones. There’s a saying that whatever doesn’t kill

us can make us stronger. I believe every suffer moments make sense to us in the end. Not until

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adults are learn to be experienced and independent did they grow up to be mature.

5.What skills should be taught to children?

From my perspective, children should be instructed to better express themselves, which includes

how to raise up their questions timely, how to put forward their requirements properly and how to

decline the requests they are unable to do politely. (对称句式) It is because after growing up and

setting foot on society, a person capable of expressing himself or herself is more likely to find the

position and be valued whenever in work or in life. On the other hand, an expressive person tends

to have a good command of interpersonal skills and a larger circle of friendship.






215 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 3 理想的房子

1.What are the disadvantages of living in the city?

I think the major disadvantage is the commuting, especially in the metropolis. Each day, people will

spend at least 1 to 2 hours on the way and that is a lot of time if you add all the hours together.

Those hours could have been spent on more meaningful things like learning a new skill, etc.

Besides, that is also a waste of money. So I think commuting is the biggest disadvantage.

2.Can you compare the past and the present of cities?

In the past, the cities are just like the countryside. It is a place where people live and work. There


aren't that many people and cars. But now the cities are totally different from the countryside. The

increasing density of population will further congeal traffic. Buildings are taller while parks are

smaller. Cities are no longer a place for living and working but a place where people seek



opportunities and accumulate wealth. Those are the major differences of the past and present of



3.What are the differences between living in the city and living in the countryside?

The major difference is that cities have more opportunities. Especially in big cities, it will be easier

for people to find suitable jobs. People have more choices and job-hopping is a common and right

thing to do. But in the countryside, the simple lifestyle determines that people only have a few

choices to make. Sometimes they have to follow the tradition of the family even though they don't

want to. So, opportunity is the major difference.

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Part 3 俊男靓女

1.What are the disadvantages of being beautiful?

Those pretty girls and handsome boys tend to be concerned about their abilities. Normally, people

consider that good-looking person will relax his or her will to fight(松懈努力), which may lead to

incapability(导致无能). Besides, once they make mistakes, others are more likely to associate being

pretty with incompetence(认为好看的人没有能力).

2.What do people in your country think of beauty?

People in my country consider it very important to be beautiful. It is due to the reason that(强调句)


we are more likely to interact and communicate with those good-looking people. Being beautiful

also makes people more accessible to(更容易获得) convenience and kindness in life. That’s why

people are all devoted themselves to becoming beautiful. 全


3.Do you think children should learn how to dress well?



I think it’s necessary. Learning how to dress prompts children to build up self-confidence(帮助他们

建立自信心). Because a well-dressed girl or boy is more likely to leave a good first impression on

others. As a result, children tend to be more confident while facing others, thus(从而) helping them

to socialize smoothly.

4.Is it easy to become beautiful?

I think it’s not very difficult. Girls are able to be more beautiful by doing make-ups and finding out

own dressing styles. For boys, they are suggested to keep neatly dressed(保持整洁) and join the

gym to improve their appearance.

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Part 3 捡到别人丢的东西

1.Why do some people like to collect things?

Collecting is a process of fun, creation and accomplishment. Collectors would grow their

collections from scratch and witnessing the growth would give people a sense of accomplishment.

Moreover, keeping collections is also fun. In order to collect, they need to search for things in

different places. It is like an adventure and every joyful adventure ends with a newly found item for

collection. This is why people like to collect things.

2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping collections?


One one hand, it brings you joy; on the other hand, it might be money-consuming. Keeping

collections is fun because you witness it to grow from zero and this brings a sense of satisfaction.

It is also exciting to find a new item for collection every time. However, it usually would cost a



considerable amount of money especially when the items for collecting is expensive. This might be


a great burden for collectors.

3.What do you like to collect?

I like to collect coins from different countries. They are distinctive. Some coins have the countries'

historical celebrities on them and some are printed with national landmarks. The design is also

various, which adds my interest to them. Moreover, I would dig into the history of each coin

through online research and that deepens my understand of the country's history. Personally, this

is a great way to be familiar with each country's history.

4.Do people collect things for maintaining memories?

In my opinion, some people collect things for maintaining memories. For example, I have heard

people collect items from their different periods of life to document their growing path. Every item

represents memories from different periods. Some are happy memories and some are painful.

Moreover, some people would collect things from the countries they have visited to honor their

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Part 3 他人说谎

1.How would you define white lies?

I believe white lies are made to avoid hurting someone’s feelings or to avoid trouble, but not for an

evil purpose. People also make white lies sometimes to prevent an argument or bad feelings over

something generally meaningless. For example, when someone asks how we are doing and we

actually feel not that good at that time, we may still answer I’m fine with a smile. This is a good

example of while lies.

2.Some people say that liars are those who have a good memory, what do you think?


I don’t think all liars have a good memory. Some liars are easily to be seen through because they

pay no attention to the logic connection of lies. They only lie to get through at the moment.

However, good liars must have good memory because they need to remember the tiniest details of



their lies to keep themselves from contradicting their previous lies.



3.What are the other ways to teach children about honesty except having parents or teachers

teach them?

