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Team Members: Crispino, David Section 1-MUS-1

Mallorca, Ray Nonn

Perez, Angelica
Romanban, Vincent
Tababa, Niña
Tibay, Darryl
Yu Ekey, Elmo

Crispino: Good morning everyone. We are the students from the conservatory of music from the
University of Santo Tomas and our group consists of Niña Tababa, Brother Ray Mallorca, Elmo Yu Ekey,
Vincent Romanban, Angelica Perez, Darryl Tibay, and me, Joshua Crispino. And we are here to convince
you that –


Tababa: We are here today not only to give you a tedious and boring talk about something

Crispino: We are here to promote and introduce to you a not so ordinary multimodal advocacy that
can help you not only mentally but in several factors of your life.

Mallorca: Yes, and with all that we will start by …

Tibay: Telling you the role of “Music in Our Everyday Lives”,

Mallorca: Informing you about the relationship between “Music and the Brain”,

Yu Ekey: How “Music Therapy” is a real thing and how it is used clinically,

Romanban: Finally, we will answer the question “Where Are We Now?” in Music Therapy.

Perez: Once again, we present to you …

All: Music is Health

Tababa: A seminar and workshop whose beneficiaries are…

Crispino: High school students, college students, and working adults for they all are undoubtedly
facing several adversities each day. We aim to present our multimodal advocacy to promote music in a
disparate way. Not with chart topping pop music but with the use of classical music by prominent
composers in order to utilize music in a nutritional and healthful way.
Romanban: The seminar and workshop will be held at the Education Auditorium.

Perez: On February 1, 2020 from 7 am to 5 pm. With that, this organization will be realized in
coordination with …

Mallorca: University of Santo Tomas, UST Conservatory of Music, and UST Simbahayan.

Explain the Vision and Mission, Objectives, Target


Crispino: Music is debatably the highest form of art. Not only is it art but music can also be a cure or a
medicine for the different predicaments that we encounter in our daily life. Music for your health is a
way to inspire anyone to start listening to classical music due to its healing capabilities and due to the
tranquility it may cause towards a person. Encouraging people to indulge in this type of music is a way
for people to benefit from the process. Regardless, music can also help one person sleep better.

Tibay: Music also helps us cultivate our focus and creativity. When we play music, the sound frequency
are able to associate itself with the emotions and energy that a person possesses thus makes a person
more career oriented.

Perez: Very well said, speaking of sleep. People with sleeping difficulties, PTSD, Depression, even
learning disabilities, heart ailments, brain dysfunction, and Alzheimer’s are now being prescribed with
Music by doctors. How so?

Tababa: Well according to Cardiovascular Society of Great Britain, listening to certain music with a
repetitive rhythm for least ten seconds can lead to a decrease in blood pressure and a reduced heart
rate. Certain classical compositions, if matched with human body’s rhythm, can be therapeutically used
to keep the heart under control.

Mallorca: The Oxford University study states, “listening to music with a repeated 10-second rhythm
coincided with a fall in blood pressure, reducing the heart rate” and thus can be used for overcoming

Yu Ekey: And we all know how music affects our mood. When it comes to the human brain, music is
one of the best medicines.

Romanban: A study revealed that listening to agreeable music encourages the production of
beneficial brain chemicals, specifically the “feel good” hormone known as dopamine.

Tibay: Thus, giving a positive effect on stress and depression.

Tababa: May it be boosting morale, academic achievements, treating mental issues, or heart diseases,
music can be utilized and can affect our society.


Tababa: Once again this is Niña Tababa,

Mallorca: Brother Ray Nonn Mallorca,

Yu Ekey: Elmo Yu Ekey,

Romanban: Vincent Romanban,

Perez: Angelica Perez,

Tibay: John Darryl Tibay,

Crispino: And Joshua Crispino. Encouraging you that…


Crispino: We are now open for comments and questions.

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