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Assignment One :
Write a Brief Intro to your Semester Project. What Are you developing and what technology Stack have
you chosen for this project.

Project Name:
Carhartt Shopping website.
Project introduction:
This is a shopping website, used by customers to view and buy products. Products
will include a whole variety of the fashion products. Customers can also get
different discounts on different products.
Technology Used:
The technologies used for this project is MERN stack. MERN stack stands for:
M = Mongodb
E = Express
R = React js
N = Node js
Project Features:
1. Home
2. Login/Sign up
3. Search
4. About us

FA19 Web Technologies Assignments

Submitted to Usman Akram
Roll No: ______________________________ Section: _________________________________________

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1. Contact us
2. Sitemap
3. Terms and Conditions.
4. Privacy Policy.
5. FAQ
Website Content Page:
1. Home
2. My account control panel for customers.
3. Search
4. Advanced search
5. Products.
6. Products information
7. Reviews
8. Events
9. Shopping cart
10.Check out
Details of above functions are given as:
Home tab will bring you to the very front page of the website or the intro page of
the web site.
My account:
My account will keep track of the customer’s information such as name, email
address and phone number.
Search panel will be used by the customers to search a product by name, or their
type or by their code.

FA19 Web Technologies Assignments

Submitted to Usman Akram
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Advanced Search:
Advanced Search panel will help the customer to make a customize search giving
multiple options such as in what prices range which product is needed and what
will be the size of the product or other feature of the product depending upon the
product type.
Products will show all the products residing on the database.
Product Information:
This function will give the details of the product and all other relevant information
such as discount about a specific product.
This function will provide the user the reviews of a specific product on which the
customer will decide to buy that product or not.
This is a most interesting feature of the website. This will tell the user which event
is going on and what are the advantages user can take on these events such as
discounts on Eid.
Shopping Cart:
This function known as cart will contain all the products that customer has opted
to buy before checking out. User can remove or add new products to cart before
checking out and bill will be created according to the products in the cart.
Check Out:
This function will create a bill for the customer considering the discount on the
products if there are any, according to the shopping cart.
This will tell the customer in how many days your items will be shipped and how
many are the shipping charges.

FA19 Web Technologies Assignments

Submitted to Usman Akram
Roll No: ______________________________ Section: _________________________________________

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Assignment Two

Fil the table below for your RESTFUL API use extra sheets if necessary

Route Method Inputs Outputs

“/products” GET Nothing Get all the products

residing on the database
“/products/:id” GET ID of the product Get the product with the
matching ID
“/product/:name” GET Name of the product Get the product with the
matching input name
“/update/:id” PATCH All the fields residing in Updated product
the product model
“/delete/:id” DELETE ID of the product Deletes the product and
display a message when
product is deleted
“/delete/:name” DELETE Name of the product Deletes the product and
display a message when
product is deleted
“/adduser” CREATE All the fields residing in Adds the user to
the User model database and displays a
Success message with
the details of that
“deleteuser/:username” DELETE Username of the User Deletes the user and
display a message when
user is deleted
“/updateuser/:username” PATCH All the fields residing in Updated User
the User model
“/users” GET Nothing Gets all the user for just
admins and passwords
are not included
“/users/:name” GET Name of the user Find the user for with the
given name for admin
“/addproduct” CREATE All the fields residing in Added product details
the Product model

FA19 Web Technologies Assignments

Submitted to Usman Akram
Roll No: ______________________________ Section: _________________________________________

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Assignment Three
List down your Components if you have developed REACT App, Or In case of PUG/JADE list down your
view files

Components of React used in our semester project are given below:

1) Navbar
2) Sign Up page
3) Login Page
4) Add product form
5) Add user form
6) Update user form
7) Delete user form
8) Update product form
9) Delete Product form
10) Cards for showing Products

FA19 Web Technologies Assignments

Submitted to Usman Akram
Roll No: ______________________________ Section: _________________________________________

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Assignment Four
Copy Screen shots of your final project below.

FA19 Web Technologies Assignments

Submitted to Usman Akram
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FA19 Web Technologies Assignments

Submitted to Usman Akram
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FA19 Web Technologies Assignments

Submitted to Usman Akram
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FA19 Web Technologies Assignments

Submitted to Usman Akram
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FA19 Web Technologies Assignments

Submitted to Usman Akram
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FA19 Web Technologies Assignments

Submitted to Usman Akram
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FA19 Web Technologies Assignments

Submitted to Usman Akram
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FA19 Web Technologies Assignments

Submitted to Usman Akram
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FA19 Web Technologies Assignments

Submitted to Usman Akram
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FA19 Web Technologies Assignments

Submitted to Usman Akram

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