Many cartoons teach children to be honest. And some fairy tales also tell children the importance

of staying honest, such as Pinocchio. Children can learn to be honest by watching such cartoons

or listening to such fairy tales. Besides, parents and teachers can also try to create an environment

that discourages children to lie, such as not asking questions that they already know the answer

which give the children the opportunity to lie. They can also avoid labeling children as liars because

this will make children defensive and lie. These are good measures parents and teachers can take

to make children honest instead of simply teaching them.

4.Do you think it’s important to teach children to be honest?

I think it’s absolutely important to teach children to be honest. The sooner they know the

importance of being honest, the better. Before the age of 10, most children already know the

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difference between storytelling, a lie and the truth. But this does not mean they have a fully

developed conscience yet. They should understand that they are expected to tell the truth, and

know that they’ll face consequences if they don’t. This is the meaning of teaching children to be


5.Why do people lie sometimes?

People lie because lies can help them achieve their goals faster. For example, some people make

money not by their efforts but by cheating others and stealing from others. In this way they can

make a fortune faster. Of course such behavior will finally be punished. Sometimes people also lie

to protect others. Such lies are called white lies.





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Part 3 感兴趣的历史时期

1.1.How can we protect old buildings?

There are numerous ways we can do. Specifically, we should not paint on walls of old buildings or

drop litter around. The old buildings can be reasonably used for modern purpose, but they should

never be overdeveloped or renovated excessively to lose its original look. In addition, we can also

explore the historic significance of old buildings and advertise them to make people aware of how

important these buildings were in the past, so that they can develop respect for these buildings

and take measures to protect the old buildings themselves.


2.Why do some people have no interest in history?

Some people are not interested in history, probably because the history is about things happened

in the past. Superficially it has little influence on today’s life. Many people are not willing to devote



much time to learning history because they think it is worthier to spend time on career and leisure


time activities. In other words, they can bring achievements and happiness in a short time. On

contrary, learning history requires long time of reading and researching, which seems boring to a

lot of people.

3.How do you learn history?

I learn history by attending history classes and reading textbooks. I started taking history class

since primary school and it lasted until university. Sometimes I also learn history by sightseeing.

Many historic buildings and memorials I visited during traveling have significant historic meaning.

And I learnt their stories by reading the introduction card or listening to the tour guides. By the

way, My dad often tells me about some interesting historical stories from time to time because he

is a history fan.

4.What’s the difference between the history taught in primary school and the history taught in high


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History taught in primary school is mostly about some easy historical events. They are aimed at

increasing pupils’ basic knowledge about history. Usually the exams only require that pupils

remember the names of important figures. In contrary, the history taught in high school is much

more in-depth. High school history classes are designed to help students understand history and

be able to analyze it. The most important thing is to take lessons from the history.






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Part 3 上网搜信息

1.What are the differences between getting information from library and getting information from

the newspaper?

I think it is more complicated to get information from the library than from a newspaper. When

searching information in a library, you are forced to first find books that you are looking for, write

down their locations, and then go searching for them through the aisles of the library. You must

then gather them all up and read through them, trying to find relevant information. However, the

newspaper is generally thinner than books, which means less reading times. Moreover, the


newspaper has a certain theme. If you want to find financial information, you can buy a financial

newspaper. And the newspaper contains current information. 思

2.In what ways can people get information these days? 全


Now we are living in an era of technology. With the development of the Internet, we can get


information fast. These days, we have lightning fast search engines that can give us thousands of

links based on specific keywords. The internet allows for an unbelievably large amount of

downloads and uploads of information, music, videos, attachments, and all sorts of other things as

it is the engine of the Information Superhighway of our Information Era, in which we live. What’s

more, we can also get information from TV programs.

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Part 4 参加的聚会/理想的房子

Describe a party that you attended

Describe your ideal house




Well, for this part, it reminds me of the time I spent with my friend holding a New Year party last

year. To welcome the coming of the New Year, we rented a villa in the suburbs last year. With


great solemnity (表示隆重), we each brought food ingredients and made hot pots and barbeques

together. What’s more, we decorated the house with balloons and colored ribbons. Afterwards, I

mean, with the backdrop of (在…的背景下) balloons, confetti, and cherished music, we counted



down together for the coming of the new year. Although time flies, I still treasure that time as an


indelible (难忘的) memory not only because of the first-time experience but also due to the big

house we stayed in which was what I dreamed of. Speaking of (提及) an ideal house, I hope that

one day I’m able to own a seaside villa with a balcony that overlooks the sea one day in the future.

For the appearance, I hope it’s a kind of minimalist style(极简风) with open French windows (落地

窗) and abundant sunshine. But when it comes to the interior, I have a soft spot for (偏爱) a

Scandinavian style(北欧风) design,which indicates the freedom and warmth of the owner. With a

house like that, I would love to invite all of my friends to visit, holding parties, chatting and

watching movies, or just idling(打发时间的), which would be really promising and splendid (美好而令


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Part 4 公共设施/捡到遗失物

Describe a newly built public facility that has influenced your city

Describe something you found






Last year, there was a newly-opened Imax-equipped(有Imax影厅的) theater in the city center.


