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Date: Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 12:00 PM
Subject: Independent Study: Why all teachers should be trained to teach and
motivate special education students
To: <>

Good morning Professor Zigler,

I don't know if you remember me, but my name is Tylaya Kint and I was a student in
your EDPSY 10 and 14 classes back in 2018. I hope that all is well with you and
your family since you have retired from teaching at Penn State. I just want to start by
saying that those classes were one of the most life changing classes I have ever
taken since I've been in college. They've pushed me to want to educate more
people about, not only the flaws in the education system, but they have also pushed
me to become a well rounded special education teacher. Which is exactly the
reason why I immediately thought of you when asked to do further research on the
lack of training in today's teachers (I remember you once told me I should write a
book about this subject some day). With that being said, I am emailing you today to
ask if you would be interested in helping me create an independent topic about the

Recently I have written an Op-Ed about why all teachers should be trained to teach and
motivate special education students in an inclusive classroom. If you read the essay you will
see that I mentioned many of the ways that I learned to teach from the two of your classes. I
recall how passionate you were whenever it came to speaking about the struggles special
education students endured in classrooms and the lack of proper teacher training. And I
believe that this independent study needs just that amount of enthusiasm and knowledge, not
only from a student who has seen it, but also from a teacher who has witnessed the lack of
training himself.
I am aware that you are probably very busy with teaching and grading papers, but I would
truly appreciate it if you could take the time t sit down with me one-on-one to discuss your
views and input on the matter. The independent study is due January 14, 2020 and I would
like to meet at least 3 times between now and then. One time will be to discuss your views,
and the other two will be to talk about my progress and any pointers you could give me.
Please try to get back to me with an answer within the next week so that we can get started
as soon as possible or so that I can ask a different teacher.

I truly appreciate you taking the time to read this email. Hope you enjoy the rest of
your day.

Yours truly,
Tylaya Kint

Tylaya Kint
(BA) Special Education, B.A, 2022

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