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1. Complete the sentences with must, mustn’t, needn’t:

a. Do you want me to wait for you? No, it’s okay. You needn’t wait.
b. Lisa gave me a parcel to send. I ___________ forget it.
c. You ___________ write to me if you don’t want to but I hope you will.
d. What type of car do you want to buy? A big one? Well, it ___________ be big, that’s not
important for me.
e. This necklace is very expensive. You __________ look after it and you ____________ lose
f. We have enough drinks for the party so we ___________ buy any more.

2. Error correction. There is one error in each sentence. Find it and write the sentence

a. We should learnt English.

b. They don’t must arrive late.
c. He could to win the next Cup.
d. My colleagues should had finished the project.
e. She must has seen the match.
f. They needn’t to start now, it’s too early.

3. Translate the following sentences into English. Use a modal or modal perfect in each one:

a. No deberíamos haber jugado a las cartas.

b. ¿Deben trabajar hoy? No, tendrán que hacerlo mañana.
c. No es necesario que vayamos de compras. Hicimos la compra ayer.
d. Puede que él haya visto al ladrón.
e. Mi padre debería haber pensado en lo que le dije.
f. Pudiera ser que vayamos al concierto, pero no es seguro.

4. Rewrite each sentence using a modal or modal perfect:

a. It’s a pity we didn’t go to the seaside last summer.

We should have gone to the seaside last summer.
b. It’s probable that we retire this year.
c. She hasn’t arrived yet. She probably missed the train.
d. I’m sure he is at home now. The lights are on.
e. He is not able to read without glasses.
f. Your girlfriend wasn’t at the party. I’m sure I didn’t see her.
g. It wasn’t necessary that you lent me your car.

5. Fill in the blanks with the correct modal or modal perfect (could, can, might, can’t, must,
may, should):

a. Laura can cook very well but you __________________ make your own meal today because she’s really
b. ___________ I leave now? I __________ post some letters.
c. Perhaps the children will be home now; they __________ arrived when we were at the
d. They ____________ be staying at Central Hotel but I am not sure.
e. When we lived in the countryside we __________ breathe clean air, now we ___________,
the city air is so polluted.
f. When you were in Africa you ___________ got a terrible disease. What a good thing you
g. He is getting very good results. He__________ study hard.

6.- Choose the most appropriate modal verb to complete the sentences.

I ____________________ run much faster than you.

I ____________________ speak French when I was 10 years old.
_____________________ you beat your father at tennis?
In ten weeks' time I ______________________ to speak Dutch fluently.
_______________ you ______________________ get in touch with him?
When he got the ladder, he _______________________ reach the book he wanted.
After queuing for hours, I _______________________ (finally) get a ticket.
We always think of Spain as hot and sunny but it ______________________ rain heavily at times.
It _______________________ rain this afternoon.
A: Why hasn't she arrived yet?
B: She ________________________ (get lost). She has made that way lots of time.
You don't look well. You ________________________ take more exercise.
A: Ie cut myself shaving again.
B: You ____________________ be more careful next time!
At first I couldn't understand him, so I _____________________ ask him to repeat the question.
He had a strong French accent although he came from England. He _________________________ (live) in
France for a long time.
When I was in the army I ________________________ get up very early.
I _________________________ (get up) early this morning since I had an appointment at 8 o'clock, but
unfortunately I forgot to set the alarm.
I can allow you to leave the country. Your passport is not valid. You _______________________ (renew) it
I _____________________ take my medicine 3 times a week. Otherwise, I'd be very ill.
He ______________________ take his medicine 3 times a week. The doctor told him so.
The door is open wide. They _______________________ (leave) the house in a hurry.
I _______________________ play tennis quite well, But I haven't been able to play since Christmas.
He wasn't nervous, in spite of the large audience, because he ______________________ (give) lectures.
I _______________________ work quite hard, but now I take iteasy.
Yesterday was holiday so we ________________________ go to school.
We're going away on a short holiday. You _______________________ take so many clothes.

7.- MODAL PERFECTS. Complete the sentences with must have, can't have, or needn't have, +
past participle.

1. Jamie passed his exam with a distinction. He __________ (study) very hard.

2. We found the exam extremely easy. We __________ (study) so hard.

3. Janet failed her exam. She __________ (study) much.

4. We __________ (hurry). We got there far too early.

5. Neil's looking very happy. He __________ (get) the payrise he wanted.

6. Neil's looking very annoyed. He __________ (get) the payrise he wanted.

7. I can't find my book anywhere. I __________ (leave) it on the train.

8. You __________ (make) lunch. We've already eaten.

8.- Repeat the exercise.

1. I think the match __________ (start). Everybody's gone into the stadium and you can hear them

2. Have you seen the Prime Minister's new house? It __________ (cost) a fortune!

3. Karen __________ (take) the car. The keys are still here.

4. You __________ (water) the garden. It's just started raining!

5. In the end Gary's injury wasn't very serious and the doctor said he could keep on playing football. We
__________ (worry) so much.

6. Tina's cake was a disaster. She __________ (follow) the recipe very well.

7. In the end it didn't rain, so I __________ (bring) my brolly*.

8. "I saw Grace this morning at the bank".

- "You __________ (do)! She's away on her honeymoon. You __________ (see) someone else."

* brolly = umbrella

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