Normally those cinemas with Imax screens are located in the suburbs. As a result, it is no surprise

that many people choose to watch 3D movies there so no wonder(难怪) this theater has become a

hit(成为热门). It is said that tickets for some popular movies playing there become difficult to get



(一票难求) even just a few days before. To be honest, an Imax theater downtown contributes


to(对…有好处) enriching people’s lives and provides more choices for people’s leisure-time

activities. For me, I’m wild about(热衷于) watching movies as well. Once upon a time, I found a pair

of 3D glasses which were lost by the person sitting beside me. Intending to(打算) return them back

to the staff, I picked them up. While at the exit, I noticed that the person who had lost them was

intercepted (被拦截) and asked for compensation. Seeing this situation, I walked forward, explained

to the staff, and returned both mine and his 3D spectacles back. The guy was so grateful to me

that he said he was so lucky to have warm-hearted people like me picking them up. If someone

had stolen them, he would have been (确凿的) fined. To tell the truth, although I just lifted my

finger (举手之劳), I acquired a sense of achievement for receiving other’s appreciation.

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Part 4 以前不喜欢现在喜欢的科目/教晚辈新东西/对学习/工作有帮助的事

Describe a subject that you used to dislike but now are interested in

Describe an occasion when you taught someone younger something new

Describe something you do to help your study or work

1.去年暑假受姨妈所托,我教了我表弟预习新学期的英语知识,他不喜欢英语所以英语成绩很不好 我以前



了背单词的障碍 在学会快乐背单词以后,我慢慢喜欢上了英语,觉得英语能帮助我开拓眼界,更好地了解




Well, for this part, I’m going to talk about how l taught my cousin to first learn English. Last

summer vacation, I was entrusted by (受嘱托) my aunt to coach my cousin and to give him a



preview of(预习) the English course for next semester. My cousin is a boy who has no interest in


English and therefore gets poor grades. To tell the truth, neither did I(倒装否定) have enthusiasm

for English before. Worse still, I considered it of no use (无用的) and had trouble reciting words.

But later on, I learned how to recite them whenever and wherever possible (无论何时何地) by taking

advantage of vocabulary cards, which provided a great benefit to me. First, they keep all the words

out-of-order (乱序). Second, for every word on the card, methods are provided to remember it in

shorthand. Last but not least, they relieved me of (使我拜托) the difficulties of reciting words.

Thanks to this method, I gradually have had a larger vocabulary, and therefore have found my

passion for English. I have realized that English, as a tool, is able to help me broaden my horizons

and have a better command of international and domestic information. I taught the same method

to my cousin last summer vacation as well. He was not quite willing to learn at first. However,

under my supervision(在我的监督下), he persevered and managed to memorize new words. I was

really satisfied and achieved a sense of accomplishment with my methods of learning being

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Part 4 历史时期/高智商的人/儿时榜样

Describe a historical period you would like to know about

Describe an intelligent person that you know

Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up


也想了解康乾盛世的盛景 我知道乾隆时期,纪晓岚和和珅是朝廷的两大支柱,我小时候看铁齿铜牙纪晓岚

这部电视剧,觉得纪晓岚十分聪明,在文学上成就很高,修订了四库全书,并且为人很幽默。 我小时候就




Well, speaking of history, I am intrigued with (对…感到好奇) the Qianlong period in Chinese history.

On the one hand, there’s many TV series which are declared to be composed (被撰写) according to

this period of history. I have learnt a lot from them but have no idea whether they are relatively



well-founded (有事实依据的) or just fake stories. On the other hand, I’m passionate about having a


general idea of Kangxi and Qianlong’s “times of prosperity(康乾盛世)”. As far as I know, Ji Xiaolan

and He Shen played significant and irreplaceable roles in royal courts (朝廷的支柱). Having a look

at a TV show named The Bronze Teeth in my childhood, I considered Ji a brilliant person since he

was smart and had a good sense of humor. What’s more, being involved in the revision of the

“imperial collection of four(四库全书)”, he enjoyed a high reputation (享有很高的名誉) due to his

literary achievement. At an early age, I have dreamed of becoming a person like him. To be more

specific (详细来说), I hope to become a person who is well-versed in the learning of both ancient

and modern times(学贯古今) as well as a person who is able to have critical analysis towards the

reality behind the phenomenon, thus making a contribution to society.

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Part 4 想要一起学习或工作的人/朋友取得的成功

Describe someone you would like to study or work with

Describe a success your friend has achieved




Well, for this part, I’m going to talk about my friend Susan. We got to know each other from a

venture contest(创业比赛) both of us participated in one year ago. To be frank, it would be my

honor if one day in the future I will be able to collaborate with (与…公事) Susan due to the fact


that she is really a person who is equipped to be strongly-motivated, self-disciplined and capable

of working independently and under pressure.(主动,自律,工作能力强,抗压性强). To be specific,

during our competition, she was always the one that led the discussion and what she said hit



home(一阵见血) every time a question popped up(突然出现). Stressful as this contest was(倒装),


Susan still worked from dawn to dusk. In the day time, we collected data, discussed and built

business models and analyzed them together as a team. After work, she would polish(雕琢) every

detail of the business plans by herself and raise her concerns and new ideas about how to improve

the models to us the next day. Thanks to her great effort, our model topped the list(排第一) and we

won the first prize in the contest. From my perspective, she really deserves the prize and I hope

one day we have the opportunity to start up a business together and develop our career(追求事业).

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Part 4 好消息/网上搜信息/俊男靓女

Describe a piece of good news that you heard from the TV or the Internet

Describe a time that you looked for information from the Internet

Describe a beautiful woman or a handsome man that you have seen


笑容很甜,眼睛很亮,非常好看。 上个月我照常刷寻找爱豆最新日程通告的时候突然看到爱豆公布了结婚


Well, for this part, I would like to introduce my idol, Liying Zhao. I started to know of her in a TV

series called Legend of Lu Zhen that I watched in my middle school. She owns a round face with


sweet smiles, and expressive brown eyes that literally spark(明亮闪耀的). Liying has a good taste

for dresses. At the same time, her bodily proportions are quite flattering(身材比例好) although she's

only 164 cm tall. Besides, as an actress, she is a girl with a slim build and fine face(天使脸蛋魔鬼身



材). She always manages to change her style by taking advantage of(利用) her good figure, which


makes her trendy (使..焕然一新) and attractive all the time. Last month, when I was searching for

her latest schedule announcement on Weibo, which is a popular app and basically the Chinese

version of twitter, I found that she had just announced her marriage. I received this news with both

surprise and excitement(又惊又喜). Pleased as I was(倒装) profoundly(由衷地) that my idol had

finally found her soulmate and true love in life, I still felt a little bit reluctant (心底里的不情愿) from

the bottom of my heart to accept the fact that she would now have her own family and belong to

another man in this world.

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Part 4 特殊场合吃食/健康生活方式

Describe a type of food people eat during a special event

Describe a healthy lifestyle you know




Well, speaking about this topic, I would like to introduce to you a traditional Chinese festival called

the Double Ninth Festival. What we have learnt from childhood is that on the ninth day of the ninth

month, we are supposed to climb high and gaze far (登高望远), as well as have a special dessert


called double-ninth cake, which is a kind of sweet-waxy (甜糯) food made of steamed glutinous

rice(蒸过的糯米). Every year when the Double-ninth day approaches, there are always long queues

waiting in front of the dessert stores. What really matters is not the taste of those cakes, but



instead, that these special traditions embody the blessings of health and longevity(祝福健康长寿)


for the elders in the family. In reality, climbing itself is a healthy activity. People climb great

heights(登高) not only to enjoy the distant views(眺望远景), but also to acquire a kind of inner

peace. In order to make the climb, most people, especially the elderly, start to climb(向上爬) at

6:00 a. m. In my experiences, each time we have climbed the mountain, we are dripping with

sweat(酣畅淋漓) and unappreciative of the surroundings, but that feeling of conquering the

mountain(征服大山) is something you hold in your mind forever. That’s why it is said that you climb

the mountain to find a balance between restlessness and exhaustion(在焦躁不安和筋疲力尽之间找一


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Part 4 被骗/错误信息

Describe a time that someone didn’t tell you the whole truth about something

Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information




One weekend my friend and I were in a newly-opened shopping mall and just looked round the

shops. We stopped at a pop-up store and there were a number of food products including organic

foods, health foods, tea and coffee. I guessed they were to promote the shop as some of the


products came in a variety of(各种各样的) offers from buy one, get one free to buy one, get one

50% off. My friend saw her favorite coffee beans on sale too. There was a banner next to the

price tag which said two-for-one so we asked the saleswoman and checked that was a BOGOF



promotion. She said yeah and turned to handle another customer’s enquiry. The price seemed


pretty decent so my friend and I decided to take two to share among us. At the checkout counter,

when we got the receipt, we were surprised by the price. We were still charged for two bags. The

cashier then showed us the receipt and explained that we can only enjoy one bag off at the second

time of purchase. We were obviously angry at this so we argued with her about how the

information was not shown on the banner nor shared by the first assistant when we checked. We

wouldn’t have bought it if we’d known so we talked to the shopping mall customer service. The

lady finally helped us handle the refund. We left the store without buying any product. We thought

we were getting a real good deal(好交易好买卖) but it turned out we didn’t know the whole truth

about the promotion. I think this is half our fault (部分责任), because we were so tempted with this

familiar sales pitch that we didn’t check carefully. On the other hand (但是) , it reminded us of the

importance of being extremely careful with those promotions.

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Part 4 纪念品/旅游

Describe something special you took home from a tourist attraction

Describe an unusual experience of travelling






Ever since I was a little child I have always wanted to visit Yunnan because I have had many


recommendations about how amazing the scenery is. I finally got the chance to go there with my

friend Jane this summer vacation. We did lots of homework before we went there and we didn’t

spend a lot of time in famous tourist cities like Lijiang, Dali or Kunming. Instead, we spent the



longest time in a small town near Dali and stayed nearly a week at a local residence. The town was


mostly mountains but it’s famous for(以…出名) its amazing rice terraces. The owner introduced us

to a mountain location and we spent a few days watching the sunrise over the rice paddies, which

was apparently the most spectacular view. And with the help of a local guide, we also got the

chance to explore the curious world of Yunnan mushrooms. Many people actually come to the

forests in search of wild mushrooms. They are so different in appearance, with some like ears,

some like umbrellas, and some like insects. There are a lot of varieties that I haven’t even heard of

before. You have to be extra careful with what to pick as some are actually poisonous. The house

owner taught us which from which and I brought two bags of different mushrooms I picked home. I

also bought a few packets of dried mushrooms as gifts for my family. They really liked them since

they were very special. It was a really memorable trip because we’d been planning it for some time

as I was desperate to (渴望) have a different experience out of city life. Travelling on our own, not

with a package tour, definitely brought lots of hassle but it was a pleasant journey nonetheless (不

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过仍然). We were very lucky to meet many kind people and get such an unusual experience of

travelling. All in all (总而言之), it was an unforgettable trip and I’d recommend it to all my friends.






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Part 4 外语流利的人/有趣想法的人

Describe a person who speaks a foreign language well

Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions





I’m going to talk about my teacher Mr. Shawn. I first met him on the first day of high school. He

was my English teacher. Later I found out that he was really popular at school and I completely


understand why that was. Mr. Shawn is famous for(以…出名) his amazing teaching methods. Of

course, he speaks English very well but more importantly, he knows how to teach the language in

interesting ways. He always has interesting ideas and different activities for us in class. He made a



hobby out of(培养爱好) travelling to different countries to take photographs and he always shared


amazing stories, which he would use to teach us some complex concepts and ideas. He would

even make up stories based on some new vocabulary, for instance, ‘a man got a fax from his

company that he needed to file his taxes. He went to sell wax and finally got the money to relax’.

Thanks to(幸亏) him, we never felt bored when learning new vocabulary. When teachers create

such interest, students more willingly immerse themselves in the wonders of learning English. I

really respect Mr. Shawn for his interesting ideas and creative teaching methods. Now that I am a

teacher myself, I know that the job of teaching is very challenging. I have learnt from him and

hopefully will make my classes as interesting so that my students also want to be there.

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Part 4 喜欢的歌手/想见的外国名人

Describe your favourite singer or band

Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person




Speaking of my favorite celebrity that I want to meet in person, I would definitely say Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga is a very popular pop artist of the millennium age, my generation. She is an American

singer, songwriter, and actress. She is known for her unconventionality. Just recently, she pulled


off the greatest entrance at the Met Gala. I feel she has a very strong individualistic personality.

She stays true (忠于) to her personality and continues to insist on doing things and making music

and movies that she likes. From all her performance, I guess she is also emotionally rich (情感丰富).



I admire her for many reasons. She sings pop music but it fuses many genres like contemporary


R&B, rap, and rock. Thus she has a very unique music style. She has a handful of really good

songs, such as Poker Face, Born this way and Just dance, covering a diverse range of topics and

ideas, distinguishing her music from others. Unlike many pop songs, her songs deliver messages

and ideas that inspire many people worldwide. Her experiences, attitude, and work have helped her

find widespread success(巨大成功) for years. I can’t imagine what the life of Lady Gaga is like. I

have so many questions I want to ask her and she must be an interesting subject to talk to with

her background.

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Part 4 历史建筑/和朋友出去

Describe a historical building you have been to

Describe an experience when you went out with your friends and had a good time





During Labor Day in May this year I went to Wuhan with some of my friends. In fact, it’s not that

far from my city, so my friends and I decided to drive there for a few days. Among all the


attractions we saw, my favourite was the Yellow Crane Tower. It’s located on Snake Hill in Wuhan.

Enjoying the fame of 'The First Scenery under Heaven', the Yellow Crane Tower is one of the most

renowned towers along the Yangtze River. Its cultural significance led to it being made the symbol



of Wuhan City. The Yellow Crane Tower has a very long and complicated history. We learnt that it


was first built during the Three Kingdoms Period. Nowadays many people know about this

because, during the Tang Dynasty, many popular poems were written in praise of (歌颂) it. It was

the Yellow Crane Tower poem that made it so renowned and induced people to visit. There’s a lot

to see inside the Yellow Crane Tower - its architecture, exhibitions and poems. My favourite is the

top floor of the tower. On the roof, there’s an open and wide view of the Yangtze River, its bridge

and the surrounding buildings in Wuhan City. Needless to say (毫无疑问), the scenery was

breathtaking and my friends and I captured some fantastic images. The way there and back was

not as comfortable as taking public transport. We had to set off early in the morning and we were

caught in traffic (遇上交通堵塞) on the way a lot, still, it was a really pleasant journey with my

friends nonetheless (不过仍然).

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Part 4 早起/邀请聚餐

Describe an occasion when you got up extremely early

Describe an occasion when you invited your family or friends to dinner




I remembered when I graduated and I finally rented a house on my own. After settling in, I couldn’t

wait to call my friends to come to visit and have a house-warming party. They were coming at

night but on that day, around 6 am, the sun came up and I woke up. I didn’t even need to drink


coffee because I was so excited to welcome my friends. Since this was the first time someone

visited my new home, I decided to go the extra mile(做更多努力) to personally cook for them. I

needed to buy a lot of things so I ran to the market to get decorations, snacks and of course the



ingredients for dinner. I started to prepare for dinner at around 4 o’clock. To my surprise (令我惊讶


的), my friends actually came early to help prepare. We had dinner together and I was

most happy about (最开心的是) them liking my cooking. My friends ordered a big chocolate cake

since they know I am a little bit of a chocoholic. They even brought different kinds of gifts,

including a card from all friends, a personalized cushion and noise-cancelling headphones that I

had wanted for a long time. After the meal, we played some games and watched a movie. I’m not

usually a morning person (喜欢早起的人) and I hate getting up early. However, even when I woke up

extremely early, I still had such a good time with my friends. I am very thankful to them for joining

my housewarming party to celebrate this special occasion. It warms my heart to have so many

people loving and caring for me.

239 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 4 助你实现目标的人/乐于助人的人

Describe a person who encouraged and helped you to achieve a goal

Describe a person who often helps others





Alex, one of my seniors at university, is very helpful. Whenever someone asks him for help, he will

do his best to help them. His motto (座右铭) in QQ is an English proverb: present roses to others


with remaining fragrance in hand (送人玫瑰,手有余香), meaning that doing a little thing for others

will make you warm and happy. He believes that people are meant to help and care for each other.

Alex got many good offers in the job-hunting season (求职季). Therefore, I asked him for tips in



the interview. I was only expecting a few sentences, but to my surprise, Alex explained to me in


detail what I should pay attention to in the interview. He told me typical job interview questions

employers ask and helped me practice my answers. According to him, strong answers are those

that are specific but concise, drawing on concrete examples (具体的例子) that highlight the

candidate’s skills (突出候选人优势) and back up the resume (支撑简历). Moreover, he conducted a

mock interview for me and helped me modify my answers. Also, he encouraged me to apply for

jobs at many well-known enterprises. He suggested that I apply for several jobs at once, and get

my CV in front of as many hiring managers as possible, which will maximise (最大化) my chances.

He also told me that it would be better if I arrive ten minutes early to give myself a few extra

minutes to visit the restroom, check my outfit, and calm my nerves. With his help, I was full of

preparation. I finally got my dream offer so I am very grateful to him.

240 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 4 给建议/利用网络解决问题

Describe a time when you gave advice to others

Describe a time when you solved a problem through the Internet




Recently, my mom wanted to buy a floor mopping robot, but she didn’t know which brand to

choose. Therefore, she asked me to recommend one for her. I didn’t know very much about

mopping robots either, so I spent one hour browsing websites such as Taobao and Little Red


Book. I compared buyers’ evaluations (买家评价) of different types until I decided that Xiaomi

would be a great choice. Xiaomi's mission is to improve and simplify our lives with cool products

that do our job in the household with ease. We ordered one on Taobao, and it was delivered to our



house 2 days later. It only takes a few minutes to get the robot started. No need to change water


while mopping and no need to press the mop cloth closer to the floor to get rid of dirt. Using the

robot is a pleasure. The Xiaomi Handled Electric Mop has a minimalist design(极简设计) which is no

wonder since Xiaomi makes all their products this way. Inside the box, I found an electric mop with

a grip divided into four parts, so I had to put together all the pieces to make it look like one of the

manufacturer's pictures. The device is wireless so there was an adapter to charge it. In any case

(无论如何), the mop looks very useful. To get it started all you need is to fill the body with water.

I’m happy that my mom does not need to mop the floor now. Xiaomi does this job.

241 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 4 实用技能/想获得的奖

Describe a practical skill you learned

Describe a prize you want to win





After I entered university, I learned how to make speeches through online courses and watching

seniors. In my opinion, public speaking is very important. It’s a necessary skill. It’s not just standing


on a podium behind a lectern and speaking into a microphone to an audience. It includes speaking

at meetings, with potential clients (潜在客户), colleagues, and customers. You need to express

yourself effectively. In the future, I hope to win a prize in an English Speaking Competition for



university students. The competition was told to us by our English teacher. I think it would be a


great challenge for me. But at the same time, I would also learn a lot when I prepare for the

competition. Firstly, your listening, reading and writing skills will be improved. Preparing effective

speeches involves (包括) considering your audience which means listening carefully and sensitively

to what they're saying. You'll also hone (磨炼) your reading through research, and your writing

through wanting to communicate effectively. Secondly, when you are making a speech, you can

also enjoy the pleasure of sharing, motivating, inspiring or helping people to help themselves (你也

可以享受分享、激励、启发或帮助他人自助的乐趣). In order to win this prize, I have to improve my

speaking skills on the one hand and my spoken English on the other. Winning the prize would be a

recognition of my ability for public speaking and my spoken English, so I really want to have a try.

242 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 4 交通工具故障/水上运动

Describe an experience when a vehicle you took broke down

Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future





One weekend, my friends and I went to a park to have some fun. There’s a big lake there, so we

decided to go boating. We chose a wooden boat and brought many snacks. It felt really relaxing


being on the boat and enjoying ourselves. We were having a good time when suddenly, one of my

friends Jack found that a plank of the boat was loose. Water started coming in the boat. At the

time, we were right in the middle of the lake. I was totally freaked out (吓坏了) because I don’t



know how to swim. In a hurry, we called the lifeboats on the shore for help. By the time they got


there, our shoes were all wet. Although I had my life jacket on, I thought that I would panic less if I

knew how to swim. Bearing that lesson in mind, I decided to learn. In the future, I plan to go to a

natatorium to learn swimming with a coach. Although it’s difficult for me to control my breathing

when I swim, I want to spare no effort to (努力) learn this survival skill. Moreover, swimming is a

total-body workout. It targets everything from sculpting your back (背部塑形) to toning your arms

(瘦手臂). Instead of buying lots of different pieces of exercise equipment to work specific

muscles(锻炼某个肌肉), we just need to jump in the pool, and tone our whole body in a few laps.

243 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 4 公共场合听到陌生人打电话/让你笑的小孩

Describe a time that you heard a stranger talking on the phone in the public place/

Describe a time a child made you laugh




Well… Like, yesterday I was taking the lift, you know, back from the underground parking place,

and I met this boy in the lift, a neighbour of mine, who was having a conversation with his dad on

the phone. You see, it’s quite difficult not to(很难不去) overhear his talking since we were in that


really small cabin. He was with his grandparent, and looked really excited, judging from his tone

and body language. Anyway, the boy was mainly telling his old man that he had been to the natural

history museum. It was indeed funny, to be honest, coz the boy was basically showing off his



encounter(偶遇) with the dinosaur fossils(恐龙化石), like, you know, those gigantic skeletons(巨大的


骨架). And he said he had been astonished when he saw them, like the size of a house. And he

literally asked his dad how many archaeologists it would have taken to eat it up. Well, the kid

obviously had no idea about what a fossil is. He assumed it was something like a fishbone that you

have to finish up eating the flesh(肉) first and then put the skeleton there for display. Ha-ha, what

a thought! I believe his dad was laughing no less harder than me, for the boy’s innocence and

cuteness. I mean, one day he will grow experienced enough to understand this point, and perhaps

laugh about this himself. But until then, isn’t it great to have some creative thinking like this? It’s

hilarious, yes, but also really brave and innovative.

244 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 4 喜欢穿的衣服/广告

Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing

Describe an advertisement you remember well



Now, there is this ad that I’d really like to tell you about. It was a coca-cola commercial(广告),

where many stars took their parts and made this impressive work. I believe that I saw this on the

television recently, which is a bit odd, to be honest, coz I don’t watch a lot of TV these days, the

internet being so convenient(独立主格). I was just keeping my granny company. Well, the content of


the ad was quite simple. Like among those stars was a favourite singer of mine, who was wearing

a super-cool T-shirt, you know, like a metallic grey(金属灰) one, with the pattern of a masked

ninja(蒙面忍者) on it. The scene was set in a hot and damp summer afternoon. The protagonists all



looked sort of drowsy at first, then they had some coke, and in no time they became energetic.


Throwing the cans in the bin, they started to show off their skateboard tricks and stuff like that. It

was like, so attractive. And afterwards, the T-shirt just lingered in my mind(挥之不去,难以忘怀). I

was so eager to get one myself. So I just went online, and without too much effort, I got it on

Taobao. When I saw it, I felt like it was even better-looking than it had been in the TV commercial.

I basically wear it every day now, as long as the temperature permits. I just hope I won’t wear it out

too soon. The ad surely worked on me, well… not in promoting the fizz(碳酸饮料), but the T-shirt.

245 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 4 祖父母工作/有趣的老人

Describe one of your grandparents’ jobs

Describe an interesting old person








A lot of characteristics can make someone interesting. My grandfather is an interesting man. He is

generous and considerate, besides, he has knowledge about electronic-related topics from

machines to phones, clocks and everything. This, I believe is derived from (来源于) his past working



experience. My grandfather was an engineer in a large factory all his life. He played a key role(发挥


关键作用) in the repairs and maintenance of the equipment and machinery in the factory. Even at

home, he always dives into electronic products and loses track of time(忘了时间). A rather funny

thing happened when I was little. One time I got an electronic watch as a birthday gift. It was quite

fancy at the time. My grandfather was so curious to tear it apart to see its internal structure. Of

course I said no. However, my watch broke down after a couple of months. I was upset yet my

grandfather was happy to take the watch and start taking it apart like a kid. He was so funny

sometimes. I can always have interesting conversations with him and learn about components of

almost every electronic product. Even though I will never be an engineer, I really respect my

grandfather for his work ethic and commitment. There is much to be learnt(要学习的很多) from his

approach to work.

246 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 4 买来不常用的东西/保健方式/改变计划

Describe an item you bought but do not use often

Describe something you do to keep healthy

Describe a time when you had to change your mind/plan


而且自己一个人练姿势未必标准,就放弃了瑜伽,瑜伽垫也就束之高阁了 我后来就转而去游泳,我现在就



I try to do different exercises to stay in shape (保持体形). Yoga has become the workout regime of


choice for tons of people. Last year, I also wanted to become one of them so I purchased a yoga

mat. My plan was to practice yoga at home by following online tutorial videos. Soon after, I moved

to a smaller apartment and the mat was a little big for my room to spread out. What’s more, I



found there are different types of yoga and different postures. And as a beginner, it’s difficult to


get something out of yoga practise if the pose is not correct. Since then, the mat has been rolled

up in the corner of the room, mostly acting as a reminder (作为提醒) of my old interest. Fast

forward to now (快进到现在) and recently I changed my exercise plan. My new plan is swimming. I

was introduced to a swimming instructor by a friend at my gym. I started with the beginner course

at the weekends. The instructor gave me instruction on the different strokes and breathing

techniques. Recently, I’ve been practicing my front-crawl. It’s great because there is an indoor

swimming pool near my place and it’s heated so I can go anytime of the year. I quite like this new

sport because it keeps me fit and healthy. I feel I have better upper-body strength. In addition, I’ve

always had a slight fascination with water. When swimming in the water, I don’t feel stressed and I

can kick back and relax(放松休息).

247 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 4 公园/糟糕的服务

Describe a park or garden you like visiting

Describe an occasion when you received bad service





Well, I think that was about two weeks ago, during the Dragon Boat Festival. I just bought a new

DSLR (数码单反), you know, one of those really cool and fancy cameras, so I invited my best friend


Lucy, and planned to go to a nearby botanic park to take some photos. You see, the park has

always been our traditional place of rendezvous (见面地点) since we were very young, as the

scenery is marvellous with all the rare peonies and jasmines. And if you show your student ID, the



entry will only cost you five rmb – and if you’re young or old enough you can even get in for free.


Park:. The park is a wonderland, like, the plants are not simply grown on the ground, instead, they

are shaped into all kinds of intriguing figures, like Iron Man or Micky Mouse. Officially, they are

named topiaries (植物造型), but I call them ‘Green Statues’. I wonder if they are also going to make

Hulk, because, you know, he’s green (冷笑话). So, you see, it’s quite easy to get great pictures, as

you can sort of ‘interact’ with the figures. We also took some photos of the flowers, like the rare

breeds of peonies and jasmines I mentioned just now. Although the ticket price is already really

cheap, the park provides a free guide service on top. I guess it's sort of government-funded, so if

you want to learn about plants, this is absolutely a great opportunity. Bad service:. You see,

everything was supposed to be perfect. The thing was, when we turned up at the entrance, the

member of staff in the ticket office had a long face(脸色阴沉) for some reason. And I have to say,

she has an attitude problem. You know, I don’t actually need a warm smile or anything like that,

but she was acting like she didn’t see us. After about the third time I reminded her of what I was

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doing there, so she finally looked up, but only slightly, apparently unwillingly. I then passed her our

student IDs and cash and she literally THREW the IDs back at me, and said we have to buy adult

tickets. To be honest, I was more appalled than angry (与其说生气,其实震惊的成分更多一些), so I

warned her I’d make a complaint to the management, which I think worked. She then reluctantly

fulfilled her duty and gave us the student tickets.






249 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 4 游戏节目/空闲时光

Describe a game show or a quiz program you watched on TV or online

Describe a time you enjoyed your free time





In my spare time, I like to stay at home and watch TV series or variety shows. On weekends, I


usually lie in my cozy bed and watch the shows while eating snacks. It’s really relaxing. It’s like

giving my brain a day off. I don’t need to think about work or study. All I need to do is lie there and

relax. I would like to share my favorite show with you. It’s called“Keep Running”. It is a Chinese



variety show broadcast on Zhejiang TV. It’s a spin-off (衍生品) from the popular original South


Korean variety show “Running Man” by SBS. The host team consists of famous actors, actresses,

and gagmen. My favorite actor is Chen. He’s in this show. Every member has done really well. In

the show, several guests are divided into different groups for several rounds of competition. Some

of the games are really hilarious. The most important reason why I like this show is that it conveys

(传递) positive values. The winner receives a prize for public welfare, such as cooling supplies for

sanitation workers or donations for children in poor areas. They have shown their personalities and

the spirit of never giving up (永不放弃的精神). Also, they are not afraid of challenges and the

audience cheers for them(为……欢呼) during their performance.

250 上海茵朗信息科技有限公司版权所有,侵权违法必究
Part 4 想去但没时间做的事/户外运动

Describe a situation when you don't have enough time

Describe an outdoor sport you played for the first time




Um… That was my winter vacation last year, I suppose, and the whole family of mine decided to

go on a trip together. Our agent suggested a skiing trip for us, and I was like all for it, coz I’ve

never ever tried that before in my life. So we went up north, and in the ski resort, after like three


thousand falls, I finally got the hang of it, well, to some very limited extent(极为有限地). Although I

hired a professional coach, and he really was good, the first time was still quite challenging to me.

Basically I just understood how to start and how to brake – or perhaps more like(其实可能更像是)



how to fall and stop. But anyway I was having so much fun. At this moment, unfortunately, our


guide was calling it off, coz we were supposed to get to the next spot according to our itinerary(旅

行日程). You see, there were like thirty or so people in our group, and some of them had already

changed and been waiting. So I had to put an end to my first skiing experience right there. Well,

I’m a self-proclaimed sporty person, but that actually means that I’m just into sports, not that I’m

terribly good at them. But I’d very much like to try. And this first time, although brutally

interrupted(被残忍中断), was a marvellous time. I think I’ll try again this winter vacation, and this

time I’ll probably go with my friends, without signing up for any route in the travel company - I just

wanna do it all day.

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